What kind of breakfast to cook for mom on her birthday. What to cook for mom. How to cook an omelet roll with cottage cheese

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website collected 7 delicious and simple recipes that children can handle effortlessly. Well, at what age to let the baby into the kitchen, you decide.


Vegetable oil.
Egg - 1 pc.
Milk or cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Diced toppings - ham, basil, tomatoes, bacon, etc.

  1. Take two tablespoons of vegetable oil and grease the mold.
  2. Mix eggs and milk, selected filling ingredients and salt.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into a baking dish.
  4. Place in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Let cool slightly, then remove from the microwave using oven mitts.

baked bananas

Bananas - 4 pcs.
Cottage cheese - 100 g.
Yoghurt - 100 g.
Egg - 1 pc.
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

  1. Cut the peeled bananas in half and place in a microwave-safe dish.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with egg and honey to make a creamy mass. Spread mixture over bananas.
  3. Put the dish in the microwave and bake on medium power with the grill on for 8-10 minutes.

mini pizza

Bread - 1-2 slices.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Sausage, olives, pickles, boiled chicken, bell pepper - optional.
Hard cheese.

  1. Spread some butter on a slice of bread.
  2. Place your choice of diced ingredients on the bread, such as sausage, tomato, and bell pepper.
  3. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  4. Send to the microwave for 1-2 minutes.

Salad "Caprese"

Mozzarella - 1-2 balls.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Olive oil.

  1. Slice tomatoes and mozzarella.
  2. Arrange the cheese, tomatoes and basil in turn.
  3. Drizzle with olive oil on top.

egg boats

Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

  1. Peel the shells of pre-cooked eggs and cut them in half.
  2. Take out the yolk and mix it in a bowl with sour cream.
  3. Fill the halves of the proteins with the resulting mixture.
  4. From bell peppers, cut small squares with a side of about 2-3 cm and cut them diagonally.
  5. Stick into the yolk to make a sail.

hot sandwich

Sausage - 2 slices.
Butter - 30 g.
Hard cheese - 50 g.
Bread - 2 slices.

  1. Brush the slices of bread with butter.
  2. Put sausage on one of the slices and sprinkle with grated cheese. You can add greens and finely chopped vegetables.
  3. Cover the cheese with a second slice of bread, buttered side down. Bake in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. Eat while hot.


Semolina - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch.
Milk - 1 glass.
Butter - 20 g.

  1. In a deep bowl, mix semolina, sugar and salt.
  2. Dilute the mixture with milk and put in the microwave for a minute and a half.
  3. Stir and add the butter, then put the porridge in the microwave for another minute and a half.

When serving, you can pour jam or add fruits and nuts.

This spring day on March 8 should begin with congratulations. Think in advance about what you need to do on your mother's holiday so that her kind and affectionate eyes light up with happiness.

Start the morning with a tasty, mouth-watering breakfast for mom. It is very important that he be made a loving son or daughter.

Not so long ago, she rejoiced at your first steps, and on this special morning, surprise her with culinary talents. It will be a big surprise for her if you cook a festive breakfast with your own hands.

What to cook on March 8 to make the morning unforgettable?

Do not invent anything complicated and intricate, let the breakfast be tasty and simple. In addition, it is very important that he prepares quickly. Therefore, decide in advance on a set of products. Make sure all the ingredients required for the recipe are on hand. Buy everything in advance.

To make a delicious gift with your own hands, you must:
Decide on the dish you are going to cook.

  • If this is not your brand, then it is better to practice making it. Let it be something completely ordinary: pancakes or a festive salad. If you give vent to your imagination and creatively approach the design, you can get a culinary masterpiece;
  • Be sure to get up before mom. No need to make noise and rumble, walk on tiptoe. Let her sleep longer this morning;
  • It is equally important to consider the presentation of the dish. What would be better: serve breakfast in bed or festively decorate the table in the dining room;
  • Think over every little thing. Rehearse the words or poem in advance so that the excitement does not prevent you from saying what you feel;
  • Do not forget to wash all the dishes and clean up after breakfast.

What to cook for mom for breakfast by March 8


1. Fried eggs for cute Mom

Required set of products:

  • Egg 2 pcs.
  • Sausage 2 pcs.
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • A branch of greenery.

  1. Cut the sausages in half lengthwise, but not all the way through.
  2. Turning outward, fold in the form of hearts. Fasten the ends with toothpicks.
  3. Carefully pour the eggs into the hearts, being careful not to break the yolk. Fry over low heat, then the sausages will not burn, and the eggs will be tender. When ready, gently transfer the scrambled eggs to a pretty plate with a spatula.
  4. Remove the toothpicks and trim off any excess protein that leaked out during frying. Salt and pepper.
  5. Garnish with herbs and sliced ​​tomato. You can submit!

2. A simple recipe for toasts for March 8 "Lubimki", with avocado and egg

Required set of products:

  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 1/2 pc.
  • Banana or pear - 1 pc.
  • Yogurt - 100 g
  • Berries or pomegranate seeds - for decoration

Start this holiday morning with a simple but very effective snack.

To prepare 4 servings, you need to take:

  • White or rye bread - 4 slices;
  • Egg - 4 pcs;
  • A little salt and pepper;
  • Sprigs of fresh herbs (parsley and basil);
  • Half an avocado.
  1. From bread cut hearts using a special form. If you want, you can dry them in a hot frying pan without oil on both sides.
  2. Drizzle the bread hearts with vegetable oil (olive is best);
  3. The avocado needs to be peeled and the pits removed. Cut the pulp in half, mash with a fork until smooth. Apply the finished puree with a knife on the bread;
  4. Fry four eggs in a hot skillet. Then cut it into pieces;
  5. Place the fried eggs on top of the avocado on the bread;
  6. Pepper and salt to taste;
  7. Before serving, decorate with sprigs of greens.

3. Surprise for mom - we bake pancakes. Vide

Imagine and surprise.

A few tips on how to decorate pancakes beautifully. You can make bags or nests out of them, and fill them with liquid filling or berries. Roll up rolls and tubes, decorating them with hot chocolate.

If mom has not yet woken up, then it is better to keep pancakes in a preheated oven.

4. Fruit salad March 8

To prepare one serving, you need to prepare:

  • Medium-sized orange - 1 pc;
  • Kiwi - 1 pc;
  • Half a pear;
  • Banana or small pear - 1 pc;
  • Creamy yogurt - 100 gr;
  • Fresh berries or pomegranate seeds for decoration.

  1. Since the skin will not be removed from the orange, it must be washed well. For this, it is best to use a brush.
    Cut the citrus fruit into rings no more than 2 cm thick so that later they can be folded into eights;

2. Remove the pulp and cut it into pieces;

3. Peel the kiwi from the skin and chop into cubes directly in its shape. A couple of rings can be left to decorate the salad;

4. Remove the peel from the banana and cut in the same way;

5. Prepare the pear in the same way;

6. Combine chopped fruit with yogurt and mix very carefully so that there is no excess juice;

7. Arrange the prepared orange rings on a dish in the shape of eights;

8. Fill them with the finished fruit mixture;

For decoration, use berries, kiwi rings, pomegranate seeds, chocolate pieces.

5. Yogurt mousse "For Mom", with strawberries and raspberries

An ideal solution for a dessert that does not take much time is to prepare a delicious mousse from frozen berries.

Required set of products for seven servings:

  • Frozen berries (raspberries, strawberries) - 250 g each;
  • Natural yogurt without fillers - 350 ml;
  • Vanillin (sugar or extract) - 1 tsp;
  • Ground gelatin - 10g or 2-3 plates;
  • Half a glass of natural cream;
  • Granulated sugar - 50 gr;
  • A couple of sprigs of mint;
  • Fresh berries for decoration.
  1. Defrost the berries beforehand, mix them with sugar and beat in a blender.
  2. Soak gelatin in cold water for 2-3 minutes, then heat it in a water bath, remove from the stove and combine with berry puree. Put on a slow fire and warm until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Add vanilla extract to yogurt and mix with raspberry-gelatin mixture.
  4. Whip the cream in a separate bowl and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Divide the mousse into molds and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  6. Garnish the mousse with fresh berries and mint leaves before serving.

6. Spring Dessert "Jolly French Fries"

Required set of products:

  • Thick yogurt 100 gr.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Canned peach - 0.5 pcs.
  • Slice of lemon.
  • Mint.
  • Cherry syrup.

  1. We peel the apple.

2. An apple in a salad will imitate fried potatoes, so cut it into thin sticks.

3. And so that it does not darken, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix. Here our dessert “fun potatoes” is almost ready, it remains to arrange everything correctly.

4. Put a few tablespoons of yogurt on a plate. The yogurt will mimic the white of a fried egg. Align the edges so that it looks more like a real scrambled egg.

5. We take a peach and place it in the center of the "squirrel" - this will be the egg yolk.

6. Fill the rest of the plate with apple sticks.

7. Pour the salad with cherry syrup, or you can use any other, red, imitating ketchup.

8. Here is our dish "Fun French Fries" and you're done.

7. Video. Table decoration for March 8

8. Video - cakes for March 8. 3 Cake Recipes for Mom by March 8

And remember that the most expensive gift on your mother's day will be your smile and the words: "Dear mother, you are the most beloved and beautiful in the world."

What could be better than the morning, when a day full of events, meetings, adventures or a leisurely relaxed holiday is just beginning? Only the morning on your birthday, which you want to make truly special and enjoyable, and a festive breakfast will help us with this! In this article you will find interesting and not too burdensome recipes to prepare to please the birthday man and household.

A festive breakfast can be as simple as a glass of champagne and a sandwich with red caviar or cake, or more interesting and complex. But before we start creating it, let's decide on the menu!

A couple of days before the celebration, remember what exactly the birthday man or the birthday girl prefers, it is not necessary to cook specific dishes, because few people will eat their beloved borscht or goose with apples in the morning. It is enough to decide what to focus on: snacks or desserts.

  • If the birthday boy is a well-known sweet tooth and gourmet, the cakes or homemade sweets offered for breakfast will be the best gift.
  • If you are a fan of fresh pastries, take care of hot holiday buns, croissants or pancakes.
  • If the culprit prefers to start the morning with a solid meal that includes eggs and bacon, make a "romantic scrambled egg" in sausage hearts.
  • Well, if in the morning he prefers a cup of coffee with or without a sandwich, limit yourself to an unusually brewed drink and a few canapes.

Either option would make a great birthday present!

And another important point, before you go in search of the “most-most” recipes: evaluate your strengths. Of course, a birthday is a holiday that is possible only once a year, and for a beloved birthday man or birthday girl, you want to do your best, sparing no effort and products.

But! In addition to desire, there must be time and skill when it comes to a recipe that is difficult to execute. And even if it seems quite simple - what is easier, cut sausages, stab with toothpicks and break an egg inside - it's worth practicing cooking at least once.

Anything can go wrong: toothpicks don't hold, sausages fall apart, eggs leak... and instead of a wonderful holiday breakfast, we risk getting a dose of frustration from a failed surprise.

If we are talking about unusual snacks or desserts, just prepare everything you might need in advance - skewers, curly knives, bread cutters or a syringe with nozzles, so that at the appointed time you know for sure that you have everything you need.

Recipes that seem appetizing but complex or you doubt the end result are also best avoided or practiced before the festive meal.

So, when you have already decided in which direction to move, it remains only to choose recipes for birthday breakfast.

This recipe is perfect for a light yet festive start to the day.


  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Ham or salami sausage - 50 g
  • Round bun - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Spinach - 100 g
  • Broccoli - 100 g
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Salt - a pinch


  1. Let the spinach thaw and pat dry with paper towels or paper towels. Boil the cabbage in salted water for 5 - 7 minutes, as we need it half-baked, and leave to dry in a colander.

Instead of broccoli, you can use asparagus in the same proportions.

  1. We cut the bun and, taking out a piece of the crumb from both halves with a dessert spoon (a circle with a diameter of about 3 cm and a depth of at least 2 cm), grease the inside with butter and put in a hot oven to brown at a temperature of 220 - 250 degrees for about 5 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, cut the ham into narrow small strips.
  3. We let the finished halves of the buns cool slightly, and then lay out the sliced ​​ham (or sausage), grated cheese (just set aside 2 tsp for sprinkling), spinach and broccoli along the edges in layers in round recesses. It should look like a nest.
  4. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and gently spoon the yolks into the indentations with a tablespoon. Pour the protein evenly, if it fits.
  5. Sprinkle with cheese and send to bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. We make sure that the yolk does not overheat - it should remain liquid.

Ready eggs are served hot with a cup of fragrant coffee or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Canape with red caviar

And you can complement them with canapes with red caviar. A classic, beloved sandwich, on any holiday table is not superfluous, and even more so, for breakfast on a birthday. And yes, it's easy to prepare.

For canapes, we need 4 slices of a loaf, from which we will squeeze out eight circles with a mold, two of each.

  • Then mix 2 tbsp of fatty non-acidic sour cream or soft cottage cheese with 1 tsp of finely chopped dill or cilantro, add black pepper, salt and spread on bread slices. Lay red caviar on top.
  • You can optionally put lemon slices on skewers, or you can serve without them.
  • If there is time, we dry the slices of bread a little in the oven. No more than 3 - 4 minutes at 200 degrees. They should not be ruddy or hard, just slightly "tacky".

In addition, the following combinations of canapes for a festive breakfast will be good:

  • A cube of hard cheese, a quarter of a lemon slice, a piece of marmalade and an olive or black olive.
  • A circle of loaf smeared with soft cheese and pepper, cherry tomato, mozzarella ball marinated in olive oil and lemon juice.
  • A square of bread, salted cottage cheese cream with herbs, cucumber.
  • A circle of loaf, butter, a slice of salmon, a piece of boiled egg.
  • Bread, smoked meat (or chicken breast), boiled beetroot slice, gherkin.
  • A square of rye bread, a slice of salmon, cottage cheese cream, a quail egg.

As you can see, there can be a lot of combinations for delicious, unusual and festive canapes. The main condition is that all the ingredients separately should impress the birthday man so that he does not have to choose olives or “lemons” that you made for beauty or because the recipe required it.

birthday cake

There are many options to treat the hero of the occasion with something delicious in the morning.

It can be a hearty and very tasty Laurent pie. You can make it either in advance, for example, late in the evening and serve it cold or heated in the microwave, or get up a couple of hours earlier.


  • Chicken fillet - 250 - 300 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Cream or milk 3.5% - 30 ml
  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Medium onion - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Basil, black pepper - optional
  • Salt - to taste


  1. First, let's prepare the shortcrust pastry. It will need to be kept in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, so we calculate the time in advance.
  2. Grind soft butter with egg and salt, add flour and, if necessary, a little water. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball and put it in the cold.
  3. Now let's deal with the filling: put the fillet to boil in a small amount of salted water. We cut the mushrooms and fry together with chopped onions, season with basil, black or allspice.
  4. Cool the meat and chop finely. Mix together with onions and mushrooms.
  5. Lubricate the baking dish with butter or vegetable oil (in the first case, the cake will turn out to be more fragrant), roll out the dough or simply distribute it with your hands, forming high sides. Lay out the filling.
  6. We make an egg mixture: beat 1 egg with grated cheese and cream, pour our pie with it and send it to bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Adjust the time depending on the resulting cake height.

Ready take it out of the mold and cool. Cake for the birthday boy for a festive breakfast is ready!

If you want to bake something sweet, then chocolate croissants for the holiday will be the most suitable option - quick, tender and very tasty!

  • Defrost a roll of puff pastry and roll it into a layer 5 mm thick.
  • We cut into small triangles according to the size of future croissants and put 2 squares of dark or milk chocolate in the base (on the wide part).
  • We roll the triangle into a tight tube, grease with an egg and put it on a baking sheet.

We will bake croissants at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Then take out and sprinkle with powdered sugar. A sweet surprise for breakfast is ready!

Desserts for birthday

These recipes are for those who like to enjoy something sweet, but at the same time light.



  • Coconut flakes - 150 - 200 g
  • Fresh condensed milk - jar
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Nuts - 100 g;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife


  1. Mix condensed milk with melted butter, 100 g of coconut flakes and mix well. Add vanillin. You should get a thick pasty mass.
  2. We put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour - it should harden and become convenient for modeling.
  3. Pour another 100 g of coconut flakes into a wide dry dish and prepare the nuts. It is best to take cashews - they have the most delicate taste. Also sweets will be very tasty with fresh strawberries and dried cherries.
  4. We take the frozen "dough" and sculpt a ball out of it, having previously put the filling inside. If it sticks, wet your hands with water.
  5. Roll the finished balls in chips and put on a dish.
  6. After that, let the sweets "rest" in the refrigerator.

The advantage of this dessert is that it is quite possible to prepare it in the evening, and in the morning impress the birthday man with a fabulous breakfast.

Preparing a holiday breakfast can be extremely interesting if you know exactly what you want, are confident in your abilities and are ready to experiment. Try and please your family and friends with delicious birthday surprises.

An edible surprise on this day should be special. Why not cook fabulously delicious gingerbread or chocolate popsicle with raspberries? Or an original breakfast in bed? In general, the choice is yours: delight moms with cool recipes.

Recipe 1: fabulously beautiful gingerbread in colored glaze

Degree of difficulty: medium

For the test you will need:

  • one hundred and thirty grams of butter;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 160-200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • a little cocoa (by eye);
  • gingerbread spices (one tablespoon). Ideally, if you find a spice that will include cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, and also a little bit of vanilla. An alternative to such a set can be a bag of spices for mulled wine.
  • five tablespoons of honey;
  • five hundred grams of flour.

For glaze:

  • powdered sugar (two hundred and fifty grams);
  • two whites of small chicken eggs.

Recipe 2: Banana Pancakes

Degree of difficulty: low (even children can handle it)

You will need:

  • one chicken egg;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • one hundred and thirty grams of flour;
  • fifty grams of butter;
  • one teaspoon of baking powder;
  • one hundred grams of bananas.

For glaze:

Let's start cooking:

Recipe 3: Cooking Chocolate Popsicle for Mom

Degree of difficulty: medium

Desserts for mother's day may be different, but such a fresh idea will definitely be appreciated! Moreover, Mother's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on May 14 this year, and the weather promises to be warm.

You will need:

  • heavy cream (fifty grams);
  • milk (one hundred grams);
  • unsweetened cocoa (three tablespoons);
  • one teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • two hundred grams of dark chocolate (from 53 to 66 percent);
  • raspberries (one hundred grams).

Let's start cooking:

Recipe 4: homemade blackcurrant marshmallows

Degree of difficulty: medium

You will need:

  • applesauce (one hundred grams);
  • blackcurrant (one hundred grams);
  • sugar (six hundred grams);
  • one egg white
  • water (one hundred and thirty milliliters);
  • agar-agar (five grams).

On a note! To make the marshmallow "seasoned", we recommend preparing it before Mother's Day in the evening.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Using a mixer or blender, mix apple and blackcurrant puree with two hundred grams of sugar until the latter dissolves. Add one egg white to the resulting mass, beat.
  2. We take another stewpan in which you need to mix water, four hundred grams of sugar and agar-agar. We put on medium heat and bring to one hundred and ten degrees. The contents are well whipped, pour the syrup into it in a thin stream. At increased speed, the mass should be whipped for about seven more minutes.
  3. Then it's up to the pastry bag (we use the nozzle "closed star" six to eight millimeters). We fill the bag with a mass that has thickened, and gently squeeze the future marshmallow onto a baking sheet. Don't forget to line the baking sheet with parchment. To stabilize the marshmallow should be left at room temperature for twelve hours. Almost ready, it remains only to remove the sweets from the paper and glue them in pairs with bottoms. Sprinkle with a little powdered sugar and delight moms!

Recipe 5: Healthy Breakfast (The Porridge Recipe You Didn't Know About!)

Degree of difficulty: low

No need to try to surprise with some unrealistic dishes that take hours and nights to prepare. We have simple, clear and delicious recipes. And if they are also useful, then generally perfect! Instead of a three-tier cake with a cherry, we offer to make mom's morning more pleasant with the help of porridge.

Option one: with cocoa and banana

You will need:

  • oatmeal (2/3 cup);
  • yogurt (2/3 cup);
  • cocoa (one tablespoon);
  • cherry and banana (to your taste).

Let's start cooking:

Option two: porridge with berries

You will need:

  • oatmeal (2/3 cup);
  • yogurt (2/3 cup);
  • blueberries or raspberries (to your taste);
  • corn flakes (to your taste)

Let's start cooking:

This recipe is very similar to the previous one. In the evening, oatmeal is poured with fruit yogurt in a jar. Mix thoroughly, beat in a jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator, and in the morning we supplement the porridge with berries. Mom will close her eyes in pleasure when she tries it! By the way, such oatmeal is stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Even the most banal scrambled eggs can become exquisite if you use original molds: a heart (as in the photo above) or a flower is best suited for Mother's Day. Note that such a gastronomic solution is also relevant for sandwiches.

Taste taste, but no one canceled the joy for the eyes, which means that a festive breakfast for mom simply must be supplemented with textiles. We say a categorical “no” to dull paper napkins! A cloth napkin, by the way, can be tied with a gold ribbon, it will turn out very elegant.

You can't do without flowers on Mother's Day! For breakfast, a huge, lush bouquet is not entirely relevant. Use freshly cut fragrant roses or delicate hydrangeas. You need to put the flowers in a small vase and decorate it with a morning table or a tray on which you plan to serve breakfast.

Choose your dishes carefully. It should be from the same set, and if not, then use items in a matching color scheme.

In addition to the main dishes, serve breakfast snacks in small bowls: it's beautiful and healthy.

And the final touch of breakfast for your beloved mother will be small notes in which you will once again say how much you love her and wish you a good day. Believe me, so little is needed for a smile of happiness! And then we have the following recipe for you: this time we will prepare a cake for Mother's Day.

Recipe 6: Mother's Day Cake with Cottage Cheese and Cocoa

Degree of difficulty: high

You will need:

  • four hundred grams of flour;
  • butter (two hundred and fifty grams);
  • sugar (one hundred and fifty grams);
  • cocoa powder (three tablespoons).

For filling:

  • cottage cheese (500 grams),
  • chicken eggs (four pieces);
  • sugar (two hundred grams);
  • vanilla sugar (one sachet);
  • sour cream (one hundred milliliters);
  • flour (two tablespoons).

Let's start cooking:

  1. First you need to preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and prepare the form - grease it with a small amount of butter and sprinkle with a little flour (you can use small breadcrumbs).
  2. Next, we prepare the cottage cheese for the filling: it must be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve, and then mixed with sugar and eggs. Add one bag of vanilla sugar and mix everything with flour and sour cream and send the mixture to the refrigerator.
  3. Next, use your hands to grind butter, flour, sugar and cocoa into crumbs. Approximately ⅔ of the resulting crumbs are laid out in a mold, leveled and pour the filling from the cottage cheese. Pour the crumbs that remain on the curd layer, level and put in the oven for fifty minutes. We bake until the future cake hardens.

Ready! The sweetness in the photo above is covered with icing, so the pastry looks more festive.

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

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