Orange muffins with berries. Foodclub - culinary recipes with step-by-step photographs Berry muffins

Muffin recipes with berries

Creamy and vanilla, with a slight sourness, sweet, with raspberries, blackberries, blueberries - there are countless options and variations of berry muffins. With a cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of juice, tender, soft muffins ideally complement the daily menu. They are loved not only for their variety, but also for their ease of preparation and versatility - these simple baked goods can be prepared from a minimum set of ingredients and for every taste. Do you have your own signature recipe? Share with us! Are you new to cooking? Write down the simplest recipes!

Blackberry muffins

The dough is universal in composition and allows you to use both fresh and frozen berries.
Ingredients: a glass of kefir, 2 glasses of flour, 2/3 cup. sugar, 2 eggs, 150 gr. creamy butter, a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar, 2 teaspoons. spoons of baking powder, fresh or frozen blackberries.
If the blackberries are frozen, defrost, drain the juice, and roll the berries in flour.

Beat eggs with sugar, add soft butter and kefir. Separately mix the sifted flour, vanilla sugar, baking powder and salt. Combine the liquid and dry mixture, stir quickly and add the berries. Fill the molds with dough (2/3 of the volume, no more) and place in a preheated oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes, temperature 200 degrees

Blueberry muffins

Ingredients: 100 gr. sugar, 250-300 gr. flour, 50 gr. butter, 2 eggs, a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla sugar, tea. spoon of lemon juice (optional), 2 teaspoons. spoons of baking powder, blueberries (fresh or frozen).

Defrost the berries and drain the liquid. Grind soft butter with sugar into a fluffy mass, add eggs one at a time. After each, beat the mixture until the egg is completely incorporated. Now gradually add flour mixed with baking powder, vanilla sugar and cinnamon. When the dough becomes homogeneous, pour in lemon juice and add blueberries. Place in molds and bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Muffins with currants

Ingredients: 100 gr. sugar, a quarter glass of low-fat sour cream, 250 gr. flour, 100 gr. butter, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar, 0.5 teaspoon. tablespoons of soda (quench with vinegar), currants or currant jam.

Sift the flour, mix with vanilla sugar and salt. We extinguish the soda with vinegar. Beat butter and sugar into a creamy mass, add eggs, sour cream and beat again. Pour in the flour mixture, add soda, stir the dough with a spoon. Put a little dough into the molds, then a layer of berries or a spoonful of jam and fill with dough. Fill the molds to half their capacity, no more, the muffins will rise in the oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes, temperature 180 degrees.

Muffins with berries and fruits

Ingredients: 100 gr. yogurt or sour cream, 200 gr. sugar, 300 gr. flour, 2 eggs, 100 gr. honey, 100 gr. nuts, 350 gr. any berries and fruits, a teaspoon of cinnamon and baking powder, a pinch of salt.
Mix flour with cinnamon, baking powder, and salt. Beat eggs and sugar until foamy. Add honey, sour cream, flour mixture, mix with a spoon. Add fruits (they need to be peeled and cut into pieces) and berries, chopped nuts. Fill the molds 2/3 of the volume, bake for 20-25 minutes, temperature 180 degrees.

The ideas for muffins are endless, and even these recipes can be filled with a variety of berries. When preparing muffins, it is important to follow the basic principle - mix dry and liquid ingredients separately, and after combining, do not beat the dough, but only mix with a spoon. This technology, with rare exceptions, is repeated in all recipes.

Muffins These are sweet small pastries (cupcakes) with filling. Most often with fruits or berries. The muffins fit into the palm of an adult. Muffins have a fairly large number of varieties, for example, this includes. Since baking muffins is quite simple and quick, they are convenient to prepare for breakfast or when you have unexpected guests. This is a quick and practical treat. Let's have a tea party! Cooking muffins with berries on kefir.

What you need to bake muffins:

For the dry part of the dough:

  • 250 g flour
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • vanillin

Liquid part:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 glass of fresh kefir
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil

For filling:

berries or pieces of fruit (fresh, canned or frozen). Our recipe contains muffins with cherries and currants.

Kefir muffins recipe

How to make muffins:

Making the dough is very quick and easy. I advise you to turn on the oven before starting to prepare the dough. Let it heat up to 180 degrees.

Mix the liquid ingredients in one bowl and the dry ingredients in another.

Mix dry and liquid ingredients in separate containers

Pour the liquid part into the dry part and mix until smooth.

Pour the liquid part into the dry part.

Stir until smooth

How to bake muffins

The dough can be immediately poured into molds. I use silicone molds, you can use paper baking molds or those you have in the house. Unlike other types of dough, there is no need to leave the dough to “ripen”. Pour 1 full tablespoon of dough into the molds. Add the filling. I took frozen blackcurrants and cherries.

Pour 1 full tablespoon into the molds and add the filling.

Top with another 1 full tablespoon of dough. Do not fill the molds to the brim as the dough will rise well. With this in mind, we leave room in the molds for this.

Top with 1 more tablespoon of dough, but not all the way to the edges.

Place in a preheated oven and bake muffins in the oven for about 40 minutes. You need to keep an eye on the baked goods, they should rise well and bake to an appetizing golden color.

Bake until golden brown

That's all! Delicious, aromatic, melt-in-your-mouth muffins with berries can be served with tea.



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These fluffy, summer-scented raspberry-cranberry-cherry-tangerine berry muffins are a prime example of how new baking recipes are born by accident!

It all started when I decided to defrost the refrigerator. It was plus outside, and there were frozen berries in the freezer. They will melt if you put them on the balcony. Berries after freezing are no longer quite the same as in summer, and if you re-freeze them... it’s better not to. So, we need to prepare something. Well, of course, our favorite cupcakes are simple, quick, and you can always find the ingredients in the refrigerator!

And if frozen berries just aren’t very good compared to fresh ones, then they fit perfectly into the muffins!


  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 cups sugar;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 100 g (half a stick) melted butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • frozen berries.

How to bake muffins with frozen berries:

As you guessed from the set of ingredients, I prepared the dough for cupcakes according to my favorite simple recipe, in which all the ingredients are mixed with a spoon, and then you can add whatever you want to the dough - chocolate, dried fruits, poppy seeds or berries.

After mixing sugar and eggs, add sour cream, pour soda into it and extinguish it, mix. Then pour in the melted butter, stir again and finally add flour - you will need about one and a half cups in total. First, pour 1 cup of flour, mix, then another half a cup, and pour frozen berries into the flour. I had cranberries, raspberries, pitted cherries and a couple of tangerines, which I minced in a meat grinder, as for tangerine muffins.

Berries need to be added to flour (or rolled in starch) so that the berry juice does not create the effect of unbaked dough.

Carefully, so as not to crush the berries, mix the dough, see if there is enough flour (the dough should be thicker than for pancakes).

What a beautiful, colorful dough it turned out to be! We spread it with a spoon into the molds, 2/3 - ¾ of their height, taking into account the fact that the cupcakes will rise.

Place the molds on a baking sheet and place in a warm oven. Bake at 200-220C for half an hour. From time to time we check in to see how our cupcakes are doing and try them with a wooden stick. If it is dry, without traces of dough, and the cupcakes are tall and golden brown, then they are ready!

We take out a baking sheet, let the cupcakes cool a little - the silicone molds are very hot, and then we take out the cupcakes and place them on a plate.

These are how fun and colorful the cupcakes with berries turned out, they reminded me of the “forest” bread made from runaway dough in the cartoon “Sonyachy Korovai”, remember that one? How the dough escaped from grandma and ate all kinds of berries on the way to the forest!

The inside of the cupcakes turned out super fluffy, and how delicious it was to eat them, washed down with a summer-flavored compote that I made from the rest of the frozen berries!

Everyone really liked the unexpectedly invented cupcakes, so we’ll do it again in the summer - with fresh berries!

And here is the cartoon I was thinking about :)

I love simple desserts. Those for which you don’t need to mentally prepare in advance or look for special products in stores. You just put the ingredients together, weigh them, mix them, put them in the oven and enjoy the perfect result. Berry muffins with raspberries are just such a recipe.

What do skiing and berry muffins have in common?

We have a small family tradition. Every year when we go skiing, we go to the same cafe for muffins and hot tea. The cafe is located on the ridge and is open to all winds. Getting to the entrance is a huge achievement. For five years now, these muffins have been number one on the list of my favorite sweets. And now berry muffins have joined them on the pedestal.

I know the muffins on the mountain might not actually be that special. Fresh air, imagination and beautiful scenery added to their appeal. But you cannot but agree that I evaluated the berry muffins practically in laboratory conditions - at home. Objectively and without bias, I am ready to give them 5 out of 5.

What berries to put in muffins or the answer to the question “which is best?”

I tried making muffins according to this recipe with different berries. I took both fresh and frozen. Raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants and strawberries all got a chance to shine. The most successful ones, in my opinion, were the ones with raspberries. This berry is very tender, but not as watery as strawberries. The sweet and sour taste and aroma of raspberries suited the dough perfectly. While I was writing, I thought that the option with cranberries might be interesting. I’ll take note and you should try it too.

I love experimenting with flour. Made with a simple white wheat, whole grain, rice, and gluten free baking mix. The result is equally good. So if you suddenly do not eat gluten, feel free to take rice flour or a mixture. Interestingly, rice flour makes the muffins a little more crumbly.

As a decoration, I used regular confectionery shortbread crumbs. My tongue curls into knots when I try to call this thing a “streusel,” sorry. It was chosen because the mountain muffin had the same topping. I like the way it crunches. I also wanted to take something from the standard. Sliced ​​almonds and ground walnuts also work well. True, they are not as beautiful as sand crumbs.

P.S. And if you use brown sugar, the berry muffins will turn out more rosy.

  • Things: 8-10
  • Preparation: 1h 20 min
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Portions:

Nutritional value (per 100g)

  • Calories: 338.83 kcal
  • Carbohydrate content: 44.57 g
  • Fat content: 15.82 g
  • Protein content: 4.17 g
  • Serving Size: 100 gr

By 05/17/2018

Tender muffins with juicy berries and a crispy top. This is an incredible pleasure that you cannot deny yourself.

Berry Muffins: Ingredients

  • - 100 gr
  • - 100 gr
  • - 100 gr
Friday, December 13, 2013 16:53 ()

I really love this recipe. Light and always delicious.

Today I made muffins with frozen currants. But they can be made with any other berries (preferably sour), with chocolate drops, raisins and other favorite toppings.

Dry part: 250 g flour; 200 g sugar; 2 tsp. baking powder; 1/2 tsp. salt.

Liquid part: 1 egg; 100 grams grows. butter (or melted butter); 1/2 tsp. vanillin; 180 ml kefir.

1 cup frozen red currants.

Prepare the dry part. To do this, sift into a bowl and thoroughly mix all the ingredients for it.

In a second bowl, mix all liquid ingredients. Do not beat anything until combined.

Pour the liquid part into the dry part. Mix with bottom-up movements until the dry ingredients are moistened, literally several times.

Add the berries and mix with a couple more movements. And put it in molds, sprinkle with coarse sugar and put in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Cool the finished muffins.

I would like to add that they rise VERY well in the molds, so you need to fill them about 1/2 full. Molds can be made of foil, paper or silicone. Others must be lubricated with oil.

Bon appetit!

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