A simple recipe on how to cook row mushrooms for the winter at home. Ryadovki: delicious cooking recipes and tips for choosing the right mushrooms. Marinated rows: cooking recipes and useful properties of mushrooms Ryadovka white how to cook

With the onset of the mushroom season, it becomes necessary to preserve the harvest. This can be done in many ways - pickle or pickle mushrooms, make them a snack ready to eat. Among the gifts of the forest, which are suitable for winter harvesting, rows are of particular interest - edible and conditionally edible mushrooms, which are distinguished by a specific taste and a wide variety of species. It is important to make sure that the cooking will be done from a non-toxic type of rows!

Among the gifts of the forest that are suitable for winter harvesting, rows are of particular interest.

This type of mushroom is great for pickling. Using classical technology, you can create a tasty and fragrant dish that will be an excellent appetizer, salad ingredient or addition to a side dish.

To prepare rows in the amount of 10 kg, you will additionally need:

  • Salt - 400 g;
  • Horseradish (leaves) - to taste;
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 3-4 pieces per jar;
  • Bay leaf - 2-4 per jar;
  • Fresh garlic (whole cloves) - 2-5 per jar.

Spices are chosen according to taste, but it is important to consider that the mushrooms themselves have a slightly spicy flavor.

The preparation will be as follows:

  1. Mushrooms must be cleaned, washed, soaked in clean water for 40-50 minutes;
  2. Prepare a container to put rows of legs up in it;
  3. Then put spices and herbs (leaves) into sterilized jars, salt, put mushrooms, salt again, cover with leaves on top.

If the volume allows, then you can put the load, if not, then the banks should be rolled up, and then put in a cool place. The appetizer will be ready in 45 days.

Super marinade for mushrooms (video)

Marinated rows for the winter

At home, you can cook tender and fragrant rows that will be perfectly stored all winter. Cooking them is also not difficult, so everyone who loves mushrooms can please their family with an excellent snack.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sinenozhki (rows) - 3 kg;
  • Allspice - 10 peas per 1 jar;
  • Salt - 40 g (the amount varies, depending on taste preferences);
  • Citric acid - 3-5 g;
  • Black pepper (ground) - 4-5 g;
  • Garlic cloves - 8 pcs.

At home, you can cook tender and fragrant rows that will be perfectly stored all winter.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean the mushrooms from dirt, you can soak a little;
  2. Cut them into small pieces;
  3. Peel and chop the garlic;
  4. Pour water into the container and place the rows in order to boil (the process lasts 30 minutes);
  5. After the cooking process is completed, the mushrooms must be washed again;
  6. Add to them all the necessary spices;
  7. Cook for another 30 minutes;
  8. At the end, add citric acid and garlic.

Arrange in jars and roll up with iron lids. The pickling recipe is quite simple, the appetizer turns out to be fragrant, it can also be served as an independent dish, which has high nutritional properties.

How to cook purple rows

Mushrooms, unusual in appearance, are purple rows. They can be prepared by salting or pickling. The dish turns out delicious, and its aroma has notes of fruity smells, which makes the appetizer gourmet. The most popular recipes for mushroom pates, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Onion (white or yellow) - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • Ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Unusual in appearance mushrooms - purple rows

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Rinse purple rows, peel and rinse again in cold water;
  2. Boil them, salt the water;
  3. Peel the onion, finely chop, fry until tender, then add boiled mushrooms to it;
  4. Simmer all components over low heat for half an hour;
  5. Chop the garlic and add to the vegetables 5 minutes before the end of the stew;
  6. Cool, pass through a blender;
  7. Fry the resulting mixture again - 10 minutes;
  8. Arrange in prepared jars, roll up the lids.

Store in a cool place.

The recipe for gray rows

Gray rowing is a common type of mushroom, so everyone who loves “quiet hunting” needs to know the recipe for their preparation. They can be salted or pickled - in any case, the appetizer will turn out to be appetizing and fragrant.

For cooking you will need:

  • Water - 1 l;
  • Salt (for sophistication, you can use sea salt) - 20 g;
  • Sugar - 15 g;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • Mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • Vinegar classic (6-9%) - 30 ml;
  • Sweet peas - 10 pcs;
  • Cloves - 2 pcs (dried buds);
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4 pcs;
  • Dill (umbrellas) - 3 pcs.

Gray row - a common type of fungus

The cooking process is simple:

  1. Peel and scald the gifts of the forest, then rinse 1 more time in cold water;
  2. Pour water into a container (deep pan or wide basin), place mushrooms in it, put on medium heat;
  3. Add salt and sugar to the water at the rate of 1 liter of liquid 20 g of salt and 10 g of granulated sugar;
  4. Bring to a boil and cook for another 20-25 minutes;
  5. Sterilize jars (better in advance);
  6. Arrange mushrooms in them (not tightly);
  7. Add vinegar and all available spices to taste (garlic cloves are best placed on top);
  8. Roll up with iron lids, cool.

Store in refrigerator or any other cool place.

How to pickle bluelegs for the winter

Sinenozhki can not only be salted, but also marinated.

To do this, you need to have the following ingredients available:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Bay leaf 3-4 pieces;
  • Black pepper - 10 pcs (peas);
  • Water - 0.7 l;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 30 ml;
  • Table salt - 30 g;
  • Sugar sand - 15 g.

pickling process:

  1. The blue legs should be washed, cleaned, boiled for half an hour;
  2. Sterilize jars (it is best to use small ones of 0.5-1 l each);
  3. Put peppercorns and bay leaves in them (1-2 pieces in each);
  4. Put mushrooms in jars (not tight, but not loose);
  5. Prepare a marinade from water, vinegar, salt and sugar (boil for 10 minutes);
  6. Pour hot marinade into jars;
  7. Tighten with iron lids, put to cool.

The storage process is carried out in the refrigerator, you can use the dish after 30-35 days.

How to pickle rows (video)

Poplar row: salting

To prepare a savory snack, you will need, based on 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • Coarse salt - 50 g;
  • Spices (black pepper, cloves) - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Dill - to taste (you can use dried);
  • Cherry and black currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.

Poplar rows are in no way inferior in taste to their counterparts

Cooking process:

  1. Process the mushrooms, rinse 2-3 times;
  2. Cut into 2 parts;
  3. Cooking will be required for 40 minutes (additionally salt the water);
  4. Throw the cooked rows into a colander, the liquid in which they were boiled, pour into a separate container - this is the basis for the marinade;
  5. In sterilized jars, put mushrooms, seasonings and fruit leaves, as well as dill;
  6. Make a hot saline solution based on the filtered liquid in which the mushrooms were boiled and pour into jars.

It is better to close them with iron lids and store in the refrigerator. The poplar row has a pleasant appearance, so it looks advantageous on the festive table. According to the recipe, you can also salt the steppe rows.

Row mushrooms - unlike mushrooms and russula, are little known to a wide range of lovers of "forest gifts", but they are also collected and harvested for the winter. The rows are delicate, fragrant and fragile, and in order not to damage them, it is necessary to be extremely careful during cooking.

In the marinade, they turn out incredibly tasty and it is impossible to tear yourself away from the snack. The preparation is eaten in an instant.

Classic pickle option

The recipe is quick and easy. It does not require effort, but the taste is unusual. Love for a snack manifests itself after a sample of one mushroom. Let's look at how to cook a gray row:


  • fresh mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • table salt - 120 g;
  • table vinegar - 200 ml;
  • lavrushka - 4 sheets;
  • carnation - 4 inflorescences;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • dill umbrellas - 4 pcs.;
  • currant leaves - 2 pcs.

Cooking order:

  1. Gently sort out the main ingredient, remove spoiled and wormy ones. You need to try the leg on the tongue and, if you feel the taste of bitterness, fill the mushrooms with very cold water for 2-3 days with a mandatory change of water at least 3 times a day. Rinse under water, put in a colander and rinse with boiling water.
  2. Place prepared rows in a saucepan, pour filtered liquid. Pour salt, granulated sugar and put on the stove. After boiling, cook for 25 minutes. During cooking, be sure to remove the foam. The transparency of the marinade will depend on this action. Throw in a colander, and leave the broth in a container.
  3. Wash the jars with soap and dry in the oven.
  4. Peel the garlic, wash and chop into slices. Pour dill inflorescences, currant leaves with boiling water.
  5. At the bottom of the containers put 1/2 of the prepared spices, including peppercorns, clove inflorescences. After distributing the mushrooms, and on top of them the remnants of seasonings, pour in the acid.
  6. Bring the mushroom broth to a boil, fill the jars with the contents and roll up hermetically. Turn over, cool and store in the cellar.

Basic methods of salting

There are several options for salting mushrooms. Consider the 2 most common options for how to salt row mushrooms for the winter.


This method takes longer to cook, but the "forest fruits" are delicious, salty and crispy, like lightly salted cucumbers.


  • fresh mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • horseradish leaf - 6 sheets;
  • fresh dill - 15 g;
  • peppercorns - 20 pcs.;
  • if not iodized - 100 g.
  1. Sort out the main ingredient, clear of debris, twigs. Rinse under running water several times. And it is better to try the leg on the tongue and, if you feel the taste of bitterness, fill the mushrooms with very cold water for 2-3 days with a mandatory change of water at least 3 times a day. Put in a saucepan, fill with liquid, put on the stove and cook for 2-3 minutes. After the time has elapsed, recline in a colander, wait for the excess moisture to drain completely.
  2. In sterile glass containers at the bottom, determine the washed horseradish leaves, then rows, alternately sprinkling each layer with coarse salt. Between the layers it is necessary to lay garlic, previously peeled and chopped into slices.
  3. Finish with fresh dill. Close with plastic lids. Clean in a cold place for 45 days. After the time has passed, the snack can be consumed. Expiration date - 12 months at observance of norms of storage.


Cooked mushrooms according to this method can be consumed 7 days after canning. Based on the foregoing, this method of salting rows can be considered as fast.


  • fresh mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • filtered water - 3 l;
  • table salt - 150 g;
  • lavrushka - 6 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 20 pcs.;
  • carnation - 10 inflorescences;
  • sweet peas - 10 pcs.

  1. Sort out the main ingredient, clean and rinse in several waters. Pay attention to point 1 of the previous recipe.
  2. Pour the required amount of liquid into a saucepan, add rock salt, parsley, 2 types of pepper, cloves. Bring to a boil, boil for several minutes with constant stirring. Put the prepared mushrooms, after boiling again, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 45 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, wash the jars with soap and dry in the oven. Arrange the rows in glass containers, evenly pour the brine.
  4. After cooling, close tightly and put in the cold for 1.5 months. After a week, the snack can be consumed, but a bright, fragrant taste will appear only after the specified time.

Pickling poplar row

This type of mushroom differs in appearance and taste from garden counterparts. Therefore, conservation of forest fruits takes place in a special way. The process is simple, and the result is a delicious taste. The color of the row can be either brown or purple, and we will consider how to cook further.


  • fresh mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • essence - 55 ml;
  • non-iodized salt - 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • laurel - 4 sheets;
  • carnation inflorescences - 4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 20 pcs.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Before cooking, the main component must be soaked. To do this, first of all, sort out the fruits, rinse in several waters and put them in an enamel pan. Fill with ice liquid, cover and leave for 2-3 days. Be sure to change the fluid (at least 3 times). Throw on a sieve, rinse.
  2. Put in a saucepan, fill with water, salt a little and put on the stove. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid, repeat the process and continue cooking for 40 minutes. The readiness of the product is determined as follows - the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan.
  3. Now let's start preparing the marinade. Pour the liquid into the saucepan, add salt, granulated sugar and add all the prepared spices. After boiling, cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Then add acid, heat for another 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wash jars with soap and sterilize over steam. Put the mushrooms in a sterile container and evenly distribute the marinade. Roll up, turn over, cool and put in the cellar.

Mushroom appetizer with vegetables

The combination of forest gifts and vegetables makes the preparation especially tasty. Non-standard spices in this recipe for making rows change the taste of the mushrooms themselves, thereby making them more refined.

  • rows - 3 kg;
  • wine vinegar - 200 ml;
  • filtered water - 600 ml;
  • leek - 200 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • lavrushka - 4 sheets;
  • tarragon - 7 g;
  • borage - 1 tsp;
  • non-iodized salt - 120 g;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Sort freshly picked mushrooms, remove rotten and unsuitable for food. Rinse in several waters. It is even better to try the leg on the tongue and, if you feel the taste of bitterness, fill the mushrooms with very cold water for 2-3 days with a mandatory change of water at least 3 times a day. Cut off most of the legs. Pour a small amount of liquid into the pan, bring to a boil and place the prepared forest fruits. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes, drain on a sieve.
  2. Rinse the carrots, peel off the skin with a thin layer, chop into slices. Do the same with leeks. place in a saucepan, combine with water, salt, vinegar and spice ingredients. Cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Mix mushrooms with vegetable marinade, continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  4. Wash jars with soap and dry in the oven. Arrange vegetables and rows tightly in sterile containers, evenly fill with hot marinade. Roll up tightly, turn over and refrigerate. Remove to the cellar.

With citric acid

The lemon acid gives a special taste to the marinade. Mushrooms cooked in this filling are obtained with an unusual taste and aroma. An ordinary lemon in the recipe for pickled rows allows you to surprise guests with the brightness and saturation of the workpiece.


  • main ingredient - 2 kg;
  • filtered water - 200 ml;
  • table salt - 90 g;
  • table vinegar - 200 ml;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • lavrushka - 4 sheets;
  • dill greens - 30 g;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • carnation - 4 inflorescences.

  1. Sort mushrooms, remove rotten specimens. Wash under running water, cut into several parts larger species. Check the leg for bitterness with your tongue and if you feel it, pour the mushrooms with ice water for 2-3 days with a mandatory change at least 3 times a day. Fill the pan with liquid, salt and pour in the acid, stir. Dip the prepared rows into it, after boiling, cook for 20-30 minutes regularly removing the foam from the surface. During the specified time, the mushrooms should sink to the bottom of the pan. Otherwise, the cooking time will increase.
  2. As soon as the "forest gifts" have settled, you need to add citric acid and other seasonings, spices indicated in the recipe to the pan. Pour in granulated sugar, boil.
  3. Wash jars with soap and sterilize in a convenient way. Using a slotted spoon, spread the mushrooms evenly over prepared containers, fill with marinade. Cover and put to sterilize in water for half an hour after boiling. Carefully remove, roll up, turn over. Cool and put in the cellar.

with Provence herbs

For this recipe, you will need a mixture of dry Provence herbs. Mushrooms are tasty, fragrant and original in their own way.


  • main ingredient - 1 kg;
  • filtered water - 400 ml;
  • table vinegar - 35 ml;
  • non-iodized salt - 30 g;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • provencal herbs - 5 g;
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • lavrushka - 3 sheets.

Let's do it like this:

  1. Sort freshly picked mushrooms, remove rotten parts and debris. Rinse under running water, put in an enameled container and pour in ice liquid. Cover and leave in this form for 2-3 days, changing the liquid from time to time. Drain in a colander and rinse again.
  2. Put the main ingredient in a saucepan with salted water. After boiling, reduce heat, cook until fully cooked. Strain through a sieve, wait for excess moisture to drain.
  3. In a saucepan, combine liquid, salt, granulated sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns. Put the container with the contents on the stove. Bring to a boil with regular stirring. Warm up for 10 minutes so that the bulk ingredients have time to completely dissolve. Remove from heat, add acid and stir.
  4. Wash jars with soap, warm in the oven. Arrange chilled mushrooms in glass containers and fill them with hot marinade. Cover, put sterilized for half an hour. Carefully take out, roll up and turn over. Cool under a warm blanket, put in the cellar.
  5. Canned rows have a pleasant taste, a unique forest aroma. Therefore, in the fall, do not miss the opportunity to collect and prepare several jars of crunchy mushrooms for enjoying in the winter.

Only experienced mushroom pickers know. After all, such a product belongs to the common, but little known to the modern population of lamellar fungi. They are found from early August to October, and grow in poplar plantings in rings, groups or rows. Mushroom pickers show particular interest in these rows, since they are edible, they are good to fry with potatoes, as well as salt, dry, boil and pickle.

How to salt a poplar row for the winter

Required Ingredients:

  • freshly picked mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • ordinary drinking water - ½ cup;
  • fine table salt - 2 large spoons;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • laurel leaf - 1 pc.;
  • dried cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • dried dill - 5 g;
  • black currant leaves - 2 pcs.

mushroom processing

Before salting the poplar row, all freshly picked mushrooms must be well processed. To do this, the product must be put in a large saucepan and pour plain water. Next, each mushroom should be cleaned of debris, dried grass and foliage, using a regular knife for this. If the hats of the rows are too large, then they can be cut into 2-4 parts.

It is worth noting that this product should only be washed in cool or cold water.

Heat treatment of mushrooms

There is nothing easier than preparing for the winter such a canned product as poplar mushrooms. Rows can be salted in different ways. However, we chose the simplest and most delicious option. Thus, it is required to pour ordinary drinking water into a small saucepan, and then pour in two large tablespoons of fine table salt and bring the solution to a boil. Next, it is necessary to lay out all previously processed mushrooms in strongly bubbling water. In the process of cooking such a product, one should not forget about regular stirring, since during the settling of rows to the bottom of the pan, they can simply stick and burn.

When the water in the bowl boils again, you need to remove the foam from its surface using a slotted spoon, and then alternately add black peppercorns, bay and currant leaves, dried cloves and dill. After that, all components should be mixed and cooked for 25 minutes.

The final stage in the preparation of the workpiece

How to salt a poplar row and roll it up for the winter? To do this, ready-made mushrooms must be laid out hot in sterilized jars, and pour them with fragrant brine on top, in which they have been cooked for the last half hour. Next, the dishes should be rolled up, turned over and cooled for 17-23 hours. It is worth noting that the mushrooms will be fully ready for consumption only after 43-45 days.

How to serve dressed

Now you know how to salt the poplar row quickly and tasty. It remains to figure out how to serve it to the table. To do this, the mushrooms must be washed from mucus in cold water, and then put in a salad bowl, add onion half rings (chopped garlic can be), pour in the smelling sunflower oil, and then mix well. Bon appetit!

Its distinguishing features:

  • white or creamy white
  • plates are frequent and wide

A simple recipe for marinated rows


  • rows - 1 kg
  • vinegar 6% - 3 tablespoons
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • peppercorns - 5 pieces
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • salt - tablespoon

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Pickled Rows with Vinegar

Will need:

  • gray row mushroom - 1.5 kg
  • wine vinegar - 500 ml
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns
  • carnation
  • salt - 2 teaspoons
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon

With the onset of the mushroom season, it becomes necessary to preserve the harvest. This can be done in many ways - pickle or pickle mushrooms, make them a snack ready to eat. Among the gifts of the forest, which are suitable for winter harvesting, rows are of particular interest - edible and conditionally edible mushrooms, which are distinguished by a specific taste and a wide variety of species. It is important to make sure that the cooking will be done from a non-toxic type of rows!

Among the gifts of the forest that are suitable for winter harvesting, rows are of particular interest.

This type of mushroom is great for pickling. Using classical technology, you can create a tasty and fragrant dish that will be an excellent appetizer, salad ingredient or addition to a side dish.

To prepare rows in the amount of 10 kg, you will additionally need:

  • Salt - 400 g;
  • Horseradish (leaves) - to taste;
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 3-4 pieces per jar;
  • Bay leaf - 2-4 per jar;
  • Fresh garlic (whole cloves) - 2-5 per jar.

Spices are chosen according to taste, but it is important to consider that the mushrooms themselves have a slightly spicy flavor.

The preparation will be as follows:

  1. Mushrooms must be cleaned, washed, soaked in clean water for 40-50 minutes;
  2. Prepare a container to put rows of legs up in it;
  3. Then put spices and herbs (leaves) into sterilized jars, salt, put mushrooms, salt again, cover with leaves on top.

If the volume allows, then you can put the load, if not, then the banks should be rolled up, and then put in a cool place. The appetizer will be ready in 45 days.

Super marinade for mushrooms (video)

Marinated rows for the winter

At home, you can cook tender and fragrant rows that will be perfectly stored all winter. Cooking them is also not difficult, so everyone who loves mushrooms can please their family with an excellent snack.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sinenozhki (rows) - 3 kg;
  • Allspice - 10 peas per 1 jar;
  • Salt - 40 g (the amount varies, depending on taste preferences);
  • Citric acid - 3-5 g;
  • Black pepper (ground) - 4-5 g;
  • Garlic cloves - 8 pcs.

At home, you can cook tender and fragrant rows that will be perfectly stored all winter.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean the mushrooms from dirt, you can soak a little;
  2. Cut them into small pieces;
  3. Peel and chop the garlic;
  4. Pour water into the container and place the rows in order to boil (the process lasts 30 minutes);
  5. After the cooking process is completed, the mushrooms must be washed again;
  6. Add to them all the necessary spices;
  7. Cook for another 30 minutes;
  8. At the end, add citric acid and garlic.

Arrange in jars and roll up with iron lids. The pickling recipe is quite simple, the appetizer turns out to be fragrant, it can also be served as an independent dish, which has high nutritional properties.

How to cook purple rows

Mushrooms, unusual in appearance, are purple rows. They can be prepared by salting or pickling. The dish turns out delicious, and its aroma has notes of fruity smells, which makes the appetizer gourmet. The most popular recipes for mushroom pates, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Onion (white or yellow) - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • Ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Unusual in appearance mushrooms - purple rows

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Rinse purple rows, peel and rinse again in cold water;
  2. Boil them, salt the water;
  3. Peel the onion, finely chop, fry until tender, then add boiled mushrooms to it;
  4. Simmer all components over low heat for half an hour;
  5. Chop the garlic and add to the vegetables 5 minutes before the end of the stew;
  6. Cool, pass through a blender;
  7. Fry the resulting mixture again - 10 minutes;
  8. Arrange in prepared jars, roll up the lids.

Store in a cool place.

The recipe for gray rows

Gray rowing is a common type of mushroom, so everyone who loves “quiet hunting” needs to know the recipe for their preparation. They can be salted or pickled - in any case, the appetizer will turn out to be appetizing and fragrant.

For cooking you will need:

  • Water - 1 l;
  • Salt (for sophistication, you can use sea salt) - 20 g;
  • Sugar - 15 g;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • Mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • Vinegar classic (6-9%) - 30 ml;
  • Sweet peas - 10 pcs;
  • Cloves - 2 pcs (dried buds);
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4 pcs;
  • Dill (umbrellas) - 3 pcs.

Gray row - a common type of fungus

The cooking process is simple:

  1. Peel and scald the gifts of the forest, then rinse 1 more time in cold water;
  2. Pour water into a container (deep pan or wide basin), place mushrooms in it, put on medium heat;
  3. Add salt and sugar to the water at the rate of 1 liter of liquid 20 g of salt and 10 g of granulated sugar;
  4. Bring to a boil and cook for another 20-25 minutes;
  5. Sterilize jars (better in advance);
  6. Arrange mushrooms in them (not tightly);
  7. Add vinegar and all available spices to taste (garlic cloves are best placed on top);
  8. Roll up with iron lids, cool.

Store in refrigerator or any other cool place.

How to pickle bluelegs for the winter

Sinenozhki can not only be salted, but also marinated.

To do this, you need to have the following ingredients available:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Bay leaf 3-4 pieces;
  • Black pepper - 10 pcs (peas);
  • Water - 0.7 l;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 30 ml;
  • Table salt - 30 g;
  • Sugar sand - 15 g.

pickling process:

  1. The blue legs should be washed, cleaned, boiled for half an hour;
  2. Sterilize jars (it is best to use small ones of 0.5-1 l each);
  3. Put peppercorns and bay leaves in them (1-2 pieces in each);
  4. Put mushrooms in jars (not tight, but not loose);
  5. Prepare a marinade from water, vinegar, salt and sugar (boil for 10 minutes);
  6. Pour hot marinade into jars;
  7. Tighten with iron lids, put to cool.

The storage process is carried out in the refrigerator, you can use the dish after 30-35 days.

How to pickle rows (video)

Poplar row: salting

To prepare a savory snack, you will need, based on 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • Coarse salt - 50 g;
  • Spices (black pepper, cloves) - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Dill - to taste (you can use dried);
  • Cherry and black currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.

Poplar rows are in no way inferior in taste to their counterparts

Cooking process:

  1. Process the mushrooms, rinse 2-3 times;
  2. Cut into 2 parts;
  3. Cooking will be required for 40 minutes (additionally salt the water);
  4. Throw the cooked rows into a colander, the liquid in which they were boiled, pour into a separate container - this is the basis for the marinade;
  5. In sterilized jars, put mushrooms, seasonings and fruit leaves, as well as dill;
  6. Make a hot saline solution based on the filtered liquid in which the mushrooms were boiled and pour into jars.

It is better to close them with iron lids and store in the refrigerator. The poplar row has a pleasant appearance, so it looks advantageous on the festive table. According to the recipe, you can also salt the steppe rows.

Pickled mushrooms, their recipes for the winter are quite diverse, but the cooking process is quick and does not take much time.

All homemade recipes for preserving rows for the winter begin with the correct processing of rows. The mushroom must be cleaned of debris, rinsed thoroughly and, if necessary, cut the leg.

If you doubt whether a mushroom is edible, throw it away. The white row is poisonous, causes nausea, dizziness and hallucinations.

Its distinguishing features:

  • white or creamy white
  • as the mushroom matures, the cap changes shape from convex to prostrate, with a wide wavy edge
  • tubercle in the center of the cap, grayish or brownish in the center
  • plates are frequent and wide
  • the pulp is thick, fibrous, white, turns pink in places of fracture
  • taste acrid and burning, with the smell of radish

A simple recipe for marinated rows

  • rows - 1 kg
  • vinegar 6% - 3 tablespoons
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • peppercorns - 5 pieces
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • salt - tablespoon

How to pickle rows for the winter:

1. Select strong rows, cut, leave small ones as they are.

2. Put the rows in a saucepan, pour water to cover completely, cook for 20 minutes, removing the foam until it runs out. Salt, add sugar and spices, boil for a couple more minutes.

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3. Add vinegar, mix.

4. Without cooling, transfer to sterilized jars almost to the top, add a couple more tablespoons of liquid, close with boiled lids and roll up.

5. Store in a cool place.

Pickled Rows with Vinegar

  • gray row mushroom - 1.5 kg
  • wine vinegar - 500 ml
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns
  • carnation
  • salt - 2 teaspoons
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon

How to make marinated rows gray:

1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, cut the large ones into pieces.

2. Transfer to a saucepan, pour 300 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes after boiling, removing the foam.

3. Dice onions and carrots, cook them for 15 minutes in wine vinegar with pepper and bay leaf.

4. Transfer the mushrooms from the broth to the marinade and cook for another 5 minutes.

5. In sterilized jars, fish out all the ingredients with a slotted spoon, and boil the marinade for another 10 minutes over low heat. Fill the rows with marinade and roll up.

In winter, these homemade marinated mushrooms can be served as an appetizer with butter and herbs, added to salads and vinaigrettes, or made into mushroom caviar.

Pickled Row Mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms, their recipes for the winter are quite diverse, but the cooking process is quick and does not take much time. All homemade recipes for preserving rows for the winter begin with the correct processing of rows. The mushroom must be cleaned of debris, rinsed thoroughly and, if necessary, cut the leg. If you

How to marinate marinated mushrooms deliciously: recipes

In nature, rows grow mainly in mixed and pine forests until late autumn. Mushrooms are a seasonal dish, they are fried and boiled fresh. But if you know how to pickle rows, then in winter you can treat yourself to delicious home-made preparations.

Cooking recipes are different, but one thing unites them: before marinating, they must be thoroughly washed from sand and soil, and the skin should be removed from the hat. Then they must be boiled for at least 15 minutes, and preferably half an hour, drain the water after cooking. If marinating mainly needs jars, then salting the rows takes place in a wooden barrel or tub, which gives them a special, unusual taste.

So, several ways to pickle rows at home.

Marinating at home

Consider the simplest recipe for pickled rows. Ingredients for brine per 1 kg of fruit:

  • vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves - to taste.

Preparation: Rinse thoroughly, peel off the skin from the cap. Cut into slices, boil for half an hour or blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water, removing the foam that stands out with a slotted spoon or spoon. Lay in sterilized jars, add lavrushka, cloves, pepper there, pour brine, roll up.

There is also a way to pickle row mushrooms with wine vinegar. This will require the following ingredients:

Approximately 1.5 kg of fruits are cleaned, washed, cut into pieces, boiled for half an hour, removing the foam. Wine vinegar is mixed with water, chopped onion, carrot, parsley, pepper, lemon zest are added there, all this is cooked for 15 minutes. In this marinade, you need to lay forest gifts and cook for 5 minutes, take it out, put it in sterilized jars. The brine should boil for about 10 more minutes, then pour it into jars and roll up. If desired, you can add other herbs, such as tarragon, borage.

We roll up for the winter in banks

The following recipe will tell you how to pickle rows for the winter in jars. This is easy to do, you just need to follow the cooking method.

So, for each liter jar you will need:

  • vinegar (9%) - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • pepper, cloves - to taste;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • dry dill, currant leaves.

We wash, clean, cut, first scald with boiling water, and then boil in water with the addition of salt and sugar for 20 minutes, removing the foam. We take out the mushrooms with a slotted spoon, and let the brine boil a little more, but not longer than 10 minutes. The amount of salt with sugar is given per 1 liter of water.

Sterilize dishes and lids for seaming, put currant leaves, dry dill inflorescences on the bottom. Vinegar and spices must be divided into 2 parts and laid out in containers, first before laying the mushrooms, and the second part on top. The algorithm of actions is as follows: we put currant leaves, dill on the bottom, then pour one spoonful of vinegar, put 3 cloves of garlic, half of the prepared pepper and cloves, then lay the mushrooms, pour another spoonful of vinegar on top, throw garlic, spices. It remains only to fill the jars with boiling brine, roll up.

Recipe with cinnamon

An interesting recipe for pickled rows for the winter with cinnamon is how they turn out with an unusual spicy taste. What do you need:

Wash the collected fruits, peel, cut into pieces, pour water into the pan, salt, add vinegar, boil, dip in this marinade and cook over low heat, not forgetting to remove the foam. They are considered ready when they sink to the bottom. Next, add the rest of the spices to the brine, bring to a boil. Arrange in jars, pour marinade, roll up, sterilize.

We marinate the poplar row

The mushroom got its name due to the fact that it grows mainly under poplars. Since poplar (or poplar) absorbs carcinogens from the environment during growth, before cooking at home, it must be soaked in cool water for two days, periodically changing the water.

How to pickle poplar row? Here is one way.

For one liter of water you will need:

  • vinegar essence - 3 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf, cloves, dry dill umbrellas;
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs.

Soak the poplar in cool water for two days, change the water at least twice a day. After that, rinse thoroughly, peel, put in a saucepan, cook in salted water for about 15 minutes. Then drain the water, pour in a new one, and bring it to readiness already in it. Cook for 40 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon.

While the mushrooms are cooking, you can prepare the marinade: pour salt, sugar, spices into the water, cook for 15 minutes, then add vinegar, boil for another 5 minutes.

Sterilize jars and lids. Arrange poplars in jars, pour marinade, roll up. The beauty of the method is that these pickled rows can be closed with simple nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. A month later, you can already enjoy delicious mushrooms.

Pickled Mushroom Recipes

Actually, pickled rows are delicious on their own, but you can use them to cook some simple, but tasty delicacies.

Salad with onions and peas


  • pickled mushrooms - 500 gr.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • canned peas - 100 gr.;
  • salt, mayonnaise - to taste.

Chop the mushrooms, finely chop the onion (you can take green onions instead of onions), add peas, mix everything, season with mayonnaise.

What you need to prepare:

Finely chopped onion fry in vegetable oil, mix with finely chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper to taste, decorate with herbs.

How to pickle rows for the winter: cooking at home, Mushroom site

Indulge yourself in winter with delicious mushroom preparations by learning how to pickle rows in jars. Review of the best salting recipes.

Ryadovki: 5 recipes for cooking mushrooms for the winter

Ryadovki are not very popular among fans of quiet hunting, and many mushroom pickers simply pass by these gifts of the autumn forest. And in vain, because the rows are tasty not only when fried, but also become an excellent snack if they are properly salted or marinated.

In order to prepare several jars of delicious crunchy mushrooms for the winter, you should know the secrets of their proper preparation.

  • Steppe and forest rows should be collected only in places remote from the roadway.
  • Not all rows are edible. Only purple, brownish or gray mushrooms can be eaten. White rows are poisonous and pose a health hazard, causing hallucinations and poisoning.
  • Before cooking, the mushrooms are washed and thoroughly cleaned of sand, and the skin is also removed from the caps.
  • Before boiling the rows, it is advisable to soak them for two hours by adding citric acid or vinegar and salt to the water. Thus, you can get rid of the slight bitterness inherent in these mushrooms.

It is best to salt the mushrooms in a wooden bucket or barrel, so they retain their unique forest aroma.

The recipe for marinated rows

Pickled rows are quite simple and easy to prepare at home.

  • gray rows - one kilogram;
  • coarse salt - two tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - one tablespoon;
  • water;
  • acetic solution;
  • allspice and black peppercorns;
  • laurel leaves;
  • clove buds;
  • fresh dill;
  • green currant leaves.

Pickled rows are quite simple and easy to prepare at home.

  1. Cleaned from sand and dirt, the mushrooms are washed and soaked in salty and acidified with vinegar or citric acid water for two hours.
  2. Then the rows are washed again, poured with fresh water, sugar, salt and laurel leaves are added and boiled after boiling for at least thirty to forty minutes. During the cooking process, the foam is removed.
  3. Ready rows are laid out in clean sterile containers. Three peas of black and allspice, three clove buds, several green sprigs of dill and two or three currant leaves are added to each jar of mushrooms. Also pour two tablespoons of vinegar solution into each container.
  4. The liquid in which the rows were cooked is filtered and brought to a boil. Mushrooms are poured with hot marinade and rolled up with boiled lids.

This recipe is designed for jars with a capacity of one liter.

Preservation should be stored in a place where there is no access to sunlight.

Ryadovki: how to salt purple for the winter

There are two ways to salt these mushrooms: cold and hot. For salting purple rows, as a rule, use a hot method.

  • purple rows - two kilograms;
  • coarse salt - one hundred grams;
  • garlic;
  • fresh sprigs of dill;
  • bulb onions.

There are two ways to salt these mushrooms: cold and hot.

  1. The mushrooms are cleaned of sand, washed thoroughly and soaked in acidified salt water for two hours.
  2. Then the rows are poured with fresh water and boiled after boiling for thirty to forty minutes.
  3. Drain the liquid from the boiled mushrooms and rinse with cool water.
  4. Spread the rows in a clean glass or wooden container in layers, hats down. Each row is sprinkled with salt, onion rings, thin cloves of garlic and dill sprigs.
  5. Close the container with mushrooms with a lid, press down with oppression from above and leave it in this form for a week in a cool dark place.

Before using salted rows, it is advisable to rinse them with cool water.

How to salt poplar row: recipe

The poplar row got its name from the poplar under which it grows.. Although these mushrooms are considered edible, they can only be consumed after appropriate heat treatment. Poplar rows are harvested for the winter by salting.

  • mushrooms - one kilogram;
  • coarse salt - fifty grams;
  • spices (cloves, black peppercorns, laurel leaves);
  • dried dill and fruit leaves (cherry and currant).

The poplar row got its name from the poplar under which it grows.

  1. Prepare the gifts of autumn, carefully cleaning them from sand, debris and leaves. Rinse rows in cool water, changing it several times. If they are large, they are cut into several pieces.
  2. Pour autumn gifts with boiling salt water and boil for thirty to forty minutes after boiling.
  3. The liquid in which the rows were cooked is filtered, it is needed for the marinade.
  4. In sterile glass containers lay out a few peppercorns, clove buds, fruit leaves and a few pinches of dried dill. Boiled mushrooms are laid out on spices and poured with hot marinade. Banks are tightly rolled up, turned over and left to cool in this form.

It will be possible to feast on salty poplar rows no earlier than in a month and a half. That is how much time they need for them to pickle properly.

How to cook bluelegs at home

Experienced mushroom pickers will never pass by these blue-legged mushrooms, the scientific name of which is the purple-legged row. These gifts of the autumn forest have a delicate and pleasant taste, which is a bit like champignons.. Bluefinches can be fried, added to soups and salads, or you can marinate for the winter.

  • bluefoot;
  • coarse kitchen salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • acetic solution;
  • spices (black peppercorns, laurel leaves);
  • a few fresh blackcurrant leaves.

Experienced mushroom pickers will never pass by these blue-stalked mushrooms.

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned, legs are cut off and the skin is removed from the caps. Then they are washed thoroughly.
  2. Prepared bluelegs are cooked for about twenty minutes after boiling, removing the foam, after which the liquid is drained.
  3. A marinade is prepared from water, salt and sugar in this proportion; three tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon of sugar per liter of liquid. Add spices and currant leaves to the marinade and pour it into the mushrooms. Cook everything together for another twenty minutes. At the end of cooking add vinegar (two tablespoons per liter of water).
  4. Mushrooms, along with the marinade, are distributed in sterile jars and covered with lids.

Marinated bluelegs are served with onions, garlic and dill, adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Ryadovki marinated with onions and carrots

Vegetables will give pickled mushrooms a special aroma and piquant taste. In addition, such a preparation can be safely served on the table, like a salad, by adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and herbs.

  • rows - two kilograms;
  • onions - two heads;
  • carrots - two root crops;
  • spices and herbs (black pepper, bay leaves, dried thyme and tarragon);
  • coarse salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • vinegar solution.
  1. Washed and sanded mushrooms are poured with fresh water and boiled for fifteen to twenty minutes after boiling, then the liquid is drained.
  2. A marinade is prepared from water, salt, vinegar and sugar. How much sugar and salt to add depends on the volume of water (two tablespoons of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of vinegar per liter of liquid).
  3. The peeled vegetables are cut into thin slices, poured with marinade, spices and herbs are added, boiled for ten minutes and added to the boiling brine of the row. Boil everything together for another ten minutes, then the products are laid out in sterile glass containers.
  4. The filtered brine is boiled for a few more minutes, cooled and poured into jars with mushrooms. Roll up with lids and store in a dark, dry place.

For this preparation, it is best to take young, small-sized mushrooms.

Salted and pickled rows have a pleasant taste and a unique forest aroma, so in the fall you should not miss the opportunity to prepare several jars of these crispy mushrooms for the winter.

Ryadovki: mushrooms, cooking recipes, pickled, how to salt, purple, how to cook, gray, steppe, blue legs, at home, photo, video

Ryadovki: step by step recipes for cooking at home. How to make pickled, salting. Conservation advice.

Rows are called lamellar steppe mushrooms with colored caps. In nature, there are also specimens with white hats. Rows are dangerous mushrooms. There are more than a hundred species in total, and about ten of them are toxic! About thirty species will not harm the body, but are not considered edible. Accordingly, before cooking, it is necessary to make sure that the product is to be eaten.

Ryadovki: a delicious recipe for cooking mushrooms for the winter

For a standard, but at the same time the most proven recipe for cooking for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rows themselves with purple and white hats (about a kilogram);
  • coarse salt;
  • Water;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Vinegar.

First, sort them into white and purple. This is a very important step, which is one of the key steps in the marinating process. Next, clean the product of debris.

Actually, you can start the cooking process:

  1. Rinse the rows thoroughly, changing the water three times until the dirt is completely gone;
  2. Add a kilogram of the product to the water, three tablespoons of six percent vinegar and pepper;
  3. In addition, immediately put the bay leaf and do not forget to salt to taste;
  4. You must add all the ingredients, except for the vinegar, and bring to a boil;
  5. Remove the foam and simmer;
  6. Cook for an average of about one and a half hours;
  7. An hour after cooking or twenty minutes before it ends, pour vinegar into the pan;
  8. Next, you need to sterilize the jars for ten minutes;
  9. Divide the mushrooms into jars.

Please note that pickled rows can be eaten immediately after cooking, although most housewives still prefer to stock up for the winter.

Pickled bluelegs: a step by step recipe

Among the people, mushrooms were nicknamed blue-legs, although in fact they have spruce legs or purple, depending on the subspecies growing in the area. You can pickle such a mushroom according to the usual recipe, but there are still some differences from the standard procedure.

Take the following ingredients:

  • Three kilograms of blue legs;
  • Allspice;
  • One and a half tablespoons of salt (how much everyone decides to taste);
  • Lemon acid;
  • hot pepper;
  • Garlic.

Traditionally, rinse the product from dirt and start cooking.

  1. Peel the garlic, then chop it along with the eggplant;
  2. It is important to cut mushrooms not in large, but in medium pieces;
  3. Pour the mushrooms into a pre-prepared bowl and fill with water;
  4. Bluefinches are boiled for about half an hour;
  5. It is important to rinse the mushrooms under running water after cooking;
  6. Now we return the mushrooms to the bowl, add pepper and salt to taste;
  7. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and allspice;
  8. Cook for another half hour.

This completes the main preparation. It remains only to close rows in banks.

How to salt a purple row for the winter

Purple rows - the name in everyday life. It is correct to call them poplar or poplar rows. We will need traditional ingredients, but the salting itself will be different from pickling.

Take the following products:

Before cooking, purple rows must be thoroughly washed. No other action is required.

  1. Boil the rows for an hour (the time is approximate);
  2. Place horseradish leaves on the bottom of sterilized jars;
  3. It is necessary to lay out gradually in layers;
  4. Sprinkle each layer with plenty of salt and add garlic;
  5. Finally, close the jars tightly.

They will be salted only after six to eight weeks. At the same time, the shelf life is also limited. Some people think that you can keep them in a cold place for about three years, but this is dangerous. It is not recommended to use a salted product for more than a year.

Unusual recipes for making rows for the winter at home

It is wrong to think that this type of mushroom can only be boiled, and then salted. There are a huge number of recipes involving heat treatment of mushrooms. To get started, try cooking fried rows for the winter. Requires a minimum of products. Actually, in addition to the mushrooms themselves, take vegetable oil and salt. This is a very simple recipe, but if prepared correctly, this method will bring you a lot of joy on cold winter evenings.

Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Cut off the legs at the base so that there is no earth or sand;
  2. Traditionally, rinse the mushrooms in a small amount of water;
  3. Boil them for about 50 minutes;
  4. Let the water drain (use a pre-prepared colander);
  5. Fry for an hour and a half, flavoring the rows with a large portion of vegetable oil;

Salt during cooking (do not spare the salt, as they should be quite salty);

  • Arrange in jars and prepare lids so that you can immediately begin to close the product;
  • Fill with vegetable oil and close tightly.

This dish is also stored in the refrigerator. True, it is allowed to place cooked mushrooms in a cold cellar.

New Year's rows

Such a dish will migrate from autumn straight to the New Year's table. The secret is that it is necessary to collect the mushrooms themselves shortly before the first frost. Then the taste will be special.

The structure of the preparation is different due to unusual ingredients.

  1. Boil a kilogram of washed mushrooms;
  2. In another saucepan, at this time, start preparing the marinade;
  3. Add to it two bay leaves, four pieces of dried cloves, a few peppercorns and two tablespoons of salt and sugar;
  4. Be sure to add vinegar at this stage (preferably a six percent solution);
  5. The marinade is cooked for about twenty minutes;
  6. At the end of cooking, it is important to pour the entire mixture with 70% vinegar essence;
  7. Accordingly, fill the mushrooms with marinade and can be laid out in jars.

Open a similar jar shortly before the New Year and understand what kind of special dish you have.

How to distinguish edible rows from inedible and poisonous

It is important to be careful when picking rows. The danger lies in the fact that mushrooms can be simply poisonous or at least unsuitable for food. Purple and poplar - the most popular varieties - are edible. Luckily, they are the most common.

Still, remain vigilant, as a poisonous row in appearance for an inexperienced mushroom picker can resemble an edible mushroom. When ripe, they smell like stale radishes. In this case, their color is gray or dull white. Stay away from these mushrooms. It is better to play it safe and throw away the product at the first doubt. Poisoning can be very serious when ingested.

Cooking rows is not much different from traditional pickling mushrooms. Even a novice hostess can cope when following the necessary instructions and following proven recipes. To get started, try traditional cooking methods. The taste of these mushrooms is quite unusual, therefore, before making large stocks, you need to understand whether this mushroom is suitable for eating for you and your loved ones. Always be careful when sorting mushrooms for cooking and do not risk your health by eating suspicious specimens.

Ryadovki: mushrooms, cooking recipes, pickled, salt, purple, gray, steppe, blue legs, for the winter, poplar, photo and video

Rows: recipes for every taste. How to make pickled, salted. Preparation of purple rows, blue legs. Unusual ways of seaming. How to distinguish edible rowing from poisonous.

Includes a number of species of both edible and poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are very popular, while others, on the contrary, few people have heard of.

The popular rows include the gray variety, which is also called the greenery.

And in this article I would like to give a detailed description of it, show a photo and talk about how to properly prepare this forest gift.

Row gray - belongs to the tricholom family. The people received a lot of names such as greenery, gray sandpiper and others.

The appearance of this mushroom is rather modest. The hat is small in size from 4 to 12 centimeters in diameter. The texture is fleshy. Young mushrooms have a rounded head with a convex center. As the fungus ages, it takes on an increasingly flat appearance. After full maturation, the hat becomes flat with a mass of irregularities over the entire surface. The tubercle, which stood out well at a young age, becomes barely noticeable, but still well distinguishable.

When acquiring a decent volume, the surface of the fungus often cracks. In this case, the edges very often bend upward.

The color of the hat, as it is not difficult to guess from the description, has a gray tint. The color is uneven, olive "islands" are often present. In the central part, the color becomes darker.

The cap is smooth, when water gets on it, it releases mucus and becomes sticky.

The shape of the leg resembles a cylinder. Quite high - 8-10 cm in height. Diameter about 3 centimeters. In a young mushroom, the leg has a dense structure. With aging, it begins to lose pulp and becomes empty.

Despite the fact that the leg is quite long, it is difficult to notice it when meeting with a gray row. It is usually immersed in moss or a sheet blanket.

The color of the stem is lighter than the surface of the mushroom. It has a white color, which sometimes gives off a slight yellowness. In the upper part, often, it is covered with a characteristic coating.

On the back of the cap are wide, rather rare planting plates. At a young age, they have a pure white hue. As they age, they become more grey. And when the mushroom is fully ripe, they acquire a light yellowish color.

The flesh of the mushroom is light gray in color. After damage, it may acquire a yellow tint. In the upper part of the "meat" is denser, in the leg the structure of the pulp is loose. Has a specific aroma. The taste is excellent.

Undergreen is edible and is included in the 4th category of conditionally edible species. Without heat treatment, the use is strictly prohibited.

This mushroom grows mainly in coniferous and mixed forests. The main condition for development is the presence of pine. It is with her that this fungus creates mycorrhiza.

The growing season is from August until frost. This pleases many mushroom pickers, because after the end of the season of champignons or other mushrooms, it allows them to do their favorite “silent hunting” before the snow falls.

We recommend reading: "

The highest peak of growth occurs at the end of September. This is not a lonely mushroom. Most often, where the gray row is located, there will definitely be its entire family.

This edible mushroom has rather tricky counterparts. The most vicious is the poisonous pointed row. Distinctive features of the poisonous mushroom are a not so thick cap and a conical tubercle in the middle of the surface.

Also, soap tricholoma, which is an inedible species, is similar to it. It has no significant external differences. Therefore, it is easiest to classify it by its smell, which very much resembles the aroma of laundry soap.

How to cook

The main stage in the preparation of gray rowing is its heat treatment. Rows are cooked according to the following scheme:

  1. The collected mushrooms are laid out on a newspaper or in a container and cleaned of sand, dirt and adhering leaves.
  2. Then the darkened or wormy parts of the fruiting body are removed.
  3. Remove the skin from the surface of the cap.
  4. Cleaned rows are washed with cold water.
  5. Water is poured into the container, salt is added (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of pulp and 1 liter of water). You can add onions if there is any doubt about the edibility of the collected fruiting bodies. The water is brought to a boil.
  6. After, fruiting bodies are poured into it. Mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes. In this case, the lid must be open.
  7. After ten minutes of cooking the greens, 6 black peppercorns and one bay leaf are added to the water.
  8. After 20 minutes, the water is drained through a colander.

After that, the pulp is ready for consumption or further manipulation. Mushrooms are great for pickling, pickling, boiling or frying. With a gray row, you get a delicious mushroom soup or potato casserole.

Amazing marinated mushrooms at home! Delicate, fragrant, but terribly fragile. You should be very careful with them so as not to damage this beauty. But what are they delicious in the marinade! It is impossible to break away from such a snack. Eaten in an instant.

Also on our site you can find recipes that your whole family will like.

These rows are very easy to prepare. Practically, no effort is required, but their taste is simply charming. Love for such preservation appears after trying just one mushroom. Well, they are very tasty.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. freshly harvested rows;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • half a two-hundred-gram glass of vinegar;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • 5 peas of ordinary pepper;
  • a couple of cloves;
  • a couple of cloves of early garlic;
  • a couple of dill umbrellas;
  • a couple of currant leaves.

How to pickle gray rows:

  1. Initially, you should sort out all the mushrooms. Immediately discard the spoiled and wormy ones.
  2. Each copy is naturally washed and additionally scalded with boiling water.
  3. The processed rows are transferred to a dish suitable for all subsequent actions and poured with water.
  4. They are salted, sprinkled with sugar and boiled. This process takes about twenty minutes.
  5. This time, the process of preparing the container is carried out. She is washed with soda and subjected to mandatory sterilization.
  6. Half of all the necessary spices and vinegar are laid out in thermally processed jars.
  7. Now boiled mushrooms themselves can be laid out in jars.
  8. The remaining spices are placed on top of them and the remaining vinegar is poured.
  9. The water in which the mushrooms were boiled is boiled again and all the jars are filled with it to the maximum.
  10. Jars immediately roll up.
  11. They should cool down upside down and wrapped in something warm enough.

Important! When cooking, you should constantly remove the foam. It depends on how transparent and clean the marinade in jars will be.

After reviewing the recipes on our website, you can also cook other delicious preparations, such as those for the winter.

How to pickle rows for the winter

Mushrooms, for pickling which they use not ordinary, namely wine vinegar, acquire an unusual taste and aroma. Even the minimum amount of spices at the same time allows the dish to fully open up.

You will need:

  • floor l. wine vinegar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • 5 peas of ordinary pepper;
  • a couple of cloves;
  • a couple of tsp salt;
  • a couple of tsp Sahara.

How to pickle row mushrooms:

  1. Initially, the mushrooms are sorted, washed, especially large specimens are cut.
  2. Already prepared mushrooms are laid out in a dish suitable for subsequent actions and covered with water.
  3. They are boiled for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. The existing husk is removed from the onion and it is very finely chopped.
  5. Carrots are washed, naturally peeled and only then cut into miniature cubes.
  6. Vegetables are immersed in a container of wine vinegar. Spices are also added there.
  7. Marinade with vegetables should be boiled for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Boiled mushrooms are added to the marinade, and the whole mixture is boiled for another five minutes.
  9. At this time, care should be taken to prepare the container in which canning will be carried out. It is washed with soda and subjected to sterilization necessary for long-term storage.
  10. With the help of a slotted spoon, all vegetables and mushrooms are removed from the marinade. They are immediately laid out in heat-treated jars.
  11. The marinade itself is still boiled for about ten minutes and immediately moves into jars.
  12. They are promptly rolled up.

Important! Separately, it is worth mentioning the dishes. For the preparation of mushrooms, it is categorically impossible to use containers prone to oxidation. This product absorbs all tastes and smells better than any other. Nobody wants to get a snack with a specific, very unpleasant aftertaste of metal. The ideal option is a pan that has an enamel coating. But in this case, you should pay attention to the absence of chips. Even a tiny chip can spoil the entire preservation.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared, which will not only decorate your dining table, but will also be a wonderful and tasty addition to your dinner.

How delicious to marinate rows

Citric acid gives any marinade a special taste. Rows in such a filling are surprisingly tasty. The rich aroma of the dish, the amazing delicate taste of mushrooms - all this is created thanks to just a few grams of an ordinary lemon.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. freshly harvested rows;
  • floor 200 gr. a glass of water;
  • one and a half st. l. salt;
  • floor 200 gr. a glass of vinegar;
  • a quarter tsp citric acid;
  • a couple of tsp Sahara;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill greens;
  • 5 peas of ordinary pepper;
  • a quarter tsp cinnamon;
  • a couple of cloves.

Harvesting rows for the winter:

  1. Initially, all mushrooms are sorted and washed, especially large specimens are cut and immersed in lightly salted water.
  2. The required amount of vinegar is added to the mushrooms and boiled for about twenty minutes. The process of cooking the rows can be considered completed only when they all, without exception, are at the bottom of the pan.
  3. After settling all the specimens, spices and the right amount of citric acid are added to them. They are sprinkled with sugar and must be boiled again.
  4. At this time, care should be taken to prepare the container in which the subsequent canning will be carried out. She is washed with soda and then subjected to mandatory sterilization.
  5. Cooked rows are laid out in thermally processed jars and filled to the maximum with the remaining marinade.
  6. This is followed by the sterilization process of filled jars. To do this, they are immersed in a container of water, in which they must stay for about half an hour.
  7. It remains only to immediately roll up.

How to marinate rows

A wonderful combination of mushrooms, vegetables and spices. This pickling is especially tasty. The addition of non-standard spices surprisingly changes the taste of the mushrooms themselves, making them even more refined.

You will need:

  • one and a half kg. freshly harvested rows;
  • floor l. vinegar (necessarily wine);
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • 100 gr. leek;
  • 1 juicy carrot;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • 1 tsp tarragon;
  • half tsp borage;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • zest from one lemon;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

We marinate rows for the winter:

  1. Initially, the row needs to be prepared, washed, sorted out. Trim off a small section of each leg.
  2. Literally five minutes they should be blanched in ordinary water, then removed from the water and put in a colander.
  3. Carrots are naturally washed, peeled and cut into tiny slices.
  4. The leek is also chopped.
  5. Vegetables are boiled in a mixture of spices and vinegar for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Then mushrooms are added to this mixture, followed by a five-minute boil.
  7. At this very time, you should worry about preparing containers for the actual canning. It is washed with soda and subjected to the necessary sterilization.
  8. Mushrooms and vegetables are laid out in thermally processed jars.
  9. Jars are filled for another ten minutes with boiling marinade.
  10. It remains only to roll them up qualitatively.

How to pickle poplar row

This row itself is slightly different from its garden counterparts. She looks a little different, and her taste is a little different. Accordingly, it must be marinated in a slightly different way. This process is not difficult at all, and the result is deliciously delicious.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. freshly harvested rows;
  • one and a half st. l. vinegar essence;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • a couple of st. l. Sahara;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • a couple of carnation inflorescences;
  • 10 regular peppercorns.

Row mushrooms marinated recipe:

  1. Due to the peculiarities of this variety of rows, they should be subjected to mandatory daily soaking. For this purpose, they are immersed in ordinary water. During the day, at least three times, “bad” water must be drained, and fresh mushrooms should be poured.
  2. Only after such soaking should they be washed. Sort and boil in lightly salted water for at least a quarter of an hour.
  3. The first water is drained, they are poured fresh and boiled for about forty minutes, until the rows are cooked.
  4. In another dish suitable for these actions, the marinade is being prepared. To do this, water is mixed with sugar, spices and naturally salt. After boiling this mixture for about a quarter of an hour, vinegar is poured into it, and it boils for at least another five minutes.
  5. This time, the preparation of the containers necessary for the preservation process is carried out. She is washed with soda and immediately subjected to mandatory sterilization. It is thanks to her that the product will not deteriorate.
  6. All the mushrooms are carefully laid out in heat-treated jars and filled as much as possible with the already prepared filling.
  7. In conclusion, they must be rolled up immediately.

Important! Soaking is a mandatory process. It is thanks to him that mushrooms are deprived of those carcinogens that they inevitably absorb from our environment. In addition, only soaked mushrooms can be incredibly light, and their marinade is clean, well, just like a tear.

The recipe for the preparation of pickled rows is in many ways similar to pickling and other mushrooms. But unlike, for example, pigs or mushrooms, this process is much less laborious.

Rows marinated for the winter can be cooked even by an inexperienced cook. Moreover, if you follow the elementary rules of canning, such a blank can be stored for years. Delicious and incredibly fragrant rows will be a frequent guest on the table both on the noisiest holiday day and on a quiet weekday.

For lovers of winter preparations, our recipe box also has a recipe that can serve as a separate dish or be used for making salads.

The Ryadovkovye family has more than 2000 species of mushrooms. Their name comes from the fact that they grow very crowded - in rows. The most common among culinary specialists are gray, crowded, red and purple rows, which have a pleasant taste and smell. They are great for any cooking process: boiling, frying, marinating and salting. Rows begin to be collected in August and do this almost until November.

Note that the process of primary processing of rows is slightly different from the processing of other types of mushrooms, since they grow mainly on sandy soil. Before boiling, the mushrooms must be well cleaned of dirt, cut off the lower part of the leg and rinse well. Sometimes rows (if they are bitter) are poured with water and soaked for 24-72 hours. Then they are boiled in salted water with the addition of a pinch of citric acid.

How long to cook the rows until cooked, so that the end result of the resulting dish is delicious?

It is worth saying that the cooking time of the rows will depend on what you will do from them in the future: fry, salt or marinate. Mycologists strongly recommend boiling rows to avoid unpleasant moments, namely, poisoning. Trying raw rows is not worth it, sometimes you can get poisoned by edible species.

Sometimes mushroom pickers collect conditionally edible types of rows - how to cook these fruiting bodies? Before starting the thermal process, you need to soak the mushrooms for 2 days, and during this time change the water several times. Many cooks use one simple method that allows you to determine how much rows need to be cooked. As soon as the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan during boiling, they are ready. Knowing the answer to the question: how long does it take to cook rows, each housewife will be able to cook real culinary masterpieces from rows.

We offer several recipes showing how to properly cook rows before the following processes.

How and how many minutes to cook rows before frying, why do mushrooms darken?

Some edible rows have a specific smell, reminiscent of damp flour. Therefore, to get a delicious dish, the fruiting bodies must be boiled properly. How to cook rows before frying to remove the smell and bitter taste?

  • Rows previously cleared of forest debris should be soaked in cold water for 3-5 hours.
  • Cut off the lower part of the leg, put it on a wire rack and leave for 3 hours so that all the liquid is well drained.

How much to cook rows before frying, so as not to lose all the taste and vitamins?

Introduce rows into boiling water and salt (take 1/3 tablespoon of salt for 1 kg of mushrooms).

Always remove the foam formed on the surface, as it can adversely affect the taste.

Boil for 15 minutes, put it on a sieve so that the water is glass, and reintroduce the mushrooms into boiling water, as for the first time.

Sometimes when cooking, the rows darken - this is not a problem! When you put the mushrooms into the boiling water for the first time, add vinegar to it (for 1 liter - 1 tablespoon of vinegar).

After cooking, put the mushrooms in a sieve or colander, rinse under running water, let them drain, and only then start frying.

Fried mushrooms can be eaten as an independent snack or added to any dishes.

Cooking before freezing: why do the rows change color and acquire the smell of flour?

After cleaning and soaking the rows for 3 hours, freezing is sometimes carried out. Before this process, mushrooms are either boiled immediately, or they do it after, but already with a frozen product. The process of boiling itself is a little different.

  • Mushrooms are introduced into boiling salted water and boiled for 10 minutes, while removing the foam.
  • There are situations when, when cooking, the rows acquire a smell reminiscent of stale flour. What to do in this case to avoid such nuances?
  • Not only salt and vinegar are added to the water for boiling, but also an onion cut into several parts, as well as 2-3 bay leaves. This technique will help rid the mushrooms of a specific smell.
  • In addition, rowing changes color during cooking. If you want to leave the bright color of the mushroom cap in the dish, then add 1 tsp when boiling. citric acid. This ingredient perfectly preserves the color of thermally processed mushrooms.
  • Boiled (3 times for 10 minutes) rows should be washed, folded into a sieve and even pressed down a little so that the water is well glassed.
  • When the mushrooms are dry, they are portioned in plastic bags, squeezed out all the air and tied.
  • Send to the freezer and store no more than 6 months.

It is better to boil the mushrooms before freezing, so they take up less space in the freezer and in the future you can cook a variety of dishes from them.

Cooking before marinating: why are rows bitter?

Before pickling mushrooms, they should be boiled properly. How to cook rowan mushrooms so that in pickled form they delight not only you, but also your guests?

  • In mushrooms, the lower part of the stem is cut off, the remnants of foliage and grass are removed from the hats, and then washed in plenty of water.
  • Pour cold water and leave for 3-5 hours to soak to remove bitterness.
  • After this process, the mushrooms are introduced into boiling water with the addition of salt and boiled for 15 minutes, constantly removing the foam.
  • They are thrown back into a colander, washed under the tap and again introduced into boiling water.
  • Boil for 15 minutes, take out, rinse again and place on a wire rack to drain.

There are times when the rows are bitter after cooking. What to do in this case and should I be worried? Note that you should not worry, since the further process of boiling the mushrooms in the marinade will completely remove the taste of bitterness, and you will not even notice it. To do this, use a variety of spices and spices: garlic, bay leaf, allspice, vinegar, cloves, cinnamon, horseradish root and dill umbrellas.

How to cook rows before salting

In this recipe, we will use boiling to protect ourselves and our loved ones from possible poisoning. Although rows can also be salted in a cold way, in this case they need to be soaked for 72 hours.

How long does it take to cook row mushrooms in order to then pickle them correctly and tasty?

  • Rows cleared of forest debris, in which the tips of the legs are also cut off, are poured with cold water and left to soak for no more than 2 days. At the same time, you need to constantly change the water to cold so that the mushrooms do not sour.
  • After soaking, the mushrooms are allowed to drain completely and are introduced into boiling water.
  • During cooking, salt the water and cook the rows for 20 minutes over low heat.
  • Drain in a colander, rinse under the tap and put back in a pot of boiling water for 20 minutes.
  • At the same time, not only salt should be added to the water, but also vinegar, which will help remove bitterness from mushrooms (1 tablespoon of vinegar is taken for 1 liter of water).
  • Next, the mushrooms are given time to drain, cool completely, and only then proceed to salting. As ingredients, you can choose garlic, bay leaf, dill, currant and cherry leaves, mustard seeds, etc.

If before salting, but after cooking, the rows are bitter, why does this happen? Sometimes mushrooms were collected in pine or spruce forests, which gives bitterness to fruiting bodies. However, there is no need to worry too much, as the bitterness is completely gone during the salting process. Ryadovki almost all have a bitter taste and a specific smell, so the salting recipe is the best suited for these mushrooms. In salty form, such a preparation will be an amazing dish on your table. We assure you that you will not notice any bitterness!

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