How to cook jellied eggs. Jellied eggs: recipe and photo. Faberge jellied eggs recipe. Faberge eggs with chicken and pomegranate

Prepare chicken bouillon.
Rinse the chicken with cold water.
Pour water into a saucepan, add chicken and bring to a boil.
Skim off the foam and reduce the heat.
Add the onion and cook for about an hour, at a low simmer, until the meat is well cooked and easily separates from the bones.
15 minutes before the broth is ready, add salt, bay leaf and peppercorns.
Remove onions and spices from the finished broth.
Remove the chicken from the broth, separate the meat from the bones and chop.
Strain the broth through cheesecloth.

Soak the gelatin in a glass of chilled broth and leave until it swells for 1 hour.
Place the swollen gelatin on the stove and heat, stirring, over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved (do not bring to a boil).

Wash the eggs and wipe dry.
Make a small hole at the blunt end of the egg using a knife and widen the hole to 1.5-2 cm.
Pour out the contents of the eggs (white and yolk) and use them for preparing other dishes (they will not be needed in this recipe).
Wash the empty eggshells well in a soap-soda solution and rinse thoroughly with running water.
For convenience, place the prepared, washed and dried eggshells in an egg mold.

Cut the ham into cubes.
Drain liquid from green peas or corn.
Cut the bell pepper into cubes (it will turn out more beautiful if you take peppers of different colors).

Place pieces of bell pepper and green leaves on the bottom of an empty eggshell.
Place on top, alternating, ham, corn, peppers and green leaves - thus filling all the free space of the eggshell to the top.

And pour in the broth with gelatin dissolved in it.

Place the eggs in a cool place until they harden.
Before serving, peel the eggs (like a regular boiled egg) and place the aspic on a dish.

You can also cook in eggshells

Jellied eggs - general principles of preparation

Jellied eggs are an original and tasty appetizer that also looks gorgeous on any holiday table. The most interesting thing is that there are no eggs themselves in the dish; you only need their shells. The crushed ingredients are placed in the prepared empty shells, after which the eggs are poured with a solution of swollen gelatin and broth (vegetable, chicken, fish or any other). The snack is then placed in the refrigerator to harden overnight. Before serving, carefully peel off the shells and serve the eggs to the table.

Almost anything can be used as fillers: ham, boiled meat, fried or pickled mushrooms, canned peas and corn, peppers, shrimp, herbs and even fruits (for sweet snacks, jam or jam is used instead of broth).

Jellied eggs - preparing food and dishes

Jellied eggs cannot be cooked without filling, and this requires gelatin. To speed up the swelling process, you can use instant gelatin. It is filled with boiled water in the proportion specified in the instructions.

The most important thing is to properly prepare the eggshells. To do this, make small holes of 2.5-3 cm on the flat side of the eggs and pour all the contents into a bowl. As a rule, whites and yolks are not used in jellied egg recipes. Then we thoroughly wash the shells and soak them in a soda solution for 10-15 minutes, after which we wash them again. To dry the inner surface as quickly as possible, place the shells with the holes facing down in the form in which they were sold.

You don’t need anything special in terms of dishes: just a bowl or saucepan for soaking the gelatin, a cutting board and a knife. It is also advisable to have shaped recesses with which you can beautifully cut the ingredients.

Recipes for jellied eggs:

Recipe 1: Jellied Eggs

Surprise your guests with such a bright, positive appetizer. You will need eggs for the recipe, but not exactly for their intended purpose, i.e. there is no egg ingredient in the appetizer as such. But there is ham, allspice and peas with corn. There is nothing complicated in preparation, it just takes time.

Required ingredients:

  1. Half a dozen eggs (or more);
  2. Meat ingredient (ham, sausage, carbonate, etc.) – a piece of 200 grams is enough;
  3. A small jar of peas and corn each;
  4. Red bell pepper;
  5. Maggi chicken cube;
  6. Parsley;
  7. Two spoons of gelatin.

Cooking method:

First, let's make the filling for our snack: pour two tablespoons of gelatin with half a glass of boiled warm water. Let's leave for about an hour and a half, while we prepare the eggs and filling. Wash the eggs thoroughly, dry them and make a 2-3 cm hole on the blunt side. The hole must be made carefully so that the shell maintains its integrity. Pour all the whites and yolks into a bowl (you can then make a delicious omelet or scrambled eggs from them). Now we make a strong soda solution and place the shells there for 20 minutes (after which we rinse them thoroughly).

Let's prepare the fillings: cut the ham into cubes, pepper into strips, drain the liquid from the corn and peas. Dissolve a bouillon cube in half a glass of hot water. Mix the broth with the swollen gelatin. We do not chop the parsley, but simply separate it into small leaves. Place a pepper and a parsley leaf on the bottom of each shell, then add the ham with peas and corn. We apply the filler to the very top. Place the eggs in the mold in which they were sold and pour the mixture of broth and gelatin inside. Let it harden overnight in the refrigerator. Before serving, peel off the skin and serve.

Recipe 2: Jellied eggs with shrimp

Another option for an original snack. For these jellied eggs you will need shrimp, corn, quail eggs, ready-made broth, vegetables and seasonings.

Required ingredients:

  1. Eight eggs;
  2. A spoon of instant gelatin;
  3. A glass of vegetable broth, or even better, fish broth;
  4. Onion with carrots - for broth;
  5. Salt;
  6. Peppercorns;
  7. 7-8 quail eggs;
  8. Several handfuls of small frozen shrimp;
  9. Canned corn;
  10. Parsley;
  11. Dill.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the eggshells as described in the first recipe. Then rinse thoroughly in running water and soak in a soda solution. After baking soda, rinse and dry again. Place the prepared shells in an egg pan. Prepare fish or vegetable broth. Pour water into the pan, add some salt, and add peppercorns. Add the peeled whole onion and carrot. Cook the vegetables until the carrots are soft. We take out the onion and carrots, but do not throw away the carrots yet. Place the shrimp in the vegetable broth and cook for 1 minute after boiling, then pour the broth into a separate container. Then take a glass of the same broth and stir a spoonful of “quick” gelatin in it. Cut the cooled carrots into small cubes, or even better - in the form of figures (stars, droplets, etc.). Boil the quail eggs until tender, cool and cut into quarters. We drain the liquid from the corn and separate the greens into leaves.

At the bottom of the shells we first lay out the leaves with carrots, then corn, eggs and shrimp and the rest of the greens (alternating layers). Fill the shells to the top and add broth with gelatin. Place the eggs in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, clean and serve.

Recipe 3: Jellied eggs with chicken

Prepare delicious jellied eggs with chicken fillet. Tender white chicken meat combined with peas and olives is a win-win option. The most interesting thing is that in this recipe you will also need a white and a yolk - we will prepare an omelette from them and also add them to the appetizer.

Required ingredients:

  1. Five large eggs;
  2. Chicken fillet;
  3. Green pea;
  4. Several olives or black olives;
  5. A pack of gelatin (20 g);
  6. Salt;
  7. Pepper.

Cooking method:

First, let's boil the chicken fillet: rinse, add water, pepper, salt and let it cook. After boiling, cook for about half an hour. Prepare the egg shells and pour the contents into a bowl. We thoroughly wash the shells with soda and rinse again. Beat the white and yolk (only a small part) and bake a thin egg pancake. Roll the hot omelette into a roll, and after it has cooled, cut it into washers 1 cm thick. Cut the olives into small semicircles and drain the liquid from the peas. Cut the cooled fillet into small pieces. Place the shells in an egg mold and place an egg roll on the bottom of each shell. Next we lay out the peas, olives and chicken pieces. Soak gelatin in half a glass of boiled water, then dissolve in two glasses of boiled chicken broth. Fill the eggs with broth to the very top. Let it harden in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe 4: Jellied eggs with mushrooms

An excellent appetizer for the New Year's table and more! To prepare jellied eggs with mushrooms you will need a set for preparing jellied meat, champignons, carrots and seasonings.

Required ingredients:

  1. Half a kilo of jellied meat set;
  2. A dozen eggs;
  3. Greenery;
  4. Salt;
  5. Ground black pepper;
  6. Champignon;
  7. Carrot;
  8. Pomegranate seeds.

Cooking method:

First, cook the fortified broth from the jellied meat set, season with salt and pepper and strain. Let's prepare the eggshells: rinse thoroughly and dry. Let's put the shells in an egg container for greater convenience. Pour a spoonful of broth into each shell and leave to harden. Cook the carrots until tender, cool and cut into cubes. Cut the mushrooms into pieces and fry until cooked. We disassemble the pomegranate into grains. Place pomegranate on the frozen broth, followed by mushrooms, then diced carrots and green leaves. Pour the broth over the eggs and put them in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, carefully peel off the shells.

Recipe 5: Jellied eggs with fruit

You can easily make jellied eggs with fruit. Such an unusual sweet snack will definitely not go unnoticed.

Required ingredients:

  1. Eggs;
  2. Three tablespoons of gelatin;
  3. Fruits (banana, pear, grapes, tangerine, etc.);
  4. 0.75 glasses of water;
  5. Five spoons of apricot confiture;
  6. Mint leaves.

Cooking method:

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water (one to six). We empty the eggs of their contents and wash them thoroughly. Dry and place in an egg pan. Cut banana, grapes, pear and tangerine into small pieces. Place the fruits on the shells along with mint leaves. Add 0.75 cups of water and confiture to a saucepan with soaked gelatin. Stir thoroughly, heat to a boil and remove from the stove. Pour the mixture into the eggs and place in the refrigerator to cool overnight. Before serving, peel and place on a plate.

— Please note that jellied eggs should turn out not only tasty, but also colorful. To do this, try to use ingredients of different colors;

— To make the shells a little easier to peel, the eggs can be dipped in hot water for a couple of seconds (of course, so that the liquid does not touch the top);

— To speed up the cooking process, instead of broth, you can take a bouillon cube, as well as instant gelatin.

Recipe jellied beef:

Cut the beef into small pieces and place in boiling water. Cook the meat for 2 hours over low heat, covered, remembering to remove the foam. Strain the broth, add salt, add peeled carrots and onions, and cook for another hour over low heat, covered. 20 minutes before it’s ready, add peppercorns, seasonings, and bay leaves.

Remove the boiled carrots, onions and bay leaves from the broth. Strain the broth again.

Soak gelatin in a glass of water.

Boil the eggs.

Place 3-4 pomegranate seeds and a few leaves of curly parsley on the bottom of silicone muffin cups.

Cut the boiled carrots into cubes.

Remove the yolks from the eggs (to prepare the jellied beef you will only need the whites), cut the egg whites into cubes.

Grind the beef by hand or cut into cubes.

Combine crushed ingredients.

Fill the ramekins with a mixture of vegetables and meat.

Place gelatin soaked in a glass of water over medium heat. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, turn off the heat (you can only bring it to a boil, but do not boil).

Pour hot gelatin into 2 cups of hot broth and stir.

Pour the gelatin broth into the prepared molds. Cool the jellied beef at room temperature, then transfer to the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.

When the aspic “sets” well, remove it from the molds, turning it upside down. Serve, garnished with a parsley leaf. The jellied beef is ready!

Jellied eggs not only have a piquant taste, but also wonderfully decorate a holiday table. Using gelatin and bright ingredients, you will prepare an unusual, spectacular and tasty dish. Colorful jellied Faberge eggs will impress and delight your loved ones and guests.

Jellied eggs recipe with photo

The amount of ingredients depends on the number of your guests.

Let's say for 5 jellied eggs you will need:

  • Fresh raw eggs - 5 pcs. We will only use shells.
  • Meat or vegetable broth - 150 ml.
  • Gelatin - 10 g (2 tablespoons).
  • Corn - 50 g
  • Green peas – 50 g
  • Half a bell pepper
  • Meat, ham or tongue - 100 g.
  • Parsley

For jellied eggs, you can use any finely chopped herbs, fresh cucumber, carrots, olives, whatever you have on hand. Bright ingredients will make jellied eggs festive and unusually impressive.

How to cook Faberge jellied eggs

Step 1

Wash raw eggs thoroughly

Step 2

To prevent the eggs from falling over, we use an egg container or stands.

On the bottoms of the eggs, carefully make holes with a diameter of about 1.5 cm, as in the photo:

Step 3

We completely free the shells from proteins and yolks, which we will use for preparing other dishes, for example, or for.

Step 4

Be sure to rinse the shells from the inside and turn them over so that the water completely drains out of them.

Step 5
Strain the pre-prepared meat broth. But you can use vegetable and even cubed broth. The more transparent it is, the more beautiful the jellied eggs will turn out. You can, on the contrary, tint the broth with seasonings into a faint color shade and prepare jellied eggs from it. But in my opinion, the classic transparent filler is still better.

Step 6

Dissolve the gelatin in the broth: to completely dissolve it, heat the broth, without bringing it to a boil and stirring continuously.

Step 7

Cut bell peppers and boiled meat (ham or) into small cubes. Prepare other ingredients.

Step 8

Fill the shells completely, starting with smaller products and parsley leaves. Place all prepared ingredients mixed or in layers.

Step 9

Using a teaspoon, pour the broth with dissolved gelatin into the shells and place in the refrigerator to harden for 2 hours or overnight.

Step 10

According to this recipe, the egg-shaped aspic will be ready in 2 hours. This is easy to check: pour a couple of teaspoons of broth with gelatin onto a stand next to the eggs or under one of the eggs and watch how this “hooliganism” solidifies.

When the aspic has completely hardened, carefully, without damaging the beauty, remove the shells from the eggs.

We decorate any dish with jellied eggs or place them on the table in a beautiful plate, or.

Bon appetit!

Jellied is a cold appetizer that is usually prepared for the holidays. However, it can be prepared not only for the festive table, but also on weekdays. The dish contains a minimum of calories, so it can even be served for dinner.

Beef aspic - basic cooking principles

Jellied is prepared from pork, poultry or fish, but the most delicious and healthy is made from beef. In addition to meat, gelatin is used to prepare the dish.

First of all, broth is made from beef. To do this, the meat is washed, cleaned of films, placed in a pan, filled with water and placed on the stove. To make the broth rich, add peeled carrots and whole onions, salt and spices. Cook the broth for 1-2 hours over low heat.

While the broth is boiling, prepare the gelatin. It is soaked in cold water for an hour and a half.

The beef broth is filtered, the swollen gelatin is added to it and mixed. Place on the fire again and simmer, without bringing to a boil, until the gelatin is completely dispersed.

The meat is separated from the bones, torn by hand, or cut into small pieces. Beef is laid out on plates. Carrots that have been boiled in broth can be cut into shapes and placed on plates as decoration.

The contents of the plates are filled with broth, cooled and placed in the refrigerator.

Festive aspic can be prepared in a cake pan. Before serving, dip it in hot water for a couple of seconds and place it on a plate.

Recipe 1. Beef aspic


a kilogram of fresh beef tenderloin;



two liters of boiled water;


black peppercorns;

40 g instant gelatin;

Bay leaf.

Cooking method

1. Using a sharp knife, peel the onions and carrots and rinse the vegetables under the tap.

2. Wash the beef and place on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife to remove fat, films and veins. Place the prepared beef in a deep pan. Place the onion and carrot here. Pour boiled water over everything and place on moderate heat. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, skim off the foam, turn the heat to low and simmer the broth for two hours. A quarter of an hour in advance, add peppercorns and bay leaves to the broth.

3. Remove meat, vegetables and spices from the pan. Strain the broth. Discard the spices and onion.

4. Place gelatin in a clean bowl and fill with cold water. Stir and leave for an hour. Add the swollen gelatin to the broth and place it over moderate heat. Hold until all the gelatin has dissolved and remove from heat.

5. Pour the broth into a deep form so that its height is two centimeters. Cool and place in the refrigerator for half an hour to set. Take the beef into pieces, cut the carrots into circles. Place the meat and carrots on the frozen layer and pour lukewarm broth over everything. Place in the refrigerator for five hours

Recipe 2. Beef aspic with green peas


two liters of beef broth;

three pods of bell pepper;

three tablespoons of gelatin;

five eggs;

boiled beef – 400 g;

four carrots;

fresh herbs;

cranberries – 50 g;

canned green peas – 200 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash the beef under the tap, remove veins and films. Place the meat in a saucepan and add two liters of boiled water. Cook the broth over low heat for about an hour and a half.

2. Hard-boil the eggs and cool under running cold water. Clean and cut into quarters.

3. Peel the carrots and boil until soft.

4. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds, remove the tail and cut into half rings or rings.

5. Rinse the greens and leave them in sprigs.

6. Remove the beef from the broth and cut it into pieces.

7. Place gelatin in a bowl and pour a glass of chilled broth. Heat in a water bath until completely dissolved.

8. Place pieces of beef on the bottom of the plates. Place chopped vegetables, green peas, cranberries and eggs on top. Lastly, add the sprigs of greenery. Fill the contents of the plates with some of the broth. Place in the refrigerator. When this layer hardens, pour in the rest of the broth. Place in the refrigerator again for an hour and a half.

Recipe 3. Beef aspic with mayonnaise


half a kilogram of beef pulp;

three cloves of garlic;

mayonnaise – 80 g;


gelatin – 75 g;

allspice peas;

broth - liter;

Bay leaf;


two boiled eggs;

boiled carrots.

Cooking method

1. Wash the beef flesh and strip it of films and veins. Place in a deep saucepan, add spices and salt. Cook until the meat begins to fall apart.

2. Remove beef from broth. Cool and tear it with your hands.

3. Pour gelatin with cold boiled water and leave to swell. Pour half a liter of warm broth into the swollen gelatin. Place the bowl with gelatin in a water bath and heat until the gelatin dissolves. Divide the resulting mixture in half. Add one half to mayonnaise and mix.

4. Tear the meat into fibers. Peel the garlic cloves and pass it through a press. Add to beef. Stir. Place the beef in a deep dish in an even layer. Pepper and pour mayonnaise with gelatin.

5. Peel the boiled eggs and cut into circles. Place them on top of the beef. Place stars and parsley sprigs cut out from boiled carrots nearby. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

6. Add the second half of gelatin to the broth, stir and pour the contents of the mold. Keep in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Recipe 4. Beef aspic with corn, celery and eggs


lean beef – 600 g;

table salt;

canned corn – 100 g;

three peas of black pepper;

boiled eggs - five pcs.;

Bay leaf;

gelatin – 20 g;



stalk of petiole celery.

Cooking method

1. Peel, wash and coarsely chop the onion, celery and carrots. We wash the beef, trim the films and veins. Place the meat and vegetables in a saucepan and fill with two liters of hot water. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce heat, add salt and cook until the meat is completely soft.

2. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add peppercorns and bay leaves to the broth.

3. Remove the meat from the broth, cool and cut into thin slices. Strain the broth. Peel the boiled eggs and cut into semicircular slices.

4. Pour gelatin with warm broth and stir. Place in a water bath and keep until it is completely dissolved. Combine gelatin with the rest of the broth and mix.

5. Place a third of the corn on the bottom of the mold, pour in the broth so that it just covers the corn. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then place the beef slices in the center. Place eggs along the edges. Fill this layer with broth and put it in the refrigerator again for ten minutes. Place the remaining corn on top of the cooled layer and pour in the broth. Leave the mold in the refrigerator until the contents have completely hardened.

6. Before serving, wrap the pan in a hot towel, then turn it over and place the aspic on a plate.

Recipe 5. Beef aspic with cranberry layer


half a kilogram of lean beef;

black peppercorns;

5 ml lemon juice;


25 ml berry sauce;


30 g gelatin;

three bay leaves;

sea ​​salt.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the beef. Peel and wash the onion and carrot. Place the whole meat and vegetables in a saucepan and cover with purified water. Add salt, add bay leaf and cook for 60 minutes.

2. Soak the gelatin in a small amount of cold water, stir and leave to swell for an hour.

3. Remove spices, beef and vegetables from pan. Strain the broth. Discard the onion and spices. Chop the carrots into cubes. Grind the meat in the same way as carrots.

4. Add three-quarters of all the gelatin to the broth and keep it on low heat until it has completely dissolved.

5. Dilute the berry sauce with a small amount of water to make a thick fruit drink. Add lemon juice and reduced gelatin. Stir.

6. Layer carrots and beef in muffin tins, leaving about half an inch to the edge of the tin. Pour in the broth and place in the refrigerator. As soon as the liquid has set, add berry juice to the top and put it back in the refrigerator. Immerse the molds in hot water for a few seconds and remove the filler.

Recipe 6. Beef aspic with liver pate


two bay leaves;


pieces of yellow and red pepper;

two carrots;

half a stick of butter;

half a kilogram of beef liver;

beef on the bone – 500 g;

packaging of seasonings for jellied meat with gelatin;

lard – 125 g;

celery root – 50 g;

two onions.

Cooking method

1. Peel the liver from the film and cut into cubes. Peel the vegetables and chop into small pieces. Chop the bacon into cubes.

2. Place the bacon in a heated frying pan and melt it. Add chopped onion and carrots. Add bay leaf and fry for seven minutes, stirring. Add the liver, pepper, salt and cook over low heat for another six minutes.

3. Remove the bay leaf and mince the fried liver and vegetables twice. Add melted butter to the liver mixture, stir and put in the refrigerator.

4. Place the beef in a saucepan, add boiled water and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam, add bay leaf, chopped celery, carrots and onions. Cook for two hours. Then remove the vegetables and meat and strain the broth.

5. Dissolve seasonings with gelatin in the broth and simmer over low heat for about five minutes. Cool.

6. Fill the bottom of the dish with a one-centimeter layer of broth. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Form a sausage from the liver pate, cut it into circles and place on a frozen layer of broth. Arrange the meat pieces and garnish with pepper slices. Pour in the remaining broth and place again in the refrigerator for several hours.

To make the broth clear, remove the foam from the broth in time, and at the end of cooking, strain it twice.

Before adding gelatin, add egg white to the cooled broth, bring to a boil and strain.

The dish will turn out original if you pour it into shaped molds.

It will be easier to remove the filler if you lower the mold into hot water for a couple of seconds.

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