How to make the perfect homemade condensed milk. How to cook condensed milk from milk at home How to thicken milk at home

Nowadays you can find almost everything in the supermarket, including ready-made condensed milk. And unfortunately, purchased condensed milk tastes far from the same as homemade condensed milk. No surprise, because homemade is always better! You can verify this once again by preparing condensed milk at home. Today our website will tell you how to cook condensed milk yourself. Simple, but the best homemade condensed milk recipes for you!

How to cook condensed milk - traditional recipe

The first and simplest condensed milk recipe requires a minimum of ingredients. However, condensed milk prepared according to this recipe will have a pleasant creamy color, will become quite thick when cooled, and will taste yummy! So, if you don’t yet know how to cook condensed milk and this is your first attempt, this recipe is perfect.


  • fresh milk - 1 liter (high fat content);
  • sugar – 500 gr.;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.


For cooking, it is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it, add sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Over medium heat, bring the milk to a boil.

Stir the milk periodically until it has lost two-thirds of its original volume and has acquired a nice creamy color. After acquiring a creamy color and losing volume, the milk will become slightly thick, which indicates its readiness.

In the last minutes of cooking the condensed milk, add vanilla sugar; when it dissolves, wait another 15 seconds and turn off the stove. Our condensed milk is ready!

Freshly cooked condensed milk will not be too thick and stringy, but this will change as it cools.

How to cook condensed milk - recipe two

The second differs from the first recipe for making condensed milk at home not only in the presence of one more ingredient, but also in the cooking method. In this case, the condensed milk is cooked in a “bathtub”, that is, water is poured into a large pan, and a smaller pan is placed in it, in which the condensed milk is boiled.


  • fresh milk - 250 ml;
  • powdered milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


We select two pans (smaller and larger) so that one fits into the other and there is still space for pouring water between them. Pour some water into a large saucepan and place it on the stove.

In a smaller saucepan, mix warm fresh milk, milk powder, sugar and vanilla sugar.

Place the smaller pan in the larger one, fill the space between the pans with water (not to the very top, so that the water does not run away during boiling).

When the water boils, reduce the heat slightly and cook, stirring the milk occasionally for about another hour. When the milk thickens, the condensed milk is ready. We have half a liter of delicious condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk - recipe with butter

The recipe for condensed milk with butter differs from all previous ones not only in the new ingredient, but also in a completely different preparation method. To cook condensed milk according to this recipe, you need a minimum of time, but in addition to cooking, you also need to leave it in the refrigerator for a long time. More details below.


  • milk - 375 g;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 40 g.


Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Stir, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

When these 10 minutes are up, turn off the stove and pour the condensed milk into a jar.

We wait until the jar cools down, then put it in the refrigerator overnight to thicken. In the morning we open the refrigerator, your condensed milk is already ready!

How to cook chocolate condensed milk - recipe with cocoa

At home, you can prepare not only regular condensed milk, but also chocolate. In this case, the preparation will hardly differ from the usual recipe; we just need to add cocoa at a certain stage. So, let's find out how to cook chocolate condensed milk.


  • fresh milk - 1 l. (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. (good quality)


Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed pan and pour milk. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and the milk is boiling. Continue cooking over low heat until thickened. Stir constantly while doing this.

When our condensed milk finally thickens and becomes creamy, you need to add cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Let our chocolate condensed milk simmer for a few more minutes and turn off the stove. Leave the condensed milk to cool.

  • Now you not only know how to cook condensed milk, but also know how to prepare it according to different recipes, even chocolate ones. But I would like to give a few more tips that will help you successfully prepare condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to remember these tips.
  • To cook condensed milk, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom and high walls, so you don’t have to constantly stand over it for fear that it will “run away.”
  • After the condensed milk has been cooked, you need to let it cool. This will make it thicker and more viscous.
  • Ideally, use only fresh homemade milk, and if store-bought, then high-fat milk from a good manufacturer.

Do you like condensed milk? Store-bought is not always healthy, but homemade condensed milk from milk and sugar takes 20 minutes, that’s a completely different conversation. 100% without chemicals and harmful impurities, only natural dairy products and sugar!

Let's prepare the sweetness ourselves - tasty, aromatic, viscous, real homemade condensed milk from store-bought or village milk!

And the most interesting thing is that condensed milk is prepared in only 20 minutes! Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, that’s exactly how long it will take to cook your favorite delicacy. No 2-3 hours, as some recipes say.

The main thing is to adhere to the given technology so that the condensed milk comes out as desired, and then you can please your loved ones with a healthy dessert, and besides, you will save a lot of money, because making it yourself at home costs a penny.

  • Milk – 300 ml
  • Sugar – 300 g
  • Butter –15 g
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 g

Homemade condensed milk recipe with step-by-step photos

Pour sugar and vanilla sugar into the pan (the pan must have high sides). I highly recommend it - don’t neglect vanilla sugar, it adds an amazing aroma to the finished sweet in the end.

Bring it to a boil.

And left it to cook over medium (!) heat, stirring constantly. The milk will foam, become indignant, and try to jump out of the pan, but do not be tempted to reduce the heat - it should be medium, and during the cooking process the milk should foam well and boil strongly. It's like in the photo.

And that's exactly what the right pan is for.

We time it for 20 minutes. By the way, the color will change during the cooking process due to sugar - it will become slightly grayish. But don’t be alarmed, then, when the mass cools down, it will become a beautiful yellow color.

After 20 minutes of strong boiling, remove the pan from the heat. Do not expect the mixture to become denser during this time - it will only thicken slightly in consistency. Then let it cool a little, literally about 10 minutes, and immediately put it in the refrigerator, where our homemade condensed milk from milk should spend at least 2 hours and cool completely. Just after cooling it will become thick.

Well, then you can eat it with pancakes and pancakes, and use it to make creams, and add it to coffee or cocoa.

Bon appetit!

Condensed milk is a delicacy we all love, and it’s also quite affordable. This product can be used for baking, making desserts, added to tea or coffee, or simply eaten with a spoon. However, store-bought condensed milk cannot always be called edible. This is due to the use of various additives by manufacturers in order to save raw materials and speed up the preparation process. Therefore, more and more often housewives are trying to prepare homemade condensed milk. By making it yourself, you will be confident that it is natural and free of harmful additives, and its delicate taste will delight your guests and household members.

A few facts about the sweet treat

People began condensing milk back in the 13th century. However, they began to prepare it the way they do it now in 1810. The first to begin condensing milk was the Frenchman N. Appert. Today, the production of condensed milk is standardized. The milk is pasteurized, disinfected, and mixed with sugar syrup. Then the mass is boiled, evaporating the water from it, and cooled. A canned product can be stored for years without losing its quality.

Condensed milk contains many useful substances - calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C. The sweet delicacy has positive properties, and therefore is recommended for consumption by schoolchildren, employees of hazardous industries, and nursing mothers. It is nutritious, helps restore strength, improves the performance of the body and brain. However, since the calorie content of this product is high (323 kcal per 100 g) and it contains a lot of sugar, it is not recommended to eat it in large quantities.

Everyone knows that condensed milk prepared at home from natural products and without adding preservatives is much tastier and healthier than store-bought. How to cook There are many ways.

Classic recipe

A standard recipe for homemade condensed milk includes two components:

  • sugar - 500g;
  • milk 3.5% fat - 1 l.

Cooking requires a pan with thick walls and a bottom. Pour milk into it, put it on low heat and, stirring continuously, boil for 1-1.5 hours to evaporate the water. When the volume of liquid has halved, add sugar, stir until it dissolves and cook for another hour. If the mass becomes thick and acquires a creamy color, the condensed milk is ready. The container must be cooled under cold water.

From the specified amount of products you will get about 400-500 g of condensed milk. You can roll it up in a jar and save it for several months.

Condensed milk from powdered milk

How to make condensed milk from a mixture of dry and whole milk? The recipe presented below allows you to get a wonderful delicacy. It will require the following products:

  • 300 ml milk, 3-5% fat;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 300 g milk powder.

Condensed milk is prepared in this way, so you need two pans of different sizes. In the smaller one, mix all the ingredients with a whisk and place it in the larger one with boiling water. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously. Cooking time is about an hour. Next, the mass should be cooled, then it will acquire the proper consistency, and you will get 500 ml of delicious condensed milk.

Quick dessert

In order not to spend several hours on cooking, you can condense milk with butter. To do this you will need 15 minutes of time, a saucepan with high sides and the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 g butter.

All components are mixed in a container and brought to a boil over low heat. In this case, the mixture should be stirred constantly. Then you need to increase the heat and simmer the condensed milk for exactly 10 minutes, continuing to stir. Don't be surprised if the mixture starts to foam. When the product is ready, it needs to be poured into a jar and placed in the refrigerator to thicken.

Chocolate condensed milk

Chocolate lovers will undoubtedly enjoy condensed milk prepared with the addition of cocoa. For a creamier taste, high-fat milk should be condensed. For this delicious dessert you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa.

It is necessary to pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water, stir until it dissolves, and bring the resulting syrup to a boil. After 2 minutes, pour in the milk in a thin stream. After boiling, simmer the mixture until it thickens, remembering to stir it constantly. After this, pour cocoa powder through a sieve, knead until smooth and boil for 1-2 minutes. When the condensed milk is ready, it should be cooled.

Recipe with cream

If you use a recipe for homemade condensed milk with the addition of cream, you can get an incredible, delicious treat. It will require the following components:

  • 25-30% cream - 1l;
  • 600 g milk powder;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • vanilla to taste.

Sugar should be slightly diluted with water and, stirring, heated until a homogeneous mass is formed (but not dissolved). Next, you should prepare two different saucepans for the water bath. Pour the cream into the smaller one, and then add sugar and milk powder. The resulting mass is placed in a steam bath and cooked for about an hour. The condensed milk is stirred for the first 15 minutes by hand or with a mixer to remove lumps, and then every 10 minutes. stirs. Vanillin is added some time before the end of cooking. The mixture is boiled until a thick consistency is formed.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker

There is nothing easier than making condensed milk in a slow cooker - everything is done accurately, accurately and, most importantly, automatically, without human intervention. To prepare a sweet treat you need:

  • 200 ml full fat whole milk;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g milk powder.

Mix all the products in a multicooker container, then set the “Porridge” mode and wait for the end of cooking. If the time is not automatically set by the program, you need to set the timer for 40 minutes. While condensed milk is being prepared in the multicooker, its lid should remain open. When the time is up, the condensed milk is transferred to a glass container, cooled to room temperature and placed in the refrigerator for further thickening.

To make condensed milk thick and tasty, you should use fresh whole milk with high fat content for its preparation. It should not contain any additives. A high quality dry product or natural cream is also suitable.

It is better to condense milk in aluminum or stainless steel containers. When boiling, the mixture must be stirred so that it does not run away or burn. To obtain a homogeneous mass, you can add ¼ tsp during cooking. soda If soft lumps still form, you can gently rub the condensed milk through a sieve.

Condensed milk should be stored in sterilized jars, into which it must be poured immediately after preparation. The containers are tightly closed with a lid and stored in a cool place.

Today I will tell you how to quickly cook condensed milk from milk at home. How long to cook? With the right recipe, this can be done in just 10-15 minutes, no more. Perhaps it never occurred to you that making it at home is not at all a troublesome task. We are used to buying, but everyone has long understood that our own, cooked, is much better.

The fact that modern condensed milk bears little resemblance to the real thing, what we ate in childhood, and there are more preservatives and vegetable fats in the product, also speaks in favor of home-made preparation.

Another small plus in favor of home cooking. Calculate how much a glass of milk and sugar costs. Now remember how much a jar of milk costs in the store? Well, are you convinced? Since there are a lot of good reasons, let’s get started...

How to cook condensed milk - recipes

Before you start the cooking process, read a few cooking tips and you will feel like a real experienced housewife.

  • Add a couple of spoons of cocoa during cooking, you get condensed cocoa - chocolate.
  • Instead of milk, you can use cream of any fat content. This will save time as the product will cook much faster.
  • The next way to reduce cooking time is to add more sugar.

Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes

We will cook regular, white and not too thick condensed milk. There are recipes with the addition of soda, they are for thick. We will not add soda, but if desired, at the end of cooking, we will add vanillin. I once made it with cocoa powder, adding it halfway through cooking, stirring it in a little milk. It turned out well.

You will need:

  • Whole milk - 1 glass, it is better to take homemade milk, thicker.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Butter - 20 gr.

How to prepare condensed milk in 15 minutes:

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan with high sides, add sugar and add butter. If the milk is homemade, you don’t need to add butter.

2. Place the pan on low heat and, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. The sugar should dissolve completely.

3. When the milk boils, turn the heat as high as possible. And here the most important thing begins. The milk will begin to foam heavily and boil over. In order not to miss, stir continuously - in a circle, as if you were cooking porridge - scoop the mixture with a spoon and pour it out. The task is to prevent it from boiling over and running away. If you feel like you are losing control of the situation, reduce the heat, when the mixture settles, increase it again.

4. Don't forget to look at your watch. After 10 minutes of intense cooking, the mixture will begin to thicken. You will understand, you can’t go wrong, because the aroma of condensed milk will appear. Another sign is that the mass will stop boiling away. Be careful not to overcook. In the photo, the condensed milk was overcooked, I messed it up while I was thinking: should I make it thick or regular. To summarize: 15 minutes and the condensed milk is ready.

5. When you start pouring the mixture into a jar, it will seem liquid, don’t worry, as it cools down it will thicken.

Sometimes you want or for business, you need to cook condensed milk thicker, to do this, just cook it for 3-4 minutes longer. The mass will change color, become darker, light brown. Condensed milk boiled for 10-15 minutes is light in color and pours easily. Boiled longer will turn out viscous, like toffee. And the taste of “cow” sweets will become, remember, they used to be extremely popular. By the way, you can make sweets yourself.

I didn’t make any sweets, I took the photos from the Internet.

Condensed milk candies:

You can make sweets from digested condensed milk, and also in 15 minutes. Remove the prepared mixture from the stove and pour it into molds from the freezer to make ice. Or wait until the mixture has cooled a little and form round candies. The sweets can be rolled and decorated with coconut flakes and chopped nuts.

Condensed milk with soda - recipe

An excellent recipe for making homemade condensed milk, allowing you to preserve it for quite a long time. The finished product can be rolled into jars and then used as needed in the preparation of cakes and other confectionery products. Added soda will help increase shelf life, unlike the previous recipe. It is this that will ensure the product long-term storage and uniform consistency. The condensed milk will taste like the “Korovka” candy from childhood.


  • Milk, preferably fresh, from a cow – 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.
  • Soda – 1/3 teaspoon.

How to cook with soda:

  1. To prepare condensed milk according to this recipe, it is better to take a wide dish, such as a basin, so that the liquid evaporates well.
  2. Pour in milk, add sugar and soda. When the contents boil, simmer it over low heat. Don't forget to stir constantly.
  3. The milk will gradually thicken, darken and turn slightly brown. Make sure that the condensed milk does not burn. Then pour the condensed milk into jars and roll up.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker with milk powder

Many people now have multicookers and prefer to cook condensed milk in it. The only clarification: you can’t do it in 15 minutes, here the process is a little longer.

I confirm: condensed milk in a slow cooker turns out to have a pleasant creamy caramel taste, and it’s easier to prepare.


  • Whole milk - 1 glass.
  • Powdered milk - 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you need to choose powdered milk, and not its substitute, as the taste of the finished product largely depends on this.

How to cook:

  1. Mix both types of milk and sugar in a bowl, stir well, pour into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Set the mode to “Stew” and cook for 1 hour. Stir the milk several times.
  3. If you want the product to be thicker and darker, add time and cook longer.
  4. Pour into a jar, cool, and store in the refrigerator.

It takes too much time to prepare homemade condensed milk, 15 minutes, no more, but it’s worth spending it. You will receive a natural product with excellent taste and without harmful additives.

Friends, maybe you know an interesting recipe for cooking condensed milk from milk at home in 15 minutes - share with the readers, I will be grateful. I wish you health and pleasant tea drinking! From the video you will learn how to cook in a different way, choose your preferred option, everyone is good in their own way.

How to prepare and how to boil condensed milk at home

How to make “real” condensed milk at home and is it worth the trouble? In short: homemade condensation of milk will be justified, since falsification of condensed milk by substituting vegetable fats for milk fats is very common. But how to distinguish real condensed milk from fake, how to prepare condensed milk at home and how to cook ready-made milk is not possible to briefly talk about.

Who invented condensed milk and what kind of product is it?

In 1810, the Frenchman N. Appert proposed the idea of ​​condensing milk. Condensed milk is obtained by evaporating part of the water from it with the addition of sugar. At the same time, the concentration of nutrients in the finished product increases. There is twice as much solids (without sugar) as in raw milk, whole milk.

Sweetened condensed milk contains:

  • 56% carbohydrates,
  • 43.5% sucrose;
  • no more than 26% moisture,
  • 28.5% dry matter,
  • up to 9% fat,
  • 8.1% proteins,
  • vitamins A1, B1, B2, B12, C, PP.

Calorie content of condensed milk:

Important to remember:

  • Condensed milk is useful only due to the fact that it contains milk, which contains a number of vitamins that are little destroyed when it is condensed.
  • Since condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, you can consume it very moderately, 25-50 g per day, such an amount will only benefit you.

7 recipes for making condensed milk at home

The key to success is quality milk. Therefore, the most important thing for making condensed milk at home yourself is to buy fresh, whole and free raw materials from the market.

Once again, the milk should be:

  • whole,
  • high fat content,
  • definitely fresh
  • without any additives.

Please note: unfortunately, it happens that housewives add various ingredients to milk at markets that prevent the milk from turning sour, and also mix it with water or skim milk after separation.

1. Recipe for delicious condensed milk

If you prepare condensed milk according to this recipe, you will no longer want it from the store.

Homemade freshly prepared condensed milk

To prepare homemade condensed milk we will need:

  • 1 liter of cream (25-30%);
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 0.4 kg milk powder;
  • 0.2 kg of powdered milk baby food (can be replaced with 0.2 kg of powdered milk);
  • vanillin optional (but condensed milk is extremely tasty even without it).

Prepare like this:

  1. Add a little water to the sugar. Heat, stirring over high heat until the liquid mixture is homogeneous (do not boil, at this stage all the sugar should not dissolve).
  2. Next, be sure to cook the condensed milk in a steam bath so that it does not burn. To do this, take a saucepan, pour cream into it, add sugar previously heated with water, stirring.
  3. Then add baby food, dry milk and set to heat in a steam bath.
  4. Stir for the first 15 minutes to reduce lumps of milk powder (you can use a mixer), then stir for 5 minutes every 10 minutes.
  5. Add vanillin and cook until required thickness.

Cooking time 1 hour, possibly more.

2. Simple recipe 1

Necessary ingredients for preparing 0.5 liters of condensed milk:

  • milk - (preferably homemade) 0.25 liters;
  • powdered milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar 1.5 cups.

Prepare like this:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add, stirring, milk powder until a homogeneous, lump-free mass is obtained (you can use a blender).
  2. Pour in sugar and heat in a water bath.
  3. Cook in a water bath for 1 hour, stirring frequently until thickened.

That's it, condensed milk is ready.

3. Simple recipe 2

A recipe for making condensed milk without the use of labor-intensive evaporation.

Necessary products for preparing 1 liter of condensed milk:

  • dry milk or dry cream - 4 tbsp. (200 ml each);
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water or milk - 1 tbsp.

Prepare like this:

  • Bring water or milk to a boil (the milk will make you lick your fingers), add butter, sugar and beat the mixture with a blender, mixer or whisk.
  • Without stopping whipping, add dry milk little by little.
  • When there are no lumps left in the milk-sugar mass, stop beating.
  • Continue cooking in a water bath until the milk thickens.
  • When the milk has cooled, you can place it in the refrigerator; after refrigeration, it will become much thicker.

4. Classic recipe for home use

It’s not difficult to prepare condensed milk at home according to the classic recipe that our grandmothers used.

For this we need:

  • high fat milk - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.


  1. Sugar must be dissolved in milk, and then put the container on low heat and cook for 2-3 hours, stirring frequently, until the milk thickens (a drop should not spread).
  • Do not increase the heat to shorten the cooking time - the milk may burn.
  • The milk will thicken faster if you increase the amount of sugar to 0.7 kg, but it will be much sweeter (not everyone will like this).

Condensed milk made at home is not pure milky in color and will contain fewer vitamins, since its preparation occurs at higher temperatures than in the factory, but it will taste better than store-bought milk and is guaranteed to contain no vegetable fats.

5. Modified classic recipe

The recipe is similar to the previous one, but the cooking mode is slightly different.

We will need:

  • high fat milk - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.3-0.5 kg.


  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and place it on low heat. It is better to cook in a saucepan with a thick bottom. For 1-1.5 hours, evaporate the water from the milk, stirring continuously, then add sugar and cook for another 1 hour, continuing to stir.

From 0.3 kg of sugar and one liter of milk, 450 g of condensed milk comes out, and it tastes like it came from a store.

6. Condensed milk in an air fryer


  • full fat, whole milk;
  • sugar.

Prepare like this:

Take sugar and milk in a 2:1 ratio. Cook for the initial 30 minutes at the highest speed and temperature in a random saucepan with a lid, then cook for another 1-1.5 hours at medium speed and a temperature of 205 degrees.

7. Condensed milk in a bread machine


  • milk - 1 liter (must be whole, homemade);
  • sugar - 0.35 kg;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet (optional).

Prepare like this:

  1. Heat the milk on the stove until boiling in a separate pan and pour it into a baking dish installed in the bread machine.
  2. Add sugar and vanilla.
  3. Turn on the “jam-jam” mode several times until the milk thickens.

3 ways to cook ready-made condensed milk

If you have prepared condensed milk according to one of our recipes or have a couple of cans of store-bought ones, you can boil it to give it a taste similar to toffee candy. Boiled condensed milk itself is very tasty, and it is also included as an ingredient in confectionery products, for example, in homemade cakes.

Cooking condensed milk is not difficult, but there are some subtleties that need to be followed.

  • When purchasing condensed milk in a store, make sure that it is produced without vegetable fats;
  • if the water boils away during the cooking process, heat a small amount separately and add;
  • It is strictly forbidden to remove and open the can until the water has cooled completely, in order to avoid hot condensed milk from being thrown out of the can (you may get burns).

How to distinguish real condensed milk from fake

Video: how to distinguish real condensed milk from fake

Previously, manufacturers replaced up to 20% of fat, but now, the vegetable fat content can reach up to 100%, but on the labels the inscription “condensed milk” will still appear in the same place, although this product should already be called “milk” -vegetable."

Unfortunately, now what is sold under the name “condensed milk” does not meet any GOST. Therefore, sitting at home near the stove for a couple of hours, evaporating water from milk, is by no means such a bad idea.

1. How to boil condensed milk in an iron can

Cook like this:

  1. Place an iron can of condensed milk into a 3-liter pan of water (it is better to place it on its side).
  2. After the water boils, reduce the heat to a low boil and cook for one and a half to two hours, making sure that the water always completely covers the jar.
  3. Turn off the heat and wait for the water in the pan to cool without removing the can of condensed milk.

Important: if you miss and the water boils away, the jar may explode with all the ensuing unpleasant consequences.

Although this method is very simple, we still do not recommend using it because:

  • During cooking, oxides are formed in the jar, which end up in the condensed milk.
  • When heated, the tin coating of the can is destroyed and harmful substances from the metal can enter the product.
  • To cook condensed milk without health consequences, you need to pour it from a metal jar into a glass one and cook it in the manner described below.

2. How to cook homemade condensed milk or bought for bottling

This cooking method is completely safe for you and your kitchen, and in this way you can cook any amount of condensed milk and not necessarily a multiple of the volume of an iron can.

Cook like this:

  1. Pour the condensed milk into a glass jar, cover it with the lid of a larger jar so that excess moisture does not escape, but do not close it tightly so that the jar does not burst during cooking.
  2. Place the jar in a saucepan, having previously placed a wire rack on the bottom for sterilizing jars, and pour in water so that there is more level than milk.
  3. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat to low simmer. As it boils, add hot water.
  4. Cook the condensed milk to the desired degree of readiness for 2 hours or more. Readiness can be checked by the color of the milk. After two hours of cooking, the color should turn beige.

Important advice: do not stir the condensed milk until the end of cooking, it may curdle.

3. How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

You can try to cook condensed milk in the microwave. To do this, pour the condensed milk into a bowl, put it in the microwave and set the microwave to medium power. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes.

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I tried it for the first time - everything worked out. The little ones are happy. Now at least I know how to cook condensed milk at home according to this recipe, because... Such products are always at hand. In general, the recipe is as simple as possible, which only benefits.

They used to know exactly how to make condensed milk at home. Thanks to the site, now I know too. I've seen different recipes using milk, but this is perhaps the simplest. The condensed milk turned out delicious. They write here that the taste is a little different from what we are used to. I think this is due to the fact that we are used to eating everything from the store, and have forgotten how to cook condensed milk at home.

I'll take note. I really like to cook, but I don’t always have enough time. That's why I collect quick and simple recipes for myself. This one is definitely in my collection! The smell is just great! I’ve never tried making condensed milk at home, and now thanks to this recipe, I know how!

The teenage daughter is learning the basics of culinary art. Now she wants to do everything herself. And making sweets is generally a priority. Invites girlfriends to tea parties and taste delicacies. I wanted to pamper them with something. He asks me how to prepare condensed milk, but I don’t know. If it weren't for this recipe, I would have been a fool. And my daughter appreciated the ease of preparation, and her friends and I appreciated the taste. The girls asked to organize a master class “How to cook condensed milk at home”)) This is the kind of chef who is growing up thanks to your recipes!

I looked and the comments here have been written for 3 years already, which means it’s definitely a time-tested recipe. That's why I chose it. Having studied everything thoroughly, I understood how condensed milk is made. Boil, strain, eat! I liked the recipe because it is ideal for soaking cakes, now I know how to cook condensed milk, I will make it myself. And the consistency depends on the cooking time. If you try to cook condensed milk several times, it is very easy to adapt to the recipe. And it will definitely meet your requirements. Thanks for the great, delicious recipe.

Thank you very much for the detailed video on how to cook condensed milk at home! We have been running our farm in the region for several years now, and preparing food for the winter is very helpful. I thought for a long time whether it was possible and how to prepare condensed milk so that I could save it for the winter. I tried it and it worked the first time. I prepared it exactly according to your recipe, just rolled it into pre-sterilized jars. Homemade milk produced a very thick caramel-colored condensed milk. I put some of the jars in the refrigerator, some in the cellar. But I think it definitely won’t wait until winter. Mine really like a spoonful of condensed milk in tea or on pancakes. And this condensed milk turned out much tastier than store-bought milk, and definitely without any additives or preservatives!

Hello, dear grandmother Emma and your whole big friendly family! I have long been interested in how to make condensed milk with my own hands; it seemed almost impossible. And what I want to say, I succeeded the second time. I realized my first mistake: the fire was too strong, the bottom was burnt, and the milk itself did not have time to curdle. I revised the recipe again, gained patience, put it on the lowest heat and stirred slowly. Now I can show everyone how to cook condensed milk at home, it turns out to be easy and simple, and also useful!

Grandma Emma, ​​you are a real sorceress! Until so many years, I didn’t know how condensed milk was made; I thought it was only possible at the factory, in complex machines. Based on your video, I easily made a jar to try. The taste is like from childhood, without any preservatives! Now I would also like to try recipes made from milk, for example, cream for homemade nut cookies. I would be very grateful if the recipe appears on your website.

Dear site creators, thank you for your recipe on how to make condensed milk. I love making creams based on condensed milk, and it’s great for filling pancakes with it. So your story about how to cook condensed milk is very helpful. Let's go try it!

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