5 kg tomato 3 kg pepper. Lecho made from peppers and tomatoes. Bell pepper lecho with tomatoes

Pepper lecho for the winter is perhaps the brightest, most aromatic and delicious of all preparations. The bright, unique smell of vegetables combined with a rich taste makes lecho a popular type of canned food among housewives and a favorite snack among people of all ages. The secret of lecho’s popularity is that from a minimal set of seasonal vegetables you can prepare a delicious treat with excellent taste and nutritional qualities. The valuable vitamin composition of the vegetables included in this preparation is preserved during cooking with only minor errors, so pepper lecho for the winter can be considered a very healthy appetizer and highly recommended for preparation.

The choice of quality vegetables, as you might guess, is the most important point in preparing lecho. The main ingredients here are bell peppers and tomatoes, so they should be ripe (but not overripe), sweet and meaty. It is better to take red tomatoes, since lecho made with pink fruits will not have the characteristic bright color that causes appetite. Also choose brightly colored peppers and be sure to be thick-walled, dense, crispy and aromatic. In principle, the color of bell pepper can be any, but it is best if the pepper is red - it is the sweetest and richest in taste, and lecho with it looks extremely appetizing. Lecho may also contain onions, carrots, hot chili peppers, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, rice, beans and greens. All these ingredients make lecho so different and unique, and the variations in its preparation are truly limitless.

There is no strictly defined recipe for pepper lecho for the winter, and, thanks to numerous experiments by housewives, countless ways of preparing lecho for the winter have already accumulated. The principle of preparing lecho usually comes down to the following - tomatoes crushed using a meat grinder or blender are boiled together with chopped peppers and other vegetables, if the recipe requires this, table vinegar is added at the end of cooking, after which the lecho is put into jars. Peppers for lecho are usually cut into strips, cubes or half rings with a thickness of 1 to 2 cm. There is no need to chop, otherwise the vegetables will boil and will not have a distinct taste. It is best to adjust the addition of salt, sugar and spices to your taste. The degree of sweetness, spiciness and acidity of lecho is regulated using the main ingredients. So, carrots and sugar add sweetness to the preparation, hot peppers and garlic give it a spicy note, tomatoes and vinegar add sour notes.

Pieces of sweet bell pepper in a sweet-spicy tomato sauce are a great appetizer, an independent side dish and an excellent addition to meat, poultry, fish or potatoes. In addition, pepper lecho for the winter can act as a dressing for borscht or a component of sandwiches. With its minimalist composition, lecho turns out incredibly tasty and satisfying. Well, are you inspired? Then let's not waste time!

1.5 kg tomatoes,
1 kg bell pepper,
2 medium onions,
150 ml vegetable oil,
100 g sugar,
2 tablespoons of salt (without a slide),
50 ml 9% vinegar.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into strips. Cut the onion into half rings. Cut the tomatoes into slices and chop using a meat grinder or blender. Heat vegetable oil in a deep saucepan. Add onion and cook until softened, 3 to 4 minutes. Add crushed tomatoes, sugar and salt. Stir, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. Add bell pepper, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 15 minutes, stirring the lecho 2-3 times during this time. Add vinegar and simmer for another 4-5 minutes. Place the peppers in sterilized jars so that they fill about two-thirds of the volume, and fill to the top with tomato sauce. Cover the jars with sterilized lids and let cool.

Pepper lecho with tomatoes and basil

2 kg tomatoes,
1 kg bell pepper,
1 large onion,
1 head of garlic,
1 pod of hot pepper,
1/2 bunch of basil,
100 g sugar,
20 g salt,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
2 tablespoons 6% vinegar,

Chop the tomatoes and grind together with the basil in a blender until pureed. Rub the resulting puree through a fine sieve. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Add onion cut into half rings and bell pepper cut into long slices. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then add sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil and black pepper. Stir and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Place the lecho in sterilized jars, making sure that the tomato juice is poured to the very top. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and, wrapping them in a blanket, let them cool.

Pepper lecho with tomatoes and carrots

1.8 kg tomatoes,
1 kg bell pepper,
500 g carrots,
9 black peppercorns
6 peas of allspice,
6 buds of cloves,
5 tablespoons vegetable oil,
3 tablespoons sugar,
1 tablespoon salt,
1 teaspoon 70% vinegar.

Pass the chopped tomatoes through a meat grinder or puree using a blender. Pour the tomato juice into a saucepan, let it boil and cook for 15 minutes. While the juice is boiling, cut the bell pepper into long strips about 5 mm thick, and the carrots into circles, semi-circles or cubes. Add vegetables along with vegetable oil, sugar and salt to the tomato mass. Stir and cook over medium heat for 35-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Place spices in sterilized jars, and then lecho. Pour vinegar onto the lids and roll up the jars.

Homemade pepper lecho for the winter

For 4 cans of 0.5 l:
1 kg bell pepper,
1 kg of tomatoes,
4 onions,
1 large head of garlic,
1 bunch of parsley,
100 ml vegetable oil,
3 tablespoons of sugar (heaped),
1 tablespoon of salt (heaped),
2 tablespoons 9% vinegar,
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper.

Make a cross-shaped cut on the skin of the tomatoes. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove the skins. Cut the tomatoes into pieces, the onion into half rings, the bell pepper into slices, chop the garlic and parsley. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add onion and fry for 3-4 minutes until soft. Add tomatoes, bell pepper, salt, sugar and black pepper. Stir and simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring the lecho from time to time. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add garlic and parsley. Pour in the vinegar and cook for another 5 minutes, then pour the lecho into sterilized jars and roll up with sterilized lids. Turn the jars upside down and let cool under a blanket.

Lecho from bell peppers and eggplants for the winter

For 4 700 ml jars:
2 kg bell pepper,
2 kg eggplants,
3 kg tomatoes,
500 g onions,
1 head of garlic (optional)
300 ml vegetable oil,
80-100 g sugar,
80-100 ml 9% vinegar,
salt to taste.

Remove the skin from the eggplants if desired and cut the vegetables into cubes. Add salt and leave for a while to release the bitterness, after which the eggplants should be squeezed out. Cut the bell pepper into strips, the onion into cubes or half rings. Grind the tomatoes using a blender or meat grinder. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry the onion until it turns slightly golden. Add bell pepper, stir and simmer for 5-8 minutes. Add eggplant and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add the tomato mass, mix well and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add sugar, pressed garlic (if used), pour in vinegar and salt the lecho to taste. Place the hot lecho into jars and roll up. Cover with a blanket and let cool.

Pepper lecho with rice for the winter

500 g bell pepper,
500 g tomatoes,
1 large onion,
1 large carrot,
100 g rice,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
50 ml vegetable oil,
30 g sugar,
30 ml 9% vinegar,
10 g salt,
spices to taste.

Puree the tomatoes using a meat grinder or blender. Place the tomato mixture into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add diced onion, coarsely grated carrots and chopped bell pepper. Add rice, stir, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 40 to 50 minutes, until rice and vegetables are cooked. The lecho should be stirred periodically, removing the mass from the walls of the pan. 5 minutes before readiness, add chopped garlic, sugar and salt. Mix. Pour in the vinegar, stir, remove the lecho from the heat and place in sterilized jars. Seal the jars hermetically and, wrap them in a blanket, cool.

Enjoy the wonderful taste of aromatic spicy pepper lecho for the winter by putting our recipes into practice. Happy preparations!

Sweet bell pepper is a welcome guest in central Russia, and housewives actively use it in preparing various dishes. This vegetable is especially good for pickling and inclusion in various preparations for the winter. Together with tomatoes, peppers make up a chic duo called lecho.

This dish of Hungarian cuisine is very widespread. It is popular in almost all European countries. It is served as an independent dish, or used as a side dish for fried pork or sausages. It can also serve as a lecho as an independent dish. In this case, you need to eat it with white bread.

This selection presents a wide variety of lecho options, sometimes including the most unexpected ingredients, but always demonstrating amazing taste.

Lecho from bell peppers, onions, carrots for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe

In Russia, lecho is a popular preparation for the winter, but even in its fresh (hot) form it is very tasty and will allow you to diversify your usual side dishes. This lecho recipe is the simplest, it requires the least amount of labor and time from you.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Sweet pepper: 400 g
  • Carrots: 150 g
  • Onion: 1 large
  • Tomato juice: 700 ml
  • Salt pepper:

Cooking instructions

    Wash and clean the sweet peppers. We cut it in half lengthwise, cut out all the veins with seeds, and remove the tail.

    It is convenient to cook lecho in a frying pan with sides or in a saucepan. First we put pieces of sweet pepper into it. Fry them very quickly over high heat. Exactly until dark traces appear in some places.

    Now reduce the heat as much as possible and fill the pepper with tomato juice. You can use fresh tomatoes instead. (You need to grind them first.) Cover the lecho with a lid and prepare the next ingredient.

    Peeled carrots should be chopped. The option with cubes is suitable.

    Place the carrot cubes in the pan with the peppers.

    Next we'll deal with the onions. We also turn it into small cubes. Pour into the frying pan where the lecho is stewed.

    For spices, be sure to add bay leaf, basil, thyme, and black pepper.

  1. The lecho will reach its full readiness in 15-30 minutes (look at the pepper - it should become soft and completely cooked). Now you can serve it on the table.

    If your family appreciates the taste of this simple lecho, then let’s start canning. Everything is very simple - we cook in the same way, but in larger quantities (keeping the proportions), sterilize the jars and lids, roll them up and put them in a dark, cool place. A very simple winter treatment is ready!

Pepper and tomato lecho recipe

The rating of the most delicious recipes begins with a simple lecho, including a duet of bell peppers and tomatoes. This recipe is suitable for a novice housewife who is starting to prepare for the winter for the first time. This recipe is also good for a family that still lives quite frugally.


  • Bell pepper, already peeled from tails and seeds - 2 kg.
  • Ripe and juicy tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – ½ tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil (refined) – ½ tbsp.
  • Vinegar – 3 tbsp. l. at a concentration of 9%.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before cooking, wash vegetables, trim off the stems and remove the seeds.
  2. Pass the tomatoes through the middle grill of a meat grinder or use a more modern and faster device - a blender.
  3. Cut the sweet peppers in the classic way - into narrow strips (cut each into 6-8 pieces).
  4. Mix the resulting tomato mass with salt and sugar. Fill with oil. Heat until boiling.
  5. Place pepper pieces into boiling tomato sauce. Cook for half an hour. Pour in vinegar.
  6. All that remains is to pour the lecho into hot (already sterilized) jars and seal with the same sterilized metal lids.
  7. Additionally, cover with a warm blanket, rug or at least an old coat at night.

It’s good to open a jar of delicious, mouth-watering lecho in the cold winter - your soul immediately becomes warmer!

Lecho made from bell pepper and tomato paste - preparation for the winter

The following recipe is also intended for beginners and lazy housewives. According to him, instead of ripe tomatoes, you need to use tomato paste, which will reduce the cooking time of the roll by half.


  • Bell pepper – 1 kg.
  • Tomato paste – ½ can (250 gr.).
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide.
  • Vegetable oil – ½ tbsp.
  • Vinegar – 50 ml (9%).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pre-sterilize the jars; you can keep them on a special stand with a hole over boiling water. Can be sterilized in the oven.
  2. Prepare the peppers for rolling - peel and rinse. You can choose to cut into strips, slices or bars.
  3. Mix tomato paste with water, add salt and sugar. Pour in the oil. Put the marinade on fire. Keep on fire until boiling.
  4. Place chopped peppers into the marinade. Boil for 20 minutes. Vinegar line. Boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. You can start laying out the lecho in jars, trying to first distribute the pepper evenly and then add marinade.
  6. Seal with lids (metal). Additional sterilization is encouraged.

This pepper is very tasty, the pieces retain their integrity, the marinade can be used to season borscht or prepare sauces.

How to prepare lecho for the winter “You’ll lick your fingers”

The more ingredients included in lecho, the more varied the taste characteristics are. The main roles are always played by peppers and tomatoes (fresh or in paste form). The vegetables included in the following recipe provide an excellent accompaniment/dancer. The taste of this lecho will truly be finger-licking good.


  • Sweet bell pepper – 1 kg.
  • Carrots – 0.4 kg.
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves.
  • Onions – 3-4 pcs. (large).
  • Tomato paste – 0.5 l.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar – 50 ml. (9%).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First, you will have to work hard to prepare the vegetables for cooking (it’s good that there is no fuss with tomatoes). Wash everything, peel the carrots, remove the seeds from the peppers, cut out the stalk. Peel the onion and garlic. Rinse all vegetables again.
  2. You can start slicing. Pepper - in strips, garlic - in small cubes, onion - in half rings, carrots - on a coarse grater. While all the vegetables are placed in different containers, it is more convenient to add them to the lecho.
  3. You will need a large cauldron (pan with thick walls). Pour oil into it and heat it on fire.
  4. Add onion and reduce heat. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add carrots and continue simmering for 10 minutes.
  6. Mix tomato paste with boiling water. Add salt and sugar. Stir until dissolved.
  7. Place the pepper in a cauldron and pour in the tomato sauce. Make the fire low. Simmer for 30 to 40 minutes.
  8. Pour in the vinegar and let sit until the lecho boils again.
  9. Place the peppers in jars and pour in tomato sauce. Roll up the lids, which must be sterilized in advance.

This lecho is an excellent substitute for a second course, helping the housewife feed her family nourishingly, tastyly and beneficially for the body!

Recipe for winter lecho from zucchini

Sweet peppers are the main characters of lecho, but nowadays you can find recipes where guests from Bulgaria compete with their local vegetables (usually with a large harvest), for example, zucchini. The total volume of the workpiece increases several times, and the pleasant taste of pepper is preserved.


  • Young zucchini – 3 kg.
  • Tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Sweet pepper – 0.5 kg.
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Onion – 0.5 kg.
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. (or a little more).
  • Vinegar – 100 ml (9%).
  • Ground hot black pepper.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The process of preparing lecho according to this recipe also begins with preparing the vegetables. Everything is traditional, peel and rinse the vegetables under running water. If the zucchini is young, you don’t have to cut off the skin. Well-ripened zucchini requires removal of the skin and core with seeds.
  2. Cut the zucchini and onion into cubes, the former larger, the latter smaller. Cut the bell pepper into strips. Grate the carrots. Grind the tomatoes using a food processor/blender as assistants or, as a last resort, using a meat grinder.
  3. It is recommended to lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, and then add the remaining vegetables and raw tomato puree.
  4. Add salt and sugar to the vegetable mixture. Simmer the assorted mixture over low heat. Extinguishing time – 40 minutes. It is recommended to stir repeatedly, as the lecho may burn.
  5. Pour in the vinegar a few minutes before the end of the stewing process. Glass containers and metal lids will have already been sterilized by this time.
  6. All that remains is to quickly put the aromatic and healthy lecho with zucchini into jars. Seal and wrap additionally.

It turns out that zucchini can become one of the main ingredients of lecho, displacing the Bulgarian “guests”!

Original cucumber lecho for the winter

Sometimes a large harvest of cucumbers plunges the owners into shock; what to do with them, how to prepare them for the winter? Especially if the cellar is already filled with jars of your favorite salted and pickled beauties. The following recipe helps solve this problem by making a not entirely traditional lecho. Cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers perform almost equally in it, creating an original composition.


  • Tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Fresh cucumbers – 2.5 kg.
  • Sweet pepper – 8 pcs. (large size).
  • Onions – 4-5 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2 heads.
  • Vegetable oil – 2/3 tbsp.
  • Vinegar (9%) – 60 ml.
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 2.5 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends of each, and cut into circles.
  2. Peel the pepper, onion and garlic, rinse. Cut the onion into rings.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems.
  4. Place tomatoes, garlic cloves, and peppers in a meat grinder.
  5. Pour the aromatic vegetable sauce into a cooking pot. Add sugar, salt and oil. Boil.
  6. Place cucumber slices and onion rings into the boiling sauce. Bring to a boil again. Leave for 7-10 minutes. Add vinegar.
  7. Prepare the jars - wash and sterilize. Sterilize the lids in boiling water.
  8. After pouring in the vinegar, let stand for 2 minutes and pour into jars. Additional sterilization is required.

Crispy cucumber slices and the amazing aroma of pepper, together they are power!

Delicious eggplant lecho

Bell peppers usually appear on the markets not alone, but in company with the same southern guests - eggplants. This means that they can perform together in various games. The following recipe will show that lecho with blueberries is healthy and incredibly tasty.


  • Pepper – 0.5 kg.
  • Eggplants – 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – ½ tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar essence – 1 tsp.
  • Hot pepper – 2 pods.
  • Garlic – 1-2 heads.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stage one - preparing vegetables: peel, remove seeds from peppers, trim stalks. Rinse vegetables in plenty of water.
  2. Stage two – chopping vegetables. There are different methods: tomatoes through a meat grinder or blender. Peppers (both sweet and hot) - in strips, eggplants - in bars, garlic - just chop.
  3. Stage three – cooking lecho. Mix the ground tomatoes with butter, sugar and salt and boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Add both types of pepper to the marinade. Stand for another 2 minutes.
  5. Transfer the eggplant bars and chopped garlic to the future lecho. Now cook for 20 minutes.
  6. At the end, add washed and chopped dill, as well as vinegar essence.
  7. Since this lecho is traditionally prepared in large volumes, it needs to be sealed in sterilized jars and rolled up. Store refrigerated.

Lecho, like no other product, reminds a snow-white winter of a hot summer full of colors.

Cooking lecho for the winter with garlic - aromatic and very tasty preparation

Sweet pepper has a pronounced taste; it tastes good in any dish. But there are gifts from the garden that are ready to compete, for example, garlic. If you combine them together, you get the most aromatic vegetable preparation for the winter.


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Red sweet pepper – 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1-2 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparing the garlic will take the most time; you need to remove the husks, peel each clove and rinse everything together.
  2. It’s easier with tomatoes: wash them, cut out the stem. Do the same with sweet peppers, only remove the seeds.
  3. Crush the garlic. Cut the pepper into strips. Divide the tomatoes in half, cut one part into fairly thin strips, the second into large slices.
  4. Mix finely chopped tomatoes with sweet pepper and garlic. Place on fire (very low). Cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Add the rest of the tomatoes, sugar, and salt to the aromatic vegetable mixture. Stirring constantly, cook for half an hour.
  6. Transfer the hot lecho with garlic into hot (already sterilized) jars. Roll up, wrap up.

In winter, open a jar and start tasting lecho, in which the subtle aroma of pepper is mixed with the equally delicious aroma of garlic.

Delicious recipe for lecho with rice for the winter

Many modern women skillfully combine work and housekeeping; preparing for the winter also provides great assistance in this. For example, lecho with rice becomes a full-fledged second course, it no longer requires additional steps, and is good when served cold. If you heat it in the oven or microwave, you get a wonderful vegetable stew with rice.


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 0.5 kg.
  • Onions – 0.5 kg.
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Rice – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Allspice.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Rice in lecho according to this recipe is not put in its raw form. First, the cereal must be thoroughly washed. Then pour boiling water over it. Cover tightly with a lid and an additional terry towel.
  2. Prepare vegetables. Wash the tomatoes and blanch for a few minutes. Remove the skin, chop finely or pass through a blender. Cook the tomato puree for half an hour (stir it, as it tends to burn).
  3. While the tomato puree is cooking, you can prepare the remaining vegetables. Peel and rinse onions. Cut in half, then cut each half into half rings.
  4. Peel the carrots and wash with a brush. Grate.
  5. Cut the peppers, cut out the stem of each, remove the seeds, rinse. Cut into slices.
  6. Place vegetables (onions, carrots, peppers) in tomato puree and cook for half an hour.
  7. Drain the water from the rice and add the cereal to the aromatic vegetable mixture. Put salt, sugar, allspice (ground) pepper here, and pour in oil. Cook for half an hour.
  8. Place the lecho into hot, already sterilized jars and seal. There is no need to additionally sterilize in boiling water, although covering it with an old blanket will not hurt.

Even the youngest member of the family, with the help of a jar of such lecho, will be able to provide himself with a full lunch or dinner in the absence of the main housewife.

Lecho with beans for the winter

Another good partner for lecho is beans. White beans look especially amazing against the backdrop of red peppers and the same red tomato sauce. And the product yield is greater than when cooking lecho using traditional technology.


  • Tomatoes – 3.5 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 2 kg.
  • Beans – 0.5 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oil – 1 tbsp. (vegetable).
  • Vinegar – 2-4 tbsp. l. at 9% concentration.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The most important thing is to prepare the beans first because they take a long time to cook. It's best to soak it overnight. The next day, cook (60 minutes is enough).
  2. Grind clean, stemless tomatoes through a meat grinder along with hot pepper. Ideally, blanch the tomatoes first and remove the skin.
  3. Place the tomato mass on the fire, adding salt and sugar. Cook for 20 minutes, during which time prepare the pepper.
  4. Wash, remove the stalk, remove the seeds through the hole. Cut into rings.
  5. Simmer the tomato puree with pepper for 10 minutes.
  6. Add beans and continue simmering for another 10 minutes.
  7. Pour in the vinegar and quickly move on to the process of putting it into sterilized jars. Seal them with metal lids.

In winter, each such jar will be greeted with loud cries of “hurray”, and a skillful housewife with applause!

A simple recipe for winter treatment without sterilization

Nobody likes additional sterilization, because at any moment the jar can crack, and the tasty, aromatic contents have to be thrown away. In the following recipe, you just need to boil the lecho and seal it, this is what tempts many beginners and even experienced housewives.


  • Tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Pepper – 1 kg (sweet, large).
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Onions – 4 pcs.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l. (no slide).
  • Sugar – 4-5 tbsp. l. (with a slide)

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut the peeled and washed onion into half rings.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, without the stalk, cut into cubes (large).
  3. Wash the pepper, without seeds and stems, cut into strips.
  4. Peeled and washed carrots must be grated (middle holes on a grater).
  5. Place the vegetables together and cook over low heat.
  6. After half an hour, add salt. Pour in the oil. Add sugar. Cook for 10 minutes.
  7. Sterilize glass containers (0.5 liters) over steam, sterilize lids in boiling water.
  8. Unfold and seal.

Recipe for winter lecho without vinegar

Almost all vegetable salads that are prepared for the winter contain vinegar. But the following recipe is special - it is intended for those who cannot stand the smell of vinegar, but dream of lecho. In addition, such a dish can be safely included in the diet of the younger generation.


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg (preferably meaty).
  • Bell pepper – 1 kg.
  • Coarse salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide.
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Greenery.
  • Garlic.
  • Spices and seasonings.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the vegetables, remove the stems, and remove the seeds from the peppers.
  2. Divide the tomatoes in half, cut some finely, and the other into large slices. Cut the peppers as desired.
  3. Mix pepper pieces with finely chopped tomatoes. Send to stew.
  4. After 15 minutes, put the second part of the tomatoes into the lecho.
  5. After another 15 minutes, add aromatic herbs, seasonings, herbs, salt, garlic (finely chopped), sugar. Leave on fire for 5 minutes.
  6. Prepare jars, preferably half-liter jars. Sterilize and let dry.
  7. Spread the lecho hot. Roll up.

This lecho does not contain vinegar and is well stored in the cellar (refrigerator).

Green lecho for the winter

Traditionally, when hearing the word “lecho,” everyone imagines a jar with fiery red contents. This next recipe may be quite surprising because it uses red tomatoes and green bell peppers, but the combination is even more colorful than the usual recipe. At the same time, this lecho tastes amazing.


  • Green bell pepper – 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes – 1 kg.
  • Onions – 3 pcs. small size.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Chili (pepper) – 1 pc. (spicy lovers can take more).
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – ½ tbsp.
  • Vinegar (9%) – 3-4 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare raw tomato puree, that is, wash the tomatoes, trim the stem, and chop (help: blender or meat grinder).
  2. Send the prepared green pepper here, wash it first, trim the stalk, remove the seeds. Cut into strips.
  3. Wash the chili pepper without the stalk, chop it, and add it to the tomatoes and bell pepper.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes. Pour in the oil, add finely chopped onions, grated carrots, salt and sugar.
  5. Cook for 20 minutes. Pour in vinegar.
  6. Almost immediately you can put it in sterilized jars.

Fast, tasty, beautiful and preserving vitamins!

How to easily cook lecho in a slow cooker

In recent years, the process of preparing vegetables for the winter has become easier and easier, with household appliances coming to the rescue - blenders, food processors. Another important assistant is a multicooker, which will do an excellent job of preparing lecho.


  • Bell pepper – 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes – 1.5 kg.
  • Salt – 4 tsp.
  • Sugar – 6 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – ½ tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Peppercorns – 10 pcs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the pepper, cut in half, remove the stem and seeds. Cut each half into several more pieces.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, trim the stem. Blanch in boiling water. Remove the skin (it comes off easily after blanching). Grind the tomatoes into puree using a blender.
  3. Place peppers in a slow cooker and add tomato puree. Add the rest of the ingredients here, except vinegar. Simmer for 40 minutes ("Stew" mode).
  4. Add vinegar, let stand for 5 minutes. Can be placed in sterilized containers (ideally half a liter).
  5. Cork. Once completely cooled, store in a cool place.

All we have to do is wait for the snow-white winter to open a jar of bright red lecho, remember the summer and say “thank you” to the multicooker!

As you can see from the recipes given, you can add almost all vegetables growing in the country or in the garden to lecho. But there are two main ingredients - tomatoes and peppers.

Tomatoes should be very ripe and fleshy. It is recommended to either finely chop or puree using a blender.

You can first blanch the tomatoes and remove the skin, this will make the lecho tastier. Some recipes suggest dividing the tomatoes in half, making puree from one half, and leaving the other half in pieces.

Almost all recipes suggest not to carry out additional sterilization. Simply boil, place in sterilized jars and seal immediately.

Most recipes contain vinegar, some contain vinegar essence. With the latter, you need to exercise extreme caution, remembering the high concentration of the product. Some recipes suggest doing without vinegar.

In general, the duet of tomatoes and peppers in lecho is wonderful, but everyone certainly remembers: in life there is always a place for heroic deeds, and in the kitchen for a culinary experiment!

We look forward to your comments and ratings - this is very important to us!

Honey treatment.


  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 100 g onions
  • 500 ml tomato juice
  • 20 ml 9% vinegar
  • 80-90 g honey
  • 40 ml vegetable oil

Cooking method:

To prepare lecho for the winter according to this recipe, you need to combine tomato juice, vegetable oil, honey, salt, and bring to a boil. Remove seeds from pepper and cut into 6-8 pieces. Cut the onion into half rings. Place vegetables in boiling tomato and simmer for 10 minutes. Then use a slotted spoon to place the vegetables into sterilized jars and pour boiling tomatoes over them. Immediately roll up the jars, turn them over and wrap them until they cool.

Lecho is traditional.


  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 800 g tomatoes
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 40 g sugar
  • 15-20 g salt
  • 15 ml 9% vinegar

Cooking method:

Before preparing lecho, you need to mince the tomatoes, add oil, salt, sugar, and bring to a boil. Place the pepper, cut into slices, into the boiling tomato and simmer covered for 20-25 minutes. Pour in vinegar. Homemade lecho prepared according to this recipe should be placed in sterilized jars, rolled up, turned over and wrapped until it cools.





  • 2.5 kg bell pepper
  • 1 kg onions
  • 1 liter tomato juice
  • 15 ml vegetable oil
  • 10-15 g sugar
  • 30 g salt
  • 50 ml 9% vinegar

Cooking method:

For this simple lecho recipe, you need to add salt, sugar, vegetable oil to tomato juice, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Cut the bell pepper into 6-8 pieces, cut the onion into half rings. Place vegetables in boiling tomato juice and simmer for 20 minutes. Pour in vinegar, stir, simmer for 5-7 minutes. Place hot lecho in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.






  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 100 g carrots
  • 100 g onions
  • 75 g sugar
  • 20 g salt
  • 70 ml vegetable oil
  • 70 ml 9% vinegar
  • allspice and black peppercorns to taste

Cooking method:

Cut the pepper into 4-6 parts. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots. Grind the tomatoes using a blender and bring the mixture to a boil. Place carrots in the tomato mixture and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Add onion, bell pepper, butter, sugar, salt and spices, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Pour in vinegar and remove from heat. Place hot lecho, prepared at home, into sterilized jars, roll up, and wrap until cool.


  • 3 kg bell pepper
  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 1 kg onions
  • 50-70 g garlic
  • 20 g fresh hot pepper
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 30 ml 9% vinegar
  • 150 g sugar
  • 60 g salt

Cooking method:

Scald the tomatoes and remove the skin. Remove seeds from hot peppers. Pass the tomatoes, hot peppers and onions through a meat grinder and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and stalks, cut into large strips, and place in the boiling tomato mixture. Add chopped garlic, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar, simmer over moderate heat for 20-30 minutes, stirring from time to time. Place hot lecho into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.


  • 2.5 kg tomatoes
  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 100 -150 g onions
  • 30 g garlic
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • 50 -70 g sugar
  • 30 - 40 g salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ground red and allspice to taste

Cooking method:

To prepare this homemade lecho, you need to chop the tomatoes, simmer under the lid until soft, then rub through a sieve and simmer a little over low heat. Peel the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds, cut into strips. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Place onion and pepper in tomato, add salt, sugar and spices, simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. Add the garlic and lemon juice passed through a press, bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Place hot lecho into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.

Look at the photos for the lecho recipes presented above:

Lecho with onions.


  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 500 g onions
  • 15 g garlic
  • 70 ml vegetable oil
  • 20 ml 9% vinegar
  • 30 g salt
  • 50 g sugar
  • 1 bay leaf
  • black and allspice to taste

Cooking method:

Cut the pepper into strips, the onion into half rings. Grind the tomatoes and garlic using a meat grinder or blender. Combine all vegetables, add spices, salt, sugar, butter and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 30-40 minutes. Pour in vinegar, stir, remove from heat. Hot homemade lecho prepared for the winter should be placed in sterilized jars, rolled up, and wrapped until it cools.

Lecho made from fresh pepper without tomato.


  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 20 g sugar
  • 20 g salt
  • 20 ml vegetable oil
  • 20 ml 9% vinegar
  • ground black and allspice to taste

Cooking method:

Before preparing lecho at home, the pepper must be thoroughly washed, peeled, and cut into strips. Add the remaining ingredients, mix, leave for 1 -1.5 hours. Stir from time to time. Then place the peppers in sterilized jars, sealing with a spoon. Pour in the separated marinade. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars for 7-10 minutes, 1 liter jars for 15-20 minutes. Roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.


  • 2.5 kg tomatoes
  • 1.5 kg bell pepper
  • 1 kg carrots
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g salt
  • garlic to taste

Cooking method:

For this simple recipe for winter lecho, tomatoes and carrots need to be minced, add vegetable oil and simmer over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Cut the bell pepper into large strips, place in the tomato mass, add salt, sugar, pressed garlic, simmer for 15-20 minutes. Place hot lecho into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.


  • 2.5 kg tomatoes
  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 20 - 30 g garlic
  • 20 -30 g salt
  • 100 -150 g sugar
  • 2-3 g of ground black
  • allspice and hot pepper
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method:

Chop the tomatoes, place in a saucepan, add salt, sugar, and simmer lightly over moderate heat. Cut the bell pepper into large cubes, place in the boiling tomato mixture, and simmer for 15 minutes. Add spices, chopped garlic, simmer for another 20 minutes, stirring from time to time. Remove bay leaf. Place hot homemade lecho into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.


  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 1.5 kg bell pepper
  • 1 kg zucchini
  • 500 g onions
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 40 ml 9% vinegar
  • 100 g sugar
  • 60 g salt

Cooking method:

Before preparing lecho for the winter, you need to chop the tomatoes using a blender or meat grinder, add vegetable oil, and bring to a boil. Remove seeds and stems from the pepper and cut into strips. Cut the zucchini into the same strips. Shred the bunch. Place vegetables in boiling tomato, add salt, sugar, simmer for 15 minutes. Pour in vinegar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Place the hot lecho into sterilized jars. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars for 15 minutes, 1 liter jars for 20 minutes. Then roll up and let cool.

Here you can see another selection of photos for winter lecho recipes:

It’s not at all difficult to prepare delicious preparations for the winter, especially considering that nowadays all recipes can be found on the Internet. One of the most favorite preservation options in our family is lecho. There are a lot of lecho recipes; they prepare it from a wide variety of vegetables, making it sweet, hot, spicy.

Today I suggest you prepare a simple version of lecho without carrots and onions. I often use this lecho for making sauces and gravy; it is also delicious to add when cooking borscht or soup, or preparing stews.

For the recipe, prepare all the products according to the list. Choose bell peppers that are fleshy and have thick walls. Any tomatoes will do, but it is better if they are juicy and sweetish.

Wash all the tomatoes and dry them, then cut out the place where the stalk grows. Cut the tomatoes into slices. You can first remove the skin from the tomatoes.

Prepare the blender bowl. If you don’t have one, a regular meat grinder will do.

Grind the tomatoes until smooth using the highest power blender.

Cut the sweet pepper in half, then cut out the seed box everywhere, cut off the fleshy light partitions. Rinse the peppers and cut into strips; you can also use large slices of peppers or even leave them in halves.

Prepare a pan for cooking lecho. Pour the pepper into the pan and pour over the tomato.

Add salt and granulated sugar to the vegetables.

Pour a portion of vegetable oil into the pan. Cook the lecho for 40 minutes over low heat.

At the end of cooking, add finely grated garlic to the pan.

Pour in a portion of vinegar and stir, bring the lecho to a boil and remove from heat.

Pack the finished lecho into sterile jars.

Immediately place the lids on the necks of the jars and screw tightly. Turn the workpiece upside down and wrap it in a blanket, leave it alone for a day. After a while, transfer the lecho without carrots and onions to the cellar or pantry.

Bon appetit!

In many families, preserving a variety of vegetable snacks for the winter has remained a common practice since the times of the Soviet Union. Housewives especially like to prepare lecho. The classic version is easy to cook and doesn’t take long. Tomato paste, juice or fresh tomatoes themselves are used as a base. The second required ingredient is sweet bell pepper, cut into fairly large pieces or strips. But the attractiveness of this appetizing and bright preparation lies in the fact that it can be prepared according to different recipes: with onions, eggplants, carrots and other auxiliary ingredients. In any case, the salad turns out so delicious that you will simply lick your fingers!

How to cook lecho from tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots

The proposed recipe allows you to prepare a salad of peppers, tomatoes and carrots. This option without sterilization will certainly appeal to housewives for whom every minute counts, while the taste of the finished lecho is rich and bright.

Cooking time – 1 hour.Number of servings – 1.

On a note! This is one serving, but the yield is 3 liters.


To prepare this salad you need the following products:

  • sweet bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • onion – 350 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • refined vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • carrots – 350 g;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 130 g.

Note! If you use 9% vinegar, you will need 100 ml of product. As for the indicated proportions of vegetables, these figures assume already peeled fruits, and tomatoes in a rolled form.

Cooking method

To implement this simple recipe for making homemade lecho from bell peppers and tomatoes for the winter, you need to follow the suggested instructions step by step with photos. Then everything will work out in the best possible way.

  1. Prepare the tomatoes. Wash the vegetables and cut into small pieces, cutting off anything unnecessary at the same time. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder.

  1. Pour refined vegetable oil into the tomato mass.

  1. Add sugar. Add salt.

  1. Pour in vinegar. Send to moderate heat. From the moment it boils, cook for 5 minutes with systematic stirring.

  1. Meanwhile, prepare other vegetables. Peel the carrots and grate on a medium grater. Remove the skins from the onion. Cut into quarters of rings.

  1. Wash the sweet bell pepper. Remove seeds and partitions from inside. Cut into pieces or strips.

  1. Add the grated carrots to the tomato mixture. Cook for 15 minutes.

  1. Add pieces of sweet bell pepper. Add onion to mixture. Mix. Cook for half an hour.

  1. All that remains is to spread the finished lecho from tomatoes, sweet peppers and carrots into clean jars and roll them up with sterilized lids. Send for storage.

All is ready! There is no need to sterilize the workpiece.

Cooking with eggplants

Here is another option for preparing lecho with tomatoes and peppers for the winter. The eggplant recipe will be the perfect complement to meat dishes.

Number of servings – 1.

On a note! The finished product yield is about 4 liters of salad.


We need:

  • onion – 10 heads;
  • medium-sized tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • garlic – 7-8 pcs.;
  • eggplants – 10 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • sweet bell pepper (different colors) – 10 pcs.;
  • allspice – 5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l. without a “slide”;
  • peppercorns – 8 pcs.

Cooking method

You don’t know how to prepare lecho salad for the winter from tomatoes and bell peppers? Then make an eggplant appetizer for future use using a simple recipe. It's fantastic delicious!

  1. Prepare the necessary components according to the list.

  1. Wash the tomatoes. Cut them into pieces, cut out bad spots and stems.

  1. Grind the tomatoes in a blender or using a regular meat grinder.

  1. Prepare the eggplants. Wash the blue ones and cut into slices. Rinse bell peppers. Cut out the stem. Remove seeds and membranes. Cut into large pieces.

  1. Peel the onion. Cut it into not too small slices. Remove the peel from the garlic. Cut the slices into large pieces.

  1. Take an aluminum basin for cooking lecho. Pour refined vegetable oil into it. Place onions, peppers and eggplants in a bowl. Mix everything a little.

  1. Pour the tomato mixture into the vegetable mix. Mix.

  1. Add salt. Break the bay leaf and send it here. Add granulated sugar. Add a few peas of allspice and plain black pepper to the mixture. Mix everything again.

  1. Send the preparation for lecho to moderate heat. Simmer for half an hour with the lid closed.

On a note! About 5-6 minutes before the end of cooking, add garlic to the appetizer and pour in vinegar.

  1. Place the salad in pre-sterilized jars. Roll up the prepared lids in the same way.

Treatment for the winter - the easiest option

Even a novice cook can prepare the proposed winter snack option.

Cooking time – 1 hour.Number of servings – 1.


Here's what we need:

  • sweet pepper – 2.5 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes – 3.5 kg;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Note! If you take 3 kg of tomatoes, then calculate the amount of other ingredients in accordance with the indicated proportions.

Cooking method

This recipe for preparing lecho for the winter is rightfully considered the simplest and easiest, since it is based only on tomatoes and sweet bell peppers. But the salad turns out deliciously appetizing - you'll just lick your fingers!

  1. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly. Cut off spoiled and rotten areas. Cut into pieces, then grind them in a meat grinder. Pour the tomato mixture into a saucepan. Place on fire and wait until it boils.

  1. At this time, rinse the pepper well. Remove stalks, seeds and partitions. Cut into medium sized pieces.

  1. As soon as the tomato mass begins to boil, remove the foam from its surface. Add sugar and salt. Pour in refined odorless oil. Mix. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

  1. Add pieces of sweet bell pepper. Mix again. From the moment of boiling, cook for 30 minutes. At the very end, pour in acetic acid. Turn off the stove.

  1. Pour the salad into sterilized jars. Tighten with a special “key”. Turn over and wrap with warm scarves. Leave until completely cool. Send for storage.

Bon appetit!

With eggplants and cucumbers for the winter

This version of lecho amazes with a balanced combination of all components. In winter, such a salad will perfectly diversify your usual menu, pairing perfectly with potatoes, pasta, meat and other dishes.

Cooking time – 50 minutes.Number of servings – 1.

Note! The total output is 3 liters.


These are the products needed:

  • tomatoes – 1400 g;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • sugar – 90 g;
  • eggplants – 1400 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sweet pepper – 700 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 70 ml;
  • cucumbers – 700 g;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml.

Cooking method

There are usually no difficulties with cooking this interpretation of lecho without garlic for future use. Just follow the step-by-step recipe with photos.

  1. Prepare food.

  1. Wash the eggplants. Cut into pieces. Add salt. Fill with water and leave for half an hour. Drain the liquid. Rinse the blue ones. Squeeze them a little.

  1. Rinse the cucumbers. Cut off their edges. Cut vegetables into halves of rings.

  1. Wash the peppers too and remove them from seeds, stems, and membranes. Cut into cubes. Wash the tomatoes. Remove stalks and other questionable areas. Grate or pass through a meat grinder. Pour the tomato mass into a container for cooking lecho and place on moderate heat. Boil.

  1. Peel the onion. Cut into half rings or quarter rings.

  1. As soon as the tomato mixture boils, add the onion. Mix. Cook over moderate heat for 5 minutes.

  1. Place cucumbers, peppers and eggplants in the tomato preparation. Mix well. Cook with the lid closed and stirring frequently for 20 minutes.

  1. Add salt. Pour in vinegar. Add granulated sugar. Add refined vegetable oil to the vegetables. Mix. Cook the original version of lecho for another 5 minutes.

  1. Sterilize jars and lids. Place the snack in containers and roll up. Place under a warm blanket until completely cool.

In winter, this salad will pleasantly diversify your diet!

Lecho with zucchini

Another tasty option is lecho with tomato paste and zucchini. You can make your own tomato base.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.Number of servings – 1.

On a note! The yield is 2 liters.


  • tomato paste or juice (homemade) – 1/2 l;
  • sweet pepper (red and green) – 6 pcs.;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • peeled zucchini – 1.5 kg;
  • medium-sized onion - 3 heads;
  • purified vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 9% - 40 ml.

Cooking method

Twisting for the winter is as easy as shelling pears.

  1. Prepare salad ingredients.

  1. Peel the zucchini. Cut into fairly large pieces.
  2. You can eat it right away or leave it until winter!

    Video recipes

    The proposed video recipes will help experienced and novice housewives add new salads for the winter to their culinary collection:

Articles on the topic