Fried potatoes in a wok. Stewed potatoes with meat in a pan Cooking fried potatoes with meat

Fried potatoes are a simple but still very tasty dish. It was especially widespread in poor families during the existence of the USSR. Most often, fried potatoes were cooked in lard. Very often, during the slaughter of livestock, potatoes were fried either with fresh meat or, for example, with fresh liver. It turned out both satisfying and very tasty. Today, fried potatoes are not something mundane. Almost everyone loves her.

With the advent of modern household appliances, fried potatoes began to be cooked in microwaves and even in a slow cooker. Which, however, does not spoil the dish itself. In each case it turns out delicious in its own way. And even in the microwave the potatoes turn out quite tasty. Potatoes are also fried with the addition of vegetables. In Siberia, in this case, shredded fresh cabbage is usually added to fried potatoes. In general, this dish does not have a strictly defined recipe. Everyone is free to interpret the recipe for a popular dish that is accessible to everyone. Let's cook fried potatoes in a frying pan with meat today.

Required ingredients:

  • Four potatoes.
  • Onion head.
  • One hundred grams of meat.
  • Lard.
  • Salt.
  • Spices.

Cooking fried potatoes with meat

First, take the meat; if you have it frozen, you need to defrost it. After which it needs to be washed well and cut into small pieces. Then there are two options for the development of further events. The first option is to boil the meat until half cooked. The second option is to send the meat after cutting directly into the frying pan and fry it until half cooked. Let’s also forget to add a head of onion cut into slices to the meat. The choice is yours. That's what we'll do. Place the chopped meat in a frying pan and add lard to it. Stirring constantly, bring the meat until half cooked.

By this time, we should already have peeled and cut into slices potatoes. And so the meat and onions were fried. The meat is cooked until half cooked. And after that we add potatoes to the meat and onions. Depending on the situation, if there is a need, we will add lard. Mix everything thoroughly, close the lid and stir our dish after about five minutes until the dish is completely cooked. At this point we can say our dish is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recently, a new culinary device has appeared in our culinary field - the Chinese wok. Although it has origins in China. The very fact of its appearance indicates the usefulness of this device in modern cooking. Therefore, I think we should buy a wok and try, for example, to cook fried potatoes and meat in it. I think it will turn out very well! If you want to purchase a wok for yourself, then go further to

This may seem banal to some, but I discovered an excellent recipe for fried potatoes.

Then heat the wok to high.

Now the lard is cut and thrown into the wok. You need to melt the lard together with the lard.

After this, potatoes and finely chopped garlic are thrown into the wok. As I read, it helps the potatoes get a crispy crust.

Now stir the potatoes, reduce the heat slightly and cover the wok with a lid. After 7-10 minutes, open, stir and close again. When the potatoes acquire a slightly golden hue, two onions, previously diced, are thrown into the wok. The cubes should be large. I used to throw the onions right with the potatoes. This was my mistake, because by the time the potatoes are cooked, the onions have time to burn. And it should be transparent golden. I also quite often add finely chopped leeks to my potatoes. It gives potatoes a special taste.

Mix everything and close the lid again. After another 10 minutes, take the bacon.

Slice it and throw it into the wok.

Mix and close. The time here needs to be tracked, depending on the stove. After another 10 minutes, sprinkle the potatoes with salt, pepper and red paprika. I had a special seasoning for fried potatoes. That's why I sprinkled only salt and this seasoning. Stir and turn off the stove. I used to season everything during the frying process. But in fact, if you salt the potatoes at the beginning of frying, by the time it’s finished, they will turn into porridge.
Well, our potatoes are ready

You can serve :) 

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Yield: 6 servings


  • pork – 500 g
  • large onion – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 1 kg
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns – 4 pcs.
  • thyme – 2 chips.
  • salt - to taste
  • water – 500 ml
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • dried or fresh dill - 1 tsp.


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    I washed the pork, dried it with paper towels and cut it into medium pieces - 4x4 cm. I put them in a very hot dry frying pan (if the meat is lean, without fat, you can add oil).

    I fried it over high heat, always without a lid, so that the meat would quickly become crusty on all sides. This way we will “seal” all the juices inside each piece; they will be retained inside during stewing, which means the pork will turn out juicy and soft. At the very end of cooking, I sprinkled the fried meat with salt, pepper and dried thyme, warmed it for a few seconds to release the aroma of the spices, and then transferred it to a saucepan for stewing.

    In the same frying pan where the pork was cooked, I fried onions and carrots, cut into medium cubes. As soon as the vegetables were browned, I put them in the pan with the fried meat.

    I poured about half a liter of water into the frying pan, added a little salt, a bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns, and boiled it.

    Pour the resulting boiling broth over the contents of the pan - the liquid should completely cover the meat. I put it on the fire and simmered for 30-40 minutes until the pork became soft. The heat should be medium, the lid half open. At the end, I added a spoonful of tomato paste and let it boil until it dissolved.

    Peeled the potatoes and cut them into medium slices. Placed it in a saucepan and simmered for another 20 minutes over low heat, covered. There should be enough liquid so that the potatoes slightly protrude above it (if you fill it completely, the dish will turn out to be too liquid). If necessary, you can add a little boiling water.

    At the very end of cooking, when the potatoes had already reached condition, I added dill and a couple of cloves of garlic, chopped with a knife.

    Immediately removed from heat, stirred gently and let stand covered for 10 minutes. If you boil the garlic, its taste will be less pronounced, otherwise it will steam slightly and will have a pleasant crunch, and the aroma will be simply fabulous!

The dish is best served hot. Potatoes cooked in a pan, stewed with meat, are very tasty, aromatic and juicy. The serving can be supplemented with sauerkraut and pickles; cucumbers are especially good.

All the secrets of stewed potatoes with meat

What to cook with? You can cook stewed potatoes with meat in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) on the stove, in pots in the oven or in a slow cooker - I cooked it in a saucepan.

Why fry if the dish is stewed? Regardless of the cooking method, the meat pieces must first be fried and then simmered until soft. This is where the secret of the juiciness of the dish lies. It is worth frying in a frying pan separately (first the meat over high heat, then the carrots and onions over medium heat until transparent), but you can also immediately in a thick-walled pan, adding one first and then adding the other. The taste will be interesting if you fry not only meat, but also potatoes (in lard, in vegetable oil or with the addition of butter). But this kind of roast has more calories.

With what meat? Any type of meat from fatty pork to diet rabbit is suitable for cooking. For those interested: before frying the meat, try marinating it in soft Dijon mustard - the taste will be even richer and richer.

Does the variety of potato matter? What other than potatoes? It is better to take potatoes that are not overcooked, with a moderate starch content. Vegetables go well with meat and potatoes - not only carrots and onions, but also sweet bell peppers, eggplants, and zucchini. Cabbage stewed with potatoes and meat is another classic dinner dish that is loved by many families.

What about seasonings? Pay attention to seasonings. Dried dill, bay leaf, thyme and black pepper are a classic combination that will enrich the flavor of the dish. A couple of cloves of garlic, added to the pan at the final stage, will add piquancy and spiciness.

What's the best sauce? Tomato or pureed tomatoes are great. You can add a spoonful of sour cream to the tomatoes for tenderness, and replace the water with broth for greater richness. Adjust the amount of gravy at your discretion. If you like to soak the “yushka” with bread, increase the amount of liquid.

Even if you know how to stew potatoes with meat, it’s never too late to replenish your stock of culinary knowledge with another win-win recipe!

Required ingredients:

  • meat (beef tenderloin) – 350 g
  • potatoes – 6 pcs.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 3 cloves
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  2. Peel the carrots, grate them and pour them into the pan with the onions. Stir, cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Cut the beef tenderloin into small cubes and add to the onions and carrots. Stir, close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. After the specified period, open the pan, add a little boiled water, stir and leave for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Stewing meat is quick and easy if you do several things at once. So, while it's cooking with the onions and carrots, get on with the potatoes. Clean it and cut it into small cubes slightly larger than beef.

  6. Pour the potatoes into the pan and add spices to taste.

  7. Add garlic with seasonings. Grate it on a fine grater or pass it through a crusher. Mix the ingredients and cook over low heat with the lid closed until the potatoes are done.
  8. It is important not only to know how to stew meat correctly, but also how to serve this dish. Don't be afraid to go overboard with finely chopped herbs. It is also very tasty to eat this hot dish with fresh vegetable salads and marinades. And those who love “thrills” will love the taste of tender meat with adjika or sour tkemali.

    Stewed cabbage with meat

    Do you know what is the most pleasant thing about meat? The fact that you can cook it with literally anything! Our recipe will tell you how to stew cabbage with meat, so that even your neighbors will come to visit for an amazing aroma.

    Required ingredients:

  • meat (pork or beef without bones) – 350 g
  • onions – 3 pcs.
  • sauerkraut – 200 g
  • fresh cabbage – 400 g
  • tomato paste – 5 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

The peculiarity of this dish is that it can be eaten even cold. Some gourmets prefer it cold. So you can stew cabbage with meat for lunch, and try it in a different role for dinner.

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