Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Modern culinary requirements do not imply "clogging" the natural taste of products with sugar. "Natural" canned cherries are good because they will have a taste that is typical for berries just taken from the tree. The norm of sugar ensures the long-term preservation of the workpiece, but does not make the syrup and cherries cloying. The purpose of such cherries is to serve as a filler for cakes. When serving, the syrup is filtered, the cherries are mixed with boiled condensed milk and thick bazaar sour cream. It turns out the most delicate beige-pink cream. Kissels are usually prepared on the remaining syrup.

Ingredients To prepare canned cherries:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 250 g
  • water - 500 ml

Recipe canned cherries:

Any cherries can be preserved: large, ringed berries of elite varieties or unpretentious small "wild". The taste is the same, and the difference will appear only in the size of the fruit.

The berries are washed, the stalks are torn off.

Removing the pits is a necessary step in the preparation of "cake" cherries. Only if this condition is met, a kilogram of cherries can be placed in one jar. The pitting tool leaves the cherries whole and round. If the seeds are removed manually, the berries will turn out to be dented, and many will even be divided into halves.

A liter sterilized jar is filled with cherries. It is not necessary to tamp the cherry, but it is worth shaking the jar so that the berries lie tightly.

Syrup is made from sugar and water, boiling time is 5 minutes.

Cherries are poured with hot syrup, the jar is covered with a lid.

A liter jar needs to be sterilized for 10 minutes. Cherries belong to the category of berries that cannot be preserved without sterilization. Berries contain too much acid, without undergoing heat treatment, you can get a “fermentation effect” in winter preparations. Sterilization provides an optimal environment for long-term storage of canned cherries. After sterilization, the density of the pulp of cherries will remain unchanged.

A hot jar is removed from a pot of boiling water, then it is twisted, turned over, insulated, and transferred to the basement the next day.

Canned cherries are ready!

Enjoy your meal!

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