Extreme alcohol games. 5 crazy drinking games from all over the world The polar bear has come brown bear has gone game

1.»Bottle» They play in the same way as in an ordinary bottle, but no one kisses (well, except at the final stage of the game, after the “do you respect me?” stage). Whom the untwisted empty bottle will point to, he drinks a dose of vodka. It is possible with a snack. "Losers" carry the "winners" home.

2."The bear has come"("The Last Hero") A classic lavandos game. Everyone sits with glasses. Everyone pours vodka into a glass and puts a buck next to it. They drink. The host announces: “The bear has come!”. Everyone climbs under the table. The host says: "The bear is gone!". Everyone crawls out from under the table. They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host again says: “The bear has come!”, Everyone again crawls under the table ... In the end, only one person crawls out. He takes all the loot and leaves. The rest remain to sleep under the table.

3."The brown bear has come!"(“The very last hero”) An extremely extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, participants sit around. Each in turn drinks a glass of champagne and pours a glass of cognac into the basin. When the liquid turns brown, they say: "The brown bear has come!" Then vice versa - after each glass drunk from the basin, champagne is added there. When the liquid turns yellow, they say: “The brown bear is gone!” Few people saw the brown bear leaving ...

4."Tower" We build a tower from dominoes. We put the plate flat, then two plates vertically, one on top again flat and so on. The one whose fault the tower collapses must drink. There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players together try to put another record vertically and roll to the floor, where they fall asleep.

5.»Cowboy Joe» Two stand on opposite sides of the table. The third loudly knocks on the table with his fist. On a signal, vodka is taken on the chest. The winner is the one who first manages to return the empty container back to the table. It must be returned loudly and with a roar.

6."Metro" We take a metro map and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: "Tushinskaya" - "Leninsky Prospekt". We appoint a leader - he will announce the stops. “Caution, the doors are closing - the next station is Polezhaevskaya!” Everyone drinks a glass. “The next station is Begovaya!” Everyone drinks again. They drink separately for each transplant. Gradually, as people get drunk, they begin to “get off the train.” The winner, respectively, is the one who reaches the place.

7."A hundred" Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with hundred-gram glasses sit around and, scooping up, drink once a minute. Ideally, the one who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses wins. With good preparation of the participants, the game can go without losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you can’t go astray from the drinking schedule, and exactly in a minute all participants must take another one hundred gram dose. If you have a cast-iron bladder, then this game is for you.

8.»Drunken Checkers» There are even quite official competitions for this game. A real checkers board is used, and stacks instead of checkers. On one side, red wine is poured into the piles, and on the other side, white wine. Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. I cut down the enemy pile - I drank it. For a change, you can play giveaway. Special maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this scenario, only world-class masters of sports win three games in a row.

9.»Ishsho» The game of the simplest. Three players each take a mug of beer. The first one to run to the toilet brings more beer to himself and the losers. So they play until the money runs out.

10."Inkwell" The same simple game. A glass is passed around the circle, and everyone pours some wine into it. The one whose glass overflows and drinks everything to the bottom. Then the process repeats. Well, have you practiced?

"The bear has come" A classic game for money. Everyone sits with glasses ...

"The bear has come"
Classic money game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours vodka into a glass and puts a dollar next to it. They drink. The host announces: "The bear has come!". Everyone goes under the table. The host says: "The bear is gone!". Everyone gets out from under the table. They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host again says: “The bear has come!”, everyone again crawls under the table ... In the end, only one person crawls out. He takes all the money and leaves. The rest remain to sleep under the table.
"The brown bear has come!"
Extremely extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, participants sit around. Each in turn drinks a glass of champagne and pours a glass of cognac into the basin. When the liquid turns brown, they say: "The brown bear has come!" Then vice versa - after each glass of champagne drunk from the basin, champagne is added there. When the liquid turns yellow, they say: "The brown bear is gone!". Few people saw the departure of the brown bear...

They play in the same way as in an ordinary bottle, but no one kisses (well, except at the final stage of the game, after the "do you respect me?" stage). Who will the hyped empty bottle point to, he drinks a dose of vodka. Available with snacks. The "losers" carry the "winners" home.

2. The bear has come (The Last Hero)

The classic lavender game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours into a glass and puts a buck next to it. They drink. The host announces: "The bear has come!". Everyone goes under the table. The host says: "The bear is gone!". Everyone gets out from under the table.

They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host again says: “The bear has come!”, everyone again crawls under the table ... In the end, only one person crawls out. He takes all the money and leaves. The rest remain to sleep under the table.

3. The brown bear has arrived! (The very last hero)

Extremely extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, participants sit around. Everyone takes turns drinking a shot and pouring a shot of cognac into the basin. When the liquid turns brown, they say: "The brown bear has come!"

4. Tower

We build a tower from dominoes. We put the plate flat, then two plates vertically, one on top again flat, and so on. That, whose fault the tower will collapse, must drink. There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players together try to put another record vertically and roll to the floor, where they fall asleep.

5. Cowboy Joe

The two stand on opposite sides of the table. A third thumps loudly on the table with his fist. On a signal, vodka is taken on the chest. The winner is the one who first manages to return the empty container back to the table. It is necessary to return loudly and with a roar.

6. Subway

We take a metro map and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: Tushinskaya - Leninsky Prospekt. We appoint a leader - he will announce the stops. Be careful, the doors are closing - the next station is Polezhaevskaya! Everyone drinks a glass. The next station is Begovaya! Everyone is drinking again. For each transplant they drink separately. Gradually, as people get drunk, they start to get off the train. Wins, respectively, the one who reaches the place.

7. Hundred

Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with hundred-gram glasses sit around and, scooping up, drink once a minute. Ideally, the one who wins who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses.

With good preparation of the participants, the game can go without losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you can’t go astray from the drinking schedule, and exactly one minute later all participants must take another one-hundred-gram dose. If you have a cast iron bladder, then this game is for you.

8. Drunk Checkers

There are even quite official competitions for this game. A real checkers board is used, and stacks instead of checkers. On one side, red wine is poured into the piles, and on the other side, white wine. Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. Cut down an enemy stack - drank it.

For a change, you can play giveaway. Special maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this scenario, only masters of sports of international class win three games in a row.

9. Ishsho

The game of the simplest. Three players each take a mug of beer. The first one to run to the toilet brings more beer for himself and the losers. So they play until the money runs out.

10. Inkwell

It's the same simple game. A glass is passed around the circle, and everyone pours some wine into it. The one whose glass overflows and drinks everything to the bottom. Then the process is repeated.

How many games exist, the foundation of which is alcohol and drunken excitement of the participants. Here are five crazy drinking games from around the world.

Pennsylvania, USA - Stump

Stump ( Stump listen)) is a popular game in Pennsylvania. This game is a favorite among students (especially at Pennsylvania State University), despite the fact that its roots are in German culture and it is similar to the game Hammerschlagen. It is usually played in the countryside, forests or farms, or even in the outback, nicknamed Pennsyltucky.

To play you need a hammer, stump, nails, beer and stand on your feet. In the middle they put a stump with nails sticking out of it (for each player), which must be completely driven into the tree. However, this must be done from the full swing, and before that it is desirable to throw the hammer into the air for a split second. Whenever you miss, you drink. .

Germany - Bierkastenrennen

Literally translated as "distillation of boxes", which fully describes the meaning of the game. It is usually played by a lake or any open area by large teams. It is necessary to run a set distance (from 5 to 15 km) with a case of beer, which must be emptied along the way, and whoever brings fewer liters of beer is the winner.

Russia - "Meeting the polar bear"

The game has many variations of the name, but the essence is this: a one and a half liter bottle of beer is taken and passed in a circle in the company - the first one drinks, and the vacated space in the bottle is filled with vodka and so on in a circle until you can still get up from the table. The game has two rounds “The polar bear has come” and “The brown bear has come” - which means pouring beer into the container (already with vodka). However, rarely anyone reaches this stage. The loser bets the company beer.

China - Jiuling

The Jiuling game is approximately 3,200 years old, making it supposedly one of the oldest in the world. Every player needs a glass of alcohol and math skills. Two people extend both hands and show any number of fingers while simultaneously calling out a number from 0 to 20 (unequal to the number of fingers extended). The winner is the one who shouted out a number equal to the number of outstretched fingers on the hands of both players. If there is no guesser, both drink.

Wyoming, USA - Gelande Quaffing

In 1986, the Jackson Hole Air Force, a secret ski club in Wyoming, was caught in a weather trap, waiting out a blizzard, and fate took them to a bar where they came up with the popular game that has become a sporting event. Its meaning is as follows - one of the team must push a mug of beer to the other across the table, he catches it, quickly drinks it, then they change places at a run and so non-stop while you can stand on your feet.

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