Apple juice. Apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer and juicer Apple juice without pulp at home

Homemade apple juice: a recipe for the winter

Homemade apple juice for the winter: a step-by-step recipe and the best combinations with other fruits and berries. Simple ways to stock up on vitamins for the whole year and get them from a delicious apple drink. It turns out to be useful and very fragrant, and in terms of taste it is many times superior to the store counterpart.

  1. Type of dish: drink.
  2. Dish subtype: apple drink.
  3. number of servings per outlet: 5-6
  4. Cooking time: .
  5. National cuisine: Russian.
  6. Energy value:
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.8 g.

Apple Juice Secrets

Ingredients for making apple juice

  • apples (the quantity is calculated based on the available raw materials and containers for seaming);
  • sugar is not used in the classic recipe, but if the fruits are very acidic, you can add 50-100 g per liter of liquid.

Classic Apple Juice Recipe

To prepare tasty and healthy juice for the winter, it is better to process apples just taken from the tree - they are more juicy. For these purposes, Anis, Antonovka, Semerenko, Shtrey fling, Grushovka varieties are more suitable, but if there are none, others can be used. It is recommended to mix several varieties of apples: a blended drink has a more interesting taste and aroma. The classic technology for making apple juice at home is as follows:

Pouring apple juice into bottles

  1. Put the containers upside down and wrap with a blanket.
In this state, apple juice should be stored at room temperature for another 10-12 days. If during this time he did not begin to ferment, did not become cloudy and mold did not appear, then the jars can be moved for long-term storage in a cool, dark place. Such a drink is stored for a very long time, so you can enjoy its taste for a whole year until the time for a new harvest comes. If it has deteriorated during the first two weeks, you can boil it for 5-7 minutes and use it to make jelly or fruit drinks. Adhering to this recipe, it is not necessary to heat the juice a second time. The only difference is that reheating allows you to get rid of the sediment at the bottom of the can, which will appear during the storage of the drink. It should be borne in mind that it will not work to get completely clarified juice at home, but this nuance will not affect the taste. Using the pasteurization method, you can save a maximum of vitamins in the resulting drink. Therefore, it is recommended by experienced housewives who care not only about the taste, but also about the benefits of their blanks. For the same purposes, it is advised to use only enameled dishes to heat the liquid.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer

Harvesting apple juice for the winter


  • apples;
  • other vegetables, berries or fruits (optional);
  • sugar if necessary.
This is the most common and easiest way to get any fruit drink. To save the juice for the winter, you can use the first preparation method - pasteurization, which was described in the classic recipe. The second way is sterilization. To do this, strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth and pour into clean jars. If apple varieties are sour, you can add sugar, but not more than 100 g per liter of liquid. You can add granulated sugar just before rolling - it will completely dissolve in the hot liquid. Close the jars tightly with boiled lids. At this time, water should already be boiling in a wide saucepan, on the bottom of which a wooden circle or gauze is laid. Put the filled containers into boiling water (it should reach the neck of the cans) and sterilize for 15 minutes (for 3-liter containers - 30 minutes). The foam will need to be gradually removed. Remove jars from boiling water, turn upside down and wrap in a warm blanket.

Apple juice obtained through a juicer

If the farm has a juicer, you can experiment with preparations for the winter - make blended drinks. Excellent taste qualities are those in which apples are combined with the following fruits, berries and vegetables:

  • pears;
  • plums;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • chokeberry;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grapes;
  • currant.
Many summer residents prepare exactly an apple-pear drink - it turns out to be light, fragrant and very tasty.

For its preparation you will need:

  • apples;
  • pears.
The amount of ingredients must be selected based on the expected result and individual tastes.
  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly and cut into quarters.
  2. Run them through a juicer.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into an enameled container and put on a gas stove.
  4. As the liquid heats up, foam will collect on its surface. It must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. If there is not enough sweetness, you can add granulated sugar.
  6. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, immediately turn off the heat and quickly strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  7. Pour hot into pre-prepared glass jars and roll them up, turn over and wrap.
After a week and a half, check whether the blanks have deteriorated and put them in a permanent storage place.

Apple Juice: No Juicer Recipe


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar syrup - 4 cups (dissolve 2 cups of granulated sugar in the same amount of hot water).

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Peel apples and rotted areas, remove the seed box.
  2. Cut into slices about 1-2 centimeters wide, transfer them to an enamel pan.

Cutting apples for juice

  1. Pour in water.
  2. Turn on the fire and wait until it boils, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the gas stove and puree its contents. To do this, skip the pulp 2 times through a meat grinder or use a blender.

Turning apples into puree for juice

  1. Combine the resulting mass with syrup and put on fire again.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and cool slightly.
  3. Rub the mass through a fine metal sieve.
  4. Put on fire again, bring to a boil and immediately pour into prepared warm jars, roll up and put down with lids.
Apple juice prepared according to this recipe is obtained with pulp. It contains more dietary fiber, so it will be beneficial for the intestines. It is recommended to use it without adding a sweetener to those who are on a diet. If there is no juicer at home, but you want to prepare a clarified drink, you can use the classic recipe for its preparation. To obtain juice, apples must be passed through a meat grinder or grated on a fine grater, and then squeezed through cheesecloth several times. Next, prepare a drink according to the first recipe.

How to make apple juice for the winter: video

Another way to harvest it for long-term storage can be seen in the next video. Its author proposes to make a drink with sugar using the sterilization method. It should be borne in mind that every housewife eventually finds her secrets of home preservation, so different recipes may differ from each other. Each is good in its own way and can be used with equal success for harvesting for the winter.

Find the best reliable recipes for apple juice for the winter in the richest collection of culinary super ideas site. Try classic and mixed variations of natural juice, make a drink with or without sugar. Try a pasteurization or sterilization technique. Treat your loved ones with unforgettable pleasure!

For making juice from apples, juicy winter varieties are best suited: Semerenko, Antonovka, Pear or Anise. The juice from these fruits can be mixed. So the taste of the final product will be more interesting. To prepare the drink, you should take ripe fruits without damaged areas or wormholes. As a last resort, all suspicious places should be carefully removed. The easiest way to squeeze the juice is with a juicer or cook in a juicer. But if these helpers are not available, then the drink can be obtained using a meat grinder with a special nozzle.

The five most commonly used ingredients in apple juice recipes for the winter:

Interesting recipe:
1. Wash ripe juicy apples. Cut into slices.
2. Squeeze the juice in any convenient way (with a juicer, a meat grinder with a nozzle or manually).
3. Strain. Pour liquid into a saucepan.
4. Add sugar to taste.
5. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
6. Boil for 12-15 minutes, carefully removing the resulting foam.
7. Pour hot apple juice into sterile jars.
8. Sterilize according to the volume of jars.
9. Seal tightly.
10. Leave under the “fur coat” (warm blanket, blanket, etc.) until completely cooled.
11. Store in a cool place (preferably in the cellar).

The five fastest apple juice recipes for the winter:

Helpful Hints:
. To prepare juice, it is desirable to use enameled or stainless steel dishes.
. Apple juice can be mixed and harvested not only from different varieties of apples, but also with juices from other fruits and vegetables.
. From the pulp of squeezed apples, you can cook wonderful compotes or fillings for baking.

I was "lucky", however... My father-in-law brought about 20 kg of apples. Lucky in quotation marks, since the apples are unripe - a branch broke from the weight of the apple tree and the fruits had to be put somewhere.

Well, where did ours go? Let's recycle! In addition to apple juice, I also prepared apple syrup with cinnamon and vanilla.

Apples, by the way, are not particularly sour, although they did not have time to ripen. I hope the recipe comes in handy and you can easily prepare homemade apple juice. In winter, open and delight your loved ones.

I want to note that in the presence of ripe sweet apples, the addition of sugar can be omitted. I used it because the juice was slightly sour.

In addition, you can’t do without a juicer, as well as a sieve and a dense clean cloth (you can use gauze in 4-5 layers). After all, the juice will be clean, without pulp, transparent.

Yes, from 8 kg of apples I got 3 liters of pure juice. If you have juicier apples, there will be more juice. The number of servings is approximate. I got a little over 3 liters of the finished product, so I wrote 3 servings.

I didn’t write the preparation time, just the cooking time - wash the fruits, squeeze the juice, strain, warm and roll up. For everything about everything about 3 hours.

Making homemade preparations for the winter is a useful and tasty thing. Among other things, it is also very practical, especially in a year rich in a certain variety of vegetables or fruits. For example, with a plentiful harvest of apples in the garden, it is almost impossible to “fight” exclusively by eating fruits. It is much more useful and correct to prepare apples for the winter in jars, making jam, jam, compotes and juices. Speaking of homemade apple juice, this is one of the healthiest ways to preserve fruit. Especially if you prepare apple juice for the winter with pulp through a juicer or juicer without adding sugar. Also, apple juice is an excellent base and goes well with other gifts of autumn, such as pumpkin or carrots. In today's article, you will find step-by-step recipes with photos of both classic apple juice and its original pumpkin-carrot varieties. All recipes are quite simple to prepare and do not require special culinary skills. Therefore, we boldly recommend them to all lovers of homemade canned apple juices!

How to make apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer - a step by step recipe with a photo

A juicer is an indispensable assistant when you are going to make apple juice at home, including for winter. There is practically no cardinal difference that will be reflected in the taste of the finished workpiece, whether it will be a manual juicer, screw or centrifugal. Therefore, to make apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer, you can choose any version of this kitchen assistant that you have.

Essential Ingredients to Make Apple Juice for Winter at Home

  • sweet apples - 5 kg
  • sugar - 1/4 cup

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for the winter through a juicer at home

Delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer - step by step recipe

There is nothing easier than making delicious apple juice for the winter at home in a juicer! The finished drink turns out to be transparent, tender and very fragrant. And all that is required from the hostess, who decides to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter with the help of a juice cooker at home, is to properly prepare the fruits for further processing.

Necessary ingredients for a delicious apple juice for the winter through a juicer at home

  • apples of any variety in any quantity
  • sugar to taste

Step-by-step instructions for a delicious recipe for apple juice at home in a winter juicer

  1. So, first you need to properly prepare the fruits for further heat treatment. To do this, carefully wash the apples and cut off all the spoiled places. We cut each fruit into about 6-8 parts, depending on the size, remove the insides.
  2. The apples prepared in this way are sent to the juicer. At the same time, the peel does not need to be removed, since during the cooking process it will depart along with excess pulp.
  3. If your apples are sour, then at this stage you can add sugar to taste. But with sweet varieties of fruits, this can not be done - the juice will turn out to be more useful.
  4. Tightly close the lid of the juice cooker and send it to the stove for about an hour. At this time, we are engaged in the sterilization of containers and lids.
  5. After an hour, open the lid and mix the contents of the juicer well. This will help separate the remaining liquid from the pulp. Remove from the stove, substitute the pan and open a special tap to stack the finished product.
  6. Since the finished juice is hot, we immediately pour it into sterile jars and cork. After that, turn the workpiece upside down until it cools.

How to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home - step by step recipe

The following recipe, which will reveal another way to make delicious apple juice for the winter at home, will also use a juicer. But unlike the first option, the technology for making apple juice will be slightly different and will greatly facilitate the process of preparing the workpiece. Read more about how to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter without difficulty at home in the following recipe.

The necessary ingredients to prepare apple juice for the winter at home

  • apples
  • sugar

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for the winter at home

  1. We cut the washed apples into large pieces, remove all wormholes, seeds and partitions. You can leave the skin on.
  2. We skip the resulting slices through a juicer. Then we filter the finished juice through several layers of gauze in order to separate the liquid from the pulp.
  3. Pour pure juice into a saucepan and add sugar. For sweet apples, a serving of sugar should be about 1 tbsp. l. with a slide per liter of liquid.
  4. On medium heat, constantly stirring and removing the foam from the surface, bring the juice almost to a boil - 80-90 degrees. We keep in this temperature regime for literally 3 minutes and remove from the stove.
  5. Hot juice is immediately poured into sterile glass bottles or jars and sealed tightly.

Homemade apple juice without sugar through a juicer - a recipe for harvesting for the winter

To prepare homemade apple juice for the winter through a sugar-free juicer, you need to use exclusively sweet varieties, such as Gala or Golden. At the same time, it is desirable that the fruits were not the first harvest - late apples are more juicy and rich in vitamins. Read more about delicious and healthy homemade sugar-free apple juice through a juicer in the recipe for harvesting for the winter below.

Necessary ingredients for homemade sugar-free apple juice through a juicer for the winter

  • sweet apples

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting sugar-free apple juice through a winter juicer

  1. We cut clean apples into small slices, which will be convenient to pass through a juicer. We cut off the internal partitions, bones and damaged places.
  2. We pass the apple slices through the juicer and pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan.
  3. We filter the juice from apples through cheesecloth, folded in 2-3 layers. This method helps to get rid of the pulp well.
  4. We put the finished juice in an enamel pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam from the surface with a slotted spoon.
  5. Literally 2-3 minutes we keep the juice in a boiling state and then remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Pour the finished drink into pre-sterilized containers - jars or bottles. We cork, wrap in warm and leave it like that until it cools completely.

Delicious apple juice for the winter without pulp at home - a simple recipe

Another simple and at the same time delicious recipe for apple juice for the winter without pulp at home can be found below. Unlike the previous version, this recipe uses sugar and aromatic spices. Find out which one from the description of delicious pulp-free apple juice for winter at home below.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Pulp-Free Apple Juice for Winter at Home

  • apples - 5 kg
  • sugar -3 tbsp. l.
  • ginger root - 1 pc. about 5 cm.

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for apple juice without pulp for the winter at home

  1. To prepare this version of tasty and healthy apple juice, you need to use a juicer. Thanks to her, the juice will turn out without pulp and retain a maximum of vitamins. First of all, cut the apples into slices.
  2. Peel the ginger root and cut into small pieces. Can be grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Put the apple slices and ginger into the juicer. If necessary, add granulated sugar and send to the stove.
  4. We cook the juice for an hour and a half, after which we remove the juice cooker from the fire and drain the juice through a special tap.
  5. Immediately pour the hot drink into sterile jars and close the lids.

How to make homemade apple juice without a juicer for winter - a simple step by step recipe

You can make homemade apple juice for the winter according to the following simple recipe without a juicer. Such a drink turns out to be quite thick, since it contains pulp. Details on how to make homemade juice for the winter without a juicer in a simple step-by-step recipe below.

Essential Ingredients to Make Apple Juice Without a Juicer for the Winter

  • apples - 5-7 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make homemade apple juice without a juicer according to a simple recipe

  1. Finely chop the apples, removing all internal partitions. Pour in water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit.
  2. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat and cool.
  3. Grind the cooled mass through a sieve.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting puree, mix well and bring to a boil again.
  5. Remove from the stove and pour into sterile jars, roll up.

How to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter - a recipe for canning at home

If you want to double the dose of vitamins, then by all means prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter according to the home canning recipe below. Adding carrots will not only make the taste more interesting, and the composition healthier, but will also enhance the color saturation of the drink. Read more about how to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter in the description of the home canning recipe below.

The necessary ingredients to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter at home

  • apples - 5kg
  • carrots - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 300 gr.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter according to a canning recipe

  1. Wash apples and carrots, clean and cut into small pieces.
  2. We send fruits to the juicer first, and then chopped carrots.
  3. Both juices are mixed and filtered through layers of gauze or a dense cloth. If you like juice with pulp, skip this step.
  4. Add sugar and put on medium heat. Bring to 90 degrees and boil for 10 minutes until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the finished juice into sterile containers and tighten the lids.

How to make apple-pumpkin juice for the winter at home - step by step recipe with video

Apple juice for the winter at home is even tastier and more vitaminous if you cook it with carrots or pumpkin. It is these two ingredients that are most organically combined with homemade apple juice as flavor and color enhancers. In the next video, you will find a recipe for how to make apple-pumpkin juice for the winter at home using a juicer. You can also use a juicer to prepare it, but then the canned juice will turn out without pulp. As for sugar, whether or not to add it to the recipe can be decided based on the sweetness of the apples. Learn more about how to make apple-pumpkin juice at home for the winter in the step-by-step video recipe below.

In terms of its popularity and usefulness, apple nectar ranks first among all known juices. And besides, it goes well with many fruit or berry juices, even carrot juice. How to preserve apple juice? Let's take a look at some popular and commonly used juice options with the addition of different fruits. Preserving apple juice is a fascinating activity.

This product is the base for the production of all mixed juices. Apples can be sour, sweet, red or green, but always ripe. Depending on the variety of apples, you can add sugar (1 tablespoon per 500 milliliters of juice) or do without it if the raw material is sweet enough. At home, juice is almost always obtained with pulp, concentrated. In winter, before use, it is diluted with boiled water. The product is part of baby food.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 50 gr.

How to make apple juice for the winter?

  1. We sort the apples, discard the spoiled ones, cut into slices, remove the core and pass through the juicer. The resulting liquid comes out very cloudy and must be filtered through a flannel cloth or several layers of gauze. This will help remove excess debris.
  2. If you do not have a juicer, then pass the prepared pieces of apples through a meat grinder. Then collect the pulp in a canvas bag and put it under the press.
  3. Next, pour the liquid into an enameled pan and bring to a temperature of 85 degrees, but do not boil.
  4. Pour the hot product into prepared jars, loosely cover with metal lids and sterilize. Depending on the capacity of the jar, the sterilization time can be from 12 to 20 minutes.

Also, many housewives prepare delicious homemade apples from apples, the recipes of which we have prepared especially for you on our website.

Apple juice through a juicer with the addition of a pear

Apple-pear juice is a dessert for daily consumption. It has a tonic effect and improves the metabolism in the body.

A juice cooker is a common kitchen tool for gardeners who harvest a generous harvest of fruits, berries and vegetables from year to year, and with large volumes of processing, an assistant is indispensable. With the help of a juicer, we get a product that does not need to be heated, but poured into jars and immediately corked. The juice cooker works on the principle of a double boiler, where chopped fruits are steamed. The juicer is easy to clean, unlike the juicer mesh. She works silently. Modern juicers are electric and work on the hob.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • pears - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 150 gr.

How to make apple juice at home:

  1. We thoroughly wash the fruits, cut out the spoiled places, seed boxes and cut into small cubes. Then we lay out the cubes in a pan - a grid.
  2. Pour cold water into the lower container of the unit, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then we install a saucepan to collect juice, we install a grid with apples and pears on it. If the apples are sour varieties, then you can sprinkle a little sugar. Close the juicer with a lid, and close the silicone hose. Let the juice boil for an hour.
  3. At this time, you can prepare and sterilize jars and lids.
  4. After an hour, we open the lids of the juice cooker, crush the boiled fruits a little, put the jars under the hose, open the tap and fill the warm jars with a hot product. Next, tightly cork with metal lids and cool. The juice is much clearer than in a juicer.

The remaining pulp can be used as a filling for pies and marmalade. With the same success, you can put halves of sweet plums instead of pears. It will be great too.

From the remaining apples, you can cook another excellent preparation for the winter, which both children and adults like -.

Apple juice - raspberry

Apple-raspberry juice is useful in winter not only as a tasty vitamin drink, but also as an antipyretic, it can be used instead of raspberry jam at a temperature.


    • Apple juice - 60%;
    • raspberry juice - 40%;

For raspberry juice;

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to make apple juice at home:

  1. Apples for juice can be taken of sour varieties, we process apple juice in a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a bowl and prepare raspberry juice.
  2. To do this, sort out the raspberries, discard the unripe ones. We spread the berries in a colander and dip it three times in a bucket of salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 5 liters of water). The fact is that in ripe raspberries there may be raspberry bugs and they float in salted water. Then put the raspberries in a saucepan, knead with a wooden pestle, fill with water and warm up, but do not boil. Then we pass the raspberries through a sieve. We stand the resulting juice for 15 minutes, after which we add it to the apple juice.
  3. Then we bring the mixture to 85 degrees, pour into jars, sterilize and cork.

Apple-carrot juice

The drink contains a large amount of vitamins A, C and group B. It is included in dietary and sports nutrition.


  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg.

How to make apple juice at home for the winter:

  1. Preparing apples.
  2. Peel and wash the carrots, cut them into small pieces.
  3. We first pass the apples through the juicer, pour the apple juice from the juicer, and then pass the carrots.
  4. We mix the juices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, removing the resulting foam from the surface
  5. Then we pack it in jars and sterilize it without fail, then cork it, cover it with a blanket and cool it for about a day.

Apple and apricot juice

A difficult and time consuming recipe. The product is part of baby food. The juice has a mild laxative effect, and in general, it is very tasty and the kids drink it with pleasure.


    • apple juice - 50%,
    • apricot juice - 50%

For apricot juice:

    • apricot puree - 2 liters;
    • sugar syrup - 1 liter.

For syrup:

  • sugar - 250 gr.,
  • water - 1 liter.

If you run apricots through a juicer, you will get too much waste. It's good if you live in the south, where apricots grow and bring a good harvest. And, if you are residents of the North or Siberia, where only imported fruits come. It is necessary to use this wonderful fruit to the fullest, minimizing waste.

How to prepare apple juice with pulp for the winter with the addition of apricots:

  1. For juice, we take ripe or overripe apricots. We sort out the fruits, remove the wormy, spoiled and stalks. Then rinse, break in half and remove the bone.
  2. We spread the apricots in a saucepan, fill with water, at the rate of 1 cup per 2 kilograms of apricots. After that, boil the fruit until softened. Then we wipe the boiled apricots through a sieve or colander. The resulting puree is diluted with boiled sugar syrup, mix and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Apples, preferably sour varieties, are processed and passed through either a juicer or a meat grinder. The resulting juice is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into apricot and heated to the desired temperature, like ordinary apple juice.
  4. Next, pour into jars, sterilize and seal tightly.

We get a rather concentrated and thick product, which, preferably, should be closed in jars with a capacity of 0.5 - 1.0 liters, no more.

You can give this juice to children from 6 months. Better if diluted with plenty of water. There are children who do not drink water, but they will drink water with juice.

Apple juice with blackcurrant

In this recipe, you will learn how to make apple juice at home for the winter. This drink is more suitable for a festive table. Blackcurrant, with its unique aroma, makes it unique. Serve it on its own as a dessert. With the addition of champagne, rum, liqueur or cognac, exquisite low-alcohol cocktails are obtained. Juice is often used to make smoothies, jelly, which is served in portioned vases.

As a rule, this juice is prepared in small quantities. Since currants give their juice hard, the juicer is used only for processing apples.


  • apple juice - 75%,
  • currant - 25%

How to make apple juice with pulp at home:

  1. Squeeze apples through a juicer.
  2. We process blackcurrant, remove twigs and overripe fruits.
  3. We wash the berries, put them in a basin, knead with a wooden pestle, pour a little water and put on fire. We boil the mass for several minutes, then cool it, spread it on several layers of gauze and manually squeeze out the liquid.
  4. Then pour currant juice into apple juice and heat to the desired temperature.
  5. Packed in jars and preserved in the usual way.

From the remaining berries, you can also prepare, which will decorate your dining table and your household will like it.

Let's summarize. Apple juice prepared at home is many times healthier than what is sold in stores. Apples are a versatile fruit. They are grown all over Russia, all you need is a desire and you can make a wonderful dessert drink using additives from any fruit that your region is rich in.

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