French fries at home in a frying pan. Crispy onions: application and recipes. How to cook onion rings in a simple breading

Inspired by going to a cafe...

Hi all!

Here is how it was. I went for lunch, and since there are a lot of cafes and restaurants around work, I went into one, it’s warm and cozy inside, in general, I stopped here. Decided to have lunch here.
I went to the windows, all the salads in bowls - some tops stick out, took one. I didn’t particularly look at the names and chose only intuitively and visually (or maybe I forgot in the process of rumbling in my stomach), and there was no composition by itself, in general I collected all kinds of food and slowly sat down to absorb everything that I brought on a tray.

Already from the first fork, I realized that the salad was fucking delicious and I already liked it (or maybe I was just so hungry), but that's not about it. While eating and trying to catch all the ingredients and remember ... Fuck it! I decided that later I would somehow come back, try it out ... “then sometime” it didn’t work, well, that was the end of it.

In general, one wonderful weekend evening, I decided to reproduce it the way I felt and remembered. I share.

beef tongue- 1 piece
Egg- 2 pcs
Bulb onions- 2 pcs
fresh cucumber- 2 pcs
Dill- 1/3 bunch
Yogurt without additives- 2 pcs
parmesan cheese
Flour- 0.5 cup
Vegetable oil for deep-frying (here I lit olive oil for deep-frying, and I think it’s better here vegetable anyway).
Salt, Pepper, Paprika.

Everything seems to be ready to start.
She washed her tongue and poured it over with cold water and set it to boil, threw a few sheets of allspice and parsley into it.

Of course, I don’t often buy a tongue, but this time when I came to the store I was very surprised when they told me that the tongue was only frozen, it seemed like they used to sell it only chilled or I forgot something ... in general, I took a freeze.
After 1.5-2 hours I checked, checked with a fork, yes, excellent - ready.

While the tongue is hot, I cleaned it.
We smoothly move on to the onion fries ... I peeled the onion and cut it into half rings and into two more parts. In a bowl, mix flour, salt, paprika, mix. There the onion was also carefully rolled in flour. We fry. I poured oil into a frying pan (I don’t have a deep fryer, and I’ve never been especially eager to buy it. We’ll get by with a frying pan), heated the oil so that you could deep-fry the onions and not just sauté.

I fried for 2-3 minutes, stirring, of course, and as soon as the onion turned yellow and fried, I quickly put it on a paper towel, remove the oil, I need crispy and non-oily onion fries. Then I changed the paper towel again, the effect was achieved, which means it worked out.

Meanwhile, the tongue has already cooled down, the eggs are cooked, I continue ...
I rubbed the eggs and cucumbers on a fine grater (I squeezed the juice from the cucumbers a little, quite a bit, otherwise the salad will come out not a salad, but a slurry, but I need a different effect and a delicate taste). The greens are crushed.

The tongue was cut into small strips.

All the ingredients are ready, I combined everything in one bowl, salted, added yogurt and mixed everything thoroughly.

Bean pods with vegetables - an original and tasty snack, easy to cook, the recipe is as follows: Sort the bean pods, rinse, peel the veins, cut into strips, boil in salted water and put on a sieve. Cut carrots, bell peppers, celery, garlic into strips, put in a saucepan, pour water so that it covers the food, and boil. Add boiled bean pods and sliced ​​​​tomatoes to vegetables, pour in sunflower oil and bring to readiness over low heat. Serve bean pods with vegetables, sprinkled with parsley. Bean pods with vegetables are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Cheese soufflé

Cheese soufflé is a very tasty and original appetizer, easy to cook, the recipe is as follows: Melt butter in a pan, stir flour, salt, mustard and pepper in it. Pour in milk, stir until it boils. Reduce the heat to low and let the liquid simmer for 5 minutes. Add cheese and stir until cheese is melted. Beat the egg yolks in a mortar, after separating them from the whites, and pour in a thin stream into the cheese sauce, stirring continuously to prevent curdling. Add cognac and let the sauce cool for 10 minutes. Beat the egg whites until fluffy but not dry and carefully fold them into the cheese sauce. Put everything in a 2 liter form and put in a pre-heated (up to 190 ° C) oven for 40 minutes or leave it there until a fried crust forms on top. Cheese soufflé is ready! Serve hot soufflé. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken pate with nuts

Chicken pate with nuts is prepared very simply, the recipe is as follows: Cook the chicken with the addition of leeks, carrots, celery and spices until tender. Cool in broth, remove skin and separate flesh from bones. Strain the broth, cool and remove the fat. Grind onions and peppers, previously cleared of seeds. Fry the onion in the fat removed from the broth until soft. Combine the fried onions, nuts, chopped garlic, hot peppers, pour in parts of 1/2 cup of hot broth. Blend in a blender until pureed, season with salt and add chopped chicken, cilantro and vinegar. Put the pate in a mold, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours. When serving, put the pate on a dish, separately serve rye bread if desired. The chicken pate with nuts is ready! Enjoy your meal!


Pumpkin is an excellent, very tasty, original dish, it’s easy to cook, the recipe for the dish is as follows: Pumpkin porridge is mixed with yolks, sugar and whipped whites, put on a baking sheet, brushed with an egg, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked. The pumpkin is ready! Enjoy your meal!

cold scrambled eggs

Cold scrambled eggs are an original and tasty snack, easy to cook. the recipe for the dish is as follows: Place a deep large frying pan or form in a boiling water bath, grease with oil and pour eggs into it. Keep in the bath until the eggs harden. Remove from fire. Cool down. Dump whole onto a plate. Coat with mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with herbs. Cold scrambled eggs are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Summer croutons with mozzarella

Summer croutons with mozzarella are prepared very simply, in Italian, the recipe is as follows: Mozzarella cut into 8 plates. Cut the crusts off the bread. Place 2 slices of mozzarella on 4 slices of bread. Season with salt, black pepper and oregano. Cover with remaining slices of bread. Dip the croutons in cold water and squeeze. Mix the eggs with milk, salt and pepper, roll the croutons on both sides in flour and put in a deep plate. Pour the egg-milk mixture over the croutons and wait until the croutons have absorbed all the liquid. Pour olive oil into the pan. Fry the croutons on both sides. Place the toast on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Serve hot summer mozzarella croutons. Enjoy your meal!

Onion is a product of everyday use, we all know about its useful qualities, so we will not focus on this. Everything is so obvious. It is better to pay attention to its correct and original preparation. Well-fried crispy onions are used in many dishes. For example, an ordinary boiled potato sprinkled with a crispy product can become a favorite dish on your table.

Many dishes are simply unthinkable without the use of a crispy onion. It is widely used both in fast food and in the preparation of many gourmet dishes.

Well-fried to a golden crust with a crunch, the onion will appeal to all age categories. Consider how to fry onions so that they are crispy, tasty and healthy.

Recipe for crispy fried onions


  • onions - 250 g;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

In the same way, you can cook a crispy onion in a slow cooker by selecting the baking mode. After frying, put the rings on a napkin so that it has absorbed excess fat.

Rings of a vegetable fried in flour can diversify the diet of even allergy sufferers, whose body does not perceive lactose and protein. This is due to the absence of eggs and milk among the components. In addition, children will be able to indulge in such chips, which is much more useful for them than store-bought crackers of unknown origin.

In the oven and in breadcrumbs

Another recipe for making wonderful, golden and crispy rings in the oven. Such a dish can be served both with beer and with a side dish or main course.


Cooking method:

  1. Set the oven to preheat, setting the temperature to 180 - 190 degrees.
  2. Clean and soak the vegetable in water.
  3. Cut it into thin rings, but not too thin.
  4. Divide them into circles.
  5. Prepare three small dishes for the flour, breadcrumbs and eggs.
  6. Whisk eggs with salt and pepper.
  7. Pour flour and breadcrumbs into different saucers.
  8. Prepare a baking sheet by greasing it with oil or lining it with parchment paper.
  9. Prepared rings are first dipped in flour, then in eggs, followed by breadcrumbs.
  10. Lay them out on a baking sheet in a single layer.
  11. Place in preheated oven for about 20 minutes.
  12. Bake until golden brown.

Advice. Use only onion. And to make it crispy, be sure to preheat the pan, oven, slow cooker. Choose large vegetables to make it easier to work with the dish.

Application in cooking

We notice the use of this product in cooking everywhere; in addition to its mass production by fast food companies, we often meet with it in stores where it is already sold ready-made.

The advantages of this dish include the speed of its preparation, spicy taste and low calorie content. Its only drawback is perhaps the discomfort during its cleaning.

Crispy fried onions at home

Roasted vegetables are often used in Asian cuisine. If you like to please your loved ones with the exotic novelties of these countries, then you simply cannot do without a fried ingredient. It is clear that at the current pace of life, it is not so easy to prepare culinary novelties.

You can save your cooking time by making preparations at your leisure. Onion rings are no exception. They can be frozen both in ready-made batter and in the form of chopped raw rings. The only thing is that they are crispy, you should not freeze already fried ones.

A few tips on how to clean and cut a vegetable:

There are many ways to help get rid of the smell of onions on your hands. One of them is to rub your hands with lemon. Then, dry your hands well and apply liquid soap to dry skin. This will help get rid of the bad smell.

Crispy onions in spices

Well-known brands use dried crispy onions to make spices. You can also make this at home and the recipe is not at all complicated. You just need to fry the product in a pan so that it becomes golden in color.

Then, it is laid out on paper to cool. Now you can dry the onions in the oven or leave to dry for several days in a dry and well-ventilated area.

You can cover it with either a napkin or gauze, but in no case should it be hermetically sealed. After drying, it is crushed and mixed with other seasonings or stored separately.

It becomes clear that the use of fried vegetables in cooking is quite common. Many companies have managed to build a successful business on its production, and chefs find new uses for it every day. Why exactly use crispy onions and how to make them so, the choice is always yours.

You can serve it as a main dish, beer chips, use it as a condiment or simply add it as a decoration, as well as fried, baked or dried. Experiment with cooking and serving.

A very simple recipe for onion fries of Spanish cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 10 minutes. Contains only 57 kilocalories. Author's recipe of Spanish cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 minutes
  • Amount of calories: 57 kilocalories
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Reason: Maslenitsa
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Spanish cuisine
  • Dish type: Miscellaneous
  • Cooking technology: Deep-fried

Ingredients for five servings

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour - a handful
  • vegetable oil - for frying

Step by step cooking

  1. In Galicia, very simple dishes are prepared: this Atlantic corner of Spain is rich in products that simply do not need complex cooking.
  2. The recipe for Empanada Gallega de atun - a snack pie made from thin pastry with tuna and sweet onions - was shared with Lady Mail.
  3. Ru» Maria Sorokina, host of master classes at the Clever Culinary Studio, food blogger and culinary travel manager.
  4. Flour, olive oil, dry white wine and salt (½ tsp.
  5. spoons) combine in the bowl of a food processor or a stationary mixer, knead a homogeneous soft dough.
  6. Continue kneading for 4-5 minutes until the dough becomes elastic and no longer sticks to your hands.
  7. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for 30 minutes.
  8. Onion cut into feathers.
  9. Heat a little oil in a wide frying pan, add the onion, cover and leave on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  10. Remove lid, increase heat to medium.
  11. Add salt, sugar and black pepper to taste and cook, stirring, for another 10-15 minutes, until the liquid has evaporated and the onion has started to brown.
  12. Remove from heat, add capers and tuna along with oil, mash with a fork and stir.
  13. Let the filling cool down.
  14. Heat the oven to 175°C.
  15. For baking, a tart dish with a diameter of 22-24 cm or a rectangular shape of a similar size is suitable.
  16. Grease the mold with olive oil.
  17. Divide the dough in half and roll out on a floured surface (in a circle or rectangle, according to the shape used) very thinly - 1-2 mm.
  18. Put one sheet of dough into the mold so as to completely cover the bottom and sides, leaving a free edge of 1.5-2 cm.
  19. Prick with a fork.
  20. Pour filling into mold and smooth out.
  21. Cover with the second sheet of dough and secure the edges with a pigtail.
  22. Make a hole in the center to allow steam to escape during baking.
  23. Bake for 20 minutes, then brush the top with olive oil and return to the oven for another 10-15 minutes until the top is browned.
  24. Remove from oven, let cool to lukewarm or room temperature, cut into portions and serve.

Clean the tenderloin from films and tendons. Rinse the meat and fat thoroughly and chop coarsely.

Turn the meat through the meat grinder along with the fat. Peel the onion and chop very finely. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, add the onion and simmer over low heat until it turns light brown and releases its natural sugar.

Add the stewed onions, very finely chopped parsley leaves, egg yolks, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper to the minced meat. Mix well with your hands.

Take a flat baking sheet or tray and grease it with olive oil. With water-dampened hands, form burger patties, 140–150 g each, and place in a tray. Send the cutlets to the freezer for 2-3 hours, without covering them with anything.

Prepare the mixture for the onion rings: take a large bowl, fill with ice, put a smaller bowl on top. Place the flour mixed with a pinch of salt into the top bowl. Constantly working with a whisk, stir in the beer until the mixture reaches the state of liquid sour cream. Peel the red onion and cut into thick rings. Heat up oil for frying. Sprinkle some more flour on a saucer. Roll the rings in flour, then dip in the batter (this is easy to do with kitchen tweezers) and deep-fry for about a minute. Take out the rings on a tissue to remove excess oil.

Heat a little olive oil in a grill pan. Add cutlets and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Then put in an oven preheated to 180 ˚C for 3-4 minutes.

Cut the buns in half, place cut side down on a preheated grill pan and brown. Assemble the burger: put a lettuce leaf on the bottom half of the bun, a cutlet on top, then a spoonful of ketchup, pickled cucumbers cut into thin slices, another lettuce leaf and 1-2 thin circles of tomato . Cover with the other half of the bun and serve with the onion rings.

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