How to make homemade cottage cheese from sour milk. Homemade cottage cheese recipe from sour milk. How to make homemade cottage cheese from yogurt

This is what happens: a liter or two of milk sits in the refrigerator and turns sour. It's a pity! What useful things could be made from it? Pancakes or pancakes? For 2 liters of milk, you will be tortured to stand at the stove. Let's make cottage cheese!

In general, cottage cheese can be made from milk in two ways. According to the first method, you get unleavened, calcined cottage cheese - you just need to drop a couple of drops of the Calcium-chlorine preparation into heated milk. But they use fresh milk. Since our milk has already soured, we will use the second method, similar to the one by which cottage cheese and some types of homemade cheese are prepared in villages.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home. Instructions for the housewife

The recipe for making cottage cheese is extremely simple. We will need:

  • 2 liters of sour milk;
  • two pans of the same shape - one for 3 liters, and the other, larger, into which the first pan can easily fit.
  • And also a colander lined with gauze.
  1. Pour the milk into a smaller saucepan.
  2. Pour some water into a large saucepan and place a saucepan with sour milk in it - you get a water bath.
  3. Place the structure on medium heat and heat it up.
  4. When the water between the walls of the pans boils, watch carefully: the milk will curdle, separating into cottage cheese flakes and whey. Do not let the curdled milk boil - overboiled cottage cheese turns out rough and dry. As soon as you see that the clear, greenish whey has separated, immediately remove the smaller pan from the bath and set it aside.
  5. Place a colander lined with gauze in a bowl or pan and carefully pour the contents of the small pan removed from the heat into it.

Now you need to place the colander so that all the excess liquid is drained and the cottage cheese remains dry. Voila! From two liters of milk you will get from 300 to 400 g of cottage cheese. You can transfer it to a plate and use it for its intended purpose.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker

In many cases, a multicooker makes life easier, but in this recipe it simply saves it, offering an excellent opportunity to do without a bulky water bath. Especially when the unit was chosen for a large family and has a bowl volume of more than four liters.

We pour our sour milk into the multicooker, set the “warm” mode and forget about it for about an hour. After an hour, remove the cottage cheese with a slotted spoon onto cheesecloth in a colander. You can tie the ends of the gauze into knots and hang them for a couple of hours - the result will be a fairly dense curd “ball” that can be cut into pieces.

Detailed instructions - on video

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the microwave

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to get homemade cottage cheese - just for those who are sorely short of time.

  1. Take two liters of sour milk.
  2. Pour the milk into a special container with a lid.
  3. We set the program: 15 minutes and 750 W.
  4. We are waiting for a call.

That's the whole method. Let the curd and whey cool and separate them using a colander and cheesecloth.

To make cottage cheese from sour milk, you don’t have to wait for the milk to sour on its own. You can “help” it: boil, cool to a temperature that is pleasant to the touch, add and stir a tablespoon of “live” natural milk yogurt or kefir. Cover the container with milk with a lid and place it in a warm place as you would for yeast dough to rise. After about 7–8 hours, the milk will safely sour, that is, it will become yogurt or kefir, depending on what you fermented with.

If the milk is fat enough, cream will collect on top of it - it can be used as sour cream. However, there will be no more than two tablespoons of cream from two liters of milk.

The longer the milk sours, the more sour the resulting product will be.

The excessively sour taste of milk (and, accordingly, cottage cheese) can be partially corrected: just pour in a glass of fresh milk before heating and stir. With the addition of some fresh milk, the cottage cheese may turn out slightly “rubbery”, similar to homemade cheese.

Good day, dear readers! Want to know how to make the gloomiest morning pleasant? For this you need a good, proper and healthy breakfast. A cup of aromatic coffee or tea, crumbly cottage cheese with herbs or bright pieces of fruit... Do you feel like your mood is becoming sunny, it seems that you have enough energy to accomplish the greatest things? How to make cottage cheese at home from sour milk to have a good morning?

Why cottage cheese should be homemade

We all know how little benefits and many harmful substances are contained in a store-bought product, which cannot always be called cottage cheese. I especially don’t want to give store-bought dairy products to children - at best, they simply won’t bring any benefit, at worst, kids develop strange allergic reactions.

Homemade cottage cheese is a complete absence of chemicals combined with mother’s care and sincerity. If you prepare it yourself, you are absolutely sure of compliance with all hygiene standards and rules, which is not always the case at large production enterprises. And the taste is much better! Each of you, dear readers, can create your own unique recipe.

Believe me, preparing a delicious dairy product yourself is not at all difficult, I will share with you all the secrets and subtleties. Those who like to lose weight without offending their taste buds can read about.

At home, it can be prepared from yogurt and kefir. But there are a few basic rules that will help you prepare the perfect dish for the whole family.

Subtleties of cooking

  1. The first time you need to take 1 liter of milk - you will get a little product, but this will make it easier to adjust the process next time.
  2. Milk should sour at room temperature - in the refrigerator it will simply disappear and acquire an unpleasant odor. How long does it take for milk to become sour enough? If the house is warm - about a day. If you decide to cook cottage cheese in the summer, then you can leave the milk overnight and start cooking in the morning.
  3. If the milk is not heated enough, the whey will not separate well and the product will turn out sour. If you like this taste, then remove the pan from the heat early.
  4. If milk is overheated, the final product will be hard and very grainy.
  5. You need to take homemade milk. If you, dear readers, think that low-fat dairy products are healthier, you are mistaken. Low fat content prevents the complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus from dairy products. If you still want to prepare a low-fat product, you can use low-fat pasteurized milk.
  6. If you like dry curd product, then it is better to dry it in a suspended state - this way more liquid drains.

By the way, have you ever asked yourself why cheesecakes are called that way, because we prepare them from cottage cheese. Since ancient times, the Slavs have been preparing cottage cheese from sour milk, but they called it cheese, and all dishes based on it were called cheese.

Well, are you ready? Then let's get started. The main rule of good cooks and housewives is never despair! If the dish doesn’t work out the first time, you should definitely try to make it again. Perhaps the first time was just not your day or the wrong mood. I believe in you, so let’s start preparing a delicious and healthy dairy product together at home.

The easiest ways

Our ancestors fermented milk and prepared fermented milk products in a Russian oven. We can use pans or ovens for cooking.

Classic recipe - cooking cottage cheese in a saucepan

To prepare a homemade curd product, you will need a minimum of equipment - a colander, clean gauze, a saucepan.

How to cook :

  1. Pour the milk into the pan and set the heat to low.
  2. The liquid must be heated until the whey begins to separate. I would recommend using a thermometer for the first time - the optimal milk temperature is 50 degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, it’s better to cook the milk in a water bath, or use special metal fire distributors for burners.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat.
  4. We fold the gauze into 3-4 layers, place it in a colander, stir it over a large container, and pour in the milk mixture.

That's all the main actions. We leave our preparation for 7–10 hours: during this time the whey will completely drain. There is no need to throw it away - it can be used for (by the way, you can cook it with fresh cucumbers even in winter), dough for pies, or homemade beauty recipes.

Transfer the finished product to a plate. To please yourself and your child, add some fresh or dried berries, a drop of honey - enjoy the taste, praise yourself for the work done.

Cottage cheese from the oven - a modern version of an ancient Slavic recipe

It is easy to cook in the oven. This, of course, is not a Russian oven, but the product turns out to be as similar as possible to the one our ancestors ate, ideal for baby food and desserts. I was lucky enough to try cottage cheese from a Russian oven - its taste is amazing, not sour, and the light aroma of baked milk is simply dizzying.

During the simmering process, the cottage cheese acquires a paste-like consistency. If you don't like grainy products, then this recipe is for you.

  1. First, we need to pour the sour milk into the correct container - it should be clay or fireproof glass.
  2. We will put the dish with milk in a cold oven, set the temperature to 130–150 degrees - you will have 50 minutes to calmly do other things.
  3. Then we turn off the oven and leave the milk in it until it cools completely. I put the milk in the evening and leave it overnight.
  4. In the morning, place the prepared mass in a colander with gauze and leave for 6–7 hours.

Do you know, dear readers, that cottage cheese is indispensable for losing weight? It is especially useful for those who cannot resist evening gluttony. A small portion will give you a feeling of satiety and speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Preparing cottage cheese with the help of kitchen assistants

A microwave oven and a multicooker greatly simplify the preparation of a delicious dairy product at home, saving effort and time.


To prepare cottage cheese quickly, you can use the microwave. Some people believe that cooking in the microwave is harmful, that this device is intended only for lazy housewives. I don't agree with this statement. If we, modern women, can make our daily household work a little easier, then it would be a shame not to take advantage of it!

So, we prepare a healthy product in the microwave. To do this, we need to mix sour milk with an equal amount of kefir - this is the optimal proportion, but you can safely experiment. I once tried mixing milk and natural yogurt - I really liked the result, the final product turned out incredibly tender and airy.

To prepare cottage cheese quickly, we need to take 3 simple steps :

  1. Pour the milk mixture into a heatproof bowl and place it in the microwave.
  2. Set the maximum power, in 10 minutes our useful product will be ready.
  3. Pour the milk into a colander, which must first be lined with a thin cotton cloth.

That’s it, after 6–9 hours the delicious cottage cheese is ready.

Homemade cottage cheese: photo

In a slow cooker

Do you like to cook in a slow cooker as much as I do? The first time after purchasing this wonderful device, I cooked everything in it - from soups to pies. Now the ardor has subsided somewhat, but still the multicooker remains my faithful assistant. I also like to cook cottage cheese in it - there is a minimum of action on my part, and the result is amazing.

Cottage cheese can often be found in the diet of athletes, although it is useful not only for building muscles. Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting milk or kefir and then removing the whey.

We share useful tips and methods for making cottage cheese at home. Minimum ingredients and time, maximum taste. You have never tasted such delicious cottage cheese!

  • There are two cooking method cottage cheese at home: with and without heating. Each method is good in its own way: it’s all about your taste preferences and the conditions in which you prepare the cottage cheese. It is important to know that cottage cheese prepared without heating produces a more delicate consistency.
  • Milk is suitable for making cottage cheese both rustic and store-bought. True, rustic sours better and faster, so there are fewer problems with it. It also has a characteristic taste that will reveal itself wonderfully in cottage cheese. When choosing, keep in mind: the fattier the milk, the fattier the kefir will be. It's the same with kefir.
  • Delicious homemade cottage cheese cannot be made from cheap milk or cottage cheese. We advise don't save and choose the highest quality product.
  • As for the cooking method, homemade cottage cheese can be prepared in a saucepan or in a water bath. These methods have no obvious advantages over each other. It all depends solely on your taste preferences and convenience.
  • If you decide to prepare homemade cottage cheese by heating, we advise you to approach it responsibly. choice of dishes. This is important, since everything in enamel cookware can burn. Use aluminum or stainless steel cookware. This way your product will turn out exactly the way you intended.
  • Before placing the cottage cheese in a colander, cover it several layers of gauze or paper towels. A colander is usually placed in a saucepan. The resulting whey will flow into it.
  • Many people like it when cottage cheese turns out dry and crumbly. How to achieve this consistency of your favorite product? The ends of the gauze with which you lined the colander must be tied and hung over the pan for several hours or overnight. All this time, whey will drain from the curd, which means it will become drier.
  • If you do not plan to eat all the cottage cheese at once, then you need to know rules for its storage. Homemade product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Simple recipes for homemade cottage cheese

If store-bought options don’t suit you, it’s time to learn how to make cottage cheese at home. At first glance, it may seem that this product is quite difficult to prepare. In practice, everything is different: you need a minimum of ingredients and time. Don't be afraid and feel free to experiment.

We'll tell you what ingredients you can use to make delicious homemade cottage cheese.


  • Milk 2 l

From this amount of milk you will be able to prepare approximately 400 grams of homemade cottage cheese.

Start with the preparatory stage: leave the milk in a warm place for 1-3 days. The milk should sour. There is no need to stir it. The warmer the room, the faster it will turn sour. The refrigerator is not suitable for this purpose: the milk may develop a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. How can you tell if milk has turned sour? The consistency becomes like a thick jelly, with whey forming around it.

When the milk has turned sour, pour it into a suitable saucepan and place over low heat. Cook the milk, stirring occasionally. You will see the result within 10-15 minutes: clots of cottage cheese will begin to form in the pan. Remove the cottage cheese from the heat and leave on the stove for another 10-15 minutes. Ready! Then transfer the cottage cheese to a colander and allow the whey to drain.

Milk without heating

  • Milk 2 l

If you like cottage cheese that is more delicate and soft in consistency, then try preparing it without the help of a stove and high temperatures. Making this kind of cottage cheese is even easier. First, leave the milk at room temperature and wait until it sours. Then “skip” over one stage and immediately place the thickened mass in a colander lined with gauze. Leave the curd for a while to drain the whey.

Milk and lemon

  • Milk 2 l
  • Lemon 1 pc.

This recipe will definitely appeal to those who don't like to wait long. With the help of lemon, the milk will sour much faster, which means it will quickly reach a consistency from which you can make homemade cottage cheese.

This method is good because no preliminary preparation is required. Pour milk into a saucepan and place on fire. If you use village milk, you must first boil it. If the milk is pasteurized, just warm it thoroughly, but do not boil.

Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from the lemon. For this amount of milk you will need approximately 60 milliliters of juice. Pour lemon juice into the hot milk in a thin stream and stir. The reaction will start almost instantly, and curds will begin to form from the milk. Turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove. Cool the cottage cheese slightly and place it in a colander to drain the whey.


  • Kefir 1 l

From this amount of kefir you can get approximately 200 grams of homemade cottage cheese. It will turn out quite dense and crumbly.

Prepare two pans of different sizes and diameters. Check in advance that the smaller pan fits into the larger one without any problems. Pour water into a large saucepan so that it takes up half its volume. Place the pan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil.

Pour kefir into another pan. When the water in the large pot comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and place the kefir in the large saucepan. Kefir will begin to disintegrate into curds and whey. Once the process starts, remove the pan from the heat. After 10 minutes, transfer the cottage cheese to a colander and let the whey drain.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home? This question is of interest to a large number of housewives whose dairy product has spoiled, and it is a pity to throw it away.

Of course, you can use it not only to make cottage cheese, but also, for example, to knead delicious dough for pancakes or pancakes. However, this option is only suitable for you if you have a small amount of milk that has gone sour. But what to do if about 2-3 liters have spoiled? Of course, delicious and nutritious homemade cottage cheese!

It should be especially noted that such a product, prepared independently, can not only be eaten together with sour cream and sugar, but also baked into cheesecakes, cheesecakes, pies and other products.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk: the easiest way

If you want to enjoy delicious cottage cheese, but don’t want to go to the store, then we suggest making a homemade product yourself. But in order to carry out your plan, you must have a sufficient amount of sour milk available. It is from this that you can make natural and very tasty coarse-grained cottage cheese.

So, we need:

  • sour milk - about 2 liters;
  • large wide pelvis;
  • 3 l saucepan – 2 pcs.;
  • multilayer gauze – 1 pc.;
  • cold water (from the tap) – about 1.5 liters;
  • colander and large spoon.

Cooking process

  1. Before preparing cottage cheese from sour milk at home, you should prepare all the necessary equipment in advance. To do this, you need to take a large and wide basin, and then pour regular cold tap water into it.
  2. After this, you need to place a smaller pan in the liquid. You need to first pour all the sour milk into it.
  3. After the described actions have been completed, the entire structure should be placed on high heat. After waiting for the liquid to boil between the walls of the dish, you need to regularly stir the fermented milk product and make sure that it does not boil. If this happens, then most likely the curd made from sour milk will turn out dry, hard and tasteless. In this regard, this process should be carefully monitored.
  4. Once you notice that whey begins to separate from the sour milk, the pan must be immediately removed from the water bath. Next, you need to place a colander on another (empty) dish. It should be covered with multi-layer gauze. After this, the heated sour milk must be completely poured into a colander and the liquid allowed to drain into an empty pan. If desired, the gauze can be tied with a string and hung over the dishes.
  5. After 2-4 hours, the sour milk cottage cheese will be completely ready. It needs to be put on a plate and served along with sour cream and sugar.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk using a multicooker?

Many people know how to make cottage cheese at home from sour milk using a stove. After all, this method was recently used by our mothers and grandmothers. However, modern housewives are increasingly using a popular kitchen device for these purposes - a multicooker.

If you don’t have such a device, then it’s time to think about purchasing it. This is due to the fact that using a multicooker to make cottage cheese at home is much easier and simpler. There is no need for you to organize a water bath for a long time, and then carefully monitor that the product does not boil, but only slightly warms up.

So, before making cottage cheese from sour milk using a device such as a multicooker, we need to prepare the following:


  • sour milk - about 2 liters;
  • multicooker with heating function;
  • 3 l saucepan – 2 pcs.;
  • multilayer gauze – 1 pc.;
  • colander and large spoon.

Cooking method

  1. To thermally treat a sour product, you will not need much time if you use a multicooker. Pour about 2 liters of sour milk into its bowl (if the volume does not allow, then you need to take a smaller amount of the main ingredient), and then close it tightly and set the heating mode. It should be noted that almost all modern multicookers have such a program.
  2. The temperature of this mode is ideal for making homemade cottage cheese. However, you should not keep sour milk in such a program for too long. Fifteen to twenty minutes will be enough.
  3. After the specified time has passed, open the multicooker and see if the product flakes have separated from the whey. If not, then it is advisable to continue heating for another 5-8 minutes. If you have achieved the desired result, then you can proceed to the next stage.
  4. While the sour milk is being heated in the multicooker, you should take a deep saucepan and place a colander in it, on which you need to lay out multilayer gauze. After the product is completely ready, it must be poured onto the mesh and allowed to drain. When the bulk of the whey is in a kind of tray, you can make a bag out of gauze and hang it over a colander.
  5. After keeping the product in this state for about 3-5 hours, it should be removed from the mesh and placed on a plate. This completes the preparation of homemade cottage cheese. It can be served along with sour cream, sugar and tea, and can also be used as an additional ingredient to create delicious and nutritious baked goods.

How to make sour milk?

We talked about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk using a multicooker and a stove. However, some housewives are often interested in the question of how to make a fermented milk product. After all, not everyone gets this drink sour in large quantities (at best - 1 glass). It should be noted that facilitating this is not so difficult.

Thus, to get sour milk, you need to buy it in an amount of 2 liters (preferably homemade), and then pour it into a glass jar, close with a plastic lid and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After the specified time has passed, you will definitely notice that the dairy product has curdled. After this, you can safely use it to make delicious homemade cottage cheese.

By the way, if you want to speed up the souring process, then you can add two large spoons of full-fat kefir to fresh milk, mix the products thoroughly, close the jar with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave it near the radiator for a day. After this time, you will have tasty and rich kefir. You can use it just like that, and make coarse-grained cottage cheese from it using any of the methods described above.

Let's sum it up

Now you know not only how to make cottage cheese from spoiled milk yourself, but also how to deliberately sour such a product.

Cottage cheese is a very healthy and tasty product that should definitely be present on your table. This is especially important if there are small children in the family. It turns out that making goat milk cottage cheese at home is not difficult at all. It is enough to know a few rules and secrets.

Traditional cottage cheese made from sour goat milk

Goat milk is valued much higher than milk milk due to its healing properties. It improves immunity and improves health, curing many diseases. This wonderful product is useful for people of all ages, and especially for children. In those regions where goat milk and products made from it are present in the diet every day, people get sick much less often, and there are much fewer problems with excess weight.

Goat milk cottage cheese does not cause allergic reactions, it is easier to digest by the body, and is useful for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints, respiratory tract, as well as for insomnia.

Goat milk cottage cheese is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product.

For traditional cottage cheese, quite simple to prepare, you will need:

  • 1 liter goat milk;
  • 3 pinches of table salt.

Goat milk, if it is fresh, takes a long time to sour. To speed up this process, boil the milk and add a little salt to it. After this, cover the container with a lid or gauze and leave for a day in a warm place. This is enough for the milk to ferment. The warmer it is, the faster it will curdle, that is, it will separate into whey and almost finished curd.

  1. Pour the sour milk into an enamel bowl and place on low heat until it warms up slightly. There is no need to bring it to a boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will be boiled and taste unpleasant.
  2. Take a deep bowl, place a colander in it, covered with gauze folded 2-3 times. The fabric should be wider than the colander, so that it is enough to strain the curd.
  3. Pour well-heated sour milk into a colander. Wait until all the whey has gone through the cheesecloth into the bowl. Gather the edges of the gauze, lift the curd mass and allow the remaining liquid to drain.
  4. After this, hang the bag of cottage cheese for about 1-2 hours over a deep bowl: during this time, the last whey will drain, and your cottage cheese will be finally ready for use.

By the way, don’t throw out the whey: it can be used to make excellent pancakes and pastries! And with homemade cottage cheese itself they turn out.

Cooking in different ways

Take 0.5 liters of goat milk, pour it into a jar and heat it in a water bath. After this, it will sour for at least 2 days, but we will speed up this process by adding one tablespoon of sour cream. Once noticeable air bubbles begin to rise from the milk (that is, curdled milk has formed), place the jar in a water bath and heat again over low heat, about 15 minutes.

Drain the resulting mass through a colander covered with gauze. Hang the resulting bag of cottage cheese for several hours to drain the whey. You can squeeze the gauze a little so that the liquid leaves faster.

Containers with goat milk should be kept in a warm room to speed up ripening

The following recipe is similar to the very first one in this article, traditional. But it is more complicated and will require more time from you. But the cheese will turn out original and especially tasty.

  1. Take 1 liter of fresh goat milk and keep it in a warm place overnight. The milk will begin the process of souring.
  2. In the morning, take another 1 liter of fresh milk and put it on the fire. When the milk starts to foam, pour in the young sour milk. Boil this mixture and remove the pan from the heat at the moment when a yellowish-greenish liquid forms on top.
  3. Drain off the whey and carefully place the curd into the prepared bowl. Mash it with a spoon to release any remaining whey.

This cottage cheese is called skyr, it came to us from Norwegian cuisine. It has a delicate consistency and a peculiar pleasant taste.

If you have a slow cooker, the process of making goat cheese curd will be much easier.

Add 1 glass of kefir to a container with 3 liters of fresh milk, mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for a day. You should get thick yogurt with dense flakes. Pour it into the multicooker bowl without stirring - this will make the cottage cheese grainy and more appetizing. Turn on the “Keep Warm” mode for about 3 hours. After this, just drain off the whey, and your cottage cheese is ready!

It's no secret that many mothers try to include cottage cheese in their children's daily diet. But not every child likes this product in its usual form. You can “outsmart” your baby and prepare small portions of cottage cheese from yogurt for him.

Take 0.5 liters of bio-yogurt from goat milk. Preheat the oven, turn it off and place the carton of yogurt in it. It should remain there for at least 6 hours while the oven cools down. Within an hour, the yogurt will thicken and begin to curl into flakes. After 6 hours, you need to strain the resulting mass. This cottage cheese has a consistency similar to sour cream.

Note! The gauze for straining the cottage cheese must be absolutely clean. It is better to use a colander made of stainless steel or enameled. You can also use wicker baskets. But all dishes must be perfectly clean.

If the temperature in the room where you make cottage cheese is below 25 degrees, the milk may spoil instead of sour. Therefore, we try to speed up the ripening by adding whey from the previous cottage cheese.

Use only clean dishes and gauze to strain the cottage cheese.

You must be sure of the quality of the fresh milk from which you are going to make cottage cheese. If you are not sure, it is better to boil the milk.

As we have already said, there is no need to pour out the whey - it will be useful to you not only in preparing many dishes, but also for cosmetic purposes. But do not forget that it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Once you make homemade goat milk curd, try to consume it within 3 days, otherwise it may go bad. But if goat curd is frozen, its taste will not decrease.

Video about making goat milk cottage cheese at home

Goat cottage cheese is an incredibly healthy product containing a lot of substances necessary for the body. Now you know that making it yourself at home is not at all difficult, and you will probably include it in your family’s diet. If you have experience in preparing such cottage cheese, share with us in the comments. Bon appetit and good luck to you!

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