You can't cook scrambled eggs without breaking eggs. You can't make scrambled eggs without breaking eggs. You can't make scrambled eggs without breaking eggs.

Human life begins with an egg. This is not the egg in whose shell it is laid in the nest. But there is a difference between a human egg and a chicken egg. The human cell is very small, it is just one cell from which we come, formed in the mother's body. Its appearance can be considered the beginning of our existence.
At all times, people cared about health, thinking about suffering, although not everyone understood the true meaning of these processes. By adding new things bit by bit to the old, a person forms and expands his worldview, which requires systematic work on himself. And to develop and improve your level, you need new information. That is, gradual comprehension is the work on consciousness. The more new knowledge a person masters, the greater the chances of forming... cosmic consciousness. Here - here, cosmic! But more on that below...
Any living creature - an animal, a person, and what you ate for breakfast - is created in accordance with the control program embedded in DNA. Each cell contains a set of paired chromosomes, and in each pair both halves have the same structure (with the exception of the 23rd).
People's constant concern for their health has created powerful sectors of development - medicine and pharmaceuticals. Health is a certain state of the body when a person feels comfortable and is able to work normally and create new things. But people are designed in such a way that they remember it only when they begin to lose it. Research in medicine has recently given people powerful knowledge in the fight against disease.
However, human life has not lengthened and has not reached the desired age. The scientific point of view explains everything simply and familiar to us: “I got sick because I had a cold. Or, “I broke my leg because I fell unsuccessfully, etc.” These explanations are quite acceptable.
Higher (!) knowledge explains this kind of what happens to us not from the point of view of everyday events, but from the position of the development of the Cosmos and world transformations.
Nothing exists for itself and its own pleasures. We must always remember that man was not created for empty time, but for certain purposes, and if there is a purpose, then there are responsibilities. Based on the principles of understanding the purpose of human existence, one must understand that a person produces for the Higher worlds the quantity and quality of energy that is planned for it.
When the correct way of existence is not observed (which we see all the time), this is tantamount to the fact that a chemical reaction has gone in the wrong direction and the wrong result is obtained…. That is, if a person produces the wrong energy in quality and does not supply it quantitatively, he ends up with energy debts to the Cosmos, which our brother, as they say, has to “work off” through illness and life situations. That is, on the one hand, diseases appear from an incorrect lifestyle, on the other, diseases extending from a past life from failure to fulfill the program of a past life, these are karmic diseases.
At the same time, everything is done not in order to make a person suffer from pain. It is given from Above in order to realize certain moments of one’s life, that is, in order to come to the conclusion that it is not worth doing bad deeds and continuing to accumulate negative qualities! Therefore, as we see (however paradoxical it is), diseases also bring benefits. That is why, if the spirit awakens, it resists the disease, mobilizing, so to speak, secret internal forces.
To recover, a person comes up with so many types of medicines, ointments, exercises that one can only be surprised at this. For the sake of feeling healthy, a person is ready to deal with any problems and spend all his free time on treatment.
But, as said, chronic diseases are given to a person because of his energy debts, which he develops as a result of a long-term incorrect lifestyle. Failure to fulfill the duties of self-preservation leads to traumatic physical damage to the outer shell of the body and its internal organs.
And a person is to blame for his illnesses, first of all, and secondly, his environment, which he chooses for himself.
Well, as for eggs and an omelet made from them, the emergence of something new, creation, growth, presupposes destruction. Without making a sacrifice, you will not achieve results - something like that... At the same time, observing the instinct of self-preservation - a person’s desire to maintain the achieved level of life and activity, based on a protective reflex and life instincts.

“Alpine peasants, yearning for warmth and light, present an omelet to the sun, like a warm heart in the palm of their hand...” Beautiful. I read that the word “omelet” has an interesting origin. In the 15th century, the word was written as amelette and some linguists saw in it the root ame - “soul”. I’m not a linguist, I can’t evaluate the flight of fancy, but I liked the idea. And many parallels can be drawn.

Once during Lent, the poet Debarro, famous for his sonnet about the wisdom of divine providence, went with friends to an inn and ordered an omelet with lard. As soon as the eaters started eating the omelette, a thunderstorm broke out: “a storm roared, thunder roared,” water poured like a waterfall. It seemed as if the whole house was about to fall apart. DeBarro shrugged his shoulders and threw the omelet out the window, saying: “Just think, all the fuss is about scrambled eggs and ham.” (The phrase turned out to be so successful that the vaudeville “The Enchanted Scrambled Eggs” was written based on it).

Omelette is a food that everyone remembers from kindergartens, hospitals, sanatoriums, and school (pioneer) camps. Although in fact the yellow cubes trembling on the plates are not an omelet at all, but an egg soufflé.

A real omelet is not prepared in public establishments (except restaurants). And then, an omelet in a restaurant is the exception rather than the rule.

Let's start making and then actively eating a real omelet.

Required for a basic omelet with cheese: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, a cup of milk, salt, cheese. Oil for the frying pan - vegetable or butter. or baked. A little.

Beat eggs, milk and flour with a fork.

Bake in a frying pan (I bake with the lid on without turning).

Shake it out onto a plate. While it’s hot, place the cheese on half the “pancake” and fold it in half.

Here is the result. This basic omelette can be eaten with vegetables, sausage or jam. Who likes it :)

I can’t resist “publishing” Debarro’s famous sonnet:

How just is your sentence, great God!

You find happiness in your favor,

But I did so much evil that you could not,

Without offending yourself, take part in me.

You will be punished for the great godlessness

You can only execute a soul that is confused.

In my bliss I dared to trample

I will accept your rights and death as mercy.

To the glory of heaven your passionate voice will be heard,

Let the tears flowing from your eyes offend you!

War for war! It's time! Thunder, thunder

I, dying, praise the mind that teases you,

But the blood of Christ is on everything you pierced

With its thundering lightning!

Omelet, you say? Hh...

They say it's good to eat boiled eggs for breakfast. They also say that you can’t make scrambled eggs without breaking a couple of eggs. People generally talk a lot. And if culinary preferences and their usefulness are a purely individual thing, then it is indeed possible to make “scrambled eggs” without breaking eggs. The main thing is to know one little trick and not be afraid of experiments. Not in the kitchen, not in life.

How to Make Golden Eggs or Scrambled Eggs in the Shell

How to Make Golden Eggs or Scrambled Eggs in the Shell

Surprise your loved ones with an unusual way of preparing ordinary hard-boiled eggs. The Americans call it Scrambled egg, and the much more poetic Japanese dubbed this dish the “golden egg.” In reality, this is a boiled egg consisting entirely of one yolk. It's like scrambled eggs inside the shell. And preparing a wonder is much easier than it seems.

If you don’t have an extra stocking at hand, donate nylon tights and give them a quick “amputation.” All in the name of science.

Place the egg inside the stocking, exactly halfway between the beginning and the toe. Grab the edges and unscrew it as in the photo below. Do 20-25 of these turns before loosening the ends. Repeat the pattern 10 times.

Now you need to check whether your physical training has affected the condition of the yolk inside the shell. To do this, take the egg to a dark room and shine it with a flashlight. If it turns bright yellow, it means you need to shake it some more. If, when held up to light, the egg is dark red in color, then the white and yolk are sufficiently mixed. You can move on to the next step.

On the left is an unbeaten egg, on the right is the white and yolk mixed

Place the eggs in water at room temperature, bring to a boil and then cook for 6 minutes. Afterwards, do not forget to drain the boiling water and cool with cold water.

“Golden eggs” can be mixed with ordinary ones: whoever gets an unusual egg will certainly have good luck. Or you can just eat them, without unnecessary jokes.

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