How to eat salted mushrooms. The fish are salty. Cold salting of saffron milk caps

Ryzhik "nesting" in groups in spruce, pine forests. Fans of "silent hunting" know that they should be looked for in the grass and in places where moss grows. The season runs from July to October. This species is almost impossible to confuse with other forest "brothers". They are yellow-pink or orange-red in color. At the cut point, a milky juice appears, which has shades of red. In the air it changes - it becomes green. Redheads gained their popularity hundreds of years ago. They were present at the tables of kings and common people. Mushrooms were exported to France and cost fabulous money.

Beneficial features

The bright saturated color of mushrooms was due to the high content of beta-carotene, which, when ingested, becomes retinol. In addition, they contain vitamins of group B, C. They are rich in fiber, ash substances, saccharides, which are necessary for the proper functioning of organs and body systems.

Ryzhiki does not require pre-soaking. On the contrary, if this is done, they will lose their aesthetic qualities, the hats will be deformed.

Salting methods

Cooking mushrooms is carried out according to two main technologies - cold and hot methods.

  1. Cold. The product fully retains all its useful properties. The aroma remains unchanged. A distinctive feature is long-term storage without seaming and sterilization. This technology is also called the dry or wet method.
  2. Hot. Requires a certain amount of time, as it involves heat treatment. Its main advantage is that fruiting bodies of various sizes are suitable for harvesting.

Before salting, mushrooms need to be prepared. Carefully clean the caps and legs with a knife. In case of heavy contamination, rinse well in running water.


Peculiarities . Marinating does not require water. Dry-cooked mushrooms are very convenient to use in salads. You can combine them with fresh herbs, raw or boiled vegetables.


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g salt.


  1. We put the mushrooms in a container in layers, salt each layer. We leave under pressure.
  2. We take it out into the cold.
  3. Ten days later we taste the workpiece.

For dry pickling, it is better to select small fruiting bodies. They do not need to be cut into pieces.


Peculiarities . Ready mushrooms will make a good company for boiled or fried potatoes, hot meat dishes. You can experiment with spices. The mushrooms turn out crispy, even despite the absence of vinegar.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g currant leaves;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • 20 bay leaves;
  • 30 peas of allspice;
  • 100 g of salt.


  1. We spread the mushrooms in containers in layers, alternating them with spices, spices and salt.
  2. Cover with gauze, leave under oppression for six hours. After that, add a new portion of mushrooms.
  3. Having finished laying, we keep the container with the workpiece at room temperature. We change the gauze every three days.
  4. After two weeks, we lay out the mushrooms in sterile jars. Close with plastic lids. We take it out into the cold.

Cold-cooked mushrooms are not "friendly" with high temperatures. Therefore, they should be stored below 10°C. A pantry, cellar or refrigerator will do. Under such conditions, the workpiece can stand for two years.

With vinegar

Peculiarities . The hot cooking method guarantees a long-term storage of snacks - more than two years. The risk of mold is reduced to almost zero.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 800-900 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 100-125 ml of vinegar;
  • four bay leaves;
  • four cloves;
  • allspice and black peppercorns.


  1. Prepare the brine: add spices, salt, sugar to boiled water.
  2. Throw the mushrooms into the marinade and cook for five minutes.
  3. Add vinegar and cook the same amount more.
  4. We lay out in sterile jars, roll up, warm.
  5. Refrigerate after complete cooling.
  6. You can take a sample after a month and a half.

In addition to vinegar, ascorbic or citric acids are suitable as a preservative. If vinegar essence is used, then it should be added in smaller quantities. A teaspoon is enough for 1 kg of mushrooms.

Pickled whey

Peculiarities . Such mushrooms are good because they are perfectly absorbed by the body due to the lactic acid produced during the fermentation process.


  • 2.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 30 g of dill seeds;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • 80 g of salt;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 100-120 ml of serum;
  • horseradish and currant leaves, horseradish root.


  1. We act step by step: chop the greens, finely chop the garlic, three horseradish.
  2. We lay the mushrooms in a container in layers, alternating with salt, spices and spices.
  3. Mix whey with sugar, which should be completely dissolved. We fill it with mushrooms.
  4. We cover the mushrooms with gauze, leave under oppression. We change the gauze every three days.
  5. We keep in the cold for three to four weeks.

Unlike a blank in a jar, pickled mushrooms can become moldy. In this case, you need to rinse the new gauze in warm water with salt. You should also remove the layer of mushrooms with mold. The rest is sprinkled with dry mustard.


Peculiarities . The result of such a recipe is an appetizing and fragrant salad, an addition to a stew or other multi-component dish. Ryzhiki are sweetish. May complement potatoes, rice, pasta. Large mushrooms are suitable for this recipe. During heat treatment, they will not lose their shape, like small ones. They don't even need to be cut. They will fit in jars, as they will turn out to be soft and plastic.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 300 g of onion;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 150 g of tomato paste;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of salt;
  • 30-40 g of sugar;
  • spices and spices.


  1. First of all, you need to boil the mushrooms for 40 minutes. Then we wash them with cold water and put them in a colander to get rid of the liquid.
  2. We mix mushrooms with tomato paste, sunflower oil, spices and spices.
  3. Add grated carrots and finely chopped onion, salt, sugar.
  4. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 60 minutes.
  5. We lay out in sterile containers, roll up, warm.
  6. We take out to a cold place after complete cooling.

You should not combine mushrooms with other mushrooms, they are self-sufficient and do not tolerate "neighbors in the bank."

Almost any container is suitable for blanks, not just glass jars. You can salt mushrooms, for example, in a saucepan. It should have a flat surface without any external damage, much less rust or holes. Otherwise, the oxidation process may begin, which will lead to product deterioration. If the method without cooking is used, then a wooden tub is suitable. The option is optimal for giving, a private house, where there is enough free space. The original way of cooking mushrooms is the ambassador in bottles. Small fruiting bodies are selected that can be pushed into the neck.

For canning, it is not necessary to use fresh mushrooms, frozen ones are also suitable. In the freezer, they are laid out in one layer and slightly frozen. Then they are transferred to bags and left for storage. It is very important not to wet the mushrooms before freezing, so that they are not saturated with excess water. They are washed after defrosting, immediately before salting.

As a prevention of the appearance of mold, time-tested folk methods are used. A spoonful of vegetable oil is added to jars before seaming. Together with vinegar or citric acid, it acts as a preservative. A sprig of heather or spruce is placed in a barrel or pan at the bottom. They do not allow mold to appear and provide the harvest with a forest aroma.

Despite the fact that mushrooms are useful for the body, there are contraindications to their use. They are not recommended for people suffering from acute diseases of the stomach and intestines. In large quantities, they should not be used by pregnant women, children, the elderly.

Mushrooms belong to agaric mushrooms and are ideal for salting for the winter. Their name corresponds to their appearance: the plates under the caps are orange in color, the caps themselves are variegated. In the article, we will consider how to salt mushrooms for the winter at home.

The flesh of camelinas is orange and has juice that is not bitter, so they are not soaked for a long time, unlike milk mushrooms. When salting, it is not necessary to cook. Thick legs are hidden under the hats, which are just as good in a salty form as hats, which cannot be said about other mushrooms.

Redheads grow in spruce forests in colonies. The harvest season begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn.

The classic recipe for pickling mushrooms

Description of popular salting and pickling recipes I will start with the classics. The classic technology is universal and simple, because it does not involve the use of water. The mushrooms are salted in their own juice, retaining their original taste and aroma.


Servings: - + 10

  • saffron mushrooms 1 kg
  • salt 40 g

Calories and BJU per 100 g

Calories: 17 kcal

Proteins: 1.9 g

Fats: 0.8 g

Carbohydrates: 2.7 g

45 min. Video

    Using a knife, clean the ingredients: make a new cut, put the legs in order.

    Put the peeled mushrooms in a bowl for salting in layers, sprinkling with salt. Place a weight on top. After 10 days, the dish is ready for tasting.

    Divide salted mushrooms into prepared jars and add brine. If there is little liquid, add a little chilled boiled water.

    Roll up jars with lids and sterilize for at least 30 minutes. Store canned food in a cool place.

I think you have not seen an easier way to pickle mushrooms before. This recipe does not include the use of any spices, but if you want to diversify the taste, turn on your imagination or simply put your favorite spices in the container. It will turn out a good side dish for classic French meat.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter

The classic recipe is good because it provides ample opportunities for experimentation, but not every housewife has enough time or courage to do this. Therefore, the cold and hot methods of salting mushrooms for the winter are more popular among the people, which have passed the test of time and have become perfect over the years.

hot way

The hot technology for preparing salted mushrooms is the most time-consuming, since it involves heat treatment. But she also has a huge advantage - any mushrooms, regardless of size, are suitable for harvesting for the winter.


  • Ryzhik - 5 kg.
  • Salt - 250 g.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Carnation - 10 buds.
  • Black pepper - 10 peas.
  • Laurel - 10 leaves.
  • Currant leaves - 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the mushrooms, send the wormy ones to the bin, and cut the large ones into pieces.
  2. Place a large container of water on the stove and heat. Send the prepared mushrooms to the boiling liquid. It is important that they are completely submerged. After boiling again, boil on minimum heat for a few minutes, then reduce heat and hold on the stove for a few more minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.
  3. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander and cool to room temperature. Then fill the dishes for salting with mushrooms, laying them with hats up. Between layers, make a pillow of salt, black pepper, laurel and currant leaves.
  4. Place a large plate on top, cover with three-fold gauze and press down with a load. Place the container in a room where the temperature does not exceed 7 degrees. A basement, cellar, or the bottom shelf of a refrigerator will do.
  5. Observe the process periodically and analyze the color of the brine. If the liquid is brown, all is well. Black coloring indicates spoilage of the product.

After a month and a half, you can start tasting. Done right, mushrooms don't disappoint and make good company with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. However, they are also good as a separate dish with the addition of chopped onions and vegetable oil.

cold way

Cold salting technology is good and this is a fact, because it is better suited for preservation for the winter, since the product retains its vitamin composition and benefits, and is also stored for a long time.

The absence of a stage of heat treatment of raw materials adds to the attractiveness of the cold method.


  • Ryzhik - 2 kg.
  • Currant leaves - 40 g.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Laurel - 20 leaves.
  • Allspice - 30 peas.
  • Salt - 100 g.


  1. Put the peeled mushrooms after water procedures on a towel. While the raw materials are drying, prepare a container for salting. A glass jar, wooden barrel, or enamel pot will work.
  2. Put spices at the bottom of the container, add salt. Put the mushrooms on top with the legs down, sprinkle with salt. Repeat several layers until you run out of ingredients. Cover the container with gauze, set oppression, leave for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the contents of the container will settle. It's time to add a new portion of mushrooms.
  3. Keep the container in a room with a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Change gauze every three days. After two weeks, distribute the mushrooms in glass jars and store in the cold. The shelf life of such canned food is 2 years.

Videos cooking

To properly salt or pickle mushrooms for the winter, it will take time and effort, but the result is worth it. The natural taste of mushrooms, complemented by the aroma of spices and spices, will not leave you indifferent and will give you a frantic pleasure.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

Ryzhiks have always been valued for their incredible taste, and in many national cuisines they are considered a delicacy. Doctors recognize their great benefits, because mushrooms are not inferior to vegetables and fruits in terms of vitamin composition, and in terms of the amount of proteins they successfully compete even with meat. And the benefits don't end there.

  • The composition of mushrooms contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and support the body in the fight against infections. The high calcium content benefits people with arthritis.
  • There is no cholesterol and fat in mushrooms, which is why they are recommended for diabetics. This mushroom product has also been used in dietary nutrition, and it is indispensable in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, mushrooms have a positive effect on men's health.
  • Scientists are closely studying the benefits of these mushrooms, which is due to the presence of selenium. The results of clinical studies, during which malignant tumors were affected by this mineral, showed that it reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer by 50 percent. Scientists say that the use of saffron milk mushrooms daily at 100 grams is tantamount to full-fledged chemotherapy.

If we talk about harm, mushrooms are not recommended for people with low acidity. Also, the product is contraindicated in pancreatitis and digestive problems, as it is poorly digested.

Mushrooms cause the greatest harm to the body when they are in the basket along with surprisingly similar inedible counterparts. At best, everything ends with nausea, vomiting, convulsions or severe poisoning, and at worst, insanity and death.

The positive or negative effect of mushrooms on the human body is individual and is often determined by the amount of delicacy eaten.

In the old days, per kilogram of mushrooms, they asked for an amount that was enough to buy several bottles of branded French perfumes. Today, these mushrooms have become available and remain in demand in home and restaurant food.

Salted mushrooms are an amazing dish that pleases with excellent taste. But often the mushroom delicacy spoils and ends up in the trash. To prevent this from happening, heed the following tips.

  1. Inexperienced mushroom pickers are interested in whether mushrooms are soaked before salting. As I have already said, this procedure is inappropriate. On the contrary, under the influence of water, the shape of the cap of delicacies changes. To avoid this, clean the mushrooms with a toothbrush or wipe with a rag.
  2. The storage of canned food deserves special attention. A cold-cooked delicacy is not friendly with high temperatures. It is better to store such preservation in a cellar or pantry, where it is not more than 10 degrees. Under such conditions, a salty dish will last up to two years.
  3. If we talk about the hot salting method, the product also reaches readiness in 1.5 months and heat treatment does not affect the cooking time. Many housewives like this recipe, as the risk of mold is close to zero.
  4. If the brine has acquired an unpleasant aftertaste, this is the first sign of souring. If such a problem has overtaken, remove the mushrooms from the pickling container, rinse with water, boil for 5 minutes and strain. Then put in clean jars and fill with new brine. Roll up the lids and refrigerate.
  5. If mold appears on the surface of the brine, rinse the fabric in warm water with salt, remove the layer of moldy mushrooms, sprinkle healthy mushrooms with mustard powder, put a clean cloth, mug and weight on top.

On any table, salted mushrooms will always be a signature dish. The gifts of the forest can be marinated, but it is salting that allows you to save that special mushroom taste and aroma. From this article you will learn how to salt mushrooms - mushrooms are very beautiful, tasty and healthy.

Camelinaes are fragrant and tasty forest mushrooms that are a good choice for winter preservation.

Many prefer to salt them raw, but the hot method will preserve their pleasant color.

Ingredients for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • liter of water;
  • a spoon with a slide of salt;
  • five peas of black and allspice;
  • two bay and currant leaves;
  • two cloves;
  • cinnamon sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. We remove coarsened legs from mushrooms and wash the remaining parts well.
  2. Pour water into the pan, add salt and put the container on the stove. In a boiling, well-salted liquid (this is important), put the mushrooms and cook them for 15 minutes. Then we wash the mushrooms and set aside for now.
  3. Pour clean water (liter) into a saucepan. After boiling, pour a spoonful of salt into it, and also put all the spices, leaves and spices. As soon as the salt crystals are completely dissolved, lay the mushrooms and boil them in the marinade for 15 minutes.
  4. Then we lay it out in sterilized jars, fill it with a spicy solution, twist the lids, wrap it up and wait for it to cool completely.

Cold salting

The cold salting method is considered the most popular method of harvesting salted saffron milk caps.

It allows you to store mushroom preservation for up to two years.

Ingredients for 2 kg of mushrooms:

  • a third of a glass of coarse salt;
  • 32 peas of allspice;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • 22 bay leaves;
  • 40 currants.

Cooking method:

  1. We take an enameled container, and if there is, then a wooden barrel. Put spices on the bottom, sprinkle them with salt and distribute half of the mushrooms so that their caps look up. Sprinkle generously with salted granules.
  2. We cover the container with gauze, put oppression on top. After 5 hours, the mushrooms will settle and it will be possible to lay the second batch of mushrooms. We also cover them with gauze and keep under oppression for two weeks.

Every day, the gauze will have to be changed and ensure that the room temperature remains within +20 degrees. We lay out the finished mushrooms in clean containers.

Mushrooms for the winter in jars

You can pickle mushrooms right in the jars. To do this, take a kilogram of already prepared mushrooms and sterilize a glass container.

  1. At the bottom of the jar we put a sheet of horseradish and spread the mushrooms together with salt in layers.
  2. We also cover the top layer with horseradish leaves and leave the mushrooms to salt out in a dark, cool place for three days.
  3. After salting, we distribute the mushrooms in hot sterilized jars, put horseradish leaves on top. We close the workpiece with nylon lids and put it in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Recipe for salting mushrooms in English

The peculiarity of the English salting method is that after a few hours you will be able to taste salty, fragrant and tasty mushrooms. Or, more precisely, mushroom caviar.

Ingredients for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • 110 ml of olive oil and red wine;
  • 25 g of table salt and sugar;
  • 20 g Dijon mustard;
  • one big bulb.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, mushrooms must be kept for five minutes in boiling salted water. Then rinse them and cut into strips.
  2. Pour oil and wine into a saucepan, add salty and sweet granules, put mustard and chopped onion rings.
  3. As soon as the mixture boils, we pour the chopped mushrooms, cook them for five minutes and distribute them among pre-prepared jars. Close them and put them in a cool place.

You can try this mushroom appetizer in two hours.

Dry salting method

  1. For salting, we take a container (preferably enameled), on the bottom of which we put any spices. For example, allspice and currant leaves.
  2. Distribute the mushrooms over them with hats on top. Sprinkle each layer with salt. You can also put spices on top of the latter.
  3. We put a wooden board on the products and press it down with a load.

For pickling mushrooms in this way, it will take from two to three weeks.

You can store ready-made mushrooms in the same container where they were salted, but only under oppression.

Express cooking method

To enjoy the taste of a salty snack, it is not necessary to wait for winter, because there is a quick way to pickle mushrooms. The advantage of the express method is that it preserves the unique mushroom taste, but the shelf life of such preservation is not as long as we would like.

Cooking method:

  1. We take 1 kg of mushrooms and 40 g of coarse salt. We spread the mushrooms in a large bowl, forming a dense mushroom "glade". Sprinkle each layer with salt granules like snow.
  2. We keep the mushrooms warm at first (about an hour), and as soon as the mushrooms release brown juice, put them in the refrigerator for two hours.

If the appetizer came out too salty, then we wash it with water, then flavor it with oil and sprinkle with onions. That's all. You can serve a mushroom appetizer to the table.

Mushrooms form large myceliums and therefore among the large representatives of the mushroom family there are always smaller ones that can easily crawl into the narrow neck of the bottle.

The appetizer is amazing!

For the recipe, you will need 250 g of mushrooms (per container) and 35 g of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We select small specimens in our forest "harvest", roll them in salt granules and simply push them into the bottle.
  2. We also pour the rest of the salt into a container and keep the mushrooms in the cold until a tart aroma appears.

The mushroom season starts in July and ends with the first frosts. As a rule, they are collected in pine and spruce forests, where they grow in large groups. If you meet one mushroom, you can be sure that the rest of the family is hiding nearby.

  1. For salting, it is important to use fresh products and you should not postpone their processing for a long time after the “hunt”.
  2. It is better to salt mushrooms with a hat with a diameter of 5 cm - they remain intact after all manipulations and look great on the table.
  3. Wooden tubs are best suited as a container for salting, which do not spoil the aroma of wild mushrooms. If there is no such container, then ordinary glass jars can be used.
  4. Before pickling, mushrooms do not need to be soaked, it is enough to rinse them under running water.
  5. To preserve the bright color of mushrooms, it is better to boil them and salt them in a quick way.

Salting mushrooms is the most common way to process them, which allows you to save their color, taste, aroma and a maximum of vitamins.

Mushroom lovers always stock up on mushrooms and chanterelles collected with their own hands during the season. But after that, the question often arises of preserving the product for a long time, with which not only freezing, but also salting copes. This method allows you to instantly "preserve" all the useful substances, and also makes it possible to get a ready-to-eat product that becomes an excellent snack or addition to a number of dishes. Home conservation has several common algorithms, but does not imply any set of rules that must be followed relentlessly. Depending on your taste preferences, the list of what is put in the container with mushrooms and the amount of these components will vary. And even to say exactly how many days to salt the mushrooms, no one can: here again you need to decide what kind of initial product you want to receive. However, experienced hostesses distinguish as many as 3 methods, each of which is capable of having up to 10 variations in its technology. This is a quick salting, the so-called express, cold salting and hot.

The express salting method is suitable for those who want to try the finished product on the same day, and not wait until it reaches the desired condition. The disadvantage of this method, of course, is that it is not focused on subsequent storage. The mushrooms salted in this way should be consumed 2-3 days in advance, during which they will be kept in the refrigerator. But this is an ideal option if guests are expected, and you want to surprise them with salted mushrooms. In 2-3 hours, the mushrooms will be salted and will be ready to serve. To do this, you need to collect a small amount of mushrooms, preferably medium-sized ones. They are carefully washed, cleaned and placed in a jar with their legs up. As soon as the bottom is tightly covered with mushrooms, they must be sprinkled with salt, and then a new layer is formed, which is also covered with salt. Its amount depends on your taste preferences: the classic recipe involves a thin white coating on which a new layer of mushrooms will fit. They should be left until a dark brine appears, after which they should be kept for another 1 hour in a cold place, and the salted mushrooms are ready to eat. It should also be noted here that such an express pickling method is only suitable for mushrooms, since other mushrooms require mandatory cooking. Soak the mushrooms thoroughly enough in water, keeping them in it for 0.5-1 hour, rinse with running water to remove debris from the plates. Some recipes even offer to sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, cover them with a press and keep for only 30-40 minutes. After this period, the mushrooms will give juice and will be suitable for serving. But in this case, young and small mushrooms are needed. An approximate calculation of salt per 1 kg of product is 30-35 g.

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way?

Hot salting is the most common method of harvesting mushrooms for the winter. The attractiveness of this method is that it is not necessary to select mushrooms by size. In addition, due to heat treatment, the waiting period is reduced, which is given to mushrooms for complete impregnation with salt and brine extraction. But still, it is required to cut large hats into 2-3 parts, in order to facilitate their packing into a common container. Mushrooms should be washed without soaking in water, as in the fast method, passed through a flowing stream and lowered into a saucepan. Water is poured there in such an amount that it completely covers the mushroom caps. It must be brought to a boil, and for the next 2-3 minutes, allow to boil at maximum heat. During this time, it is necessary to constantly remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon, and at the 5th minute, discard the scalded mushrooms in a colander. As soon as they cool to room temperature, you need to prepare a container for pickling and start putting pieces of mushrooms into it with the legs down, separating each layer with a thin layer of salt and spices that you can choose to your taste. In the classic recipe, for 40 g of salt, there are 2 chopped garlic cloves, a torn dill sprig, 2 currant leaves and a bay leaf. If you wish, you can put a few black peppercorns and ground horseradish here: this will add piquancy to the taste, making mushrooms salted in this way an excellent addition to meat or boiled potatoes. The volumes of each component are indicated for the standard number of mushrooms in 1 kg. Separately, it is worth mentioning the oppression that is imposed on the container with mushrooms: it is most convenient to cover it with a gauze or cotton napkin, and place a plate on top, which is gently pressed into the salted mass. Therefore, a plate or other flat round object is selected so that its diameter is flush with the inner diameter of the neck of the salting container. You don’t need to put any weights on top: the plate’s own gravity will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of starting to displace the liquid protruding from the mushrooms. How to salt mushrooms in a cold way?

The cold salting method does not greatly affect the taste of the final product, however, for most housewives it is attractive because there is no stage of heat treatment of mushrooms. According to the assurances of experts, any exposure to boiling water on the product destroys the bulk of its useful properties, so an increase in temperature inside is undesirable for almost any product. But due to the fact that the technology will be different from that used in hot salting, more time will be required to wait. In addition, the amount of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms depends on the conditions in which the container with mushrooms will be stored. If they are kept in a cold place (2-5 degrees, but without a minus sign), a standard volume of 40 g is enough, but if stored in a room where the temperature is 16-20 degrees, you need to double the amount - up to 80-100 g Salting saffron milk caps in a cold way, according to the algorithm of action, is similar to salting with an express method. Mushrooms need to be washed and cleaned, the lower parts of the legs removed from them, put in a suitable container, sprinkling each layer with salt. Optionally, you can add your favorite spices: for example, currant leaves, black pepper and onion rings. Oppression is necessarily imposed on the mushrooms from above, and 4-5 hours are expected. After that, the mass settles a little, and you can put another 1-2 layers of fresh mushrooms on it, not forgetting to cover the container again with oppression.

How many days to salt mushrooms?

The period that will be spent on salting these mushrooms depends on the characteristics of the product taken into work and the method of its preparation. As already mentioned, express methods allow you to get a finished dish in 2-4 hours, and with cold or hot, you may need to wait for 3-5 weeks. At the same time, the larger mushrooms you choose, the longer they will salt out, so it is recommended to give preference to young and small options. It is also important to know that 2 types of these mushrooms are eaten: spruce and pine forest. Small sizes are characteristic of spruce representatives of the family, as well as bright orange-brown flesh, lowered edges of the cap and a very short stem. Such mushrooms are ideal for cold salting, while upland mushrooms can be used for hot salting, where mushrooms of any size and age can cook equally well. At the same time, we must not forget that salted mushrooms must be completely covered with brine during their storage. If the liquid that came out of the mushrooms during the salting process is not enough, boiled hot water should be added.

Mushrooms are mushrooms that grow in abundance in our forests from July to September. They have a characteristic color of yellow-pink or orange-red tones.
Mushrooms have long been considered a valuable food product, rich in protein and minerals. They are easily absorbed by the human body and are used by vegetarians as the main source of protein food.
They are prepared in different ways. One of the most common is their salting.
Let us consider in more detail several popular options for salting a forest delicacy.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way is the longest in time. It is based on the heat treatment of the product. Its main advantage is that for salting you can take any kind of mushrooms, not even fresh ones. Another plus is that you do not need to select mushrooms by size. Absolutely all available samples will be used.

You will need:

  • Ryzhiki - 5 kg;
  • Table salt - 250 g;
  • 10 dried cloves;
  • Black currant - 50 g of leaves;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Black pepper - 10 peas;
  • Bay leaf - 10 pcs.

How to salt mushrooms:

  1. We sort through the mushrooms, get rid of wormy specimens. We clean, especially large samples are cut into several parts. We put a pot of water on the stove, heat the water.
  2. Pour mushrooms into boiling water. Make sure that the water completely covers the mushrooms. A couple of minutes you need to let the mushrooms boil at maximum heat. Cook for another three minutes, along the way remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Drain the boiled mushrooms through a colander and cool to normal temperature.
  4. We fill the prepared containers for salting with mushrooms. It is better to spread them with caps up for a more even salting. We carefully salt all layers in turn, sprinkle with prepared seasonings: bay leaf, currant leaf and other spices.
  5. After filling the container, you need to put oppression on it. A large plate with a three-liter jar of water placed on it is quite suitable. We cover the salting container with several layers of gauze or napkins and place oppression on top. As oppression, an ordinary plate, correctly selected in diameter, is quite suitable.
  6. The finished container should be stored for six weeks in a room with a temperature of 0 to +7 degrees. A cellar or basement is quite suitable, in extreme cases - the lower shelf of the refrigerator.
  7. We periodically look at the process and monitor the color of the brine. It should have a brown color throughout the cooking period. The appearance of a black color of the brine will mean spoilage of the product.
  8. After a month and a half, it is quite possible to start tasting the delicacy.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way

Perhaps the most common and popular way to cook salted mushrooms. It is suitable for winter pickling and long-term storage. Its advantage lies in the preservation of all nutrients and vitamins in the final product. It is also attractive to many due to the absence of the stage of heat treatment of mushroom raw materials.

You will need:

  • Ryzhik - 2 kg;
  • Black currant - 40 g of leaves;
  • Table salt - 100 g;
  • Fragrant black pepper - 30 peas;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Bay leaf - 20 pcs.

How to salt mushrooms in a cold way:

  1. We clean the mushrooms, rinse with cool water. Dry on a towel.
  2. Cooking dishes for salting mushrooms. We choose for these purposes a large pan with an enamel coating, a wooden barrel or a glass jar.
  3. We put spices on the bottom, add salt to them.
  4. Mushrooms are laid with hats up, sprinkle them with plenty of salt.
  5. We cover the container with gauze and set oppression. After 5-6 hours, when the mushroom mass settles a little, it is worth putting an additional batch of mushrooms into the container to compact the mixture.
  6. Salting mushrooms at home requires a temperature not higher than +20 degrees. Every few days you need to change the used gauze for fresh.
  7. After two weeks, the mushrooms are distributed in clean glass jars and sent for storage. The mushrooms prepared by this method are quietly stored for more than two years.

How to cook saffron mushrooms

This method does not use water, and the main emphasis is on thoroughly cleaning the mushrooms. No spices are needed for him, except for salt. This method is good for camelinas, as they usually grow in a ventilated and clean environment. For other mushrooms, it is unlikely to be suitable.

You will need:

  • Ryzhik - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 40 g.

How to pickle mushrooms for the winter:

  1. We carefully clean the mushrooms from debris, scrape the legs, refresh the cut and clean the damaged edges.
  2. We place the peeled mushrooms in layers in a bowl and sprinkle each of them with salt. We put oppression on top.
  3. Due to the lack of spices, mushrooms do not lose their unique aroma and taste, and they can be tasted after 10 days.
  4. Good canned mushrooms will come out of this blank. First you need to steam the glass jars, then move the mushrooms into them and, to top it off, fill with brine. Next, the jars are rolled up with a lid and sterilized for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Storage requires a cool, ventilated place with a temperature of 0 to 7 degrees above zero.
  6. It is important to ensure that the jars do not run out of brine. You can add chilled boiled water as needed.

English recipe for salted mushrooms

Fast cooking method. After a few hours, the dish is ready for tasting.

You will need:

  • Ryzhik - 1 kg;
  • Dry red wine - 100 ml;
  • Olive oil - 100 ml;
  • Table salt - 20 g;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Dijon mustard - 20 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.

Salting mushrooms mushrooms:

  1. Blanch the mushrooms in salted water for about five minutes. We remove the water. Wash the mushrooms in cold water and cut into chips.
  2. Pour wine, olive oil into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, chopped onion rings, Dijon mustard.
  3. Add the mushrooms to the boiled mixture, cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. The resulting mushroom mass is placed in a jar and put in the refrigerator.
  5. The resulting dish, which is often called mushroom caviar, is ready for tasting in two hours.

Salt mushrooms recipe

This method can be recommended to those gourmets who wish to taste pickled mushrooms immediately and do not want to wait weeks or months. In addition to speed, a huge plus of this method is the completely preserved positive properties of the product.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh small mushrooms;
  • Table salt - 100 g.

Salted mushrooms recipe:

  1. We clean the mushrooms and put them caps down in a glass dish.
  2. Sprinkle each row generously with salt. Mushrooms should be completely covered with a salt layer.
  3. When a brownish brine appears, we wait about two hours. And then you can immediately put them on the table. They retain their natural savory taste and bright, rich color.
  4. Do not overexpose mushrooms with this method of salting for more than two hours. They run the risk of becoming too salty.
  5. Mushrooms salted with sweat by this method must be consumed as soon as possible. They cannot be stored for more than a few days.

How to salt saffron mushrooms

An old Russian recipe for pickling mushrooms, proven for decades. Based on the book of a famous Russian chef, author of numerous culinary publications.

You will need:

  • Ryzhik - 10 kg;
  • Salt - 0.5 kg;
  • Black currant - 200 g of foliage;
  • Oak leaves - 200 g;
  • Cabbage - 200 g of foliage;
  • Black pepper - 20 peas;
  • Dill - 200 g of stems.

Salting mushrooms for the winter:

  1. Preparing a barrel for salting. Pour salt into the bottom of the barrel. Mushrooms mushrooms are placed in rows so that the mushroom caps look down. Top each row with salt.
  2. Also between the rows lay out the stems of dill, oak and currant leaves. Throw in the black peppercorns.
  3. A round wooden lid is placed on top of the barrel, and oppression is placed on it.
  4. About a week later, after the mushrooms settle a little and the brine appears, you need to drain it and add more mushrooms. So repeat several times so that the mushrooms are packed as tightly as possible in the barrel.
  5. On the top row, you can put a few cabbage leaves. Then they can be used to make delicious cabbage rolls.
  6. A barrel completely clogged with mushrooms and seasonings must be corked and put on ice or in a cellar. Mushrooms will turn out perfectly vigorous.

How to salt mushrooms in bottles

Another old recipe, described in detail in fiction. Since mushrooms always grow in flocks in the forest, in addition to large adult specimens, small and very tiny mushrooms will always come across. In the forests of the Volga-Vyatka region, an original way of pickling such mushrooms has long been invented. Its meaning lies in the fact that only those mushrooms that will crawl into the narrow neck of the bottle will go into salting.

You will need:

  • Small mushrooms - 200-300 g per bottle;
  • Salt - 30-40 g.

How to salt mushrooms recipe:

  1. We select mushrooms the size of a five-ruble coin or less. We wash mushrooms in cool water, if necessary, clean from the soil.
  2. We push the mushrooms one by one into the bottle, after rolling each one in a plate with salt.
  3. Pour the rest of the salt into the bottle. We keep the mushrooms in the cold for a while until astringency appears in the aroma.

Thus, both in the literature and on culinary sites on the Internet, you can find many recipes for making salted mushrooms. One way or another, they all come down to three main methods of salting: cold, hot and dry. The variety of recipes is due either to local traditions or the use of original seasonings and spices. The salting technology in all recipes will in any case refer to one of the three main methods.

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