Beef liver pate with mushrooms and vegetables in the oven. Perfect liver pate Oven baked pate recipe

Rinse the liver well under running water, do not clean the liver of films and veins, this is acceptable in this recipe. Place the liver in a deep blender bowl or grind it in a meat grinder; a blender is of course better, because a blender produces a different consistency. Add milk and cognac to the liver, then add the egg to them. Add all the spices except the bay leaf.

Peel the garlic, take one clove, chop it and add it to the blender with the rest of the ingredients. Then grind all the ingredients together very thoroughly, you should get a liquid mass.

Melt 30 grams of butter and add it to the resulting liquid liver mass, stir. Prepare the pate molds and pour the pate mixture into the molds. It is better to do this through a small sieve, this way you will get rid of unbroken lumps and your pate will turn out to be a homogeneous mass.

Forms with pate should be placed in the oven in a so-called water bath. What's the best way to do this? Take an iron container and fill it with water so that when you place the molds, the water reaches the middle of the mold with the pate.

Place the molds in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. If you are preparing liver pate baked in the oven from chicken liver, then the cooking time should be reduced to 20 minutes, since chicken liver is more tender and it cooks faster than any other liver.

The pate will become dense on the surface and puff up, but if you try it with your finger, it has a completely soft surface. When you take the pate out of the oven in this form, let it cool to room temperature, it will shrink a little, its airy surface will drop a little. Take the remaining butter, melt it and pour it on top of the pate. This procedure will prevent the pate from hardening on top, and the oil will preserve it.

Decorate the top of the pate with bay leaves and place it in the refrigerator to harden completely. You can serve the pate with any toast or a piece of soft toasted white bread. The pate should only be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days from the date of preparation. Enjoy your meal!

Oven-baked pate is also prepared in a variety of other ways. All ingredients can be ground in a meat grinder, adding blue onions, carrots and mushrooms, and lard to the liver. All ingredients are ground in the required proportions and poured into an oblong iron mold lined with baking paper. It is baked and served cut into pieces, also with various types of bread.

The pate prepared in the form of a roll looks very beautiful on the festive table. In this pate, strips of liver alternate with strips of butter, which gives the dish not only a perfect appearance, but also a wonderful taste.

Prepare healthy and tasty food at home in your kitchen, because pates prepared at home are much tastier than those sold on store shelves.

Homemade liver pates can be divided into two groups according to cooking technology. The first includes those in which the liver along with additives is first fried and stewed, and then crushed and brought to a paste-like consistency. This method is more often practiced and better known.

In the second group there are pates in which the liver is first crushed, and then all other manipulations are carried out. Moreover, such pates are usually prepared in the oven. And this is very convenient, because you simply distribute the ingredients turned into a paste into molds, bake, and that’s it!

Homemade pates in the oven are less caloric. The fact is that the pate, which is prepared by frying, after grinding requires the addition of a sufficiently large amount of butter to make it convenient to spread on bread. Pate from the oven does without this.

Another advantage of liver pate from the oven is its more delicate consistency and pink rather than gray color. Agree, this is much more appetizing!

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes. Yield: 2 jars of 150 ml.


  • liver (pork, beef or chicken) 250 grams
  • butter 70 grams
  • milk 30 ml
  • egg 1 piece
  • cognac 1 tbsp. spoon
  • garlic 1 clove
  • spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, Provençal herbs (to taste)
  • bay leaf for decoration


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    Wash the liver thoroughly. There is no need to remove the films - this is also the beauty of the recipe, because you save quite a lot of time and effort! Just cut the liver into small pieces.

    Place the liver in a deep blender bowl or any other deep container. Add milk and cognac.

    Then beat in the egg.

    Add spices.

    Peel and chop the garlic clove and place it in the container with the liver.

    Now blend the ingredients very thoroughly with a blender. You will get a liquid mass.

    Melt the butter.

    Add 30 grams of oil to the liver base.

    Now pour the liver mass into baking molds, using a sieve. This way, you can easily get rid of pieces, films and possible lumps that were not finished with the blender - the pate will turn out homogeneous.

    Place the molds with the pate in a large container and fill it with boiling water so that it reaches the level of the middle of the molds.

    Place the pate in the oven and bake for 25 minutes at 160 degrees. If you are making chicken liver pate, you can reduce the cooking time to 20 minutes. The pate will set and puff up slightly, but will remain soft if you press lightly with your finger.

    Let the pate cool to room temperature so that the swollen part slowly subsides, then fill it with the remaining butter - it will protect the pate from airing.

    Decorate the pate with a laurel leaf and refrigerate until completely cool.
    Serve the pate with toasted white bread or thin slices of rye. Store in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Recipe for liver pate from beef liver with mushrooms and vegetables. Many people unfairly consider beef liver to be a second-rate product, and so, they simply do not know how to cook it. Of course, if you fry the liver in vegetable oil until it becomes hard, this dish will not cause any appetite. But try making a baked pate from the liver, and even with mushrooms and vegetables, it will turn out very tasty! I advise you to leave the finished pate for several hours (preferably overnight) in the refrigerator. The next day, the pate is cut into beautiful, even slices - you can’t imagine anything better for sandwiches.

Vegetables, mushrooms, butter and fat make the liver pate succulent. Thyme, rosemary and paprika add delicious flavors, making this a very satisfying dish.

Now rectangular disposable forms made of aluminum foil have appeared on sale; this is very convenient if you want to take the pate with you to the dacha or outdoors.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Number of servings: 6

Ingredients for beef liver pate with mushrooms and vegetables in the oven

  • 0.5 kg beef liver;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 0.35 l milk;
  • 150 g champignons;
  • 80 g carrots;
  • 110 g onions;
  • 30 g animal fat;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tsp. sweet ground paprika;
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme;
  • chili pepper, rosemary, salt, semolina or corn grits.

Method for preparing beef liver pate with mushrooms and vegetables in the oven

Heat vegetable oil or fat in a thick-bottomed frying pan; I keep rendered chicken fat for such cases. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots until tender; the vegetables should become completely soft.

After the vegetables, prepare the champignons cut into thin slices. People often ask: is it possible to wash mushrooms? If the mushrooms are clean, then simply wipe them with a napkin and chop them; if they are dirty, you need to wash them thoroughly.

Chop the liver coarsely, peel off the films, soak in a glass of cold milk, add a teaspoon of salt. It is best to soak the liver the day before preparing the pate, but if there is no time, then leave it in the milk for at least 20-30 minutes.

Drain the milk in which the liver was soaked, add raw eggs, 50 ml of fresh milk. Place the ingredients in a blender and grind to a smooth puree.

Add 25 g of melted butter, salt to taste, ground sweet paprika, dried thyme, chopped chili pepper to the liver mince, mix the ingredients well.

Grease the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with corn or semolina so that the pate does not stick to the pan.

Fill the form with fried vegetables and champignons, add finely chopped rosemary.

You can add vegetables and mushrooms to the minced liver, but I like pate, which has a thin layer of vegetables. You can cook the way you like, it doesn’t affect the final result.

Pour the minced liver into the mold, place it in a large deep baking tray half filled with hot water. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Cook the pate in a water bath for about 1 hour, 10 minutes before it’s ready, put small pieces of the remaining butter on it.

Step 1: Prepare the chicken liver.

In order to prepare a delicious pate, you need to be able to properly clean chicken liver and, even if this is the most unpleasant moment of cooking, it must be treated with special care, because everyone knows that as much as liver is a useful product, it is also capricious. So, first, remove all films and veins from the offal you have chosen; usually they are soft and getting rid of them is simple and easy. Now chop the chicken liver and place the resulting pieces in a colander. In between, boil about two liters of water in a saucepan. Scald pieces of chicken liver in a colander with boiling water, this will remove the bitterness and wash away the dirt remaining after cleaning. That's all, the most unpleasant stage of preparing pate is over. Place the colander with the offal hanging and let the excess liquid drain from it while you move on to the next stage of cooking.

Step 2: Sauté the onion and liver.

Peel the onion and clove of garlic and cut off any excess. The onion needs to be cut into small cubes, be careful, because at the end of this process the onion tends to slip out of your hands. In addition, to prevent the juice from splashing in all directions and irritating your eyes and nose, it is better to moisten the knife with ice water. You don’t have to chop the garlic yet, since we will still add it to the general mixture only when it is in the blender.
Melt in a frying pan 1/2 part prepared butter and fry the onion in it until golden brown and slightly translucent.

Add chopped liver to the onion in oil and stir. Reduce the heat, because you need to cook on the slowest, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the whole mixture 10 minutes. Once the required amount of time has passed, remove everything from the stove and move on to the next step.

Step 3: Grind the ingredients and mix.

Pour the contents of the frying pan into a deep blender bowl; you can mash the liver mass a little with a fork so that it takes up less space and makes it easier to add other ingredients. Add wheat flour to the liver and onions, pour in the sherry, eggs, heavy cream, as well as salt and pepper, and, of course, don’t forget about the garlic. Turn on the blender and use it to mix thoroughly, chop the ingredients, turning them into a homogeneous brown-pink mass. It may seem that the mass is a little liquid, but that’s okay, that’s how it should be. Once you achieve the desired consistency, move on to the next step.

Step 4: Bake the pate.

Grease the pan with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil; you can also simply spread two layers of foil on top of it, leaving long edges. Pour the mixture for preparing liver pate into the prepared bowl. Cover the top of the pan with foil. Pour water onto a large baking sheet and place the mold in it with the liver mass inside.
The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees, and after it reaches the desired temperature, place a baking tray with water and a mold in it. Bake the pate 80-90 minutes. Behind 10 minutes Before the end of cooking, remove the lid from the foil and continue baking for the remaining time until your pate browns.
At the same time, take a saucepan and, placing it on the fire, melt the remaining half of the butter in it. And when the pate is ready, pour the oil over it and send the dish to steep in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After which everything will be finally ready, but it’s better to get the pate in 15-20 minutes before serving.

Step 5: Serve the baked chicken liver pate.

Serve the finished chicken liver pate as a snack, spreading it on regular bread, diet bread, stuffing profiteroles or tartlets with it. The latter, by the way, look very good on the holiday table, especially if you decorate them with olives or slices of pickled cucumbers.
Bon appetit!

You can conduct a small experiment and add pieces of fried mushrooms to the pate, just do not mix them with the total mass in a blender. I also came across recipes where crushed nuts were added to the pate.

I often recommend thyme as a spice for chicken pate, literally one tablespoon.

There are also recipes without using cream, then the pate becomes less airy and more elastic, perhaps you will like this consistency more.

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