Caesar salad with chicken and bacon. Caesar Salad Jamie Oliver's New Way Jimmy Oliver Caesar Salad

Instead of a dryish and boring chicken breast, the chef suggests using juicy ones in combination with bacon!



  • a few chicken legs
  • a few slices of white bread
  • 5 strips of bacon
  • lettuce


  • 2-3 anchovies
  • quarter clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream
  • 100 g parmesan
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 20 ml lemon juice

Marinade for chicken legs:

    a few sprigs of fresh rosemary

    olive oil

    parmesan cheese - for decoration

How to cook Caesar salad from Jamie Oliver:

    Make a marinade for chicken legs: mix rosemary leaves, olive oil, salt and pepper. Grate chicken legs.

    Put the bread cut into large pieces in the pan, put the chicken legs on them and bake until the legs are ready (they should turn a beautiful golden color).

    Remove the pan from the oven and place the bacon strips over the chicken. Bake another 7-10 minutes.

    For sauce: mix anchovies with garlic and crush in a mortar and mortar. Add sour cream, mix. Finely grate Parmesan cheese, add olive oil and lemon juice. Thoroughly mix the sauce again.

    Get chicken and bacon. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and tear it into small pieces. If desired, cut into smaller pieces. Chop the croutons with a knife.

    Tear lettuce leaves into a bowl, put chicken, croutons, bacon. Fill with sauce. Mix everything properly.

    Arrange the salad on a serving platter and garnish with grated parmesan. Serve immediately!

Cook with Jamie! And watch cooking shows with him on the Domashny TV channel every morning on weekdays!

Another variation on the theme of the legendary salad was prepared by the hosts of the “Ask the Chef” program. Recipe - in our video!

  • 2 medium sized boneless chicken breasts
  • 6 slices smoked bacon
  • ½ loaf dried white bread
  • 1 medium bunch of lettuce leaves
  • 1 small garlic
  • 1 jar salted anchovies in olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • sprig of rosemary
  • 75 grams Parmesan cheese or any hard cheese

Servings - 2

Caesar salad recipe

1. Jimmy Oliver advises: in order not to waste time in vain, put the pan on medium heat to warm up.

2. While the pan is heating, it is necessary to cut the chicken breast into thin strips. Then, in a deep bowl, mix chicken meat, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and salt.

3. In the meantime, the pan is already hot enough. Throw in the chicken and bacon. Chef Jamie Oliver recommends roasting the chicken for at least 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

4. At this time, you can tear the bread into pieces and separate the rosemary leaves from the stems.

5. Place the bread and herbs in the skillet to soak up the flavor and aroma of the smoked bacon.

6. Continue toasting the bread until it turns a delicious slightly brownish color. Just be careful not to overdo it! Naked chef Jamie Oliver warns that it is very easy to spoil chicken meat when frying, be careful.

7. Lettuce leaves must be washed and dried with a paper towel. Then cut them into strips 1 cm thick.

8. Grind 1 clove of garlic, zest of half a lemon and 4 anchovy fillets in a mortar and mortar.

9. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl. Be careful not to get any bones in there. Add olive oil to lemon juice. Jamie Oliver advises not to save on olive oil, otherwise the Caesar salad according to Jamie Oliver's recipe will not work.

10. In the same bowl, add sour cream and the resulting paste from the mortar. Salt and pepper to your taste.

11. Here is the finish line! It remains to add lettuce leaves and chicken with crispy crackers to the bowl.

12. Well, that's all! Amazing fragrant Caesar salad according to Jamie's recipe is ready! Before serving, you can add a little more Parmesan. Salads according to Jamie Oliver's recipe - it's quick, easy and delicious!

Jamie Oliver slightly changed the classic recipe and came up with his own version of Caesar salad. In this dish, he will focus on a variety of tastes and aromas. The main change here will be the use of chicken legs, smoked bacon and lovely rustic croutons. This is a great little salad and is very versatile, you can enjoy it hot or cold.

You can watch the video recipe for this dish.

1 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Cut the bread into cubes, or tear into pieces with your hands. Coarsely chop the rosemary.

2 Jamie does not use chicken breasts as they are a little dry for this salad, but the legs are just right. Lay the chicken legs on a cutting board and sprinkle with chopped rosemary. Now drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Mix everything with your hands, making sure the legs are covered on all sides.

3 Arrange the slices of bread on a baking sheet, then place the chicken legs on top. This way the bread will soak up all the wonderful juices from the chicken, giving you the best croutons ever! Place the tray in the preheated oven.

4 After 45 minutes, remove the baking sheet from the oven, arrange the bacon slices on top of the chicken and croutons, and place back for another 15-20 minutes. To tell if the chicken is ready, just try to pinch off the meat, if it comes off the bone easily, the chicken legs are done. Or pierce the bird, if the juice is light, then the legs are ready. Remove the pan from the oven and set it aside to let the chicken cool slightly.

5 Now let's make the salad dressing. Grind the garlic and anchovy fillets in a mortar with a pestle or use a blender. If you do not like anchovies, you can do without them, but when you cook everything and try it, you should like it. Anchovies give our Caesar salad a slightly salty taste. When the garlic and anchovies have turned into a pulp, add the sour cream and grated Parmesan cheese.

6 Cut a lemon in half and squeeze its juice into a glass. Now pour in olive oil at a ratio of 3 parts olive oil to 1 part lemon juice. Dump the contents of the glass into the anchovies. Season to taste with salt and pepper and mix well. Our sauce - dressing is ready.

7 Separate the chicken meat from the bones - you can use 2 forks for this, or your hands. Then go through the knife several times to cut the meat into smaller pieces. Do the same with croutons and bacon.

8 Wash the lettuce leaves and tear them into pieces. Toss chicken, bacon, lettuce and croutons together. Grate some Parmesan on top and pour over the sauce.

Detailed description: caesar salad jamie oliver recipe from chef for gourmets and housewives from various sources.

  • Jamie Oliver makes this salad very often at home because it's easy and quick to make.


    • 2 medium sized boneless chicken breasts
    • 6 slices smoked bacon
    • ½ loaf dried white bread
    • 1 medium bunch of lettuce leaves
    • 1 small garlic
    • 1 jar salted anchovies in olive oil
    • 1 lemon
    • 2 tablespoons sour cream
    • sprig of rosemary
    • 75 grams Parmesan cheese or any hard cheese

    Servings - 2

    Caesar salad recipe

    1. Jimmy Oliver advises: in order not to waste time in vain, put the pan on medium heat to warm up.

    2. While the pan is heating, it is necessary to cut the chicken breast into thin strips. Then, in a deep bowl, mix chicken meat, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and salt.

    3. In the meantime, the pan is already hot enough. Throw in the chicken and bacon. Chef Jamie Oliver recommends roasting the chicken for at least 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

    4. At this time, you can tear the bread into pieces and separate the rosemary leaves from the stems.

    5. Place the bread and herbs in the skillet to soak up the flavor and aroma of the smoked bacon.

    6. Continue toasting the bread until it turns a delicious slightly brownish color. Just be careful not to overdo it! Naked chef Jamie Oliver warns that it is very easy to spoil chicken meat when frying, be careful.

    7. Lettuce leaves must be washed and dried with a paper towel. Then cut them into strips 1 cm thick.

    8. Grind 1 clove of garlic, zest of half a lemon and 4 anchovy fillets in a mortar and mortar.

    9. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl. Be careful not to get any bones in there. Add olive oil to lemon juice. Jamie Oliver advises not to save on olive oil, otherwise the Caesar salad according to Jamie Oliver's recipe will not work.

    10. In the same bowl, add sour cream and the resulting paste from the mortar. Salt and pepper to your taste.

    11. Here is the finish line! It remains to add lettuce leaves and chicken with crispy crackers to the bowl.

    12. Well, that's all! Amazing fragrant Caesar salad according to Jamie's recipe is ready! Before serving, you can add a little more Parmesan. Salads according to Jamie Oliver's recipe - it's quick, easy and delicious!

    Many people know how to cook Caesar salad. It would seem that there you can think of? Chicken, salad, croutons… However, Jamie even in the preparation of Caesar has no equal, the chips are pouring one after another!

    Each of us at least once in our lives prepared the famous Caesar salad. It attracts with the simplicity and uncomplicated technology. The set of ingredients is simple and this is very attractive. What can be added to the recipe to improve the taste at times, yes, no, hundreds of times?

    Do not know? But Jamie knows

    I changed the recipe slightly and came up with my own version of this salad. In my dish, I will focus on the maximum taste and aroma!

    Yes, ah, the presentation is impressive, some violets in the traditional Caesar are worth something ...

    Each of us at least once in our lives prepared the famous Caesar salad. It attracts with the simplicity and uncomplicated technology. The set of ingredients is simple and this is very attractive. What can be added to the recipe to improve the taste at times, yes, no, hundreds of times?

    Do not know? But Jamie knows

    I changed the recipe slightly and came up with my own version of this salad. In my dish, I will focus on the maximum taste and aroma!

    Yes, ah, the presentation is impressive, some violets in the traditional Caesar are worth something ...

    Well, let's go learn from the pros ...


    • Chicken legs 5-6 pcs.
    • Leaf lettuce 200 grams
    • White bread 2-3 pieces
    • Parmesan cheese 50 grams
    • Bacon 40 grams


    • Canned anchovies 2-3 pcs.
    • Garlic 1/2 large clove
    • Sour cream 1 tbsp
    • Juice of 1/2 lemon (can be replaced with vinegar)
    • Parmesan 60-70 g
    • Olive oil 1-2 tbsp.

    How to Make a Caesar Salad Master Class by Jamie Oliver

    1. The first feature is the use of not chicken breast in the salad, as we are used to, but chicken legs.

    I did not take chicken breasts, they are a bit dry for a salad, but the legs are just right!

    Before frying the chicken, mix the olive oil with rosemary, salt and pepper, then rub the legs well with this mixture.

    2. The second feature is the preparation of delicious croutons.

    Put the bread on the bottom of the pan and put the prepared chicken legs on it. Put it all in the oven and bake until done. It is very easy to check the readiness of the bird, you just need to pierce the meat and look at the juice released. If it is transparent, then the chicken is ready.

    While the legs were cooking, the bread was soaked in fat and chicken flavor. The bread became juicy and a little sticky from the juice that drained to the bottom ...

    You need to get the bread and just tear it with your hands. Put the croutons back into the pan on the legs.

    3. The third feature is bacon. You need to cover the chicken with croutons with strips of bacon and send the pan back to the oven. We are waiting for the bacon to brown and become crispy.

    4. We begin to collect Caesar and lettuce leaves are sent to the plate first. Please note that this salad is very delicate, you just need to tear it with your hands, you should not pick up a knife!

    5. Chicken meat must also be torn into large pieces.

    Don't be too careful, just tear off small pieces of chicken. And then I'll just take it and pass the knife over the bird several times. Amazing!

    Then take the croutons and chop them with a knife or just tear them with your hands. They fried perfectly and became crispy. They haven't even cooled down yet!

    6. It remains to put the chicken and croutons on lettuce leaves. Then we actively “cheer up” the salad with our hands and pour over the sauce. Do not overdo it, there should not be too much sauce. Again, mix everything and put it on a dish.

    7. It remains to grate on a coarse grater right on top of the parmesan and .. another one from Jamie- add some violet flowers!

    If you are expecting someone very important to visit, for example, a girlfriend or friend, mom or someone else, you can always spice up your dish like this! Be sure to prepare such a salad for them. They certainly haven't tried anything like it! Roast the chicken properly, cook up the croutons and make a great dressing that will make their faces melt with pleasure. Great, it turned out great!

    Caesar salad is served warm and that's the whole point!

    Jamie Oliver's Caesar Salad Dressing Recipe

    Oh, there are more than enough chips here too!

    For example, the use of anchovies. Very rarely does anyone risk using anchovies to make a sauce. Of course, you can do without them, but it is this ingredient that gives the sauce a certain saltiness and amazing taste.

    The sauce can also be made in a blender, although Oliver prefers to make it in a mortar and mortar. Anchovies must be thoroughly chopped along with garlic. You should not take a lot of garlic, otherwise the sauce will turn out to be too spicy.

    Here, admire the Caesar salad dressing, which is not an alternative to your favorite mayonnaise. Even in appearance, they are practically twin brothers.

    This dressing should be good on its own. Be sure to taste it when you cook it, otherwise it can ruin the whole salad!

    Always remember that for the sauce you need to take 3 parts of olive oil to 1 part of lemon juice, and then the sauce will turn out perfect!

    Caesar salad video

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