Profession: cafe administrator. Restaurant manager. Responsibilities and principles of work What does an administrator do in a cafe?

The job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include recruiting and training staff, meeting visitors, managing work processes and resolving all emerging issues. In fact, this is the position of the manager of the establishment.

This profession is required for the following institutions:

  • snack bars, various bars
  • restaurants
  • entertainment or sports clubs that serve cooked meals

Pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of this profession are as follows:

  • high income
  • continuous self-improvement
  • developed communications
  • demand for the profession
  • useful acquaintances

The most important disadvantages include regular contact with conflicting visitors. Stressful situations often arise, which results in increased emotional stress. Other cons:

  • need to be on your feet during work hours
  • simultaneous solution of numerous work issues
  • high level of responsibility

In recent years, there has been a slight overrepresentation of certified specialists in this field, so employment may be difficult. But for those with significant work experience, this is not a serious problem.

Restaurant administrator job description

When hiring, in all cases a job description is drawn up. It is approved by the head of the establishment. The document contains a list of the rights and obligations of the employee. Typically, this information does not vary widely across restaurants or cafes. The only thing that may be present is a wider or narrower list of work that the administrator performs.

Who is a restaurant administrator, watch the video:

Structure and content of the document

The job description itself is an internal document. Therefore, the employer can draw up the document at his own discretion. The legislation does not provide for any strict requirements for form and structure.

In practice, employers most often take publicly available standard forms as a basis. What does such an instruction look like?

The first page at the top right contains space for the approval date as well as the supervisor's signature. The data of the employees who took part in the development of the document is also entered here.

Then the instructions contain a number of paragraphs (see Table 1).



General provisions

This specifies the requirements for the administrator, including his professional skills, education and practical experience. This paragraph also contains the procedure for appointment and dismissal, replacement of an employee for a period of absence, and also indicates the immediate supervisor.

Administrator's duties and rights

This paragraph is the main one and contains an exhaustive list of everything that an employee must do in the workplace. This part of the instructions must be worked out very carefully, since the employee has the right to carry out only those instructions that are directly indicated in his job responsibilities. This is regulated by labor laws. Therefore, the instructions must contain everything that the employment contract stipulates.

Administrator Responsibility

This paragraph lists all violations of labor discipline that will entail liability. We must not forget that the instructions may indicate liability no more stringent than that provided for by labor legislation.

Tips for the administrator in the video:

Administrator requirements

Typically, the basic requirements for a restaurant administrator are as follows:

  • availability of higher education
  • knowledge of a number of computer programs necessary for work (MS Office, for example)
  • certain work experience

Additional requirements often include:

Most often, women work in this position, as they have a natural ability to find innovative solutions to many issues. However, a man can also successfully work as a restaurant administrator if he has all the above qualities.

Job responsibilities

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include:

In some cases, the administrator is also involved in conducting banquets, as well as organizing them, and performs other tasks assigned by the director.

Institution administrator rights

The establishment administrator has the right:


An employee in the profession under discussion is responsible for everything that he does on the job, including the actions of personnel. His responsibilities include monitoring the work of the hall and all employees. In addition, he is responsible for material assets.

Typically, this position is responsible for:

If the staff causes material damage to the restaurant, the administrator is responsible for this.

Features of working in a restaurant

The work of an administrator is accompanied by continuous communication with people - both staff and visitors. For this reason, the employee must have high communication skills, attentiveness to others and tact.

In the event of a conflict situation, it is necessary to think over the situation as soon as possible and make the necessary decision. This means that the administrator needs to remain calm and reasonable, no matter what.

When working with clients, you need to find out all the wishes and requests of clients, providing them with what they want, while taking into account the capabilities of the restaurant itself. Certain rules of conduct and corporate ethics also play an important role.

A person who wants to work in the mentioned position must have restraint and at the same time determination. Additional required qualities are accuracy, hard work and well-spoken speech. All this increases the chances of getting the specified position and provides the opportunity for career growth.

The administrator must be aware of everything that happens in the restaurant, including taking into account all the specifics of the establishment. You should soberly evaluate all the pros and cons in order to be able to take advantage of the advantages and make the disadvantages invisible.

Knowledge of psychology will also be useful - this will allow you to understand the client’s needs much better, and will also help to avoid many conflict situations.

It will be necessary to gain and maintain authority in the team, since the administrator is a model for the staff. To do this, you will have to continuously move towards your goal and use willpower.

Because this position involves challenges that regularly arise, decisions must be made quickly. But if you learn to deal with all the difficulties without delay, good work will be noticed quickly.

Video on how to properly manage a restaurant:

Work schedule

As a rule, this work is of a shift nature. The duration of the shift depends on the wishes of the employer. Usually the manager arrives some time before the opening of the establishment in order to have time to carry out preparatory work and then communicate with visitors.

The salary for this position depends on several circumstances. The main ones are:

  • specialist work experience
  • region in which the restaurant is located
  • type of establishment and its pricing policy

For example, administrators of expensive metropolitan restaurants may have higher wages compared to colleagues from budget chain establishments. The situation is similar, depending on the size of the establishment and the number of tables.

Registration procedure

Having decided to obtain the position of administrator, the applicant should indicate in the resume:

The registration of an employee takes place in a standard manner, indicating the specifics of the profession in the employment contract.

Qualities and skills for administrators

To be employed as an administrator, you must have a higher education. The profession must be related to management. This could be a branch of the restaurant business or similar. In some cases, it is possible for an applicant to be employed without an appropriate diploma, but higher education is still necessary. Without it, it is difficult to get a position.

The speech must be well delivered and competent. Punctuality and the ability to make decisions quickly are also important.

The administrator is responsible for everything that happens on the premises of the establishment. Therefore, the applicant, first of all, needs to weigh the pros and cons.

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In all cultural and entertainment centers and institutions, it is necessary to maintain order, cleanliness, and organize work.

For such places these factors play a very important role. For example, in places where people eat, it is necessary to comply with all sanitary rules and organize a favorable environment. The administrator of a restaurant, cafe, pub, bar does exactly this. Such a profession was created a long time ago so that it would be possible to monitor all processes during the operation of the establishment.

In this article we will talk about all the intricacies and responsibilities of working as a restaurant administrator.

Restaurant manager

From Latin “administrator” is translated as “manager”. Nowadays, the administrator is the person who provides management. It is the responsibility of the restaurant manager to supervise all employees. That is, he can be called the main one in the establishment during the work process. His task is to organize the functioning of the institution. This person is responsible for the operation of the facility, for its success and popularity. In a restaurant, the main goal is to have a lot of people visit it. To do this, the administrator needs to make every effort so that visitors see him as a professional. After all, a good atmosphere in an establishment always has a positive effect on the visitor.

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator

Since the administrator is a manager and has the status of the main one during the labor process, we can conclude that he has the most responsibilities and powers.

The restaurant administrator must come to work earlier than everyone else in order to monitor the condition of the establishment before the working day. After that, make a plan for the day to improve everything that needs to be done. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include meeting guests, greeting them and receiving them, and sometimes administrators escort the visitor to the table. Often this employee does small social surveys to find out the guests’ opinions about the establishment and draw certain conclusions for improving work. Also, the responsibilities of the restaurant administrator include maintaining and checking all household appliances, you need to check them for serviceability and normal performance. It is necessary to arrange the work of cooks, bartenders, and waiters, to monitor their correct actions and compliance with all regulations. Another important part of the administrator’s work is organizing the work of the dishwashing department, because the good reputation of the restaurant depends on their work.

The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include tracking all financial aspects during the working day, all cash registers must be in good condition, and cashiers must work competently and accurately.

Responsibilities during banquets

Often people celebrate high-profile events in restaurants, this is due to the fact that there is no need to cook anything, then clean it up, just come to the restaurant, take a walk, and go home calmly. In order for everything to happen, all requirements must be met on the part of the institution. It is necessary to organize a banquet hall or venue. Decorate everything in a beautiful way so that vacationers feel pleasant and want to come here again. All this is the responsibility of the restaurant administrator. It is also necessary to monitor the arrangement of the banquet venue with musical accompaniment, the high-quality and timely preparation of all dishes and drinks. Before the start of the event, the restaurant administrator’s instructions must be worked out, because he has a clear sequence of actions.

The administrator should greet all guests warmly, show them to their tables, tell them what and where to be, what guests can count on and what to expect. During the banquet, he must monitor the work of the waiter and ask visitors what they are missing and how they can help. At the end of the event, the administrator should thank the guests and lead them to the exit. After this, monitor the cleaning of the room.


A restaurant administrator should look personable during the working day. Classic suits are most often suggested, as they are best suited for this profession. The administrator is the face of the establishment. Therefore, it must have a well-groomed appearance. Taking care of your appearance is a very important part of your responsibilities.

We can conclude that a difficult and responsible job is a restaurant administrator.

The restaurant administrator, along with the waiters, is the face of the restaurant and manages its activities.

History of the profession

The heyday of the restaurant business began 300 years ago. This happened in France, where with the development of the food industry, the requirements for the quality of customer service have increased. Initially, the role of administrator was played by the owner of the cafe or restaurant - the head waiter, who greeted guests and organized rest and meals.

Later, managers appeared in large institutions. The profession of catering establishment administrator arose in the 20th century, when restaurants, cafes, bars, and canteens needed managers and directors.

Where are restaurant administrators needed?

Public catering establishments need competent managers:

  • restaurants opening everywhere;
  • bars, cafes, and snack bars that have become widespread;
  • all kinds of entertainment and sports clubs with cafes and bars;
  • hotels and hotels with their own restaurants.

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator

The administrator is responsible for the work of the restaurant team. He is obliged to meet visitors, communicate with them, seat them in the hall, taking into account their wishes, supervise the waiters, monitor customer service, and resolve conflict situations.

In addition, the administrator must work with documentation, draw up reports, take care of inventory, organize banquets, starting with the preparation of menus, the general plan of the celebration, decorating the hall and ending with decorating tables, selecting the color of tablecloths and the shape of bows.

The head waiter's responsibilities include recruiting and training waiters and testing the staff's knowledge through testing. His job responsibilities also include keeping track of the cash register and carrying out official assignments for the owner or director of the restaurant. Most administrative activities are hidden from visitors and are usually not noticed by guests.

Requirements for the position of administrator

Basic requirements that a restaurant administrator must meet when applying for a job:

  • have higher education;
  • At least one year of professional experience;
  • own a PC, know programs (for example, P-Keeper, 1C, MS Office).

Often a number of additional requirements are put forward to the applicant for this position:

  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(usually English);
  • ability to work with VIP clients and relevant experience;
  • knowledge of wines;
  • ability to organize and conduct banquets.

Required Education

The profession of a restaurant administrator is usually learned through practice. However, it is preferable for a job applicant to have a higher education and a range of skills. He must have good organizational skills and gain some experience in the field of food: often this position is occupied by former waiters, bartenders, and cooks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The work of a restaurant administrator has the following positive aspects:

  • demand in many catering establishments;
  • constantly opening vacancies for restaurant administrators in large cities;
  • employment opportunities in other countries.

There are a number of disadvantages to being an administrator:

  • high work intensity;
  • a large number of stressful situations;
  • the need to independently solve all problems that arise.

Restaurant administrator salary

The salary paid to a restaurant administrator usually includes a fixed salary and a performance bonus. The monthly salary is approximately 20,000 - 30,000 rubles, and the average monthly salary in the country is approximately 30,000 rubles.

Good managers don't happen overnight, and sometimes restaurant managers need instruction and practice in order to effectively manage the business, manage staff, and satisfy the needs of customers. Below are 10 tips for restaurant managers to improve their business:

  1. Effective cost management

    Cost management is a critical aspect of running a successful business. By costs we mean labor, products and waste. Keeping accurate records of losses and costs will help managers budget for the future and ensure revenues.

  2. Successful marketing of your concept

    Managers are responsible for promoting the brand, which should contribute to the development of the business. Learn the best marketing practices in your industry and apply marketing strategies wherever possible.

  3. Product Quality Management

    Even just by opening their doors to visitors, restaurants advertise the quality of their dishes and service. Be prepared to go the extra mile and offer the best quality products possible. Continuously improve food preparation procedures, food storage standards and quality presentation.

  4. Providing first class service

    Customer service is one of the most important goals of your restaurant. All employees of your staff who directly deal with customers must be trained to provide high-quality customer service throughout their entire stay in the restaurant.

    It is important:

  5. Smart time management

    Restaurant managers have many responsibilities. Therefore, they need to learn how to distribute time and energy so as not to burn out at work and firmly manage the business. When planning your day, allocate time for scheduling, monitoring equipment and supplies, giving directions, receiving reports, assisting, and other responsibilities.

  6. Creating a Positive Work Environment

    You can only create a positive work environment where people feel they can trust each other and work together. Hire conscientious people, get to know them, and treat them fairly. The combination of hard work and fun creates a positive atmosphere.

  7. Team motivation

    Find out what motivates your employees. Use competitions, games, products, prizes and other incentives to make your staff care about the quality of their work. Motivation keeps people on their toes.

  8. An example to follow

    You may not know it, but your employees are watching everything you do and say. You are setting an example of acceptable behavior in your restaurant, so make sure it is a positive one.

  9. Constant discipline

    When you have to discipline your employee, refer to the discipline rules contained in the employee handbook. Make sure your employees are familiar with the restaurant's bylaws and be consistent and fair when dealing with inappropriate behavior.

  10. Appropriate reward

    You need to determine when employees deserve rewards for high achievement or consistently performing at a high level. When appropriate, praise your employees in front of their peers and consistently give credit to those who perform above established standards.

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