Sponge cake for a large company. Large cake “Bird's milk. Mikado cake - Armenian recipe

I was treated to a piece of cake, and then its recipe, when I was still... no, not walking under the table, but studying at school. The classic “Mikado” is prepared in layers like “Napoleon”, but my recipe is not like that.

When there is a large gathering of people, you can be sure that there will be enough hearty, heavy and at the same time tender “Mikado” for everyone.

For the test:
- 3 full glasses of flour;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 tbsp. sour cream;
- 1 tbsp. butter;
- 1 tsp. soda

For cream:
- 400 gr. butter;
- 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
- 6 large eggs or 7 small ones.


First I do the test. I beat eggs with sugar. Then I add butter, sour cream and soda, and beat again until smooth.

I sift the flour and knead the dough with a spoon. I divide it into 2 parts, each of which will be a cake.

I wipe the rolling pin and hands with flour, pour the flour on the table and roll out the dough, not really observing the shape of the cake.

The main thing is that it fits on the baking sheet. The dough sheet turns out quite thick and elastic.

I prick it with a fork and transfer it to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

At 180 degrees, the cake will bake in 12-15 minutes. During this time I prepare the 2nd part of the test.

Let the baked cakes cool. Then I break each cake into small pieces with my hands.

While the cakes are baking and cooling, I prepare some of the cream. With each half of the norm of sugar, you need to beat the butter and eggs separately, and only then combine the two masses into one.

If possible, it is better to use powdered sugar for butter, because beating butter and sugar takes a lot of time.

You can beat all the sugar and butter and then add the eggs one at a time if you prefer.

Important: Eggs must be fresh, without cracks in the shell and washed with soap. Or, to play it safe, make custard; it will also be tasty and safe.

Pour the finished cream onto the shortcakes and mix

I cover the bottom of a large bowl with gauze and transfer the mixture of shortcakes and cream into it. I tamp them with a spoon and smooth them out.

I also cover the top with gauze and cover with a lid from a saucepan of a suitable size. I place a weight on the lid and put the Mikado in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day I remove the weight, lid, gauze. I turn the dish with the cake over onto a flat dish and carefully remove the bowl and cheesecloth.

You can be sure that all guests will eat a big delicious Mikado cake :).

If you want, below is a recipe on how you can make a Mikado cake with shortcakes, but there is much more hassle, but the taste is the same. Therefore, my version of the cake turned out in a hurry. And you can use any cream from condensed milk with butter and custard.

Mikado cake - Armenian recipe

In general, there are several recipes for Mikado cake, and so that you don’t have to look for them, I decided to put them all together here.

So, here is a version of the Mikado cake, which is made from 5 cake layers with condensed milk cream.

For the test you will need:
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
100 grams of butter
200 grams of sour cream
1.5 tsp. soda
4 cups flour (I used 4.5 cups)

For cream: 2/3 cans of condensed milk, 2/3 cans of boiled condensed milk, 3 tbsp. cocoa, 300 grams of butter.
For decoration, take a bunch of nuts (for example, roasted cashews) and 100 grams of chocolate.

I prepare the dough: to do this, I grind eggs with sugar, beat the eggs and add them, and sour cream (mix with soda). Mixed and poured flour. I kneaded the dough, it should be soft, but so that it can be rolled out. If it sticks to your hands too much, add more flour. Leave the dough for half an hour so that the gluten swells and makes it easier to work with.

I divided it into 5 parts and rolled each part into a rectangle as thin as possible.

Bake each part on a baking sheet for about 7 minutes at 200 degrees. Don’t over-dry it, just when it gets brown, take it out.

For the cream, I softened the butter, beat it until white with a mixer and began to gradually add condensed milk, regular and boiled, to it. Then I poured in cocoa and mixed the cream. The cream turns out simply magical and very tasty.

All that remains is to assemble the Mikado cake. To do this, I take a cake layer, coat it with cream, and press it down with the next cake layer.
I ground the nuts and sprinkled them on the sides. I grated chocolate on top. I put the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

If the cake is rectangular, then it is then cut into diamonds, that is, stripes diagonally, and then in the other direction.

Another option for cream for Mikado cake
I take three tbsp. spoons of milk, half a glass of sugar, 1 tbsp. cocoa, 50 grams of butter.

I put everything except the butter in a saucepan and cook until it thickens, then I add the butter and beat everything into a fluffy mass - the cream is ready.

Another day off. According to a long-standing tradition, there should always be baking on the weekends. And today this is the “Air” cake. Absolutely all family members love this cake. I want to share with you the recipe for baking it. I used a large baking sheet because I made a double recipe. If you use a mold with a diameter of 26-28 cm, you need to divide the amount of products below by two.
So let's get started. In a bowl, separate 4 yolks, 1 whole egg, 1 tbsp. sugar and beat with a spoon

Add a glass of sour cream and quench with vinegar 1 teaspoon of soda

Stir everything thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add 1 tbsp. flour mixed with 3 spoons of cocoa

Stir until smooth

Line a baking sheet with baking foil or parchment paper and transfer the dough onto it. Bake at 160 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Cut them to shape. In my case like this

4 egg whites and 2 tbsp. beat sugar

Beat to a very stable foam. So that when turning the container with proteins over, they do not flow out

Place the egg whites on the waffles, level them (leave 1cm to the edges) and dry in the oven at 100 degrees for 90 minutes (be careful not to burn)

Also do another race with the remaining products.
Cut the butter into pieces and leave until it becomes soft

Place condensed milk at room temperature on it

And whip up a homogeneous cream.

We get 4 pieces like this (2 cakes and 2 waffles with whites)

Fold the cake. Cake + cream + wafer with whites on top + cream + wafer with whites on the bottom + cream + cake. Everything is in that order.

Take 100 g of chocolate glaze. Add 20 g of water to it

Microwave for 1 minute (or heat in a water bath)

Stir it well and cover the top of the cake. You can decorate according to your taste. I didn’t come up with anything, I just sprinkled it with confectionery sprinkles.

To give it a beautiful appearance from the outside, you need to carefully trim the protruding wafers with squirrels with a sharp knife. Grease the sides with cream and cover with chopped nuts or grated remains of waffles. The cake turns out to be heavy (mine weighs about 6 kg) and tall (13 cm).

It is advisable for the cake to stand for a day in a cool (but not cold) place in order to recover and so that the whites do not crumble. It seems like a lot of work, but the cake is sooo delicious, the meringue is crispy and airy and it just melts in your mouth. It's up to you to decide whether to bake it or not, but I still recommend at least trying it.
Enjoy your meal!

Cooking time: PT02H00M 2 hours

Often you just get lost in thoughts, recipes and advice on what kind of cake to bake if you are expecting a large number of guests. After all, your favorite family cake can’t always help out. Sometimes, if you increase the portion, the cake turns out to be quite expensive and may not justify the time, effort and money spent, because... it still turns out small and each guest gets a very small piece. And in this regard, we suggest you consider the option of preparing such a large cake for a large company. Why him? The answer is simple. This cake will turn out not only big, but also filling and very tasty! And it’s absolutely easy to prepare.

Stick to the recipe and follow the advice we give you. The main ingredients here: sweet cheeses. Thanks to them, the cakes are loose and tender. But cottage cheese can also be suitable, which must be rubbed through a sieve or made into a thick curd mass, mixed with a small amount of milk and vanilla. The dough is quite pliable and you can give the cakes any shape. It is necessary to remove the cakes from the baking sheet or frying pan carefully, because... They will be brittle and hard when cooled. Important note: bake the cake in advance. Cakes can be baked 2 or even 3 days before the holiday. And soak in cream at least 10 hours before serving. And you can serve your guests a deliciously tender, soft and fragrant cake for tea! And most importantly, if someone asks for more, you can safely offer it. After all, the cake turns out to be quite large – up to 5 kg! So, here is this miracle recipe.


For the test:

- sugar – 2 cups,
- eggs – 5 pcs,
- sweet cheeses – 5 pcs. 100 g each or cottage cheese – 500 g,
- flour - no more than 5 glasses,
- baking soda - 1 tbsp. l.,
- vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.,

For cream:

- milk - 1500 ml + 1 glass,
- custard - 2 packs of 100 g each,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- flour - 4 tbsp. l.,
- sugar - 2 cups,
- vanilla sugar – 1 sachet,
- butter - 200 g,
- cream margarine - 250 g,
- chocolate or cocoa for decoration.

How to cook with photos step by step

First, we prepare the ingredients that are needed to prepare the dough for our miracle cake.
Also prepare ingredients for the cream in advance if you will be greasing the cakes on the same day. Be sure to remove the butter and margarine from the refrigerator until they are soft.

Now let's start preparing the dough. To do this, grind the eggs with sugar.

Add sweet cheese or curd mass, or pureed cottage cheese. Mix well.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the dough.

The final stage is adding flour. Add flour gradually.

The dough should be soft and elastic. Wrap the finished dough in cling film or a bag and place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Chilled dough rolls out better and does not stick to the table and hands so much. You can also prepare the dough in the evening, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and start baking the cakes in the morning.

The finished dough must be divided into 7-8 parts depending on the volume of the baking sheet or baking dish. Also, keep in mind that the cakes must be thin.

Now pour some flour onto the table and roll out the first layer to a thickness of 2-3 mm. Then carefully roll the dough onto a rolling pin and transfer it to a baking sheet lightly greased with vegetable oil or melted margarine. We do this with all the cakes.

We bake the cakes at a temperature of 160 degrees. The cakes bake quickly. While you are rolling out the next cake, the previous one will already be baked.

While the cakes are cooling, you can start preparing the cream. The milk must be boiled. Then pour one and a half glasses and cool. In a separate bowl, grind the eggs with flour.

Then add the custard and mix again.

Gradually pour the cooled milk into the mixture and mix thoroughly again.

We heat the milk that is in the pan (it’s better to use an aluminum one - it won’t burn) until it’s hot. Turn down the heat and carefully add the egg mixture, stirring the milk all the time with a spatula. Bring the cream to a boil, stirring all the time with a spatula and add vanilla sugar, stir and immediately turn off. Now the cream should cool to 35 degrees (slightly warmer than room temperature). If the cream is cooled too much, then when you combine it with butter, the latter may form lumps and you will get a heterogeneous milk-butter cream.

While the cream is cooling, rub the butter with margarine and sugar.

Then add a spoonful of cooled custard to the butter mixture and mix. You should get a homogeneous, beautiful cream.

Now coat all the cake layers and sides with cream. Grate chocolate or sprinkle cocoa on top. The cake should soak for 8-10 hours at room temperature.

Then carefully cover it with a plastic bag or make a lid out of cardboard (so that the top layer does not dry out) and put the cake in the refrigerator. You can decorate the cake before serving

I was treated to a piece of cake, and then its recipe, when I was still... no, not walking under the table, but studying at school. The classic “Mikado” is prepared in layers like “Napoleon”, but my recipe is not like that.

When there is a large gathering of people, you can be sure that there will be enough hearty, heavy and at the same time tender “Mikado” for everyone.

For the test:
- 3 full glasses of flour;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 tbsp. sour cream;
- 1 tbsp. butter;
- 1 tsp. soda

For cream:
- 400 gr. butter;
- 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
- 6 large eggs or 7 small ones.


First I do the test. I beat eggs with sugar. Then I add butter, sour cream and soda, and beat again until smooth.

I sift the flour and knead the dough with a spoon. I divide it into 2 parts, each of which will be a cake.

I wipe the rolling pin and hands with flour, pour the flour on the table and roll out the dough, not really observing the shape of the cake.

The main thing is that it fits on the baking sheet. The dough sheet turns out quite thick and elastic.

I prick it with a fork and transfer it to a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

At 180 degrees, the cake will bake in 12-15 minutes. During this time I prepare the 2nd part of the test.

Let the baked cakes cool. Then I break each cake into small pieces with my hands.

While the cakes are baking and cooling, I prepare some of the cream. With each half of the norm of sugar, you need to beat the butter and eggs separately, and only then combine the two masses into one.

If possible, it is better to use powdered sugar for butter, because beating butter and sugar takes a lot of time.

You can beat all the sugar and butter and then add the eggs one at a time if you prefer.

Important: Eggs must be fresh, without cracks in the shell and washed with soap. Or, to play it safe, make custard; it will also be tasty and safe.

Pour the finished cream onto the shortcakes and mix

I cover the bottom of a large bowl with gauze and transfer the mixture of shortcakes and cream into it. I tamp them with a spoon and smooth them out.

I also cover the top with gauze and cover with a lid from a saucepan of a suitable size. I place a weight on the lid and put the Mikado in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day I remove the weight, lid, gauze. I turn the dish with the cake over onto a flat dish and carefully remove the bowl and cheesecloth.

You can be sure that all guests will eat a big delicious Mikado cake :).

If you want, below is a recipe on how you can make a Mikado cake with shortcakes, but there is much more hassle, but the taste is the same. Therefore, my version of the cake turned out in a hurry. And you can use any cream from condensed milk with butter and custard.

Mikado cake - Armenian recipe

In general, there are several recipes for Mikado cake, and so that you don’t have to look for them, I decided to put them all together here.

So, here is a version of the Mikado cake, which is made from 5 cake layers with condensed milk cream.

For the test you will need:
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
100 grams of butter
200 grams of sour cream
1.5 tsp. soda
4 cups flour (I used 4.5 cups)

For cream: 2/3 cans of condensed milk, 2/3 cans of boiled condensed milk, 3 tbsp. cocoa, 300 grams of butter.
For decoration, take a bunch of nuts (for example, roasted cashews) and 100 grams of chocolate.

I prepare the dough: to do this, I grind eggs with sugar, beat the eggs and add them, and sour cream (mix with soda). Mixed and poured flour. I kneaded the dough, it should be soft, but so that it can be rolled out. If it sticks to your hands too much, add more flour. Leave the dough for half an hour so that the gluten swells and makes it easier to work with.

I divided it into 5 parts and rolled each part into a rectangle as thin as possible.

Bake each part on a baking sheet for about 7 minutes at 200 degrees. Don’t over-dry it, just when it gets brown, take it out.

For the cream, I softened the butter, beat it until white with a mixer and began to gradually add condensed milk, regular and boiled, to it. Then I poured in cocoa and mixed the cream. The cream turns out simply magical and very tasty.

All that remains is to assemble the Mikado cake. To do this, I take a cake layer, coat it with cream, and press it down with the next cake layer.
I ground the nuts and sprinkled them on the sides. I grated chocolate on top. I put the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

If the cake is rectangular, then it is then cut into diamonds, that is, stripes diagonally, and then in the other direction.

Another option for cream for Mikado cake
I take three tbsp. spoons of milk, half a glass of sugar, 1 tbsp. cocoa, 50 grams of butter.

I put everything except the butter in a saucepan and cook until it thickens, then I add the butter and beat everything into a fluffy mass - the cream is ready.

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