Veal salad and arugula green cucumber. Arugula salad with cucumbers "festive". How to make arugula salad with vegetables

What is it arugula? — These are smooth, dark green leaves, reminiscent of the spiky leaves of a dandelion. Most often, arugula is traditionally used in Italian cuisine. This plant is becoming increasingly popular as an ingredient to add raw to fresh salads, but is also good for cheeses, sandwiches, egg and chicken dishes, pastas, tomato dishes and vegetables. In addition, arugula is often added to pizza.


Arugula - several stems
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Green onions - 1 pc.
Lettuce leaves - 1 bunch
Egg - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
Salt - to taste

Preparation for 2 servings:

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves (you can also use young cabbage leaves), chop them finely and put them in a salad bowl.
  2. Boil the egg. Then peel the egg and cut it as you like. Add to salad.
  3. We wash the green onions and arugula under water, place them on a board and cut them in the same way as we are used to cutting any other greens.
  4. Wash the cucumber and cut into cubes. Place in a bowl with the remaining ingredients.
  5. Salt to taste and add olive oil. Mix all the ingredients and get an excellent diet salad with arugula! The salad goes well with any side dish and meat dishes.

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Arugula recipes are always a reason to get creative in the kitchen. We offer you 5 delicious ideas for inspiration! Any salad with arugula will acquire a more refined taste, but we chose the most striking combinations.

To ensure that your arugula dishes are always tasty, bring maximum benefits and are pleasing to the eye, you need to follow some rules. We know the secrets of success and are happy to share! I really want you to fall in love with this pungent greenery and experience it for yourself (it rejuvenates, heals nerves, increases hemoglobin levels and (attention!) is an excellent aphrodisiac). Prepare, dear, and enjoy!

1. Choose fresh arugula with medium-sized leaves. Make sure there are no dark specks on the surface of the leaves.

2. Wash arugula only under cold water. Let it drain well, you can dry it with a paper towel.

3. Do not cut arugula with a knife. Place the leaves whole or tear them with your hands to make them a little smaller.

4. Arugula has a slightly bitter taste. Soften it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice.

5. Combine arugula with tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, beets, grapes, avocado, salted fish, shrimp, boiled liver, chicken, canned tuna. Parmesan, mozerella, feta, and Adyghe cheeses are excellent. A “pillow” of arugula is an excellent solution for beautifully serving meat, poultry, fish, and stewed vegetables.

Beet salad with arugula

INGREDIENTS: 3 beets, a bunch of arugula, 100 g homemade cottage cheese, salt, 5 shallots or one red onion, 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, black pepper, 2 pieces of loaf, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce

PREPARATION: Wrap the beets in two layers of foil and bake in the oven for an hour. Peel and cut into slices. Wash the arugula. For the sauce, finely chop the shallot (or red onion), mix it with mustard seeds, lemon juice, soy sauce, oil, salt and pepper. Pour half the sauce over the beets and place on a plate, then top with the arugula and cover with the remaining sauce. At the end, add pieces of dried loaf and cottage cheese.

Baguette with arugula, tomatoes and mozzarella

INGREDIENTS: baguette, 200 g mozzarella, half a bunch of arugula, a sprig of cherry tomatoes, salt, butter

PREPARATION: Wash and dry the arugula and tomatoes thoroughly. Cut the baguette lengthwise and brush thinly with butter. Cut mozzarella (you can use cheese, feta) and cherry tomatoes into slices. Place everything on the bottom of the baguette and add a little salt. Cover with the second part of the baguette and press lightly.

Arugula with cucumber, avocado and salmon

INGREDIENTS: 1 avocado, 100 g lightly salted salmon, 1 fresh cucumber, arugula, olive oil, lemon juice

PREPARATION: Cut the avocado in half, peel, remove the pit and cut the flesh into pieces. Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut it into strips. Fish - thin slices. Then mix everything thoroughly and add salt to taste. Add the arugula leaves, tearing them with your hands. This will make the salad even healthier and tastier. Drizzle everything with olive oil and squeeze a few drops of lemon.

Arugula sauce

INGREDIENTS: 100 g arugula, 50 g grated cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons hazelnuts, juice of 1/2 lemon

PREPARATION: Beat arugula and cheese in a blender until smooth. Add oil, lemon juice, chopped hazelnuts and blend again with a blender.

Chicken salad with vegetables

INGREDIENTS: 1 chicken breast, half a bunch of dill, 2 cucumbers, 5 cherry tomatoes, half a bunch of arugula, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, salt

PREPARATION: Boil chicken breast with bay leaf and allspice. Chop the dill, tomatoes and cucumbers. Wash and dry the arugula. Place leaves on a plate, then vegetables and chicken. Mix olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Pour over the salad and sprinkle with dill.

My salad with arugula and vegetables is very simple to prepare, but its taste will delight even a real gourmet. More recently, such a plant as arugula was practically not used in our kitchen. Today, this excellent spice is very popular and complements the main dish of meat or fish well. Arugula can be combined in a salad with various foods. These could be: shrimp, cod liver, chicken breast, octopus, salmon, figs and even strawberries. This time I will share how to make the most delicious spring arugula salad with cucumbers, cabbage and radishes. As you can see, we will only need those products that the housewife always has on hand. This budget version of the dish can be relevant every day. A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you make it quickly and for your loved ones.

So, we will need:

  • young cabbage;
  • cucumber;
  • radish;
  • arugula;
  • parsley;
  • olive oil for dressing;
  • salt - if desired.

How to make arugula salad with vegetables

Finely chop the cabbage.

We perform the same operation with the remaining ingredients. Sliced ​​radishes can be any shape. You can see in the photo how I cut it.

I leave the arugula whole, but you can chop it if you wish.

Mix the salad, add a little salt and pepper, and season with olive oil.

The finished dish can be served sprinkled with a few sesame seeds.

Served with toast.

A salad with arugula and vegetables can be easily and quickly prepared, and its taste is simply amazing. Its composition can be changed and supplemented with your favorite vegetables, for example, tomatoes or bell peppers. To make the salad more filling, you can include chicken or quail eggs in its composition. Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Summer is in full swing. As a rule, in the summer people eat more plant foods: vegetables, fruits, berries. At the beginning of the season, we eagerly eat fresh vitamins, and after a couple of weeks this food becomes a habit and we want something new. One morning I felt like it, I chopped tomatoes and cucumbers out of habit, added fresh arugula, but I wanted something like that... and sunflower seeds and sesame seeds just caught my eye, I decided to combine these ingredients, and the result exceeded all expectations. The arugula salad with tomatoes and cucumbers turned out delicious and all the ingredients are incredibly harmoniously combined. Tomato will replenish the body with important vitamin K and lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant, cucumbers - alkaline acids that neutralize acidic compounds in the body, arugula - fiber, which gives a person a feeling of fullness, seeds - phospholipids and fat-soluble acids, which help maintain youth and improve health human, sesame seeds are sesamin, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and many other useful substances. Which could take a very long time to list.

Cooking time: 20 minutes
Product yield: 4 servings
To prepare a summer salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula and seeds, we need the following ingredients:
- tomatoes - 300 grams,
- cucumbers - 200 grams,
- arugula - 0.5 bunch,
- seeds - 50 grams,
- sesame seeds - 20 grams,
- olive oil - 50 milliliters.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

We wash the tomatoes under running water, dry them on a paper towel and cut them into slices.

We wash fresh arugula under running water, trim off the dried tails and cut into large pieces.

We also wash the cucumbers under running water, dry them and cut them into thin half rings. Add chopped cucumbers and arugula to the tomatoes.

Add toasted peeled sunflower seeds and sesame seeds to the salad. Sesame seeds can be lightly toasted or left unroasted.

Add olive oil; if you don’t have it, you can replace it with sunflower oil. Mix all salad ingredients thoroughly. It is advisable to let the salad stand for about 10 minutes so that the salad ingredients absorb other components.

This salad with arugula, tomatoes and cucumbers can be a wonderful breakfast and goes well with meat dishes. Summer salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula and seeds is a dietary, vegetarian dish. This salad can be used for celebrations, as it is very unusual and elegant. Your friends and family will definitely appreciate this original combination of quite familiar products.

And it turns out more satisfying
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