How to roast seeds in sunflower oil. Seeds roasted with salt in a frying pan. Roasting in the oven

Many people love roasted seeds, but in order to enjoy the process and taste, the product must be of high quality and properly cooked. Learn simple frying methods and some nuances.

How to choose seeds?

To make roasted seeds really tasty, the original raw product must be of high quality. Seeds should be of medium size and not empty, but voluminous. But do not chase large sizes: as a rule, such varieties do not have a rich taste.

Examine the seeds. The shell must be tight, intact and dry (moisture can penetrate through microcracks and cause mold to form). Raw materials must be clean: if you buy it on the market and notice insects in the container, refuse to buy it. And appreciate the smell of seeds: it is pleasant, oily, not putrid or chemical.


Before frying sunflower seeds, they need to be prepared. First, sort through the seeds and remove all debris, as well as damaged specimens. Secondly, rinse the raw material by pouring it into a colander and rinsing thoroughly in running water. Thirdly, dry the seeds if heat treatment is not planned in the near future. If you want to roast the seeds right away, then drying is not always required, but sometimes it is.

Tip: pumpkin seeds after extraction from the fruit should be spread out in an even layer and dried in order to easily remove the husk and the remnants of the dried pulp.

Cooking methods

How to roast seeds? There are several ways and some are shown below.


This method is the easiest, and everyone probably knows and used it. It is necessary to warm the pan well without oil, put dry seeds on it in an even layer and fry them over medium heat, constantly stirring with a spatula or spoon. You can taste the readiness by tasting one seed (cool it a little beforehand so as not to burn yourself).

Second way

Proceed step by step:

  1. Prepare a frying pan or other container, but always with a thick bottom so that the seeds do not burn.
  2. Seeds need to be moistened by moistening with water or rinsing. Put them in the container of your choice.
  3. Turn on the fire, increase it to medium level, put a frying pan on the stove and cover it with a lid.
  4. Under the lid, cook the seeds for about a couple of minutes to sort of steam them and make them softer and more tender.
  5. Remove the lid, reduce the heat to low and continue with regular frying with occasional vigorous stirring. It will take you about 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the seeds. Readiness is determined by the characteristic crackling of the shells or by taste.


If you like salted seeds, then this option will suit you. For cooking, you will need directly sunflower seeds, a frying pan, water and salt, preferably coarse stone or natural sea salt.


  • Put the washed seeds into a frying pan or other thick-bottomed container. Fill them with water so that it completely covers the seeds. Add about four or five tablespoons of salt, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Turn on the fire almost to the maximum and evaporate the liquid for one and a half to two minutes. Salt will be absorbed into the peel and penetrate to the nucleoli, so that they are slightly salted.
  • Transfer the seeds to a colander to drain any remaining liquid from them.
  • Again, pour the seeds into the pan, add a couple of tablespoons of salt and cook the product over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  • If desired, a couple of minutes before turning off the fire, you can add a little oil.

Fourth way

You can cook the seeds in the oven. It is done like this:

  1. Preheat the oven. The optimum temperature is about 150 or 160 degrees.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper, spread the seeds on it in an even layer.
  3. Send the baking sheet with raw materials to the oven for fifteen minutes.
  4. Tip: if you want to cook a significant amount at once, then pour out the entire volume, but stir everything every three to five minutes, and increase the duration of the heat treatment to 25-30 minutes.


Surprisingly, you can use a modern and unusual option by cooking sunflower seeds in the microwave. But be sure to prepare a container suitable for use in the microwave.

Process step by step:

  1. Pour about one and a half or two cups of raw, clean seeds into a bowl.
  2. Set the device to a power of at least 750 watts.
  3. Put the container of seeds in the microwave, set the timer for two minutes.
  4. Stir the seeds and send them back to the oven for a couple of minutes.
  5. Repeat the processing and mixing procedures at least three to four times so that the seeds cook evenly and there are no raw specimens left among them.


If you have a slow cooker, then try to use it for cooking seeds. Select a baking program and cook the raw materials for about ten minutes to dry them a little. Then add quite a bit of vegetable oil and continue frying with occasional stirring with a spatula. Pour some salt, set the heating mode and turn off the device after five minutes.


This option is very unusual and relevant in the summer. Going to the beach, take raw seeds with you. Choose an open area in direct sunlight. Bury the seeds in the sand (not very deep) and wait half an hour. Hot sand warmed by solar heat will allow you to cook the seeds, and evenly.

Eighth way

Try making seeds with soy sauce. First, fry them dry in a frying pan without oil for about fifteen minutes. Then add a little soy sauce and continue cooking, stirring the contents occasionally.

  1. In addition to salt, other additives can be used. Try experimenting with spices: they will stay in your mouth, mix with the kernels and improve and transform their taste. Add paprika, dill, ginger, or whatever.
  2. You can make sweet seeds by using sugar instead of salt. Also use cinnamon, vanilla as flavorings.
  3. Remember that shelled seeds roast much faster than shelled kernels.
  4. Pumpkin seeds require longer heat treatment, as their shells are thicker and denser.

If you love seeds, cook them in one of the suggested ways!

Why you don't need to buy seeds in industrial packaging!!! Before the packaging process, seeds are treated with preservatives that allow them not to go rancid and retain their “amazing” taste. Although if the seeds in the shell are nothing, then the seeds (or nuts), which are sold already peeled, contain a significant amount of the rancidity drug.

How to fry seeds in a pan

This method was suggested to me by an uncle who sells seeds in the market. He looked into my eyes and said:

- You need to drink wormwood, your liver is acting up ...

I looked at him and was surprised. My liver is not acting up, but Botkin was seriously ill as a child ... Although maybe he tells everyone this))) But the recipe for frying seeds from this grandfather from the market turned out to be really very, very successful.

In fact, we have seeds - this is almost a national food, they are simply called seeds. So everyone knows a lot about this frying, but not everyone can fry deliciously. What is important - of course the seeds are good. Here, of course, you need to find a good seller who sells good seeds.

  1. So, be sure to wash the seeds. This is important, all seeds are processed to one degree or another, plus transportation, plus they were walked on with their feet ...
  2. Then heat up the pan well. Here rule number 2 - the pan should be with the thickest possible bottom. Ideally cast iron.
  3. Pour the wet seeds into the pan and cover with a lid. So they are evaporated for 1-2 minutes at maximum heat. Do not add too many seeds at once, as they may not cook evenly. In a shallow layer!
  4. Now remove the lid, reduce the heat and fry, stirring constantly.

Seeds are perfect!

How to roast seeds in the oven

Put the seeds in the oven in a single layer on a baking sheet.

The temperature at which the seeds are roasted is 180 degrees.

And of course, an important point - they need to be periodically (quite often) stirred. On average, seeds in the oven are fried (or rather dried) in 20 minutes. They taste different from those fried in a pan. Of course, they are not so much fried as dried. But the taste and color - no comrade!

How to roast seeds with salt

With salt, seeds can be fried in a pan.

Of course, the easiest option is to salt just the seeds and fry. But there is a variant of unevenness and it is difficult to guess. If you still decide on this accelerated method, then you need to take fine salt - Extra salt.

But the 2nd method is more reliable. At the moment when you put the seeds in the pan, pour 100 ml of salted (very salty if you like salty) water into the pan and cover with a lid. Let the seeds steam in salted water for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, of course. Then everything is as usual. We make the fire medium (before that it was maximum) and fry until cooked, stirring constantly.

Seeds roasted in the microwave

And, you thought that the seeds are much more profitable to buy and fry on your own than to buy ready-made in packs. The price of your favorite delicacy drops significantly! I offer a simple recipe for frying seeds in the microwave.

So, we take about one third of a kilogram of purchased seeds, put them in a colander (you can use a sieve) and rinse them thoroughly in warm water. Of course, you can not wash the seeds beforehand, but still it is better to do this, especially since it does not take much time. Then you need to wait until all the excess water drains.

  • now put the seeds in a non-metallic dish and send them to the microwave. I have a maximum power of -750W. And that's exactly how I cook.
  • I set it for 2 minutes, then after a while I mix the seeds.
  • then I put it again for 2 minutes and so it turns out four times in total.

Of course, it all depends on the size of the seeds themselves, so in the process they need to be tested from time to time for readiness.

They are incredibly useful.

Pumpkin seeds are also beneficial for the cardiovascular system, since the large amount of iron contained in them improves blood quality. We advise men to use them as well, as the risk of prostate disease is reduced. For people with acne, fading and falling hair, pumpkin seeds are also beneficial because they increase the zinc content in the body. It is enough to eat only a handful of this product per day. to make up for the lack of zinc in the body.

Despite the obvious benefits, pumpkin seeds should never be abused, since the salicylic acid they contain can provoke gastritis or stomach ulcers. The allowable rate is 45-50 grains per day.

Roasted and salted pumpkin seeds are generally not recommended by doctors to be eaten, as they create an excess of salts in the tissues of the human body. These salts are practically not excreted from the body, which affects the mobility of the joints. In principle, one can even say that fried seeds contain almost no nutrients and therefore they are considered useless for consumption.

If you still decide to try roasted pumpkin seeds, then we will give you some tips.

You can not only buy pumpkin seeds in the store, but also cook them yourself.

How to collect pumpkin seeds yourself

For this you should:

  • Cut the pumpkin in half and sting the whole center out of it. It is most convenient to do this with a tablespoon;
  • then with your hands you need to select seeds from pumpkin fibers;
  • the selected seeds must be washed under running water;
  • then you need to put them on a paper towel and blot on top with another paper towel;
  • Finally, the seeds should still dry out for 3-4 days.

Seeds are ready for frying and storage. Must be stored in a dry place.

How to roast pumpkin seeds

In principle, the method of roasting pumpkin seeds from sunflower seeds is no different. All the same rules:

  1. not the maximum temperature (about 80 degrees);
  2. constant stirring;
  3. ideally a cast-iron skillet or just with a thick bottom.

Finally, we will tell you that pumpkin seeds should be consumed within reasonable limits, and then the benefits from them will be obvious.

Eating seeds is a cult psychological pleasure, comparable to drinking tea and meditation. There is an opinion that eating seeds is harmful, but mostly not supported by dietitians. On the contrary, moderate consumption of well-cooked sunflower seeds strengthens blood vessels and improves the functioning of the nervous system, brain, and digestion. The most useful are raw seeds extracted from the husk directly in the process of consumption. The recommended daily amount should not exceed 100 grams.

Recently (peeled and in the husk, fried and not fried) are sold packaged in assortment. However, we are not always satisfied with the taste of these finished products, they can deteriorate due to violation of the conditions and terms of storage. In addition, we do not know how they are prepared, whether they contain any unhealthy additives.

We will tell you how to properly fry the seeds in a pan at home.


  • raw sunflower seeds - 1-2 cups;
  • coarse salt (optional).


We wash the seeds to free them from dust and small particles of the plant and throw them on a sieve, and then spread them freely on a clean napkin.

We heat well a dry frying pan, cast iron or aluminum (without coatings). We fall asleep seeds, distribute them evenly over the plane of the pan. First, dry over medium-high heat, stirring with a wooden spatula, until the steam stops rising. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and, continuing to stir, fry until the desired readiness (presumably, the frying time will be no more than 10 minutes). If the seeds begin to crackle, it's definitely time to turn off the fire. You can add 1-2 pinches of coarse salt to the pan during the final frying. Pour the fried seeds, evenly distributing them, on a clean, dry napkin or wooden board.

Some people like to fry the seeds, making them more salty, as you know, this is not healthy. In any case, the amount of salt should not exceed 1 teaspoon without top per 1 cup of seeds. Moreover, you don’t need to add oil to the pan, maybe it’s tastier for someone, but much more carcinogens are formed during this frying.

Well, and most importantly: I would like to advise you to peel the seeds not with your teeth, but by hand - this style of use will be the best. And then there are pumpkin seeds, which are an excellent way to cleanse the body of possible harmful microorganisms. optimize water-salt metabolism, strengthen blood vessels and promote male strength.

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds?

Pumpkin seeds, extracted from the husk during absorption, are excellent in taste without any roasting, and if they are raw and wet (just removed from the fruit), it is enough to dry them in a dry frying pan or on a baking sheet in the oven. If you still want to lightly roast them, proceed in the same way as for roasting sunflower seeds (see above). Salt is completely unnecessary. We eat pumpkin seeds, extracting the nucleoli with our fingers, it is not difficult, in addition, it develops fine motor skills, which is especially good for children from 4 years old.

How to roast peeled seeds?

We fry the peeled seeds in the same way as those not freed from the husk, in which case they must first be poured with hot water, and then after 3 minutes, drain the water and rinse again to remove possible residues of the released oil (it can be unpleasantly bitter). Next, lightly dry the seeds on a napkin, or just eat them, or lightly dry them, fry them in a dry frying pan, stirring with a wooden spatula. We act in approximately the same way as when roasting seeds in a husk (see above).

Gone are the days when sellers of seeds were sitting near shops and at bus stops, pouring them into a paper bag for everyone who wanted them.

Now in almost every grocery store you can buy a tightly sealed bag of any seeds: black, white, striped, with and without salt, peeled. But it is not possible to look into it to find out the quality of the product because of the packaging made of opaque foil.

Of course, storage conditions require that the seeds not be exposed to light, otherwise they will become rancid. But because of this conspiracy, the buyer gets a pig in a poke, hoping that the seeds will be tasty.

However, sometimes it is impossible to eat the seeds, as they come across not only empty, but also rotten, rancid, wormy.

Therefore, some housewives buy raw seeds on the market and roast them at home, thereby saving a certain amount of money and preparing seeds to their liking. But it turns out that many ... do not know how to do this!

How to choose the right seeds in the market

Before you make a purchase, you need to pay attention to the conditions in which the seeds are stored.

Those that lie in the open air (even under a canopy) most often turn out to be rotten due to excessive moisture and rancid due to an abundance of light and sun.

If the sale of seeds is carried out indoors and everything is in order with the storage method, they proceed to a visual inspection.

Seeds must be clean. The abundance of husks indicates that these seeds are the remains of a large batch, since all the garbage in the bag gradually settles to the bottom.

Their size should correspond to the variety. They should be plump thanks to well-ripened nucleoli.

You need to take a few seeds in your hand and feel them. Quality seeds will be dense, they will not show voids. You should not buy seeds that are too small, which may be immature, and very long, as they are also often empty.

You need to try a few seeds to taste. Of course, raw seeds cannot be compared with fried ones, but if there is bitterness, an unpleasant aftertaste, then you should refuse to buy them.

Preparing seeds for roasting

Cook so many seeds that they cover the bottom of the pan with a layer of no more than 1-1.5 cm. Then it will be easy to mix them and they will fry evenly.

Before putting the seeds in the pan, they must be washed. By the way, many housewives deliberately skip this process or do not even know about it. But if you imagine the conditions in which the seeds were before they were purchased, it becomes clear: the seeds are very dirty!

Therefore, they need to be poured into a colander and substituted under a stream of warm water. When sorting through the seeds with your hands, you need to rinse them thoroughly.

Do not wash them in a bowl, as dirt and dust dissolve in water and settle on the surface of the seeds.

Then you should put the seeds on a cloth or paper towel and dry a little.

While the seeds are drying, you need to prepare the pan. It can be a pan made of cast iron or other metal, but with thick walls, since in other pans the seeds will burn and high-quality frying may not work.

How to roast seeds

Recipe for the occasion::

  • Place the seeds on the hot skillet. Stirring, fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. As long as the seeds are moist inside, they will not burn.
  • When the hissing due to the presence of moisture in the seeds stops, reduce the heat by half. From now on, they will begin to fry.
  • As soon as you hear a slight crackle, reduce the heat again. Taste one or two seeds to determine the degree of roast. The shell should crack easily. The nucleoli themselves will become slightly yellowish in color. The main thing is not to overdo the seeds.
  • Pour the finished seeds onto a tray covered with a towel, cover with the edges of the same towel, leave for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the seeds will finally dry out and reach the condition. Do not leave the seeds in the same pan that you roasted them in, because in a hot dish they will continue to roast and may burn.

How to fry seeds with salt: method one


  • raw seeds - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Pour the seeds into a colander and rinse under running water.
  • When the liquid drains, put them in a pan. Add a spoonful of salt and pour in enough water to lightly cover the seeds.
  • On the highest heat, keep the seeds for about a minute. Then put them in a colander and wait until all the water drains.
  • Return them to the skillet, sprinkle with the remaining salt. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until the seeds are completely dry.
  • Reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to fry the seeds until they begin to crackle. Take a sample. If you are satisfied with the degree of roasting, pour the seeds on a tray or flat dish, cover with a light cloth. They will be ready in 10-15 minutes.

Advice: 1-2 minutes before readiness, you can add a teaspoon of sunflower oil, quickly mixing it with seeds.

How to fry seeds with salt: the second way


  • raw seeds - 0.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Pour the seeds into a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. Leave them in a colander.
  • Dissolve enough salt in water to make the liquid salty enough.
  • When the seeds dry a little, put them on a hot frying pan. Pour in about 100 ml of salt water. Stir until the moisture is completely evaporated.
  • Fry over medium heat for about five minutes. Reduce the fire as the seeds dry out. When the seeds begin to crackle, the fire should be minimal. The degree of roasting of the seeds is determined by the taste and color of the grains.
  • Pour the finished seeds onto a tray and leave to cool completely.

Note to the owner

Adjust the amount of salt according to your taste.

In accordance with many recipes, sunflower oil is added to the seeds. You do not need to pour it in large quantities, otherwise the seeds will turn out to be fatty. It is enough just to sprinkle them with oil at the very end of frying. If you pour oil at the beginning of frying, it will start to burn and the seeds will get an unpleasant aftertaste.

The seeds are first fried over medium heat, then the heat is gradually reduced. Finish frying on a small fire.

Product Matrix: 🥄

Each of us has the right to choose: go to the store and buy a pack of ready-made roasted seeds or spend a minimum of time roasting the seeds ourselves.

How to fry seeds in a pan

There are several ways to fry sunflower seeds: standard - in a frying pan, in an oven or in a microwave. All methods are good, you just need to know some tricks to make the product tasty and healthy.

It's easy to roast the seeds because you'll need sunflower or pumpkin seeds, a frying pan, and a stovetop. And, of course, a little patience.

Frying method:

  • Seeds are best to choose oily, not spoiled, pot-bellied and small in size.
  • We put a cast iron pan on the stove, turn on the slow heating. Let the pan heat up.
  • In the meantime, the pan is heating, you can just sort out the seeds, and best of all, wash them. Some housewives advise doing this, especially if the seeds are bought on the market.
  • When the pan heats up, pour out the seeds (it is advisable to drain the excess water by throwing the seeds into a colander).
  • Distribute in a pan, cover with a lid. We turn on the maximum heating - leave it under the lid for literally 1-2 minutes.
  • To make it work, you should not pour a lot of seeds into the pan at once, because they will not have time to evenly fry.
  • After a couple of minutes, the lid must be removed, the heating of the stove should be reduced and, stirring constantly, continue roasting the seeds until cooked.

There is another way to roast seeds:

  • We heat a frying pan with thick walls, pour in dry seeds, pour in quite a bit of water, approximately 60-100 ml.
  • We fry, or rather, at the first stage, we steam the seeds until all the moisture is completely evaporated.
  • Next - the standard process of frying to a characteristic crackle. The fire is minimal, the seeds need to be constantly stirred.
  • After 15 minutes of duty at the stove, the seeds will be ready. You can determine the degree of readiness by taste. Each housewife has her own opinion on this matter: someone loves almost raw seeds, and someone with golden kernels.
  • The stove must be turned off, and the seeds should immediately be poured into a deep plate covered with a clean towel. Do not leave cooked seeds in the pan, because they can be overcooked.

How to fry salted seeds

Some people like the taste of salted seeds:

  • Seeds need to be poured into a pan, pour a pinch of fine salt, mix and continue the frying process until tender. The method is fast, but it is very difficult to guess the salt ratio.
  • The second method of roasting seeds with salt is longer, but the result will be as it should be: pre-prepared (sorted or sifted sunflower seeds) are poured into a pan with thick walls, and salt is stirred in a separate bowl. For 100 ml, take 1/3 teaspoon of fine salt. The ratio of salt and sunflower seeds is as follows: 3 tsp is taken for 0.5 kg of seeds. fine salt. Seeds are poured with salt water, steamed, fried until tender over medium heat.

How to roast seeds in the oven

A quick and easy way to roast sunflower seeds in the oven.

How it's done:

  • The oven temperature is 180 degrees.
  • Prepare a baking sheet, cover with parchment.
  • Arrange the seeds in one layer.
  • Send the baking sheet with the seeds to the oven. Drying time - 20 minutes.
  • Seeds are obtained not so much fried as dried, for an amateur.

How to fry seeds in the microwave

You can’t fry a lot of seeds in the microwave at once, so the proportions must be observed:

  • Pour 300 g of raw seeds into a medium bowl.
  • The utensils must be special for cooking in the microwave.
  • Set the power of the device to 750 watts.
  • Place the container of seeds in the microwave cabinet, turn on the heat for 2 minutes.
  • Time is over: stir the seeds several times, heating again for 2 minutes and so on 4 times for 2 minutes.
  • The roasting time depends on the size of the seeds, so after 4 minutes of roasting it is advisable to try the seeds. If ready - leave in the oven for a few minutes to "reach".

How to roast seeds in the sand

An interesting way to roast seeds in the sand:

  • You will need a thick-walled pan and fine sifted sand.
  • Pour sand into the pan, turn on the average heating of the stove.
  • When the sand warms up, pour out the seeds (washed, allow excess liquid to drain).
  • Seeds need to be thoroughly mixed with sand, put on moderate heat and that's it.
  • After a while, you need to try the seeds - if ready - turn off the stove, leave the seeds in the sand in the pan until they cool completely.
  • Pour seeds into a sieve, sift.

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