Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and chicken. Pizza with chicken and pineapple: delicious and simple recipes Pineapple pizza

Pizza with chicken and pineapples perfectly harmonizes the flavors of the original Italian dish with tomatoes and cheese. This filling is mostly welcomed by women; it is light and slightly sweet. It is proposed to consider several options for preparing delicious homemade pizza.

This pizza is very popular in European countries. Despite the name, Hawaiian pizza with chicken and pineapple has nothing to do with the islands; most likely, it was so called due to the presence of pineapple in the filling, which is so popular in Hawaii.

The main ingredients are dough, chicken, pineapples and a thick layer of cheese on top. Let's look at the simplest recipe first.

Products for the test:

  • a teaspoon of fast-acting yeast;
  • a glass of sifted flour (perhaps a little more, you need to look at the consistency);
  • 3/4 cup water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar.

For filling:

  • 100 grams of canned pineapples (or fresh);
  • 200 grams of chicken meat;
  • 150-200 grams of hard cheese;
  • a little oregano;
  • tablespoon thick tomato paste + 1 ripe tomato (replaced with tomatoes cooked in their own juice).


  1. Pour 2/3 of the prepared flour into a bowl, mix with all other bulk ingredients.
  2. Add water (it should not be cold, about body temperature), mix well, breaking up any lumps.
  3. Gently add the remaining flour and knead into a tight, manageable dough.
  4. Place it in the refrigerator to rise for an hour and a half, covering the bowl with a towel.
  5. Prepare everything for the filling. Boil the chicken fillet until fully cooked. In order for the chicken to be juicy, it must be immersed in already boiling salted water!
  6. Drain the broth (you can make soup from it), cool the meat, cut into small cubes.
  7. The pineapples are left in circles, but it will be more convenient to eat if they are also cut into cubes.
  8. Roll out the dough sheet thinly; it should be almost translucent.
  9. Grease a baking dish with a small amount of vegetable oil, lay out the dough, cut off the excess edges.
  10. Grease the dough thickly with tomato paste, place tomatoes cut into thin rounds, chicken fillet on top, then pineapples.
  11. Place the pizza to bake at 180 degrees.
  12. Grate the cheese and after 30 minutes place it on the pizza.
  13. Bake for another 10 minutes.

Hawaiian pizza is not just chicken, pineapple and tomatoes with cheese. You can vary the filling. How? We invite you to consider the options.

A simple recipe with ham in a frying pan

Pizza cooked in a frying pan is a great option for a quick dinner for the whole family, or for treating guests who are visiting. The toppings can be absolutely anything, and for those who like unusual combinations, we suggest making a quick Hawaiian pizza!

Ingredients for the dough:

  • two eggs;
  • half a glass of kefir or 2 tablespoons of sour cream/mayonnaise mixed with half a glass of water;
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • flour (about half a glass).


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • a tablespoon of ketchup;
  • 150 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 100 grams of pineapples (canned or fresh);
  • 100 grams of chicken ham;
  • 150 grams of any hard cheese.

How to cook?

  1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough. The consistency should be like that of pancakes.
  2. Boil the chicken in salted water, cool and chop.
  3. Chop the pineapples and tomatoes into cubes, cut the ham into strips.
  4. Pour the dough into the pan, distribute it so that it covers the entire surface of the bottom. Gently spread ketchup on top.
  5. Place chicken, tomatoes and pineapples, ham, and spread grated cheese on top.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for a quarter of an hour over moderate heat.

Homemade pizza with mushrooms

You can add mushrooms to Hawaiian pizza. The result is a delicious, satisfying, protein-rich dish. Make the dough the same as described in the first recipe. If you want to cook pizza in a frying pan, the second recipe will do.


  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • fresh tomato;
  • a little butter;
  • 100 grams of chicken breast;
  • 150 grams of canned pineapples;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 150 grams of any mushrooms (it tastes better with real forest gifts, but it’s also ok with champignons).


  1. For the filling, this time we suggest frying the chicken breast until golden brown, first chopping it into cubes.
  2. In another frying pan, melt the butter and fry the mushrooms with finely chopped garlic. Mix chicken and mushrooms.
  3. Spread sour cream onto the dough in an even layer. Next comes a layer of tomatoes, place chicken with mushrooms on them, and pineapple slices or cubes on top.
  4. Sprinkle cheese on the pizza immediately when cooking in a frying pan, or 20 minutes after placing the pan in the oven.

With added shrimp

Hawaiian seafood pizza will be even more reminiscent of warm islands with comfortable sandy beaches. Prepare this pizza on a cold winter evening and remember warm summer days and the soft touch of sea waves on your skin.

Make the dough as written in the recipe for the first pizza; it doesn’t turn out as tasty in a frying pan.

For filling:

  • 100 grams of chicken breast;
  • 50 grams of peeled shrimp;
  • 100 grams of pineapples;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • tomato paste (a little, for a layer on the dough);
  • half a sweet pepper;
  • 100-150 grams of grated cheese.


  1. Roll out the dough and place in a greased pan. On top - cut into strips bell pepper, cucumber, pineapple pieces.
  2. Place the boiled breast in the next layer.
  3. Top with shrimp (raw, they will bake quickly).
  4. If you like a cheesy golden brown crust, sprinkle the pizza right away. If you like stringy, melted cheese, then place it on the baked goods 20 minutes after the start of baking.

Homemade Hawaiian-style pizza with shrimp and fresh cucumber has a bright taste. But this is not the last cooking option that we want to offer.

Pizza with smoked chicken and pineapple

Prepare the dough in the same way as written in the first recipe, or in your own way. With smoked chicken, pizza has a different flavor than with boiled poultry, and the same ingredients can be used as suggested in the above recipes. It will still work out in a new way!

When cooking, it is recommended to place the meat under the pineapples so that it remains juicy. You can mix cheese with fresh herbs and sprinkle it on pizza, again you get a new taste. Experiment, add and subtract ingredients as you see fit. Bon appetit!

Pizza with pineapple and chicken is a great option that will be a good treat for guests, a holiday dish, or just a treat for the evening. The combination of sweet fruit and tender meat gives an amazing aroma.


Pizza with pineapples and chicken will only turn out delicious if the dough is prepared correctly. In fact, this is important in the process of preparing any such dish. So, for two pizzas you will need the following amount of ingredients: 400 grams of flour, 250 ml of water, a teaspoon each of salt, sugar and dry yeast, as well as two tbsp. l. olive oil, although regular oil will do. So, you need to put most of the flour in a bowl, leaving only 50 grams. Add the rest, except oil and water. Then slowly pour in the water, it should be warm (about 35 degrees). Start stirring thoroughly with your hand and add oil. Do not knead until smooth - halfway through, place the dough on the table, after sprinkling it with flour, and continue on it. If everything is done correctly, the dough will become soft, tender, pliable, and will not stick to your hands.



By the way, many people decide to add only one additional ingredient to the main recipe, but it radically changes the taste. And these are mushrooms. You have to be very careful here. Anyone who has ever fried or stewed mushrooms knows how much juice this aromatic product produces. Therefore, before adding the mushrooms to the pizza, you should fry them until almost fully cooked, otherwise the chicken pizza with pineapples will turn out too “wet.” The recipe already contains so many juicy ingredients: pineapples, tomatoes, and then champignons are added. Although if you combine them correctly, the taste will be incredible. In general, you can experiment in the kitchen - the most important thing is not to add anything that will not harmonize with the main filling. Let’s say that, for example, mussels will not go well with such a pizza. This type of seafood has a very characteristic aroma, and in general, there are separate recipes for this. But bell peppers could be added to Hawaiian pizza. In general, everything depends solely on who is doing the cooking.

Good afternoon, dear chefs. In this article I will write my simple, and at the same time delicious, recipe for pizza with chicken and pineapple. Pizza is a dish loved by many, and all because it is very, very democratic. There are no special restrictions on the ingredients used, no strict rules in the cooking process - almost complete freedom of culinary creativity. The only thing that defines this dish is the presence of a dough base on which the filling is placed.

To be honest, in my culinary practice, when preparing this dish, I am quite conservative, and have not yet tried to experiment. I use a yeast dough base and a classic combination of ingredients in the filling. Today it's chicken fillet and pineapple pieces.



1. Flour 850 gr.

2. Water 500 ml.

3. Yeast 30 gr.

4. Eggs 1 pc.

5. Sugar 1 tbsp.

6. Salt 1 tsp.

7. Vegetable oil 3 tbsp.

8. Sour cream 20% 3 tbsp.


1. Chicken fillet 250 gr.

2. Pineapple 100 gr.

3. Tomato paste 3 tbsp.

4. Tomato 1 pc.

5. Cheese 150-200 gr.

6. Sour cream 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. So, let's start with the test. Let me clarify right away that from the ingredients indicated for the dough, you will get two large pizzas. Heat the water to 37°C, add a spoonful of sugar and dissolve the yeast. Cover with a napkin and wait until the cap rises.

2. When the yeast has risen, add the egg, vegetable oil, sour cream and salt. A prerequisite when preparing yeast dough is that all ingredients must be at room temperature. Add flour in parts. First 300 grams, knead everything well.

3. Now another 300 grams, knead everything again. Sift the remaining flour onto the table, place the still liquid dough on it and knead it until it becomes elastic and practically does not stick to your hands. Place it in a deep, large bowl or pan, cover tightly and leave to rise for 1.5 hours. The room temperature must be at least 25°C. After about 30 minutes, the dough will increase in volume by two to two and a half times, knead it on the table and return it to the pan. You need to do the same when lifting again, and after the third, it will be ready for cutting.

4. Separate about half of the dough. Roll out to a thickness of about 2-3 mm. and carefully transfer to a dry, floured baking sheet.

5. Grease the base with tomato paste. Spread the full-fat sour cream evenly onto the dough and spread in the shape of small circles.

6. Cut fresh or canned pineapples into small pieces. Cut the tomato into thin slices.

7. Place pineapple pieces and tomato slices evenly on the base. Chicken fillet, boiled, baked in the oven or grilled, cut into thin slices and distribute among sour cream mugs.

8. Grate the hard cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle it on top of your pizza. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 220°C.

9. After 7 - 10 minutes you will feel a pleasant aroma - delicious, homemade pizza will be ready. Bon appetit!

Experiment with the filling to get new flavors of this dish. For example, champignons or ham are perfect for this pizza. And hard cheese can be replaced with mozzarella.

Step 1: knead the dough.

Mix separately the bulk ingredients: wheat flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar. Separate 50 grams cheese, grate it and add to the bulk ingredients. Stir.
Melt the butter over low heat and mix it with water. Add the egg here and beat everything together.
Combine the dry ingredients with the liquid and knead into an elastic dough.

After you prepare the dough, it needs to stand for a while 1 hour so that the yeast begins to act and increases the mass in size.
Attention: The dough makes enough for two large pizzas, so you can put one part in the refrigerator (after the yeast has worked), or prepare more ingredients for the filling.

Step 2: Roll out the dough.

You can make one large pizza or several small ones. In the first case, you just need to use a rolling pin to roll out the mass into one continuous thin layer. To make mini pizzas, pinch off small pieces of dough with your hands and lightly knead them with your fingers, giving them the desired shape.

Step 3: form a pizza with pineapple and ham.

Spread a good layer of tomato sauce or tomato paste on the pizza crust. Place it in an ovenproof pan, greased and lined with baking parchment. And then place the ham cut into strips, diced canned pineapples on top, and the remaining grated cheese on top.
Attention: Pineapples must first be rinsed with running water and dried slightly.

It is also recommended to spread the pizza with mayonnaise on top of the cheese, but I don’t like it so fatty, so I’ll make do. You act based on your personal preferences.

Step 4: bake pizza with pineapple and ham.

Pizza with pineapple and ham should be baked in a well-heated oven until 180 degrees oven for 25 - 30 minutes. The cheese should be completely melted and browned, and the dough should acquire a brown crust and be completely baked.
Do not rush to serve the finished pizza, let it rest for about 5-7 minutes, and then cut it into pieces and call everyone to the table.

Step 5: Serve the pineapple and ham pizza.

Serve pineapple pizza for an afternoon snack or as a snack to go with a good movie and great company. If you prepare everything exactly according to the recipe, you will get a delicious dish, because cheese, ham and pineapples are a very cool combination. And if it’s still in pizza with cheese dough, then it’s absolutely beautiful!
Bon appetit!

Sometimes red onion, cut into thin rings, is added to the filling of this pizza.

You can use chicken ham to make pizza.

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! As you probably already guessed from the name of the recipe, today we have on the menu Hawaiian pizza with chicken fillet and fresh pineapple. I can only guess how pizza is prepared in the fiftieth state of the USA, and the Hawaiian Islands are still a quiet tourist dream of mine, but I tried to convey the whole atmosphere of this dish, and you know, it looks like I succeeded!

I can assure you that homemade Hawaiian pizza turns out much tastier than in a pizzeria, mostly thanks to perfectly selected ingredients, and, of course, thin dough. I prepared the pizza sauce according to a proven recipe to be sure and without surprises.

How does it taste?

Pizza with pieces of chicken fillet and fresh pineapple turned out exactly as I imagined it: sweet and sour pineapple goes perfectly with the neutral-tasting chicken fillet, and notes of garlic in tomato sauce in the company of mozzarella cheese complete the flavor palette of this dish.

Dough ingredients

(for 4 pizzas with a diameter of 22-25 cm):

  • 400 gr. flour
  • 200 ml. water warm water (36-40 degrees)
  • 4 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil (or any vegetable oil)

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • 600 gr. tomatoes (or 500 grams of tomato juice)
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tsp starch
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 0.5 tsp Mediterranean herbs

Filling ingredients

  • 350 gr. pineapple (fresh or canned)
  • 300 gr. boiled chicken fillet
  • 300 mozzarella cheese

Cooking steps

We start preparing pizza by preparing the ingredients for the filling. To make the filling juicy and not too wet, I recommend boiling the chicken fillet until tender in salted water with a bay leaf. The boiled chicken breast needs to be cooled and cut into thin slices, approximately as in my photo.

You can also use ready-made smoked chicken fillet, but if you are preparing Hawaiian pizza for children, I still recommend that you boil the chicken breast yourself.

Next, peel and cut the pineapple into thin slices. If you are using canned pineapple, try to slice it as thin as possible. For this recipe, choose canned pineapple in pieces - it will be easier to cut. Ideally, of course, it is best to use fresh pineapple - aromatic, with a tropical and unique sweet and sour taste.

Grate the mozzarella cheese using a large grater. We put all the ingredients for our pizza in the refrigerator.

Prepare thin pizza dough:

In a deep plate, mix all the dry ingredients: flour, yeast, salt and sugar.

Add warm water and olive oil.

Mix with a whisk or spoon.

Then we gather the dough into a ball with our hands and knead it thoroughly with our hands until the ball becomes even and smooth. Cover the dough with a cloth and put it in a warm place to proof for 40 minutes.

After the specified time, the dough will become softer and increase by about 1.5 times, no more. This is normal and you should not expect a strong increase in the volume of yeast dough, like apple pie, for example.

Preparing tomato sauce

For the recipe, I prepared a traditional pizza sauce, like in a pizzeria, which never lets me down. I wrote before how to prepare pizza sauce with step-by-step photos. In short: grate the tomatoes on a fine grater, preserving the skin as much as possible. If you don’t have fresh tomatoes, don’t worry, use tomato juice without salt and sugar, then you won’t need to grate anything.

Add olive oil, salt, sugar and spices to the grated tomatoes. Mix and put on the stove. Bring the sauce to a boil, simmer for 2-3 minutes, and then add starch. Stir the starch so that it does not form a lump, add the garlic passed through a press and remove the sauce from the stove. We need to wait until the sauce cools to room temperature and acquires the consistency we need.

Roll out and add filling

We take one ball to work, and roll it out on the tabletop using a rolling pin into a circle of 22-25 cm, and cover the rest of the dough with a cloth so that it does not dry out.

Place the dough piece on a baking sheet with baking paper and brush with sauce.

Place pieces of chicken fillet on top.

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