Salad with red beans and croutons. Salad with croutons and beans. What do we need

There can never be too many salads, and the more recipes you have in your culinary collection, the more confident you will feel on the eve of the holidays. And you won’t have to rack your brains over what to cook for dinner, simple but tasty. Let's bring some variety. We will share several recipes on how to prepare a salad with croutons and beans. There will be more than one recipe, so each of you will probably find something new for yourself.

Salad “Beans with croutons”

This dish has already acquired a lot of fans, and it will probably find recognition in your home too. Such a treat can be a great breakfast or lunch and will even look great on a holiday table. Treat yourself and your loved ones by preparing this “Beans with croutons” salad for dinner. The recipe is extremely simple, it only takes a few minutes, and everyone will like it.

You will need:

  • a jar of corn (canned);
  • a jar of red beans (canned);
  • packaging of salted crackers;
  • greens and mayonnaise.

How to cook:

If you can’t find canned beans, just boil fresh ones, drain and cool. Just drain the water from canned beans and corn. You can use absolutely any greens, and the more, the better. Chop the greens as desired and mix with the rest of the ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise. Crackers should be added just before serving.

Bean and vegetable salad with croutons

It is a little similar to the previous salad “Beans with croutons”. The recipe is supplemented with fresh vegetables. The salad will be fresh, bright and satisfying. An excellent vegetarian dish, it is perfect for those who are fasting.

You will need:

  • a jar of canned red beans;
  • packaging of salted crackers;
  • sweet yellow pepper;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • a handful of pitted olives;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • fresh herbs, ground black pepper and olive oil.

How to cook:

Drain the liquid from the beans and place in a large bowl. To them add medium diced tomatoes, peppers, finely chopped herbs and ringed olives. Season the salad with pepper and olive oil. Just before serving, add croutons. Do not rush to salt a salad with croutons and beans; the recipe calls for the use of already salted croutons, so be careful, this may not be necessary.

Bean salad with croutons and sausage

This is another one of the most delicious recipes. Of course, it’s difficult to call such a salad with croutons and beans dietary: the recipe will include sausage and cheese. But men will certainly enjoy this treat, so prepare more. A salad with croutons and beans will definitely take root in your home. A recipe with photos, step-by-step processes described and available products will definitely please you.

You will need:

  • a can of canned red beans;
  • 200 g sausage (semi-smoked or any other);
  • a pack of salted crackers;
  • 2 slices of white bread;
  • 2-3 small tomatoes (cherry can be used);
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • lettuce, green onions and vegetable oil.

How to cook:

We will use two types of crackers - rye (from the store) and white, we will prepare them ourselves. To do this, slices of bread must first be dried in the oven, cooled and broken a little. They will be the bottom layer of our salad.

Place chopped tomatoes on white bread. We will place beans and coarsely chopped lettuce leaves on top. Pour a little vegetable oil.

All that remains is to put the sausage and cheese on top, we grate it on a coarse grater, and cut the sausage randomly. The final layer is crackers and green onions.

Salad with beans, fresh cabbage and croutons

We offer you a salad with croutons and beans (recipe) and garlic. It perfectly combines beans, tender cabbage and crispy crackers with garlic flavor. A very simple and light dish.

You will need:

  • a jar of beans (red);
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 thin slices of bread;
  • several cherry tomatoes or 1 large;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • vegetable oil, salt, a little lemon juice.

How to cook:

Pass the garlic through a press. Cut the bread into cubes and mix with garlic. Place it in the oven to dry until golden brown. Cool.

Chop the cabbage into small pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice and stir. Add beans, chopped tomatoes, and salt. Cut the cheese into cubes or grate it on a coarse grater and combine with vegetables. Dress the salad with oil and sprinkle croutons on top before serving.

We come up with it ourselves

You can complement the salad with croutons and beans with completely different products. The recipe will be constantly new, and this will bring variety to your menu. Beans and croutons go well with vegetables, herbs and meat or mushrooms. You can also season them to your taste: oil, mayonnaise, or come up with some special sauce. The main thing to consider is the ability of stale bread to quickly absorb moisture. If the crackers get soggy, the dish will be ruined, so add them at the very end, before serving. Try new things and discover delicious and healthy dishes. Enjoy your meal!

Salads that are loved since childhood usually remain so for life. Over time, they are slightly improved and acquire updated decor. For example, several years ago it became fashionable to decorate appetizers with halves of quail eggs, pomegranate seeds, various herbs, and also to place the food on lettuce leaves. Many people try to avoid high-calorie side dishes for hot dishes, and they are successfully replaced by vegetable dishes.

Salad with beans and croutons has a pleasant taste and is extremely easy to prepare. In any store you can find ready-made crackers with the taste of cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc. Ready-made ingredients will allow you to make it in just 5 minutes, but true gourmets will probably prefer to cut and dry the bread themselves. Homemade crackers can also be combined with different spices or sprinkled with cheese crumbles before putting them in the oven. The imagination of experienced housewives is limitless.

The most common beans in Russia are white and red, but those who like to experiment also find black and green beans on the shelves. It is believed that black contains more vitamins than other varieties. At the same time, it is tougher and requires long cooking. A bean salad with croutons will also turn out appetizing using canned beans. They are immediately ready to eat, which will reduce cooking time.

White and red beans are preferable for salads with meat and fresh and pickled vegetables.

If you plan to cook dry beans, they must be soaked in advance and drained several times to remove the bitterness. Boiled beans will keep in the refrigerator for several days, so you can prepare them ahead of time. Complex salads are often served at the holiday table, so in addition to beans and croutons, you will need boiled meat, sausage, pickled and fresh vegetables.

Salad with beans and croutons - the most delicious dish options

Photos on the Internet show ways to decorate and dress salads. Step-by-step recipes are also provided. Some are very simple, others are more intricate and require lengthy preparation of components. Depending on the time of arrival of guests or family dinner, you should calculate what kind of snack you can prepare.

It is permissible to add any ingredients to a salad of croutons and beans, including smoked meat and sweet canned corn. Pickled cucumbers and boiled eggs go perfectly with them, especially if the task is to feed very hungry family members. A spicy homemade dressing of sour cream, mustard and garlic will complete the delicious salad.


  • 150 g sweet corn;
  • 3 small pickled cucumbers;
  • 150 g smoked meat;
  • 0.1 kg white crackers;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 5 lettuce leaves.

For refueling:

  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ tsp. salt, spices - to taste.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Remove the beans from the jar, place in a colander and rinse with cool water. Let it drain and place in a deep container.
  2. Place the corn kernels in a colander, then combine with the beans.
  3. Cut eggs, cucumbers and meat into cubes. Chop the lettuce leaves into strips. Add parsley and dill if desired. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl.
  4. Add mustard and crushed garlic to the sour cream. Add salt and your favorite spices.
  5. Add croutons to the salad, leaving a little for decoration. Pour in the dressing and mix thoroughly.
  6. Decorate the appetizer with a sprig of dill and croutons.

With smoked sausage

The salad, which is not overloaded, will appeal to many due to the appetizing aroma of smoked sausage. The dish will be satisfying, as it combines meat, bread and beans. It can be supplemented with either mayonnaise or homemade dressing of sour cream and mustard.

The more greens it contains, the more nutritious and healthy the food will become.


  • 0.35 kg canned white beans;
  • 0.2 kg smoked sausage;
  • 0.2 kg white crackers;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Remove the beans from the jar, rinse and drain.
  2. Cut the sausage into thin strips, dice the eggs, chop the garlic. If desired, add cilantro, dill or lettuce, after chopping them.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl, add salt, pepper and mayonnaise.
  4. Sprinkle the finished dish with crackers.

The option with tomatoes is closer to light vegetable Italian appetizers. Decorated with cherry halves, crackers and herbs, it will delight followers of a healthy diet. In combination with cheese and meat plates, the appetizer will create the perfect composition.

Salad with red beans and croutons consists of components of contrasting colors, so they can be either mixed or layered.


  • 0.25 kg canned red beans;
  • 120 g hard cheese;
  • 3 ripe tomatoes;
  • 75 g white crackers;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley and dill;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml mayonnaise;

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Rinse the beans, place in a colander and let them drain.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, grate the cheese, chop the herbs.
  3. Pour all the ingredients into a deep container, add crackers, salt, spices and season with mayonnaise.

With chicken and Korean carrots

Carrot-cha is easy to prepare at home. For the salad, carrots, cut into long strips, should be chopped so that the food can be more conveniently divided into portions. For 3-4 people, it is enough to prepare a salad from ½ kg of boiled chicken. It will be a great alternative to lunch at the office.


  • 0.35 kg canned white beans;
  • ½ kg of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 0.25 kg carrots;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 100 g white crackers;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise;
  • 3 sprigs of dill;
  • ¼ tsp. salt, spices - to taste.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Cut the chilled chicken into cubes and remove the beans from the jar.
  2. Grate the cheese and combine all ingredients in a salad bowl.
  3. Season the appetizer with mayonnaise and garnish with dill sprigs on top.

If you chop the ingredients finely, you will get a savory filling for tartlets. The salad can be supplemented with purple onion rings and herbs when it is intended for a holiday table. It cooks quickly, especially if the eggs are boiled in advance.


  • 0.25 kg each of canned red beans and sweet corn;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 100 g white crackers;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g mayonnaise;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt, spices - to taste.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Wash the beans and mix them with corn, grated cheese and crushed garlic.
  2. Lastly, add crumbled eggs, salt and spices to the appetizer. Mix the salad and season with mayonnaise.
  3. Sprinkle it with crackers.

With cucumbers

Depending on whether fresh or pickled cucumbers are added to the salad, the remaining products are selected.

In winter, a salad with sausage, pickled cucumbers and boiled eggs is more suitable, and in summer - with herbs and fresh cucumbers.

The dressing for it should be mixed from ketchup and mayonnaise in a ratio of 1:5.


  • 0.25 kg canned white beans;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 0.15 kg ham;
  • 100 g white crackers;
  • 1 tsp ketchup;
  • 3 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt, spices - to taste.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Grate the cheese, cut the ham and cucumbers into cubes.
  2. Place the beans from which the juice has drained into the salad bowl.
  3. Mix it with chopped garlic, ham, cheese and cucumbers.
  4. Combine mayonnaise with salt, ketchup and seasonings.
  5. Pour croutons into the salad and season it.

This hearty vegetarian salad contains only healthy ingredients and is dressed with olive oil mixed with lemon juice. An original and elegant appetizer with lingonberry sauce, arugula and orange slices.

Children will surely like this dish, while adults will prefer a salad with pickles. Guests will not refuse to try it with hot potatoes.


  • ¼ kg canned white beans;
  • 2 beets;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 purple onion;
  • 50 g rye crackers;

For refueling:

  • 3 tbsp. olive oil;
  • ½ tsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of salt and ground black pepper.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Boil the beets in the evening so that they cool down before preparing the salad.
  2. Cut it into cubes, cut the cucumbers into strips, and cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Mix ingredients, including beans and croutons, in a deep bowl.
  4. Pour fresh lemon juice into the vegetable oil, add salt, spices and chopped garlic. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Dress the salad and serve immediately.

With pickled mushrooms

You can make a mushroom salad from beans and croutons. It is best to lay it out in layers, creating something like a “Mushroom Glade”. True, this snack will require many different components.

There are several simpler options, but remember that mushrooms are especially good with eggs and mayonnaise.


  • 0.2 kg pickled mushrooms;
  • 0.15 kg boiled chicken fillet;
  • 100 g white crackers;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 100 ml mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of salt.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Remove the mushrooms and beans from the jars and remove as much liquid as possible.
  2. Cut the chicken and eggs into cubes.
  3. Mix all the salad ingredients, add salt to taste and season with mayonnaise.

Sprats on a fried piece of bread are a real delicacy for many. The salad with them will be no less tasty. Having imagined herself as a famous chef, the hostess will surely turn it into a masterpiece. This particular snack can be endlessly supplemented and changed beyond recognition.


  • ¼ kg of canned white beans and corn;
  • 0.35 kg sprat;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 100 g white crackers;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 g mayonnaise;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows.

  1. Place the sprats on a plate and mash slightly.
  2. Sprinkle the sprat sauce over the crackers.
  3. Grate the cheese and chop the parsley.
  4. Mix the products, add crushed garlic and salt.
  5. Season the salad with mayonnaise and sprinkle the remaining herbs on top.

Salad "Buffet"

For the buffet salad you need a large flat dish. His secret is to lay out the components one by one in sectors, without mixing with each other, and place a gravy boat with mayonnaise in the center. Each guest will create their own salad using a variety of ingredients. Crackers are laid out around the gravy boat and frame it.


  • 0.2 kg canned white beans;
  • 0.2 kg sweet corn;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 200 g crab sticks;
  • 60 g white crackers;
  • 100 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Cut the cucumbers and crab sticks into cubes separately.
  2. Place half a portion of beans on a dish, limiting the sector with wide knives.
  3. Do the same with corn, cucumbers and crab sticks.
  4. There should be 8 sectors in total.
  5. Place a gravy boat in the center and surround it with crackers.
  6. Add fresh herbs if desired.

Remove the canned beans from the jar, place in a colander and rinse with cool water. After the liquid has drained, it’s time to put the beans in the salad. You should do the same with sweet corn, although it has tasty juice, so just place the grains in a colander.

You can add different flavors and aroma to crackers at home. To do this, dissolve your favorite spices, salt and garlic crushed in a press in a small amount of vegetable oil. Next, pour the mixture into a dispenser and spray the sliced ​​bread with it before putting it in the oven.


And beans allow for many of the most unusual ingredients: capers, jamon, fresh basil and arugula. Changing the composition only makes it more interesting and richer. Depending on the preferences of the guests, it is easy to give it an oriental or northern flavor by adding one or more specific ingredients. Cheese or meat will make the appetizer more satisfying, and greens and vegetables will turn into a light summer salad.

It will allow you to prepare for the arrival of guests in the shortest possible time and will not disappoint those who come. Having several basic ingredients on hand, the hostess will come up with a dish that will please loved ones and decorate the celebration.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

An excellent appetizer for the daily menu and a real decoration for the holiday table - salad with beans and croutons. The dish goes well with meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, and potatoes. It’s not difficult to prepare such a salad; some recipes contain a minimum of ingredients, and the result is consistently excellent even for novice cooks.

Recipe 1. With marinade

Red canned beans are healthier than white ones. A dish according to this recipe can be prepared not only from red beans, but also from black beans; the salad will turn out equally tasty.


  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 green pepper (sweet);
  • 1 red pepper (bell pepper);
  • 1 onion;
  • crackers;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 800 g beans (red);
  • juice of one lemon (optional - replace with wine vinegar);
  • black pepper (ground);
  • salt;
  • vegetable (preferably corn or olive) oil.

How to cook:

  1. Drain the liquid from the cans of beans, rinse the beans themselves with cold boiled water and place in a bowl.
  2. Cut the onion into strips.
  3. Cut the green pepper in half, remove the veins, seeds and chop it into strips.
  4. Mix onion and pepper.
  5. Chop half the red pepper into strips and combine with green pepper and onion. Add the wine vinegar and let the vegetables marinate in it for a while while you chop the other ingredients.
  6. Cut the cucumber and tomato into cubes and add them to the bowl with the beans.
  7. Drain off the wine vinegar.
  8. Combine pickled vegetables with beans, cucumber and tomato, add croutons. Mix well.
  9. Pepper to taste, add vegetable oil, stir.

If you add salt right away, the vegetables will release juice and the salad will turn out a little watery. Therefore, it is better to add salt to each portion on the plate.

Recipe 2. With corn

An easy-to-prepare salad recipe made from beans, sausage, and croutons, perfect for holiday and daily menus.


  • 1 can of corn (canned);
  • 1 can of beans (canned);
  • 200 g sausage (it is better to take cervelat);
  • 80 g crackers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the onion into small pieces or pass through a blender at low speed, place in a deep bowl, add sugar, pour vinegar and boiling water on top. It should cover the onion completely.
  2. Cut the sausage into circles and then into thin slices.
  3. Rinse the beans and place in a bowl, mix with sausage and corn, mix thoroughly.
  4. Add croutons.
  5. Rinse the onions (which were previously filled with boiling water) with cold water and add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix well.
  6. Season with mayonnaise and add salt if necessary. Mix thoroughly again.

There is no need to infuse the salad; serve it immediately.

The dish tastes better as long as the crackers are crispy.

Recipe. 3. With beets

Salad with beans and croutons with the addition of beets turns out to be piquant in taste, healthy and satisfying.


  • 100 g pre-cooked beans;
  • 1 cooked beets;
  • crackers;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • a quarter teaspoon of mustard;
  • the same amount of vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the beets on a coarse grater, cut the cucumber into small cubes, put everything in a deep bowl, add boiled beans and croutons.
  2. Make the sauce: mix mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil with garlic passed through a press. Mix well and pour into the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Thoroughly stir the resulting salad and place on serving plates.

Recipe 4. With mushrooms

This is a very simple but delicious salad recipe. It takes just a few minutes to prepare and the results are consistently excellent.


  • 1 can of red beans (canned);
  • 80 g crackers;
  • mushrooms (1 can of canned food);
  • garlic (1 clove);
  • mayonnaise.

How to cook:

  1. Drain the mushrooms and beans and rinse.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with chopped garlic.
  3. Add croutons to the mushrooms and beans and season everything with mayonnaise.

The dish is ready, serve it immediately.

Recipe 5. With cheese, eggs and cabbage

The abundance of fresh vegetables makes the salad incredibly healthy and at the same time very tasty.


  • 1 can of beans in tomato;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 raw carrot;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 300 g of fresh cabbage (Peking or regular white cabbage);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 70 g of any cheese;
  • 1 pack of crackers (approximately 80 g);
  • approximately 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • green onions, herbs (optional);
  • pepper;
  • salt.

It is better to use Chinese cabbage instead of white cabbage; this will ensure a more delicate taste of the finished salad.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the cabbage into strips and immediately add salt to release the juice.
  2. Chop the cucumber into cubes.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and combine with cucumber and cabbage.
  4. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater and add to the other chopped ingredients.
  5. Chop the onion and herbs and add to the salad.
  6. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Grind the eggs on a coarse grater and add to the salad.
  8. Lastly, add the beans and croutons. Pepper, salt and mix well.
  9. Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix again.

Before serving, taste the dish and add salt and pepper if necessary.

Recipe 6. With chicken

Chicken salad turns out tasty and not very high in calories: 100 g contains 180 kcal. Preparing the dish takes approximately 40 minutes. Since it contains fried onions and carrots, it is not recommended to eat it too often for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.


  • 500 g white chicken meat;
  • 1 can (350 g) canned beans;
  • crackers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • seasoning;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

A good option is to replace boiled chicken with smoked chicken or chicken tenders.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the chicken (it is better if it is breast without bones and cartilage).
  2. Chop the boiled meat into small pieces and place them in a deep plate.
  3. Chop the onion.
  4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. Heat a frying pan on the stove and fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, mix with grated carrots and fry for another 7 minutes.
  6. Place the roast on a plate lined with a napkin to remove excess fat.
  7. Rinse the canned beans thoroughly with water and let the liquid drain.
  8. Combine chicken and beans in a bowl, add fried onions and carrots, add croutons and season the salad with mayonnaise.

You don't have to buy crackers - make them yourself. To do this, cut stale bread into cubes, sprinkle with seasoning and fry in a frying pan. Place the finished croutons on paper napkins or baking paper - the substrate will absorb excess oil.

Recipe 7. With ham

The salad with ham turns out delicious; 100 g of the finished dish contains 220 kcal. It will take about half an hour to prepare.


  • half a can of white and red canned beans;
  • 350 g ham;
  • 1 pack of crackers;
  • 2 cucumbers (salted);
  • 1 onion (better if it is red or purple);
  • green onions;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 30 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil);
  • seasonings

How to cook:

  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Make a marinade by mixing balsamic vinegar with vegetable oil in a plate, salt and pepper.
  3. Place the onion pieces in the marinade for 20 minutes.
  4. While the onions are pickling, drain the liquid and wash the beans thoroughly with cold boiled water, then place in a bowl.
  5. Cut the ham into thin strips.
  6. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  7. Wash the green onion feathers and chop into thin rings.
  8. Add chopped ham, green onions, pickled cucumber, croutons to the beans, add pickled chopped onions and pour the remaining marinade over everything.
  9. Mix well.

Place the prepared salad in a salad bowl and serve.

Recipe 8. With Korean carrots

This option is quite spicy and piquant in taste. Beans for it are suitable either from a can or cooked at home.


  • 400 g canned beans (1 can) or 200 g dry;
  • 70 or 80 g crackers;
  • 150 g Korean carrots;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Soak dry beans in water for at least 8 hours (maximum 12). After this, drain the liquid, fill the pan with fresh water and bring to a boil. Drain the boiling water and add cold water. After the beans boil again, reduce the heat, add salt and cook for about 40 minutes (the boil should be low during cooking).
  2. Drain the liquid from the cooked beans and let cool.
  3. If you are using a canned product, drain the liquid, rinse the beans and let the water drain.
  4. Finely chop the Korean carrots, as sometimes they are too long.
  5. Combine beans and carrots in Korean, stir well, season with mayonnaise, pepper, salt and stir again.
  6. Sprinkle each serving of salad with croutons just before serving.

Beans retain their flavor and shape better when cooked under high pressure in a pressure cooker. Cooking time in such a device is halved.

  1. Add croutons to the salad just before serving. Otherwise, they will become soft and turn into a mushy mass.
  2. If there is no stale bread in the house, crackers are perfectly prepared from fresh bread. Cut the layers into cubes and place in the oven under the air fryer, turning on low heat. While housework is being done and lunch is being prepared, the crackers will arrive.
  3. Boiled beef or pork can successfully replace ham in a salad. This will only make the dish tastier and healthier.
  4. Try sprinkling the salad with lemon juice, soy sauce or vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise. The dish will turn out unusual, but the taste will not be worse, and some will like it even more than a dish with classic dressing.

I offer a fairly simple appetizer salad with beans and croutons. Pickled cucumbers add juiciness to this salad, and thanks to croutons and beans, the salad turns out to be quite filling. The salad is prepared very quickly, since you only need to chop cucumbers and parsley, and croutons and beans are added ready-made. For the salad, you can use ready-made croutons in packs, but you can work a little harder and make the croutons yourself. I made them with homemade bread the day before making the salad. The salad is very tasty, I recommend it!

Let's prepare the ingredients: a can of red beans, pickles, hard cheese, fresh parsley, garlic, crackers and mayonnaise.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips.

Chop the parsley and grate the cheese. Place ingredients in a bowl.

Place the beans in a sieve to drain the liquid. Add beans and croutons to the remaining ingredients. Squeeze the garlic.

Mix the salad well.

If you like crispy croutons, you can serve immediately. If you want them to be softer, then let the salad stand for 10-15 minutes. You can also add croutons just before serving, it all depends on your preferences.

Bon appetit!

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