Body fish recipe. How to cook a body of fish. G. n.v gross "the latest cookbook"

Fish body. What is this strange product? Have you ever heard such an unusual name? It turns out that this is a dish, and even very edible. Let's explain. These are such zrazy from fish in the form of a month. But the form now has almost no meaning. Previously, the body was considered minced fish, later - everything that was stuffed with fish, but now these are fish zrazy.

General concepts of cooking body fish

There are quite a few options for preparing this fabulous dish, but we provide a general recipe that every housewife can already remake, as they say, "for themselves."

For one serving you will need:

Cooking method

The body of the fish should be tender. To do this, you need to prepare an air filling.

1). Boil mushrooms, put in a colander. If you decide to take salted mushrooms, then they need to be washed. Cut into medium sized pieces.

2). Boil an egg and chop finely.

3). Peel the onion, chop finely and fry.

4). Add mushrooms to the frying and keep on fire, stirring, for up to five minutes.

5). Finely chop the greens.

6). Add to the fry along with the egg, salt and pepper. Interfere.

The filling is ready. Now let's move on to the minced fish. For this:

1). Wash the fillet, cut into pieces, grind.

2). Add two tbsp to minced meat. spoons of flour and one egg, salt and pepper. Instead of flour and eggs, it is possible to add bread previously soaked in milk.

3). Knead and grind again.

4). Make cakes from minced meat, in the center - a notch and put the filling there.

5). Bend the cake as if you are making dumplings, pinch the edges.

It is convenient to fasten the body of fish with a napkin dipped in water.

6). Beat the egg, grease the cutlets.

7). Roll in breading and fry in a deep saucepan or frying pan on each side for about five minutes.

For those who like drier food, we suggest upgrading this recipe. Fish body can be baked in the oven for about twenty minutes.

Put the finished dish on a plate, put a piece of butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs. It is served with potatoes in any form, legumes, pasta or vegetables. Now we know how to cook a regular fish body. The technological map is quite simple, so any housewife can treat herself or her family to this wonderful masterpiece.

"Whole body"

A very tasty and original dish, both for festive and for everyday regaling.


  1. Fish: 0.5 kg.
  2. Flour: 2 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Half an onion.
  4. Half a parsley root.
  5. Several bay leaves.
  6. Black peppercorns.
  7. Half a teaspoon of anise or fennel (seeds).
  8. Three teaspoons of salt.
  9. One and a half liters of water.

Prepare the fish, separate from the bones and roll tightly into a roll. Roll in flour, place in a napkin and tie the edges with a thread. Boil water with spices and dip a napkin there for fifteen minutes. So the body of the fish is ready. You can see the photo below.

Baked body:

  1. Fish - 1 kg.
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Parsley greens.
  4. Dill greens.
  5. Egg - 1 piece.
  6. Cream - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  7. Butter - 50 g.
  8. Sour cream 250 g.
  9. Lemon zest - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  10. Salt pepper.
  11. Lemon juice 2 tbsp. spoons.

1). Make fish mince.

2). Peel the onion, chop finely.

3). Finely chop the greens.

4). Beat the egg with a whisk. Pour cream into the resulting mass, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

5). Combine with minced meat and leave to stand.

7). Form balls from minced meat and put in a container greased with ghee.

8). Place the container in another container with water, and then in the oven for ten minutes.

9). Mix sour cream, salt, pepper, zest and lemon juice and pour over the dish.

10). Bake for ten more minutes.

For those who suffer from stomach diseases, or those who do not eat fried foods, there is another recipe. Fish body is boiled in salt water with the addition of sunflower oil.

Telnoye according to the old Slavic recipe

We reworked the old recipe in a new way, but left the ingredients and cooking steps original.


  • 1-1.5 kilograms of fresh pike perch;
  • 0.5 kilograms of ham;
  • 100 g butter.


Separate pike perch from bones and skin. Grind the pulp in a meat grinder or blender. Divide mince into two halves. Chop the ham and fry with a quarter of minced meat. Roll the balls from the second quarter of minced meat and fry. Roll the remaining minced meat into a cake, put balls and stuffing with ham on it. Put on a napkin, tie with a thread. Dip in water and boil in boiling water for half an hour. Then take out and let cool. Unfold the napkin, take it out. Put in a pan greased with oil and put in the oven until golden brown.

Fish body according to the old Slavic recipe is ready.

State educational institution of primary vocational education

"Vocational School No. 1"

Methodical development of an open lesson

on industrial training in the profession "Cook"

Topic: Cooking and decorating fish dishes

Methodical development is made

in accordance with the curriculum

Amandosova L.U.

Baikonur, 2011

Lesson topic: Cooking and decorating fish dishes

Lesson Objectives:


Educational:engage in active work, promote the acquisition of the necessary skills and abilities of independent work

Developing:improve the skills of working with sources of knowledge; improve analysis skills, develop cultures of labor movements

Interdisciplinary connections:


    Equipment for catering establishments;

    Merchandising of food products;

    Organization of production of public catering enterprises.

Methodological goal: Methodology for the formation of students' independence through the use of technological map documents. Storytelling, demonstration, independent work, group work


laboratory cabinet equipment - electric stove with oven; electric meat grinder;

utensils: a 1-1.5 liter saucepan, a medium-sized frying pan, a plate for second courses;

tools and accessories: spatula, kitchen knife, potholders;

raw materials - products according to the collection of recipes for dishes;

documents of written instruction - technological maps, technological schemes;

handout - a collection of recipes for dishes.

Visual aids - posters:

    Technological scheme of fish processing

    Technological scheme of fish body

    Presentation "Body of fish"

Complex methodological support of the lesson: interactive whiteboard, laptop. Slides, a collection of recipes for dishes, calculators.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment (1-2 minutes.)

Mutual greetings, marking absentees and finding out the reasons, checking the availability of overalls and notes.

2. Introductory briefing (15 minutes.)

2.1. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

2.2. Repetition of the material covered.

Lesson topic:Preparation and presentation of fish dishes

The purpose of the lesson:teach how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, teach how to prepare and decorate dishes from fish cutlet mass

Questions on topics covered:

    What nutrients are found in fish?

    What are the ways to defrost frozen fish?

    How to process scaly fish for plating?

    How to handle a medium sized fish?

    List the types of breading.

    What semi-finished products from fish cutlet mass do you know?

    How do you form cutlets?

    How to cook cutlet mass?

On the topics covered, “Semi-finished products from fish cutlet mass”, today Izyumnikova Lyubov prepared her presentation, we'll see.

Speech by Izyumnikov L

Tell me, for cutlet mass, which fish is better to use?

For cutlet mass, small-boned scaly and scaleless fish with a bone skeleton, as well as marine cartilaginous fish, are used. The mass is prepared from cod, pike, pike perch, sea bass and other types of fish, as well as from frozen fillets.

Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, roll, body, zrazy, meatballs are formed from fish cutlet mass.

Semi-finished products are called products that have undergone partial culinary processing, but have not yet been brought to culinary readiness and are unsuitable for consumption.

3. Explanation of the new topic of industrial training:

3.1 Updating of basic knowledge

Safety training in the workplace;

Organization of work in the fish shop;

Cook's personal hygiene.

Who will tell the chef's personal hygiene?

What requirement must be observed in the fish shop?

How to work with an electric meat grinder?

Electrical safety briefing.

What equipment do you know in the fish shop?

What equipment do you know in the fish shop?

What is the marking of the fish shop?

And today we will cook the body

Telnoe is crescent-shaped zrazy made from fish cutlet mass, which was called telnoe in Russian cuisine.

First, prepare the cutlet mass of fish


The name of the dish Fish body

Recipe №514

Brief description of the technological process

For the preparation of cutlet mass, scaly and scaleless fish with a bone skeleton, small-boned lean, marine cartilaginous fish and other fish species that do not have a sharp specific odor are used. Pike perch, cod, sea bass, pike are processed into fillets without skin and bones, cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder. In wheat bread not lower than the first grade, the crusts are cut off and the bread is soaked in water or milk. Combine chopped fillet and soaked bread, add salt, ground pepper, mix and pass through a meat grinder again, knead by hand (knock out).

To make the mass better formed, raw eggs are added for viscosity, to reduce viscosity, chopped boiled fish is added to the cutlet mass from low-fat fish (1/3 of the norm of raw fish pulp).

Due to the presence of bread in the cutlet mass, moisture is retained, which helps soften the connective tissue. Bread gives products a juicy, porous, lush texture. Products for the preparation of cutlet mass are used chilled, since the cutlet mass is perishable and microorganisms begin to develop in it very quickly. The prepared cutlet mass is cooled and cut into semi-finished products.

The cutlet mass is placed on moistened gauze in the form of a cake, minced meat is placed in its middle. The cake is folded in half, shaped into a crescent moon with gauze, moistened in lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs. Deep-fried for 3-4 minutes until a crispy crust forms, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a colander to drain the fat. The body is placed in a frying pan, placed in an oven preheated to 250 C, and kept there for 4-5 minutes until small air bubbles appear on the surface.

They release 2 pcs. per serving with fried potatoes, green peas seasoned with butter or milk sauce, or with a complex side dish, pour over melted margarine, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Tomato sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

4. Fixing: working with an interactive whiteboard. Slideshow.

Requirements for the quality of the body of fish

Qualitative assessment of the finished dish: body

Appearance:retained its shape, no cracks,

surface covered with toasted crust

Consistency:soft, homogeneous, crushed mass

Color:on the cut from white to gray, products are juicy, friable.

Taste:moderately salty, tender

Smell:characteristic of fish

5. Current instruction and independent work of students

5.1. Arrangement of students at work places.

5.2. Issuance of tasks and technological maps.

5.3. Conduct targeted rounds in the laboratory.

5.4. Control of labor safety rules, sanitation

at work.

5.5. Workplace cleaning.

6. Lesson summary

6.1. Summing up the lesson, acceptance of completed work.

6.2. Error analysis, grading.

Master of industrial training Amandosova L.U.

Before you get acquainted with the recipe for making fish meat, it will not be superfluous to find out the meaning of the concept of "fish meat". This dish belongs to Russian cuisine, which means that it is there that you need to look for the answer to the question. In Rus', culinary products made from fish fillets have long been called this word, i.e. from the body. Bones were carefully selected from the carcass, then cut into small pieces, and then fish pies were fried with or without filling.

Now the term "body" is somewhat forgotten. The words “cutlets”, “zrazy” are much more in demand. It is interesting that both cutlets and zrazy are dishes of foreign origin, while meat is a Russian dish. However, foreign words have taken root, and Russian, which essentially means the same thing, is known much less.

Any fish is suitable for the body, it is better to buy a fish fillet right away, since removing the bones is a rather laborious process.

I have two pieces of notothenia in my freezer, so I’ll make a body out of them today. True, this is not a fillet, so I will have to prepare the fish myself. We clean the carcass, remove the insides, cut off the fins.

Cut the fish along the spine. We will extract the ridge, carefully select all the large and small bones.

Today I will take mushrooms as a filling for a body of fish: I have some boiled frozen ones. In general, you can take both dry mushrooms and fresh ones. A universal option is champignons.

Add chopped onion to the chopped mushrooms and fry everything together in butter or sunflower oil. Salt to taste and add a pinch of ground pepper.

And while the mushrooms are fried, prepare the minced meat. Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder, add the egg, flour and a little pepper.

Mix into a homogeneous mass.

While we were preparing minced meat, our filling was fried. Spread the minced fish on breadcrumbs in the form of a cake, and put the mushrooms in the middle.

Body, as a rule, has a semicircular shape - the shape of the month. This form is obtained very simply: fold the fish cake with mushrooms in half and press lightly.

Fry our fish cakes on both sides.

As you can see, cooking a body of fish will not take us much time. Fish lovers will certainly appreciate this recipe.

TELNOE - an old Russian dish

Currently, Russian culinary specialists are more and more
more efforts are being made to revive the ancient
Russian dishes that were undeservedly forgotten. One
of these dishes is the original old Russian dish -

Many chefs to the question - what is TELNOE? They will answer that
These are crescent-shaped fish zrazy. But if
turn to the origins of this dish, you can meet such
names like "carp bodies", "body circles",
"kulebyaka telny" this means that such a dish is like
TELNO E has a wider range of culinary
recipes and not only perceived as zrazy.

What really is the old Russian
dish TELNOE- as it is written in old recipes: “It is necessary
take several varieties of fish pike perch, pike, grayling, omul,
or some other fish, but definitely a fish
should be a white BODY; remove the skin, select the bones and
crush in a wooden bowl until the body is well killed and
will lag behind the bowl. Or in another way, by choosing from
bones meat of pike and pike perch, beat with the butt of a knife. Fine
piercing, put the minced meat on a dampened napkin,
tie and boil in water. After chop finely, with
with the addition of boiled onions and peppers, use in the filling for

From this it follows that in the original meaning
TELNOE- It's fish mince. And used it as
fillings for pies, stuffed fish and make
he could have a number of dishes, which were often called body. But
no matter how offensive it was in the 20th century the name TELNOE,
entrenched in only one product - fish

Consider how pike perch was cooked in the old days
stuffed: Pike perch was cleaned from scales, cut through
ribs on both sides of the dorsal fins, and broke out
vertebrae. Through the hole that formed the fish
gutted and washed, then the ribs and flesh were cut off. From
the pulp that was cut from the bones was cooked minced meat, then
stuffed the skin, sewed up the incision, and then cooked as
calf loaves in mustard sauce.

Over time, Russian culinary, and after it, international
cooking has developed a different technique for fish - so
called milling. Milling is carried out in
manually with an ordinary knife, in order to remove bones and
cutting fish into portions convenient for eating
axial bone and large costal bones. Prepared
chop the fillet, but in such a way that the fillet pieces
were smooth and warmed up quickly and simultaneously.
Then the pieces of fish fillet are combined with chopped onions,
parsley, dill and beaten egg and molded into a briquette,
which is breaded with flour and tied with gauze.
The briquette thus prepared is
monolithic, beautiful white boiled fish meat with a pleasant aroma of fish and spices. This way
cooking is applicable only to fish and is called -
TELNOE, that is, similar to the body.

Depending on which fillet we use, whole or
chopped - there are two types of body - whole and

For that, and another type of body, river and
sea ​​fish, for a body whole one you need to take not
very large fish - preferably up to 30-35 cm long, for
you can use any fish.

The technological process of preparation consists of two
operations: 1 preparation of the body. 2 boiling in boiling water
with spices.


750 grams of not large fish; 2 tablespoons wheat
flour; 0.5 onions; 0.5 parsley root; 1-2 bay
sheet; 5-6 black peppercorns; 0.25 teaspoon seeds
anise or fennel; 2 teaspoons of salt; 1.25 liters of water.


1. The fish must be cleaned of scales and fins, then
spread along the ridge into two fillets without removing the skin,
free each fillet from the bones and roll tightly in the form
roll. Then tie tightly with a thread so as not to
unfolded. Roll fish rolls well in flour and
lay tightly in gauze, tightly bandage with a thread.

2. Boil the prepared body in salted
boiling water with the addition of onions and spices for
15-20 minutes.

3. Then we take out the body, let it cool. Remove the gauze
and serve warm on the table beautifully laid garnish ..


500 g fillet of any fish; 1 egg; 2 onions; 1 dining room
a spoonful of chopped dill; 0.5 teaspoon black
ground pepper; 2 tablespoons of wheat flour; 1
a tablespoon of chopped parsley; 0.5 tea
spoons of salt; 1 liter of water.


Cut the prepared fish fillet into pieces
no more than 0.5 - 1 centimeter. Chop with a wooden spoon
then combine and mix with finely chopped onion
and spices, add a beaten egg, flour, everything
mix into a homogeneous mass and form from
minced sausages, roll in flour and tightly
wrap with gauze, tied with a thread. We boil the same
as well as a whole body.

Watch a video on the topic

In addition to the fact that the body is boiled, it can also be fried.

We prepare the fish fillet as shown above, we form
small meatballs, dredge in flour and fry
vegetable oil. Served with lemon and fried

In this article, we looked at what TELNOE,his
features, two types of body and ways of it
cooking. If the article was useful to you or
you have something to add, leave your comments.

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See you soon.

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TELNOE is an old Russian dish.: 3 comments

  1. Jeanne

    I didn’t even hear about such a dish)) has any of the readers already prepared it?)

  2. Sergey. The chef of the Mistral restaurant in Paris

    Hello. When I left Russia and became an international chef, working in international restaurants of the world around the globe, in my memory for 45 years of chef work there were two such dishes as TELNOY DYAPANNOE and I have never seen or heard such dishes anywhere else. I would like to revive the forgotten old Russian dishes, but due to the system in which I work, I cannot step on the throat of a song in the way that international cuisines do not go in cycles in this!. So that the forgotten old Russian cuisine does not die completely, I pamper everyone with such masterpieces at home and pass on my skills to the generation when we all gather at the family table.
    I would like to add that people are not well versed in cuisine and food in general, and overseas names turned the kitchen back very abruptly, they forgot about old Russian dishes, they were carried away by raw novelty, as my grandson says coolness. I am very sorry for people who do not eat what they want, but what is imposed on them, and most importantly, all very quickly drinking drinks on the run. Therefore, people very often have digestive problems from fast food. While you don’t understand when you are young, everything affects you in old age! I wish you all health and normal human food!.

  3. Tatiana

    I live in the Far East of Russia. I am a fourth generation Far Easterner. Here all the seas and rivers are commercial. This gray is rich in fish. My whole life and the life of my ancestors is connected with fishing. Here they know fish dishes and know how to cook fish. Varied and tasty. The body is also known. During the course of salmon, spawning of pike, carp, herring, people prepare not only caviar and whole fish, but also minced meat. Easy to store and then use. Telnoe is one of the most delicious and proper dishes that our ancestors invented. Get ready and eat.


The objectives of the course work are to deepen, generalize, systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons of theoretical training in the professional module "Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex hot culinary products"; develop creative abilities, independence, organization, use reference, regulatory documentation; additional literature.

Also study the recipe for the dish "Telnoe from fish", calculate its calorie content.

Fish is a real storehouse of various minerals: iron and phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, zinc and selenium, which, together with vitamins, ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism.

The high nutritional value and taste characteristics of fish determined its great importance in our diet.

Fish dishes are widely used in the daily diet, in children's and dietary nutrition. Fish is a valuable food product. In terms of its taste and nutritional qualities, it competes with the best varieties of meat.

All these qualities of fish have long attracted the attention of nutritionists. It is recommended, for example, for problems with the stomach and thyroid gland, for obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Fish lends itself perfectly to various types of culinary dishes, it can be eaten cold and hot, it goes well with various side dishes. Tenderness, softness of fish, sharpness of taste and aromatic sensations, an abundance of seasonings and spices, spices, aromatic herbs, sauces - all this contributes to the preparation of a wide range of delicious fish dishes.

body fish recipe processing

The task of my course work is to study the technology of cooking, nutritional value.

This dish is also prepared in restaurants, cafes, eateries.

Technological part

Characteristics and assortment of the dish "Telnoe from fish"

Many old Russian fish dishes are completely forgotten. The body has now become such a culinary mystery. Ask an experienced cook about what a body is, and he will say that these are ordinary fish zrazy, but made in the form of a crescent.

However, in handwritten monuments of the XVI century. there are, for example, such dishes: "karasiki body", "kulebyaka body", etc. Old cookbooks allow us to establish what the body was. Here is one of the descriptions of the body: "Take pike perches, pikes, graylings, omuls, whitefish or some other fish that would have a white body; remove the skin, choose the bones and the bones in a wooden cup, until the body is well killed, and will lag behind cups." And here is another recipe: “Pike or pike perch, stripped from the bones, beat with the butt of a knife; loosen the flour in the water liquidly and moisten it for a connection while continuing to churn. finely, with the addition of boiled onions and peppers, use in the filling (for kulebyak).Thus, the original meaning of the word "tel" is minced fish.It was used as a filling for pies, pies, stuffed fish and a number of dishes were made from it, which are often called body.

In the XX century. this name has already been assigned to only one product - fish zrazy, fried in fat.

And, in general, this is convincingly confirmed by earlier references to him. And there is a lot of information about this amazing dish, both in Russian books and in the memoirs of foreign medieval diplomats and travelers. Here are just a few of them. Pavel Aleppsky reports that, due to the abundance of fish in Russia, the Muscovites prepared various fish dishes, such as “they select all the bones from the fish, beat it in mortars until it becomes like dough, then stuff it with onion and saffron in abundance, put it in wooden forms in the form of lamb and geese and fried in vegetable oil on very deep, like wells, baking sheets, so that it is fried through, served and cut like pieces of fat tail. Its taste is excellent: who does not know, will take it for real lamb meat "Even in" Paintings on royal dishes" (1610-1613) notes: "And fish is served: steam herring, backs of white fish, cows, pigs, ducks, saffron fish soup, black fish, sturgeon, etc." Here they are - lean "geese, pigs" (you see, in the beginning - "the fish is served").

And indeed, pay attention: all these "corpulent" animals were served even on the days of fasting (which can be traced, say, from "Domostroy", "Painting of the Tsar's Meals" of 1610-13). Here is from the text "Advice for the whole year, what to serve at the table" (included as the 64th chapter in the later versions of "Domostroy"): backs of salmon, backs of nelma, backs of salmon, steam sterlet, whitefish, steam boats, jellied fish, loaves and piglets, ducklings ... "

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