Homemade custard cake. Video recipe for making custard cakes “Swans”. Portuguese classic puff pastry with delicious cream

Custard cake is a sweet popular delicacy that can be easily made at home - you just need to follow certain technologies. Today, there are many recipes for its preparation, which use different types of glaze and fillings. Choux desserts also include those that are prepared from choux pastry and have an oblong and round shape, respectively. Eclairs always have a sweet filling and are covered with glaze on top, and profiteroles are prepared not only with cream, but also with mushrooms, meat and vegetables and are often served with borscht and soup.

The calorie content of a dish depends on its components and varies from 269 to 400 kcal. In this material we will look at step-by-step recipes with photos in several interpretations.

Custard cakes with condensed milk

You will need:

For the dough:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 0.5 cups of milk and water;
  • A glass of flour;
  • A pinch of salt.

For the filling:

  • A can of condensed boiled milk;
  • 150 g butter;
  • Any nuts (optional).

For decoration (optional):

  • 100 g white or dark chocolate.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Pour water and milk into a deep container, add butter, wait for it to melt, add salt, bring all ingredients to a boil;
  2. Mix the boiling mass thoroughly in a circle using a wooden spatula, then add flour and stir quickly;
  3. Reduce the flame under the saucepan to a minimum and stir the dough until it curls into a ball and easily separates from the walls of the container (this process will take one minute);
  4. Turn off the gas, place the dough in a separate bowl to cool (15 minutes);
  5. Add eggs one at a time to the dough mixture and stir thoroughly each time. The result will be a shiny and viscous mass;
  6. Coat the baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the dough with a pastry syringe or a teaspoon;
  7. Set the oven temperature to 190 degrees and bake homemade custard pies for 20 minutes. When we turn off the oven, we do not immediately take out the treat. Let it sit in there for another 10 minutes until it turns golden and dries out a little. It is not recommended to open the oven during this entire time - the dough may fall;
  8. For the cream, beat the slightly melted butter with condensed milk. We fill the “zavarnushki” using a pastry bag (or cut one side and fill it with a spoon).

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath or microwave oven. Top the dessert with chocolate mixture.

Cakes with protein cream

Custard cakes with protein cream have the most delicate filling, which will give the dessert an attractive aroma and unforgettable taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • Glass of water;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 120 ml milk;
  • 3 squirrels;
  • 100g butter;
  • 3/4 cup flour;
  • 2 pinches of salt.

Recipe for custard cakes step by step:

  1. Combine the butter with milk and ½ cup of water, bring to a boil, remembering to stir all the time. Let's reduce the flame, add salt, sugar, and add flour. Stir for two minutes until a lump of a homogeneous substance forms;
  2. Let the mixture cool and beat in the eggs, constantly stirring with a spatula until the dough is homogeneous;
  3. We pipe the cakes ourselves using a pastry syringe and bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Next, reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and finish baking the dessert for 5-7 minutes. Do not open the oven until it has cooled completely;
  4. Dissolve the sugar in the remaining water and cook the syrup. Beat the whites thoroughly with salt, add the syrup while constantly whisking so that the eggs do not overcook, and cool the mixture;
  5. Fill the pastry with protein cream.

Sweet dessert with cream

This culinary miracle will have an incomparable taste with fresh raspberries in cream. It can also be replaced with cherries, strawberries, and currants.


  • 0.5 cups flour;
  • A glass of cream;
  • 60 g butter;
  • A handful of raspberries;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 20 g powdered sugar;
  • A pinch of sea salt;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

How to make choux pastry:

  1. Pour water into the butter, add salt, and boil. Quickly add flour, brew and mix thoroughly;
  2. With continuous stirring, add the eggs and knead the dough mixture. We soak a tablespoon in cold water and place the preparations on a baking sheet, pre-greased with olive oil;
  3. We bake future “zavarnushki” at home at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce it to 180 degrees and bake for another 6-7 minutes;
  4. Whip the cream with powder, add raspberries;
  5. To get rid of excess air, pierce the product with a toothpick, let it cool, cut it on the side with a knife, and fill it with cream.

This delicious creamy treat can be served with cocoa, tea or any other drink you like.

Custard rings with cottage cheese cream

Product composition:

  • 200 ml water;
  • 4-5 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 100 g margarine or butter;
  • A pinch of salt.

  • 35 g condensed milk;
  • 160 g cottage cheese;
  • A packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 90 g butter;
  • Powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

Cooking plan:

  1. First, let's prepare the dough for choux pastries: take a medium saucepan, put butter in it, add water, add salt and put it on the flame. Bring to boiling point, reduce heat and sift flour directly into boiling water. Gently, but at the same time intensively, mix everything, removing any lumps;
  2. After turning the dough mass into a homogeneous ball and slightly lagging behind the walls of the dish, remove the container from the flame and transfer its contents to another bowl. Let it cool;
  3. Next, add one egg at a time and beat using a mixer with any attachment. When the previous egg is completely dissolved in the dough, only then introduce the next one;
  4. Load a cooking bag with choux pastry and take a toothed attachment (10 mm in diameter) for it. But you can take a larger nozzle. Place the blanks in the form of rings with a diameter of 6-7 cm on a baking sheet covered with baking paper;
  5. Place the products in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 10-15 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and continue baking for 25 minutes;
  6. Now you need to prepare the curd cream: beat the melted butter with vanilla sugar and powder;
  7. Add condensed milk in small portions and beat for about 2 minutes. Next we put the cottage cheese, which we first rub through a sieve. Let's beat everything well.

Now you can fill the cut, cooled custard rings with delicious cream. Sprinkle the curd custard cake generously with powdered sugar before serving.

Quick puff pastry

You will need:

  • One chicken yolk;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 20 g butter;
  • Half a kilo of puff pastry without yeast;
  • 3 teaspoons flour;
  • Vanilla - to taste;
  • 4 large spoons of granulated sugar.

How to make custard cake:

  1. Lightly defrost the test layers, cut them into squares, you should get about nine of them from each layer;
  2. Let's fold each piece, make 2 cuts with a sharp knife so that they do not come out completely;
  3. Let’s unfold the square and at the same time overlap two corners until we get a “boat”;
  4. Place them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about 20 minutes until browned;
  5. For the cream, boil 200 ml of milk with granulated sugar;
  6. In a bowl, grind the yolk with flour, add the remaining milk, stir thoroughly, pour into a container;
  7. Add milk boiled with sugar in a thin stream, remembering to stir constantly;
  8. Place the container on a low flame, cook until the cream begins to thicken, stirring all the time;
  9. Remove it from the heat, flavor it with vanilla and butter, let it cool;
  10. Remove the pieces from the oven. Press the middle a little with a spoon to add more cream. We will fill a pastry syringe or spoon with it and fill the puff pastry.

You can sprinkle it with powdered sugar or decorate it with any berry.

Video: Recipe for custard rings with curd cream

Rings, balls, profiteroles, Pastéis de nata (Portuguese), horseshoes, Glagolitics - eclair cakes with custard can have different names and shapes. But the essence remains the same: delicate, aromatic and airy cakes filled with a light and pleasant-tasting cream that melts in your mouth. The dough for making this dessert is made quite thick, so with the help of a pastry bag, eclairs can be given completely different shapes, and there are a great many options for preparing custard.

Today we will look at a couple of popular recipes and tell you how to quickly and easily prepare delicious custard for custard cakes at home. Choux pastry is not difficult to prepare and there is no need to be afraid of messing with it. It takes little time to cook and even an inexperienced housewife who is just starting her difficult path of culinary experiments can cope with the task.

Homemade custard cake

The basis for preparing such a dessert is the correct choux pastry. Ingredients you will need:

  • One glass of water.
  • 250 g flour.
  • 100 g cream oils
  • Fine salt.
  • Five to six chicken eggs.

Dough preparation process

Before cooking, you need to make a base - blanks. They can be of completely different sizes and shapes, fortunately the thick consistency of the dough allows you to implement any culinary idea.

Pour water into a container and put it on fire. Add a whisper of salt and butter there. Stir a little and bring the liquid to a boil. Gradually adding flour, do not forget to stir vigorously. Under the influence of temperature, the dough will brew, become thicker and stronger. As soon as it begins to move away from the walls of the container during kneading, the dough is ready and can be removed from the heat.

In a separate bowl, beat six chicken eggs well with a mixer. As soon as a whitish foam appears, add them to the dough. Mix it thoroughly with a mixer whisk or wooden spatula. The base where the custard cream will be placed for the custard cakes is ready.

All that remains is to pour the dough into a plastic bag or a special pastry bag and dispense it in the required quantity onto parchment paper. It should already be placed on a baking sheet. The oven is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Eclairs should be baked for about 15-20 minutes, constantly monitoring the process.

Simple custard

  • One hundred grams of sugar.
  • 500 ml milk.
  • 200 g butter.
  • One table. spoon of flour.
  • Three eggs.
  • Zest from one lemon.
  • A couple of white chocolate cubes (for decorating the cakes).

How to cook

Pour almost all the milk into the pan. Leave a couple of tablespoons for the egg mass. While the milk is boiling, prepare a mixture of chicken eggs, sifted flour and granulated sugar, lemon zest and milk. Pour it into boiling milk. Just do it carefully, in a thin stream, constantly stirring the liquid.

You will notice for yourself how the simple custard gradually begins to become thicker and thicker. At this point, you can add soft butter to it. Mix the mass. Keep on fire for a couple more minutes and remove. Let the cream cool to room temperature.

We have presented the simplest recipe for making custard cakes at home. You can place the cream filling into the blanks in any convenient way. Someone cuts the eclairs in half and coats the halves with cream. Other housewives introduce the creamy mass using a special narrow nozzle, which comes complete with a pastry bag. Some even use a regular medical syringe without a needle.

If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare choux pastry, then store-bought puff pastry can always replace it. A custard cake made from this base will also turn out surprisingly tasty and appetizing. By the way, you can make amazingly beautiful baskets from puff pastry, which will become a real decoration for any holiday table.

Eggless custard

People who do not consume milk or chicken eggs, but love to enjoy tasty and aromatic eclairs, often choose recipes where the cream is prepared without adding egg mass.

You will need

  • One glass of milk.
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of sifted wheat flour.
  • A little vanilla.
  • One hundred grams of butter.

To prepare custard without eggs, mix milk with powdered sugar and place this mixture over medium heat. We are waiting for sugar to completely disappear from sight. Now add the sifted flour gradually. Don't forget to mix. This mixture is cooked until the thickening process begins. Then it is removed from the heat and cooled. To prevent an unnecessary crust from forming on the cream, the container is covered with plastic wrap.

When the mass has cooled, add soft butter. This is what makes the custard for custard cakes fluffy and airy. Experts advise beating the butter thoroughly with a mixer before adding it. The cream is ready to use.

Cream without eggs and milk

This is one of the popular recipes among vegetarians and people who do not accept dairy products in any form. This cream is great not only for cakes and profiteroles, but also for cakes and other desserts. It contains no eggs or milk. Coconut flakes and coconut milk powder are used as a substitute.

To prepare you will need:

  • Two glasses of water.
  • Three table. spoons of flour.
  • The same number of tablespoons of coconut milk (dry).
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar.
  • Coconut shavings (for sprinkling the cakes).

First, you need to boil regular sugar syrup. Add sugar to the water and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Once it dissolves, add coconut milk powder and flour to the liquid. If you want the coconut “notes” to be even stronger, you can add coconut flakes directly to the cream.

Cook the mixture until it becomes thick. Remove from heat and allow a little time for the cream to cool and reach room temperature. Now you can use it as a filling for desserts.

Lenten custard

It would seem that during fasting people eat only bland and tasteless foods. In fact, experienced and lazy housewives have long been pampering their households with desserts with lean custard. Judging by the reviews, it is no worse than the classic version. Such a cream will be healthier and more delicate in taste, and its calorie content is an order of magnitude lower than that of a custard base made from butter, milk and eggs.

  • One glass of powdered sugar.
  • The same amount of boiled water.
  • Two tables. spoons of flour.
  • Vanillin.

Make syrup from water and powdered sugar. In a small container, mix a couple of tablespoons of water and flour. It is important that there are no lumps. Carefully and gradually add the flour mixture into the syrup. Do not forget that in the process it is very important to control not only the degree of thickness, but also to avoid the formation of burnt marks. Stirring the custard thoroughly and almost constantly during its preparation is an important and main rule.

As soon as the mixture resembles the consistency of thick sour cream, remove it from the heat. Let it sit at room temperature. If you want, you can add a little butter for fluffiness. But even without it, the cream will turn out surprisingly airy and light. To achieve such fluffiness from a mass that was created without the addition of milk and chicken eggs, some housewives advise whipping the already cooled cream using a mixer.

Fruit custard

For lovers of more original desserts, we suggest making fruit custard. To do this you will need:

Mix the powder with milk and beat thoroughly with a whisk or mixer until the last lump disappears. Add a small pinch of cardamom. Place the mixture on low heat and heat. Now it's the turn of the powdered sugar. We try to mix the mixture so thoroughly that all the sugar dissolves. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, remove from heat and beat again with a mixer, gradually adding fruit puree.

1. The first step is to prepare the airy dough. I take a small convenient pan and pour purified water into it. I'll add the cubes and a pinch of salt.

2. Place the container on the fire and keep it until it boils.

3. Add high quality to the boiling mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Continue cooking for about 2 minutes until a thick, homogeneous consistency is obtained.

4. Leave the mixture to cool. At home, this can be done quickly by opening a window in winter and only in summer.

5. After that I start. The process is step-by-step; after breaking each chicken egg, I thoroughly mix the mass. The result is a viscous, homogeneous consistency.

6. Now I cover the baking sheet with special parchment paper for baking. It has an oily surface due to impregnation and prevents baking from sticking.

Using a tablespoon, I place small balls of dough on it at an average distance from each other.

7. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and place the baking sheet with the preparation in it for 20 minutes until golden brown. After this, I will reduce the oven temperature to 160 and leave the dough in it for another 10-15 minutes to dry.

8. Classic cakes are prepared with. To prepare it, I take a small saucepan and pour sugar and flour into it, mix the dry ingredients well.

9. Then pour in and put on medium heat. Cook until thickened, stirring the mixture constantly. After that, I remove it from the stove and leave it to cool. In principle, the processes of preparing dough and cream can be combined and while the dough is cooling or baking, we have time to make the remaining components of delicious eclairs.

10. When the custard base for the cream has cooled, add butter and mix everything thoroughly.

11. To make, I mix sugar, cocoa powder, butter and milk in a small saucepan.

12. I put the dishes on the stove and bring everything to a homogeneous, fluid mixture, stirring.

13. Homemade eclairs can be filled simply by cutting them in half and filling them with cream, but the effect will be a little different. It is best to use a culinary bag, with the help of which, through a small hole, fill the inner emptiness of the buns with a delicate filling.

14. Cover the top of the cakes with a mesh of glaze. To do this, you can use a regular plastic bag, make a small hole in it and squeeze out a thin stream of chocolate glaze through it, drawing patterns. Now the eclairs are ready to serve. Bon appetit!

  • Combine eggs and sugar, add flour. Make a thin dough. Grease a frying pan or baking sheet with oil, sprinkle with flour, and use a spoon to place the dough. It should spread a little. Flatten the cakes with a spoon. Preheat the oven. Place a baking sheet and cook the cakes until they turn yellow and the edges are golden brown.
  • Take out the hot cakes and roll them up from one edge. To prevent the dough from cooling down and breaking, this must be done very quickly. You can simply roll it with your hands, or you can wear household gloves. The biscuit dough is quite pliable while it is hot, so it will remain in the form in which it was rolled. You can make any buttercream for quick cakes: the more butter, the better the shape.
  • Combine sugar and flour, beat in the egg, stir. Pour warm milk, stir, put on fire. Cook, stirring continuously. When the cream becomes thick, remove and cool. When it is cold, add melted butter and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Cool. Using a pastry syringe or a regular bag, pour the cream into the prepared cakes.

Custard pie is easy to prepare at home if you know some of the nuances of the technology. The products are fluffy, soft and tasty due to properly kneaded dough, the use of various fillings and glaze options. Surprise your guests with amazing baked goods!

How to make custard cake

The most common dessert based on choux pastry is eclair. It has an oblong shape, is filled with sweet cream and is covered with a shiny glaze. How to make eclairs is useful for every housewife to know. Cooking custard cakes begins with kneading the dough. Its peculiarity is brewing flour and eggs with boiling water. Due to this, the mass acquires pliability, smoothness and shine.


The classic filling for this type of baking is custard cream, which can be made according to several recipes. Here are some examples of how you can fill eclairs:

  • custard;
  • whipped cream;
  • whipped boiled condensed milk with butter;
  • chocolate cream;
  • cream custard;
  • butter cream;
  • cottage cheese whipped with condensed milk.


Not every home cook knows how to make glaze for eclairs, although without it the cakes will not be appetizing. A glossy finish will give your baked goods a finished look and keep them fresh. To make it, you need to grind the sugar to powder, sift it, mix it with water or lemon juice. You can make a glaze with the addition of eggs, but this coating requires drying in the oven after application.


The most important point in preparation is the dough for choux pastries. It includes flour, water, butter or margarine, eggs. Season the mixture with salt and sugar, replace the water with milk or sour cream to obtain a soft, delicate taste. First, boil salted water with butter, then brew the flour with it and add the eggs one at a time. All components should be at room temperature.

Custard cake recipe

Every novice cook will need a custard cake recipe, according to which you can bake delicious eclairs with delicious cream and glossy glaze. Start mastering cooking with simple methods - bake cakes with cream from cottage cheese and condensed milk, and then you can complicate the task by baking products with butter or protein cream. A cooking recipe with step-by-step instructions will help you with this.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 260 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.

The recipe for eclairs with custard will help you prepare delicious cakes - like those made in a French pastry shop. The chocolate glaze and delicious custard filling give them a special chic. It is better to consume a high-calorie treat before lunch or for breakfast so as not to gain extra pounds. It is optimal to combine cakes with tea, coffee or hot cocoa.


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • flour – 0.18 kg;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • water – 1.5 cups;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • white sugar – 10 g;
  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • powdered sugar – 80 g;
  • yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • starch – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan with butter, add salt, melt, add flour. Stirring constantly, brew the mixture, cool, constantly whisking, add eggs one at a time. Knead the dough.
  2. Using a pastry bag, pipe the cakes into strips, leaving a small distance between them.
  3. Bake for 10 minutes at 220 degrees, then 15 minutes at 190.
  4. Mix milk with one and a half tablespoons of flour and starch. Combine with mashed yolks, sugar, vanillin. Microwave the cream at maximum power for four minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Fill the eclairs with cream and decorate with melted chocolate glaze.

With protein cream

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 223 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for custard cakes with protein cream will teach chefs how to prepare a dessert with a filling reminiscent of the taste of childhood. These eclairs are lower in calories than those with custard, but they also should not be carried away often or consumed at night. The delicate, airy filling gives the baked goods a noble taste and an attractive aroma that all baking lovers love.


  • milk – 120 ml;
  • water - glass;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • proteins – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • flour - 3/4 cup;
  • salt – 2 pinches.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the oil with half a portion of water, milk, and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Reduce heat, sweeten, add salt, add flour. Stir for two minutes until a smooth ball forms.
  2. Cool the mixture, add the eggs, stirring with a spatula until the dough becomes homogeneous.
  3. Pipe the profiteroles using a pastry bag and bake for 20 minutes at 220C. Reduce temperature to 160C, cook for seven minutes, cool.
  4. Dissolve sugar in the remaining water and cook syrup. Whisk the egg whites with salt, add the syrup, whisking constantly to prevent the eggs from overcooking. Cool.
  5. Fill the baked goods with the prepared cream.

With curd cream

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 254 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for custard cakes with curd cream will introduce you to the preparation of delicious, airy eclairs with a delicate filling. The creamy mass consists of soft cottage cheese and condensed milk - this makes it especially sweet, but not cloying. Serve the baked goods after covering the cooled cakes with chocolate ganache or glaze. This will give them an even, appetizing, shiny crust.


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • salt – 2 g;
  • flour - a glass;
  • cottage cheese - half a kilo;
  • condensed milk - can;
  • cream – 60 ml;
  • cocoa – 80 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 80 g;
  • sesame – 30 g;
  • coconut flakes – 25 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the water, add oil, boil, reduce heat, add flour. Stir with a wooden spatula until the mixture begins to pull away from the sides. Once a lump forms, remove the pan from the heat and cool the dough.
  2. Add the eggs, mixing the mixture thoroughly after adding each one.
  3. Place tablespoonfuls of dough into balls onto an oiled baking sheet. Bake for half an hour at 190C, cool on a wire rack.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese using a sieve, mix with condensed milk, vanilla sugar, and fill the custard eclairs with the mixture.
  5. Combine cream and cocoa and let it boil. Pour ganache over the surface, sprinkle with sesame seeds and coconut flakes.

With condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 329 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

From the following recipe you will learn how to prepare eclairs with condensed milk. The high-calorie pastries have a pleasant taste, and the filling is a mixture of condensed and boiled milk. If cakes are prepared for adults, then you can flavor them with cognac, but for children it is better to exclude alcohol and replace it with vanilla sugar or cinnamon.


  • milk – 120 ml;
  • water – half a glass;
  • butter – 0.3 kg;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • flour – ¾ cup;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • boiled condensed milk – 200 ml;
  • condensed milk – 1/4 cup;
  • cognac – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix water, milk, 100 grams of butter, boil, simmer for seven minutes. Turn off the heat, add flour, stir quickly until a solid dough ball is formed.
  2. Cool the dough, add the eggs, constantly whisking everything with a whisk or mixer. Squeeze the strips onto baking paper, bake for 10 minutes at 200C, reduce to 175, bake for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the heated remaining butter with boiled condensed milk, pour in cognac, add condensed milk, and fill the eclairs with the mixture.

With butter cream

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for custard cake with butter cream will help you make delicious eclairs with a hearty, nutritious filling. They are distinguished by a delicate, slightly crispy dough that is quick and easy to prepare. The cream, consisting of condensed milk and butter, successfully complements the slightly dry structure of the eclair, and chocolate glaze or ganache makes the cake incredibly appetizing.


  • butter – 0.3 kg;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • flour - a glass;
  • condensed milk - can;
  • water – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water, add 100 g of butter, add salt, and boil again. Brew the flour mixture, simmer for two minutes on the fire, cool.
  2. Add the eggs one at a time, constantly beating the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment, grease, lay out strips of dough, bake at 180C for 40 minutes.
  4. Cool, stuff with cream from whipped butter and condensed milk.

With cream

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 215 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Custard pies with whipped cream will turn out extremely tasty if you add fresh raspberries to the cream. If they are unavailable, a frozen product or compote berries will also work. You can use currants, strawberries, cherries, but you must first remove excess moisture. The resulting products look very beautiful on the holiday table and make you want to try them as soon as possible.


  • raspberries - a handful;
  • cream - a glass;
  • water – half a glass;
  • powdered sugar – 20 g;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • olive oil – 10 ml;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C. While the oven is preheating, prepare the dough.
  2. Fill the oil with water, add salt and boil. After the fat has melted, quickly add flour, boil and mix well.
  3. Stirring continuously, add the eggs and knead the dough. Using a tablespoon dipped in cold water, place the pieces on a baking sheet greased with olive oil.
  4. Send the products to bake for 10 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180C, bake for another six minutes.
  5. Whip the cream and powder with a whisk, add raspberries.
  6. Pierce the eclairs with a toothpick to remove excess air, cool, cut on the side with a knife, and add cream.


  • Cooking time: 4 hours.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 254 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

Choux pastries with chocolate cream are not easy to make for a novice pastry chef, but the baking is worth it. They look very elegant and are worthy of being served in the most expensive restaurants. Chocolate Muslin cream is used as filling, and the surface is covered with chocolate glaze. Appetizing baked goods please the eye and make you want to enjoy the taste immediately.


  • sugar – 210 g;
  • gelatin – 2 packets;
  • cocoa – 50 g;
  • water –140 ml;
  • cream – 170 ml;
  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • corn starch – 20 g;
  • butter – 170 g;
  • dark dark chocolate – 50 g;
  • milk – 260 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour – 110 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix half a glass of water with 100 ml of milk, add half a portion of butter, add salt and sweeten. Boil, add all the flour, collect the lump with a spatula. Simmer over low heat for another 2.5 minutes to remove the moisture.
  2. Beat four eggs with a fork, strain, add to the dough and mix.
  3. Pipe the cakes, brush the surface with egg, and make grooves with a fork. Bake for 15 minutes at 230C, lower the temperature to 180, dry for another 15 minutes.
  4. Fill the gelatin packet with water (follow the instructions), beat the yolk with sugar and starch separately, pour in boiling milk. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Add gelatin, stir and cool. Add melted chocolate, cool. All that remains is to add soft butter and whipped cream. Stir everything and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. Fill the second gelatin packet with water. Separately, mix a quarter glass of water, cream, and remaining sugar. Heat it up, add sifted cocoa, boil for a couple of minutes. Cool, add gelatin, strain. Cover the cakes with the mixture.

With boiled condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 16 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

You can learn how to make eclairs with boiled condensed milk by reading this step-by-step recipe. Start by preparing the choux pastry, then make a cream based on boiled condensed milk and butter. Fill the finished cakes and decorate with chocolate icing. All guests will be delighted with such a mouth-watering delicacy! Serve the cakes with tea, cocoa or your favorite drink.


  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • margarine – 130 g;
  • flour - a glass;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - a jar;
  • vanilla sugar - packet.

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the water, add margarine, heat the mixture. Add sifted flour and brew. Stir thoroughly and remove from heat. Add eggs after cooling.
  2. Oil a baking sheet and place eclairs on it using a spoon or syringe. The oven temperature should first be 200C, baking time – 45 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180C and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  3. Soften the butter, beat with boiled condensed milk using a mixer, add a pinch of vanillin.
  4. Cut the cooled cakes in half and fill with filling.

In a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 335 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Preparing custard cake in a slow cooker is no more difficult than using a traditional oven, if you strictly follow the recipe. Fill the dough tubes with curd and vanilla filling, which can be replaced with nut, butter or any other filling to your taste. Confectioners advise decorating choux pastry cakes with melted chocolate or icing.


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • water – 0.3 l;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • powdered sugar – 60 g;
  • cottage cheese – 0.25 kg;
  • vanillin – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour half a portion of butter into a glass of water, heat until dissolved, sweeten, salt, add flour. Mix vigorously and add eggs. Knead the dough.
  2. Using a pastry syringe, pipe the cakes into the bottom of the bowl, leaving a little space between the cakes.
  3. Cover with a lid, turn on the baking mode, set the temperature to 180C, cook for 15 minutes, reduce the heat to 150C, cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese with powder, half the butter, add vanillin. Fill the eclairs with cream.

No eggs

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 259 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Eggless choux pastry will appeal to lovers of vegetarian cuisine and those who fast. Cakes made from it have a great taste with a slight hint of tenderness, and at the same time they are not too high in calories. The dough is made with yogurt, which gives a special silky texture to the finished product. They can be filled with nut cream and covered with aromatic, sweet glaze.


  • water – 0.6 l;
  • butter – 0.25 kg;
  • flour – 0.3 kg;
  • salt – 2 g;
  • thick yogurt – 60 ml;
  • nuts – 80 g;
  • sugar – 0.6 kg;
  • vanilla essence – 25 ml;
  • starch - half a glass;
  • milk – 0.4 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix half the water with 200 g of butter, boil, add flour, brew and add salt. Knead until the mass comes away from the walls, add a glass of sugar and yogurt.
  2. Cool for 10 minutes, roll out, form into a sausage, cut into bars, place on an oiled baking sheet. Bake for half an hour at 200C.
  3. Cut each block in half not completely, open it, cool.
  4. Fill the molds with custard made from a mixture of starch, a little water, sugar and milk.
  5. Decorate with frosting made from the remaining melted butter, crushed nuts, remaining sugar and vanilla essence.

How to make custard cake at home - tips from chefs

To prepare a delicious and proper custard cake, you need to know a few secrets of its making:

  • the flour must be sifted to prevent the formation of lumps;
  • It is better to avoid using a mixer when kneading choux pastry for cakes due to the risk of getting too liquid a consistency; use a spoon;
  • Before depositing the cakes, you need to lightly knead the dough to obtain a uniform, viscous mass.


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