Prunes: benefits and harms to the body. Prunes and its benefits and harm to the body, tips for use and delicious recipes Prunes useful properties and contraindications for women

The positive impact of dried fruits on health has long been known. These products have a high nutritional value, satisfy hunger quickly and for a long time, have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and, in general, have a good effect on our body due to their vitamin-rich composition. In addition, dried fruits acquire a new, very interesting and unusual taste, which is also an undoubted advantage.

What is the use of dried plums, what is the chemical composition of this product, what you need to remember when buying and eating prunes - the answers to these questions are later in the article.

Prunes - basic information about it

It is probably not required to give a detailed description and biological characteristics of the product, because everyone knows what prunes are. These are plum fruits dried for a longer and better preservation, widely used for culinary and cosmetic purposes.

Prunes have a wonderful, sweetish taste and, when consumed wisely, bring enormous benefits to our body. The beneficial effect of the product on digestion and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole is well known.

In addition, dried fruits are known for their excellent ability to instantly saturate and satisfy hunger for a long time. That's why dried plum fruits are often recommended for hiking and for high-intensity, long-term physical activity.

Useful properties for the body

The impact that prunes have on health is enormous. The use of this product (within reasonable limits, of course) can have the best effect on the condition and appearance of any person:

  • Dried plum fruits are widely used in folk medicine for improving the functioning of the digestive system. A handful of prunes a day greatly facilitates the process of digestion and absorption of food, serves as a prevention of indigestion and bloating.
  • Favorably affects the product on the intestinal microflora significantly reducing the risk of malignant tumors in the large intestine.
  • well known mild laxative effect dried fruits on the body. The product helps to easily and painlessly cope with constipation, accelerate the natural cleansing of the intestines, remove toxic substances and toxins from the body. By the way, because of this effect, it is recommended to use prunes during fasting days, as well as for those who are on a diet and want to get rid of extra pounds.
  • High content of natural antioxidants significantly improves the work of metabolic processes in the body, slows down aging and wear of organs, and also serves as a preventive measure for many diseases, including the formation of malignant tumors.
  • B vitamins(thiamine, riboflavin) are also part of the plum fruit; they are necessary for our body for normal metabolism, absorption of food and its carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Vitamins of this group also have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, improve mood, normalize sleep, and help to cope with insomnia.
  • Prunes contain large dose of calcium and vitamin A, responsible for the growth and development of an organism that strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Dried plums are extremely useful for the functioning of the immune system.. Ascorbic acid contained in plums has a great effect on the immune system, strengthening it and reducing the risk of many diseases.
  • Vitamin K necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the normal functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Potassium in the composition is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the heart muscle, prevention of heart and vascular diseases. Thanks to prunes, the work of the heart is regulated, blood pressure is normalized. It is recommended to add the product to your diet for people suffering from hypertension, migraines.
  • Tocopherol, contained in the plum, is extremely beneficial for women's health and the beauty of hair, nails and skin.
  • Product good for liver health, its restoration and improvement of the work of this body.
  • Prunes have antibacterial properties, when consumed, cleanses the oral cavity of germs, reduces the risk of caries.
  • Dried fruits contain vitamins and minerals needed by the body: iodine, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, manganese, boron, phosphorus, aluminum and many others. These elements strengthen the body, improve its functioning, satisfy the need for vitamins and are useful for beriberi.

Possible harm

But what to remember when using the product:

  • Exceeding the recommended dose of prunes can cause obesity, since the calorie content of dried fruits is extremely high - about 250 calories are contained in 100 g of dried fruits.
  • Dried plums contain carcinogenic substances that are harmful to health in a small dose. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to abuse prunes.
  • In the presence of diabetes, the product may also be contraindicated due to the high content of glucose in the composition.

  1. When buying prunes, pay attention to its appearance. A good product should not be shiny and sticky - the presence of these effects indicates chemical processing. The fruit should have a pronounced pleasant taste, not bitter.
  2. Prunes strengthen health and immunity, so the product will be especially useful in the autumn and winter periods, the season of colds and infections. Dried fruits can be consumed with walnuts and honey - this is a real vitamin cocktail for the body.
  3. Dried fruit goes well with mushrooms, chicken, as well as beef and pork dishes. Use dried plums in cooking to diversify the taste and give the dish a pleasant sourness.


Prunes are absolutely essential for our health. The use of dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system, normalizes the functioning of the intestines. Dried plum fruits are also great for strengthening the immune system and can be useful in the rainy season as a prevention of colds.

Alexey Tatarinov

Prunes are dried plums. Certain varieties with small seeds are suitable for drying. Using the product, information will be useful about the benefits and harms of prunes for the human body.

Dried fruit composition

Nutritional value is determined by the following indicators:

  • fats - 0.41%;
  • carbohydrates - 65.8%;
  • proteins - 3.19%.

The composition of prunes includes about 30% of water and compounds and elements useful for the body:

  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • pectin substances;
  • sucrose, fructose;
  • organic acids - oxalic, citric, salicylic.

Dried fruit is valued for its content of vitamins - A, B. There is a lot in the structural formula of ascorbic acid, there is niacin. Beneficial mineral varieties - calcium, phosphorus. Potassium is of particular value.

The beneficial properties of prunes are manifested in the provision of various therapeutic effects:

  • antioxidant;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • antibacterial;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic.

The main benefit of prunes for the body is due to its structural formula, saturated with substances important for life. The presence of an extensive vitamin-mineral complex contributes to the successful fight against free radicals, which positively affects the improvement of overall well-being. With regular use of dried fruit, blood circulation improves.

Thanks to fiber, digestion is normalized. Since prunes additionally weaken, the body gets rid of accumulations of harmful toxins.

Glucose, B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, promote the activation of mental activity, strengthen memory, and eliminate depressive states. Thanks to vitamin E, cardiac activity improves.

Dried fruit is used for a fairly extensive list of diseases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • intestinal infections provoked by E. coli and salmonella;
  • liver failure;
  • constipation;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal pathologies;
  • gastritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • osteoporosis.

Dried prunes are recommended for the prevention of caries, beriberi, visual impairment. Dried fruit increases appetite, reduces the concentration of cholesterol, restores elasticity to the vascular walls, strengthens them. Normalizes metabolic processes.

Benefits for Women

Prunes for women will be useful in. This becomes especially important at the onset of the menopause period, when the processes of calcium loss are accelerated. As a result, the bones become brittle. If daily use 100 gr. prunes, containing vitamin D and calcium, will be able to significantly slow down this process.

As a source of vitamins and trace elements important for the development of the child, prunes are useful during pregnancy. Dried fruit has an additional mild laxative effect, removes swelling, increases the body's resistance to stress. Normalizes metabolic reactions, regulates pressure.

After the baby reaches the age of five months, prunes can be consumed in small quantities for nursing mothers, not only raw, but also in the form of compote.

  1. In the morning, four berries are washed well.
  2. Soak in water for 25 minutes.
  3. Pour 300 ml into a saucepan. water.
  4. Spread soaked dried fruits.
  5. With slow heating, boil for 30 minutes, adding a little sugar.

Be sure to make sure that the child does not experience negative reactions to this product.

Use kefir with prunes. To prepare, two softened berries are mixed with a glass of kefir and whipped in a blender. Such a vitamin cocktail is introduced into the breakfast menu.

Since nursing mothers have to limit themselves to sweets, they make vitamin sweets.

  1. Rinse and free from pits dates, raisins - 50 gr each.
  2. Mix with prunes - 200 gr., Dried apricots and hazelnuts - 30 gr each.
  3. Add peeled pitted orange.
  4. Grind in a blender.
  5. Form into balls the size of .

Stored in the refrigerator. One candy is allowed per day.

Is it possible for children?

Prunes for babies are allowed from the age of five months.

  1. Wash two dried fruits.
  2. Pour in two tablespoons of boiling water.
  3. Boil 5 min.
  4. Grind into puree.

The baby is given half a teaspoon in the morning and afternoon. Mom eats the rest.

Compote is prepared from prunes for babies who have reached the age of four months.

  1. Wash thoroughly with 200 gr. berries.
  2. Place in an enamel bowl.
  3. Pour 100 gr. Sahara.
  4. Pour three cups of hot water.
  5. Cook at a low boil for 25 minutes.

After cooling, the compote is given to the baby in 50 ml. three times a day.

Prunes benefit children in the form of an infusion that retains all the healing qualities. In the morning and evening, two berries are placed in a glass of boiling water, covered with a towel. After 25 minutes, the drink is ready.

Give two teaspoons to a baby who is already five months old. The remaining healing liquid is drunk by the nursing mother herself, and also eats the pulp.

Dried fruit is introduced into the baby's diet gradually, starting with the minimum portion. If there is no allergic reaction, there is no harmful effect on digestion, continue to give a vitamin drink or puree twice a week. Over time, grated prunes are added in small quantities to the porridge.

Use in dietetics

People seeking to lose weight are interested in information on how many calories are in dried fruit and how to consume it while on a diet. Calorie content of prunes 245 kcal per 100 gr.

Given the ability of dried plums to stimulate the removal of toxins, regulate metabolic processes, nutritionists recommend introducing this dried fruit into the diet in order to reduce weight. Due to the pronounced sweet taste, prunes successfully replace sweets.

To dull the feeling of hunger, they eat six berries previously softened in boiling water. This is a good alternative to dinner.

Dried plums are combined with boiled beets, raw carrots or celery. The products are ground in a blender or made into salads.

To lose weight and eliminate the risk of a deficiency of vitamin and mineral elements, use several varieties of dried fruits to prepare diet meals.


  • dried apricots with raisins - 100 gr.
  • rose hips with figs - 200 gr.
  • prunes - 400 gr.
  • senna grass - 50 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the products.
  2. Grind by passing through a meat grinder.
  3. Put in a glass container.
  4. Put in refrigerator.

Consume a tablespoon after breakfast and dinner. Follow a regimen that requires you to drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water daily. Read more about how to use prunes for weight loss.

Application in cooking

To give a special flavor to dishes, dried plums are used in cooking. Compotes are cooked with this product, dried fruit is added to ready-made dishes.

Basmati rice is suitable for cooking.

  1. Peel and cut into cubes 400 gr. Luke.
  2. Shred into medium-sized straws the same amount of raw carrots.
  3. Place the vegetables in a cauldron, preheating the vegetable oil in it, lightly fry.
  4. Cut into 500 gr. chicken breast fillet in medium-sized pieces.
  5. Put in a cauldron, adding seasonings intended for pilaf.
  6. Add a quarter cup of water.
  7. Simmer at a low boil until the meat is soft and the liquid has evaporated.
  8. Well-washed rice - 300 gr. soak in cold water for 30 minutes.
  9. Drain the liquid, put on top of the fillets and vegetables.
  10. Salt hot water and pour into a cauldron so that the liquid rises five millimeters above the rice.
  11. Place half a head of garlic in the husk in the center.
  12. Put pitted prunes around the perimeter - 9 berries.
  13. Boil pilaf under the lid at medium heat for 10 minutes.
  14. Remove from the stove, do not open the lid for another 30 minutes.
  15. Before laying out the garlic, remove and mix the contents.

Prunes appetizer

The sweet appetizer of prunes will satisfy the most demanding taste, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Boil 20 prunes for five minutes in a glass of water.
  2. Put on a napkin, remove the bones.
  3. Chop the walnuts and fill them with the inside of the berries.
  4. Arrange dried fruits on a plate and pour over whipped cream with sugar.
  5. Melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath and decorate the delicacy.

To make prunes on your own, most often they use the technique of drying selected fruits in the oven. Not every plum gives prunes, so it is necessary to select varieties correctly. There are several varieties.

These include Hungarian Korneevskaya with a pleasant sweet pulp. Suitable Hungarian Italian with elastic fruits. High-quality prunes are prepared from Renklod Rossoshansky plums. This variety has amber flesh with a spicy sour note.

Dried plum fruits Blue Bird, Prunes Adyghe. Considering that yellow-skinned berries are not dried, it is necessary to select purple ones.

To cook prunes at home, choose whole healthy fruits.

How to cook:

  1. Add a tablespoon of soda to a liter of boiling water.
  2. Immerse the plums in the solution for 15 seconds.
  3. Sprinkle on a tissue paper to dry.
  4. Prick with a needle in three places. Leave the bone. Spread out on a baking sheet in one layer.
  5. Place in an oven heated to 40°C for four hours.
  6. Turn fruits constantly.
  7. Take out for three hours to cool.
  8. Continue drying at 60 degrees for 4 hours.
  9. Remove from oven again for 3 hours.
  10. Dry again at 80°C for four hours.

Dried fresh prunes in a dry room.

If you want to add variety and a touch of unusualness to the menu, cook smoked prunes using a home smoking machine. Place fruit chips in the appliance, and place the dried dried fruits on the wire rack. Smoking lasts no longer than a quarter of an hour with an average heating of 90 ° C. Ready fruits can withstand 6 hours in the fresh air.

It is important to know how to store prunes prepared for future use:

  • Put in glass jars. Under sealed lids, the product stays in the pantry for six months.
  • Sew a dense bag of natural textiles. Soak dried fruits in a strong salt solution - half a glass of salt per 500 ml. water. Dry, put dry plums in a bag and tie. In the closet, the fruits do not lose their useful qualities for six months.
  • To prepare prunes for the winter, the berries are placed in airtight containers. In the refrigerator in this form, the product does not deteriorate for up to ten months.

How to apply in folk medicine

Prunes are useful for the intestines and stomach. With the regular inclusion of five berries per day in the diet, the acidity of gastric juice returns to normal. Helps dried plum for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers. To activate the processes of purification from slag deposits, a decoction of prunes is prepared, which has a mild laxative effect:

  1. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan.
  2. Add 100 gr. washed prunes without removing the pits.
  3. Boil 20 min.
  4. Keep under a towel for 30 minutes.

Drink a glass before breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Prunes for constipation, cope with the problem quickly and effectively:

  1. Remove pits from 15 berries.
  2. Place in boiling water for a minute.
  3. Rinse.
  4. Chop with a knife into small pieces.
  5. Put in bowl.
  6. Pour to the top with any fermented milk product, maintaining a ratio of 1: 1.
  7. Divide the mixture into three servings, consume at half-hour intervals.

Contraindications and restrictions

How many prunes do you need to eat to get the benefits and not harm? A day is recommended no more than 12 pieces for an adult, divided into 3-4 doses.

The amount of dried fruits in the presence of obesity is maximally limited. Prunes are used with caution in pancreatitis, since dried plums have a rather pronounced choleretic effect. The product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

It is advisable to eat prunes for type 2 diabetes as salad ingredients. It is good to introduce chopped berries into casseroles, cereals. A day is allowed to eat no more than two fruits.

When using prunes while breastfeeding, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The product should be introduced into the diet when the baby is four months old.
  2. Consult a doctor.
  3. They start with one dried fruit, evaluating the reaction of the child.
  4. If the baby does not show signs of an allergic reaction and indigestion, gradually increase the amount.
  5. The limit is four berries per day.

Be healthy!

In order to be confident in your own body, you simply have to monitor your daily diet, including high-quality, onion peel, hot peppers, and many other foods that bring only benefits to the body, excluding harm. At the same time, in order to properly form your diet, you must know everything about the products that you are going to consume.

In this article, a detailed description of the benefits of fresh and dried prunes will be offered to the attention of Runet users. You will learn the structure of this product and the main useful qualities, which in the future will allow you to develop an ideal diet in which dried fruit will appear.

What prunes contain

Acquaintance with one of the most useful products in the world should begin with a study of the composition, because it is thanks to him that the product has gained such wide popularity. Knowing the structure of the product, you can think through your daily diet in detail, keeping track of kilocalories, vitamins and other indicators. 100 fruits with a calorie content of 239 kcal contain:

  • proteins - 2.6 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 55.6 g;
  • ash - 1.8 g;
  • fiber - 7.1 g;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C and E;
  • macronutrients in the form of potassium, calcium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • trace elements in the form of zinc, copper, iron, selenium and manganese.

Did you know? Prunes are the basis of the composition for many well-known medicinal laxatives.

What is useful prunes

Having sorted out the structure of the product studied in the article, we can begin to consider its effect on the body. And the first thing you pay attention to in the process of getting acquainted with the benefits and harms of prunes is how they are used today for weight loss.

Rated consumption of fruit guarantees the rapid removal of toxins from the body and the dissolution of bad cholesterol. In addition, prunes have been shown to provide intestinal benefits for constipation. With it, you can get rid of any uncomfortable conditions caused by malnutrition and other factors.

As for other useful qualities of dried fruit, these include strengthening tooth enamel, pronounced antibacterial properties, providing tone to the whole body, maintaining acid-base balance, healing and rejuvenating the skin, combating anemia and beriberi, prevention of cancer.

How does it affect women

The fair sex must definitely include the dried fruit we are considering in their diet. The reason lies in the benefits for the nervous system. The composition of the product contains a large number of trace elements that prevent the occurrence of nervous breakdowns, depression, insomnia and irritability. Consuming the product daily, you will gain the so-called psychological comfort.

In addition, the fruit normalizes the cardiovascular system and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is often prescribed by doctors for the prevention of heart disease. The dietary supplement has a remarkable effect on vision. The nutritional compounds of the plant restore damaged optic nerves and relieve eye fatigue.

How does it affect men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity need to consume dried fruit for several reasons.

  • Initially, we note that this product prevents the formation of extremely dangerous pathologies in the reproductive system. Systematic consumption reduces the risk of potency problems.
  • Secondly, the plant enhances the synthesis of androgens, which positively affect the production of testosterone and sex hormone. In other words, your youth continues to thrive even in old age.
  • The tonic effect also plays an important role. Including the product studied in the article in the diet, you will always feel filled with vital energy.

A few "buts"

In most cases, the product can be consumed by almost everyone. This excludes young children, pregnant and lactating women, people with low blood pressure, and people suffering from kidney stones. Try to take into account these limitations and in no case neglect them, because otherwise you can cause serious harm to health and cause a lot of uncomfortable conditions.

Did you know? One of the best representatives of the dried fruits we are considering is Sochi prunes. Many experts recognize it as the most delicious in the world.

What is the possible side

Abusing the product or not taking into account the above problems with the body, be prepared to face a number of uncomfortable situations. The product can cause pain in the abdomen, bloating, as well as various allergic reactions. In addition, due to irresponsible consumption, acrylamide, as well as neurotoxic or carcinogenic substances, can accumulate in the body, causing serious harm.

How much prunes can be eaten and in what form

The standard daily dose of prunes is considered to be 20 berries. It is this amount that is enough to normalize the state of health and get all the useful microelements necessary for the body.

We also note that you can enjoy the taste of dried fruits not only in everyday form. They are often crushed and boiled, which allows you to create various infusions and mixtures with more useful qualities.

How to choose a good prunes

The procedure for choosing prunes implies an extremely responsible attitude on the part of the consumer. Today you can meet this product both on the market and in large supermarket chains. At the same time, dried fruits are sold by weight and in packs. In order not to miscalculate and choose a really high-quality product, try to pay attention to:

Did you know? The best prunes are created on the basis of a dark Hungarian plum, which has an oval shape. It is in this variety that benefits, sweetness and pleasant aroma are equally balanced.

How to ensure storage conditions

Choose a dry and cool place to store the dietary supplement in question. Refrigerator is ideal. In this case, do not pour dried fruit into plastic bags. As a container, choose glass and plastic containers or canvas bags. In polyethylene, even a processed plum can quickly become damp and moldy.

Subject to all the above rules, you will be able to preserve the beneficial properties of prunes for 6-12 months.

Prunes are one type of plum. It has a soft texture and a very sweet taste. But most often it is known as dried fruit, that is, in dried form. It has a richer taste and is used in many recipes not only for dishes, but also for traditional medicine. This product is very nutritious, relatively low-calorie, which is used for weight loss.

It grows in most of the territory of Russia, Moldova, Yugoslavia, Romania, France, America, and the CIS countries. Most often, imported fruits are found on the shelves of Russian stores. Although adapted species grow even in Siberia. The collection is carried out in July-September (again, depending on the variety and the place where it is grown).

The composition includes such vitamins: B, E, PP, C, K. It contains trace elements - iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, and useful substances - fiber, sugars, organic acids, proteins, etc. d.

How to choose prunes

You can buy dried fruits both in the market and in the store. Also available packaged or loose. But you need to know a few rules so that the product does not upset you with its quality and taste.

  1. The best prunes are brought from Canada. The best variety is Italian Hungarian.
  2. The fruits should be black and matte. Glossy shine means that they are treated with glycerin or some kind of fat. Moreover, the latter can be very harmful to health. If there is no other choice and only such dried fruits are on sale, then after purchase they should be thoroughly washed with warm water, and then poured with boiling water for 30-40 minutes.
  3. It is better to choose among prepackaged factory packaging. At the factory, they undergo additional control, besides, they are touched with gloves, 1-2 times.
  4. Transparent packaging allows you to see the contents and make sure of the proper quality.
  5. Fruit should be fairly soft and firm. When pressed, they should restore their shape. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a damaged product.
  6. The color should be black, uniform. Shades can talk about the following:

    dark grey- about its treatment with oils or fats;
    blue- about the unripeness of the fruit;
    brown- about processing with chemicals to improve storage.

  7. If, when soaking the berries, they turn slightly white, then this indicates their good quality.
  8. Its taste is sweet, a slight sourness is the norm. If there is a taste of rancidity, then the fruits are spoiled and should not be eaten.

For the benefits and harms of fresh and dried prunes, see the video:

Useful properties of prunes

Prunes are useful in any form - both fresh and dried. The properties are almost the same, with the exception of some minor points.

Fresh prunes, benefits and harms to the body

Fresh plum has all the beneficial properties in July-September. At such a time, it is grown naturally, without various treatments, in our country.

It has choleretic and diuretic properties, so it is often used for weight loss, fasting days and for diets. Its laxative properties are used to treat constipation. It cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and the body as a whole from toxins and slags, fights against arteriosclerosis. Due to the substances contained in it, it is useful for beriberi, reduced hemoglobin, nervous disorders and depression.

Due to the fact that plum can increase the acidity of the digestive mucosa (especially when consumed excessively), this fruit is contraindicated in stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You should not eat it with diabetes, as the sugars contained in the plum can provoke an even greater increase in blood sugar. With gout and rheumatism, this product is also prohibited.

Dried prunes, benefits and harms

Dried prunes are very popular because they have a pleasant, slightly tart taste. In addition, it can be bought at any time of the year, with proper storage, its shelf life is very long.

Its useful properties are almost the same as in fresh form. But besides all those listed in the dried form, it helps the work of the heart, restores the tone of the walls of blood vessels. It is a natural antioxidant, thanks to which it strengthens the body and helps fight viruses and infections. Helps prevent malignant tumors.

But it is quite an allergenic product, like most other dried fruits. It may also contain acrylamide. It is a carcinogen that usually occurs during accelerated drying of fruits, that is, a violation of the process. It increases the possibility of developing cancer.

Particular attention should be paid to the bones in prunes. With them, this dried fruit retains more nutrients than without them. But at the same time, they contain hydrocyanic acid, which evaporates when the temperature rises above 27 degrees. Most often they are used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds, spine, urolithiasis. When mixed with dried fruits, seeds help restore immunity.

Prunes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, prunes will help to cleanse the body of harmful substances. It acts as a diuretic, due to which swelling goes away (they are often found in an interesting position).

Pregnant women follow a fairly strict diet. And sometimes they are forbidden such sweets as sweets, chocolate and so on. And with hormonal changes in the body, they are most often wanted. Therefore, you can replace purchased sweets with dried fruits and goodies made from them. It will be much more useful and harmless to weight, the main thing is not to eat too much.

After childbirth, prunes can be eaten, it will help restore strength and prevent beriberi. But it is better to do this after 1-2 months, since an allergy in the baby is possible.

If we consider the option of artificial feeding, then here it can be consumed immediately. Less dangerous infusion and decoction of dried fruits.


The main contraindication is individual intolerance. You should not use it for diabetes, because of the rather large amount of sugars contained in it. For the same reason and high calorie content, it is contraindicated in overweight and obesity. If there are chronic diseases of the stomach and liver, then use it with caution. Its quantity must be clearly limited, 1-3 things are enough for one time, since it has a laxative property and a large amount can cause diarrhea.

Prune Recipes

Prunes are very often used to prepare various dishes. It can be hot, and salads (snacks), various desserts and drinks. It can act as a main ingredient and as a condiment. It must first be washed well. Some recipes still require pre-soaking. It will be a good addition to cereals and meat, to give an exquisite oriental taste.

Beet salad with prunes

Such a salad will be very useful for increasing hemoglobin and improving immunity. To prepare it, the beets must be boiled until tender and grated on a coarse grater. If there is no time, then you can grate the raw root crop on a fine grater. Then add crushed cloves of garlic, chopped prunes, crushed walnuts, grated green apple to the resulting mass. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. Top with pomegranate seeds.

Roast beef with prunes

For cooking you will need: prunes, beef (pulp), potatoes, onions, tomato paste, garlic, salt, pepper. Meat cut into pieces. Put it in a frying pan and lightly fry. Transfer it to a pot or other suitable container. Top with chopped onions, garlic and put in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. After removing, add peeled and chopped potatoes and prunes. Return back for another 20-30 minutes. For a milder taste, add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or cream.

Plum pie

Almost everyone will like this pie, but those who love cottage cheese will especially appreciate it. For cooking you will need: flour, margarine, sour cream, baking powder, sugar, prunes, cottage cheese, condensed milk, eggs. For the dough, melted margarine, flour, baking powder, sour cream and sugar are mixed. The dough should be soft and elastic. For the filling, combine the cottage cheese with the egg, condensed milk and sugar.

The density should be like sour cream. If it turned out watery, then you should add a little starch. The dough must be distributed in shape, not forgetting to make the sides. Put the soaked prunes and pour the curd mixture. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 160 degrees, leaving for another 30 minutes.

Pasta Amosova

Most often, no one knows the correct name of such a delicacy. In fact, it is a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, honey and lemon. It is named after the scientist, doctor, long-liver, who himself developed it.

Its composition may vary depending on the treatment of which diseases it will be used. The basis are: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, lemon, honey. Dried fruits and nuts must be passed through a meat grinder or chopper. Then add chopped lemon (with peel) to them. Pour all this with honey and mix well. It is necessary to use such a mixture no more than 1-3 times a day before meals. Often it is eaten with tea, thereby killing most of the beneficial substances, since high temperature negatively affects the positive qualities of honey and other components. Store only in the refrigerator.

Flaxseed porridge with prunes

This recipe is suitable for those who adhere to proper nutrition and are on a diet. The dish turns out to be not very attractive in appearance (jelly-like), but at the same time very satisfying, nutritious and healthy, which will give a charge of vivacity for a long time.

It is very easy to cook it. Rinse and soak prunes in advance. Then chop it up and put it in a blender. Cover them with flaxseed flour and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Then grind with an immersion blender until smooth. If you don't quite like the taste, you can add a little sugar or honey.

Prunes are a dried fruit that is often recommended by nutritionists and doctors. It is useful for many diseases and health problems. It can be used both in food and in traditional medicine. But do not forget about contraindications. After all, even a good product can be harmful to health. It must be chosen correctly in order to get only benefit. Also, be careful to introduce into the diet of babies: prunes can cause allergies and irritation of the digestive system. But if used correctly, there will be no problems.

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The effect of prunes on human health

Dried fruits are a very healthy product, because they retain all the valuable substances inherent in fresh fruits. Prunes take pride of place among dried fruits, it is very popular in many countries and is used in cooking for salads, desserts, main courses.

What are the benefits of prunes for the human body

  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue, increases muscle endurance. Dried plums increase bone density, help in the treatment of osteoporosis;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood pressure, normalizes cholesterol levels, prevents strokes, anemia;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Helps to increase stress resistance, eliminate anxiety and insomnia;
  • provides prevention of eye diseases, increases visual acuity;
  • reduces the likelihood of lung diseases, due to polyphenols and antioxidants in the composition;
  • normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes digestion, prevents hemorrhoids;
  • has a laxative effect, solving the problem, thanks to the sorbitol in the composition;
  • strengthens the immune system. Antioxidants in prunes neutralize free radicals that damage the cells of the body;
  • has an antimicrobial effect, kills pathogenic bacteria.

The beneficial properties of dried plums are in a general strengthening effect on the body, which is due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Prunes, the composition of which brings undoubted benefits to the body, must be consumed in moderation. Daily rate of the product is 5-6 dried fruits, which does not exceed a portion of 100 g.

The benefits of prunes for men

Plum in dried form has both a general strengthening effect on the body, and has certain features of the impact on men's health.

With regular use of prunes:

  • increases the production of testosterone, normalizes the balance of sex hormones;
  • increased potency and sexual desire;
  • increases sexual stamina;
  • the muscular system is strengthened, which is especially important for men involved in sports;
  • the work of the organs of the genitourinary system and the excretory system is stimulated.

Prunes: benefits for women

Dried prunes are a valuable product for female beauty and health. It has a positive effect on the female nervous system, fights depression, anxiety, apathy.

With regular use of dried fruits, there is an improvement in the quality of sleep, an increase in mood. With a breakdown, dried prunes will also help. When they are used, a charge of vivacity and energy is felt.

During the menopause and in old age, women are more prone to osteoporosis - a disease of bone tissue, its increased fragility. Dried plum is a product that will increase bone strength, as well as strengthen hair, nails and teeth.

The presence of a large amount of prunes antioxidants determines the rejuvenating properties of the product. The production is stimulated collagen , due to which the elasticity of the skin increases, it comes into tone, smoothes. In general, antioxidants effectively slow down the aging process and help prolong female beauty.

Dried plum for weight loss

Prunes - pretty high-calorie dried fruit , containing 240 kcal per 100 g. But at the same time, it is allowed for dietary nutrition and helps those who want to lose weight to cope with excess weight.

The product contains antioxidants And organic acids , which contribute to the acceleration of metabolism and weight loss. But in order to achieve the desired goal, it is important to comply with the conditions - there are no more than 5 pcs. in the morning, a separate meal.

Prunes will perfectly replace high-calorie desserts, but, most importantly, do not abuse them and do not exceed the recommended norms. When overeating, weight can begin to skyrocket.

Dried plum during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, women who consume prunes protect themselves from iron deficiency anemia . The product increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. With its help, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated and constipation, which are frequent companions of pregnant women, no longer bothers them. Dried plums put in order the work of the nervous system, have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Contraindication and harm

In what cases should prunes be excluded from the diet:

  • allergic reactions to the product or its individual components;
  • . The product is almost half composed of sugars, therefore it is prohibited for this disease;
  • or kidneys;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • breast-feeding. Dried fruits can cause colic in an infant and provoke indigestion.

Abuse of the product can provoke diarrhea, bloating, increased gas formation in the intestines, weight gain. Excessive overeating over a long period can become a factor in the development of diabetes.

The harm of prunes for the body can also occur if you choose the wrong product. Dried fruits should be shiny, soft, with a dense peel. Traces of mold, the smell of rot, discolored areas are unacceptable.

If you buy a product in a sealed package, it must be intact, without damage, to retain moisture. The use of low-quality prunes can provoke digestive disorders.

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