How to add fruit to sponge cake. How to make fruit sponge cake

Prepare the necessary ingredients for making the cake. To prepare the sponge cake, carefully separate the eggs into whites and yolks.

Then, gradually adding 0.5 cups of sugar to the whites, beat the whites until stiff peaks form.

Separately, beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until the mass turns white and increases in volume. Add the beaten yolks to the whites.

Line a baking sheet with parchment and pour in the dough, smoothing it out with a spatula. Place the baking sheet with the dough in a preheated oven and bake the biscuit for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. Baking time depends on your oven. The crust should be lightly browned and dry on top, not sticky. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, remove from the parchment and cool.

To prepare sour cream, you need to combine sour cream (it is better to take sour cream with a fat content of 20%, but sour cream with a fat content of 15% is also suitable) with powdered sugar (adjust the amount of powdered sugar to your taste) and beat with a mixer until smooth.
Cut the cooled sponge cake into two equal parts.

Peel the banana and kiwi, cut into thin slices.

Spread one sponge cake with sour cream and place fruit on top.

Grease the second cake layer with cream and place it on top of the fruit (dry side on top). Then coat the top and sides of the sponge cake with sour cream and place in the refrigerator. After soaking, the cake can be decorated to your liking and served. I suggest decorating it with protein custard, which will make the cake especially elegant.

To prepare protein custard, carefully separate the whites from the yolks. We don't need yolks. Combine sugar with water, put on fire and cook the syrup, stirring, until it boils, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 7-8 minutes without stirring. To check the readiness of the syrup, pour a small amount of it into cold water; if it rolls into a ball, it’s ready (this is the so-called “soft ball test”).

Fill a piping bag with a tip with cream.

Remove the cake from the refrigerator and decorate with egg white cream. For beauty, I put more fruit on top: kiwi and peeled tangerine slices. The most delicate sponge cake with fruit and sour cream is ready. Place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the cakes are soaked and ready to serve.

Bon appetit!

No holiday table will be truly festive if there is no delicious dessert on it. And it doesn’t matter what it will be - a gorgeous cake from a store or a homemade pie. But long gone are the days when we ran to the confectionery departments for desserts in beautiful packages. Really, why, when you can cook it yourself? And today we will make a delicious sponge cake with fruit. And believe me, homemade baked goods turn out no worse than those that attract us from store shelves.

Of course, when you don’t have culinary skills yet, it’s scary to take on such work, but not in our case. The proposed recipe for making fruit cake will tell you in detail and show you the whole path from start to finish. Prepare your food and read these photo instructions carefully.

An orange sponge cake with fruit and chocolate cocoa icing may well become the highlight of any holiday table. The cake turns out fragrant, tasty and very beautiful. In addition, the cooking process is simple and short. You can get it done in literally an hour, and this is very valuable when you need to prepare many more dishes for the celebration.

step by step photo recipe for making fruit cake at home


Biscuit base:

  • eggs (large) – 4 pcs.,
  • orange zest – 1 pc.,
  • vegetable oil - grease the mold,
  • wheat flour 4-5 tbsp. spoons (with a slide),
  • sugar – 2/3 cup.

Sour cream:

  • powdered sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • sour cream 20-30% fat - 200 grams.

Chocolate glaze made from cocoa powder:

  • milk 3.2% fat - ¼ cup,
  • butter (quality) – 25 grams,
  • sugar (or powder) 2-3 tbsp. spoons,
  • cocoa (powder) – 3 tbsp. spoons.


  • orange pulp – ½ piece,
  • banana – ½ pc.

Cooking process:

To make the sponge cake you will need eggs and sugar. Place these ingredients in a bowl and take a mixer. You need to beat the mass well to make it fluffy. This determines whether the biscuit will rise or not.

When the biscuit mixture becomes fluffy and white, turn off the mixer. Pour boiling water over the orange and grate the skin. Place the zest in a bowl with the egg mixture.

Add flour gradually, kneading the dough with a fork or whisk. It is better not to beat with a mixer, as the dough may “sink”. Or then use special hooks instead of whisks.

The dough for the orange sponge cake is ready. Take a mold and grease it with any oil.

Pour the sponge cake batter into the mold and place it in the preheated oven. You need to bake the biscuit for about 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick; if the skewer is dry, then the sponge cake is ready.

Cool the finished orange sponge cake and cut it into several cake layers.

Whisk the sour cream with powder and spread the cream over the first cake layer. Place the second cake layer on top.


If desired, you can make a cake with a layer of fruit inside. Then at this stage you need to place thin slices of any fruit (bananas, kiwi, strawberries) on top of the sour cream.

Now you need to prepare the cocoa glaze. Pour the milk into a cup and put the butter in it. Add sugar. Melt the butter in any way, and the milk will warm up. Stir to combine ingredients.

Add cocoa and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. If it turns out too thick, add a spoonful of milk and stir again.

Chocolate glaze made from cocoa powder is ready.

Pour the glaze over the cake and let it set. To do this, you can remove the biscuit with chocolate and cool it in the refrigerator for several hours. It is better to decorate it just before serving, so that the juice does not leak out of the fruit and they do not become limp.

Peel the orange, cut into slices and place on the cake.

Also peel the banana and cut into slices. Place them on the second half of the cake.

Homemade cake with fruits and chocolate icing is ready!

Sponge cakes and cakes are undoubtedly very tasty, sweet, airy and delicate sweets that will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent. This article will talk about how to make an incredibly soft sponge cake with fresh fruit!

Ingredients for cooking:

For the base

  • Eggs - 8 pcs;
  • Sugar - 400 g;

For impregnation

  • Sugar - 1/2 cup;

For the base

  • Wheat flour - 400 g;
  • Jam - 1/2 cup (cherry, strawberry or raspberry or jam);

For impregnation

  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • Orange juice - 100 ml;

For decoration

  • Lemons - 1 piece;
  • Orange slices - 2 pcs (or tangerine);
  • Apples - 1 piece;
  • Berries - 100 g, any;

Preparation steps:

  1. It is necessary to separate three or four egg yolks from the whites. The whites are separated as follows: two holes are made in the egg shell. One with a pointed side, the other with a round side. Then you need to carefully pour the white from the shell, so that the yolk remains inside the egg. Beat the whites until stiff and add 3/4 cup granulated sugar. Beat until the sugar dissolves. You can beat with a whisk or mixer. Add the yolks to the mixture one at a time and mix thoroughly. Then gradually add 34 cups of flour and make a dough. The dough should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream.
  2. Preheat the oven to 185 degrees, pour the biscuit dough into the mold and place in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.
  3. While the first sponge cake is baking, you need to make the dough for the second sponge cake. The dough is made in the same way as for the first one, and baked in the oven.
  4. Sponge cakes must be cooled. At this time, you should prepare the impregnation for the biscuit. Place all the necessary ingredients in a deep bowl and mix together. After the finished dough has cooled, you can begin soaking and shaping the cake. Place the first cake layer on a flat dish, then pour in half of the fruit soak, spread with jam or marmalade, put the second cake layer on top and also soak in the second half of the syrup.
  5. The top of the cake must be decorated with fruits, which must first be cut into flat mugs and berries and filled with jelly.
  6. The jelly must be prepared in advance. To do this, you will need three glasses of water, four glasses of any berries, a glass of sugar and one tablespoon of gelatin. The berries must be crushed using a blender or masher and filled with cold water. Strain the mixture and add sugar and soaked gelatin. Mix everything thoroughly and put on the stove. The jelly should be cooked until the gelatin is completely dissolved, and then the hot jelly should be strained again.
  7. After the cake has been filled with jelly, it must be allowed to “rest” for some time. Sponge fruit cake is ready! You can invite guests and drink tea with a delicate and delicious sponge cake.

Dear friends and guests of the Home Restaurant website! On the eve of the holidays, the topic of desserts is always very relevant, so I bring to your attention a simple but very tasty sponge cake with fruits and whipped cream. Sponge cake with fruit replaced other “complicated cakes” from our Soviet past, and managed to fall in love with many sweet tooths.

When I need to prepare a universal dessert for a large number of guests, a recipe for sponge cake with fruit is my lifesaver. A sponge cake with fruit inside is always liked by both adults and children, so it is equally suitable for both a traditional feast and a children's party. This is exactly the kind of sponge cake with fruit and whipped cream that is sold in stores. But homemade cake turns out much tastier!

The combination of fruits in a cake is of great importance, and below I will not only tell you what fruits can be added to the cake, but also how to properly prepare fruits for our delicious dessert.

You can use any cream for a sponge cake, but since we are preparing a simple fruit cake, the cream should be simple, but at the same time hold its shape well, not spread, and be suitable for leveling the surface and sides of the cake. Therefore, for a sponge cake with fruit and a predictable result, I always prepare whipped cream cream.

Have I intrigued you? Then welcome to my modest kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to bake a sponge cake for a cake, prepare a fruit filling, whip cream, and of course beautifully decorate a sponge cake with fruit. I hope my detailed master class with step-by-step photos will tell you in detail how to make a sponge cake with fruit.

Ingredients for sponge cake for a 25 cm pan:

  • 5 pieces. eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of salt

Filling ingredients:

  • 2-3 pcs. banana (depending on size)
  • 3 pcs. kiwi
  • 300 gr. canned peaches without syrup
  • ¼ lemon

Ingredients for cream:

  • 750 ml. whipping cream 30-33% fat
  • 1 cup of sugar

For decoration:

  • almond flakes
  • fresh or frozen berries
  • fresh mint

*Glass with a volume of 250 ml.

How to make fruit sponge cake:

We start preparing the sponge cake by baking a simple sponge cake. I described all the intricacies of preparing a classic sponge cake in a separate article, so if you are baking a sponge cake for the first time, I strongly recommend that you read my biscuit writings.

Separate the cold whites from the yolks and add a pinch of salt.

We begin to beat the whites at maximum mixer speed until a fluffy foam forms.

Then add half the sugar and beat the whites until the sugar dissolves and stiff peaks form. It should look something like my photo.

Add the remaining sugar to the yolks.

And beat until the sugar crystals dissolve.

Using a whisk, carefully mix the egg white and yolk mixture.

Then add the flour in small portions, and also slowly mix with a whisk until the flour is completely integrated into the egg mixture.

Grease the bottom of the biscuit pan with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. We transfer the biscuit dough into a mold and send it to preheated to 170-180 degrees. for 30-40 minutes. Oven heat: top and bottom, or just bottom.

Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden skewer.

The finished biscuit must be cooled completely and then carefully removed from the mold. We turn the sponge cake upside down so that our finished sponge cake with fruit turns out smooth and beautiful.

I cut the finished sponge cake into three layers using regular thread. You can watch how to do this on YouTube.

Next, let's prepare the fruit filling for our sponge cake. Cut the peaches, bananas and kiwis into small pieces, approximately like in my photo. Sprinkle the banana with a little lemon juice to prevent it from darkening.

Transfer the prepared fruits to a deep plate and mix.

What fruits can be added to the cake:

  • banana
  • peaches (fresh or canned)
  • pineapple (fresh or canned)
  • melon (not a fruit at all, but great for cake)
  • pear (soft varieties)
  • orange or tangerine pulp
  • mango

The most important thing to consider when preparing a sponge cake with fruit is that all the fruits should be soft, not sour, and not stand out against the background of the delicate sponge dough and butter cream. Apples, hard pears, and apricots are not suitable for sponge cake.

Choose the combination of fruits to your taste: you can make a sponge cake with kiwi and banana, or you can make it with just peaches, or if you are making a chocolate sponge cake, it would be appropriate to add only bananas.

Prepare the cream for the sponge cake:

Beat the chilled cream with sugar until it reaches stable peaks, similar to what I have in the photo.

You can whip the cream with sugar, or better yet, with powdered sugar, so as not to beat the cream into butter, especially if you use cream from the market and not from the store in a tetra pack.

A large fluffy sponge cake with assorted fruit filling will come to your rescue if guests decide to please you with a sudden visit or you suddenly decide to pamper your family with something sweet in large quantities. And at the same time, you wouldn’t want to worry too much about preparing a sweet dish, but bake it quickly and tasty. This biscuit will serve as a wonderful treat both on holidays and on weekdays, when your family asks for something tasty for tea. I made it completely spontaneously when my children asked me to bake something quick for breakfast. On the table there were just fruits left over from yesterday's holiday, namely: currants, orange and apple. And having decided to experiment, I included all these fruits in the filling. Honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised. The dessert turned out great!
Soft, tender dough, combined with assorted fruits - it's just a pleasure! And who would have thought that the combination of currants and orange would give such a stunning and original taste. In addition, the biscuit rose perfectly. My family was delighted! Everyone was very grateful for such a wonderful dessert for breakfast. But you can present it in different ways. I brought it to the table, sprinkling it with powdered sugar. Also, it will look good if you decorate it with fruits, after greasing the cake with cream of sour cream and sugar.
Well, now let's get down to business! Try experimenting with different fillings and you will get an unexpected and original result!

Taste Info Charlotte and biscuit

Biscuit ingredients:

  • Eggs – 9 pcs.
  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Sugar - 3 cups
  • Baking powder - 3 teaspoons
  • For the filling: currants - 1 cup, orange - 1 pc, apple - 1-2 pcs.
  • For dusting: powdered sugar - 2/3 cup

I made a large sponge cake for 8 people, if you don’t need such a large cake, you can halve the amount of ingredients.

How to make a fluffy sponge cake with fruit

Peel the orange and cut into slices. Apples also need to be peeled and cut into thin slices.

We sort the currants, separate the berries from the branches and wash them under running water. Place in a colander, let the water drain and place on a plate.

Now let's make the biscuit dough. Beat the yolks and whites until foamy.

Add sugar little by little and continue beating.

After sugar, add baking powder. Do not increase or decrease the indicated amount of baking powder! Otherwise, the biscuit may not rise.

In order for the sponge cake to turn out fluffy, do not crush it, carefully add sifted flour in small portions, mix the flour into the egg-sugar mixture with light movements. Do not add more flour than indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, the biscuit will not rise well and will turn out rough. The dough should be airy and the consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable or butter. Cover the top with baking paper and coat with oil again.

Now carefully pour the dough.

Distribute the fruit evenly on the surface of the biscuit and place it in a preheated oven at 150 degrees.

After about 40-50 minutes, when the sponge cake becomes golden, take it out and let it cool slightly. If you prepare a sponge cake from half the ingredients, the sponge cake can be ready 10 minutes earlier.

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