Cottage cheese raffaello recipe - a dietary curd dessert. Dietary PP sweets at home PP sweets from cottage cheese and cocoa

Our stores are simply overflowing with all kinds of sweets for every taste. However, we all know that excessive consumption of sugar is quite harmful to our body. People are increasingly thinking that industrial cookies and sweets are of no use, since they contain quite a lot of sugar and chemicals.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about your health and finding a worthy, natural replacement for store-bought sweets.

And it exists - these are homemade sweets made from dried fruits.

These healthy sugar-free candies consist of natural products: nuts, honey and dried fruits. They are ideal for a healthy diet in families with small children, they will become a favorite and sought-after dessert.

The benefits of dried fruits

Dried fruits are made from fresh ripe fruits, as a result of a gentle processing (drying) process, a natural and very healthy product is obtained, which is rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for human health.

Eating dried fruits has a beneficial effect on all vital systems of the human body:

  • Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, nervous system; In addition, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth improves significantly;
  • The use of dried fruits strengthens the immune system and it becomes easier for a person to cope with all kinds of infections and viral diseases, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period.

However, in case of allergic reactions or intolerance of the body, the use of dried fruits should be refrained from. You should also remember that eating a lot of them is also not worth it, as they have a rather high calorie content.

Selection of dried fruits for making homemade sweets

To prepare delicious homemade dried fruit sweets, we recommend that you carefully choose the ingredients for making treats. It is advisable to buy dried fruits by weight in the market, from sellers whom you trust and are confident in the quality of the product.

It is worth paying attention to their appearance, you should not take too bright colors, as there is a high probability that they are treated with chemicals.

You will get healthy sweets without sugar if you take for their preparation:

Dates. This wonderful natural product is a good tool for the prevention of diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, as well as oncology. Dates should be eaten by women who are preparing for the birth of a child, to facilitate childbirth, for nursing mothers to increase lactation. For men, this useful fruit will give energy and strength.

Raisin. It is valued for the fact that it contains a lot of iron, the use of raisins is very bad for anemia, heart disease, anemia. Also, it must be introduced into the diet if there are problems with the respiratory system.

Dried apricots. It is very useful in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Also, dried apricots should be eaten by pregnant women to avoid a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and anemia.

Prunes. Dried plum is recommended for stomach problems, constipation, helps in losing weight and improving the whole body. In addition, prunes have good antimicrobial properties and will help to cope with infectious diseases.

As you already understood, we will add nuts to our sweet treat. Let's dwell on their useful properties.

  • Nuts contain almost all the vitamins that are so necessary for health, as well as a lot of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron;
  • Improve heart function and strengthen the nervous system, help recover from a heart attack;
  • Nuts reduce blood cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, angina pectoris. Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Rejuvenate the body and fight cancer;
  • They are natural natural energetics, they restore strength very well after stressful situations and past illnesses;
  • Nuts contain a large amount of vitamin E, which makes this product simply necessary for the beauty and health of the skin, hair, and strength of nails;
  • For various skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, you need to include nuts in your menu, this will help you recover faster;
  • Amino acid - arginine contained in nuts strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar, helps to reduce excess weight, strengthens sexual function.

Dried fruits and nuts recipe

Let's quickly move from words to deeds and prepare delicious, and most importantly very useful for the body, homemade sweets from dried fruits and nuts.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and prunes - total weight 300 grams;
  • Hazelnuts and walnuts - 100 grams;
  • Cocoa powder or coconut flakes to decorate our sweets.


  1. To begin with, we will wash the dried fruits well and pour boiling water over them. This must be done so that various unnecessary impurities and bacteria do not get into our dessert.
  2. Grind well-washed dried fruits with a blender or with a meat grinder. You can do this with an ordinary knife, but the more homogeneous the candy mass is, the better our delicacy will turn out.
  3. We chop the walnuts too, and leave the hazelnuts whole.
  4. We mix chopped nuts and dried fruits and proceed to the formation of sweets.
  5. Take a whole hazelnut nut and form a neat ball around it from the prepared dried fruit mass.
  6. Roll the finished ball in cocoa or coconut flakes and put on a dish. Thus, from this amount of products, we will get 15 sweets with a diameter of 2 centimeters.

Ready sweets can be sent to the refrigerator for several hours so that they freeze better, or you can immediately treat them to your kids.

Children will like such sweets, and parents can be calm, because the composition of sweets is healthy and natural.

Recipe for sweets with nuts - option number 2


  • Raisins, prunes, dates and dried apricots - we take 100 grams each, the total weight will be 400 grams;
  • Peanuts - 50 grams;
  • Sesame - 50 grams;
  • Walnuts - 150 grams;
  • Natural honey, good quality - 3 tablespoons.

It is important to know that natural dried fruits are unsightly and dry in appearance, they need to be bought on the market. Soft, shiny and beautiful, you should not take it, as they are chemically treated or soaked in sugar syrup.


  1. Wash the dried fruits well, if they are hard and overdried, then you need to soak them for fifteen minutes in hot water.
  2. Cut dried apricots, dates and prunes into small pieces, and then grind everything in a blender or a simple meat grinder.
  3. Nuts also need to be crushed, we do this in an ordinary mortar with a pestle.
  4. Add nuts to ground dried fruits and season this splendor with honey. Now everything is well mixed until a homogeneous mass.
  5. From this dough we roll balls in size like a walnut and roll them well in sesame seeds. You can put the sweets in the refrigerator for two hours, for better solidification.

A delicious royal dessert is ready, this delicacy will be a great gift for your little sweet tooth.

Candies from dried fruits and nuts with dates

I offer a recipe for homemade sugar-free sweets, dates will add sweetness to our dessert, and this is much tastier and healthier.


  • Dates - 100 grams;
  • Dried apricots - 100 grams;
  • Raisins - 100 grams;
  • Prunes - 100 grams;
  • Walnuts or nut mixture - 100 grams;
  • Lemon or honey, depending on taste preferences;
  • Sesame, cocoa, coconut flakes, chopped peanuts - for sprinkling.


  1. Rinse dried fruits well several times and dry. Remove pits from dates. Then cut the walnuts into fairly large pieces.
  2. After that, grind in a blender, not very much. You can use a regular meat grinder for this purpose.
  3. Add a little lemon zest and juice to the resulting mass. This will give the dessert a light acidity and a refreshing citrus aroma.
  4. If you like sweet more than sour, you can add a little honey instead of lemon.
  5. Pour chopped peanuts, cocoa with sesame seeds and coconut flakes into different plates.
  6. We sculpt small balls from the resulting mass and to make the sweets beautiful, roll them in powder. After that, put it in the refrigerator for one hour.

  • Dried fruit and nut candy recipes can be changed according to your taste preferences, show your culinary imagination and add various combinations of products as you wish. You can try making sweets from dried cherries, cranberries, pears or apples;
  • Walnuts and hazelnuts can be replaced with almonds, peanuts or pine nuts, and if you make a nut mix, then the taste of the dessert will be just great;
  • If you like sour, then you can make healthy sweets without sugar by adding lemon zest and juice, and quite a bit of honey;
  • If the candy mixture turned out to be too dry and a ball is poorly formed from it, then dilute the mass with liquid natural honey. If the “dough” is too liquid, then you can add chopped nuts or almond flour to it;
  • As a sprinkle, in addition to coconut and cocoa, you can use grated chocolate, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, crushed sunflower seeds, confectionery sprinkles.

Candies from dried fruits and honey, in chocolate

Most of the fair sex love Raffaello sweets. And each of them knows how high-calorie this most delicate dessert is. Being on a diet, you have to deny yourself even a small coconut candy. To make up for the lack of Raffaello in the body and not test willpower for strength, you can try to cook diet Raffaello from cottage cheese.

The main ingredient for this dessert will be cottage cheese. For those who are losing weight, scrupulously counting fats, a fat-free product is perfect. Other sweet lovers can choose cottage cheese with a fat content of 2-5%.

Needless to say, coconut sweets will also decorate your diet breakfast or lunch? You can afford 3-4 pieces without a twinge of conscience. Well, let's take a homemade Raffaello curd recipe and go to battle, prepare a low-calorie curd dessert?

Ingredients for diet cottage cheese raffaello

For 6 pieces the size of a walnut you will need:

  • 150 grams of cottage cheese
  • 2-3 grams of a sweetener (stevia or fitparade)
  • 20-25 grams coconut flakes (preferably defatted)
  • 6 pcs. almond

Raffaello from cottage cheese calorie content per 100 g - 170 kcal
proteins / fats / carbohydrates - 16.8/ 7.0/ 4.1

If you cannot buy good shavings and sahzam at your place of residence, then purchase the desired products via the Internet.

Raffaello curd recipe

Don't know how to make Rafaello? - Very simple!

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or lightly beat with a blender - you need to get a smooth creamy structure without grains.
  2. Add sweetener and 20 grams of coconut. Mix the mass thoroughly, you can use an immersion blender. Taste the mass, if desired, it can be adjusted by adding more coconut and sahzam.
  3. Divide the curd mass into six parts. Put an almond in each of them and roll the raffaelo balls between your palms.
  4. Roll the formed raffaelles in coconut flakes. A delicious low-calorie dessert is ready. As you can see, the preparation of Raffaello does not take much time.

Isn't it just to cook gourmet ?

Sweet rafaelki are so good that they can be prepared even for a festive table. It's hard to believe that a diet curd dessert can be so delicious. By the way, not only sweets are tasty - they will give odds to any classic cake.

If you adhere to proper nutrition or a diet associated with an illness (it is better to remove it), then cottage cheese is considered a permitted product. But a product without additives can quickly become boring. There are a huge number of low-calorie dishes based on it. It is not difficult to prepare dishes, recipes from cottage cheese will not worsen its beneficial properties at all, on the contrary, they will make it a universal component - for what? It is better to either remove the pro component or reformulate it.

There are many unsweetened PP recipes with cottage cheese that help satisfy hunger for a long time and diversify your usual diet. Recommend recipes, cooking methods,. And also from cottage cheese you can make protein shakes yourself, the recipes of which you will find in.

Fritters with cottage cheese

Almost everyone will like these pancakes. This is a great delicious breakfast PP baking with cottage cheese. For the recipe you will need:

  • 270 g of cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of milk;
  • 170 g flour.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the curd mass into a large container.
  2. Immediately add salt, sprinkle with baking powder.
  3. Add flour and mix thoroughly. The dough is thick in consistency, it can be slightly diluted with milk.
  4. Place a heaping tablespoon of batter on the hot skillet. Fry with a small amount of olive oil until the fritters acquire a blush. This recipe can also be cooked in the oven.

Diet cheesecakes

Cheesecakes are a real dish from childhood. They are perfect for any meal or snack. There are many variations of recipes. Cottage cheese itself contains few calories, but in order for the dish to turn out to be dietary, you need to choose the right ingredients. So, for the recipe for PP on cottage cheese, you need:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese up to 8%;
  • 2 yolks or one egg;
  • a small spoonful of vanilla;
  • honey to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the curd mass with a sieve 2 times with a short pause. This will make the product very tender and airy. The process of grinding with a sieve can be replaced with whipping in a blender.
  2. The mashed cottage cheese is transferred to a deep plate, an egg or yolks, vanillin, and honey are added to it for sweetness.
  3. All ingredients are well mixed until the dough becomes homogeneous.
  4. Pour a little flour into a flat plate, which will be used as a breading.
  5. Roll the dough into balls, flatten, roll in flour and place on a baking sheet, as cheesecakes are cooked in the oven.
  6. The baking sheet is not greased with oil, but covered with parchment paper. The oven heats up to 180 degrees, the oven needs 25 - 35 minutes.
  7. Put the finished dish on a plate and serve warm or hot.

Dietary casserole with cottage cheese and dried fruits

Baking PP from cottage cheese with oatmeal and dried fruits is not only very tasty, but dietary and healthy. There is no flour and sugar in the list of ingredients, they are replaced by oatmeal and dried fruits, it is also permissible to put honey to taste. The prescription requires:

  • 200 g of hercules;
  • 200 g cottage cheese 5% fat
  • 230 ml of kefir - about a glass;
  • two eggs;
  • 170 g dried fruits;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 large spoons of honey.

Cooking process:

  • Combine all ingredients, do not add only honey and dried fruits. Mix with a spoon or blender.
  • The resulting mass should stand for 15 - 20 minutes so that the hercules has time to soften.
  • Cut dried fruits soaked before cooking the casserole. Pour them into the dough and mix until a homogeneous consistency is reached.
  • Lubricate the form with oil and transfer the dough into it.
  • Bake dessert at 180 degrees for about half an hour, checking readiness.
  • Remove the casserole, cover with a towel and let cool. Then you can serve it to the table.

Curd PP - soufflé

PP soufflé is an adaptation of a popular delicacy for people who are watching their figure or are forced to limit their diet. The recipe for a low-calorie soufflé is very simple, cooked in the oven. Products are easy to buy at any nearby store. In 100 g of the dish there are only 176 kcal. Also 13 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates and 23 g of proteins. To prepare, take:

  • 220 g of cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • 2 large spoons of oatmeal;
  • 40 g dried cranberries, can be replaced with dried apricots or dried apples;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind oatmeal in a blender into flour.
  2. Beat cottage cheese with an egg, add honey and beat again.
  3. Mix oatmeal, dried fruits into the curd mass, stir with a spoon in one direction.
  4. Bake the soufflé in a silicone mold for 30 minutes in a preheated oven.

If you want to reduce the calorie content even more, then dried fruits are not added.

To make the soufflé tasty and quite tender, elastic, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Cottage cheese should be low or medium fat content, Fat-free product will not work, it is too dry, this will worsen the taste of the cottage cheese PP dish.
  • The mass must be gently whipped to get a delicate porous consistency.
  • To slightly reduce the humidity of the soufflé, it is sprinkled with rice flour or starch before being placed in the oven.

Marshmallow from cottage cheese - a low-calorie dessert

Any marshmallow due to the presence of pectin in the composition can be considered a dietary or acceptable delicacy for people who follow the figure. And when cooking it on a curd basis, it becomes even more useful and low-calorie. For the recipe with cottage cheese PP you need:

  • 450 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 150 ml of milk with a fat content of 1.5%;
  • sugar substitute to taste;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • 70 g raspberries or black currants.

Cooking process:

The calorie content of such a delicacy of PP from cottage cheese will be only 67 kcal.

Candy curd

Sweets PP from cottage cheese will not harm those who are losing weight or those who follow a therapeutic diet. The total calorie content will not be high. This dessert is easy to prepare and takes only 15 minutes. It can also be served at the festive table due to its attractive appearance.

For the recipe you will need:

  • 140 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 2 - 3%;
  • zest of one orange, if desired, can be replaced with lemon zest;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa;
  • a teaspoon of sugar, if necessary, a substitute is placed together with it, this will not worsen the taste of sweets at all;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 70 g dried apricots or prunes.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour boiling water over the citrus, blot with a napkin and rub the zest on a fine grater.
  2. Pour prunes or dried apricots with boiling water, chop with a blender, combine with zest.
  3. Now add cottage cheese, cocoa, sugar and vanillin to the blender, mix.
  4. You can start forming candies of any shape you wish. We form balls, then you can roll them in coconut flakes. Arrange dessert on a platter.
  5. Put the treat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to solidify and hold the shape.

Candies will turn out tender and moderately sweet. Thanks to the zest, they have an original shade and taste of bounty bars. Also, instead of balls, you can give them the shape of sausages.

To prepare delicious, healthy and low-calorie cookies, you will need to take:

  • 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 270 g of oatmeal flakes;
  • 3 medium sized bananas;
  • 100 g raisins.

Cooking process:

  1. It is most convenient to beat the dough in a blender.
  2. First you need to rinse and soak the raisins in hot water.
  3. Put the curd mass in a separate container, add bananas cut into circles and oatmeal ground through a blender. Mix everything thoroughly. It is most convenient to do this also in a blender or in a food processor.
  4. Put raisins into the curd mass and let stand for 20 minutes.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the shaped oval cookies on it. The distance between them is at least 2 cm.
  6. Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 35 minutes.
  7. The pastry should brown but remain soft.

Light cake Raffaello

This Raffaello Cottage Cheese Cake recipe is easy to make. You need to use natural cottage cheese for the test. From the ingredients you will need:

  • about 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • two eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • salt to taste;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • coconut shavings.

For curd cream you should take:

  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 250 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 20 g of powdered sugar;
  • vanillin;
  • 100 g coconut flakes, sometimes more is required;
  • for impregnation - 100 ml of milk or liquid cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Put cottage cheese and other ingredients into the bowl on the dough, but do not add flour and baking powder yet. Whisk everything.
  2. Add flour, baking powder, mix and chill.
  3. Divide the dough into 8 parts and bake from each cake. To prevent bubbles from appearing on it, you need to pierce the dough in several places before placing it in the oven.
  4. Beat the cottage cheese on the cream with a blender or grind with a sieve.
  5. Combine sour cream with powder, beat until stable peaks, add vanillin, mix with cottage cheese and refrigerate.
  6. Grease the resulting cakes with cream. Decorate the cake with coconut flakes.

The finished cake should soak for 6 hours. Then it can be served at the festive table.

PP curd charlotte

Charlotte according to the original recipe for PP from cottage cheese with apples will become a real delicacy. It is no less tasty than a dish according to the classic recipe.

For cottage cheese PP recipe you need to take:

  • one large apple;
  • 60 g of oatmeal or oatmeal;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a small spoon of baking powder;
  • half a teaspoon of vanillin;
  • 2 large spoons of honey.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind oatmeal into flour in a blender.
  2. Mix the resulting flour with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. Peel the apple and remove the core, cut into cubes.
  4. Beat the eggs into foam, combine them with oatmeal, apples, honey and cottage cheese. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Put the dough into a mold, it is preferable to take a silicone one, bake at a temperature of 180 degrees in the oven for about 40 minutes.
  6. Remove the finished cake and let cool. If desired, decorate its top with fresh fruits or berries, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Curd is a unique product. From it you can cook a wide variety of dishes for every taste, including dietary ones. It allows you to adhere to proper nutrition or diet and at the same time eat deliciously.

1. Bounty
For bars
baked milk-120g
coconut flakes-45g
sweetener - to taste
egg white-120g (this is about 3-4 eggs)
For glaze:
40 gr. bitter chocolate + milk (4-5 tablespoons)

30 gr. coconut flakes pierce with a blender. Add the remaining ingredients for the bars, mix and let it brew for 10 minutes.
We shift the mass into a mold (the height of the mass should be approx. 1.5 cm) and send it to the microwave for 3 minutes at a power of 850. It is important not to overdry here - all micros are cooked differently. The base should set, but remain slightly damp.
cool, send to cool in the refrigerator. Cut the base into serving bars.
Melt the chocolate in the same bowl with...

Curd sweets "Surprise" 🍬😋

Great dessert or sweet snack in the morning!!!

Calorie content of 1 piece - 82 kcal!
Calorie content per 100 gr - 183 kcal (B/W/U - 8.26/ 6.75/ 23.90)

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 15 pieces):
✔ cottage cheese (I use soft cottage cheese Valio 0.3%) 250 gr
✔ one large banana 160 gr
✔ oatmeal 80 gr
✔ honey 15 gr
✔ coconut / sesame / poppy seeds / ground nuts 40 gr
✔ dried apricots 15 pcs
✔ cashew nuts (or almonds) 15 pcs.


4) At this time, we make the filling: soak the dried apricots if it is hard; soaked soft dried apricots ...

Healthy sweets "Coconut Bird's Milk" 😋🍬

Calorie content per 100 gr - 91 kcal (b / w / y - 7.6 / 5.2 / 4.0)
Calorie content of 1 piece (10 gr) - only 9 kcal!!!

Very cool recipe for healthy soufflés! The airy vanilla-coconut soufflé is similar to both marshmallow and ice cream, but most of all it resembles bird's milk! Sweets are simply divine, they are very easy and quick to prepare 😘😉

✔ cream 10% fat - 100 gr

✔ instant gelatin - 20 gr
✔ coconut flakes - 20 gr

✔ vanilla seeds / vanillin - to taste

🔷 Pour gelatin with cream, leave to swell (it took 10 minutes with my gelatin), heat gelatin with...

Useful candies for the new year??

B/W/U - 3.6/ 8.7/ 27.9


1) We rub the apple on a fine grater or chop it in a food processor, you do not need to squeeze the juice, it will be needed to give the mass the desired consistency

Useful candies 🍬 in post

Calories per 100 gr - about 190 kcal
B/W/U - 3.6/ 8.7/ 27.9

- apple (2 pcs) - 250 gr (grate)
- any nuts and seeds (not fried, but dried!) - 70 gr
- prunes, dates 1:1 (you can add more raisins, figs or dried cherries) - 140 gr
- cocoa powder / carob - 30 gr
- fiber (I have apple and ginger, but any will do) - 50 gr
- for flavor, you can add a drop of rum or cognac
- for sprinkling, you can use coconut flakes, cocoa powder, poppy seeds, chopped nuts, confectionery sprinkling - about 30 gr

1) We rub the apple on a fine grater or chop it in a combine, you don’t need to squeeze the juice, it will be needed to give the mass the desired consistency ...

Truffles from prunes and dates

There are 51 calories in one candy!
In 100 gr - 227 kcal (b / w / y - 3.4 / 4.1 / 48.8)

Useful treat. Delicious homemade sweets that are not inferior to store-bought sweets, but at the same time they are healthy and made with your own hands, which means with love ❤

📃 INGREDIENTS (for 10 sweets):
- prunes 70 gr
- dates 60 gr
- juice of one lime / orange 50 gr
- cocoa powder or carob 20 gr
- nuts, coconut and flax bran (for rolling) 20 gr
- cognac, rum or coffee liqueur, but you can do without it 1 tsp.

☑ Grind prunes and dates in a blender or chop finely by hand. It is important to catch the moment and not bring it to a liquid state. Let the pieces remain better, but it will be thick.

Airy soufflés with chocolate and blueberries 🍬🍫🍓

Calorie content per 100 gr - 91 kcal, b / w / y - 11.6 / 2.9 / 4.3 🍬

✔ soft creamy cottage cheese (fat-free), you can use yogurt - 400 gr
✔ ricotta (you can use cottage cheese of a homogeneous consistency 5% fat content) - 250 gr
✔ gelatin - 50 gr
✔ milk 1-1.5% - 200 gr
✔ cocoa powder or carob (can be chocolate protein) - 40 gr
✔ berries (blueberries or currants) - 200 gr
✔ sweetener (Fitparad) - to taste (it takes me 5-6 sachets)
✔ vanilla extract / vanillin / vanilla seeds - to taste

🔷 In a blender, beat the ricotta with soft cottage cheese until smooth. We divide the resulting cream into 2 parts.
🔷 In the first half of the cream, add cocoa powder, sahza...

PP Sweets - tastier than from the store!

per 100 grams - 193.97 kcal
B/W/U - 10.62/7.22/24.34

Oat flakes - 80 g
Fat-free cottage cheese - 250 g
Honey - 1 tsp
Banana - 160 g
Coconut / sesame - 40 g

For filling:
Cashew nuts (or almonds) - 15 pcs
Dried apricots - 15 pcs

We mix cottage cheese and banana in a blender or by hand until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add oatmeal and knead the dough.
Put the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Next, we make the filling. Pre-soaked dry dried apricots are stuffed with nuts.

It's time to take the dough out of the fridge and divide it into 15 pieces. We form a ball of dough, put dried apricots with a nut inside in the center. Now roll the ball in coconut flakes. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place candies on it. We put in the oven for 12-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Refrigerate candy before serving.

Bon appetit!🍴

Healthy PP Candy Recipe

🔸 per 100 grams - 255.6 kcal 🔸 B / F / U - 18.71 / 13.34 / 15.54 🔸

cottage cheese in a briquette - 180 g
coconut urbech - 1 tbsp.
peanut butter (I have chocolate) - 1 tbsp.
cocoa - 1 tbsp
dry milk - 1 tbsp.
coconut flour - 1 tbsp
Thanks for the recipe to the Diet Recipes group

We mix all the ingredients, with wet hands we form sweets. Roll them in chocolate chips and refrigerate for 15+ minutes.
We store ready-made sweets in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Low-calorie curd soufflés 😋🍬🍮


🔷 gelatin - 35 gr
🔷 milk 1-1.5% - 300 gr
🔷 cocoa powder - 30 gr

🔷 bananas - 200 gr
🔷 dates - 60 gr
🔷 Sweetener...

Marble candy-soufflé 😋🍬🍮

The most delicate marble soufflé made from cottage cheese and ricotta is a wonderful combination of two flavors and shades: chocolate and caramel 😍 Just lick your fingers 😋 And the low calorie content of the dessert, with a high protein content, is the most important advantage of this dessert!

Calorie content per 100 gr - 101 kcal (B / F / U - 9.4 / 3.4 / 8.3)

🔷 soft creamy cottage cheese (fat-free), you can use yogurt - 350 gr
🔷 ricotta (you can use cottage cheese of a homogeneous consistency of 5% fat content) - 350 gr
🔷 gelatin - 35 gr
🔷 milk 1-1.5% - 300 gr
🔷 cocoa powder - 30 gr
🔷 chocolate protein isolate (can be cocoa) - 30 gr
🔷 natural yogurt - 200 gr
🔷 bananas - 200 gr
🔷 dates - 60 gr

5 diet candy recipes: the perfect treat!



Pitted prunes 100 g
Pitted dates 100 g.
Cocoa ~40-50 g + ~10 g per sprinkle.


Pour dates and prunes with boiling water. After ~30 minutes, drain the water. Dried fruits should be dried as much as possible. Then grind them in a blender.
Add cocoa. First, 40 g. If there was a lot of moisture and the mass is liquid, add more cocoa.
With wet hands form candies. I have 20 g. Roll in cocoa.

Cbju for 1 candy 20 g: ~ 55 / 1.4 / 0.8 / 11

2. Cottage cheese sweets: not a single extra calorie!


Curd 1-5%-200 g
Dried apricots - 50 g
Sah.zam. - taste
Almonds - 7-10 pieces
Coconut flakes - 30...

🌸 50 gr cashews or almonds

🌸 1.5 - 2 bananas - 160 gr
🌸 100 gr dried pineapple


Homemade candy banana-pineapple. A healthy alternative to store-bought sweets! 🍌🍍

Calorie content per 100 gr - 264 kcal, B / F / U - 4.9 / 8.9 / 41.5.
In one candy - 69 kcal, b / w / y per candy - 1.3 / 2.3 / 10.8

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 15 sweets, approximately 25 g each):
🌸 30 g coconut flakes or chopped nuts for rolling
🌸 50 gr cashews or almonds
🌸 50 g pitted dates
🌸 3 grams of vanillin or vanilla extract
🌸 1.5 - 2 bananas - 160 gr
🌸 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
🌸 100 gr dried pineapple

☑ Grind dried pineapple, dates and nuts in a blender, add salt. Crush banana or mash with a fork.
☑ Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared dishes and add banana puree and vanillin to it.
☑ Mix all the components well and, dividing the mass ...

Chocolates 🌷


Cocoa butter - 50 gr.
Grated cocoa - 80 gr.
Kerob - 20 gr.
Liquid honey - 2. Art. l.
Nuts, raisins, dried fruits of your choice


We melt cocoa butter and cocoa mass at a temperature of 40 degrees. This takes about an hour. To make the process go faster, you can pre-grate or simply chop the cocoa butter and cocoa mass with a knife. If you do not overheat the mixture, you get real live chocolate, with all its benefits, which is suitable for raw foodists. If the presence of enzymes is not so important, you can quickly melt in a water bath.
While the butter is melting prepare the filling. I chopped nuts, raisins and cherries, but you can add them whole ...

????Raffaello for PP????

Total per 100 grams - 54 kcal???? Proteins - 6????Fats -2 ????Carbohydrates - 2????

- curd without. 250gr
- honey 2 tablespoons
- 15 almonds
- coconut flakes

You should get 15 awesome candies!

1. We combine cottage cheese with honey
2. Roll the ball
3. Put a nut inside

Bon appetit!

?Raffaello for PP?

Total per 100 grams - 54 kcal? Proteins - 6? Fats - 2? Carbohydrates - 2?

Sweets on proper nutrition like Raffaello, only tastier!

- curd without. 250gr
- honey 2 tablespoons
- 15 almonds
- coconut flakes

You should get 15 awesome candies!

1. We combine cottage cheese with honey
2. Roll the ball
3. Put a nut inside
4. Roll in coconut
5. Put in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Bon appetit!

Send your PP recipes with high-quality photos and BJU and calorie counts to the proposed news. The most interesting and useful will be published here!


Calorie content of 1 piece - 82 kcal!
Calorie content per 100 gr - 183 kcal.

INGREDIENTS (for 15 pieces):
- cottage cheese (I use soft cottage cheese with low fat content) 240-250 gr
- one large banana 160 gr
- oatmeal 80 gr
- honey 15 gr
- coconut / sesame / poppy seeds / ground nuts 40 gr
- dried apricots 15 pcs
- cashew nuts (or almonds) 15 pcs.

(to reduce calories, you can use berries or pieces of fruit that are not watery as a filling)

1) Grind cottage cheese with a banana with a blender / manually into a homogeneous puree
2) Add oatmeal, knead the dough
3) Put the dough in the refrigerator for about an hour
4) At this time, we make the filling: soak the dried apricots if it is hard; soaked soft...

PP marshmallow chocolate 😋🍬

Calorie content per 100 gr - 88 kcal (b / w / y - 8.6 / 4.1 / 3.8)

Very cool recipe for healthy soufflés! The airy chocolate-coffee soufflé looks like both marshmallows and bird's milk, beloved in childhood! Sweets are simply divine, they are very easy and quick to prepare 😘😉

✔ cream 10% fat - 180 gr
✔ fat-free kefir or 1% - 250 gr
✔ instant gelatin - 30 gr
✔ cocoa powder - 10 gr
✔ sweetener (I have Fitparad sahzam) - to taste (about 5 gr)
✔ instant coffee - 1/3 tsp

🔷 Pour gelatin with cream, leave to swell (it took 10 minutes with my gelatin), heat gelatin with cream, do not boil, but simply stir until liquid, in...

Raffaello sweets are amazingly tasty and also amazingly high-calorie. The combination of creaminess and coconut is amazing! Due to excessive harmful ingredients (for example, sugar), I do not buy these sweets, but make healthy Raffaello sweets at home.

There are many options for cooking coconut goodies, this recipe is the fastest and easiest. I won’t lie - they don’t resemble the original in taste, but they are also tasty and have the same obvious coconut in both taste and smell.

So, we are preparing healthy curd coconut sweets like Raffaello!


  • Cottage cheese in briquettes, dense (fat-free) - 220 gr;
  • Grated coconut pulp (fresh) - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin - 1 gr;
  • Sweetener.

Cooking sweets

  1. First you need to prepare the curd. If the consistency is very dense and there is almost no serum, then you can skip the first step. We need to get rid of the whey in the cottage cheese and make it as dry as possible so that later it is easy to form balls from the curd mass. I put the cottage cheese in gauze and under the press (as they do the cottage cheese Easter). After 2 hours, excess serum will drain or simply be absorbed into the tissue. The cottage cheese will be even denser, like plasticine.
  2. Break the coconut and extract the pulp. We rub it on a fine grater. I used about 3.5 tablespoons in this case. But if you take more, it will also be delicious. The calorie content will certainly increase.
  3. Now mix coconut pulp with vanilla, sweetener(I have it in tablets, I just crushed it) and cottage cheese. It is necessary to mix the whole mass thoroughly. It will be plastic, homogeneous and smelling delicious.
  4. We form small balls and put them on a beautiful plate. Call the family for tea and enjoy!

Answer to the question: “Is it possible to use not fresh pulp, but coconut flakes?”. Of course it is possible. However, the taste of coconut will not be as pronounced. After all, fresh coconut gives not only a pleasant taste, but also a strong smell. Moreover, over time, sweets will be saturated with the aroma and oils of coconut pulp and become tastier. Shavings will not give such an effect.

  • You can roll the balls still in dry coconut or cocoa. I didn't have either at the time. However, the sweets disappeared very quickly, no one complained, humming them on both cheeks.
  • I advise you to hold sweets in the refrigerator for 1 hour before drinking tea. Coconut oil will saturate the cottage cheese, and the sweets will be tastier, richer, "coconut". And fix their shape.
  • You can also put a nut or raisin inside the candy.
  • I sprinkle a little dried mint (barely) or cinnamon on the sweets.

Nutritional value and calorie content of Raffaello curd sweets.

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