A recipe for delicious Easter cakes with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese cake or Easter recipe with cottage cheese with photos step by step. Here are some glaze options for Easter cakes:

Curd cake- an incredibly tasty and simple recipe that will appeal to all housewives without exception. If you prefer classic baking for Easter, then choose a recipe with cottage cheese added to the dough, but you can choose an original recipe where the pasochka is prepared exclusively from cottage cheese.

Curd cake

Because it's very easy to prepare cottage cheese cake, recipe with photo may be useful for those who have neither the time nor the desire to tinker with yeast dough for a long time. If you have ever baked such an Easter cake, then you know how much trouble there is with it: you need to prepare the dough, and then thoroughly knead the yeast dough, wait several times for it to rise, and knead it each time. Thus, taking into account all the necessary steps to make the pastry airy and tender, it will take you the whole day to prepare. Of course, it turns out very tasty, and everyone likes this kind of baking, but you should definitely try the recipes offered today.

When will you cook cottage cheese cake, recipe with photos step by step can be roughly divided into three stages: kneading the dough, kneading the dough and directly baking the beans. Decorating the baked goods comes separately, here you can show all your confectionery skills, or go the simplest way - and grease the top with whipped egg whites.

For the dough we will need:

    a quarter glass of milk

    heaped spoon of flour

    8 grams of dry yeast, which is equal to two level teaspoons

    teaspoon granulated sugar

For the test you need to prepare the following set of ingredients:

    250 grams of cottage cheese (tasty, not sour, not runny)

    a couple of glasses of flour

    50 grams of melted butter

    2/3 cup granulated sugar

    2/3 teaspoon salt

    two chicken eggs + one yolk

    2/3 cup candied fruits, raisins and other dried fruits as desired

    a spoonful of vanilla sugar, lemon zest

    a pinch of turmeric

The indicated amount of ingredients is enough for us to bake two small ones with a diameter of 14 cm. You can take small molds, then you will get more beans. If you want to treat your family and friends with baked goods, then you can increase the number of components by 2-3 times, but this must be done proportionally. Easter baked goods can be stored for a long time, but to prevent them from drying out and becoming weathered, it is better to store them on a plate wrapped in a large bag.

Curd Easter cake recipe

If you are going to cook cottage cheese cake for Easter, recipe you need to start by kneading the dough. First, we need to slightly warm the milk so that it becomes warm (but not hot), pour it into a bowl and add to it a few tablespoons of flour, the specified amount of sugar and dry yeast. All components must be thoroughly mixed with a spoon so that the flour disperses and there are no lumps left. The bowl with the dough should be placed in a warm place, and it will rise after 20 minutes, much faster than when prepared with live yeast.

While the dough is rising, you can start preparing the cottage cheese. You will need a sieve or colander to rub the curd through the small holes so that it becomes crumbly. First, add chopped butter, vanilla sugar, turmeric and lemon zest to the curd, and then grind all the ingredients well. You should get a loose sticky mass. By the way, we added turmeric to make the dough yellowish, then it looks very appetizing. And the lemon zest will add a slightly perceptible aroma. You can safely discard these ingredients and leave only vanillin.

When you cook cottage cheese cake, Easter recipe cannot do without the use of kitchen appliances. We will need a mixer to beat the sugar with the yolks, separate two yolks from the white, and leave the white for the glaze, plus add another yolk. Beat at high speed for no more than 4 minutes so that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Now the beaten eggs must be added to the cottage cheese and mixed carefully so that the air mass does not settle.

By this time, the dough has already increased 3-4 times, and it can be sent to the rest of the mass. You need to wash the raisins in advance and let them dry on a paper towel, after which the raisins along with candied fruits should be sprinkled with flour and the sweet ingredients should be added to the dough.

Be sure to buy only the highest grade flour, and when purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. It should be sifted to saturate it with oxygen and add the first glass of flour to the dough, then mix the mass well with a spoon. When the first glass is evenly distributed among the other ingredients, you can add the second glass. Now you can knead a thick dough that will be quite sticky.

Make sure that the candied fruits are evenly distributed throughout the mass and not concentrated in one place.

Easter cottage cheese cakes: recipe with photos

When you start baking Easter cottage cheese cakes, recipe with photos will require special molds from you. It is most convenient to use disposable paper molds, which do not require any additional preparatory steps. If you have ordinary forms, you must grease them with oil or line them with oiled tracing paper.

You need to put enough dough into each mold so that it takes up half the volume. Since our dough is yeast, it will still rise. That is why you cannot fill the molds completely, in which case the mass will rise and literally flow out.

The molds filled with dough should be covered with film or a clean towel and left for several hours in a warm place, for example, they can be placed near the radiator. In the classic version, yeast is prepared a little differently: it is left to rise in a saucepan, and when it increases in size, it is kneaded, releasing carbon dioxide, and then left to rise again. This takes a lot of time, sometimes it can take up to 8 hours just to prepare the test.

We have cottage cheese cake recipe simpler: 20 minutes for the dough and another hour and a half for the dough to fit in the mold. To ensure a warm place for the ramekins, you can place them in a slightly preheated oven.

When the dough has risen, you can bake the cakes. To do this, preheat the oven to 190 degrees and place the mold with the dough on a baking sheet. You may notice that the Easter cakes have begun to burn, so you can cover the top with additional foil and continue baking. Large beans should be baked for about 50 minutes, and small ones, of course, will take a little less time. To check the readiness, just pierce the dough with a wooden skewer and look at it: if the skewer is dry, then baking has come to an end.

All that remains is to decorate with glaze cottage cheese cake for Easter, recipe with photo will tell you how to do this. First, we need to remove the baked goods from the oven, let them cool and remove them from the molds (if you are using metal or ceramic molds). The glaze is simple to prepare - from proteins and sugar, which are whipped with a mixer until strong foam. The glaze is applied to the tops of the already cooled Easter cakes, and you can additionally decorate them with confectionery sprinkles.

Easter cottage cheese cake

The next option is how to cook Easter cottage cheese cake, will be a real surprise for the hostess, because to prepare it you do not need flour, but only cottage cheese. Plus, you don't have to knead the dough and wait for it to rise. Of course, you can’t call it elementary, because there are many subtleties in it, but you will certainly cope with the preparation if you follow our tips and recommendations, and step-by-step photos will come in handy.

    half a kilo of cottage cheese

    200 ml sour cream

    100 grams of butter

    100 grams of powdered sugar

    a pinch of vanillin

    50 grams of dried fruits or candied fruits

You will get the most tender cottage cheese cake for Easter, which will take you a minimum of time to prepare. The main task is to choose high-quality cottage cheese for this recipe; it should be fatty and high-calorie, always sweet and not sour. It is best to buy a homemade product from the market, and be sure to try it before purchasing.

Preparing the dough comes down to turning all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. You may need an immersion blender for this, but a food processor can also be used to blend the curd into a smooth consistency. Place the cottage cheese in a container, add powdered sugar and soft butter (it must first be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature).

All components must be crushed in a food processor using the “Knife” attachment to obtain a homogeneous paste. Then add sour cream to the container and beat the mixture again until smooth. The base for the pasochka should be homogeneous and tender, and its consistency should resemble a thick cream.

Candied fruits can be cut into smaller pieces, and raisins must be thoroughly rinsed with running water before adding to the base. You can add dried apricots, but you definitely need to cut them into small pieces. Dried fruits should be evenly distributed throughout the mixture and mixed thoroughly.

To make it very beautiful without baking, we advise you to use special plastic molds called bean pans. This is a plastic collapsible design that will help you form a beautiful little bead with a cross and the inscription “XB” embossed on it. And when the Easter cake is ready, you can disassemble the structure without damaging the dessert itself. If you are cooking for the first time, so to speak, for testing, then you can prepare it without a special beaker, using a deep bowl or a plastic jar with holes as a mold. The volume of the plastic mold should be 750 ml, and holes and openings are necessary to allow the juice that will be released from the curd mass to drain.

Hi all. Very soon everyone’s favorite bright holiday will come - Easter. Therefore, I hasten to add another recipe to your piggy bank, this time it is cottage cheese cake without adding yeast. It is super quick to prepare, very tasty, juicy, with a lot of filling. I warn you right away, you need to do a lot of it, otherwise there won’t be enough for everyone.

If you are suddenly afraid to even come close to yeast baked goods, then this recipe is for you. Kulich cooks quickly; you don’t have to sit and wait for several hours (or even days), as is the case with its yeast counterpart. The crumb turns out very juicy, with a citrus aroma and a creamy aftertaste.

I want to make a reservation right away: someone, of course, will not understand such baking, since this is not a classic Easter cake at all. It tastes closer to cake batter. However, if you are not a fan of yeast baking, then this is just a great option for Easter cake.

So, how to make Easter cake from cottage cheese without yeast at home, recipe with photos step by step.


  1. 125 gr. butter
  2. 125 gr. cottage cheese
  3. 125 gr. Sahara
  4. 1 large egg
  5. zest of 1 orange
  6. 40 ml. freshly squeezed orange juice
  7. 300 gr. flour
  8. 10 gr. baking powder
  9. 0.5 tsp salt
  10. 50 gr. chopped nuts
  11. 50 gr. raisins
  12. 70 gr. candied fruits
  13. 1 gr. vanillin


From this amount of ingredients you get 4 Easter cakes, 250 grams each. I’ll say right away that this dough is heavy, so you need to bake the Easter cakes in small molds; in large ones, it will be covered with a crust on top and will be raw inside. You can put absolutely any filling into the cake; if you don’t like raisins, replace it with dried apricots. I personally didn’t add nuts, for me this is more of a Christmas option. If you do make it with raisins, you must first soak them in cognac overnight and be sure to sort them out and remove all the branches.

All ingredients should be at room temperature. It is better to take cottage cheese thicker than 5-9%; first rub it through a sieve or punch it with a blender to get rid of lumps.

Beat soft butter with granulated sugar until white. Butter, not margarine! I am generally against margarine, and I advise you not to skimp on yourself. Take the most delicious oil, with a fat content of 82.5%. This will give the baked goods an unreal creamy taste.

Add the egg and beat well again.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a separate bowl and mix well.

Add dry ingredients to the main mass and knead with a spatula or hook in a mixer.

Add the filling, squeeze out the raisins and dry with a towel, roll in flour so that they are evenly distributed over the dough.

Knead soft dough.

Divide into 4 parts and fill the molds ½ full. I used purchased paper ones, taking the smallest ones 7 cm in diameter. You can bake in canned food cans, then line the bottom and sides with baking paper so that the cakes come out of the mold well.

I divided the dough on a scale, measuring approximately 250 grams.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180º for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer, if it comes out dry, it’s ready.

Cool the cakes on a wire rack; as you can see, the dough has not reached the edges. Of course, it’s not beautiful to serve in this form. Therefore, we either add another 50 grams of dough, or remove this form and serve it to the table decorated with glaze without any paper. These molds are very convenient, they are sold on the Magnit network and cost pennies.

About the glaze. As a doctor, I have an extremely negative attitude towards raw protein, so I will give you several options for glaze without protein.

The glaze on top of these babies was the simplest powder + milk, I miscalculated the proportions a little and the glaze turned out a bit runny. Milk should be added literally drop by drop. You can make a beautiful colored glaze using approximately the same principle by mixing powder with strawberry or blueberry jam.

This is the Easter cake I made.

Here it is in cross-section. Incredibly juicy, with lots of filling. The only thing is... it turns out to be really small, literally for 1-2 people. Since it is without yeast, the dough is very heavy, and if you compare it in size with the yeast version, it will probably be half the size. However, you definitely won’t forget this taste.

What else I want to add is that this cake stores well. You can bake it in advance, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator. Like any other biscuit, it will only become juicier. You can decorate the top on the eve of Easter.

I know that many children do not like Easter cakes because they are dry, but they will definitely appreciate this cake. And most importantly, it is incredibly easy to prepare, 15 minutes for kneading and 25 for baking, isn’t that a fairy tale?!

By the way, the cake is decorated with multi-colored meringues on top; in the next article I will describe the process of preparing such beauty and share a recipe for another glaze for cakes, don’t miss it!

The glaze recipe and secrets for making sustainable meringue are at the link -.

Enjoy your meal. I found this recipe on Lena’s deliscake page, thanks to her for the wonderful recipe.

Alla: | April 28th, 2019 | 9:12 am

Christ is risen!!!
Among the numerous recipes for cottage cheese cake, I settled on this one and didn’t regret it one bit! I followed the recipe but multiplied the ingredients by 3 to make more. The cakes turned out very tasty and tender! Thanks so much for the recipe! Next year I will do the same again!!!
Answer: Bon appetit! Happy holiday!

Elena: | April 26th, 2019 | 9:16 am

The dough is liquid and sticky. It rose well, moist and tasty. Easter cakes need to be hidden from the gourmet older children 😉
Answer: Elena, thanks for the comment!

Marishka: | April 9th, 2018 | 8:46 am

I made Easter cakes according to your recipe. I'm baking Easter cakes for the first time. It turned out wonderful and incredibly tasty. I used Easter molds. Size 110. Volume 300g. 2 pieces came out. I filled the dough halfway and it rose to the edges. I used curd mixture with raisins and dried apricots.
Answer: Marishka, thanks for the comment!

Svetlana: | April 7th, 2018 | 10:56 pm

Good evening! I have such an incident, there was an emptiness inside the Easter cake 😞 the dough fit perfectly, everything was fine, but nevertheless they are amazingly tasty!
Answer: Svetlana, thanks for the comment! Perhaps the dough is too hot :(

Nastya: | April 7th, 2018 | 8:16 pm

The cakes turn out very tasty. There is a note that you should not cover the rising cakes with foil, since after this the tops of mine fell in. The same applies to temperature changes from high to low, again the top drops. My advice is that it’s better to immediately set it to 180 and let them bake, so as not to disturb them again.
Answer: Nastya, thanks for the comment!

Marina: | April 6th, 2018 | 11:46 am

And I'm now on vacation in Bulgaria. There are no Easter cakes for sale, some braided buns instead, kazunaki. I decided to bake it myself, for the first time)) I tried to do everything exactly according to the recipe, but it was difficult to find cottage cheese and it was grainy. This morning I couldn’t stand it, I cut one, I was so curious. Delicious!)) But! There are seeds here and there in the raisins, which I also like, the vaunted European quality. Pfft))
Answer: Marina, thanks for the comment!

Tatiana: | April 13th, 2017 | 6:50 pm

This recipe is very similar to the one my grandmother used to bake. I still remember the taste of that cake! So today I decided to bake it your way. They turned out very tasty, naturally we couldn’t resist trying them. They just didn’t fit very well, if only I had known in advance that I could have put a little more dough in the mold.
Answer: Tatyana, Easter cakes with cottage cheese do not work as well as others. But I'm glad it turned out delicious! Bon appetit!

Irina: | March 30th, 2017 | 12:10 pm

Excellent Easter cake! It turned out very tasty, I made it last year! I will definitely repeat this.
Answer: Irina, thank you for your feedback!

Ksenia: | May 1st, 2016 | 5:11 dp

Christ is Risen! My first butter cakes! I used to bake from Lenten dough. The recipe is excellent, quick, it turned out sooo delicious! Next year I will bake this recipe again. Only very little comes out, only 4 small cakes, it will be necessary to take a triple portion. And they came up not twice, but by one third at most. Maybe I did something wrong? And my oven baked them for about 25 minutes. But is it still delicious? And the recipe is worthy! Thank you! Happy holiday!
Answer: Ksenia, happy holiday! Thanks for the comment! Perhaps the yeast was no longer very active?

Elena: | April 30th, 2016 | 8:10 pm

The cakes turned out very tasty and beautiful. Thanks for the recipe! Happy Easter everyone! Joy and peace to all!!!
Answer: Elena, bon appetit and happy holidays!

Anna: | April 26th, 2016 | 3:44 pm

It turns out to be a very tasty Easter, I bake according to the same recipe, but I don’t soak the raisins in juice or cognac, otherwise everything fits together. The dough is very tasty, moist and tender.
Answer: Anna, bon appetit! Thanks for the comment! :)

You can add nuts, candied fruits, fruits or berries to cottage cheese cake. This makes Easter even tastier.

Several interesting Easter cottage cheese recipes are described in detail below.

Curd cake with nuts

This is a fragrant cottage cheese cake with different types of nuts. Cooking takes one and a half hours. From all the ingredients you get several small Easter cakes for 22 servings, with a calorie content of 6500 kcal.


  • lemon juice - three tablespoons;
  • one protein;
  • soda - one and a half tablespoons;
  • drain butter – 300 g;
  • powder – 150 g;
  • cottage cheese – 800 g;
  • flour – 800 g;
  • almonds – 50 g;
  • 70 g walnuts;
  • 30 g hazelnuts;
  • 100 g candied fruits;
  • 9 eggs;
  • sugar – 650 g.


  1. Using a blender, puree the cottage cheese. Melt the butter and cool.
  2. Add sugar, lemon juice and butter to the cottage cheese.
  3. Beat the eggs a little and add to the mixture. Stir.
  4. Mix the baking soda and flour and add to the mixture. Stir until smooth.
  5. Add chopped nuts and candied fruits to the dough.
  6. Fill the molds 2/3 full with dough.
  7. Bake the cakes in the oven at 180 degrees. 50 minutes. Check doneness with a toothpick.
  8. Remove Easter from the oven and cool.
  9. Beat the egg white and mix with the powder. Decorate the Easter cakes.

Cottage cheese makes the Easter cakes fluffy and soft. The baked goods are aromatic and appetizing.

Cottage cheese Easter “Tsarskaya”

Usually Easter cakes are baked from flour. This recipe for cottage cheese cake is made from cottage cheese and the “Royal” Easter does not need to be baked.

Required ingredients:

  • kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • half a kilo of sugar + two tbsp;
  • two sticks of butter;
  • six eggs;
  • vanillin - two sachets;
  • 150 g raisins;
  • spoon tbsp. starch;
  • 200 mg. cream.

Preparation step by step:

  1. In a large bowl, combine half a kilo of sugar with cottage cheese, eggs and softened butter. Stir.
  2. Place the bowl with the mixture on low heat and stir, increasing the heat to medium. Remove from heat when it becomes difficult to stir the mixture and add vanilla and raisins.
  3. Take a piece of gauze 50 x 50 and pour the curd mass onto it, tie it in a knot.
  4. Hang the “bundle”, place the dishes below, excess moisture will flow into it. Leave it overnight.
  5. Place the mixture in a sieve, place it in a saucepan and cover with a plate. Place a 3 kg weight on top. Place the pan in the sink or large basin. Leave for 24 hours.
  6. Remove the cake from the sieve and shape it into a pyramid. You can use a special mold.
  7. Place the finished Easter in the cold.
  8. Make the sauce: mix the remaining sugar with cream and add starch. Place on low heat, stir until thickened.
  9. Pour hot sauce over the cake.


  • cottage cheese – 600 g;
  • drain butter – 150 g;
  • two stacks milk;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • three yolks;
  • vanillin - sachet;
  • 150 g each of almonds and walnuts;
  • 100 g each of dried apricots and raisins;
  • candied fruits – 150 g.


  1. Using a mixer, beat the cottage cheese at high speed until smooth.
  2. Beat the sugar and yolks with a fork, pour in the milk and heat until thickened over low heat or a water bath. Do not bring to a boil!
  3. Remove the prepared mixture from the heat and add butter, chopped nuts, almonds and raisins, vanillin and candied fruits.
  4. Carefully add the cottage cheese, stir and pour the mixture into the mold.
  5. Leave the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Cooking time is one and a half hours and 12 hours for cooling the Easter. Serves six.

Cottage cheese Easter with drunken cherries

This is a very tasty and unusual recipe for Easter cottage cheese cake with candied cherries and the addition of brandy. Calorie content – ​​2344 kcal per pack of cottage cheese;

  • milk – 60 ml;
  • sugar – 150 g + 1 tsp;
  • two eggs;
  • drain butter – 50 g;
  • vanillin - sachet;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp.
  • Preparation step by step:

    1. Cut the candied fruit into small pieces, pour in the brandy and leave for an hour, stirring.
    2. Add yeast, 30 g flour and a spoonful of sugar to warm milk. Stir and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes.
    3. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add the prepared dough, sugar with vanilla and salt, cooled melted butter, and eggs. Using a whisk, beat until smooth.
    4. Add cherries to the mixture and add flour in portions, stirring.
    5. Cover and leave the dough in a warm place to rise for an hour and a half.
    6. When the dough has risen, punch it down and place 2/3 of it in the pan. The cake will rise well during baking.
    7. Leave the molds with the dough in a warm place for 45 minutes.
    8. Bake for 50 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. Check doneness with a toothpick.

    Do you want to experiment and surprise your home and guests with your culinary delights on Easter Day? We offer to bake a very tender and incredibly tasty Easter cake according to an old recipe - with cottage cheese and egg yolks.

    Easter cottage cheese cake - a step-by-step classic recipe in the oven

    This recipe is closest to the old one; it does not contain additives such as baking powder or coconut flakes, because before they were not known to housewives. To get “that same” taste, it is best to take natural products - country eggs, milk and cottage cheese.


    • wheat flour - 400 g;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • warm milk - 150 g;
    • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
    • natural cottage cheese - 250 g;
    • granulated sugar - 100 g;
    • 100 g raisins;
    • salt on the tip of a knife.

    The dough is prepared without adding yeast, but the baked goods will turn out very rich and crumbly - the secret is in kneading the dough with warm milk.


    1. Separate the whites from the yolks using a spoon or a special separator. Proteins can be used to make icing or meringue for tea.
    2. Mix milk, egg yolk and sugar in a deep bowl. The milk must be warm, but not hot.
    3. Carefully add some of the flour and replace the thin dough; you need to do this again with a wooden spoon.
    4. Then add all the prepared cottage cheese, salt, raisins and the remaining flour, then knead completely with your hands.
    5. The next step is proofing. Heat the oven to 50°, transfer the dough into a mold, let it stand in a warm oven for 40 minutes.
    6. Before final baking, remove the pan from the oven, cover with a warm towel, and preheat the oven to 200°.
    7. After which the product can be put back into the oven, having first removed the towel from it.
    8. Before serving, sprinkle the “merchant” Easter cake (sometimes called that) with powdered sugar or cover with glaze.

    You need to carefully monitor the oven temperature at all times; it should not rise above 50°. Thanks to this culinary technique, the mass will become fluffy and airy.

    This is the simplest recipe; it does not require the preparation of dough and the complex process of step-by-step dough kneading. Therefore, even novice cooks and housewives can prepare delicious baked goods.

    How to make cottage cheese cake in a bread machine

    The bread maker is capable of independently kneading dough and baking delicious bread. Modern housewives have learned to use the household assistant for other baked goods.

    The recipe for cottage cheese cake in a bread machine is very simple, but in order for the dough to rise and become crumbly, you need to use yeast.

    It is not recommended to use the classic yeast-free option for working with a bread machine; it has a very high temperature, and the baked goods will turn out too dense and even hard.


    • flour - 500 g;
    • milk - 200 g;
    • cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • raisins or candied fruits - 100 g;
    • 1 egg;
    • 10 grams (one sachet) dry yeast.


    1. Pour milk into the bread machine container and add yeast and sugar, cover with a lid and wait 20 minutes.
    2. When bubbles appear on the surface, you can begin further preparation.
    3. Add wheat flour, cottage cheese and one egg to the starter.
    4. Turn on kneading mode for 20 minutes. At this time, the bread maker itself will mix all the ingredients and provide the required temperature for the Easter dough to rise.
    5. Stir candied fruits or raisins into the prepared mass and leave for another hour in the ripening or resting mode.
    6. Place the dough out of the bread machine bowl and knead it with your hands, then return it and turn on the baking mode.

    There is a little secret in this recipe - it is better to use warm milk, this will ensure the fastest fermentation of the yeast.

    The baking process using this method will take from 3 to 5 hours, depending on the “helper” model. But cake with cottage cheese prepared in this way always turns out crumbly, aromatic and tasty.

    Recipe for cottage cheese Easter cake in a slow cooker

    A slow cooker will help you bake a fluffy cottage cheese cake, but keep in mind that the process can take up to 12 hours, so it’s better to start baking in the evening.

    First you need to prepare all the ingredients; you can use the classic oven recipe (without adding yeast).

    Then transfer the finished dough into the multicooker bowl and turn on the baking mode. As a rule, in the morning all that remains is to remove the cake from the slow cooker and serve it to the holiday table.

    For this you will need:

    • 3 eggs;
    • a glass of flour;
    • a glass of sugar;
    • one article at a time l. candied oranges and raisins;
    • Art. l. baking powder;
    • 100 g soft cottage cheese.


    1. In a mixer bowl, mix eggs with sugar until thick foam forms.
    2. Add flour with baking powder and mix light batter at high speed.
    3. The third stage is adding cottage cheese and candied fruits with raisins. Here you can also mix the components with a mixer, but at low speed.
    4. When the mass becomes homogeneous interspersed with fruit, pour it into the multicooker bowl and turn on the baking mode.
    5. The time can range from 8 to 12 hours depending on the multicooker model.

    Before serving, you can decorate the Easter cake with colored icing.

    Recipe for Easter cake with cottage cheese and yeast

    One of the variations for preparing Easter cottage cheese dough is with yeast. The finished cake is hearty, rich and dense.

    The above method can be called “anti-crisis”; it can be used by very economical housewives - it does not require the addition of eggs and milk. But at the same time, the finished baked goods will taste close to traditional ones.


    • 500 g flour;
    • 10 g raw yeast;
    • a glass of warm water;
    • 200 g sugar;
    • 500 g cottage cheese;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 100 g raisins.


    1. Combine sugar with water and yeast in a deep bowl, let them brew for 30 minutes in a warm place. During this time, the yeast will dissolve in the water and bubbles will appear on the surface.
    2. Add flour and knead into a thin dough. The dough should “rest” in a warm place for 3 hours. The mass should be settled periodically.
    3. After 3 hours, add cottage cheese and raisins, mix again, pour into molds and let stand for one hour.
    4. Cottage cheese cakes with yeast should be baked at 180° until ready.

    Before serving, be sure to pour glaze over the top of the product.

    Interesting: This recipe for cottage cheese cake was popular in the USSR. But then it was called “spring cake”.

    Easter cottage cheese cake with soda

    The recipe for Easter cake with soda resembles the recipe for a slow cooker: the essence is the same - batter without yeast. But if the product is baked in the oven, then the composition should be slightly modernized to make it denser.


    • 300 g wheat flour;
    • 3 eggs;
    • half a glass of sugar;
    • a teaspoon of soda;
    • lemon juice;
    • candied fruit 150 g;
    • cottage cheese 150 g.

    How to cook:

    1. In the bowl of a mixer, mix flour, sugar, and eggs at once until smooth.
    2. Quench the soda with lemon juice and add it to the dough, then mix again.
    3. Add cottage cheese and mix for another 1 minute.
    4. Add the candied fruits, mix the dough again, this time with a spoon, and pour it into special molds or a silicone biscuit maker.

    As an original topping, you can use coconut flakes or colored sugar. Why coat the still warm product with butter, and then sprinkle the top with decoration.

    How to make juicy cottage cheese cake

    The juicy cottage cheese cake has quite a lot of secrets. And the first is fatty and fresh cottage cheese. It is best to take a rustic product; it will give the baked goods juiciness and crumbliness.

    Another culinary trick is to replace half the milk with cream or low-fat sour cream.

    Some housewives add only egg yolks to the dough. It is believed that whites make it more viscous, and yolks make it crumbly.

    The best way to prepare crumbly Easter cake is to use the classic “merchant” recipe using yolks, and replace half the milk with sour cream.

    Delicious cottage cheese cake for vegetarians

    It’s hard to imagine a cake without baking, but there is such an option - it is designed specifically for vegetarians, raw foodists and adherents of a healthy diet. Naturally, the taste of the cupcake differs significantly from the traditional one.


    • 200 g bean curd;
    • 300 g bran;
    • 100 g cane sugar;
    • 100 g raisins;
    • 100 g cashew nuts;
    • 100 g unsalted peanuts;
    • 100 g soy milk.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. In the evening, pour the bran with soy milk.
    2. In the morning, transfer all ingredients except raisins to a blender and grind until smooth and creamy.
    3. Then add raisins, mix the dough and transfer it to the cake pan.
    4. Next, put it in the cold for 30 minutes.

    The finished vegetarian cake can be served, first sprinkled with coconut flakes or grated nuts.

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