Homemade orange marmalade with gelatin. Orange marmalade: homemade recipes How to properly prepare orange marmalade

Orange is a bright, juicy and very aromatic fruit. Homemade marmalade made from oranges will certainly lift your spirits and satisfy even the most sophisticated gastronomic cravings. It contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, which is an added bonus for this dessert. Now let's look at the main ways to make orange marmalade at home.

  • oranges – 3 pieces;
  • agar-agar – 6 grams;
  • granulated sugar - ¾ cup.

We wash the fruits thoroughly, preferably with soap, and then squeeze the juice out of them in a way convenient for you. If you squeeze the juice through a juicer, you must first peel the peel. If you have a hand tool for squeezing juice as an assistant, then you do not need to peel the fruit. As a last resort, you can extract juice from an orange by rubbing the pieces through a metal sieve.

We measure the amount of juice. It should be 200 milliliters. You can drink the leftovers.

Dissolve sugar in approximately 120 milliliters of juice, and add agar-agar to the rest. It should stand for 5 - 10 minutes.

Boil orange syrup and add agar. We wait for the liquid to boil and keep it on the fire for 3 – 4 minutes.

After the juice cools to a temperature of 45 - 50 degrees, it is poured into silicone molds.

A huge advantage of using agar-agar is that it hardens very quickly even at room temperature, and when marmalade is rolled in sugar, the latter does not flow.

Gelatin marmalade

  • oranges – 4 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 250 grams;
  • gelatin – 35 grams.

First of all, pour the gelatin with cold water and let it swell for half an hour.

Using a fine grater, remove the zest from two medium oranges. Squeeze the juice from the pulp of all the fruits.

Add sugar and zest to the juice. Boil everything together for 3 minutes over medium heat. After this, the liquid must be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers.

Pour the swollen gelatin into the hot mass and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour the marmalade mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator for 3 – 4 hours.

There is no need to sprinkle marmalade made with gelatin with sugar. Sugar grows and “flows.”

Watch the video from the channel “Our Recipes” - How to make orange marmalade with gelatin

Orange marmalade with pectin and zest

  • oranges – 5 pieces;
  • sugar - 11 tablespoons with a small slide;
  • orange zest – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • apple pectin or pectin-based gelling powder – 1 sachet.

Add a tablespoon of sugar to the pectin and mix it.

Squeeze 400 milliliters of orange juice from fruit. If there is less juice, you can add regular water.

Mix juice with sugar and zest. Place on fire and boil for 3 minutes. Add pectin to the hot mass and boil the contents of the pan for 5 minutes. If the instructions for the gelling powder indicate a different sequence of actions, then follow its instructions.

The finished marmalade can be poured into portioned molds or onto one flat tray, greased with oil. After the mass “sets”, the layer is laid out on a plate and cut into small pieces.

Marmalade of oranges, carrots and apples on agar-agar

  • oranges – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • apple – ½ piece;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • agar-agar – 2 tablespoons;
  • cloves – 2 buds (optional).

Squeeze juice from all fruits and vegetables. You can't do this without the help of a juicer. We dilute agar-agar in approximately 100 milliliters of the resulting juice.

Combine all ingredients in one container and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour the slightly cooled mixture into a silicone mold and refrigerate. Placing marmalade in the refrigerator is not a necessary condition, since products prepared on agar-agar “freeze” well even at room temperature.

Orange-lemon marmalade

  • oranges – 5 pieces;
  • lemon – 2 pieces;
  • orange zest – 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon zest – 1 tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar – 400 grams;
  • gelatin – 50 grams.

We dilute gelatin in a small amount of water and give it time to swell.

Cut the zest from the fruit using a fine grater. Squeeze juice from lemons and oranges.

In a small saucepan, combine juice, zest and sugar. Heat the liquid over low heat until the granulated sugar crystals dissolve. After this, add gelatin and mix the syrup.

If you don’t want to feel pieces of zest in the marmalade, you can strain the mass before pouring it into molds.

Store gelatin marmalade made from oranges and lemons in the refrigerator.

The Radhika channel will tell you how to prepare orange marmalade with lemon on agar-agar

I have long wanted to learn how to make orange marmalade. Stopped doubts. Something like this: marmalade at home - is it necessary? There are so many ready-made, tasty things around, so why waste time on amateur activities? However, I didn’t regret taking the risk.

Real orange marmalade differs from store-bought marmalade in a “trifle”: real oranges are used in its preparation, and not their flavor substitutes. Real orange marmalade contains no dyes or synthetic flavoring additives. In general, everything is natural.


  • Oranges – 5-6 pcs.
  • Sugar – 10-11 tbsp. l. (depending on the acidity of the oranges purchased)
  • Zest of one orange
  • Pectin-based gelling mixture (Zhelfix, Zhelinka) – 1 sachet

About the gelling mass. The recipe uses a powder called “Zhelinka” - according to the instructions, it needs to be boiled for 5 minutes after boiling. What I was done. But if you take “Zhelfix”, “Jam” or other pectin-based powder, read the instructions carefully and follow the directions written on the bag - they may be different.

How to make orange marmalade

Wash the oranges and halve them.

Squeeze out their juice (I use a manual citrus squeezer).

It turned out about 400 g of fresh juice.

Pour the juice into the pan, if necessary, through a fine strainer.

Add sugar to the pan.

Add the orange zest there.

Gently stir the entire mixture and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Meanwhile, dilute the gelling mixture, rubbing it to get rid of lumps. You need to add it when the juice boils.

And then mix thoroughly again.

While the mixture is hot, it does not at all resemble jelly or marmalade. See how the mixture slides off the spoon easily? Leave it on the stove over very low heat for another 5 minutes.

Let your marmalade cool slightly and serve as you wish: place it in glasses, rosettes or bowls.

In our case, the orange marmalade stood at room temperature all night, and the next morning it was completely frozen and ready to eat! Or you can put it in the refrigerator (but only after it has cooled): two hours - and voila.

What should you use to cook orange marmalade (or any other)? It’s better in a stainless steel pan, otherwise the marmalade will burn and won’t come off.

If there are seeds floating in freshly squeezed orange juice (as in the photo above), then do not forget to strain it through a fine strainer. Do the same with any other fruit or berry.

Regarding the zest. The zest of two orange halves, from which the juice has already been squeezed, is enough. You just need to grate it on a very fine grater and take only the beautiful, bright orange peel, and don’t use the white peel (it’s bitter).

When preparing marmalade, do not forget to stir it often. In general, the stirring movement is one of the most important in the process of preparing this dessert.

About sugar. There is a little sugar in the recipe, this is a conscious choice. But you can serve marmalade to the table by sprinkling it with sugar.

The oranges for orange marmalade should be dense and fleshy in appearance. If you lightly squeeze an orange in your hand, you can feel the dry orange, it is lighter and feels like cotton inside. You can't squeeze a lot of juice out of such an orange.

Wash the oranges and squeeze the juice out of them using any suitable method. If you squeeze oranges using a manual juicer like the one in the photo, you can first hold the orange under hot water and roll it on the table, so there will be more juice and it will be easier to squeeze out.

Divide the juice approximately equally into two containers. This can be done by eye. Add sugar to one part and mix. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. If you plan to roll the finished marmalade in sugar, then take a little less than a glass, if not, then you can take a full glass, and if the oranges are very sour, then a heaped glass.

Add agar-agar to another part of the juice and mix. Leave for 5-10 minutes.

Bring the juice and sugar to a boil. Add the juice with agar-agar into this syrup, stirring. Cook the mixture for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

Let the mixture cool slightly and pour into silicone molds. It should be borne in mind that mixtures with agar-agar harden quickly even at room temperature, so you should not wait for complete cooling. Otherwise, the mixture will harden right in the ladle and it will be difficult to pour.

Let cool slightly. Then put in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour and remove the marmalade from the molds.

Bright orange slices with a slight sourness can be purchased in the store, but homemade orange marmalade will be much tastier and healthier. Recipes suggest using gelatin, agar-agar and pectin as thickeners, or you can make thick orange jam using only citrus fruits and sugar. After all, this is precisely the meaning (thick orange jam) of the word marmalade in English-speaking countries.

The most common type of thickener, which can be purchased without any problems at any grocery store, is gelatin.

To prepare orange marmalade based on it, the proportions of the ingredients will be as follows:

  • 4 oranges with a total weight of 1 kg;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 35 g gelatin.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Prepare gelatin as indicated in the preparation instructions. Typically, this requires soaking the product in water for a while, taking it in a ratio of 1:3, and then melting the swollen thickener in a microwave oven or in a steam bath.
  2. Meanwhile, thinly zest two oranges so that the white part remains intact, otherwise the finished marmalade will be bitter. Next, squeeze the juice out of all the fruits using any available method. You should get 200 ml of juice. If there is less liquid, you can add water to the specified volume.
  3. Boil the zest, juice and sugar over the fire for about three minutes after boiling. Then strain the mixture and mix with the prepared gelatin. Pour the warm marmalade in its liquid state into molds (shaped silicone ice molds are good for this) and place in the refrigerator. After hardening, the marmalade is ready.

Gelatin marmalade is stored in the refrigerator. You can’t roll it with sugar, because it will simply melt even in the cold. For greater attractiveness, curly marmalades can be rolled in coconut flakes.

How to make with pectin

The ideal marmalade - as stable as store-bought marmalade, which can be rolled in sugar - can only be obtained by using fruit puree and pectin as a thickener.

For this orange marmalade you need to take:

  • 500 g orange puree;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 g glucose syrup (can be replaced with invert syrup or molasses);
  • 12 g citrus pectin;
  • 8 ml lemon juice.

Cooking instructions:

  1. The most difficult and tedious process in making marmalade will be making orange puree. To do this, you need to peel the oranges, divide them into slices, remove the white films from each of them and remove the seeds. After this, puree them with a blender.
  2. Mix powdered sugar with pectin. This is necessary so that the pectin does not curl into flakes, but is evenly distributed and dissolved in the puree.
  3. Place orange puree in a vessel with a thick bottom and walls on the fire. When its temperature reaches 40 degrees, add powdered sugar with pectin, stir and boil.
  4. Pour glucose syrup into the boiling mass and add sugar. Next, boil the mixture with continuous stirring to 106 degrees. After reaching the required temperature, add lemon juice, stir and cook for about another minute.
  5. Pour the warm marmalade into the prepared pan. The silicone one should be greased with vegetable oil, and the iron one should be lined with oiled parchment. After hardening (this will take 5-6 hours), remove the marmalade from the mold with a knife dipped in vegetable oil, cut into pieces and roll in sugar.

With agar-agar

The gelling properties of agar-agar appear already at 40 degrees, so if you make marmalade based on it, the homemade sweet will not melt like jelly, even if it is at room temperature for a long time.

The composition of this delicacy is as follows:

  • 200 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 7 g agar-agar powder.

How to make orange marmalade with agar-agar:

  1. Mix ¾ of the total amount of orange juice with agar-agar and leave for about 30-40 minutes.
  2. After the specified time, combine the remaining 50 ml of juice with sugar and bring to a boil. Pour agar-agar diluted with juice into the boiling syrup in a thin stream, stir and cook for 3-4 minutes after boiling.
  3. Crush the mixture from the stove, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, and then pour it into silicone molds and let it stabilize in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

To obtain a sugar crust, the finished marmalade can be rolled in sugar several times and dried at room temperature.

Orange peel marmalade

Orange peels, which most people simply throw away, can be turned into delicious orange marmalade.

To prepare this delicacy at home you will need:

  • 500 g orange peels;
  • 300 g granulated sugar.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Cover the orange peels with water and bring to a boil. Let the water bubble for three to four minutes, then drain it, add new crust and boil again. Repeat the boiling procedure a total of three times, always changing the water. This is done to remove the bitterness.
  2. After the third boil, grind the rinds through a meat grinder using a wire rack with small holes. Mix the crushed peel with sugar, add 100 ml of the broth in which it was boiled, and cook everything for about 25-30 minutes, stirring continuously so that the marmalade does not burn.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, sprinkle it generously with sugar, and place a mixture of sugar and orange peels on top in an even layer. Place everything in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees, and dry thoroughly, but so that the marmalade remains elastic.
  4. Cut the finished marmalade into pieces, roll in sugar and store in a hermetically sealed container.

Cooking with Yulia Vysotskaya

Homemade orange marmalade according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya consists of pieces of citrus fruits in sweet syrup, more like jam. Of course, fans of store-bought marmalade will not like this option, but fans of homemade jam will like a small jar of such marmalade.

Proportions of sugar and fruit:

  • 1000 g oranges;
  • 900 g sugar.

Cooking technology:

  1. Soak the oranges for 48 hours in cold water. During this time, the peel will become wet and its pores will fully open.
  2. Then drain the water, rinse the fruits, place in a saucepan with thick walls and bottom, add water so that it only slightly covers the oranges, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, avoiding rapid boiling, for 3-4 hours until soft.
  3. Remove the oranges from the liquid, cool completely, and cut into quarters to make it easier to remove the seeds and membranes. Then cut into cubes with a side of 1 cm.
  4. Mix the crushed oranges with sugar, put them back into a saucepan with a thick bottom, if necessary, pour a little orange juice into the bottom so that the marmalade does not burn, and cook for half an hour, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Place the finished marmalade into small sterile glass jars and seal tightly with lids. Store homemade orange treat in the refrigerator.

From orange juice

The basis for orange marmalade can be either the whole fruit or the peels, but most often fresh juice is used for preparation.

So, using fresh juice, you can prepare a delicious chewing orange marmalade by taking:

  • 200 ml juice;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 20 g gelatin.


  1. Pour half the juice over the gelatin and leave for half an hour so that the thickener is well saturated with moisture.
  2. Mix the remaining juice with sugar and boil the syrup. Bring the mixture until all crystals are completely dissolved and boil.
  3. Remove the syrup from the heat and pour the swollen gelatin into it, stir until smooth and homogeneous. Then pour into molds and let harden.

This marmalade is viscous and slightly sticky, so you can roll it in sugar without fear of it melting.

Orange-lemon treat

This homemade delicacy not only has an excellent taste, but also an original presentation in the form of citrus slices.

To prepare orange and lemon slices you will need:

  • 150 ml orange juice;
  • 150 ml lemon juice;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 50 g glucose syrup (can be replaced with invert syrup or molasses);
  • 15 g apple pectin.

Cooking method:

  1. Since the peel will be used for food, wash the oranges and lemons thoroughly with a brush. Then cut each fruit in half and carefully select the pulp from which to squeeze out the required amount of juice.
  2. Mix 50 g of sugar thoroughly with pectin. Combine the rest of the sugar with lemon and orange juice and glucose syrup. Place this mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes.
  3. Then, with continuous stirring, add the sugar-pectin mixture, let the marmalade simmer for 7-10 minutes and pour it into molds made of citrus peel.
  4. When the marmalade hardens, cut it into slices and roll in sugar. A tasty and original homemade delicacy is ready to serve.

With carrots and apples

When you want a little variety, you can make a bright orange marmalade with apples and carrots.

This dessert includes:

  • 2 medium oranges;
  • 2 apples;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 270 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g glucose syrup;
  • 6 g pectin;
  • 2 g agar-agar;
  • 4 ml lemon juice.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Peel the orange, remove white membranes and seeds, peel off the top layer of skin from the carrots, cut out the seed capsule from the apples and cut off the peel. Use a blender to puree citrus fruits, root vegetables and fruits.
  2. Weigh 250 g of the finished puree, add glucose syrup and 200 g of sugar to it. Stir this mixture well and boil until homogeneous. Then cool slightly to about 60 degrees and add the remaining 70 g of sugar mixed with pectin and agar-agar. Cook the marmalade until its temperature approaches 106 degrees.
  3. Quickly transfer the hot marmalade into the prepared baking tray and smooth it out, leaving to stabilize. After hardening, cut into cubes and roll in fine sugar.

English recipe

As legend has it, one enterprising grocer decided to sell the bitter Valencia oranges by masking their bitterness with sugar, and thus English orange marmalade was born - a thick jam served with toast for breakfast.

To do this, you need to prepare:

  • 6 medium oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 1500 g sugar.

Prepare marmalade as follows:

  1. Cut the peel of two oranges into thin noodles. Next, prepare juice from all citrus fruits using a juicer.
  2. Mix the juice with water, add the noodles from the peels, and you can also put the pomace there, wrapped in a gauze bag. Over medium heat, stirring occasionally, cook the mixture for about two hours, until the volume is reduced by about half.
  3. Next, remove the pomace from the pan and add sugar. Boil the marmalade for a quarter of an hour, then drop a little onto the saucer; if after five minutes, when you tilt the plate, the surface of the drop wrinkles - the marmalade is ready. In case of a different outcome, continue to simmer for some time.
  4. Pour the finished marmalade into sterile jars for further storage. Although no thickeners are used in the recipe, the product has a fairly dense consistency. Often it has to be cut with a knife.

Today I want to show you how to quickly make marmalade with agar agar at home. Below I will tell you what marmalade is made from and various nuances in its preparation so that it has the right texture and taste. This orange agar marmalade recipe is made with just three ingredients. I advise you to use agar-agar for it, and not gelatin, because you need to add much less of it and cook with it faster. If anyone doesn’t know, agar is a strong gelling substance obtained from seaweed, that is, a plant analogue of gelatin.

I use freshly squeezed juice of two oranges as a basis, but if you don’t like citruses or are allergic to them, then you can replace it with any other juice from berries or fruits. As a result, you will get delicious natural marmalade at home, which you can put in a beautiful box and give to friends or family.

After looking through the entire recipe, you will see that making your own marmalade at home is simple, quick, and turns out tasty and bright without various harmful additives. This is a dessert that is definitely worth trying at least once. And also see how you can make it, which can easily be used to decorate various desserts, cakes, or simply in addition to a candy bar or instead of sweets for children. This meringue is not only bright and beautiful, but also very tasty.


  • Orange – 2 pcs. (150 ml juice)
  • Agar-agar – 5 g
  • Sugar – 100 g

How to make marmalade at home

So, all of us have tried marmalade candies, the taste of which many remember from childhood, so let’s make them. To do this, first of all, I wash the oranges well, cut them in half and squeeze out the juice. From two large oranges I only got 150 ml of juice, although there should be about 200 ml. If you do this with a special device, then most likely there will be more juice, but I pressed with my hands and may not have been able to squeeze out all of it.

After this, I divide the juice into two parts, 100 ml and 50 ml. Pour 5 g of agar-agar into the smaller part and mix. There is no point in waiting for it to swell, since this will only happen at high temperatures.

Now, to make homemade marmalade from oranges, I start cooking. To do this, pour 100 ml of orange juice into a saucepan and add sugar to it.

I stir and put on the fire, as soon as the mixture boils, pour in the remaining juice with agar and stir.

Now it is important that the mass does not boil too much, but just barely. Boil for another 3 minutes and remove from heat. All this time, do not forget to stir this mixture.

I have silicone marmalade molds that can be used to make various candies. I don’t lubricate them with anything and immediately pour hot liquid into the holes. It is more convenient to do this with a teaspoon. Remember that agar hardens already at 40 degrees, so don’t waste time and wait for the mass to cool, but pour it right away.

Next, I put it in the refrigerator to harden, although it will harden at room temperature, so it’s not so important where you leave it. This is the orange marmalade made from oranges at home. It is very easy to remove from the molds and does not break.

To make it even more like real marmalade, I roll each heart in sugar.

As you can see, this is a very simple step-by-step recipe for marmalade at home and if you follow the preparation sequence and follow all the steps, you will also succeed. It does not last long, but this is not a problem, since it is eaten quite quickly.

This is how bright my orange marmalade with agar agar turned out at home. The most important thing is that it is truly natural, without harmful additives, and can be given to children instead of candy. In exactly the same way, gummies can be made from other berries or fruits. If, for example, you don’t like citrus fruits, make it from apple juice or cherries. Bon appetit and happy experimenting in the kitchen!

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