Is it possible to make shish kebab in the oven? How to cook pork kebab in the oven on a baking sheet on skewers. Let's move on to chicken heart skewers

I am glad to welcome you to my blog again, my dear guests. Spring is coming into its own more and more. The days are getting warmer. Summer is just around the corner. The summer season is already open. Many people try to leave the city on weekends and go into nature.

What is an indispensable attribute of any picnic? Of course, kebab, marinated in a delicious marinade and cooked on the grill. I already wrote to you how to cook it in my previous articles.

But what to do if it is not possible to leave the city or the weather is simply bad. And I really want tasty, juicy and soft meat on skewers. There is a way out! You can cook it at home, right in your kitchen, in the oven. And believe me, it will be no worse than cooked on coals.

Let me tell you today about kebab and delicious marinades, prepared so that the meat is juicy and soft, in the oven. And you won’t have to envy those lucky people who indulge in such delicious food at their dacha, or on a hike, or just on a picnic in the lap of nature. You will have equally delicious meat cooked at home.

You won’t believe it, but even recipes for cooking shish kebab in the oven can be so different, from the marinade to the cooking technique. But at the same time, there are common secrets that I will share with you now:

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of meat you choose, the main thing is that it is fresh and chilled.
  • To prevent wooden skewers from getting burnt in the oven, soak them in hot water for 20-30 minutes in advance.

  • Cut the meat into not very large pieces, about 3-5 cm. You shouldn’t cut it very finely either, otherwise it will turn out overcooked and dry.

  • Preheat the oven in advance, on average 230-250 degrees.
  • To keep the meat juicy and soft, you should first keep it in the marinade for two or more hours. See recipes below.
  • Onions are most often one of the main ingredients in meat brine. Its juice softens well, so when kneading it should be kneaded directly with your hands.

Well, now let's look at the preparation itself. There are many recipes, I have selected the most interesting ones, in my opinion.

Recipe for baking in a baking sleeve, on an onion bed

A very simple marinade recipe. You can choose any spices. We usually use paprika, coriander, ground dried garlic, ground black pepper, marjoram and red pepper for heat. Mix a pinch at a time and you will have a wonderful mixture of spices. You can also buy a ready-made mixture in the store.


  • Pork -2 kg
  • Onions - 6-7 pcs.
  • Sugar -0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vinegar - 4 tablespoons
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Spices for barbecue

1. Cut the meat into small pieces and place in a dish. Salt and add spices. Stir everything.

2. Cut three onions into small cubes and mix thoroughly with the meat. Cover with film and leave for 2 hours.

3. Cut the remaining onions into rings, place in a separate dish and add water with vinegar and sugar. Knead it a little with your hands. Let it stand in the same way for 2 hours.

4. After this, place part of the onion rings into the baking sleeve. Place the meat on top of the onion and cover with a layer of the remaining onion, cut into rings. Tie the sleeve and place the baking sheet in the oven for about 1 hour 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees in advance.

My friends, look how it turned out. And the aroma that the meat gives off is simply amazing. Invite your family and friends to the table and eat this delicious dish.

Juicy kebab on skewers on a baking sheet


  • Pork neck – 1 kg
  • Barbecue spices - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Onions - 3-4 pcs.
  • Tomatoes in their own juice - 700 gr.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

1. The first thing to do is cut the onion into rings. Place it in a bowl and remember with your hands.

2. Wash the pork and cut into portions. Place in another bowl, add salt, pepper, and other spices. Then mix with onions.

3. Then add the “zest” of this method - canned tomatoes in their own juice. Mash them and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

4. The resulting marinade can be left in the refrigerator for at least three hours, or overnight. Just cover with a lid or film on top.

5. Before putting the meat on the skewers, pour hot water over them for 15-20 minutes so that they do not burn in the oven. Then place the pork pieces on them and place them on a baking sheet. Add a little water to the bottom so that the released juice does not burn.

6. Place the baking sheet with meat in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Then turn over and leave for another 10 minutes.

It turned out very tasty and juicy. By the way, you can put the skewers directly on a baking sheet on parchment paper, then there will be no need for water.

Cooking pork meat on the grill

Grilled kebab is also a very good option. It is no less tasty and no less aromatic than cooked on the grill. The meat can also be left in the marinade overnight or cooked after four hours.


  • Pork neck - 800 gr.
  • Kefir – 300 ml
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mixed peppers - to taste

1. Cut the neck into pieces approximately 4 cm. Then place in a deep bowl, add salt and a mixture of peppers. Mix thoroughly and pour in kefir, stirring again. Mix with your hands so the salt and spices are better distributed throughout the meat.

2. Cut the onion into rings and add to the meat, mix a little. Cover with film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

3. After this, put the pieces of meat on prepared wooden skewers, place on a wire rack and place in a preheated oven at 250 degrees. Place a baking tray covered with foil at the bottom to allow the juice to drain into it. Bake the meat on the grill for about 8-10 minutes. Then turn over and cook until done, about 10 minutes more. Make sure it doesn't dry out.

Serve it with sauce, vegetables and herbs and no one will stop you from enjoying juicy and tasty kebab at home.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking on skewers in a jar

And this kebab is made with vodka, and it should not be taken internally, but poured into the marinade. To prepare it, we will need two three-liter jars to put three skewers with meat in each.


  • Pork – 1 kg
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Pepper - 2 teaspoons
  • Sour cream 15% – 400 gr
  • Vodka – 40 ml
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Rice - 200 gr
  • Smoked lard - 200 gr

1. Cut the meat into portions. The onions should be cut into half rings.

2. Add pepper, salt to the onion, pour in vodka and sour cream. And mix everything well. Then put the meat there and stir again. Cover with a lid or film and refrigerate for about one hour.

3. Place the meat on skewers, lining it with pieces of lard. Place four pieces on each skewer. We will get about six skewers of 4 pieces each.

4. Pour 100-120 grams of rice into the bottom of the jars. The rice is necessary to protect the jar so that it does not burst and at the same time it will make a wonderful side dish. Place the onions from the marinade on top of the rice, halving each jar.

5. Place three skewers in each. If the ends stick out from the jar, simply break them off. Cover the neck tightly with foil and place in a cold (!) oven. Then turn on the oven at 220 degrees and leave our meat there for 1 hour 15 minutes.

6. Then turn off the oven and leave the jars in there for another 15 minutes. You can even open the oven a little. When you take out the jars and open the foil, do not put your hands in there, you can get burned. It is better to remove the skewers from there with tongs or a fork. The kebabs have acquired a golden hue and the aroma is simply magical. They just melt in your mouth and fall apart. Can be served with herbs and vegetables.

Recipe for roasting pork in the oven without skewers and without skewers, in foil

Here is a wonderful way of baking in foil, with the addition of “liquid smoke”. It gives the feeling that you have just taken the kebab off the grill. Highly recommend.


  • Neck - 600 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 2 teaspoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt, barbecue spices - to taste
  • Adjika - to taste
  • “Liquid smoke” - 2-3 drops

1. Cut the meat into portions of approximately 6-7 cm. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the meat. Add salt, add spices and mix thoroughly with your hands so that the onion softens a little and releases juice.

2. Then add tomato paste, vegetable oil, and adjika. Mix well and remember. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this, place the meat in foil, sprinkle with “liquid smoke” and connect the edges of the foil, covering it on top. Place on a baking sheet.

3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the pan with pork there for 30 minutes. After this, unfold the edges of the foil, reduce the oven to 180 degrees and leave for another 30 minutes. The result will be simply brilliant. Very juicy and soft meat, the aroma does not differ from cooking on the grill.

Video on how to cook pork shish kebab in the oven with pomegranate sauce up your sleeve

I found an excellent detailed video for you on YouTube. The meat is marinated using pomegranate sauce and the result is simply a special taste and aroma that will lick your fingers. Here you won’t need any skewers or skewers, everything is prepared in the oven. And no difficulties in cooking.

The only ingredients you need are pork neck, onion, salt, spices and pomegranate sauce, which can be bought at any store.

Even novice housewives can easily and simply prepare a wonderful dish using this recipe and please their man.

Homemade barbecue sauce

Agree that even the most juicy and aromatic meat without sauce will not be tasty enough. There will be a slight feeling of incompleteness of the dish. You can buy ready-made sauces in the store, but you can make your own. I believe that everything prepared with your own hands and with love will still taste better. Therefore, I want to offer you a very simple and quick recipe.


  • Ketchup - 200 gr.
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Dill - 2-3 sprigs
  • Onion - 1/3 pcs
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

1. Finely chop the greens and onions and place in a bowl, squeeze the garlic into it.

2. Add salt and pepper to taste, season with ketchup and stir. Then let it sit for 10-15 minutes and the sauce is ready.

Well, it seems like I covered all the possible ways to cook shish kebab at home in the oven. All you have to do is choose which one will be more convenient for you. Although, you can try them all, each has its own “zest”. Write in the comments which recipe you liked best.

And I'm done for today. I would like to wish you that everything turns out very tasty and that you are not left dissatisfied. Come see me again. Goodbye!

Bake pork shish kebab in the oven at 200 degrees.

Bake pork shish kebab in a multicooker on the “Baking” mode.

Bake pork kebab in an air fryer at 230 degrees.

How to bake pork kebab

Products for barbecue
Pork (ham) - half a kilo
Onions - 2 small heads
Homemade mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
Salt - 1 teaspoon

Food preparation
1. Cut the meat into pieces with a side of 2 centimeters.
2. Peel the onions and cut into rings.
3. Place the onions in a saucepan, mash them a little with your hands so that they release juice. 4. Sprinkle the onions with salt. 5. Add kebab and mayonnaise to the onion, mix well. 6. Cover the kebab and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours, stir the meat every 4 hours.
7. Thread the kebab with onion rings (between 2 pieces of kebab - 3-5 onion rings) onto skewers or skewers.

Baking in the oven
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place a baking sheet in the oven on the bottom level and a wire rack on the middle level. Grease the grate with vegetable oil using a brush. Place skewers with shish kebab on the grill with a slight indentation from each other. Close the oven and turn the kebab skewers every 10 minutes.

Baking in a slow cooker
Place the marinated kebab into the multicooker container. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and stir the kebab halfway through cooking.

Air fryer baking
Cover the bottom of the air fryer with foil, place the kebabs on the grill, cook for 30 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Rotate the skewers every 5 minutes.


To have pork kebab juicy, after each turning of the kebabs in the oven, you can sprinkle the meat with mineral water, beer or wine; You can place a bowl of water on a baking sheet.

For mitigation kebab, when stringing meat, you can string a piece of lard next to each piece of meat. The taste will be more smoky.

Part of the onion to taste can be replaced bell pepper, eggplant or zucchini.

Great for barbecue will do soy sauce, tomato sauce, mayonnaise.

- Serve pork kebab at home with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, marinades and pickles, fresh herbs.

To make it easier wash the baking tray from drops of kebab fat, you can first cover it with foil.

- For aroma You can put a few slivers of shish kebab on a baking sheet.

When it is not possible to cook meat shashlik on real coals, on a grill, but “your soul desires a holiday,” try cooking shish kebab on a baking sheet in the oven. It will taste no worse, albeit without the alluring smell of smoke.

Meat selection criteria

The meat for preparing any shish kebab must be fresh and in no case frozen! Frozen meat shish kebab turns out dry and not tasty. Pay attention to the color of the pork - it should be light pink.

The presence of a small amount of fat is also welcome; kebab made from such meat turns out especially tasty.

Quick recipe

In order to bring the kebab as close as possible to its original appearance, cook it directly on the skewers. This way it will look more impressive and appetizing.

Required ingredients:

  • pork (neck) – 2 kg;
  • tomato juice – 1.5-2 l;
  • white onion – 5 pcs.;
  • basil (dry) – 5 g;
  • rock salt;
  • a mixture of black and allspice;
  • wooden skewers.

Cooking time (active): 60 min.

Calorie content per 100 g: 240 kcal.

How to cook pork shashlik in the oven on skewers on a baking sheet:

Pork shashlik in a sleeve in the oven

Shish kebab has always been one of the favorite dishes of both men and women. Few people will refuse a juicy and appetizing piece of pork. And it doesn’t matter that the cooking will take place in a sleeve, in the oven, and not according to the traditional recipe over coals. Believe me, the result will amaze you!

By the way, cooking shish kebab in a sleeve is convenient because no dishes or other kitchen utensils will need to be washed after cooking. The meat can even be marinated directly in the sleeve, and then cooked in it. Believe me - it's very convenient!


  • pork pulp – 1.5 kg;
  • hops-suneli – 20g;
  • table salt;
  • ground black pepper – 20 g;
  • kefir 3.2% - 0.5 l;
  • red onion – 3 pcs.

Active cooking time: 60 min.

Calorie content per 100 g: 249 kcal.


  1. Cut the pork flesh into pieces measuring about 40x45 mm. Such pieces are fried very well, while remaining juicy;
  2. To prepare the marinade, mix kefir with pepper, table salt and Georgian spice “khmeli-suneli”. Stir until smooth;
  3. Chop the red onion into large half rings;
  4. Mix the meat with chopped onions (you can directly in the baking sleeve), and then pour in the prepared spicy kefir marinade;
  5. Tie the sleeve on both sides, make several punctures on top (to allow hot steam to escape during cooking) and leave for 20-30 minutes - let it marinate;
  6. After the pork has been marinated, place the sleeve in a refractory baking dish and place it in an oven already preheated to 200 0 C;
  7. The kebab in the sleeve is baked for 30 minutes. Then the sleeve must be carefully cut, being careful of hot steam, and returned to the oven for another 10-13 minutes. This time will be enough for the meat to brown properly;
  8. Place the finished rosy kebab on a plate, garnish with fresh tomatoes, crispy bell peppers and herbs.

Cooking in an unconventional way - in a jar

Experienced chefs advise everyone to try to cook such an amazing dish as pork kebab in a jar at least once in their life. This cooking method differs from others in that the meat is baked gradually, in its own juices and without the use of excess fat.

It is, in the best possible way, saturated with the aroma of spices, onions and smoke (due to the use of liquid smoke in this recipe).

By the way, the “jelly” that forms in the jar after preparing such a kebab can later be used when preparing, for example, boiled potatoes or pasta - try it, it will be very tasty!

Required ingredients:

  • meaty part of pork (boneless) – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • coarse salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper – 10 g;
  • basil – 15 g;
  • liquid smoke – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie content per 100 g: 257 kcal.

How to cook shashlik in the oven from pork in a jar:

  1. First of all, start preparing the meat. It must be washed and then dried thoroughly - it is very convenient to do this using disposable kitchen towels or napkins. Next, the meat must be cut into pieces measuring 50x50 mm;
  2. The lemon zest must be removed using a fine grater, and the lemon itself must be cut into rings;
  3. Rub the meat pieces thoroughly with the prepared lemon zest, salt, freshly ground black pepper (the most flavorful), olive oil and salt. Also add lemon rings to the meat and leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes;
  4. If you plan to use wooden skewers rather than metal ones to cook shish kebab in a jar, do not forget to pre-soak them in water - this will prevent them from catching fire during the baking process;
  5. Thread the marinated meat onto skewers, alternating it with lemon slices, and then place it in a dry 3-liter jar, to the bottom of which liquid smoke has previously been added. Cover the neck of the jar with a double layer of foil;
  6. Place the jar in a cold oven (remember, always in a cold oven!), close the door and only then turn on the heat;
  7. Bake the kebab in a jar for 45-50 minutes at a temperature of 200 0 C;
  8. Delicious pork kebab is ready!

Recipe for pork shish kebab in foil in the oven

Brass kebab can wonderfully diversify the table at a time when it is not possible to cook it on a classic grill. Cooking kebab in foil adds a special touch of piquancy, since the meat is cooked in its own juices and is especially well saturated with the aromas of the marinade and the herbs used for it (due to the closed space).

Ingredients for cooking:

  • pork neck – 2 kg;
  • red wine – 150 ml;
  • spice “Khmeli-suneli” - 20 g;
  • coarse salt;
  • allspice;
  • Bulgarian onion – 4 pcs.;
  • liquid smoke – 1.5 tsp.

Cooking time: 50 min.

Calorie content per 100 g: 235 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the pork neck into medium-sized pieces no larger than 50x50 mm;
  2. Prepare a dressing for pickling: mix wine, herbs, salt, liquid smoke and crushed allspice peas;
  3. Chop the peeled onion into large rings and place on a double piece of foil;
  4. Rub the meat pieces thoroughly with the prepared marinade, and then place on top of the onion;
  5. Wrap the foil in a bag and, placing it in a refractory baking dish, place it in an oven preheated to 200 0 C. Bake the kebab in foil for 40 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, unfold the top of the foil - this will allow the finished kebab to acquire an appetizing crust;
  6. Pork shish kebab cooked in foil - ready! Garnish it with your favorite pickles, baked potatoes, pickled onions and serve.

How to make a delicious sauce for homemade barbecue

True connoisseurs of barbecue know that the sauce served with it largely determines the final rating of the entire dish.


Pour 250 ml of water into a small saucepan, add 750 g of 25% tomato paste and stir until smooth, bring to a boil. Finely chop a small onion and add it to the boiling mixture along with a pinch of salt, pepper and basil.

After boiling the sauce for about 3 minutes, remove it from the heat, adding a chopped clove of garlic if desired. Serve chilled with kebabs.

Pepper sauce

Bake 4 sweet peppercorns and 1 bitter peppercorn in the oven (3 minutes will be enough). Next, peel them from seeds and skin. Grind using a blender, adding 25 ml of olive oil, a pinch of salt, 2 allspice peas and a clove of garlic. Beat until smooth and serve with meat.

  • In order for the pork kebab to roast evenly in the oven, it must be cut into pieces of the same average size (about the size of a matchbox);
  • In order to soften the meat fibers as quickly as possible, use ingredients with high acidity (kefir, kiwi, wine vinegar, lemon juice and zest) as part of the marinade.

Bon appetit!

Another recipe for pork kebab cooked in the oven is in the next video.

Everyone loves meat dishes, especially our dear men! There are a great many ways to cook meat, and each of them has its own secrets, depending on the type and quality of the raw materials. Let's look at the intricacies of cooking shish kebab in the oven, recipes in several versions, and try to bring the quality of this dish closer to perfection. Of course, cooking your favorite dish in your own kitchen cannot compare with cooking over a fire, but this will be the only drawback!

Conditions for juicy homemade kebab in the oven

Good meat

The meat should be fresh (not frozen), without tendons, with small layers of fat. Classic barbecue requires, of course, lamb, but pork remains the most popular. Whatever type of meat you choose, keep this nuance in mind: the older the animal, the darker and denser the meat, and the tougher the kebab will be.

Successful marinade

A high-quality and thoughtful, moderately sour marinade is the key to success! There are dozens of recipes for marinades, and every lover of picnics or homemade kebabs in the oven has his own secrets for preparing marinade. Marinade is always creativity and luck!

Temperature and cooking time

This condition is no less important for obtaining brilliant fried meat. You won't object, will you? Before you make a kebab in the oven from a certain type of meat, you need to choose the optimal temperature regime.

* Cook's Tips:
— To prevent the kebab from drying out in the oven, choose meat with thin layers of fat. In this case, the meat pieces will remain tender and juicy.
— The oven imitates the heat of a fire, and therefore we must warm it up well. Then a crust will immediately form on the surface of the meat, which will prevent the evaporation of meat juice.
— Just like with kebabs in nature, the skewers need to be turned over, poured with marinade and the juice that has been released, and monitor the temperature.

How to cook shish kebab in the oven

Any kebab starts with a marinade. Therefore, first we will prepare the marinade. The most classic option is based on vinegar and water, but we will give you several more options for the most popular marinades.

Classic marinade recipe:

  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Freshly ground black pepper - half a tsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
  • Purified or boiled water – 500 ml

Preparation of the marinade solution involves simply stirring the ingredients until the salt dissolves.

The classic marinade recipe is also often based on lemon juice instead of vinegar. In this case, we take a little less water (1 glass) and the juice of half or a whole lemon.

An excellent and very unusual marinade is obtained if wine vinegar is used instead of ordinary vinegar - preferably red. The aroma of barbecue hits you hard! We recommend!

Mayonnaise based marinade:

  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - half a tsp.
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Spicy herbs - according to preference
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.

Sour cream based marinade:

  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp.
  • French mustard with grains – 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - half a tsp.
  • Freshly ground pepper - to taste

Pork shish kebab is easy to prepare in the oven, but requires your constant supervision.

1. Take pork (up to 1 kg), cut into pieces 4-5 cm in size. Peel several small onions, cut them into rings 5 ​​mm thick. Place everything in a deep bowl, add the marinade, mix thoroughly, cover with a plate of smaller diameter than the dish, and press down with pressure. Leave for at least 8 hours (in the refrigerator), or preferably for a day.

2. Turn on the oven and heat it to 250 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil. We string pieces of pork onto short skewers, alternating them with onion rings.

Place the kebabs on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Fry for 25-30 minutes.

* Cook's advice:
To ensure air humidity in the oven, place a metal bowl (or frying pan) with water on the bottom. The water will evaporate and increase the humidity inside the oven.

3. Every 5-10 minutes we look at the contents of the oven: turn the skewers, as we do on the grill or fire. Pour over the released juice, or water, or wine. It’s easier to do this on a baking sheet: by turning the skewers, we simultaneously dip the meat into the juice at the bottom of the pan. We try to prevent the meat pieces from burning and drying out.

4. If we tried, then the kebab in the oven, the recipe for which we analyzed in detail, will turn out with a beautiful golden brown crust, juicy and even smelling a little like a fire!

5. Remove the skewers with meat from the oven, place them on a serving dish lined with green lettuce, decorate with vegetables and serve to the table to the enthusiastic screams of your family!

Bon appetit!

Homemade kebab in the oven on skewers


  • - 1 kg + -
  • 3-4 medium sized heads + -
  • Marinade - optional + -
  • Bacon or smoked brisket— 200 g + -


We offer you a very original recipe for kebab on skewers, which is baked in a glass jar! The meat in this version is very soft, flavorful and juicy!

1. Cut the pork (can be replaced with veal) into small pieces, peel the onions and cut into rings. Put it all in a bowl and mix with the marinade. Press everything down with a press and put the bowl in the refrigerator for several hours (min. 6-8 hours).

2. Cut the aromatic bacon into 1 cm thick slices. We string the marinated meat pieces onto wooden skewers, and place slices of bacon and onion rings between them.

3. Take two three-liter jars. The jars must be perfectly dry (otherwise they may crack). We place skewers with products strung on them into jars (vertically). Each jar holds 4-6 skewers. Cover the jars with foil and place in a cold oven. Bake at an oven temperature of 180 degrees for about one and a half hours.

It depends on everyone, but we like the most baked kebab in the oven from pork. The smell of fried meat, crispy crust, juiciness, softness: that's all about it. This dish can become the main dish at a holiday or family celebration. Of course, you shouldn’t underestimate other types of meat either, so below we will describe how to fry shish kebab in the oven from chicken and beef fillet. It is known that all “slippers” have different tastes and colors, so everyone chooses what they like personally.
An oven with convection instead of a fire, and the result is almost the same - tasty, aromatic pork, the only thing is a little less smoke. But there is also a plus: you can add the side dish at the same time! You need to thread the meat onto regular metal skewers or bamboo skewers, see what you have available and what is convenient for you.
Or you can make shish kebab without additional equipment, simply placing it on top of an onion or other vegetable bed.
This will only have a positive effect on the taste! We recommend you try it!

Required Products:

  • pork meat – 1 kg;
  • white onions – 2 pcs;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salo;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pork kebab at home is not a painstaking task, and for the best taste it is better to choose fatter pieces of meat, for example, the neck part. The fat content of the meat will disappear, and the taste will become more tender and much juicier. If you take the lean part of the pig, then there is a chance that the kebab will come out dry and stringy. You need to bake meat at high temperatures of about 240-260 degrees Celsius, so preheating the oven is mandatory.

How to cook shish kebab at home:

  1. We cut the meat into small pieces, about 4-5 cm, if you plan to put them on skewers or skewers. Try not to vary the size of the pieces too much, otherwise they will bake unevenly.
  2. For greater juiciness, we need onions and their juice, so we cut them into small rings or half rings and press them well to release the juice.
  3. Transfer the onion to the meat, mix and pour in any vegetable oil suitable for frying: sunflower, olive or mayonnaise.
  4. Spices, where would we be without them!? The main bouquet of aroma and taste is created thanks to them. You can take completely different ones, any that suit you and like them. I use black pepper ground in a mortar, basil and barbecue seasoning. They go best with meat dishes.
  5. We take a lemon and squeeze it thoroughly into the meat, and chop the rest and also put it together. Additionally, there is no need to use vinegar; lemon and onion juice perform its function perfectly. Sometimes, however, it is worth using it if you doubt the freshness of the meat, or if it is tough and bad.
  6. For excellent marinating, it is better to keep the meat in the marinade for 1 to 3 hours, but half an hour will also be enough if you are in a hurry.
  7. Add salt at the end of the marinating process, and mix everything thoroughly.
  8. If you are skewering, you can start right away, but with wooden skewers you need to do special preparation. To prevent them from starting to burn and smoke inside the oven, pre-soak them in cold water for half an hour.
  9. Shake the meat off the onions and thread onto skewers or skewers.
  10. Lard or vegetables, strung alternately with meat on a skewer, give it additional softness and juiciness. Therefore, if you have chosen lean varieties of pork, thread it in the following order: lard first, then meat, and so on, ending with lard. Do the same with vegetables. By the way, you can take different ones (tomato, bell pepper, olives, black olives). The beauty of serving these skewers is guaranteed.
  11. Place a baking sheet with onions in an oven preheated to 240-260 degrees (choose the temperature depending on the power), remove the lemon. Place skewers with meat directly on top of the onion and turn on the timer for 30 minutes.
  12. When preparing shish kebab on the grill, we often turn it, sprinkle it with water or marinade, and the same must be done with kebab in the oven. Turn it over and water it every 10-15 minutes.
  13. At the end of cooking, it needs to be thoroughly fried so that the meat looks the same as when cooked over the coals. Lift the skewers from the onions and place them on the sides of the pan so that there is no contact with the onions, turn on the grill mode and give it another 5-10 minutes to fry. Don't leave it on too long to avoid drying it out!
  14. Ready! Decorate and serve with onions! Everything will be eaten.

Option 2. Pork kebab in the oven on a baking sheet in a sleeve and on an onion bed

This recipe for barbecue in the oven is practically no different from the real thing! The special feature is the spicy marinade and onion bed.

You will need the following products:

  • pork neck – 2 kg;
  • medium bulbs – 8 pcs;
  • natural honey – 1 tbsp;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp;
  • soy sauce – 4-5 tbsp;
  • dry garlic;
  • chopped coriander;
  • salt.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. We start with the meat: wash it, wipe it dry from excess moisture with paper towels, cut it into large pieces (this will be juicier). If there are veins, chop them. Place in the bowl in which you will marinate.
  2. Marinade: combine and thoroughly stir natural honey, paste, sauce, add garlic, coriander and salt. Don't go wrong with salt; keep in mind that soy sauce is very salty. Take dry garlic, it smells much nicer and more appetizing. The first highlight of this recipe is the basis of this spicy marinade.
  3. Pour the marinade into the meat, mix thoroughly by hand, roll each piece on all sides in this mixture. Leave it to soak in the cold. For an even better result, you can cover the meat with a plate or film and press it down with something heavy; the weight will release the juice and marinate the meat more thoroughly.
  4. Onion pillow: peel, cut into half rings, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, pour in 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, distribute evenly over the container and pour boiling water on top so that the entire onion is covered with marinade. Soak the onion for 20 minutes and drain the liquid through a colander. The onion will acquire an interesting sweetish-sour taste, and all the bitterness will disappear. The bed of pickled onions is the second highlight of this magnificent dish. It is this that creates the richness of the taste of the kebab in the sleeve, baked in the oven.
  5. We form a bag: pour the onion into the sleeve, spread it 1-1.5 cm thick, lay pieces of meat on top (preferably in one layer), and tie it around the edges, place the sleeve on a baking sheet and bake for about an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The bag will inflate like a ball during cooking, don’t worry, that’s how it should be. Just be careful and careful when you cut it! You need to cut from the top in the middle, without touching the bottom layer, and slightly on the sides. Do not allow the separated mixture to spill into the mold.

Option 3. Pork shashlik in the oven in a jar

Sounds intriguing? And most importantly, no special preparation is required. The positive aspect of this method of cooking barbecue, in contrast to the real one, is the speed of cooking and the absence of hassle of collecting sticks for the fire, holding coals and smoke that blows in different directions in a restless wind. So we don’t care about bad weather!

A detailed description of the cooking steps is recorded on video, so watch it and get started!
Please note that you need to add a small amount of water to the jar so that the kebab comes out juicy, soft and tender, and not like a wooden cracker. You can brown the meat at the end of cooking, after draining the excess water.
And don't worry about the jar bursting under the heat. This will not happen if you gradually heat the oven along with the jar.

Option 4. Particularly tender kebab in the oven on chicken breast skewers

And again, the marinade is the main link in the ideal taste and wonderful aroma of baked meat. The kebab looks golden and very appetizing thanks to the seasonings that are present in its composition.
For each meat and depending on the processing temperature of the product, you need to choose a suitable marinade.
If you want to learn more about marinades, check out the list.
Chicken legs, wings, breast - everything will work, but we choose breast.

How to cook shashlik in the oven on skewers? The process for cooking chicken breast is as follows:

  1. products;
  2. pickling;
  3. baking.


  • chicken fillet - 3-4 pcs;
  • red and yellow bell pepper – 1 piece each;
  • onions – 1-2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of seasonings for chicken, which includes: turmeric, paprika, ginger, garlic, Roman cumin, fenugreek, black pepper, red pepper, allspice, cloves, cinnamon and cardamom, sugar.


  • wash the breast, dry it, cut into cubes;
  • coat thoroughly with mayonnaise and seasoning, cover with a lid and keep in the refrigerator overnight. 2-3 hours will also be enough.


  • Wash the vegetables, peel them and also cut them into cubes so that they are all approximately the same size.
  • We pierce skewers soaked in water through the meat, then the pepper, then the onion, and so on in a circle, ending with the meat.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the prepared skewers on top and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

At the end of 40 minutes, your kebab is ready! And the smell is such that it is impossible to resist! Enjoy your culinary skills!

Option 5. Homemade veal shish kebab on skewers

The last recipe in this article, but by no means the last in terms of taste, is shish kebab made from beef meat, or rather from veal meat, since veal cooks faster and is much softer.

Some practical tips for choosing:

  • The marinating time for veal and beef varies significantly. For the first, you need only 2-4 hours, and for the second, you need to insist for more than 10. Therefore, make your choice taking this fact into account.
  • The softness and veininess of the meat also differs; naturally, the younger it is, the more tender it is.
  • The smoky flavor can be achieved by using lard in cooking. The smell will be subtle, but will add sophistication.

How to make shish kebab in the oven? We will need:

  • veal meat – 1.5-2 kg;
  • fresh lard – 1 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • spices to taste;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • vinegar;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the meat into equal pieces of 3-4 cm, simultaneously removing all veins, films, cartilage, etc.
  2. Cut the lard in the same way.
  3. Transfer the meat and lard into a container for marinating; it is advisable to use ceramic dishes, but glass can also be used.
  4. Grind the onion in a meat grinder or blender and combine it with the slices.
  5. Add all your chosen spices, lemon juice and vinegar.
  6. Mix everything very thoroughly, cover and leave to marinate for 2-4 hours in the refrigerator or other cold place.
  7. Soak the skewers in water and string lard onto them first, then marinated meat, the last should be lard again.
  8. There's just a little bit left to do. The form must be wrapped in foil and additional pieces of lard placed on it. At high temperatures it will melt and burn, which will give it its specific smell and taste, reminiscent of the smell of a fire.
  9. Our meat preparation needs to be placed on a greased grate with vegetable oil and placed on top of a baking sheet with lard. Bake for the first 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees Celsius, then turn over and cook until the desired result is achieved.
  10. And the best part is the presentation! The best companions for meat are fresh or baked vegetables and herbs, so cut tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garnish them with green onions, parsley, fresh basil and salad and run to the table! I'm sure you'll want more! Bon appetit!

We looked at 5 options for how to cook shashlik in the oven that is aromatic, tender, juicy, and just as tasty as roasted over a fire. Therefore, never be upset if the weather does not correspond to your plans. Of all the recipes considered, you will definitely like some of the pork, chicken, and maybe veal. The choice is yours! All recipes are amazing and personally tried.
Finally, I would like to wish you always good weather and pleasant surroundings! Go out into nature more often and fill yourself with vital energy with delicious kebabs! Well, in all other cases, the oven is a wonderful companion!

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