How to prepare false red caviar from herring. How to prepare “false caviar” from herring and other ingredients? False caviar from childhood

This original appetizer will be appreciated by many housewives for its cost-effectiveness and ease of preparation. It happens to everyone that there is “not a lot” in the refrigerator, and guests are on the doorstep. The taste of false caviar is very similar to the taste of real caviar with butter. And if sandwiches with false caviar made from herring and carrots are beautifully decorated when serving, you will get a wonderful holiday dish.

After cooking, let it sit for 30 minutes in the cold to develop the flavor, but you can also eat it the next day if there is any left.

To prepare false caviar from herring and carrots you will need the following ingredients.

Cut the herring into fillets, remove bones and skin. If the fish has caviar, it can also be used in the dish.

Boil the carrots until half cooked so that they do not fall apart, cool and peel off the skin.

Pass the finished herring fillet through a meat grinder 2 times; a blender will not work here.

Grind the processed cheese and butter in a meat grinder, once is enough. The butter should be frozen. Add to twisted herring.

Pass the carrots through a meat grinder and combine with the mixture.

Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, I did not add salt, to your taste. Leave to cool.

Serve false herring and carrot caviar on sandwiches or as a separate dish.

Bon appetit!

Lately, at parties, buffets, and outdoor events, you can often find false caviar among the appetizer dishes. Many people call it differently - caviar oil or spread, student caviar, forshmak. In fact, false caviar made from herring and carrots is one dish, and traditional Jewish forshmak is completely different, there is no need to confuse them. But you can even call it student false caviar, because it is a budget option for a tasty snack and any student can afford such a dish.


  • herring – 600 g;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • processed cheese - 2 packs.


First of all, wash the carrots, peel them and boil them.

While the carrots are cooking, take care of the herring. Rinse it thoroughly under running cool water, let it drain and transfer it to a fish cutting board.

Cut off the head. From this place where the head was, to the tail, make a deep incision throughout the abdomen. Remove the entrails, as well as the anal and ventral fins. Everything that was inside should be thrown away. The only exception is caviar if the fish was female (it can be used for sandwiches). The gutted fish must be washed again under running water.

Make a deep cut along the entire carcass, only now from the back side, remove the dorsal fin along with small bones, of which there are a lot in the place where it is located. Using a knife, carefully pry up the skin and remove it from both sides of the carcass.

Cut off the tail. With a sharp movement, separate the fillet from the ridge and pull out the remaining bones. On the side where the belly was, on both halves of the fillet, cut a strip approximately 0.5-1 cm wide. In this place there are many small bones that cannot be pulled out any other way.

By this time the carrots should be cooked, remove them from the water and cool.

Pass processed cheese through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. You can also grate them on a fine grater, but in this case, you first need to slightly freeze the curds in the freezer, so they will not stick to the grater and will be easier to grate. Transfer the curds into a deep bowl, in which it will be convenient for you to mix all the ingredients later.

Do the same with butter, that is, grind it in the same way that you chose for yourself (grater, blender or meat grinder). Send the butter to the cheeses.

Add the herring minced in a meat grinder to the bowl. If you don’t have a meat grinder, then grating the herring will, of course, be problematic. In this case, simply cut it into very small pieces with a sharp knife. You can also grind the herring in a blender bowl.

All that remains is to chop the cooled carrots and add them to the rest of the products (also grind them in a meat grinder, in a blender or grate them).

Now thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The herring and carrot caviar should sit in the refrigerator for another hour.

You can serve it on toast or sandwiches; it goes well with herbs and fresh cucumber.

  • To prepare such caviar, it is better to choose regular salted herring rather than spiced one.
  • Use a fine wire rack to grind food through the meat grinder, this will make the caviar more tender.
  • Although this is false red caviar made from herring and carrots, it must be served beautifully - on fried croutons or toast, in tartlets or profiteroles, on unsalted crackers or slices of fresh French baguette. You can stuff halves of eggs with caviar mixture.
  • Store this caviar in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed glass jar for no more than 5 days.

RECIPE for “false” caviar:

2 boiled carrots

2 processed cheeses

100-150 g butter (I did not add)

How to prepare “false” herring caviar:

1. Boil the carrots in advance in any way: on the stove in water in their uniforms, or in a steamed slow cooker. Peel the skin and cut into pieces.

2. Peel and bone the herring and chop. Also cut the processed cheese into pieces.

3. Grind everything in a meat grinder (not in a blender - it will be an ugly chewed mass). I ground it twice so that the caviar comes out as tender as pate.

4.Ask: where is the oil? Yes, traditionally, it needs to be ground immediately along with the other ingredients of this wonderful snack. Although, to be honest, I don’t understand why grind soft butter by spreading it in a meat grinder; you can simply mix it into the already ground mass of caviar.

BUT, I didn't add any oil at all, and I was very glad that I did. Why these extra calories and additional stress on the liver? Although I prepared it, it was not destined for it to end up in this recipe.

It turned out incredibly tasty and very satisfying even without oil!.. I highly recommend trying to cook it without oil first, try it to your taste, if everything suits you, leave it that way. If you are very fond of oil, please add from 50 to 150 g.

5. This caviar pate can be spread on bread (enough for a whole sliced ​​loaf), or you can, like me, place the whole mass in a bag with a nozzle and squeeze it onto a cracker (by the way, I have these crackers in the photo - snack bars, with onions, very tasty), or on cucumber rings. But there are different types of crackers: both square and round. Round crackers are all small, so you can try larger cracker cookies like Napoleon or croquette.

I liked this snack with crackers more than with cucumbers.

6.And another very important point for storage account. Simply store in the refrigerator in a jar, not on cookies or cucumbers (it just gets soggy). Ask: How long to store? I read that it lasts up to 5 days, but I haven’t tried more than 3 yet. I must say, it is perfectly preserved in the cold without losing its attractive appearance.

7.About decoration: garnished with protein caviar with salmon-flavored cream, the caviar is beautiful, but not tasty, I bought it in the supermarket just for decoration, it’s not very expensive, there was another promotion. The video below shows this jar.

“False” herring caviar is ready in a new way!

Bon appetit!

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Herring caviar with carrots and melted cheese (also called false caviar) is one of the tricks of cooking. You could even say it’s a kind of trick.

In fact, this is not red caviar, although it looks and tastes very much like it. The red color comes from the carrots, and the light saltiness of the fish combined with delicate butter and cheese gives a very original taste. Herring caviar is also called caviar oil or spread, student caviar, and even forshmak.

In fact, mock red caviar made from herring, carrots and melted cheese is one dish. But traditional Jewish forshmak is a completely different culinary story. But such caviar can very well be called student caviar - this is an excellent budget option that any student can afford.

If you want to treat yourself to a new food that is simple and quick to prepare and will go well with any drink, prepare false herring caviar.

False herring caviar is a great appetizer

To prepare herring caviar with carrots and melted cheese you will need the following products.


  • salted herring – 1 medium fish (or ready-made herring fillet in a jar);
  • carrots – 2 medium pieces;
  • processed cheese – 2 pieces (pack of 100g);
  • butter – 1 small pack (100 g).

To prepare red caviar from carrots, herring and cheese, we proceed in this way.

Recipe step by step: how to prepare false caviar

Step 1. First, cook the carrots (preferably with their skins on): fill the root vegetable with cold water and put it on the fire. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat slightly and cook for 15-20 minutes until the carrots are fully cooked, cool and peel.

If the carrots are not very large, it is better to take 3 pieces. Moreover, several pieces will be used to decorate the finished dish.

Step 2. Meanwhile, pass the processed cheese through a meat grinder. You can also grate them - it would be better to keep the curds in the freezer for a short time first. Then they will not stick to the grater and will rub easier. Place the grated cheeses in a deep bowl, in which it will be convenient to mix all the ingredients.

Step 3. We cut and clean the herring - from the entrails, skin and bones. We thoroughly wash and cut the fillet into pieces and also pass through a meat grinder. Of course, ready-made herring fillet from a can will significantly save your time - you can immediately chop it.

Step 4. Add softened butter to the cheese and herring. You can grind the butter in the same way - a grater, blender or meat grinder. And of course, it would be nice to keep the butter in the freezer for a while beforehand.

Step 5. Lastly, grind the carrots in a meat grinder. Why in this order? Just carrots will perfectly clean the meat grinder of herring and oil.

Step 6. Mix everything thoroughly in a deep container. If you like, you can also add ground black pepper. Our herring caviar with carrots and melted cheese is ready - you just need to put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Step 7 In the meantime, prepare the toast - you can dry the bread a little in the oven. All that remains is to remove the caviar from the refrigerator and spread it on the prepared bread. And also decorate with carrots, cut using a special food processor or a curly knife, and herbs.

The result is a tasty and tender herring spread for sandwiches. You can serve it on white, gray, or rye bread.

It will also be very beautiful to serve herring caviar on pieces of zucchini - as in the photo. To make it more realistic, you can take some real red caviar and scatter the grains over the surface. It's a matter of taste.

Herring caviar with carrots and melted cheese is good for sandwiches

This dish is somewhat reminiscent of herring under a fur coat. The delicate creamy taste of butter and melted cheese harmonizes perfectly with salty herring and sweetish carrots.

Of course, you won’t be able to indulge in this kind of caviar every day. Although it can be made quite quickly using this recipe (in 20-30 minutes), the calorie content of a herring snack exceeds lunch (730 kcal per 100 g). But sometimes you can please yourself and serve such a dish to your home table.

Herring caviar with carrots and melted cheese is an excellent food that can be prepared both on holidays and on weekdays. It's pleasing to the eye and guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Bon appetit!

Red caviar is a popular delicacy, but not everyone can afford such a product. This is not surprising, because real caviar is quite difficult to obtain - there is relatively little of it in each individual fish, and the fish are usually caught far in the North, where industrialists agree to go only for a lot of money, and even then not all of them. However, even if you don’t have enough money to feed absolutely everyone with this delicious treat, you can try to cheat by serving a skillful imitation, which will cost much less.


You don’t even have to hide the fact that it’s just a fake - then the guests will probably also admire the skill of the hostess, who managed to prepare such an exquisite snack from such simple things. The advantage of this solution is that there are at least three recipes that require different ingredients.

Option one

It is assumed that the resulting snack will be enough for six people.

It is better to choose salted fish, but without too much spice. Some reviews indicate that it is better to choose it whole - not in pieces, but it is also possible to buy ready-made fillets, which no longer have to be specially cleaned of bones. If possible, try the herring - if it is too salty, soak it in water for a while beforehand so that it is not so pungent. If you choose a whole carcass, do not forget to clean it of both skin and bones.

The carrots are cooked directly with the skin on, this will take about 20-25 minutes. After it has been cooked, it is allowed to cool and only then cleaned. This completes the entire preparatory stage, since the remaining ingredients - butter and cheese - do not require any preparation.

Further, the point is to simply pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder - you need a meat grinder, and not a blender, say, because only it gives the necessary consistency. You can find recommendations regarding one or another order of grinding the ingredients, but in fact the only truly relevant advice is not to leave the oil until last, so that the following products will help clean the meat grinder, and carrots are best suited for the final cleaning. At the end, all the resulting minced meat is thoroughly mixed until smooth - this is our appetizer.

Option two

The following recipe will certainly appeal to those housewives who believe that nothing from the products for which money was paid should be thrown away. In this case, the basis for the caviar imitation will be herring marinade - using brine at home, you can make something similar to what is sold in stores under the special name “caviar for spreading on bread.”

To prepare false caviar you will need quite a lot of ingredients:

  • 200 ml brine;
  • 100 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 150 g semolina;
  • 2 tablespoons of ketchup;
  • 1 small onion (optional);
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • if your heart desires, a little greenery (any).

The marinade, water and oil are placed in a saucepan and kept on fire until it boils, after which ketchup is added to the boiling liquid. After stirring the bubbling brew, reduce the heat, after which, without stopping stirring, begin to gradually add semolina. Continue cooking the mixture over low heat until the grains noticeably increase in volume.

After this, remove the pan from the heat and allow the resulting porridge to cool. Meanwhile, eggs, onions and herbs are finely chopped and added to the resulting mass, stirring thoroughly. At this point, the caviar imitation is ready - it is assumed that individual particles of cereal will create the feeling of caviar, while the marinade will give them a characteristic fishy taste.

Option three

In order not to completely deceive people, you can act by analogy with what many unscrupulous manufacturers do - prepare “red” caviar from herring roe, adding some other, cheaper ingredients to significantly increase the volume. In general, this recipe is very similar to the previous one, but due to its increased plausibility, it is often prepared not for everyday use, but for a holiday table, so don’t be surprised by the large amount of each ingredient.

To prepare a dish for a large company you will need:

  • 500-600 grams of real herring caviar;
  • 200 ml tomato juice;
  • the same amount of refined oil;
  • 200 g semolina;
  • one pre-pickled onion.

As in the recipe above, the liquids are mixed and boiled, and then the semolina is added and cooked until tender. While the cereal is cooking, you need to pass the herring and onions through a meat grinder. When the brew is cooked and cooled, all the ingredients are mixed together - and the delicious dish is ready.

Feeding and storage

In terms of serving, false caviar is no different from real caviar - many people believe that you can only eat it with a spoon, but in fact there are many recipes for dishes with it. Moreover, if the imitation is not ideal, it is even advisable to prepare something more complex from it - this will make it more difficult to identify a fake.

The simplest solution for caviar is, of course, to spread it on fresh or lightly toasted bread. A more aesthetic solution would be to prepare tartlets or profiteroles, and eggs stuffed with caviar, even if it’s fake, will seem like a masterpiece to many. A somewhat unusual solution would be a kind of “sandwich”, in which a cucumber slice is used instead of bread.

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