Herring roll. Herring roll with cheese and cucumber Herring roll with fresh cucumber

The first were meatloaf. In the cookbook of Ancient Rome, among other recipes, there is one called “Apicius”. They say that the instructions are very similar to the process of making meatloaf. And this was 5 centuries BC! It is also known that in the Middle Ages such a dish was often prepared in Europe. Everything is clear here: the Roman Empire had a huge influence on all the countries of this part of the mainland. A lot of time has passed, the recipes have changed, but the idea remains!

On the site " With taste» you can find all kinds of recipes for rolls. The fillings are varied and suitable for any occasion and taste. Still, we do not stop updating both our and your cookbooks with new variations on the theme of snacks. This time we suggest preparing a roll herring with all kinds of greens and egg-cream sauce. Very original and tasty.



You can roll a traditional sponge cake or get creative with filling and serving. But when you want something non-standard and no less tasty, buy herring, chop the greens and prepare this original treat. Do you know similar lovers of something unusual? Make sure they have this link.

Or pickled champignons, but it will be very useful for the variety of the festive table. With such an appetizer you can easily surprise and delight your guests who don’t even know about it.

There can be several dozen options for preparing a herring (herring) roll. More than ninety percent of all recipes are based on cheese. Cheese for herring fish roll is taken in the form of processed cheese, classic processed soft cheese “Yantar” or cream cheeses. In addition to the cheese, greens and vegetables are added to the filling - carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, green onions, olives.

Today I want to invite you to cook – step-by-step recipe with photos. You can take this recipe as a basis and try making other types of filling.


  • Herring - 1 pc.,
  • Processed cheese - 3 pcs.,
  • Dill - a couple of sprigs,
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Herring roll with cheese - recipe

Cooking with herring begins with preparing the herring.

Cut off the tail and head of the carcass. Use a sharp knife to cut open the stomach. Remove all entrails. After this, rinse the fish with cold water. Cut out the dorsal fin. Now use a knife to make a light cut on the inside along the spine. Carefully open the fish carcass.

Take out the spine. Remove all large bones from the resulting fish fillet. As a result, you should get something like this from fish fillets for a herring roll with melted cheese. As you can see in the photo, the fish fillet turned out to be not quite even; the part in the middle of the fillet, where the ridge was located, has a depression.

To make the herring roll beautiful, we need to get a more even layer of fillet. This can be achieved by beating it off. Place it on a cutting board, skin side down.

Cover with cling film. Using a chop mallet, lightly pound the fish fillet, starting from the sides and gradually moving towards the center. Thus, the meat will move to the center of the fillet, where there was a depression.

That's it, the fillet is ready. Now you can prepare the cheese filling for the herring roll. Rinse the dill greens with cold water. Chop it finely.

Grate the processed cheese using a medium-sized grater. Add garlic squeezed through a press to the shredded cheese. Add mayonnaise.

If desired, you can add another pinch of salt and black pepper. Mix all ingredients with a spoon. Even the softest, high-fat curds will not produce a completely smooth, homogeneous cheese mass, unlike cream cheeses. Therefore, to make the roll beautiful in cross-section, it is recommended to blend the cheese filling with an immersion blender. This is the mass I got.

All that remains is to add dill to it and mix with a spoon. If you take the immersion blender again, your curd mass will turn out to be bright green.

So, the fillet and filling for the herring roll with melted cheese are ready and you can start forming the roll. Apply the cheese filling in an even layer onto the prepared herring fillet. You can put sliced ​​cucumbers on top, then you will succeed herring roll with cheese and cucumbers. It is advisable to do all this immediately on cling film.

Wrap the fish fillet lengthwise in the form. Wrap with cling film.

It turned out that the edges of the herring’s belly almost closed together, and the fish turned out to be stuffed with cheese. Now we put this herring roll in the refrigerator and let it cool. To speed up the cooling process, where some elements need to harden, I put many of the dishes in the freezer. Don't be afraid to do this. The main thing is not to forget that you put your dish there, otherwise it will freeze and lose its taste.

My roll stayed in the freezer for about an hour and a half. The filling became dense, but the fish itself was not frozen. It's time to cut it. Herring roll with melted cheese cut into thin slices using a sharp knife. Served on a bowl with greens. Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if you liked this herring roll recipe and find it useful. I also recommend preparing the one you will find on the website.

Herring roll with cheese. Photo

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Snacks are an indispensable component of any holiday table, but there can be a great variety of options. Today you can find something for almost every taste, but this dish is definitely not like all the others. We offer you an unusual and very tasty appetizer with melted cheese and herring, which can be safely served on a holiday table, or even on New Year's Eve!
We recommend cooling the herring roll in the freezer rather than in the refrigerator, since a slightly frozen roll will be easier to cut into portions. But don’t forget to take the roll out after two hours, otherwise it will freeze on your stone and you certainly won’t be able to cut it. Let's take a closer look at how this wonderful appetizer is prepared!

Ingredients for making herring rolls:

- 1 lightly salted herring;
- a pinch of sea salt;
- 150 g of processed cheese or curd cheese;
- 1 red pepper;
- ground black pepper;
- a couple of sprigs of dill;
- half of black bread.

How to cook with photos step by step

The first step is to clean the herring and then fillet it. Remove the skin from the fillet and carefully remove all the bones.

Place the herring fillets on cling film so that the bellies overlap. Cover with cling film and then beat the top a little with a hammer. The fillet should eventually become absolutely identical throughout its entire thickness.

The cheese for herring rolls needs to be heated to room temperature by simply placing it on the table in advance. We grease the top of the herring with cheese; if it is warm, then this will be quite easy to do. Do not overdo it with the spread, otherwise you will not be able to wrap the roll.
We used the sandwich spread. But we still recommend that you use processed or curd cheese.

Sprinkle them on top of our herring.

Using film, we roll the herring into a roll, wrap it with film on top, and then put the herring roll in the freezer for a couple of hours so that it hardens.
Then cut the roll into medium pieces with a sharp knife.
Now let's prepare the basis for our appetizer.

We cut out circles from black bread for herring rolls, we do this using a glass. These bread mugs can be dried a little in a frying pan, but this is optional.

Place the herring rolls on the rounds of bread.

Decorate the appetizer with herbs and serve.

We also invite you to surprise your guests

First of all, we fillet the lightly salted herring, removing everything unnecessary from the pieces - the head, entrails and bones. Then carefully remove the skin from the fish so as not to damage the surface of the fillet parts and leave them intact.

Place the fish fillets on a board covered with cling film for convenience. We combine the abdominal parts of both sirloin parts and overlap them. Cover the top of the fillet with the same piece of cling film.

We take a kitchen chop mallet and with the side with small tubercles (usually intended for tender meat, such as chicken), we begin to lightly beat the herring into wide parts. Our task is to beat the fillet so as to obtain a more or less uniform layer over the entire surface. To prevent the cling film from tearing, you can cover the top of the herring with a cotton towel.

When our fillet is level, roll out the processed cheese or spread it with a fork if it is too soft. By the way, instead of processed cheese, you can use cottage cheese or cream cheese.

Place finely chopped pickled or pickled cucumber on a layer of processed cheese.

Sprinkle the cucumber with the same size cubes of sweet pepper and finely chopped herbs. Do not overdo it with the amount of cheese, cucumber and pepper, otherwise it will be difficult to wrap such a “plump” roll properly.

We wrap the herring roll, helping ourselves with cling film. Try to wrap it as tightly as you can. Wrap the fish “sausage” like candy at both ends and place it in the freezer for no more than 2-3 hours.

While the herring roll is cooling, use a glass of a suitable size to cut out circles from thin slices of rye or wheat-rye bread.

Herring rolls =================== To make herring rolls we need pickled herring or ready-made fillets. Delicious snack, quick to prepare. Ingredients For 2 herrings (4 fillets) for filling: 0.5 tbsp. steamed prunes 0.5 tbsp. nuts 50 gr. butter 1 tbsp. mayonnaise Salt, pepper. Preparation: Separate the herring fillet from the bones and remove the skin. Pass the steamed prunes and nuts through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Grind all ingredients for the filling thoroughly until smooth. Spread the fillet with the filling and roll it into a roll, starting from the wide side. Prick with a skewer or toothpick. Place in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving, cut the herring rolls into pieces less than 1 centimeter thick with a very sharp knife.

Herring rolls with mincemeat I liked the recipe for an unusual mincemeat from one chef... There, of course, there was a lot of fancy in the design and details when serving. I moved away from these lyrics, grasping the very essence - herring with herring filling. Ingredients: herring fillet - 2 pcs. egg - 1 pc. carrots - 30g butter - 10g curd cheese - 20g apple for serving - 1 pc. Preparation. Boil hard-boiled egg and carrots until soft. Cut fillets from each half of the herring into thin layers. We must try to cut off enough so that the bottom layer becomes only 3-4 mm thick. We cut all the cut plates of the herring into strips. And chop into small cubes. They will form the basis of the mincemeat. Remove the yolk from a hard-boiled egg. And chop the protein into small cubes. Cut the boiled carrots into the same small cubes. Combine chopped herring, egg and carrots in a separate plate and season with melted butter. Mix. Add cottage cheese (can be processed). Mix again and lightly press with a spoon to give the mincemeat uniformity. Now cover the work board with cling film and place the thin herring fillet that we prepared earlier on it. Place a layer of freshly prepared mincemeat on the herring, gently squeezing it slightly and making small indentations along the edges. We close the second thin half of the herring - literally wrap it around so that it fits around the filling. Wrap the stuffed fillet diagonally in plastic wrap. When we wrap it diagonally, it gives us the opportunity to “press” the herring into a narrower corner and thus pack it tightly. We tie the opposite edge with a knot. We put the workpiece in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes (in this form it can be stored for no more than 3-4 days). Before serving, take the product out of the refrigerator and remove the film from it. Now all that remains is to decorate the dish - cut the mincemeat into rolls. And put them on a plate. Nearby are chopped apple slices.

Herring rolls with beets Herring goes well with both apples and beets. Well, a trio of these ingredients in one dish is simply doomed to success. Fast, tasty and satisfying! Cooking method 1. Place herring fillets in a bowl and pour milk. Leave the fish for 2-3 hours, then drain the milk and dry the fillets with paper towels. Soaking herring in milk is a culinary technique that makes the herring less salty and more delicate in taste. 2. Cut each herring fillet lengthwise to make it half as thin. 3. Meanwhile, boil the beets until tender. 4. Peel the beets and apples and grate them on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the mixture with lemon juice, season with vegetable oil and black pepper. 5. Spread the resulting mixture in an even layer on each herring fillet. Roll the herring into rolls, and to keep the rolls in shape, secure them with wooden toothpicks. Tie a feather of green onion around each roll and remove the toothpicks.

Bright herring appetizer You can prepare a lot of different dishes from herring, not just salad. For example, how about the same bright and appetizing snack that will look perfect on the New Year's table? Ingredients: herring - 1 pc. cucumber - 1 pc. red pepper - 1/2 pcs. egg - 1 pc. dill and parsley to taste carrots - 2 pcs. gelatin mayonnaise Separate the herring into fillets. Be sure to remove absolutely all bones. Slice the cucumber into thin slices. Cut half a red pepper, carrots and egg into cubes. Chop the greens. 1 tbsp. l. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of boiling water, stir until completely dissolved. Mix with 3-4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise. With the finished chopped fish filling (leave the pepper and cucumber separately), mix mayonnaise with gelatin. Unroll the cling film and place half the fillet on it. Place half of the egg-carrot mixture on it, then half of the cucumbers and peppers. Then add the egg-carrot mixture, cucumbers and peppers again. Cover with the other half of the fillet. Wrap the herring tightly in cling film and tie the edges. Place in a cool place overnight. The next day, before serving, remove the herring and cut it into thin pieces. Bon appetit!

Herring rolls “With vodka” Sometimes even the most familiar food can become a subject of surprise and admiration. Don't believe me? Try making original herring rolls with champignons and bell peppers. Ingredients: 2 fresh or frozen herrings 1 bell pepper 100 g small pickled champignons greens For the marinade: 1/4 cup wine vinegar 1/2 cup water and vegetable oil 1 teaspoon sugar 1-2 teaspoons salt 1/4 tsp .spoons black peppercorns 3-4 allspice peas 2-3 bay leaves 1-2 buds of cloves (I don’t add allspice and cloves, for my taste they are too much and I take 1 spoon of salt) Marinade: heat the water, add black peas and allspice, cloves, bay leaves, salt and sugar, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool to room temperature, add vinegar and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Clean the herring, gut it, cut off the head, tail and fins, remove the fillet. Rinse the fillet thoroughly, remove small bones, cut lengthwise into strips 0.7-1 cm wide. Cut the bell pepper into strips, place in boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes until soft. Wrap the marinated champignons in strips of bell pepper, then herring, and secure with wooden skewers. Place the rolls in a container, pour over the marinade, cover with a lid and leave to marinate for 5-6 hours. Then place in the refrigerator and let stand for another 5-7 hours. When serving, place the rolls on a plate, garnish with herbs and fresh vegetables. I’ll add that the rolls can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, but it’s unlikely that you’ll have any left over - they’re so delicious!

Herring in drops of amber I have tried the recipe many times, a very tasty appetizer. 300 g of herring (salted), 3 boiled eggs, a small bunch of green onions, 50 g of mayonnaise, 1 can of red (black) caviar, (white if possible) green salad leaves. Remove the herring fillet from the oil or marinade, let the liquid drain, pat the fillet dry with a napkin. Finely chop the boiled eggs and mash with a fork, mix with chopped green onions, season with a small amount of mayonnaise. Spread this minced meat on each piece of herring fillet, add 3-4 more eggs and roll the fillet into rolls. Place the rolls on a dish lined with green lettuce leaves, and on top of each roll put a pile of red caviar, it looks very nice if you make it with red and black caviar, and place it nicely on the dish.

Snack roll with herring Probably, few tables are complete without seafood-based dishes or snacks. It can be salads, pies, or just regular fried fish. Another recipe for a spicy, original, and at the same time very tasty dish is a snack roll with herring. To prepare such a roll, you need to purchase: 1. Herring fillet - 4 pieces 2. Beets - 1 piece 3. Chicken eggs - 3 pieces 4. Hard cheese - 100 grams 5. Mayonnaise - 150 grams 6. Instant gelatin - 1 tablespoon spoon 7. Green onions - taste How to prepare such a delicious roll? First, take the beets, which need to be boiled and immediately cooled. The same must be done with carrots and eggs. After complete cooling, everything needs to be cleaned. Now dilute gelatin in a small amount of water, and the water must be hot. Now let it cool a little, then combine with mayonnaise. So, carrots together with beets, as well as eggs and cheese, must be grated separately on a medium-sized grater. After this, divide the mayonnaise and gelatin into even four parts, mix each of them with the already grated vegetables, cheese and eggs. Place the fillet on thick cling film in the form of a layer, as if overlapping. A rectangle should form. Place carrots and eggs, beets and cheese layer by layer on the laid out fillet. Using this very film, roll the roll, and then immediately put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours. Has the roll cooled? Now cut it into portions, piece by piece, garnishing with green onions or any greens that you like. The appetizer is ready. It doesn’t take much time to prepare it – everyone can definitely handle the recipe. Surprise and pamper your guests with new masterpieces, and also use your imagination - this is the key to delicious, original and interesting dishes!

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