Healthy milkshakes in a blender. How to make a milkshake in a blender: easy recipes and useful tips. Milkshake Paradise Apple

The end of spring and summer is the best time to pamper yourself and your loved ones with bright, fresh and healthy cocktails. All you need for this is a powerful blender (it directly determines how thoroughly the ingredients are mixed), a base, fruits or berries, a little imagination and a secret ingredient!

Cocktails in a blender will decorate your daily diet and fit perfectly into the holiday menu, especially at children's birthdays. It would seem that there’s nothing complicated about it: throw what’s in the refrigerator into the appliance, whack-whack - and you’re done! But cocktail recipes in a blender, even the most classic ones, can be made special and memorable. Let's get started!

Healthy cocktails in a blender - preparing “green medicine”

The first color in our cocktail menu is juicy green. This drink, rich in vitamins and microelements, will give you vigor and energy, and if you replace one of your meals with it during the day, it will help to effectively reduce the number on the scales without any health consequences!

Let's blend:

  • a bunch of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, but without green onions!),
  • a little arugula (for piquancy)
  • unpeeled fresh cucumber,
  • half a peeled avocado
  • a little water and a couple of drops of lemon juice.

You can diversify this vitamin wealth with any green ingredient - kiwi, green apple, lime juice.

Banana smoothie in a blender

A classic that children and adults adore. Usually a smoothie with a banana in a blender is made like this: take milk or ice cream as a base, add tropical fruits, and you're done! We will teach you how to prepare a smoothie with banana in a blender that will surprise even the most devoted fans of the traditional recipe. The main advantage of this recipe is that the ingredients for it are available all year round (unlike, for example, seasonal strawberries).

Well, for a twist, you can add the following ingredients to the cocktail:

  • some shortbread. This addition will go into a milkshake with banana and turn it into a delicious dessert that can be served in a bowl and garnished with mint;
  • cinnamon and other spices. If your household doesn’t mind, diversify the taste with spice; it goes perfectly with banana;
  • some seasonal berries. Red currants will add a pleasant sourness; fresh or frozen blueberries will make the cocktail sweeter. But don’t overdo it, the “first violin” should remain with the banana!

Strawberry smoothie in a blender - a heavenly vitamin drink

Strawberries are a delicious seasonal berry that does not require special “decorations”; just a few additional ingredients are enough to create a real culinary masterpiece worthy of a restaurant menu. Juicy red berries go perfectly with dairy products. And you definitely need to take advantage of this, especially when the family already refuses to eat strawberries in their “pure” form, and fortification needs to be continued! After all, vitamin C contained in fresh strawberries tends to accumulate in the body and provide good immunity during the cold season.

So, to make the perfect strawberry smoothie, stock up (in addition to the berries) with the following ingredients:

  • vanilla ice cream or ice cream,
  • fresh mint,
  • natural yogurt,
  • honey (for those who like it sweeter or have unsweetened berries),
  • instant oatmeal.

Using the last ingredient, you can create a fun and delicious breakfast. Here's a strawberry smoothie recipe for the whole family. Pour a generous amount of instant oatmeal over yogurt (natural or flavored). Wait about 15 minutes. In a blender, mix strawberries with the resulting porridge, add sugar or honey to taste. A nutritious, tasty and healthy start to the day! Tip: If the mixture is too thick, add a little cold milk and mix again in the chopper.

Chocolate cocktail in a blender - a boost of energy and the perfect dessert

The bitter sweetness of chocolate has won the hearts of fans all over the world. A special pleasure is chocolate-based drinks. You can prepare such a cocktail in different ways, giving the dessert drink a signature twist.

The classic recipe takes more time than simple methods, but the result is really worth the effort! Of course, you can go the simple route and buy chocolate ice cream, which you beat with milk in a blender, but this recipe deserves to become a favorite for the whole family.


  • 3 glasses of warm milk,
  • a bar of your favorite chocolate (without nuts or fillers),
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder,
  • sugar to taste.

Grind the cocoa powder in a small amount of milk, and also dissolve the chocolate in the milk in a water bath in a fireproof bowl. Pour everything into a blender bowl, add the rest of the milk, and beat thoroughly. Sweeten to taste. Pour into glasses and garnish with grated white chocolate or whipped cream. Enjoy!

Fruit cocktail in a blender - preparing a smoothie

Smoothies, or mixtures based on fruits and vegetables blended in a blender, are an integral attribute of the now fashionable healthy lifestyle. Place a blender on your kitchen counter and it will help diversify your menu and energize the whole family! In principle, the ideal recipe for a fruit cocktail in a blender is a flavorful mixture of your favorite fruits. But there are the most successful combinations, the smoothies from which are especially tasty and refreshing.

Here are some of them, personally tested by us:

  • watermelon, apple and pineapple. The main part is watermelon, from which it is important to carefully select the seeds. The apple will add a creamy texture, and the pineapple will add a recognizable tropical sourness. This is delicious!
  • kiwi, apple and tangerine are an excellent option for a “winter” vitamin smoothie;
  • frozen berries and yogurt. This is almost popsicle ice cream, which will delight both adults and children;
  • pomegranate juice, apple, pear, seedless grapes. This is an unusual, but very tasty combination that can surprise guests. Fruit cocktails in a blender are a creative activity in which the whole family can take part. This is also a little trick for young children who stubbornly refuse to eat fruit. They go very well in the form of bright cocktails! Bon appetit!

Not only children, but also adults will be happy to enjoy a milkshake in the summer heat. To do this, you don’t have to run to cafes or retail outlets. After all, a milkshake is easy to make at home if you have a blender or mixer. This is perhaps the only requirement, and then act as your fantasy dictates. The variety of milkshakes will be discussed further.

A cocktail prepared at home is much tastier than a store-bought one. And if you cook it with your children, you can also get an exciting activity that everyone will enjoy.

Unfortunately, not every child likes to drink milk. But it is very useful and even necessary for a child’s body. In the summer, a milkshake will help mothers. It is done very quickly and easily if you have a blender at home. There are just a few important aspects.

  • It is better to take a stationary blender. It produces a thicker foam, and whipping is much more convenient.
  • But don’t be upset if you have a submersible one. You can also make an excellent cocktail with it. And you can get a fluffy foam if you beat everything well.
  • An important condition is high speed. Everything needs to be done at maximum speed.
  • Milk should be chilled, but not too cold. After all, the composition includes ice cream, and we don’t forget that the main connoisseurs will be children. The average temperature should be 5-6°C.
  • If you use ice cream, then without any fillers. The most common ice cream. It will be much tastier and healthier if you add your favorite fruits, jam or even condensed milk.
  • You can take yogurt or kefir instead of ice cream. In this case, you will get a low-calorie cocktail.
  • When adding fruits or berries, strain before use.

How to make foam in a milkshake?

Another nuance of homemade milkshakes is that the foam is not as big as we would like. Of course, it turns out very tasty and everyone will happily empty their glasses. But there are some tricks that can help you get thick foam.

  • For those on a diet, this option is not very suitable. But fat helps in foam formation. You need to take full-fat milk and ice cream. And always chilled.
  • Banana also helps. With it, the cocktail will be higher in calories, but also more nutritious.
  • Some also add egg white. Everyone knows what happens when you beat it with sugar. Just choose the eggs carefully.
  • And, of course, you need to beat very quickly and for several minutes.

How to make a milkshake at home with ice cream?

This is the easiest and fastest recipe in all of cooking. It perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes in summer. It contains only two ingredients:

  1. chilled milk
  2. ice cream

It will take about a minute to prepare, and even a child can do it:

  • Pour milk into a blender glass, add ice cream and beat for half a minute.
  • Pour into a glass, take a straw and enjoy

According to the standard, 1 liter of milk contains 50-250 g of ice cream. The more ice cream, the sweeter and denser the cocktail.

How to make a milkshake without ice cream?

This cocktail also includes two components - milk and ice. And then you can add what your soul desires. Well, or whatever you have on hand in the refrigerator. It could be strawberries, condensed milk, your favorite jam syrup or regular juice.

  • Milk or kefir – 500 ml
  • fruits or berries – 200 g
  • sugar or honey - 1-2 tbsp.
  • vanillin
  • several ice cubes

The actions are:

  • Pour milk into a blender container, add sugar or honey, beat for 5-10 seconds
  • Add the berries and beat for a few seconds until well chopped
  • Add ice, whisk gently until ice is completely crushed and foam forms.
  • Pour into glasses and decorate as you wish

How to make a banana milkshake?

This cocktail is ideal even for small children, since it can be made without sugar. A banana will add the desired sweetness. Of course, you can also add other ingredients if desired.

  • Milk – 500 ml
  • banana - 2 pcs.
  • ice cream - 100-150 g

It turns out very tasty with strawberries, even without sugar and ice cream. By the way, banana gives some thickness, so less ice cream is needed or you can do without it altogether.

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender glass
  • Beat for half a minute at maximum speed
  • Pour into glasses

How to make a milkshake with strawberries?

At the beginning of summer, such a cocktail will come in handy. All ingredients are available to everyone and it is during this period that they will be most useful. Of course, you can use frozen fruit, and even strawberry jam. The cocktail will still be very tasty. We take the following set of components:

  1. milk – 500 ml
  2. strawberries – 250-450 g
  3. ice cream – 150 g
  4. powdered sugar - optional

As with any other recipe, combine all ingredients in a blender glass and beat until smooth and foamy.

How to make a milkshake with a mixer?

If you don’t have a blender at your disposal, you can easily replace it with a mixer. Of course, many of us immediately associate this device with a test. After all, a mixer is the most important assistant in this aspect. Many people, by the way, prepare very fluffy purees with a mixer. But you can also use it to make a wonderful milkshake. However, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The ingredients and proportions are the same as when working with a blender. Milk should be chilled, ice cream should be slightly softened.

  • It is also very important to beat at maximum speed. Otherwise, you won't get foam.
  • The only difference is that it is better to chop the fruits and berries before adding them. Because the mixer may not be able to handle them, and small pieces will remain.
  • The mixer won't be able to crush ice either. Therefore, when adding, you need to stir well until it is completely dissolved.

Therefore, the principle of adding is as follows:

  1. first beat the fruit with sugar, you can also add cream or some syrup
  2. then pour in the milk and beat everything well again

How to make a milkshake without a mixer?

If you don’t have any kitchen appliances at hand, it doesn’t matter. You can make an equally delicious milkshake using available utensils. The main ingredients are, of course, milk and ice cream. And then you can add any ingredients at your discretion. The main thing is that fruits and berries need to be ground well.

  • The easiest way is to make such a cocktail using a whisk. It takes a little more time and some effort. Still, this is mechanical work of the hands. But the effort will be worth it.
  • Another way is to whisk directly in the glass. Add ice cream, milk and syrup, cover with lid. Press tightly with your hand and shake well. Yes, it will take a few minutes.

  • This method differs from the previous one only in the dishes. More precisely, its absence. You can also make a milkshake in a bag. Only it should be tight, with a fastener. The principle is the same: combine all the ingredients and stir vigorously.

How to make a milkshake from milk?

In a milkshake, milk is the most important ingredient. The simplest recipe and cooking method is milk with ice cream. You can replace ice cream with ice and sugar. But children will appreciate the first option more. You can beat it using any of the above methods.

  • Milk – 500 ml
  • ice cream - 100 g
  • sugar and other fillers - optional

Combine all ingredients and beat until foam forms. This recipe is considered a classic. If desired, this cocktail can be sprinkled with coconut or chopped nuts.

How to make a milkshake without milk?

Although it sounds a little paradoxical, a milkshake can be prepared without milk. The result will be an equally tasty and healthy shake. You can replace it with almond milk. According to this recipe, the cocktail will be very healthy and unusually tasty. True, not everyone stores it in their refrigerator. It can also be prepared with other, more accessible ingredients.

  • Ice cream – 200-250 g
  • yogurt – 500 ml
  • banana – 1 pc.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender. Ready. Yogurt, of course, should be taken as plain as possible, without any fillers.

How to make a thick milkshake?

You can experiment with different ingredients at home. But the drink in question is not always as thick as store-bought. For those who want to get exactly the same milkshake as in their favorite cafe, it’s worth taking into account some nuances and resorting to a few tricks.

  • Beat at very high speed for about 2-3 minutes. Not less. Then the cocktail will turn out fluffy and airy. More ice cream. This is what gives the thickness. A banana will also help with this. The main thing is not to overdo it and end up with puree.
  • Another little trick is ice. Yes, crushed ice will give more volume and the necessary thickness. For those who don't want to add frozen water, you'll need to freeze the milk. Only this way, without fanaticism. It should not be a piece of ice, but well frozen, but easily whipped.

How to make a chocolate milkshake?

This delicacy will appeal to many people. After all, what child doesn’t love chocolate? And besides taste, it also contains useful substances. Of course, you shouldn’t eat a bar every day. But adding a small piece to a milkshake is just the thing!

  • Milk – 250 ml
  • vanilla ice cream -50-100 g
  • a few pieces of chocolate
  • cream - optional

In this recipe, you can immediately add chocolate ice cream instead of ice cream. But it will be much tastier if you add a few pieces of chocolate.

  • First you need to grate the chocolate. Combine with 1/3 milk and put on fire. Stirring constantly, wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved. No need to boil.
  • Add all other ingredients and beat on high speed for 1-2 minutes.

How to make a milkshake with fruit?

A milkshake can not only be prepared with one type of fruit or berry, but also combined. You need to start directly from your taste preferences.

  • Milk – 250 ml
  • ice cream – 100 g
  • apple
  • banana
  • strawberry
  • sugar

Even if these ingredients seem incompatible at first glance, do not be afraid to experiment. You just need to make small portions.

  • The apple must be peeled and seeds removed and grated on a fine grater. This is the case when beating with a mixer. If using a blender, then just cut into small pieces
  • Combine all ingredients in one container and beat for 1 minute.
  • Pour into glasses and garnish with a mint leaf

How to make a milkshake with syrup?

Thanks to this recipe, you can prepare a cocktail that will remind you of your childhood. Of course, you can add any fruit and take different syrups to taste. You can also replace it with regular jam, or rather with syrup made from it. In this case, you don't have to add sugar.

  • Milk – 250 ml
  • creamy ice cream – 100 g
  • raspberry syrup

A delicious cocktail will be obtained after the following steps:

  1. Milk should be placed in the freezer for a couple of hours to form ice.
  2. In a deep bowl, combine the ingredients and beat until foam forms.

How to make a vanilla milkshake?

Vanilla cocktail, although it seems incredibly simple, turns out very tasty. And there are many connoisseurs of this recipe. You can take vanilla ice cream, but it is better to opt for ice cream or cream.

But for flavor it’s better to add vanillin or vanilla sugar. The second one will need a little more. And it's worth adding a little cream. They will help make the taste more delicate and rich. So, you need to take:

  • milk
  • ice cream
  • vanilla extract
  • cream

Combine all ingredients and beat for 30-40 seconds. And you can enjoy a delicious cocktail made with your own hands.

How to make a milkshake with apple?

This recipe is simply ideal for those who are watching their figure. You can safely drink it for breakfast or a snack.

  • Milk – 250 ml
  • apple – 2 pcs.

The cocktail helps saturate the body with the necessary elements, is very tasty and incredibly quick to prepare:

  • The apple will take the longest to cook (relatively long). It needs to be peeled and seeds removed. Cut into cubes and blend well with a blender.
  • Add milk. Beat for another half a minute.
  • Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool.

If you prepare such a cocktail for children, you should add sugar or ice cream. In this case, refrigeration is not necessary.

As you can see, the variety of milkshakes is huge. All proposed options are a minimal classic set. But you can create your own cocktails and delight your family and friends with a refreshing drink.

Video: Making a milkshake at home

Milkshake is useful for adults and children; it is rightfully considered a dietary product if low-fat components are added to the composition. The mixture is loved by adults, children and the elderly, because the benefits of milk are legendary. The drink can be prepared at home if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the ingredients and technology. However, like any other matter, the procedure includes a number of features that must be taken into account. Let's look at the important aspects in order and provide practical recommendations.

Features of making a milkshake

  1. If you are preparing a cocktail for a child, give preference to a non-alcoholic composition. You can add liqueur, cranberry liqueur, rum, etc. to “adult” cocktails (at your discretion).
  2. You can use not only milk as the basis for a milkshake, but also sour cream, kefir, cream, and fermented baked milk. Some people add cottage cheese to the drink to increase the energy value.
  3. Traditional milkshake preparation technology does not include additives. The drink is prepared exclusively from milk and ice cream, so the technique is not particularly difficult.
  4. Before preparing the cocktail, place the milk in the refrigerator and cool it. The optimal temperature is considered to be 5-6 degrees.
  5. The drink is prepared using a blender or mixer, in some cases a bartender's shaker. All ingredients must be whipped at maximum power so that the composition increases and does not fall off for a long time.
  6. In cases where homemade milkshake is prepared with additives such as chocolate or ice, the latter must be passed through a kitchen sieve.
  7. If you are on a diet or watching your weight by counting calories, use low-fat foods. In this case, give preference to low-calorie milk and replace ice cream with low-fat yogurt. It would also be useful to add not very sweet fruits (kiwi, strawberries, currants, apples, etc.).
  8. A visual inspection will help you determine the readiness of the product. If all conditions are met, a dense thick foam with bubbles of the same size will form on the surface of the milkshake.
  9. You can take the classic technology as a basis, and then vary it at your discretion. Add condensed milk, various toppings, coffee, cocoa, syrups, fruit juices. For those who do not have imagination, ready-made recipes are suitable.
  10. Often the cocktail is prepared from hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and other similar ingredients. You need to first fry the ingredients in a frying pan, then grind in a blender or coffee grinder until it becomes flour.
  11. The milkshake is served immediately after mixing all the ingredients. Otherwise, the foam will settle, the mixture will heat up, as a result of which the taste will suffer.
  12. The most valuable fillers are considered to be fruits, berries, fruit drinks and juices. Particularly popular are strawberries, bananas, apricots, raspberries, wild strawberries, and currants (red, black). Don’t forget about avocados, blueberries, seedless grapes, etc.

Milkshake: classic recipe

  • milk (fat content 2-3.2%) - 1.3 l.
  • creamy ice cream - 325 gr.
  1. To prepare a milkshake the traditional way, you must first melt the ice cream. Remove the product from the packaging, place in a deep bowl and leave at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. For convenience, you can cut the ice cream into cubes of the same size. It is advisable to choose a composition marked “vanilla” or “creamy” with a minimum content of additives.
  3. Milk, on the contrary, must be cooled to 6 degrees. Place the bag in the refrigerator and wait a certain period.
  4. When all the ingredients are ready, take a blender bowl, add melted ice cream and milk. Turn on the device first at the medium mark (about 1 minute), then beat at maximum speed.
  5. Prepare glasses or glasses for milkshake. Wash them and wipe them dry, put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or in the freezer for 10 minutes. After the dishes have cooled, pour the finished drink and insert a straw. If desired, decorate the rim of the glass with berries or fruit.

  • creamy ice cream - 165 gr.
  • milk with fat content 3.2% - 245 gr.
  • fresh strawberries - 12 berries.
  1. Remove the ice cream from the packaging, transfer it to a glass bowl, and leave at room temperature for a quarter of an hour. At this time, wash the strawberries, remove the stems, twigs, and leaves. Dry the berries with a paper towel.
  2. Place the milk in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, pour it into a blender glass, add melted ice cream and fresh strawberries.
  3. Beat the ingredients at maximum power until the mixture becomes fluffy. For those who do not have a blender, you can use a shaker or mixer. If the mixture turns out thick, dilute it with milk, then beat again.
  4. Place several glasses in the refrigerator and cool them. Pour the milkshake into a bowl, decorate the top with grated chocolate or cocoa, and place half a strawberry on the edge. Serve immediately, don't forget to insert the straw.

Avocado cocktail

  • milk - 650 ml.
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • honey - 35 gr.
  • syrup (optional) - 10 ml.
  • ice cream (optional) - 200 gr.
  1. If you are making a milkshake with ice cream, remove it from the package and let it partially melt at room temperature.
  2. Place the milk carton in the refrigerator and leave for half an hour. Melt honey in the microwave and mix with milk. Combine the above ingredients with ice cream.
  3. Start processing the avocados. Only ripe fruit is used to prepare the drink. Remove the bone, scrape out the pulp with a tablespoon, and grind into porridge using a blender.
  4. Mix all ingredients, add syrup and honey. Beat with a mixer or blender at maximum speed and evaluate the result. If the cocktail is unsweetened, add more honey.
  5. Pour into glasses, don't forget to insert a straw. If you wish, you can decorate the top of the drink with coconut flakes or grated almonds.

  • honey - 55 gr.
  • milk - 550 ml.
  • ice cream (vanilla or cream) - 275 gr.
  • fresh raspberries - quantity at your discretion
  1. Melt the honey in a water bath or in the microwave, pour into the milk, stir and place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.
  2. Remove the ice cream from the package and place it in a glass bowl to let it melt. After the milk reaches a temperature of 6-8 degrees, add ice cream to it.
  3. Pour the mixture into a blender and blend until smooth. The drink should increase in size, it is at this point that you can add fresh raspberries. Turn the device back on at maximum power and chop the berries.
  4. Before drinking the cocktail, strain the mixture through a kitchen sieve or cheesecloth to remove the seeds. Pour into glasses, decorate the edge of the container with raspberries, and insert a straw.

Cocktail with currants

  • currants (black or red) - 235 gr.
  • milk - 650 ml.
  • vanilla sugar - 12 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 55 gr.
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • ice cream - 150 gr.
  1. You can use either fresh or frozen currants. In the latter case, leave the berries at room temperature to melt. Do the same with ice cream.
  2. Pour the milk into a deep container, add granulated sugar and vanillin. When the crystals have completely melted, place the milk syrup in the refrigerator and cool to 6 degrees.
  3. Mix ice cream with currants, pour in milk. Beat the chicken yolk in a blender, pour the remaining ingredients into the bowl. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous thick state.
  4. Strain the drink through a kitchen sieve and pour into glasses. Insert the tube, sprinkle with grated almonds or walnuts on top if desired.

  • milk - 525 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 15 gr.
  • ice cream - 160 gr.
  • frozen or fresh cherries - 135 gr.
  1. Place the cherries in a colander, rinse under the tap, and dry. Remove the stems and bones. If frozen berries are used, they must first be placed in the microwave on the “Defrost” mode.
  2. Place the milk in the refrigerator for half an hour. Remove the ice cream from the packaging, place it in a deep bowl and let it melt. Combine milk with ice cream in a blender glass, beat the mixture for 2 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time has passed, add the cherries and turn on the blender again. If you wish, you can use a shaker, but then the berries will be in the form of pieces (you will have to eat the cocktail with a spoon).
  4. Pour the smooth drink into glasses, garnish with a mint leaf or coconut flakes. Insert a straw and serve immediately after preparation.

Cocktail with cocoa

  • cocoa powder - 20 gr.
  • vanilla ice cream - 175 gr.
  • milk - 220 ml.
  • chocolate - 40 gr.
  1. Brew cocoa according to instructions, cool. Partially melt the vanilla ice cream at room temperature. Cool the milk in the refrigerator, mix with ice cream and cocoa.
  2. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and add to the previous mixture. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend at maximum speed for 3 minutes.
  3. Pour the finished drink into pre-chilled glasses, garnish with grated chocolate, and insert a straw. If desired, place 3 pieces on the “hat”. hazelnuts or almonds.

Banana cocktail

  • ripe banana - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 320 gr.
  • ice cream - 245 gr.
  • honey - 15 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 2 pinches
  1. Peel the banana, cut into thin slices, and grind in a blender to a porridge.
  2. Take the ice cream out of the cups or packaging, cut it into cubes, and add it to the banana.
  3. Pre-cool the milk in the refrigerator, then add honey and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into a blender with the banana and ice cream.
  4. Add 1 pinch of cinnamon, beat for 3-4 minutes, then pour into glasses and garnish with a second pinch of cinnamon. Insert straw and serve immediately.

Milkshake is one of those drinks that can be easily prepared at home. The main thing is that you have a blender or shaker; if you wish, you can use a mixer. Consider recipes based on strawberries, cocoa, cherries, bananas, currants, raspberries or avocado. Decorate the cocktail with grated nuts, add chocolate or coconut shavings. Vary the quantity as you wish, add alcohol and surprise your guests.

Video: Oreo flavored milkshake


Milk (fat content does not matter)
edible ice or ice cream
sugar or sweetener

Various variations involve the use of fruit juices and syrups, coconut milk, fresh fruit, honey, spices, grated chocolate and nut crumbs. In addition to non-alcoholic ones, there are also alcoholic versions of milkshakes that use rum, whiskey and sweet liqueurs.

The equipment you need is a blender (immersion or regular) or a mixer and a container convenient for whipping the cocktail. If you don’t have an electric blender, you can use a bartender’s shaker or a regular whisk to beat the dough. This will significantly slow down the process, but will not affect the taste.

The ingredients are mixed either according to the existing recipe or to the taste of the cook. There are several classic milkshake recipes with affordable ingredients and very quick preparation.

Banana milkshake

This drink can be an excellent replacement for regular milk that children need.


For 2 servings
1 banana
0.5 l milk
1 teaspoon sugar

How to make a banana milkshake:

    Finely chopped banana, milk, and sugar are whipped in a blender at medium speed for 2-3 minutes.

    To achieve a beautiful foam, you can beat for another 1 minute at the highest speed. The resulting cocktail is poured into glasses and can be decorated with ground cinnamon, a mint leaf, and sprinkled with vanilla or vanillin.

This drink can also be drunk as a strength booster 50-60 minutes before physical activity and sports training.

Milkshake with ice cream

This is the favorite treat of all children. In the summer, you can add raspberries, blackcurrants, blueberries or blackberries. In winter, you can use frozen berries, fruit juices or syrups to taste as a topping.


Serves 2-3
0.5 l milk
300 g ice cream (vanilla or cream tastes best)

How to make a milkshake with ice cream:

    Milk, ice cream and berries are whipped in a blender or mixer for 3-4 minutes at high speed until foam appears with large bubbles, then poured into glasses.

    The cocktail can be decorated with a berry or a special umbrella on top.

It is worth remembering that a cocktail made from milk and ice cream is very filling and is suitable as a separate dish or a snack between meals.

"Pina colada"


200 ml milk
250 ml coconut milk
250 ml pineapple juice
50-70 ml light rum
3-4 cubes of edible ice

How to make a Pina Colada cocktail:

These ingredients, including ice, are blended in a blender at high speed for 3-4 minutes. If you don’t have a blender, you can mix them with a special shaker or manually, adding ice separately to the glasses.

Coconut milk in Pina Colada can be replaced with coconut liqueur, but it is better to leave regular milk for the characteristic white color and fat content of the drink.

Milkshake is great as a healthy treat for children. Usually babies who don't like milk are happy to drink a milkshake. It is much healthier than many other sweets, as it contains a lot of calcium and other trace elements. Filling in the form of fresh fruits and berries - a portion of vitamins and microelements.

This refreshing drink is very easy to prepare. The easiest way is using a blender. It only takes about 5 minutes. The classic version involves two main ingredients - milk and ice cream. Milk is completely replaceable with other dairy products. For example, cream, yogurt, kefir. The basic version can be supplemented with various syrups, fresh or frozen berries, fruits, herbs, natural honey, and chocolate. There are a lot of options, you just have to choose according to your taste.

Of course, you shouldn’t overuse this dessert. Milkshakes are quite high in calories and contain a lot of sugar and fat. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink them often if you are overweight. In this case, I recommend drinking milk drinks 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time, cook or cocktails. Every day you can cook with a new taste. Minimum calories and won’t affect your figure :)

Cooking features

There are several secrets that will allow you to make cocktails correctly and tasty.

  • Use only chilled milk. Its temperature should be 5-6 degrees. Warm milk froths worse, and too cold milk loses its taste.
  • optimal milk fat content is 2.5%;
  • It is better to remove the ice cream from the freezer first. It should be soft;
  • First pass fruits or berries with seeds through a sieve. Then the seeds will not get into the finished drink;
  • Serve the drink immediately after preparation. Over time, it loses its airy consistency. And fruits and berries can react with milk. The use of such a product can lead to not very good consequences. This is especially true for children.
  • It is better not to give children drinks with exotic fruits; use simple recipes. You can take a banana; it usually doesn’t cause any unwanted reactions.
  • Weight watchers shouldn't give up milkshake. You can use kefir or skim milk. It will be an excellent end to the workout.

How to make a milkshake in a blender

More suitable for making milkshake. This device is convenient because it creates a large cap of bubbles and holds a large volume.

By the way, I heard that a milkshake with a banana perfectly relieves hangover symptoms. True, I haven’t personally checked it. And you? 🙂 If you only have kefir on hand, I recommend it.

With banana and ice cream

A drink with ice cream has more calories and is thicker. Per 100 grams it turns out to be 93 kcal. Children will like this option more than the previous one. It is sweeter and airier. The amount of ingredients is again up to your taste. For a glass of milk you usually take one hundred grams of ice cream and one banana.

I also recommend trying the banana coffee milkshake. You will need milk, some strong coffee, vanilla ice cream, banana and chocolate chips. As always, whisk, pour and enjoy :)

If you don’t have ice cream on hand, replace it with natural yogurt, add a banana with strawberries and a little honey. Whisk everything together and put it in the freezer. It turns out very tasty :) Especially on a hot summer day. Step by step recipe.

Milkshake with kiwi

To prepare a milkshake with kiwi, take half a liter of milk, 1 kiwi and about one hundred grams of ice cream. Peel the kiwi and place in a blender. You can cut the kiwi into several large pieces. Add ice cream and churn. Then slowly pour in the milk. Beat for a few more minutes until you reach the desired consistency.

You can use a combination of kiwi and banana, it produces a very interesting fresh taste.

With cottage cheese

For a liter of milk you need approximately 250 grams of cottage cheese, with a fat content of up to 5-9%. Almost any berries or syrups can be used as a filler. Works great with raspberries, cherries, cranberries. If you use sour berries, add sugar.

Curd cocktails are more filling, so they are good for breakfast. Add a couple of spoons of fine oatmeal and wait 2-3 minutes until it swells. You'll definitely be full before lunch. Or prepare a nutritious one.

With strawberry

For a strawberry milkshake you need 200 g of strawberries per glass of milk, a few scoops of vanilla ice cream. If the strawberries are sour, add powdered sugar. Frozen berries are also suitable. But do not forget to defrost them first so as not to damage the blender. The best decoration for this dessert would be whipped cream and strawberries.

Mmm-mm-mm... delicious. Especially in the summer, at the dacha. Detailed strawberry milkshake recipe.

Milkshake with cocoa

For 400 grams of milk, take 200 grams of ice cream, 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa powder. Add sugar or vanilla sugar to taste. Beat everything in a blender. Sprinkle with chocolate chips before serving. You can also add some berries to this drink. I love the combination with cranberries. It gives a slight sourness. Just don't add a lot of it.

With chocolate

Chocolate milkshake is one of the most popular. No wonder, everyone probably loves chocolate. For a glass of milk you will need a couple of tablespoons of vanilla ice cream and about 50 g of chocolate.

If you like the taste of chocolate, you can add more, it will be more rich. It’s better to take milk chocolate, but black is also suitable, it’s not for everyone.

To melt the chocolate, heat the milk in a saucepan and add the chocolate pieces. Stir until the chocolate pieces are completely dissolved. Then let the mixture cool and blend in a blender along with ice cream and milk.

With protein

If you are actively involved in sports, you probably use protein mixtures to lose weight or build muscle mass. This drink can be made at home.

To do this you need 200 ml of kefir, 60 grams of milk powder or a teaspoon of sugar, a spoonful of jam. The cocktail contains up to 60 grams of proteins. Sugar gives energy.

All curd milkshakes can also be classified as protein shakes. Their protein content is higher than other types of drink. If you drink protein drinks to lose weight, then this option is ideal for you.

Mint coffee cocktail

For this drink you will need 150 grams of milk, 400 grams of vanilla ice cream. Add a tablespoon of mint and half a cup of mocha. Beat everything with a blender. Pour the finished cocktail into tall glasses and garnish with grated chocolate. This is freshness itself!

I hope you liked my options on how to make a milkshake in a blender. Tell us how you make milkshakes. And do you have any favorite milkshake recipes? Don't forget to share on social networks. blog, it will be interesting. Bon appetit.

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