Healthily and quickly marinate seaweed at home - the best step-by-step cooking recipes

Almost everyone knows about this - to increase the iodine content in the body, you need to eat seafood: shrimp, crabs, lobsters, fish, seaweed.

When other foods are recommended, such as milk, grains, fruits or vegetables, this is not always true. They may or may not have sufficient iodine. It all depends on the area in which the plants were grown or the cows grazed. If there is a lack of iodine in soils and water, then these products will also not be saturated with iodine.

The most reliable indicator is the distance from the sea. In the coastal zone, cereals, vegetables, and fruits are literally filled with iodine. Iodine is such a capricious microelement that even within one species (for example, algae), its amount varies endlessly. For example, according to the observations of scientists, the popular kelp algae near Vladivostok contains about 0.2% iodine (in dry matter), in the Tatar Strait - 0.3%. The phylophore near Sevastopol contains 0.1% iodine, and in the open sea - 0.3%. Different vertical zones correspond to different iodine contents: the deeper the algae live, the more iodine they contain. In algae growing off the coast of California, the iodine content increases 10 times only at a depth of 10 m, and in the Barents Sea at greater depths it can increase 400 times.

Sea kale- the most affordable product, but not everyone can get used to its taste. Making yourself love seaweed is quite simple - you need to learn how to cook it correctly. You get used to the peculiar taste very quickly, and the smell is drowned out by the spices.

While shrimp, crabs and lobsters are still quite rare on the table of ordinary people, the same cannot be said about fish. A wide range of prices allows you to choose any variety: cheaper - herring, pollock and cod, more expensive - perch, flounder, hake. The iodine content in fish of different breeds also varies, but what is surprising is that it depends not so much on the type of fish, but on their fat content. Iodine accumulates in the fish fat layer, and consuming fish oil itself will be useful in two aspects: the body is simultaneously saturated with vitamins and iodine.

To saturate yourself with iodine, it is best to eat dried sea fish or freshly salted fish: when cooked, a significant part of the iodine is destroyed.

Sea kale is practically the only source of dietary iodine necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is present in it in the form of a complex with amino acids, which contributes to its more efficient absorption by the body. 10 g of seaweed contains the same amount of easily digestible iodine compounds as 11 kg of cod. Sea kale is highly effective due to the qualitative and quantitative composition of biologically active substances balanced by nature. Daily consumption of seaweed will help you ensure normal functioning of the body and get rid of a number of diseases.

Compound: 100 g of product contains on average: energy - 1470 kJ (350 kcal), proteins - 12 g, carbohydrates - 70 g, fat - 0.5 g.

This miraculous product is based on forms of amino acids available to the body, polyunsaturated fatty acids, alginates, vitamins (A, C, B, B1 B2, B3, B6, B12, E, K, PP), macro- and microelements (K, Na, Ca, Ma, etc.), bioactive natural compounds.

The combination of all the healing properties of kelp provides a high therapeutic and prophylactic effect both when used internally and externally.


1) normalizes the function of the thyroid gland;

2) increases immunity;

3) regulates blood cholesterol levels;

4) stabilizes metabolism;

5) improves the functions of the cardiovascular, central nervous and respiratory systems;

6) stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;

7) removes heavy metal salts and radionuclides from foods from the body.

In Japan, there are more than 150 culinary recipes using seaweed.

Before cooking Rinse the seaweed with warm water on a sieve and soak for 1 hour to swell, then boil for 15–30 minutes, drain the broth. Boiled seaweed can be used to prepare cold and hot dishes; you can add 10–15 g of it to cabbage soup, soups, borscht, and pickles. You can use it to prepare stews, cutlets, zrazy, casserole and other dishes. Boiled seaweed is best stored in the refrigerator.

Semi-finished product from dried seaweed

Dried seaweed must be soaked in fresh water. Take up to 8 parts of water for 1 part cabbage and soak for several hours (usually overnight). After this, the cabbage is thoroughly washed in running water and boiled for about 15–20 minutes. The semi-finished product is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. This boiled seaweed is used to prepare almost all kelp dishes.

Recipe for “iodized sauce” by G. Shatalova

Galina Shatalova suggests using seaweed in sauce; it can be used to season any dish.

Required: 1 cup dried seaweed, 2.5 cups boiling water, 3 tbsp. l. coriander seeds, 1 tbsp. l. cumin seeds, 16 sweet pea grains, 2–3 clove buds, 10 medium-sized onions, 100–150 g sunflower or corn oil.

Cooking method: It is most convenient to pour dried seaweed from a bag into a liter jar, pour boiling water over it, cover with a napkin and let it swell for several hours. Grind all the spices mixed together in a coffee grinder. Pour the spiced flour into the swollen cabbage and mix thoroughly. Peel the onion heads and chop them as finely as possible. If you like garlic, you can add 4-5 cloves. Mix the onion thoroughly into the sauce, add vegetable oil to taste. Knead with a spoon, as if knocking air into the sauce. The next day the sauce is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 10–15 days. Place in a salad bowl or simply in a deep plate and mix with a glass of pre-finely chopped greens.

Pickled seaweed

Required: 1 kg of boiled seaweed, 20 g of sugar, 10 g of vinegar, 0.5 g of cloves, 0.2 g of bay leaf, 10 g of table salt.

Cooking method: For the marinade, add sugar, cloves, bay leaves, salt to hot water and boil for 3-5 minutes, then cool, add vinegar. Boiled seaweed is poured with chilled marinade and kept in it for 6–8 hours. After this, the marinade is drained. Marinated seaweed is served as an independent dish or as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. It can also be used to prepare other seaweed dishes.

Vinaigrette with seaweed

Required: 200 g pickled seaweed, 100 g sauerkraut, 1 cucumber, 1 large beet, 2 potatoes, 1 onion, 150 g canned green peas, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Boiled beets and potatoes, as well as cut the cucumber into cubes. Squeeze the sauerkraut from the brine and chop it. Finely chop the onion. Combine all products, add seaweed, green peas, salt, vegetable oil and mix.

Vitamin seaweed salad

Required: 100–150 g pickled seaweed, 1–2 pickled or fresh cucumbers, 2–3 carrots, 1–2 apples, 1 egg, 3–4 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt and herbs.

Cooking method: Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Cut cucumbers and apples into thin slices. Combine the prepared products with pickled cabbage, season with salt, sour cream and mix. Place in a heap in a salad bowl, garnish with eggs in the form of slices or circles and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Seaweed salad with carrots and cucumber

Required: 2 cups pickled seaweed, 1 onion, 1 radish, 1/2 carrot, 1 pickled cucumber, 2 boiled eggs.

Cooking method: Mix seaweed with sliced ​​cucumber, grated radish, finely chopped onion, eggs and season.

Seaweed salad with vegetables

Required: 2 cups pickled seaweed, 1 cup sauerkraut, 3 potato tubers, 1 onion, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Mix sea and white cabbage, boiled potatoes and onions, cut into slices, add salt, season with oil and mix well.

Vegetable vinaigrette with seaweed

Required: 100–150 g pickled seaweed, 2–3 carrots, 2–3 beets, 3–4 potatoes, 1–2 cucumbers, 50–100 g green or onions, 1–2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1–2 tbsp. l. 3% vinegar, salt to taste, pepper to taste, sugar to taste.

Cooking method: Boil potatoes, beets, carrots, peel, cool and cut into thin slices. Wash the cucumbers and also cut them. Mix all the vegetables, add onions and pickled cabbage. Season the vinaigrette with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar and stir. When serving, garnish with green onions.

Vinaigrette with seaweed

Required: 200 g pickled seaweed, 1 carrot, 1 beet, 1.5 cups pickled onions, 1/2 cup vegetable oil.

Cooking method: Cut the boiled beets and carrots into strips. Mix everything with seaweed and onion, add salt and season.

Sea kale with mayonnaise

Required: 100–150 g pickled seaweed, 50–100 g mayonnaise, 1–2 eggs.

Cooking method: Add part of a finely chopped hard-boiled egg to the pickled seaweed and season with mayonnaise. Place in a salad bowl and decorate with egg slices.

Borscht with seaweed

Required: 100 g pickled seaweed, 100 g beets, 80 g carrots, 20 g parsley root, 50 g onions, 80 g potatoes, 10 g tomato paste, 5 g sugar, 5 g 3% vinegar, 20 g sour cream, bay leaf, parsley, black peppercorns, salt.

Cooking method: Boil the seaweed, cool, chop into strips, and pour cold marinade over it for 8–10 hours. To make the marinade, put salt, sugar, cloves, bay leaves in hot water, boil for 10–15 minutes, then drain the broth, cool and add vinegar to it. Cut beets, carrots, parsley root, onions into strips, add tomato paste, a little water and simmer for 20-30 minutes, then add pickled seaweed and continue simmering. Place potatoes cut into cubes into boiling water, after 10 minutes - stewed vegetables, bay leaf, black peppercorns. Season the borscht with salt, vinegar and sugar. When serving, add sour cream and finely chopped parsley to a plate with borscht.

Cabbage soup with seaweed and mussels

Required: 100–150 g boiled mussels, 100 g pickled seaweed, 200 g sauerkraut, 1–2 carrots, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 onion, 2–3 tbsp. l. cereals (millet, rice or pearl barley), 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, spices, garlic, herbs.

Cooking method: Boil the mussels, chop, fry in fat along with onions and roots. Separately, boil the cereal in the broth until almost ready, then add stewed and pickled seaweed, add tomato paste, fried mussels, roots and onions. Then cook until fully cooked. At the end of cooking, add salt, spices and finely chopped garlic. Serve with pieces of mussels, sour cream and herbs.

Sea kale salad

Required: 200 g pickled seaweed, 1 onion, 1–2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and tomato

Required: boiled seaweed, onion, 1–2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1–2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, sugar and salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and mayonnaise

Required: boiled seaweed, onion, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, sugar and salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and sauce

Required: boiled seaweed, onion, 1/2 cup hot or sweet sauce.

Salad with seaweed and cucumbers


Salad with sea and white cabbage

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/4 medium fork white cabbage, grated with salt, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, sugar, pepper and salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and vegetables

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/4 fork white cabbage, grated with salt, 1 fresh cucumber, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, 2–3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, garlic, pepper, sugar, salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and bell pepper

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/4 fork white cabbage, grated with salt, 1–2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 pod of sweet bell pepper, cut into cubes, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, 2– 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, garlic, 1 tsp. acetic or citric acid, salt, pepper, sugar to taste.

Salad with seaweed and radish

Required: boiled seaweed, 2-3 medium radishes, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. acetic or citric acid, salt, pepper to taste.

Vitamin salad with seaweed

Required: boiled salted seaweed, 1-2 fresh cored apples, cut into small cubes, 1-2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, parsley or celery, 1/2 cup sour cream, sugar to taste.

Salad with seaweed and carrots

Required: boiled salted seaweed, 1 carrot, 2-3 fresh apples, cut into cubes or small cubes, 4-5 plums, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 cup sour cream or sauce, sugar and salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and pickled vegetables

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 2 pickled tomatoes, 1 pod of sweet bell pepper, 1 carrot, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, garlic, 2–3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper, sugar, salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed, vegetables and apples

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 1 pod of salted bell pepper, 1–2 pickled apples, 1 fresh or salted carrot, 1/4 onion, 1–2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and mushrooms

Required: boiled seaweed, 5–6 medium salted or pickled mushrooms, 1 onion, 2–3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Sea kale with eggplant caviar

Required: 150 g boiled seaweed, 200 g eggplant caviar, vegetable oil, spices, salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and fish

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 60 g chum fish or lightly salted pink salmon, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1 carrot, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. green peas, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, salt to taste.

Salad with seaweed and meat

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 60 g boiled beef, 1 pickled cucumber, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 carrot, 1–2 tbsp. l. green peas, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, salt and spices to taste.

Vinaigrette with seaweed and vegetables

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 pickled tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. green peas, 2–3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste.

Vinaigrette with seaweed and apples

Required: boiled seaweed, 1 glass of pickled white cabbage, 1 boiled beet, 1-2 apples, 1-2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, sugar, salt, spices to taste.

Vinaigrette with seaweed and fish

Required: boiled seaweed, 60 g chum salmon or pink salmon or lightly salted cod, 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 pickled tomatoes, 1 boiled beet, 1 carrot, 1–2 tbsp. l. green peas, 1–2 tbsp. l. pickled cherries, plums or lingonberries, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, herbs, salt, sugar, spices to taste.

Vinaigrette with seaweed and mushrooms

Required: boiled seaweed, 5–6 pieces of pickled mushrooms, 1 boiled beet, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1/2 cup of pickled white cabbage, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. l. 3% acetic acid solution, sugar, pepper, salt to taste.

Vinaigrette with seaweed and meat

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 60 g beef, lamb or veal, 1 boiled beet, 2-3 boiled potato tubers, 1-2 pickled cucumbers, 1 carrot, 2-3 tbsp. l. pickled cherries, plums or lingonberries, 1 egg, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, salt to taste.

Vinaigrette with seaweed and shellfish meat

Required: boiled seaweed, 60 g meat of clams, scallops, mussels, squid or octopus, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1–2 pickles, 1 carrot, 1 beet, 1–2 tbsp. l. pickled plums, cherries or lingonberries, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, herbs, salt to taste.

Cabbage soup with seaweed and meat

Required: 200–300 g of meat, 1 cup of pickled white cabbage, 1–1.5 cups of boiled seaweed, 2–3 potato tubers, 1–2 carrots, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1/2 tbsp. l. margarine, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 eggs, bay leaf, parsley, dill, garlic, pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Pour well-washed meat with cold water, bring to a boil and cook until half cooked. Remove the foam that forms on the surface of the broth and add salt. Place white sauerkraut in the broth, boil and then add boiled seaweed, chopped potatoes, and when the potatoes are half cooked, sautéed carrots cut into strips, chopped onions, parsley root. Prepare flour sauté with tomato paste and season with cabbage soup. 10 minutes before readiness, add pepper, bay leaf, garlic, and salt to taste. Serve with chopped egg, sour cream and herbs.

Cabbage soup with seaweed in meat broth

Required: 300–450 g marrow bones, 1–1.5 cups boiled seaweed, 2–3 potato tubers, 1–2 carrots, 1 onion, 1.5 tbsp. l. margarine, 1 tbsp. l. flour, bay leaf, herbs, dill, pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Pour well-washed marrow bones with cold water and cook for 2–2.5 hours, after which remove the bones. Add boiled seaweed, vegetables, spices and other ingredients to the prepared broth, brought to a boil.

Green cabbage soup with seaweed

Required: 200–300 g of meat, 1 cup of pickled white cabbage, 1.5 cups of boiled seaweed, 2–3 potato tubers, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1–2 bunches of sorrel, 1–2 tomatoes, 1–2 tbsp. l. margarine, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1 egg, 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream, pepper, bay leaf, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Bring well-washed meat to a boil, cook until half cooked, then add white cabbage cut into strips, boil, add boiled seaweed, potatoes, parsley. When the broth boils, add sautéed carrots and onions cut into strips, add disassembled, washed, chopped sorrel, and tomatoes cut into slices. 10 minutes before the cabbage soup is ready, season it and add spices. Serve with egg and sour cream.

Meat borscht with seaweed

Required: 200–300 g of meat, 1/2 cup of pickled white cabbage, 1/2 cup of boiled seaweed, 1–2 potato tubers, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1–2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1–2 tbsp. l. margarine, 1 egg, 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Place well-washed meat in water, bring to a boil, skim off any foam that has formed, add salt and cook until half cooked. Put sauerkraut, let it boil and add boiled seaweed, potatoes cut into pieces or cubes. When the potatoes are half cooked, add sautéed carrots and onions, cut into strips. Prepare flour sauté and season with borscht. Add spices. Add brine or 3% acetic acid solution and sugar to taste. Add beets, stewed separately in fat and vinegar essence, cut into cubes or cubes, into the prepared borscht. Boil for 10 minutes. Served with chopped egg and sour cream.

Green meat borscht with seaweed

Required: 200–300 g of meat, 1/2 cup boiled seaweed, 1/2 potato tuber, 1 bunch of sorrel, spinach, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1–2 fresh tomatoes, 2–3 tsp. canned beans, 1 beet, 1 tsp. grated garlic, 1 tbsp. l. margarine, 1 tbsp. l. flour, bay leaf, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Pour well-washed meat with cold water and bring to a boil. When the meat is half cooked, add boiled seaweed, chopped potatoes, and then (after boiling) add washed chopped sorrel and spinach. Boil and add sauteed carrots and onions, fresh tomatoes cut into slices, 2-3 tsp. canned beans, spices, brine or 3% acetic acid solution to taste, sugar, grated garlic. Add poached beets, cut into cubes or cubes, into the prepared borscht, then cook for 7–10 minutes. Served with chopped egg.

Rassolnik with seaweed

Required: 200–300 g of meat, 1–1.5 cups boiled seaweed, 2–3 potato tubers, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 bunch of sorrel, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 tbsp. l. sour cream, parsley, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Rassolnik can be prepared with meat, ham, sausages or sausages. Cut the meat into pieces and cook until half cooked. Add boiled seaweed and boil. After this, place the potatoes cut into cubes, cubes or slices into the pan, add sauteed carrots and onions chopped into strips, and boil. Sort the sorrel, wash, chop, peel the parsley roots. Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes and diamonds and add cucumber pickle, spices and salt to taste. Before eating, season with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

Fish soup with seaweed

Required: 200–300 g fish heads, 1/2 cup boiled seaweed, 2–3 potato tubers, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable fat, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Pour well-washed fish heads (you can add 100–150 g of fish fillet, cut into pieces) with cold water, bring to a boil, and add salt. Then add boiled seaweed, chopped parsley roots and bring to a boil again, then add sautéed carrots, onions, cut into cubes. The potatoes are placed in front of the seaweed and when the potatoes are half-ready, the remaining components are introduced. Spices, salt to taste.

Liquid solyanka with seaweed

Required: 1/2 cup boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 tomato, 1-2 tbsp. l. capers, 30–50 g beef, 20–30 g sausage, 20–30 g ham, 1 tbsp. l. margarine, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, spices, herbs, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Take several glasses of meat broth, bring to a boil, add boiled seaweed and sauerkraut, boil. When half-ready, add pickled cucumber, salted tomato, capers and meat ingredients: beef, sausage, ham, cut into cubes. Boil all this and add sautéed carrots and onions. Prepare flour sauté with tomato paste. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and spices to taste. Serve with sour cream and finely chopped herbs.

Seaweed soup with mushrooms

Required: 230–350 g bones, 1/2 cup boiled seaweed, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1–2 parsley roots, 7–8 pieces of fresh mushrooms, 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 2–3 tbsp. l. butter, 1 glass of milk, 1–2 egg yolks, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Pour cold water over the well-washed bones and cook until tender. Strain the broth, add mashed boiled seaweed. Grate the sautéed carrots, onions and parsley. Take a glass of milk, heat to 60 °C and add the egg yolk, beat with sautéed flour. Sort out the fresh mushrooms, rinse well and boil in a vinegar-salt solution, then wipe, cut some of the mushrooms into strips. First add sauteed grated carrots, onions, parsley into the broth, then chopped mushrooms and lastly beaten egg yolks, milk and sautéed wheat flour. Boil for 10–15 minutes.

Stewed seaweed

Required: 1/3 cup sauerkraut, 1/2 cup boiled seaweed, 1–2 carrots, 1 onion, 2–3 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 1 tbsp. l. margarine, sugar, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Take 1 tbsp. l. margarine or butter, pickled white cabbage, all this needs to be simmered for 15 minutes, then add boiled seaweed, add sautéed carrots and onions cut into strips or cubes. Add tomatoes, spices and bring everything to readiness.

Solyanka with seaweed in a frying pan

Required: 1/2 cup sauerkraut, 1/2 cup boiled seaweed, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 pickled tomatoes, 40–50 g beef, 20–30 g ham, 20–30 g sausage, 1 carrot, 1 head onions, 1 tbsp. l. margarine, 1–2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, herbs, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Fry the pickled white cabbage in margarine until soft, then add boiled seaweed, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, cut into slices, add beef, ham, sausage, sauteed carrots, cut into strips, onions and 1 tbsp. l. tomato Bring everything to readiness. Add salt and spices to taste. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Sea kale stewed with pork

Required: 200 g boiled seaweed, 200 g pork, 50 g lard, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1/2 onion, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Finely chop the boiled seaweed. Clean the raw pork pulp from fat and cut into slices. Chop the onion. Place pork and onions in a very hot frying pan with a small amount of fat and fry. Add seaweed, soy sauce, 1-2 cups of broth and, when the liquid boils, pour in the melted lard.

Sea kale stewed with chicken

Required: 200 g boiled seaweed, 700 g chicken meat, 50 g lard, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1/2 onion, 1 egg (white), salt to taste.

Cooking method: Chop the onion. Cut the flesh of the boiled chicken into slices, green onions into pieces. Put onions in a very heated frying pan with a small amount of fat, fry them, then add chopped boiled seaweed, chicken slices, pour in 1/2 cup of broth and let it boil, add melted lard.

Sea kale in syrup

Required: 1 kg of boiled seaweed, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 2 glasses of water, 1–2 tsp. citric acid.

Cooking method: Pass the boiled seaweed through a meat grinder, prepare sugar syrup in an enamel bowl and filter. Add citric acid 1.5–2 tsp to the hot syrup. for 1 kg of cabbage, put 500 g of chopped seaweed on 1 kg of syrup and soak in the syrup for soaking for 1 hour. Then cook for 20–25 minutes until tender, then add an infusion of boiled spices (cloves, cinnamon) or vanilla to the jam for flavor . Pour the finished jam hot into glass jars. Using the same recipe, you can prepare jam from seaweed with lingonberries.

Salad "Captain"

Required: boiled seaweed, boiled beef meat, sauerkraut, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, 1-2 pickled cucumbers, 1 carrot, pickled lingonberries or cranberries, 1 egg, mayonnaise, fresh parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Carolina salad

Required: boiled seaweed, sauerkraut, boiled beef, 1 pickled or pickled cucumber, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 carrot, 1–2 tbsp. l. green peas, mayonnaise, salt, spices to taste.

Salad "Merchant"

Required: boiled seaweed, sauerkraut, 1 bell pepper, 1–2 soaked apples, 1 fresh carrot, 1/4 onion, 1–2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper, salt to taste.

Salad "Mariana"

Required: boiled seaweed, white cabbage, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, sugar, pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method: White cabbage is finely chopped and ground with salt, seaweed and onion are cut into small pieces, mixed thoroughly, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and pepper are added.

Salad "Natalie"

Required: boiled seaweed, 1–2 fresh apples, 1–2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, parsley or celery, 1/2 cup sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method: Seaweed, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, parsley are cut into small pieces. Mix thoroughly, add sour cream, salt and pepper.

Salad "Oxy"

Required: boiled seaweed, 100 g salted or pickled mushrooms, 1 onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper, salt to taste.

Salad "Olesya"

Required: boiled seaweed, white cabbage, 1 onion, several fresh cucumbers, 2-3 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, garlic, pepper, sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method: White cabbage is finely chopped and rubbed with salt, seaweed, cucumbers and onions are cut into small pieces, mixed thoroughly, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and pepper are added.

Salad "Island"

Required: boiled seaweed, white cabbage, 1 head of onion, several fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 pod of sweet bell pepper, cut into cubes, 1-2 boiled potato tubers, 1 head of onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. acetic or citric acid, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar to taste.

Cooking method: White cabbage is finely chopped and ground with salt, seaweed, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers and onions are cut into small pieces, mixed thoroughly, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and pepper are added.

Salad "Primorsky"

Required: boiled seaweed, pickled white cabbage, chum salmon or pink salmon, lightly salted, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1 carrot, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. green peas, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, salt to taste.

Salad "Rogneda"

Required: boiled seaweed, pickled white cabbage, 1 boiled beet, 1-2 fresh apples, 1-2 boiled potatoes, 1 onion, 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, sugar, salt, spices to taste.

Salad "Sakhalin"

Required: boiled seaweed, 1 onion, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 carrot, sour cream, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Cut all products into small pieces, add sour cream and salt.

Salad "Szeged"

Required: boiled seaweed, 1/2 cup pickled white cabbage, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1 pod of sweet bell pepper, 1 carrot, 1–2 boiled potato tubers, 1 onion, garlic, 2–3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, pepper, sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Seaweed, pickles, peppers, carrots, boiled potatoes, and onions are chopped. Mix thoroughly, season with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper.

Salad "Tynyanov"

Required: boiled seaweed, 1 carrot, 2-3 fresh apples, cut into cubes or small cubes, 4-5 plums, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 cup sour cream or sauce, sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Seaweed, carrots, apples, plums are chopped. Mix thoroughly, add the juice of half a lemon, sour cream, salt and pepper to the salad.

Salad "Tana"

Required: boiled seaweed, chum salmon or pink salmon or boiled cod, pickled white cabbage, 1–2 pickled cucumbers, 1–2 pickled tomatoes, 1 boiled beet, 1 carrot, 1–2 tbsp. l. green peas, 1–2 tbsp. l. pickled cherries, plums or lingonberries, mayonnaise, fresh parsley, salt, sugar, spices to taste.

Far Eastern soup

Required: 2 liters of water, 200–300 g of fish heads, 1/2 cup of boiled seaweed, 2–3 potato tubers, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Pour well-washed fish heads (you can add sea fish fillets) with cold water, bring to a boil, and add salt. Then add potatoes. When the broth boils, cook until the potatoes are half cooked. Add seaweed and chopped parsley roots. Fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil and add when the soup is ready. Spices, salt to taste.

Kelp marinade with soy sauce and honey

Required: 30 gr. dried kelp, 2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 30 ml. soy sauce, 2 cloves of garlic, 1.2 l. water.

Cooking method: 30 gr. Boil dried kelp in 1.2 liters of water for 30 minutes. Take out the kelp and cut it into thin strips (0.5 cm). Add 2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 30 ml. soy sauce and 2 minced garlic cloves. Simmer for 10 minutes in a wok, then add 1 cup of the kelp broth. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes on the lowest heat. (If you don’t have such a frying pan, then you can, of course, use a regular one with high sides). When cool, refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serves 4–8.

Kelp marinade with ginger and honey

Required: 30 gr. dried kelp, 2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 30 ml. soy sauce, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tsp. crushed ginger and juice of 1 lemon.

Cooking method: prepare kelp as in the previous recipe. Add 2 tsp to the kelp. honey, 1 tsp. crushed ginger and juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Azuki beans (small red beans) with zucchini and kelp

Required: 1 cup azuki beans, previously washed and soaked; 1 strip of kelp, 2-3 inches long, also pre-washed and soaked; 1 zucchini, cut into small cubes; 1/8 or 1/4 tsp. sea ​​salt (of course, you can use regular salt).

Cooking method: Place the kelp on the bottom of the pan, place the zucchini on top, then place the azuki beans. Fill this with the water in which the kelp was soaked, so as to cover only the zucchini, but not the beans. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until tender (1.5–2 hours). Add enough water to cover the beans, add sea salt and simmer until tender (another half hour).

Pinto beans with vegetables and kelp

Required: 1 cup presoaked pinto beans; half a cup of onion, diced or sliced; 1/4 cup celery, cut into large cubes or rectangles; 1/8 cup fresh sweet corn; 1/4 cup carrots, cut into large cubes; 1 strip of kelp, pre-soaked and cut into pieces; a solution of 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon sea salt; chopped green onions for garnish.

Cooking method: Place the kelp on the bottom of the pan. On top, in layers, onions, celery, corn, carrots. Place the pre-soaked beans on top of the vegetables. Add enough water to just cover the beans. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium. Cook for about 2 hours until 80% done, adding water as needed to just cover the beans. Then add sea salt and continue cooking until the beans are soft, about another half hour.

Lentils with vegetables and kelp

Required: 1 cup washed lentils; 1/2 cup finely chopped onion; 1/8 cup diced celery (solera), 1/4 cup diced carrots, 1 1-2 inch strip of kelp, soaked and finely chopped, sea salt solution.

Cooking method: Place the kelp on the bottom of the pan. Next, in layers - onion, celery and carrots. Place lentils on top of vegetables. Add water to cover the vegetables. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium, cover and simmer for 45 minutes - 1 hour, occasionally adding water as needed to just cover the lentils. When the beans are 70% cooked, season with sea salt to taste and continue cooking for a few more minutes until done. Do not add more water after salting.

Brown rice with kelp

Required: 1 cup brown rice, 1.5 cups water; a pinch of sea salt; 1 strip of kelp 8 cm long; 2 drops of sesame oil (sesame),

Cooking method: Wash the rice and place it preferably in a pressure cooker or in a steel pan or in a fireproof ceramic dish. Add water, salt, kelp, oil. Cover tightly with a lid. Bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and cook for 1 hour. Do not open the rice while cooking! When ready, remove the lid and carefully stir everything with a wooden spoon. Cover tightly again and let the rice sit for another 5 minutes before serving. Do not cook in aluminum cookware under any circumstances!

Laminaria, or as people say seaweed, is beneficial for the human body. Due to the content of a large set of macro and microelements. Laminaria is rich in iodine, which is well absorbed by the human body.

I present to your attention a recipe for pickling seaweed at home. Having prepared the pickled product, it can subsequently be used to prepare various salads or served as a side dish.


  • Dried seaweed – 100 grams.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pieces.
  • Laurel leaf – 3 pieces.
  • Iodized salt – 1 level tablespoon.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 heaped tablespoon.
  • Vinegar (70%) – 1/3 tablespoon.

Pickling recipe:

1. We begin the marinating process by preparing the products accompanying the recipe.

2. We take the dried seaweed out of the vacuum bag, then put it into a deep container, see how it looks in the photo. Pour 2.5 liters of water at room temperature into the container with the contents. Mix with a spoon and set aside for 1 hour.

3. After this time, the kelp will increase in volume by 6 times due to the fact that it absorbs the liquid. Now we take a colander and tip the kelp onto it.

When the liquid drains, we rinse it again in cold water several times to get rid of impurities and sand.

4. In order to store it at room temperature for a long time and not worry that our preparation will spoil, we marinate it. We take the self-screwing caps and wash them in soapy water to remove the factory oil.

Then we put them in a saucepan, fill it with water and set it to boil. We also wash two 700-gram jars and sterilize them in a water bath over boiling lids.

5. Peel the garlic, then place it on a work surface and cut into thin rings. Pour 1 liter of filtered water into a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Place on the burner, add salt, sugar, dried bay leaf, peppercorns and chopped garlic. Bring the spicy water to a boil, reduce the burner power to medium and add the seaweed. Cook the contents in the marinade for 20 minutes, then add vinegar at the end of simmering.

Canned seaweed– this is a welcome guest for those who monitor their health. It is very useful because it contains a large amount of iodine. Very often, doctors recommend its use to those who have thyroid diseases.

Sea kale is supplied to the retail chain in the form of canned, dried or frozen products. If you decide to preserve seaweed yourself, you can use both dry and frozen seaweed for these purposes.

Canned seaweed under marinade.

- fresh frozen cabbage – 650 g
For the marinade:
- salt
- sugar
- Bay leaf
- carnation
- water – 2 glasses

1. Thaw the seaweed in cool water and rinse.
2. Now you need to boil the cabbage. Do it in the following way: place the cabbage in a saucepan, cover with cool water, boil, and cook for twenty minutes. Drain the broth, cover the cabbage again with warm water, and after the water boils, cook for another 20 minutes. This needs to be done 3 times. Due to the fact that this procedure is done 3 times, seaweed acquires excellent taste, smell and color.
3. Cool the boiled cabbage, chop it into noodles, pour cold marinade over it, and let stand for 10 hours.
4. The marinade is prepared as follows: add cloves, bay leaves, sugar, salt to hot water, cook for 15 minutes. Drain the resulting solution, cool, add vinegar.
5. Pickled seaweed can be consumed immediately, or can be rolled into sterilized jars. This is so original!

Canned seaweed goes well with various meat and fish dishes, as well as porridges. It is great for dietary nutrition because calorie content of canned seaweed is only 5.4 kcal per 100 g of finished product. Fans of healthy eating will also like it.

Try also preparing various seaweed salads.

Canned seaweed salad and squid.

- squid – 120 g
- canned seaweed – 250 g
- sunflower oil – two tablespoons
- carrot
- pepper and salt
- parsley

1. Clean the squid, boil in water (add salt to it) for five minutes, cut into strips.
2. Cut the carrots into small cubes, chop the onion.
3. Mix canned seaweed with prepared ingredients, add vinegar, pepper, salt, sunflower oil, leave in a place with low temperature for ten hours.
4. Decorate the finished salad with parsley.

Now it's time for the marinade. Here are a couple of simple options:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the container. Then add 50 grams of sugar, the same amount of salt and vinegar. Add a pinch of coriander seeds. Throw in a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. After boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes. Taste it, maybe you need to add something. Cool to room temperature. Now pour the marinade over the seaweed and leave for at least 6 hours. Drain the liquid and serve.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water. Then add 1 tablespoon of salt, the same amount of vinegar, 0.5 tablespoon of sugar, 1-2 bay leaves, a few cloves and 0.5 teaspoon of allspice. Mix it all and wait until it cools completely. Pour the marinade over the seaweed. Wait 6-8 hours. After this, drain all the liquid. The dish is ready.

The amount of salt and sugar in the marinade can be adjusted as desired, because everyone has their own taste preferences. You can use any vinegar or replace it with lemon juice. Store pickled seaweed in the refrigerator with the lid tightly closed. You can add chopped onions and raw finely chopped carrots to the already prepared kelp. Also, do not forget to baste the pickled seaweed with vegetable oil.

Pickled seaweed can be served as a savory snack or used in a variety of salads. This product not only has a unique pleasant taste, but is considered a storehouse of vitamins, organic substances and minerals.

How to pickle seaweed

Recipe for seaweed marinade

To marinate 500 g of frozen seaweed, you will need: - 1 liter of boiled water; - 1 tbsp. spoon of salt; - 2 pcs. bay leaf; - 1 teaspoon of sugar; - 2 teaspoons of vinegar (6%); - ½ teaspoon allspice; - 3–5 pcs. carnations.

Before you start pickling, it is important to properly prepare the seaweed. Thaw it at room temperature. Once the cabbage has thawed, pour hot water over it and leave for 2 hours. Then drain in a colander and rinse several times to remove any sand and debris. Place in a saucepan, cover with cold water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Then drain in a colander. Fill with water again and boil for 20 minutes. After the required time, drain the water and rinse the cabbage. Let the water drain and cool the cabbage. Cut into long narrow strips.

Sea kale contains a large amount of B vitamins, vitamins A, C and PP. It also contains high levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur and iron.

Prepare the marinade. Heat a liter of water and dissolve salt and sugar in it. Then add all the spices. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and cool naturally. Add vinegar to the solution and stir. Dip the seaweed into the marinade and let it brew for several 6-8 hours. Drain the liquid and put the pickled cabbage in the refrigerator.

To make the cabbage more spicy, you can replace the cloves and allspice in this recipe with 1 tbsp. spoon of Dijon mustard

Salad with pickled seaweed

Ingredients: - 300 g seaweed; - 250 g lightly salted salmon; - 3 eggs; - a head of onion; - olive oil; - 1 teaspoon lemon juice; - salt to taste.

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