How to fry salted seeds in a frying pan. How to deliciously fry sunflower seeds in a frying pan, in the microwave, in the oven, with salt, in sunflower oil, black and peeled at home: the best recipes. How many minutes to fry sunflower seeds in a frying pan? It is necessary l

Eating seeds is an iconic psychological pleasure, comparable to drinking tea and meditation. There is an opinion that eating seeds is harmful, which is generally not supported by nutritionists. On the contrary, moderate consumption of well-cooked sunflower seeds helps strengthen blood vessels and improves the functioning of the nervous system, brain and digestion. The most useful are raw seeds, extracted from the husk directly during consumption. The recommended daily amount should not exceed 100 grams.

Recently (peeled and peeled, fried and unfried) are sold packaged in an assortment. However, we are not always satisfied with the taste of these finished products; they can deteriorate due to violation of storage conditions and periods. In addition, we do not know how they are prepared, whether they contain any unhealthy additives.

We'll tell you how to properly fry seeds in a frying pan at home.


  • raw sunflower seeds – 1-2 cups;
  • coarse salt (optional).


We rinse the seeds to free them from dust and small plant particles and place them on a sieve, and then place them loosely on a clean napkin.

Heat a dry frying pan, cast iron or aluminum (without coatings) well. Pour in the seeds and distribute them evenly over the surface of the pan. First, dry over medium-high heat, stirring with a wooden spatula, until the steam stops rising. Then reduce the heat to low and, continuing to stir, fry until the desired doneness (presumably, the frying time will be no more than 10 minutes). If the seeds begin to crackle, it’s definitely time to turn off the heat. During the final frying process, you can add 1-2 pinches of coarse table salt to the pan. Pour the roasted seeds, evenly distributing them, onto a clean, dry napkin or wooden board.

Some people like to fry the seeds, making them more salty, as you understand, this is not healthy. In any case, the amount of salt should not exceed 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of seeds. Moreover, there is no need to add oil to the frying pan; it may taste better for some, but much more carcinogens are formed during such frying.

Well, and most importantly: I would like to advise you to peel the seeds not with your teeth, but by hand - this style of use will be the best. And then there are pumpkin seeds, which are an excellent way to cleanse the body of possible harmful microorganisms. optimize water-salt metabolism, strengthen blood vessels and promote male strength.

How to properly roast pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds, extracted from the husk during the absorption process, taste excellent without any toasting, and if they are raw and wet (just removed from the fruit), they can simply be dried in a dry frying pan or on a baking sheet in the oven. If you still want to lightly toast them, proceed in the same way as for toasting sunflower seeds (see above). There is no need for salt at all. We eat pumpkin seeds, extracting the kernels with our fingers, it’s not difficult, and it also develops fine motor skills, which is especially good for children over 4 years old.

How to fry peeled seeds?

We fry the peeled seeds in the same way as unhulled ones; in this case, they must first be filled with hot water, and then after 3 minutes, drain the water and rinse again to remove any remaining residual oil (it may taste unpleasantly bitter). Next, lightly dry the seeds on a napkin, or simply eat them, or lightly dry them and fry them in a dry frying pan, stirring with a wooden spatula. We proceed approximately the same way as when frying seeds in the husk (see above).

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How to roast seeds correctly

Sunflower seeds, fragrant, fatty, potbellied - a favorite delicacy purely Russian. Clicking them is so wonderful in moments of relaxation. If you try to buy seeds in any other country, no one will understand why they are needed. Abroad, they are sold exclusively in pet stores. And in Russia there is a great variety of all kinds of seeds in any grocery store! And in the markets you can easily buy fried ones by weight in cups.

But no matter what different seeds are sold in bags and glasses, fried with your own hands according to your taste is still better. Of course, it is much easier to buy ready-to-eat seeds in the store. But yours tastes better. And frying them is not at all difficult.

To buy seeds for roasting at home, you need to go to the market. You need to look for individual private traders who sell raw seeds by weight. You can also buy them in some grocery stores, but they often don’t have a selection of varieties and there is no information about their origin and freshness. But sunflower seeds are primarily grown to produce oil. Saturated with vegetable fat, they quickly lose their taste and begin to smell like rancid vegetable oil. Therefore, it is better to buy seeds from your aunt at the market. She will probably have several varieties.

Selection of seeds. Small, very dark seeds are best suited for frying. These are grown in the south of Russia and Ukraine. Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov, Krasnodar black pot-bellied, almost round, smelling of oil - the best. And of course, the seeds must be freshly harvested, so it is better to buy them from September to January at most. Then it may happen that the seeds will be stale and tasteless, especially if they have been stored incorrectly all this time.

Asian seeds are light and large. They are good because they have a large core size. But they don't taste like butter. These seeds are drier, although beautiful. Well, the taste, the color...

How to properly roast sunflower seeds at home

To ensure that the pleasure of cracking the seeds does not leave your hands and lips black, the seeds need to be washed. They do this by pouring them into a colander and placing it under running cold water. It is not recommended to rinse in a bowl, as the seeds may absorb excess water and will not fry well.

After washing, pour onto a kitchen towel folded in half to drain off the moisture. Now prepare a frying pan, preferably an old cast iron one or just one with a thick bottom. It is better not to use thin or enameled ones, since it is difficult to adjust the heat on them. Under normal conditions, the seeds can quickly burn, while remaining unroasted inside. With low heat, there is a risk that the seeds will not ignite, but will dry out and become less tasty. Heat a dry, clean frying pan well. After this, reduce the heat to medium.

Place the seeds on a hot frying pan. There shouldn’t be a lot of them, but just enough so that they can cover the bottom with a layer of about 3-4 cm. Otherwise, they won’t cook well.

When frying, you need to continuously stir the seeds so that they heat evenly. Therefore, it is better to do this with a wooden spoon with a long handle so that your hand does not get hot.

After a couple of minutes, the seeds will begin to crackle and click - this is the moisture coming out from inside the seeds. As soon as the cracking stops, you need to remove the pan from the heat, stir a little more and taste several different sized seeds. A frying pan with a thick bottom will not cool down so quickly, so the frying process will not stop during this time, but the heating will decrease somewhat, which will prevent the seeds from burning.

Try this until the taste reaches the desired result. If the seeds are fried so that you can eat them right away, then you need to pour them out of the frying pan not into a plate, but in one layer, scattered sparsely on a white sheet of paper or cloth. Then they will just cool down. And if you remove them a little before they are ready, then put them in a deep container covered with newspaper or parchment and cover it on top. Slightly under-heated seeds will “reach” from their own heat inside the package.

How to roast seeds in the oven and microwave

If you need to fry more seeds than will fit in the frying pan, you can do this in the oven. Scatter the seeds on a baking sheet in a layer of no more than two cm and place in the oven at a temperature of no more than 150-160 degrees. There is no need to stir constantly, like in a frying pan, and it won’t work. It is enough to do this every three minutes, moving the seeds from top to bottom, and from the far edge of the baking sheet to the near one. This will ensure even heating.

How to fry in the microwave

If you need to fry a few seeds, no more than a glass, then this can be done in a microwave oven. Pour the seeds into a deep plate without gold metal decorations and place in the oven at full power for 7 minutes. Stir from the bottom and edges of the plate to the middle every minute, and more often towards the end of frying. The fact is that the microwave heats up more strongly around the circumference, so when stirring you will have to swap the middle with the edges. When cooking in a microwave oven, your hands will not be hot, and the process will be faster.

If the seeds are not fat enough, this is easy to fix. Pour a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil, about a teaspoon, into the frying pan where the seeds are laid out for frying. Don’t be afraid that the oil will burn and the seeds will be greasy. If oil is added in moderation, it will be absorbed into the seeds, into their peel and only add flavor. Stir quickly and constantly so that the oil does not spill to the bottom of the pan, but remains on the seeds all the time until it is completely absorbed into them. The next process is normal. Such seeds with oil will be fragrant, shiny and bright black in color.

How to fry seeds with salt

You can add a little salt to the seeds when frying in the oven or in a frying pan. You should definitely use coarse, non-iodized salt. Just remember that with salt they will fry faster. The salt heats up well and will “share” the heat with the seeds. With this method, you can just put slightly undercooked seeds in a container with paper. Thanks to the hot salt, the seeds will continue to heat up inside the paper and will come out like they came out of an oven.

This way you can fry not only sunflower seeds, but also pumpkin seeds. As you can see, frying sunflower seeds in a frying pan is not difficult, but the taste and aroma are guaranteed to be excellent. But this is precisely what the Russian people value so much in the fascinating activity of cracking seeds.

Sunflower seeds, like potatoes, corn and tomatoes, came to us after the discovery of America by Columbus, and the Spanish conquistadors brought them to Europe. At first, sunflowers were considered an ornamental plant; the benefits of the seeds were also not immediately discovered. In Russia, they began to be cultivated on landowners' estates and fields only in the first half of the 19th century.

One day, a Russian peasant came up with the idea of ​​extracting oil from sunflower seeds. He did this using a hand press. At the end of the 19th century. the oil, cheap but tasty, has gained recognition in Europe and even America!

Sunflower seeds: beneficial properties

Sunflower seeds themselves are a unique product. Their biological value is higher than that of meat or eggs, and they are much easier to digest. They contain more vitamin D than cod liver oil, and this product is considered the richest source of it. The substances contained in the seeds improve the condition of the mucous membranes and skin, and restore the acid-base balance. Therefore, sunflowers are often used in cosmetology.

Seed proteins include many useful amino acids that ensure normal fat metabolism in the body; they also contain many unsaturated fatty acids - palmetic, linoleic, oleic, arachidonic, stearic, etc. The seeds also contain a substance called vitamin F, which is not synthesized in the body, but is necessary for normal life. Without unsaturated fatty acids, nerve fibers and cell membranes become vulnerable, begin to break down earlier, excess cholesterol accumulates, and this contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and heart attack.

The seeds also contain tannins, phytin, carotenoids, tartaric and citric acids, carbohydrates, potassium and phosphorus, magnesium; by the way, they contain even more of the latter than rye bread. It is precisely this mineral that is so necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Also, this product contains other minerals: chromium, copper, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, iodine, fluorine, iron, zinc, selenium, silicon, sodium. And the seeds contain almost 5 times more potassium than oranges or bananas.

They also contain fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, B vitamins. Moreover, they contain so much vitamin E that just 50 g of this product will be enough to replenish the daily requirement of this substance. And as you know, vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that has a pronounced anti-carcinogenic property, protects the human body from various types of radiation and is a means of preventing atherosclerosis.

But with all their obvious advantages, the seeds also have obvious disadvantages, because due to all the components they are enriched with, they are very high in calories: 100 g of product contains up to 700 calories!

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle, nutritionists and medical specialists often advise consuming seeds as a preventive measure for various diseases and even as a medicinal product.

With their help, you can prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system; to do this, it is enough to eat 100 g of this product daily. By the way, they also alleviate liver diseases.

For people who are engaged in hard work and athletes, seeds are also recommended for consumption - they strengthen the muscular system. After injuries, infectious diseases, fractures, sunflower helps tissues recover.

Sunflower oil is obtained from peeled seeds, which is also not without benefits: it can be used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, thrombophlebitis, toothache, and in cosmetology.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan?

You need to know how to fry seeds, because there are also secrets here. First you need to purchase a quality product. You need to pay attention to small and medium-sized seeds, because they will be oily and sweet after frying.

  1. First of all, the seeds should be thoroughly rinsed in a colander under running water, then placed in a heated frying pan (it is better to use a cast iron one). By the way, there should be a little sunflower in the pan so that it cooks evenly. You can pre-lubricate the pan with sunflower oil, but this is a matter of taste.
  2. The next step in frying the seeds is choosing the optimal temperature. At the very beginning, the stove should be turned on at full power, and then reduced to medium temperature. Most often, frying the seeds takes 5-15 minutes. But don’t forget one little trick - they need to be stirred regularly, preferably with a wooden spatula. You can check the readiness of the seeds by tasting them or looking at the color of the fried kernel. If the seeds are ready, the kernel will have a cream color.

How to fry seeds with salt? If you cook fried sunflower seeds with salt following all the rules, they will turn out much tastier and more aromatic than store-bought ones. How to fry the seeds with salt yourself? First of all, the seeds should be washed well, this will help remove all dirt from their surface.

Now you should take a frying pan, preferably cast iron, and heat it. During frying, the temperature of the fire will change, but at the very beginning it should be the highest.

The seeds should be poured into the frying pan, but this must be done gradually. Now they need to be stirred regularly, preferably with a wooden spatula. While they are warming up, spoiled seeds, remnants of sunflower flowers, and open kernels, which can often be found in a raw product, should be removed from the pan.

Now you should take 100 ml of water, salt it to taste and pour it into the frying pan. The seeds will thus steam and acquire a salty taste. As soon as there is no moisture left and the seeds begin to click, the heat should be reduced and the seeds should be stirred more intensively.

You can check if the product is ready by peeling it - if the kernels turn creamy, then they are ready!

Features of cooking seeds in the microwave

Nowadays, the method of preparing dishes in the microwave is gaining popularity, and sunflower seeds are no exception! In order to prepare sunflower seeds in this way, they need to be thoroughly washed, lightly sprinkled with vegetable oil and sprinkled with salt. Then transfer to a fireproof container in a layer of 2-3 cm.

Now you should set the microwave to maximum power and the timer to 1.5 minutes. After this time, the seeds should be taken out, mixed and smoothed. Reduce the microwave power to medium and set the time to 1 minute. So the sunflower should be heated 2 times, in between it is necessary to mix thoroughly. At the end of cooking, you should try the seeds; if they are not ready yet, then they need to be heated one more time at medium power for 1 minute.

Sunflower seeds, popularly known under the simple and understandable name “seeds”, are a very useful product. But there is one “but”, they are useful in their raw form. They contain amino acids that prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they contain a lot of magnesium and vitamin E. But although they are useful in their raw form, we will not eat them uncooked. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly fry the seeds so that they are tasty and moderately fried.

You need to know how to roast seeds! This is a real art, with many secrets and nuances. To begin with, it is very important to buy good quality seeds. When you come to the store, choose medium-sized and “pot-bellied” sunflower seeds. Then, after frying, they will taste sweet and buttery.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan?

To begin, rinse the seeds thoroughly in a colander under running water. Then they need to be placed on a well-heated, preferably cast-iron frying pan. Moreover, please note that there should be few seeds in the pan so that they can fry evenly. The frying pan can be greased with sunflower oil, or it may not be greased. This is a matter of each person's taste. Now is the time to decide on the temperature at which frying will take place. Initially, the stove should be turned on at full power, then the temperature will need to be reduced to medium. The total roasting time for seeds is on average 5 – 15 minutes. And one more important rule is constant stirring, preferably with a wooden spoon. There are two ways to determine the readiness of seeds: 1 - taste them and make sure that they have reached the desired condition; 2 – look at the color of the fried kernel: if the seeds are ready, the color of the kernel will be creamy.

In fact, there are many ways to fry seeds in a frying pan; as a rule, choosing the appropriate method is done by trial and error. But I would like to draw your attention to another slightly unusual method.

So, first, everything is done as usual: the seeds are washed, placed in a heated frying pan and lightly fried. Then, you need to pour about 100 ml of water into the frying pan (if you want the seeds to be salted, then you need to salt the water). This method will help steam the seeds, they will swell a little and make them easier to crack. After all the water has boiled away and the seeds begin to crackle in the pan, they will need to be stirred more often, and the temperature should be reduced and cooked for another 15 minutes.

After the seeds have been fried and reached the desired state, they must be poured out of the frying pan, preferably onto a towel with which to cover them. Once they have cooled, they are ready to eat!

How to roast seeds in the oven?

You can roast the seeds in the oven, either on a baking sheet or in a frying pan. If you fry them in the oven, the taste will be different from those fried on the stove. This is due to the fact that first the seeds will be dried in the oven, and only then fried.

First, you need to rinse the seeds thoroughly. Then put it on a baking sheet or frying pan in a not very thick layer and put it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Remember, if you roast the seeds in the oven, you also need to stir them from time to time and check their readiness.

How to roast seeds in the microwave?

This method of preparing seeds is the most modern. There are a great many ways, we will focus on one of them.

First, the seeds need to be washed as usual. Then lightly sprinkle with sunflower oil and, if desired, sprinkle with salt. Now you need to choose a suitable fireproof dish and pour the seeds into it in an even layer approximately 2–3 cm thick. Then, set the power and time. To begin with, let's set the maximum power and select a time of 1.5 minutes. We put the seeds and wait. After the microwave goes through this cycle, the seeds need to be removed, mixed and leveled. Then select medium power and set the time to 1 minute and warm the seeds in this mode 2 times. In between they need to be mixed.

After cooking, you need to try them; if the seeds have not reached the desired condition, you can repeat 1 cycle.

How to roast pumpkin seeds?

Roasting pumpkin seeds is not fundamentally different from cooking sunflower seeds. They also need to be washed and placed in a heated frying pan with a thick bottom. You need to fry at medium temperature for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. After we make sure that the seeds are ready. They need to be removed from the stove, but left in the pan to cool.

How to deliciously fry sunflower seeds in a frying pan, step-by-step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Sunflower seeds are a traditional Slavic delicacy beloved by many. They are in great demand, and domestically produced sunflower oil is exported all over the world. The benefits of eating sunflower kernels have been noted by doctors. The amino acids contained in them prevent cholesterol from depositing in the vessels, and vitamin E saturates the blood with oxygen. However, not everyone knows how to fry seeds at home; most prefer to buy the product ready-made, although it is often inferior in taste to homemade ones. Some people liked deep frying, while others liked it very lightly, some liked salted and large seeds simmered in a frying pan, which is why it’s worth carefully figuring out step by step how to make the “dish” perfect for you. In the article you can find photos and different options on how to fry the seeds yourself. However, it should be remembered that improper preparation or abuse of sunflower seeds can cause harm to the body - heartburn, exacerbation of gastric diseases, liver dysfunction, etc. And do not forget about the calorie content, about 600 kilocalories, more than half of which are fats. How to fry seeds in a frying pan?

Cooking sunflower seeds in a frying pan is perhaps the most popular option among the population. However, how to properly fry seeds in a frying pan so that they are not overcooked or dry? Cooking grains has many nuances, the first of which is the choice of product in the store, try to give preference to medium and seemingly “swollen” seeds, these will be quite sweet and oily after frying. Be sure to wash purchased sunflower seeds under running water (preferably in a colander or sieve), stirring constantly, this way the coloring enzyme will be washed off from the grains and no unnecessary debris will remain. Next, place them in a heated frying pan with a thick bottom, ideally cast iron. Depending on the taste, the pan is either greased or not with sunflower (olive) oil, but most often it is not greased with oil. Now the time has come to the temperature regime, the scheme is as follows: first turn on the gas to full, after the seeds heat up, reduce the gas to medium. In general, roasted sunflower seeds will take 5 to 15 minutes to cook, depending on the thickness of the bottom of the pan and the size of the seeds. An important point in cooking is stirring thoroughly throughout the frying process, preferably with a wooden spoon. There are two options for determining the readiness of the grains: Look at the color of the kernels; if they are ready, they will become rich beige; Just try it.

In fact, there are countless ways to fry seeds in a frying pan; the choice mainly depends on taste preferences. But as an option, we offer you another rather unusual recipe. To begin, again, wash the sunflower seeds in water, then pour them into a deep frying pan and fill them with water, making sure to add 2 tbsp. l. salt. Boil for about a minute, the main thing is that the grains are saturated with salt. Next, drain the water and continue to fry the seeds with salt (adding another 1 tablespoon of salt). Stir the seeds constantly so they don't burn. A white coating will appear on the edges of the pan - this is normal (salt is just coming out). Reduce heat as the seeds dry. Constantly taste the grains during frying, when they become dry enough for you, add olive oil, it will begin to be absorbed. You need to remove the frying pan a couple of minutes before the seeds are completely ready - there is a very fine line here that requires practice. Let them cool on a flat plate - this is very important, because they should reach the temperature from their heat and become denser with a crispy skin. The result is self-prepared salted seeds with golden kernels and a peel that is easily crushed with your fingers.

How to roast seeds in the microwave? Let's move on to probably the most modern method of frying grains - cooking in the microwave. However, not everyone knows how to fry seeds in the microwave, although the instructions for frying at home are quite simple.

Any preparation of seeds begins with rinsing under water. Next, lightly sprinkle with sunflower oil and add salt if desired. Then pour the seeds in an even layer into a special bowl (optimally a layer 2-4 cm thick). We set the maximum power for 1.5-2 minutes. When the cycle is over, take out, mix and even out the half-fried seeds. Next, put it in the microwave again, but cook at medium power, time – 1 minute. We repeat this cycle at least two more times, removing and stirring. Be sure to taste, this is the only way you can make sure the grains are ready. Typically, the cooking process consists of 2-4 frying cycles, depending on the properties of the microwave oven!

How to roast seeds in the oven? Now we will figure out how to roast seeds in the oven.

Let's start with the dishes: it can be either a baking sheet or a frying pan. Oven-roasted sunflower seeds taste different from stove-roasted sunflower seeds because they are first dried and then fried. The initial stage, as in any other cooking option, is washing. After it, spread the seeds on a baking sheet or frying pan in an even layer and place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Don't forget to stir them and taste them to see if they are ready.

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