A holiday in nature: we select the menu

A holiday in nature will be fun, active, unusual and unforgettable, if you properly prepare for it. We are talking about both the menu and other aspects of this event.

Menu is the key to success

The ideal menu is an important part of the holiday, which can not only feed guests, which is called “from the belly”. With the help of the menu, you can set the style and character of a holiday in nature.

Cold snacks

The holiday menu in nature will not do without. Be sure to come up with at least two types of this dish. Sandwiches are good because they can be quickly made on the spot, they are convenient to eat.

Lavash rolls with various fillings are another convenient and tasty dish for a holiday outdoors. Don't forget about vegetable platter and pickled platter. In nature, all types of greenery are very relevant.
Classic cuts of cheese, sausage and meat in the open air will be just as relevant as at a classic banquet.

As for salads, it is better to choose one type for a holiday in the open air. Probably the family's favorite salad. In nature, a salad is not very convenient to eat, because it needs to be laid out in portions.

Take all products with a margin. In nature, the appetite always increases. So if you make a little more sandwiches, they definitely won't go to waste. Don't forget to bring salt with you!

Main course

If you ask any person how to celebrate a holiday in nature and what to cook at the same time, then shish kebab will be the most common answer. Of course, barbecue is the main dish of any holiday in nature. Moreover, today there are many variations of its preparation, as well as marinade.

In addition to the traditional barbecue, you can also cook the main dishes on the grill. On the grill you can bake, poultry, vegetables and sausages. And corn is tasty and not quite usual. Be aware of the different delivery options. So, grilled vegetables can simply be baked in the form of circles. And you can cut different types of vegetables into squares, put on a skewer and make a vegetable skewers.

When you gather, do not forget to take with you a brazier, skewers, a grill grate, coals and other attributes necessary for preparing the main course.


Not one serious holiday is complete without dessert. The same goes for outdoor celebrations. Perfect for a single appetizer. For example, wafer rolls with condensed milk, muffins. Fruit is always relevant. By the way, pre-wash vegetables and fruits at home.


Kvass, fruit drinks, juices and mineral water are perfect for a picnic. You can make your own tea with lemon and sugar. You can also make lemonade at home. To prepare the drink, you need only one and a half liters of warm boiled water and one lemon. Cut the lemon, pour warm water, add sugar to taste.

What else not to forget

An outdoor holiday must be carefully planned. In addition to food and drinks, remember disposable tableware. It is convenient because it is light in weight, affordable, and after the holiday it does not need to be washed.

Take an oilcloth tablecloth with you to the picnic. Bowls for salads and bowls for sauces. Knives, corkscrew, can and bottle openers. Also remember about towels and wet wipes. And also garbage bags, mosquito repellent and devices for active sports (racquets, frisbee, ball).

Going on a holiday in nature, the main thing is not to forget to take a good mood with you! And the menu, drinks and entertainment are needed in order to maintain this mood and improve it even more!

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