Lingonberry compote: simple recipes for the winter. Fragrant compote from juicy lingonberries How to cook compote from lingonberries and cranberries

A detailed list of all useful elements and vitamins is unlikely to fit in a small article, and there is no particular need to remember such information. Just remember that if you have kidney disease, then rush for lingonberries. It is a disinfectant and diuretic. It is worth noting that this also applies to the leaves of this plant, which can be found in almost any pharmacy.

Lingonberries normalize digestion and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is incredibly useful for people who have diabetes. Lingonberry fruits contain flavonoids, which improve the condition of human blood vessels. This berry will even help cure radiation sickness.

Women watching their weight should also pay attention to the northern woman. The berry contains ursolic acid, which burns fat and activates the growth of muscle tissue.

In addition, lingonberries contain gallic acid, a powerful antioxidant. Eating berries will also improve the condition of your gums.

Recipe for lingonberry compote for the winter

Even the most inexperienced housewife can handle preparing lingonberry compote. After all, everything is quite simple. For preservation we will need the following ingredients: berries (a liter jar per three-liter jar for compote), granulated sugar (500 g is enough for 1 liter of water) and water. If desired, you can add half a lemon. So, let's start with peeling the berries. They must be thoroughly sorted and washed. Next, pour them into jars prepared in advance for the seaming process. Don't forget that they must be sterilized.

Cut the lemon into thin slices and place on top of the berries. Then you need to start preparing the syrup. To do this, fill a deep pan with the required amount of water, bring it to a boil and add granulated sugar. There is no need to cook the syrup for a long time - as soon as the sugar grains are completely dissolved and the water boils again, you can pour it into jars with lingonberries.

Fill the container to the very edge of the neck. Using a key, roll up the lids. The jars should traditionally be turned upside down and wrapped in something warm; a blanket is ideal. We leave them covered for 12 hours, after which we wipe them with a damp cloth and store them in a cellar or pantry. It is important that the room where the workpieces are stored is dark and cool.

Compote with lingonberries and apples

In the article on preparing blueberries, we described preparation with lingonberries as an additional component. You can use another recipe for making lingonberry compote, which also involves the presence of apples in the jars. To prepare you need the following:

  • 2 kg lingonberries;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.

The berries need to be washed and dried well, the same applies to apples. The latter need to be peeled and cut into pieces of equal size. At the same time, you can put a container of water on the fire - while it boils, you will just peel all the fruit. Pour granulated sugar into boiling water and cook until it is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir the syrup regularly.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved, pour the apples into the boiling liquid and cook them for 25 minutes. Then we take the fruits out of the syrup and add lingonberries to it. We keep it in compote until it becomes soft and loses color.. After this, we also take out the berries and place them together with the apples in pre-sterilized jars.

We must pour the cooked compote into them. The jars must be immediately rolled up with lids and turned over (as in the previous recipe). If you don’t have enough lingonberries, you can do exactly the opposite - cook them with the addition of berries.
In addition to lingonberry compote, you can make various preparations: jam, juices, marmalade, sauces, salads and use as a filling for baked goods. This “swamp beauty” will please everyone!

The article offers you several recipes for delicious compotes made from lingonberries, other berries and fruits.

IMPORTANT: One of the best combinations is lingonberries and cranberries. These berries have a pleasant sourness, a slight “noble” bitterness, and, in combination with sugar, sweetness. The compote will have a bright red color, the berries will give it their juice and vitamins.

  • Cowberry -
  • Cranberry - 1 cup selected and washed berries
  • Sugar -
  • Lemon wedge - 1-2 pcs. (can be replaced with 1/3 citric acid).
  • Cinnamon stick - 1 PC. (you can exclude it from the recipe if you don’t like it).

Preparation of compote:

  • Place sugar, lemon and cinnamon on top of the berries in a jar.
Compote made from lingonberries and cranberries

How to cook lingonberry and apple compote: recipe

Compote of lingonberries and apples is especially rich and aromatic. It has a pleasant sweetness of apple and sourness of lingonberries. For compote, choose sweet apple varieties. The ratio of apple and berries is 1:1.

  • Apple - 300 g (2 pieces medium size)
  • Cowberry -
  • Sugar -
  • Ginger - a small piece of root, no more than 1 cm (can also be excluded from the recipe if desired).

Preparation of compote:

  • Peel the apple from seeds and place in a saucepan
  • Add sugar and a piece of ginger

Delicious apple-lingonberry compote

How to cook lingonberry and raspberry compote: recipe

Raspberries are one of the “brightest” berries in terms of taste, and at the same time, brusca is the healthiest berry. Together, these fruits can not only give the drink a pleasant taste and aroma, but also become a real “vitamin remedy” for humans.

Making compote from lingonberries and raspberries is very simple, because you don’t need to boil the berries. If desired, you can always adjust the sugar level and add less, since ripe raspberries will already give the compote sweetness. In order to prepare the most healthy compote, you can put a small handful of lingonberry leaves on the bottom (5-7 pieces, no more - otherwise it will be bitter).

You will need:

  • Ripe raspberries - 1 glass (without a slide, do not wash the raspberries, rinse them lightly with running water or do not touch them at all - the berries are very “delicate”).
  • Cowberry - 1 cup (selected and washed berries)
  • Sugar - 150-250 g (depending on preference)
  • A few lingonberry leaves


  • Pour the berries into a jar (first the lingonberries and on top of them the raspberries so that they don’t get crushed and look beautiful in the compote).
  • Boil water (for a 3-liter jar - 2.5 liters of water)
  • Pour boiling water over the berries and let it sit for 5 minutes, then carefully drain all the water and boil again.
  • Pour sugar over the berries and pour boiling water over them again, roll up the jar.

Lingon-raspberry compote, how to prepare?

How to cook lingonberry and pear compote: recipe

Pear is a sweet and juicy fruit; in order to get a tasty compote with the addition of lingonberries, you should choose soft and yellow pears (preferably lemon). You can also supplement the compote recipe by adding a cinnamon stick; it will not only neutralize the bitterness, but also give the drink a spicy tint.

You will need for one 3-liter jar:

  • Pear - 350 g (peeled pear pulp)
  • Cowberry - 1 cup (selected and washed berries)
  • Sugar - 1 cup (you can use more or less, according to your preferences).
  • Cinnamon –

Preparation of compote:

  • Send lingonberries there too
  • Pour 2.5 liters of water over the fruit and turn on the heat
  • Wait until it boils and reduce the heat
  • Cook the compote over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar and cinnamon stick and pour.

Pear-lingonberry compote, how to prepare?

How to cook lingonberry compote without sugar: recipe

Compote without sugar is a healthy drink that can not only quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with useful microelements. You can store this compote in a cool place until winter or drink it right away.

If you are making compote without sugar to avoid it (for example, diabetics or those who follow a low-calorie diet), you can add a couple of stevia leaves to the drink - a “natural sweetener” plant.

You will need:

  • Cowberry - 2 cups (clean, selected and whole berries)
  • Cinnamon stick – 0.5-1 pcs. (you can also replace it with a couple of pinches of ground).
  • Stevia – 2-3 whole leaves


  • Place stevia leaves and a cinnamon stick at the bottom of the jar.
  • Pour in the peeled berries
  • Boil 2.5 liters of water to boiling water
  • Pour over the berries, filling the jar to the top
  • Let the compote stand until it cools down
  • Drain and boil the water again, pouring over the berries.
  • Take out the cinnamon stick
  • Roll up as usual

Lingonberry compote without added sugar: how to prepare?

How to cook lingonberry compote for a child: recipe

When preparing compote for a child, it is important to remember several things: the compote should not be very sweet and concentrated (so that the child does not get sprinkled), it should not be very sour (so that the child likes it), in addition to lingonberries, add another fruit or berry to the compote, so that the taste becomes rich.

You will need:

  • Apple - 1 PC. (any kind, preferably sweet)
  • Cowberry - 0.5 cups (clean and selected)
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. (you determine the quantity yourself)
  • Water – 1.5-2 liters (according to your tastes)


  • Peel the apple from seeds and cut into slices
  • Place the apple in the pan, add lingonberries to it
  • Fill with water and turn on the heat
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes
  • Cover the compote with a lid and let it brew
  • Add sugar to warm compote

How to prepare lingonberry compote for a child?

How to cook frozen lingonberry compote: recipe

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase or collect fresh lingonberries, you can always prepare fresh compote from frozen berries. You can prepare it yourself by sending it to the freezer in whole or crushed form.

You will need:

  • Frozen lingonberries – 400-500 g (adjust the number of berries yourself; the more lingonberries, the richer the taste of the compote).
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups (but you should always adjust the amount of sugar to your liking).
  • Cinnamon stick or small piece of ginger(can be excluded from the recipe, or both of these ingredients can be added).


  • The berries should be thawed, at least not completely.
  • Pour water over the berries and put on fire
  • Bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes
  • Turn off the heat and add sugar, cinnamon or ginger to the compote.
  • Cover the compote with a lid and let it brew before using, strain (or reheat and roll up).

Frozen lingonberry compote

Lingonberry compote for the winter: a simple recipe

There are two ways to prepare lingonberry compote for the winter:

  • Filling method- this way the berries will retain their shape and elasticity.
  • Cooking method- this way the compote will have a richer taste.

Lingonberry compote (option 1):

  • One 3-liter jar of compote - 2 cups of berries and 1 cup of sugar.
  • The berries are pre-washed
  • Place the berries in the bottom of the jar
  • Boil water and pour over berries
  • Let the berries sit for 15 minutes, drain the water.
  • Boil the same water again and pour over the berries, adding sugar
  • Roll up

Lingonberry compote (option 2):

  • One 3-liter jar of compote – 1.5 cups of berries and 1 cup of sugar.
  • Wash the berries and place them in a saucepan
  • Pour 2.5 liters of water over the berries and bring to a boil
  • Cook the compote over low heat for 10-15 minutes
  • Before turning off the heat, add sugar to the compote.
  • Roll up the hot compote in the usual way

How to prepare lingonberry compote for the winter?

Blueberry compote with lingonberries for the winter: recipe

Blueberries are a berry with a pronounced and rich taste; they will perfectly complement lingonberries as a base for compote.

For a 3 liter jar you will need:

  • Cowberry - 1 cup selected and washed berries
  • Blueberry - 1 cup selected and washed berries
  • Sugar - 1 cup (in principle, you can change the amount of sugar according to your preferences: more or less).

Preparation of compote:

  • Place the washed berries in a large jar.
  • Boil water and pour boiling water over the berries for 10 minutes.
  • Drain the water and boil again
  • Place sugar on the berries in a jar
  • Pour boiling water over the berries again and seal the jars

Lingonberry-blueberry compote: how to prepare?

Compote of apples and lingonberries for the winter: a “quick” recipe

You will need for one 3-liter jar:

  • Apple - 350-400 g (2 small pieces)
  • Cowberry - 1 cup (selected and washed berries)
  • Sugar - 1 cup (you can use more or less, according to your preferences).

Preparation of compote:

  • Peel the apple from seeds, cut into slices and place in a saucepan
  • Send lingonberries there too
  • Pour 3 liters of water over the fruit and turn on the heat
  • Wait until it boils and reduce the heat
  • Cook the compote over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar, pour the mixture into jars and roll up.

“Quick” compote for the winter from lingonberries and apples

Compote of pears and lingonberries for the winter: a “quick” recipe

You will need for one 3-liter jar:

  • Pear - 400 g (peeled pear pulp)
  • Cowberry - 1 cup (selected and washed berries)
  • Sugar - 1 cup (you can use more or less, according to your preferences).
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick (can also be excluded from the recipe if desired).

Preparation of compote:

  • Peel the pear from seeds and place in a saucepan
  • Send lingonberries there too
  • Pour 2 liters of water over the fruit and turn on the heat
  • Wait until it boils and reduce the heat
  • Cook the compote over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar and a cinnamon stick, pour the mixture into jars and roll up.

Compote for the winter from pears and lingonberries

Lingonberry and orange compote for the winter: recipe

Lingonberry-orange compote will be very useful in hot and cold seasons. It perfectly quenches thirst and saturates a person with vitamins. It is very simple to prepare, because this drink does not require cooking.

For a 3-liter jar of compote you will need:

  • Orange - 1 PC. (not large, without zest - otherwise bitterness will be felt).
  • Cowberry - 2/3 cup (selected and washed berries)
  • Sugar - 1 cup (you can adjust the amount yourself).


  • Pour the washed berries into the bottom of the jar
  • Boil water and pour in the lingonberries, letting them steep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drain the water and bring it to a boil again
  • Place sugar, cut into slices (preferably without zest), into a jar.
  • Fill the fruit part with boiling water to the brim and roll up the jar.

Lingonberry-orange compote for the winter

Lingonberry compote: beneficial properties

Lingonberry compote is very useful for several reasons:

  • He gives the body needs a supply of microelements and vitamins, particularly “a big dose of vitamin C,” which strengthens the immune system, helping to fight many diseases.
  • A large supply of minerals in fresh lingonberries berries are able to normalize the functioning of almost every system in the body: strengthen bones, nourish muscle and soft tissues.
  • Lingonberries and lingonberry compote – “a faithful assistant” in the fight against high blood pressure and circulatory disorders, as well as frequent headaches.
  • Lingonberries will help you remove “excess” water from the body, eliminating puffiness and helping to lose unnecessary weight.

IMPORTANT: To get the most healthy compote from lingonberries, you should add a minimal amount of sugar to it or not add it at all.

Video: “Lingonberry compote with apples for the winter”

Lingonberries are considered one of the healthiest berries, so they are often not only eaten fresh, but also prepared for future use. Many housewives make, in particular, lingonberry compote for the winter. This drink has a unique, slightly bitter taste. It refreshes, tones, improves the functioning of the urinary system, and strengthens the immune system. Despite the fact that when preparing compote, lingonberries are subjected to heat treatment, they retain many of their beneficial properties, so a drink made from them can be used not only for culinary purposes, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Cooking features

Preparing lingonberry compote for the winter is a simple process, but without taking into account some of the technology and recipe features, the drink may turn out to be tasteless or quickly deteriorate.

  • First of all, lingonberries collected or purchased on the market should be carefully sorted, at the same time clearing them of forest debris and adhering leaves.
  • You need to wash lingonberries as carefully as possible, since the skin of this berry is very thin and can be easily damaged. The best option is to place the berries in a colander and dip them in cool water several times.
  • Aluminum cookware should not be used to prepare compote. Enameled, stainless steel, glass, ceramic and wooden are suitable.
  • Lingonberry compote will last a long time only if it is poured into sterilized jars and closed with sterilized lids.

Lingonberry connoisseurs claim that compote made from it will be tastier if it includes fruits, such as apples, lemons, plums. However, even without adding fruit, the drink turns out to be quite tasty; the main thing is not to skimp on sugar and berries, strictly following the recipe.

A simple recipe for lingonberry compote

Composition (per 3 l):

  • lingonberries – 0.6 kg;
  • water – how much will go into the jar (approximately 1.5 liters);
  • sugar – 0.4 kg per 1 liter of water.

Cooking method:

  • After washing the selected lingonberries, pour them into a three-liter jar (0.6 kg is about 4 cups of berries). The jar needs to be sterilized before doing this.
  • Boil water and fill a jar of lingonberries with it, but not to the brim, but up to the shoulders.
  • Cover the jar with the previously boiled lid, cover with something warm and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Drain the lingonberry infusion from the jar into a saucepan, add sugar. You can take it 25% less than indicated in the recipe if you don’t like sweet compotes too much.
  • Boil water with sugar, boil the syrup for 5 minutes.
  • Fill the jar with syrup and immediately roll it up.
  • Turn the jar over and wrap it in something warm that does not allow heat to pass through.
  • Leave the jar covered to cool, and after cooling, move it to a cool place.

It is better to store lingonberry compote in a cool place, although at room temperature it will easily last until winter.

Lingonberry compote with lemon

Composition (per 3 l):

  • lingonberries – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • lemon – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the berries. After the water has drained, place them in a sterilized jar.
  • Wash the lemon thoroughly and cut, without peeling, into thin slices. The seeds should be removed.
  • Place the lemon wedges on top of the lingonberries.
  • Boil water, add sugar, wait for it to dissolve and cook the syrup for 5 minutes.
  • Pour syrup over lingonberries and lemon.
  • Seal the jar with a metal lid, turn it over and cover with a blanket.
  • After 12 hours, the jar of compote can be put away for the winter. It is better to store compote in a cool place.

The drink according to this recipe is concentrated, with sourness and a pleasant bitterness. Before serving, it is advisable to dilute it with clean water.

Lingonberry compote with apples

Composition (per 9 l):

  • lingonberries – 2 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • water – 5-6 l;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the lingonberries.
  • Wash the apples (preferably sour varieties), cut out the core, cut the rest into small slices, trying to make them the same size.
  • Boil water, add granulated sugar and cook the syrup, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  • Place the apple slices in the syrup and cook them over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the apples with a slotted spoon and place in sterilized jars.
  • Place the lingonberries in the boiling syrup and cook for about 15–20 minutes until they turn pale.
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove the lingonberries from the syrup and place them on top of the apples.
  • Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and berry mixture.
  • Roll up the jars and turn them over, cover them with something thick that does not allow heat to pass through.
  • After a day, remove the jars of compote to a place of permanent storage.

This recipe is one of the most popular. Compote is good at room temperature, but still, if you have the opportunity to put it in a cool place, it makes sense to use it.

Compote of lingonberries and plums is prepared in the same way. In this case, the plums must be pitted and boiled in syrup for only 10 minutes. Otherwise, the technology used is similar, the ratio of components remains the same. This compote will have a different shade, more saturated, and a unique bouquet.

Many people like lingonberry compote, but this is not the only way to prepare it for the winter. In particular, it can be frozen, pureed with sugar, or preserved in syrup. In this case, it will be even more useful, since it does not undergo heat treatment. It’s even better to make both compote and “cold jam” from lingonberries, because they do not replace each other.

Since Pushkin’s times, “lingonberry water” has been well known, which was used on estates not only to quench thirst, but also for treatment. Translated into modern language, this is nothing more than a fruit drink or lingonberry compote. Lingonberries are a real storehouse of vitamins A, C, E, minerals and many useful organic acids. It not only fights vitamin deficiency, but is also an excellent antiseptic, bactericide and even anthelmintic. Lingonberries are especially useful for children. True, due to the characteristic sourness and bitterness, children do not attack fresh berries, which cannot be said about lingonberry compotes.

Lingonberry is a real storehouse of vitamins

The lingonberry harvest occurs in August and September. Today they have learned to grow this tundra berry on plantations. They sell it in supermarkets and markets.

The following simple recipe features an abundance of berries and sugar. This concentration will ensure the saturation of the compote. In winter, when you want to stretch out the berry pleasure for a long time, such a compote can be diluted with water, and its taste will not suffer at all.

Ingredients for 1 three-liter jar:

  • Fresh washed lingonberries – 2 or 3 cups.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.
  1. Wash and sterilize jars well.
  2. Carefully sort out the lingonberries and wash them in a special way: a handful at a time under running water, removing small leaves and other debris.
  3. Place the berries in jars. They will take up 1/3 of the capacity.
  4. Boil the jar lids in water for a few minutes.

Two preparation options are possible. The first is to make syrup from water and sugar. To do this, throw the sugar into boiling water and, stirring until dissolved, cook for 5 minutes. Then pour the syrup into the jars of berries.

Fruit drinks and marmalade are brewed like tea and simply added fresh to dishes. Lingonberry compote is a delicious natural drink that can be prepared at home and also prepared for the winter.

The bright juicy berry contains a lot of useful substances. It contains natural sugars, vitamins (C, B, P), minerals (iron, calcium, potassium), pectin and amino acids. And included in the composition, it allows the berries to be preserved in their original form for a long time. Lingonberry compote turns out tasty and healthy, but it is worth remembering that when cooking and adding sugar, some of the properties are lost. Fresh berries are stored for a long time, protecting themselves from bacteria and rotting.

Just put the lingonberries in a clean jar and fill them with boiled water, and then put them in the refrigerator. So it can stand for a very long time, until the next harvest. And those who prefer a delicious, fragrant lingonberry compote should start preparing it in the fall. To do this you will need the berry itself, water and sugar. If desired, you can add pieces of fruit: apples, pears, peaches.

Few people know that the sourness of lingonberries goes well with the sweetness of beets and carrots.

Lingonberry compote: recipe 1

  1. We select ripe, healthy, freshly picked berries, wash them, place them in a sieve, and let the water drain. For one three-liter jar we will need 1-1.5 cups of lingonberries.
  2. Prepare the syrup. To do this, take 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water. Dissolve sugar in water and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour lingonberries into clean ones, pour hot syrup and pasteurize for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees.
  4. Roll up and cover with a towel.

Using this recipe, you can prepare lingonberry compote for the winter without fear that the preparation will spoil. If you put a couple of lemon slices in a jar, you can ensure long-term storage for 1-2 years.

It is very important to use only fresh berries. Stale ones, even from the refrigerator, can be cooked, but in this case you should not store the compote for a long time.

Many housewives like more concentrated preparations, which can be diluted with water if necessary. In this case, the following recipe will help.

Recipe 2 (concentrated compote)

  1. We clean the berries from debris, wash them, and dry them.
  2. Fill a clean jar with berries two-thirds or up to the shoulders.
  3. Cook the syrup (at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water), stir constantly, making sure that the sugar does not burn.
  4. After bringing the syrup to a boil, pour it into a jar with lingonberries.
  5. We pasteurize liter containers for about 10-15 minutes, 2-liter containers for 20 minutes, 3-liter containers for at least 35 minutes.

The drink turns out tasty, but it is not recommended for pregnant women to drink it in large doses. In addition, freshly picked lingonberries are also contraindicated when carrying a child. Everyone else, including children, will only benefit from fresh berries. However, you need to be careful because of possible allergic reactions.

Those who are going to take lingonberries for medicinal purposes should be aware that any processing, including simply adding sugar, weakens the beneficial properties of this valuable berry.

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