Baked potatoes in foil on coals. Potato kebab with lard on the grill on skewers Baked potatoes with lard on the coals

Potatoes on the fire have already become a traditional delicacy for any hike or picnic. The combination of simple preparation and aromatic taste makes it the most optimal option for a snack in nature. Moreover, this simple dish has different variations, so you can choose the recipe to suit your taste.

Of course, you can cook potatoes in a cauldron over a fire, but not everyone will want to take massive and heavy dishes with them on a hike. But there are other options.

First of all, cooking over a fire requires the presence of good young tubers. The smaller their size, the faster the process will go.

Before starting the process, they should be thoroughly washed, then there will be no need to remove the skin from them.

The fire should be such that there are enough coals in it, because it is in them that the vegetable will be placed. At the same time, it must be completely covered with coal. To do this, it is convenient to make a depression with a stick, and then put the tubers there. Baking time is approximately 25-30 minutes. Let the finished potatoes cool slightly, break them up and sprinkle with salt.

Potato skewers recipe

Skewers are not always used only for meat kebabs. You can use them to make delicious baked potatoes.

Cooking process:

  • The tubers are washed and thoroughly wiped so that no moisture remains on them;
  • Cut the vegetable into slices, 1 to 2 cm wide;
  • Thread them onto skewers so that there is a distance of about half a cm between them;
  • All that remains is to pour a small amount of vegetable oil over the vegetables and sprinkle with salt;
  • It will take 15-20 minutes to bake the potatoes. During the process, you must remember to turn the skewers over.

Ketchup or your favorite sauce is the best addition to vegetable kebab. If desired, you can string lemon slices, bay leaves between potato wedges, or come up with something of your own.

Potatoes in foil

When going on a hike, many people forget to take food foil with them, but it’s a shame. It will allow you to make evenly baked, aromatic potatoes without staining them with soot and saving cooking time.

Cooking process:

  1. The foil is divided into pieces, the size of which should allow you to completely wrap the tuber;
  2. If you have sunflower or butter on hand, as well as spices, you can apply them directly to the foil before placing the fruit in it. Dry garlic will fit well here, adding a special spice to the dish;
  3. Thoroughly washed and dried potatoes are individually wrapped in foil so that the shiny side is on the outside;
  4. Each tuber is pierced in several places;
  5. Do not put potatoes in foil on the fire; you must wait until the flame has already gone out and the coals are still very hot. Place it in the lowest layer and sprinkle it with a stick or other available material;
  6. Cooking time varies from 40 minutes to 1 hour depending on the size of the vegetables. The finished potatoes should have a baked crust and a soft center.

Fresh green onions add a nice touch of freshness to the dish.

Potatoes baked with lard

This recipe also requires foil. Potatoes on the fire, seasoned with lard, turn out fattier and more satisfying.

Cooking process:

  • The washed potatoes are cut into circles, 0.5 to 1 cm thick. If the vegetable is not young, then it is better to remove the skin;
  • Lard is cut in the same way. You can use both pork and fat tail;
  • Salt and spices are added to taste and depending on the type of lard used;
  • The pieces are placed on a skewer, alternating with each other. After this, everything is wrapped in foil;
  • This unusual kebab is fried for 30 to 50 minutes, turning occasionally;
  • 5 minutes before the end of the process, the foil is removed to create a golden brown crust.

Mayonnaise or sour cream will come in handy here more than ever.

Potatoes baked in foil with butter and cheese

A very tasty option that will decorate any picnic and even children will like it.

Cooking process:

  • Potatoes are washed, wiped and baked in coals;
  • At this time, prepare the filling: soft butter is mixed with grated or finely chopped cheese. You can add herbs and garlic to taste;
  • Cuts are made in the finished potatoes. You can make one large depression in the middle or several parallel to each other;
  • Place the filling into the cuts using a spoon;
  • The bottom of the tubers is wrapped in foil and returned to the coals for a few minutes until the cheese begins to melt.

The dish is ready, you can enjoy it.

How to cook potatoes in marinade

It is appropriate to use marinade for baking potatoes. You can add spices or foods to it according to your personal taste preferences.

Cooking process:

  • The tubers are washed, dried and cut into thick disks, up to 2 cm thick;
  • Prepare the marinade: add your favorite herbs, crushed garlic, spices and a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil;
  • Vegetables are marinated for 15-20 minutes and then threaded onto skewers. Alternatively, you can lubricate already made pieces with marinade;
  • Baking time can reach up to 50 minutes.

This option is already a complete dish in itself, but you can add a light sauce to it.

In order to cook baked potatoes the first time, you should listen to the following tips:

  • The potatoes should be young, the variety should be crumbly, with yellow flesh;
  • If you bake it whole, then you need to make transverse cuts;
  • Chicken subcutaneous fat can replace lard;
  • There should be no flames in the fire. In order to prevent its occurrence, you can sprinkle the coals with salt.

And most importantly, experimenting with recipes will help you choose the most delicious option.

With the arrival of spring and the first warm days, everyone wants to get out into nature, take a break from stuffy apartments, breathe fresh air and unwind. An indispensable attribute of such forays into nature is a barbecue. And then the craftsmen cook on the grill what they like best.

We have already talked about how to cook lard in foil over coals, today let's look at another delicacy that can be prepared in nature, namely, potatoes with lard in foil. Sometimes the idea of ​​going to nature comes suddenly and there is no time left to cook barbecue, and not everyone likes to buy this product in the store. Moreover, potatoes with lard are a very economical, but no less tasty option.

Cooking lard and potatoes over coals does not take much time. If the cooking mission falls on your shoulders, you won't have to work while everyone else is frolicking in the sun. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and the results will be great.

For the recipe you will need:

  • Salted lard (with or without meat streak)
  • Potato
  • Foil
  • Garlic
  • Pepper or other spices to taste.

There are several varieties of this recipe. Choose the one you like.

Method #1.

Wash large potatoes. Cut into 3 pieces as shown in the picture. Rub the potatoes with spices. Arrange with slices of garlic cut lengthwise and layers of lard. If you use salted lard for cooking, then you do not need to add additional salt, but if you don’t have any salted lard, then use fresh lard, but then do not forget to add salt.

Wrap the potatoes and lard in foil and cook over coals.

Method #2.

The second method is practically no different from the first, so we will not describe it in great detail. The only difference is that instead of garlic, onion rings are used.

Method #3.

This method is radically different in its approach to design, but not to content. Cut the lard into layers and the potatoes into rings. Thread the lard. Alternating it with potatoes. Sprinkle with spices. Wrap in foil and grill over coals until done. It turns out quickly, tasty and beautiful.

Grilled potatoes: delicious recipes

Recipe in grid

At the moment when you are just lighting the coals for the main meat dish, setting the table and cutting greens, the feeling of hunger may remind you. Then fried potatoes on the grill will come to the rescue. They cook it until the coals are not yet suitable for frying meat and a light runs through them. While you are cooking, you will have time to prepare a delicious sauce for it.

We will need:

  • new potatoes;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

Recipe with lard in foil

We will need:

  • potato;
  • lard - you can use both salted and raw;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. If you have young potatoes, you don’t need to peel them. Wash and cut into thin slices, about 0.5 cm each. If you are cooking from last year’s vegetable, remove the skin.
  2. Cut the lard into thin slices. If you keep it in the freezer, it will be easier and more convenient to cut. The pieces should be the same size as the potato wedges.
  3. Place the potatoes and lard in a pyramid on the board one by one and pierce them with a skewer. This method of attachment will relieve injured fingers.
  4. If you used salted lard, there is no need to add salt. If you used fresh lard, add salt on the skewer.
  5. Wrap everything in foil, close the ends so that the melted lard does not flow onto the coals.
  6. Unfold the foil and place the skewers on the heat for a little while longer until the potatoes brown and the lard turns into cracklings.
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Recipe with lard

You can prepare the dish according to a more complicated recipe. Even if the difference in preparation is funny, the taste is different from the first method. It's all about the lubricating sauce. For such kebabs it is better to use new potatoes. It doesn't need to be peeled and the tubers won't be too big.

We will need:

  • pork lard – salted or smoked is suitable – 150 g;
  • soy sauce – 30 g;
  • spicy adjika – 50 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes. Cut into halves or quarters. If it’s very small, about the size of a walnut, then leave it whole.
  2. Cut the lard into smaller potato slices.
  3. Thread onto skewers, alternating.
  4. Mix adjika and sauce in a cup and coat the kebabs.
  5. We did not indicate salt in the dish because the lard and sauce are salty, but if you wish, you can adjust the dish to your taste.
  6. Place the skewers on the grill and fry until done.

Charcoal recipe

This recipe is good to use when all the meat and main courses have been eaten and the party is not over. It’s worth baking potatoes on the grill if you want to remember your childhood, laugh and look at the faces of your friends stained with ash. Burning and smoldering coals are suitable for cooking. Again, decide for yourself the amount of ingredients.

My grandmother's recipes

Peasant-style potatoes in foil - on coals, with lard

on 3 servings:
6 potatoes (old ones are best)
1 onion
100 g regular and/or smoked lard
salt and pepper to taste

firewood or charcoal
stove, fireplace or barbecue

Delicious potatoes with lard in foil, baked in a charcoal oven, according to my grandfather’s old recipe.
It can also be cooked in any coals - from a fire, barbecue, etc., as well as in sand under a fire.
My favorite “anti-crisis” dish is unusually satisfying and economical.
For one serving, 2 potatoes are usually enough.

It is very easy to prepare, the main advantage is that the potatoes do not need to be peeled before baking, they can be eaten with the skin on.
Be sure to serve hot; it goes well with garlic, green onions, fresh or salted tomatoes and cucumbers.

1. Light up the stove (barbecue, fireplace, fire, etc.) to get hot coals for baking potatoes (in principle, the coals need to be brought to the same stage as for cooking kebabs).

We baked potatoes with lard in this oven:

2. Wash the potatoes thoroughly; there is no need to peel them.

3. Peel and wash the onion,
cut it into thin slices.
Cut the lard thinly or slightly thicker.

4. Cut each potato in half (slightly not all the way through, so that technically the potato does not break completely into 2 parts),
put a slice of onion into the cut,
1-2 slices of lard,
add salt and pepper to your heart's content and wrap tightly, generously, in foil.

It should look like a silvery ball.

Do the same with the rest of the potatoes.

5. Potatoes “stuffed” with lard and onions, tightly wrapped in foil, place in the oven on the coals,

6. Potatoes are baked within 30-45 minutes (depending on the intensity of the heat),
after 15 minutes it can be turned over to the other side.

Important: If we cook these potatoes not in the oven, but in a barbecue, fireplace, or fire, they need to be buried in the coals (or in hot sand under the fire) so that uniform heating occurs on all sides.

7. Carefully unwrap the finished freshly baked hot potatoes and serve immediately, or directly on the foil.

Peasant-style baked potatoes with lard and onions.

Baked potatoes with lard in foil

Recipe for charcoal baked potatoes in foil

What do you cook when you go outdoors? We most often have shish kebab made from pork (I always have it in a dietary marinade) or chicken, and always baked potatoes with lard in foil.

In distant childhood, we threw potatoes directly into the fire, and then rolled them out, charred with chopsticks, and, burning our fingers, removed the blackened skin. A few years ago I discovered an amazing recipe for charcoal-baked potatoes in foil with lard and onions. Such potatoes turn out incredibly fluffy, not dry, with a pleasant aroma of lard, spices and baked onions. Ideal for hungry kids or a snack for adults. To go with lard potatoes, we usually make the simplest salad of fresh vegetables.

Baked Potato Ingredients:

  • potatoes by number of persons
  • piece of lard
  • onion
  • favorite spices
  • fresh herbs
  • salt to taste

Potatoes baked in foil over charcoal: how to cook

Cut the onion into half rings, lard into not too thick slices.

You can take any lard - pure white salted, fresh, with a slot (with meat), smoked. The taste of baked potatoes with lard will, of course, be different. But in any case, it will turn out breathtakingly delicious!

Wash the potatoes thoroughly (preferably with a brush), dry and cut in half lengthwise.

Place 1-2 pieces of lard and a piece of onion between two potato halves, sprinkle with spices and onions. Then wrap the potato tightly in foil.

Wrap all prepared potatoes in the same way.

It is better to bake potatoes with lard in foil already in a burnt-out fire. To do this, you need to carefully rake the hot ash, put the potatoes and lard wrapped in foil in it and heat the ash a little on top.

To check whether baked potatoes with lard in foil are ready, you can pierce them with a fork or toothpick after removing them from the fire.

Be extremely careful! The ash is very hot, the foil is red-hot!

Place the finished baked potatoes in a deep bowl lined with newspaper (since the potatoes are dirty from ash).

Cool the baked potatoes with lard in foil a little so as not to burn your hands, and serve immediately. The most delicious potatoes are when they are still hot!

You can serve charcoal baked potatoes with barbecue ketchup from the store or aromatic homemade ketchup, mustard, garlic and a lot of fresh herbs!

Bon appetit and have a great time outdoors!

The recipe for baked potatoes with lard in foil was prepared by Olga Viktorovna.

Potatoes in foil in coals: the best recipes. Potatoes with lard in foil on coals. Baked potatoes on coals

When the barbecue meat runs out, it’s the turn of potatoes. After all, potatoes baked on coals are delicious on their own.

To bake potatoes, you need to have enough ash and coals, and for this the fire must burn for at least an hour, or even more. Therefore, it is usually prepared after meat and in the evening, with songs accompanied by a guitar.

You can cook potatoes over coals with various additives to suit your taste. Fill with onions, mushrooms, cheese. But first we will tell you how to bake potatoes over coals correctly.

1. Make a fire, let the wood burn down to red coals with small flames. The coals after the barbecue or along with the last portion of meat are also suitable.

2. Rake a hole in the center of the fire or grill almost to the very ground (bottom) and pour potatoes into it. Sprinkle coals on top of the potatoes.

If the potatoes break, it means they are ready. Some people like it undercooked, and it’s delicious too. Now you need to peel it, salt it and eat it.

How to bake potatoes on coals with filling

1. While the potatoes are baking according to the recipe above, let's make the filling. It can be varied:

  • herb butter
  • fried mushrooms with onions

The classic filling for baked potatoes is butter with herbs and grated cheese. You can add garlic to the cheese.

2. Finely chop the dill and mix it with butter, mash thoroughly with a fork and mix. Once the potatoes are done, remove them from the fire.

3. Using a sharp knife, make a partial longitudinal cut on each potato and slightly move both halves of the potato apart.

4. Using a small spoon, mash the potato pulp and add a little butter mixed with dill. Sprinkle with cheese and combine baked potato halves.

5. Place the potatoes back into the fire for 1-3 minutes.

How to bake potatoes over a fire in foil

To bake potatoes with cheese on coals, you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes – 10 pcs.
  • cheese – 200 g
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How to deliciously bake potatoes over coals:

1. Cut the peeled potatoes in half, put a slice of cheese on each half, squeeze a little garlic through a garlic press, add salt and pepper and wrap in foil.

How to fry potatoes over a fire

Potatoes on the fire in foil
1. Wash the potatoes well from the soil, remove moisture with paper napkins.
2. For each potato, prepare a square-shaped piece of foil so that you can wrap the entire potato in it.
3. Wrap each potato tightly in foil, but be careful not to tear the foil.
4. Using a shovel or other metal tool, stir up the coals and make indentations almost to the ground or bottom of the grill.
5. Place the potatoes in foil into the recesses, lightly cover the sides and top with coals.
6. Bake potatoes in coals for about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes.
7. Salt the potatoes already prepared while eating.

How to fry potatoes over a fire without foil
1. Wash the potatoes well and remove any remaining soil with a brush.
2. Remove moisture from potatoes with a towel or paper napkins.
3. Using a shovel or other metal object, stir up the coals and make indentations almost to the ground or bottom of the grill.
4. Place the potatoes in the recesses, lightly cover the sides and top with coals.
5. Bake the potatoes in coals for about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes.
6. Salt potatoes while eating.

How to fry potatoes on skewers and grill

Sunflower oil - 40 milliliters
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to Make Sliced ​​Potatoes on a Campfire
1. Wash young potatoes well, scrape off the soil with a rough brush, but do not cut off the skin.
2. Remove excess moisture from potatoes with paper napkins.
3. Cut dried potatoes into thick circles 1.5-2 centimeters thick.
4. Place the potato plates on skewers, leaving a distance of 0.5 centimeters between the plates, or place them on the grill grate.
5. Pour sunflower oil generously onto the potatoes on all sides and sprinkle salt evenly.
6. Fry potatoes over heat, turning occasionally, for 15 minutes on each side.
7. Check readiness by piercing the potato plates with a toothpick or fork.

How to fry potatoes with lard on skewers

How to make sliced ​​potatoes over a fire with lard
1. Wash young potatoes well, scrape off the soil with a rough brush, but do not cut off the skin. 2. Remove excess moisture from potatoes with paper napkins.
3. Cut dried potatoes into circles 0.5 centimeters thick.
4. Cut the frozen lard with a sharp wide knife into thin slices a couple of millimeters thick, about 3 centimeters wide, so that they are slightly smaller than potato slices.
5. Thread potato and lard slices onto skewers, alternating them with each other.
6. Salt and pepper the potato skewers.
7. For each skewer with potatoes, prepare a sheet of foil so that you can wrap the whole potato in it.
8. Rinse the rosemary sprigs and divide them with your hands into the same number as skewers with potatoes.
9. Wrap each potato skewers tightly in a sheet of foil along with a sprig of rosemary.
10. Keep potato skewers over the coals for 20 minutes, turning occasionally.
11. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the foil from the potatoes, hold the skewers over the fire for 5 minutes until the potatoes are browned.


The advantage of frying potatoes wrapped in foil over a fire is that the potatoes won't char and will not be stained with ash, unlike potatoes without foil.

Any potato is suitable for frying over a fire, but it should not be limp.

Potatoes in foil can be fried over a fire together with lard. To do this, you need to make a deep, almost through, transverse cut in the middle of each potato and insert thin slices of lard into it. After this, wrap the potatoes tightly in foil.

To determine potatoes are ready When fried over a fire, you need to take one potato out of it, unfold the foil a little and pierce it with a knife - it should be soft.

Traditionally fried potatoes over a fire are eating along with the peel. If the potatoes were fried in foil, before serving, you need to unfold it a little, but do not remove it completely. This will prevent you from getting dirty with ash.

You can pre-fry the potatoes before frying them over the fire. marinate. To do this, it must be peeled, cut into rounds, poured with marinade, marinated for 30 to 60 minutes and fried on skewers.

To fry the potatoes over the fire evenly and it didn’t remain raw in the middle, it’s better to cook it in foil and with pieces of lard. The lard should be thinly sliced ​​and each piece placed on a skewer between the potatoes or placed in a deep cut in the middle of a whole potato, then wrap the skewers or whole potatoes in foil.

Marinade with lemon and garlic: mix the juice of half a lemon and 150 milliliters of vegetable oil, add 6 crushed cloves of garlic, any chopped herbs, salt, pepper.

Marinade with mayonnaise or sour cream: mix mayonnaise or sour cream with chopped dill, add a few chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper to taste.

The May holidays are coming soon, and that means, friends, that the picnic season is opening again! Fresh air, sun and active recreation invariably bring about a good appetite. Pork in honey-mustard marinade with white wine, lamb with rosemary, cilantro and tomatoes, chicken in apple juice, rabbit with orange sauce...And that's not all! Veal steak and tender lamb kebab. Sounds delicious? We will prepare all this in the new season. But that's not all. Fragrant potatoes with thyme, baked in foil over coals - a delicious dish that you can’t tear yourself away from.

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes, a bunch of fresh thyme (1 tsp dry), young onions - 1 bunch, lemon zest - 1/2 teaspoon, a mixture of peppers - a pinch, salt to taste, olive oil, foil, 100 g butter.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut into halves and place in a deep bowl. Add salt, pepper, zest, olive oil and mix well with your hands. Fold the foil in half and form a pocket. Finely chop the onion. Place pickled potatoes, onions, thyme and a piece of butter in the middle of the pocket.

Close the pocket tightly and leave for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the coals. They should warm up well. We place the grid directly on the coals and place the potatoes on it. This way it will not burn, but will bake.

Bake over moderate coals on both sides for 20 minutes. We check readiness with a knife - the potatoes are soft, which means they are ready! The lemony aroma of thyme is incredible!

The potatoes turned out very tender and juicy thanks to the moderate temperature of the coals and butter. An excellent recipe that I will often use to prepare side dishes for meat on a picnic.

These potatoes are perfect with fish, grilled vegetables, veal or chicken. This is a great stand-alone dish for a picnic with a large group. Variety with different vegetable snacks, fresh herbs and tomato juice - believe me, the picnic will be at the highest level.

Whatever you cook at the picnic, the main thing is a cheerful and friendly company. After all, someone needs to appreciate your efforts... Well, in order for the picnic to bring maximum pleasure and minimum disappointment, make a list of necessary products, things and items in advance.

Grilled potatoes are an excellent side dish for meat, and with fresh vegetables and herbs they are also beneficial. Moreover, this will not require any special culinary skills from you. Then no outdoor feast would be complete without a delicious grilled dish.

Recipe in grid

At the moment when you are just lighting the coals for the main meat dish, setting the table and cutting greens, the feeling of hunger may remind you. Then grilled food will come to the rescue. They cook it until the coals are not yet suitable for frying meat and a light runs through them. While you are cooking, you will have time to prepare a delicious sauce for it.

We don’t give the exact amount of food, it all depends on hunger. Therefore, cook “by eye”, balance the taste according to your preferences and then you will be satisfied.

  • new potatoes;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • salt;
  • pepper.
  1. Wash the potatoes using the rough side of a scouring sponge or brush. Dry and cut into slices 1.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Place on a wire rack and brush generously with vegetable oil. Salt and pepper on both sides.
  3. Fry over hot coals for 15 minutes on both sides until the vegetable turns an appetizing roasted color. It’s easy to check if they’re ready – they can be easily pierced with a fork.
  4. Make the sauce. Squeeze garlic into sour cream or mayonnaise. Add chopped herbs and spices. Stir and let stand for a bit.
  5. Remove potatoes and serve with sauce.

Recipe with lard in foil

The presence of lard in the dish is confusing - most likely you have not eaten such a dish. Try it for one bite and it will win you over!

It is impossible to give exact ratios of products. It all depends on preference. And the recipe is so simple that you can even involve children in cooking. Wash, cut - that’s the whole science... However, it’s better to skewer it yourself.

With the arrival of spring and the first warm days, everyone wants to get out into nature, take a break from stuffy apartments, breathe fresh air and unwind. An indispensable attribute of such forays into nature is a barbecue. And then the craftsmen cook on the grill what they like best.

We have already talked about this, today let's look at another delicacy that can be prepared in nature, namely, potatoes with lard in foil. Sometimes the idea of ​​going to nature comes suddenly and there is no time left to cook barbecue, and not everyone likes to buy this product in the store. Moreover, potatoes with lard are a very economical, but no less tasty option.

Cooking lard and potatoes over coals does not take much time. If the cooking mission falls on your shoulders, you won't have to work while everyone else is frolicking in the sun. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and the results will be great.

For the recipe you will need:

  • Salted lard (with or without meat streak)
  • Potato
  • Foil
  • Garlic
  • Pepper or other spices to taste.

Methods for cooking potatoes with lard in foil over coals.

There are several varieties of this recipe. Choose the one you like.

Method #1.

Wash large potatoes. Cut into 3 pieces as shown in the picture. Rub the potatoes with spices. Arrange with slices of garlic cut lengthwise and layers of lard. If you use salted lard for cooking, then you do not need to add additional salt, but if you don’t have any salted lard, then use fresh lard, but then do not forget to add salt.

Wrap the potatoes and lard in foil and cook over coals.

Method #2.

The second method is practically no different from the first, so we will not describe it in great detail. The only difference is that instead of garlic, onion rings are used.

Method #3.

This method is radically different in its approach to design, but not to content. Cut the lard into layers and the potatoes into rings. Thread the lard. Alternating it with potatoes. Sprinkle with spices. Wrap in foil and grill over coals until done. It turns out quickly, tasty and beautiful.

Everyone loves a delicious baked potato, and almost everyone loves barbecue. And if not meat, then made from smoky vegetables, grilled over coals, it has a very special taste. Therefore, if you are not a big meat lover, but love potatoes, then we suggest you cook baked potatoes on the grill with lightly salted lard and herbs. We will cook in foil on skewers. Baking potatoes on the grill is not difficult; you can use ready-made coals or light a fire from wood. Such potatoes are truly a royal dish: they are rosy with an appetizing crust, crumbly and sugary on the bend.

Honey and soy sauce will enrich the taste and smell of the usual potatoes, spices will make it spicier, and lard will add oiliness and tenderness. This unusual kebab will replace any meat dish and will bring you much more benefits.

First, decide what kind of lard you will use for this recipe. For example, you can take lightly salted or smoked lard, as well as fresh lard. Take small potatoes; you can use both young and ripe ones.

You can serve potatoes with lard as a separate dish or as a side dish for barbecue or baked fish.


  • young (ripe) potatoes 7 pcs.;
  • lightly salted lard (smoked or fresh) 200-300 g;
  • garlic 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise (sour cream) 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill or parsley 2-3 sprigs;
  • salt or soy sauce to taste;
  • honey 1.5 tsp;
  • spices to taste;
  • foil.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly using a clean kitchen sponge without peeling the skins. Cut lightly salted lard into slices, approximately 3 mm thick.

The prepared lard can be left in its original form or slightly enriched and made rich in taste. Place the chopped lard in a deep plate. Add two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream and chopped dill to the lard.

Stir the lard and add a pinch of ground pepper and honey to give it a beautiful shade and enrich the taste.

Pour a few tablespoons of soy sauce into the lard and add a pinch of salt.

Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and add to the lard.

Cut the potatoes into two or three pieces into circles, add to the lard and stir. Do not cut it large, otherwise it will take a long time to bake.

Thread potato slices alternately with lard onto skewers. Then wrap the potatoes in several layers of foil and immediately go to the already prepared grill. Instead of mayonnaise sauce, you can use prepared potatoes with lard on a skewer and add a few pieces of butter and garlic on top. Then wrap the skewer in foil.

Potatoes cannot be cooked over an open fire; only moderately hot coals are used. Bake the potatoes in foil, turning occasionally in a circle for 15-20 minutes. Foil will help keep the potato slices from burning and speed up the cooking process.

Otherwise, you can wrap several potatoes with lard in several layers of foil and bury them in the coals. Cook also for 15 minutes. Charcoal potatoes in foil are a wonderful, aromatic and satisfying dish.

Use a knife or fork to pierce the potatoes through the foil. If the knife easily enters the tuber, then you can unfold it. Because of the foil, the potatoes turn out faded, now cook them on the grill until golden brown, for about another 10 minutes. Baked potatoes on skewers on the grill should turn out to be a bright golden color with a golden brown crust.

Advice: You can also take advantage of nature and fry delicious potatoes there.

Serve the baked potatoes with lard on skewers or place on a large plate. You can complement the potato serving with fresh herbs or chopped tomatoes and cucumbers.

Our kebab of potatoes with lard on coals is ready, serve hot, piping hot. Suitable sauces for this dish include ketchup, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce with garlic and dill.

Grilled potatoes with lard are a delicious appetizer and an excellent side dish that can be cooked over an open fire. If you are going to cook fish or shish kebab on the grill, make sure that there are a little more coals than usual - so that there will be enough for baked potatoes with lard. These are the two main components of the dish, and you can add a variety of spices, herbs and mushrooms to them.

For potatoes baked in foil with lard to be a success, these products must meet certain requirements. First of all, you need to choose the right potato variety. It is advisable to take a vegetable that does not soften quickly when cooked. An excellent option would be potatoes from which fries are made. If there are dry and loose root vegetables, the result will no longer be what you need. As for lard, for this recipe you need to take lightly salted or smoked lard, very preferably with a meat layer. And then a simple dish from the fire - potatoes on the grill - will definitely not disappoint anyone.


  • potatoes 1 kg
  • lard with meat layer 400 grams
  • mushrooms 100 grams
  • dry spices (herbs de Provence)
  • mixture of ground peppers to taste
  • young garlic
  • dill
  • parsley
  • foil.

How to cook potatoes on the grill with lard and mushrooms

Serve the baked potatoes wrapped in foil or unwrap and arrange on a single platter.

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