Features of cooking duck. Duck: cooking rules. Duck in the sleeve, baked in the oven

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The second method is when the duck is roasted in a closed oven. The temperature in the oven is initially high and then gradually reduced. Duck baked in this way has crispy skin, and the meat, although fatty, is not cloying and surprisingly appetizing. There is another method called "chashao", where the duck is pierced with a huge fork and fried while held over the fire. But in the process of more than a century of development, only two methods were recognized as the most optimal, which are now used. The first is duck roasted in a suspended oven, and the second is duck roasted, essentially baked, in a closed oven. Although the taste of these ducks prepared in different ways has its own characteristics, the whole problem lies in the “roasting methods”, and therefore this dish is called “Peking roast duck”.

Duck (goose) with apples


duck or goose - 1 carcass (weighing ~ 2 kg),





For filling

apple - 1 piece,

dried apricots - 50 g,

prunes - 50 g,

orange - 1 piece,

nuts (almonds, cashews or walnuts) - 30-50 g

For decoration





Rinse the duck or goose well and dry it.

Salt, pepper and sprinkle with paprika inside and outside.

Rub the inside of the duck with garlic passed through a garlic squeezer.

For filling:

Wash the apple, peel and cut into small pieces.

Peel the orange and cut into small pieces.

Rinse prunes and dried apricots and dry.

Mix chopped apple with prunes, dried apricots, orange and nuts.

* if desired, the duck can be stuffed only with apples - peel the skin and cut the apples into slices. It is advisable to take apples of the Antonovka variety.

Place the filling inside the carcass and plug the hole with toothpicks or sew it up with thread.

Grease the duck with vegetable oil (so that the skin is not boiled) and place it on a baking sheet lined with foil or in a deep baking dish (you can also cook it in a duck roaster) on its back.

Place whole or halved apples next to the duck.

Cover the baking sheet tightly with foil and place in the oven over medium heat for 2-3 hours (cooking time depends on the weight of the bird - the higher the weight, the longer the cooking time).

Baste the duck with any fat that has been released every 30 minutes.

* to make the duck lean, pierce the breast and legs of the bird with a toothpick while baking

15-20 minutes before being ready, remove the foil, pour out the accumulated fat, pour orange juice over the duck and brown in the oven without covering with foil or a lid.

Serve the duck on a large platter and garnish with baked apples and orange slices.

Stuffed duck and duck carpaccio, Peking duck and Krakow duck are perfect for the New Year's menu. What can we say about the familiar taste of duck with apples from childhood - by the way, they can be replaced with oranges, plums, quinces or pears. Let us add that the sharp taste of duck can be easily made more subtle - with the help of marjoram, rosemary, sage, tarragon or thyme.

A young duck is small in size, has light skin and soft meat. Older ducks have more nuances of flavor, and most importantly, more flesh, which is essential for a duck. An average bird, weighing up to 2 kg, is barely enough for four people, because it contains less meat than bones and fat. In this connection, the question of minced meat filling arises. For example, duck with dried apricots, dried cherries, orange zest, bread crumbs and egg is good.

Before cooking, you can treat the duck so that the skin becomes crispy during baking. To do this, the bird needs to be doused with a large amount of boiling water so that the skin turns white and tightens. Then dry it, rub it with dry white wine and salt on the outside and inside and put it in the refrigerator overnight - on a wire rack, without covering it, to dry. Before roasting, pierce the skin of the duck with a fork and rub it with something. For example, ginger powder.

An average duck roasts for about an hour (30-40 minutes per kilogram). If you undercook, you will end up with a bloody duck.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Carrot RST RSFSR 369-77

Honey GOST R 52451-2005

Spices GOST 29053-91

Salt GOST 51574-2000

2.2 The raw materials used for the preparation of “Honey Duck” must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


3.1. Recipe for Honey Duck.

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Vegetable oil


4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the “Honey Duck” dish is carried out in accordance with the 2008 collection of recipes and culinary products for public catering establishments.

4.2 Wash the duck well and dry. Peel and chop the onion and carrots, fry in vegetable oil. Wash the mushrooms, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil. Boil the rice until half cooked, rinse. Mix everything, salt, pepper and stuff the duck. Rub the top of the carcass with salt and pepper. Coat with honey and bake until done.


5.1 Served on a round porcelain dish. Before serving, decorate with greens.

5.2 Serving temperature 75-80˚С.

5.3 Implementation time – 2 hours.


6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

Appearance – a whole duck carcass laid out on a porcelain dish, with a golden-brown crust;

Consistency - soft, juicy with a crispy crust;

Color – light or dark brown when cut;

The taste and smell are delicate with an aroma characteristic of baked duck.

6.2 Physico-chemical indicators:

mass fraction of dry substances, % (not less) _

mass fraction of fat, % (not less) _

mass fraction of salt, % (not less) _

6.3 Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 g of product, no more than 1x10;

bacteria of the coli group, not allowed in the product mass, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the product mass, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the product mass, g 0.1

pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the product mass, 25 g.



Name of dish: “Honey Duck”

Product name

Norm per serving

For the estimated number of portions of raw materials (kg) by net weight

Gross, g

Fresh champignons

Bulb onions

Vegetable oil

There is a widespread belief that duck meat is too fatty and difficult to digest by the body. This is generally true, because of all the birds, waterfowl are the ones that have the least claim to the title of dietary source products. However, for real gourmets it is not the consequences that matter, but the process. They know that some heaviness in the stomach can be avoided, you just need to reduce the portion or share the feast with two or three friends or family. In addition, there are several techniques to reduce the fat content of this product.

Variety of recipes

So, what can you cook from duck? Recipes are varied; this bird is popular among many peoples, especially in Europe and Asia. Who doesn't know how to prepare Peking duck? But there is Guangdong style, crispy allspice, and pieces with cayenne pepper, and many other dishes created in the most sophisticated ways. The Chinese generally consider this bird one of the best raw materials for preparing delicacies. In Europe they also know a lot about using the specific taste of this waterfowl. The Poles cook it with lingonberries, beer and coriander, the Czechs use its tender liver in delicious pates, and you never know what kind of duck dishes people have come up with over the past centuries... Some of them, such as foie gras (including forced and excessive fattening) , are so cruel to birds that they cause protests from animal protection societies.

Two main culinary approaches

Duck dishes in the oven are considered the simplest, and therefore the most common, in our country. There are two main methods, all others are just variations. You can fry the bird whole or pre-cut it into portions. Both methods have their advantages and, of course, disadvantages. Cooking a duck dish with apples, quinces, pineapples or any other fruit filling gives the meat of this bird a sweet and sour taste, emphasizing its natural aroma. By pushing the minced meat into the abdominal cavity and sewing it up, you can achieve a guaranteed result, but the process will take longer than with a fragmented approach. By placing pieces of the carcass on a layer of chopped fruit, it can be cooked faster, but you should remember that a whole bird served on an oval dish looks more beautiful and impressive, unless, of course, it is overcooked, which, unfortunately, happens often. It is difficult to choose the optimal balance, combining a golden crust and readiness throughout the entire depth. However, in this case it is better to overdo it a little so that when you cut the bird you won’t find any blood.

The role of fruit filling

When preparing a duck dish, fruit filling not only adds flavor. Apples or quince play the role of sorbents, absorbing excess fat, that is, they neutralize the nutritional deficiencies of the meat of this bird. The acids contained in these fruits largely neutralize the effect of fats on the digestive system, therefore, it is much easier for the body to process them. Another way to get rid of excessive heaviness in the stomach is to remove visceral fat before cooking. It's simple, it is located at the very entrance to the abdominal cavity. The “nutryak” itself is a healthy thing, it is very high in calories, but it is better to eat it later, after frying the crackling and breaking two or three eggs on top. This is also, by the way, a type of duck dish. And lastly, don’t overeat and enjoy the taste.

Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for restaurant

Technical and technological map No.Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for restaurant(CP recipe No. 713)

Publishing house "Economy", Moscow 1983


This technical and technological map applies to Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant, generated into the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of raw semi-finished products duck stuffed with apples must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Broiler duck (cleaning act)1000,0 0,00 1000,0 0,00 1000,0
Salt5,0 0,00 5,0 0,00 5,0
Ground black pepper1,0 0,00 1,0 0,00 1,0
Mayonnaise20,0 5.00 (portioning)19,0 0,00 19,0
Soy sauce10,0 0,00 10,0 0,00 10,0
Fresh apple, peeled from the seed nest, p/f392,0 0,00 392,0 0,00 392,0
Granulated sugar10,0 0,00 10,0 0,00 10,0
Honey20,0 5.00 (portioning)19,0 0,00 19,0
Mustard20,0 5.00 (portioning)19,0 0,00 19,0
Exit 1475
  1. Cooking technology Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant

The duck carcass, cleaned of giblets and remaining feathers, is rubbed with a mixture of salt, ground black pepper, soy sauce, honey and mustard.

Peeled and seeded apples are cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar. The bird's belly is stuffed with prepared apples. The abdomen is sutured or pinned with toothpicks.

Sent to a hot shop for heat treatment. If the product is planned to be sent to another facility, the stuffed duck carcass is placed in a vacuum bag. Label (name of the semi-finished product, weight, date and time of preparation).

Transported in a refrigerated car body.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant

Appearance– duck stuffed with apples, marinated. The duck carcass is placed in a vacuum bag and vacuum sealed.

Taste– characteristic of the incoming ingredients. No foreign taste.

Smell– characteristic of the incoming ingredients. No foreign smell.

6. Requirements for design, sale and storage Duck stuffed with apples, raw semi-finished product for a restaurant

Shelf life of semi-finished poultry products:

– chilled (carcasses):

– at temperatures from 0ºС to 4ºС and relative air humidity from 75% to 80% – no more than 2 days;

– chilled (pieces):

– at temperatures from 0ºС to 4ºС and relative air humidity from 75% to 80% – no more than 1 day;

Frozen (carcasses):

– at a temperature from minus 2ºС to minus 4ºС and relative air humidity from 75% to 80% – no more than 15 days;

– at a temperature not higher than minus 12ºС and relative humidity from 85% to 95% – no more than 1 month;

– at a temperature not higher than minus 12ºС and relative humidity from 85% to 95% in vacuum packaging – no more than 1.5 months;

– at a temperature not higher than minus 18°C ​​and relative humidity from 85% to 95% and using a vacuum or modified atmosphere – no more than 3 months.

microbiological indicators raw semi-cooked meatballs stuffed with apples, must meet the requirements SanPiN

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