Mill on coffee grounds interpretation. Fortune telling on coffee grounds. Deciphering symbols on coffee grounds. How to guess on coffee grounds? Interpretation of letters in a cup

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous and popular ways to find out fate and look into the future. Every second person may not have put it into practice, but he definitely heard about this ancient fortune-telling technique, which was invented by the Italians back in the 18th century. In our time, divination using coffee remains also a popular ritual.

The process of divination on coffee grounds is an exciting activity that requires a wide flight of fantasy and a good imagination. The ritual is quite simple to perform, requires a minimum number of items, so it is possible to conduct it at home.

Features of fortune-telling on coffee grounds

If you have a desire to penetrate your future and peep at fate with at least one eye, remember that the process of divination on coffee grounds is not fun, but a magical ritual. It should be approached with all responsibility.

To perform the ritual correctly, and the result turned out to be as reliable as possible, you must be guided by the following rules.

  • The ceremony is best done in the morning or after sunset.
  • Guess if you really believe in this action, and not for the sake of interest.
  • Before fortune-telling, it is important to tune in to the result, to clearly formulate the question. You need maximum concentration. The best option would be a short meditation.
  • Create a suitable environment for the sacrament of divination. There should be no strangers in the room that can distract. Light, unobtrusive music will help you relax and disengage from extraneous thoughts.

For the sacrament of divination, you will need a minimum set of items that can be found in almost every home: ground natural coffee, a cup and saucer of light colors and a Turk.

An important stage is the correct preparation of a coffee drink, because for fortune-telling the main element is the sediment, which acts as an oracle. The best option would be to use two types of coffee - coarse and fine grinding in a ratio of 2 to 1. For example, 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine.

When the coffee is brewed, pour it into a cup and let it stand for 3-5 minutes. Then, slowly, drink, leaving a little liquid on top of the sediment. Holding the cup in your left hand, mentally formulate a question, make several circular movements clockwise so that the sediment is evenly distributed. Then, immediately, tip the cup with the sediment onto the prepared saucer.

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How to interpret coffee signs correctly

The main stages are behind, the time has come to turn on the fantasy and determine the meaning of the symbols. Carefully look at the coffee figures and signs formed on the walls of the cup.

When studying coffee symbols, be sure to consider the following points.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the largest elements that catch your eye. The larger the size of the coffee figure, the more important it is in life.
  2. The figures located inside the cup will tell about the future, and the symbols that are on the saucer will remind you of past events in your life.
  3. The closer the coffee elements are located to the edge of the cup, the faster they will come true. Conversely, the closer they are to the bottom, the longer they will have to wait.
  4. The remaining thick in large quantities at the bottom of the cup promises many problems and troubles in the future.
  5. The symbols located closer to the handle of the cup symbolize the present of a fortuneteller.

Human symbols

  • Boy - promises well-being in business and attractive prospects.
  • The girl is a symbol of romance, tenderness and bright feelings.
  • An elderly woman - oddly enough, portends strong love.
  • The bride - to gossip and unpleasant conversations.
  • Eyes - be vigilant, expect change.
  • Head - you are in thought and confusion.
  • Two heads facing each other - a symbol of mutual love.
  • Lips located at the top - you have strong friendly support.
  • Lips located at the bottom - good news or an event is just around the corner.
  • The hand is a sign of disappointment, the collapse of hopes.
  • The heart is a sign of true and strong love.
  • Horseman - symbolizes the patron, a strong assistant.
  • Angel - portends the appearance of virtue on the path.
  • Skull - speaks of the completion of your affairs, on the threshold of new beginnings.

Symbols of animals, birds, insects, fish

  • Rooster - a happy event or news.
  • Rooster (closer to the bottom) - there is a person nearby who is negatively opposed to you.
  • The peacock is a sign of wealth.
  • Swan - promises a calm and balanced life.
  • Chicken - someone is waiting for your help.
  • Bird - to changes in the financial sector.
  • Duck is a sign of family well-being and happiness.
  • Dove - symbolizes peace and tranquility in the house.
  • Penguin - the emergence of new opportunities in life.
  • Ostrich - fabulous problems do not pose a threat.
  • Feather - means a quick-witted and savvy nature.
  • Fish - fortune accompanies and a journey awaits, it can also mean pregnancy.
  • Dolphin - symbolizes a good friend or assistant.
  • Whale - a grand celebration or celebration awaits.
  • Shark - be on the lookout, the enemy lies in wait for you; can mean illness or misfortune.
  • Seahorse - portends a pleasant gift or surprise.
  • Crab - symbolizes the next move to a new home.
  • The turtle is a sign of wisdom that will help you get out of a difficult and unpleasant situation.
  • The dragon is a good sign, indicating the successful completion of the work begun.
  • Crocodile - beware of enemies.
  • A snake with a closed mouth - symbolizes wisdom, with an open mouth - danger is in danger.
  • Dinosaur - you have a hidden and rare talent.
  • Bear - means squabbles or troubles that will give enemies a reason to take up arms against you.
  • The dog is a close friend.
  • Horse - new financial opportunities will open before you.
  • Hare - means excessive caution in actions.
  • An elephant with a trunk up - symbolizes success, public recognition.
  • An elephant from its trunks down - a patron will appear in life that can change your life.
  • Cat - fears and fears can come true.
  • Wolf - it will take a lot of strength to overcome a difficult life period.
  • Squirrel - a long-awaited reward awaits.
  • Deer - promises good luck and prosperity in business.
  • Giraffe - prudence and prudence will help in protracted affairs.
  • Fox - portends a betrayal of the second half, can also mean hidden enemies in your environment.
  • Camel - symbolizes a hardy person, perhaps great sporting achievements await.
  • Hedgehog - strength is running out, you are on the verge of collapse.
  • Tiger - symbolizes an impartial and reasonable act.
  • Monkey - there is a hypocritical and deceitful person in the environment.
  • Goat - promises a pleasant pastime or a long journey.
  • Mouse - it's time to show courage, and get out of the shadows of others.
  • Frog - an unexpected turn of events awaits soon.
  • Hippopotamus - can mean replenishment in the family.
  • The bull is a sign of perseverance or stubbornness.
  • Elk is a good sign that promises a happy life, the fulfillment of innermost desires.
  • Snail - speaks of your slowness or unhurried progress.
  • The bat is a bad symbol, symbolizing the danger of an accident.
  • Leo - speaks of the appearance of a noble person in your life.
  • Pig - beware of betrayal.
  • Baran - stubbornness interferes with the progress of affairs.
  • Cow - symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Rat - beware of theft.
  • Unicorn - speaks of unexpected and incredible changes in your life.
  • Kangaroo - symbolizes the care and affection that one of your loved ones needs.
  • Butterfly - means a person who has great influence over you.
  • Scorpio - be careful, a blow of fate awaits.

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Interpretation of plant meanings

  • Christmas tree - waiting for fun and joy.
  • Flower - a date will take place soon.
  • Tree - you have to fight with competitors to achieve success.
  • Mushroom - symbolizes good health, vitality.
  • Rose - portends an engagement or betrothal to a loved one.
  • Lily - in life there is unrequited love.
  • Cactus - the house is full of negative energy.
  • Spruce - you have excellent health.
  • Palm - symbolizes the emergence of a stormy fleeting romance.
  • Strawberry - speaks of a stable love relationship.
  • Carrots are a sign of prosperity and great progress.

Geometric figures

  • Pyramid - means that you are subject to some person.
  • Triangle - the decisions made will be correct.
  • Circle - means a vicious circle of life.
  • The square is a sign of stability and constancy.
  • Arc - you have an opponent.
  • Question mark - in life there are a lot of understatement and unresolved problems.
  • Exclamation point - it's time to change something in life.

Surrounding objects

  • Mask - symbolizes lies, hypocrisy, you are surrounded by two-faced people.
  • Star - promises the fulfillment of innermost desires.
  • Crescent - to new acquaintances.
  • Boot - means a rude person.
  • Arrow - depending on the direction, it can mean a positive or negative answer.
  • Anchor - means a decline in business.
  • The horseshoe is a symbol of great luck.
  • The cross is bad news.
  • Shoe - a new fan will appear.
  • The book means the prospect of career growth.
  • Airplane - a business trip, vacation or trip is coming soon.
  • The key is a symbol of great luck, fortune is on your side.
  • The mountain is a sign of financial growth, fame and popularity.
  • The ship - promises big changes in personal life.
  • Dress - for new pleasant purchases.
  • Kettle - there will be guests in the house soon.
  • Bow - a real gift of fate will appear in life.
  • Hat - there are “pitfalls” in personal relationships, deal with this as quickly as possible.
  • Candle - symbolizes faith in a dream.
  • Ring - a serious relationship will appear, marriage is possible.
  • The flag is a symbol of pride in a deed.
  • Volcano - symbolizes a passionate and quick-tempered person who will appear on your way.
  • A pin is an envious person nearby, beware of the evil eye.
  • Beads - minor troubles await.
  • Bonfire - health may deteriorate, you need to take a break from work and everyday problems.
  • Machine - a white streak has come in life.

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Deciphering coffee symbols is a very delicate and painstaking task. Try to look at the whole picture very carefully. And in order not to miss any elements - fix them in a notepad. This will help to decipher the prediction most correctly.

Do not take too literally the list of interpretations and meanings of coffee symbols, because it is not able to display all the possible events that can occur. It is important to take into account the combination of signs intertwined with each other, and experience and practice will help with this!

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Divination on coffee grounds is very popular today. Conducting it yourself is not as difficult as it might seem, and most importantly, you will do this fortune-telling for free, without resorting to outside help.
The history of the emergence of predictions for coffee originated with the ancient Mayan shamans, who in the symbols they saw in thicker determined the yield, good and bad times for the tribe.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds for the future is carried out as follows. Only real ground beans are used. The best time is sunrise or sunset - this contributes to a better connection between the worlds and the interpretation will come out clearer. Take one teaspoon of finely ground strong ground coffee and two teaspoons of coarse ground coffee. Pour them into a Turk and cook over low heat. Then pour coffee into a white cup without patterns, to which you have the same white saucer (preferably from the same set) and let it brew for a couple of minutes. Sugar should not be added. Now slowly drink coffee, trying to think about the problem that worries you. The question should be clearly in your head all the time you drink the drink.

When there is a little left on the bottom, take the cup in your left hand and rotate it three times - girls counterclockwise, men clockwise. Try to thicken evenly cover the walls of the vessel. Then quickly turn the cup on the saucer while saying your question aloud and leave the coffee grounds for three minutes. Then remove the cup and proceed to interpret the meanings.
Study the symbols carefully, slowly, and at the same time remember that the past is shown on the saucer, and the future is in the cup. The place next to the handle should be studied in more detail, since the symbols to the right of the handle indicate positive events, and to the left - negative ones. Also, the closer the symbol is to the edge of the cup, the faster it will come true. Those on the very edge - from a week to a month. At the very bottom - from a month to a year.
The larger the symbol, the more important it occupies in your life. The lighter and cleaner the cup as a whole remains, the happier and more joyful your life is. And vice versa.

Remember, if you urgently need fortune telling, but you don’t have time to complete all these procedures, or you don’t have enough experience, you can always order fortune telling from me:

Now directly full interpretation of symbols and meanings:

Lines in divination

Undulating - a long journey
Straight long - the futility of your life
Oblique - diseases
Oblique (set) - things will not work out
The curve is a dangerous enemy
Many broken - lack of finance
Many straight lines - good health
Many curves, or one crossed out by others - mental anguish
At the bottom of the bowl one line - a wonderful journey
Straight slightly curving - sudden events will lead to illness

Letters in divination

A - victory
B - you will have all the power
B - to the mountain
G - you are under attack
D - discord in finances
E - you did everything you could, calm down
F - enemies are plotting evil
Z - carefree and easy life
And - you can't handle the circumstances
K - big tests
L - love and happiness
M - profit in finance
N - anxiety
Oh - travel
P - they hide the truth from you
R - holidays
C - quarrels
T - new people in your life
U - discord in relationships
F - nothing depends on you
X - wedding is expected
C - promotion in a career
H - loss of loved ones
Sh - building relationships
b - flirting
b - guest
E - theft
Yu is a dangerous disease
I - everything will get better


0 - you will be lucky soon
1 - you are loved
2 - imminent trouble
3 - everything will turn out well
4 - everything goes wrong
5 - gossipers
6 - sudden problems
7 - happiness and joy in the house
8 - quarrels
9 - new useful acquaintances
10 - happy and long life
101 - a happy and long life full of success and great heights


Arch - difficulties at work or also health problems
Angel - you should show more independence and responsibility. Rely less on others
Harp - creating and strengthening a family, marriage for unmarried
Butterfly - advises to keep a distance with the opposite sex
Drum - rumors and gossip about you
Hippo - increased affection and love
Squirrel - hard work awaits you
Boot - unexpected changes in life
Bottle - you should pay more attention to health
Bull - danger lies in wait
Fan - discord in work and problems in the team
Camel - growth in finance
Paddle - you are on the right track
Scales - court cases
Windmill - you have to work hard
Grapes - your life is getting better
Wolf - ill-wishers wish you harm
Raven - grief
Volcano - adverse events
Nail - dangers
Eye - you should be careful, someone behind your back has planned evil
Head in profile - you will be protected
Woman's head - love
The head of a man is a discord in love
Human head - a friend will help you
Dove - good news
Mountain - obstacles on the way
Rakes, other jagged objects - you need to carefully approach the prioritization of business
Mushroom - you are under the influence of illusions
Pear - great financial success and profit
Goose - forced communication with an enemy
Two faces in a circle - marriage
Two faces with a flower in the middle - marriage
Two faces that are separated by a line - parting, divorce
Two people look at each other - feelings are mutual
Girl - big love
Girl (Woman) - if the symbols are near a favorable value, then this is a good friend, if unfavorable, then rivals
Dolphin is a good friend and his help
The tree is your health. What tree, such and health (sickly or lush)
Dinosaur - help in spiritual development
Home is the strengthening of your position. However, if the house is stunted, then this is a loss.
Road - journey
The dragon is a strong opponent
Unicorn - incredible events
Hedgehog - it is recommended to take a defensive position
Elka - you were dragged into other people's affairs
Toad - in fortune-telling means troubles are hidden behind flattering speeches
Giraffe - you should look at the problem more broadly
Beetle - they are discussing you
Fence - some obstacles that prevent you
Castle - something is being hidden from you
Castle - perseverance will help you
Embryo (embryo) - long reflections and plans are waiting for you
Hare - dangers will not catch up with you
Star - a good time for new beginnings
Mirror - an opportunity to change the course of events in your favor
Snake - traitors, anger and intrigue
Question mark - you should worry less
Umbrella - you should look for ways to retreat
Kalach - you have chosen the wrong direction
Square - constrained by circumstances
Kangaroo - you need to take care of someone
Dagger - conspiracies, drastic actions
Whale - coffee grounds in the shape of a whale: support from above is needed
Clown - everything is one, good and evil
The key is the ability to decide the case in your favor
Book - quarrels, sometimes court
Goat, goat is the enemy
Bell - good news. If there are many bells - alarm
Column - everything will work out
Ring - means harmony and success
Comet - a new person in your life
Horse (Horse) - you have a lot of work to do
Ship (Sailboat, Sails, Boat) - close luck
Basket - the end of one thing and the beginning of a new one
Crown - success, fame and fortune
Cat, cat - betrayal of people you know
Crab - interference of people close to you in your affairs
The cross is a symbol of illness and hard life
Crocodile - danger
Wings - inspiration with success, inspiration
Rat - meanness
Jug - good health
Hen is a caring woman, but not too smart
Swallow - a pleasant adventure
Swan - beauty, tranquility and a strong family
The lion is a symbol of the appearance of a strong man, a protector
Staircase - progress
Fox - cunning
Tree leaf - means envy and intrigue
Shovel - hard work to achieve a result
Moose - rival
Moon - the development of love affairs. If the Moon is flawed - lack of joy
Frog - gossipers spread rumors
Mask - secrets and mysteries
Lighthouse - trouble
Bear in divination in the thick - do not rush to judge. If along with the bear there is a ring, a wreath or something wedding, then the groom
Medusa - you hide many secrets - it's time to reveal some of them
Hammer - waste a lot of effort
Bridge - look for a compromise. A crooked or destroyed bridge is a disease
Ant - be hardworking and things will work out
Fly - minor troubles
Anvil - firmness of position and confidence in the future
Insects - chores
Bride - big changes
Leg - in divination means the road. If shod - the outcome is successful, if barefoot - no
Knife - divorce, breakup
Scissors - quarrels and temporary separation
Nose - you have good intuition - trust it
Rhinoceros - many small problems from a person
Monkey - pretense, deceit
Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumber, etc.) - the problem is your excessive jealousy or ardent temperament
Fire - subdue your anger
Necklace - means that at the right time they will help you
Deer - treason
Eagle - you will get out of the water dry
Octopus - a symbol of vampirism above you
Glasses - false denial of reality
Peacock - a symbol of envy
Panther is a big threat
Guy - separation
Spider - you should become more cunning
Pegasus - in fortune-telling advises to trust intuition
Stump - you have chosen the right and profitable path
Feather - position instability
Rooster - means big news
Saw - discord
Penguin - new opportunities for implementation
Pistol - alarm, threat
Dress - pleasant acquisitions
Parrot - empty chatter, do not believe the words
Crockery (cup, jug, plate, spoon, etc.) - next to the handle - everything will work out in the family, far from the handle - family quarrels
Bird - news
A bee is a symbol of great success in your business, surpassing even your expectations.
Five-pointed star - success without satisfaction
Cancer - means that you need to redo everything
Rocket - you will need to make colossal and lightning-fast efforts
Sink - discord in relationships, temporary
Horn - great success and financial well-being
Rose - tenderness in feelings for you
A hand is a helping hand at the right time
Mermaid - imaginary, false targets
Fish - the interpretation is clear - good luck
Knight - respectful man
Airplane - your dreams have taken you too far, return to earth
Candle - hope is not lost, also learning something
The pig is a symbol of success achieved at a great cost.
Seven-pointed star - sad news
Heart means love
The network is a symbol of the traps set for you
Skeleton - poor health
Scorpio - meanness, enemies
Violin - discord, problems, selfishness
Footprint - a significant event that leaves a mark on your life
Elephant - great power in your hands
Snowman - cruelty
Dog - means timely friendly help
Owl - many changes
The sun is a symbol of happiness, good luck and power
Table - feast, holidays
Ostrich - problems are only in your head
Arrow - unexpected failure
Tiger - in fortune-telling on coffee grounds, a dangerous enemy
Ax - war, attack you
Triangle - top to the edge of the cup - a successful solution to the situation, top to the bottom - postponing the result is not indefinitely
Smoking pipe - interpreted as success and coherence in business
Shoes - festivities and celebration
Seal - it is worth taking the initiative
Snail - you should come out of your shell
Flag - in divination in the thick means a military man, as well as anxiety
Fruits (apple, banana, pear) - financial stability and well-being
Flower - interpretation says everything will come true
Chicken - means, albeit small, but happiness
Seagull - sad news
Kettle - it is worth taking the time to communicate with friends
Clock - lack of time
Man - raising the status in society
Suitcase - pleasant adventures
A worm, a small snake - a warning, you should be on your guard
Skull - the end of the old business and a new beginning
Turtle - means condemnation, but also your wisdom
Damn - don't play with fate
Hat - a symbol of the success of the situation
Ball, ball - stability and the desire to move forward
Six-pointed star - good luck in your business
Pants - you are at a crossroads
Apple - means wisdom and slowness in making decisions
Egg - fear of the unknown, but at the same time the birth of something new
Anchor - in divination for coffee, it always means stiffness in actions
Hawk - beware of deception
Lizard - little trouble

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is not only a pleasant, but also a useful pastime, allowing you to find out the future and just have a good time.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the simple, but interesting and unusual ways to predict events for the near future. But, if you want to become a professional in this field, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the technique of divination and the designation of symbols. After all, it is important not only to drink coffee, but also to correctly interpret the sediment remaining at the bottom of the cup.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds came to us from Italy. According to the Italians, they are the founders of divination using coffee. In addition, in the 18th century it was believed that the answers to questions, when using this type of fortune-telling, are prompted by Satan himself.

How to guess on coffee grounds

In the 18th-19th centuries, ladies who wanted to tell fortunes on coffee grounds brewed a drink, stirring it, uttered the phrase “Aqua boraxit vinias carajos”. It is not necessary to memorize this expression, since these words are pseudo-Latin and do not carry any meaning. Sometimes the symbols were looked at on a saucer, on which a mug with sediment was overturned. All utensils used were to be white.

How does the process of divination on coffee grounds take place today?

For fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you need some details:

  1. Turk or any small saucepan for cooking.
  2. Porcelain mug of a light shade (without a picture inside).
  3. Porcelain saucer of a light shade (without a picture inside).
  4. Natural coffee (ground or grain).

As you can see, in order to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, you don’t need so many items.

What coffee is suitable for divination? The best is considered a drink brewed from a mixture of two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one tablespoon of fine grinding. Therefore, before proceeding with the ceremony, consider this moment and purchase the necessary products in advance. Additives such as sugar, milk, cinnamon should not be used in coffee. From the drunk drink at the bottom of the mug there will be a sediment in the form of a figure, by interpreting which, you can find out your fate. A person who wants to know his future must definitely drink coffee.

It is important not just to drink a drink, and then bend over a cup in search of answers to questions of interest. You need to immerse yourself in the situation as much as possible, mentally analyze your situation and ask about what you want to know. It is recommended to turn off all objects that emit sounds (telephone, TV, radio, etc.).

Next, you need to pour freshly brewed coffee into a cup, let it stand for a couple of minutes so that the sediment sinks to the bottom of the mug, and only then drink the drink. A tablespoon of coffee should remain at the bottom. The cup must be held in the left hand. After that, vigorously rotate the cup, stirring the rest of the coffee, and turn the mug upside down on a porcelain saucer. Count to seven and turn the cup over. On the walls there was a sediment, which is needed for fortune telling. Please note that instant coffee is not suitable for divination!

The location of the coffee sediment in the mug

What matters is how the sediment is located in the cup. The figures and symbols on the walls symbolize the future, the spots on the bottom - the past. If the remains are located closer to the bottom and do not affect the edges of the cup, this is a distant future. Pay attention to which side the sediment is located to a greater extent. The left side of the circle - your question is more emotional, spiritual. Emotions and feelings prevail here. The right side - the question has a material, physical background. Here the focus is on the mind.

The basis of all fortune-telling is made up of figures and signs that are formed from coffee sediment. No need to focus on one character, disperse your attention. Take a closer look at the small figures, they are also important. The ideal option is to see 4-6 characters. Of course, having guessed several times on coffee grounds, you will not become a professional soothsayer. This business needs practice. But, without starting, you will never master fortune telling with the help of coffee.

Interpretation of symbols and signs on coffee grounds

We turn to the interpretation of symbols. We have compiled for you a selection of signs that can be seen on two cups most often.

Body parts and images on coffee grounds

Eyes- soon you will have pleasant changes in your life.

Face (appearance, head) - pleasant changes will occur in your life thanks to a person of the opposite sex. Life will shine with new colors.

Face in profile - you have a patron, and you are under reliable protection.

Woman's face on coffee grounds - there is a feeling of love in your life.

Man's face - in the near future there will be separation from a loved one. Relationship breakup is possible.

face looking up - an influential patron next to you.

face looking down - your path will be dangerous, be careful.

Two faces side by side - soon you will have to tie the knot.

Two faces turned towards each other - with your partner you are united by love, trust, harmony. Your feelings are sincere and mutual.

Two faces separated vertically - possible betrayal by a partner. Get ready to end the relationship.

Several looks on coffee grounds - help from relatives and relatives will be provided in solving your problems.

Lips (mouth) at the bottom of the mug - expect good news.

Lips (mouth) from the edge of the mug - in solving a difficult issue, support from good friends will come.

The face of an elderly woman (old woman) - not the most pleasant image, symbolizing, however, a stable and happy family life. For an unmarried person - meeting a partner with whom you can start a family.

Wrist on coffee grounds - unfulfilled hopes, collapsed plans.

man next to animal - there is a person next to you who wants and can take care of you. Perhaps you just don't notice it.

Animals, insects, birds on coffee grounds

Butterfly- a declaration of love from the opposite sex.

Bull (mule)- you should be careful, danger lies ahead.

Bull (mule) standing on a hill - pleasant changes in financial matters await you.

Bull (mule) standing in a lowland - Health is back to normal. If you are currently sick, your physical condition will improve.

Camel is a symbol of wealth. Your house, like a full cup, will be filled with joy and prosperity. In business, financial success awaits you.

Crow on coffee grounds - fate will interfere in your affairs. A raven in fortune-telling on coffee grounds is a harbinger of misfortune.

Pigeon- you are lucky, among close people there are people with a pure soul and a loving heart.

Hare- someone in your environment is engaged in idle talk, do not believe him.

Snake- a person will come into your house who is not really what he seems. Expect lies, deceit and betrayal.

Cow on coffee grounds - a sign of good luck and happiness.

Cat on coffee grounds - a symbol of poverty and debt. The collapse of all plans awaits you. You may need to take out a loan.

Chicken on coffee grounds - someone will ask you for help.

Swan- unexpected money, perhaps an inheritance, profit or bonus at work.

a lion- this sign indicates that a noble, generous and wise person will soon appear next to you.

Fox- someone is deceiving you or will try to do it in the near future.

Frog- ahead of success, happiness, joy.

Bear- beware of the dangers lurking around the corner.

Ant- get ready for the hustle and bustle. Useless chores and running around await you, which as a result will not end in anything worthwhile.

Fly– Bright financial prospects are opening up ahead. Possibly an inheritance.

Deer- next to you is an honest and open person.

Eagle- some kind of struggle awaits you, which will end in your victory.

Spider Get ready to receive a pleasant surprise or an unexpected gift.

Rooster- despite the fact that your house is a full bowl, among close people there is a person who plots.

Fish on coffee grounds - receiving good news, travel.

Elephant- next to you are wealth, independence and financial success. Perhaps you have an influential patron.

Dog- faithful and reliable friends.

Owl)- be careful, there is a protracted illness ahead. Watch your health.

Tiger on coffee grounds - next to you is an evil person who does not hide his aggression.

Lizard- it can be any event and news that will come as a complete surprise to you.

Plants on coffee grounds

Oak- soon you will have a well-deserved success.

Willow- tears, depression.

Clover- all problems will be left behind.

Bush (any)- the business started will not bring the expected result. Financial ruin awaits you.

Forest on coffee grounds - you have chosen the wrong path to solve the problem. Perhaps next to you is not the person you need.

Lily at the bottom of the mug - love or friendship.

Lily on the wall of the mug - conflict with the opposite sex.

Rose on coffee grounds - proposal of a hand and heart, marriage, wedding.

Violet- marrying a wealthy man.

Chrysanthemum- last love.

Various items on coffee grounds

Automobile- ahead of a trip or business trip.

Diamond- strong mutual love.

Angel on coffee grounds - unexpected good news or a pleasant surprise.

Fork- financial affairs will go uphill, what has long been dreamed of will come true.

Coffin- sad news. Perhaps the death of someone close to you.

Coffin with a cross- death, sudden death.

coffin by the bed - a serious illness that will drag on for a long time.

Door- prospects will soon open on the way to some business.

House- happy life.

Home for an unmarried person - creating a family, a home.

home for a married man – buying an apartment, building relationships in the family.

Dagger on coffee grounds - someone is jealous of you. Beware of an embittered person, he will soon show what he is capable of.

Key on coffee grounds - good luck in any endeavor. Soon all the doors will open, success awaits you.

Wheel on coffee grounds travel, travel, adventure.

Ring on coffee grounds - a marriage proposal from a decent person. It's time to get ready for the wedding.

A hammer- Difficulties await you, the path will not be easy, but problems can be solved. Get ready for some hard work.

Knife- financial losses. Perhaps theft, deprivation of a bonus at work, unplanned expenses.

Scissors- success, luck, prosperity.

Weapon on coffee grounds - quarrels and scandals await in the family, a break in relations with a partner is possible.

Shoes on coffee grounds - beware of dangers on the path of life. You may have to run to solve problems.

Folder on coffee grounds - successful completion of some business, profitable conclusion of a deal.

The loop on coffee grounds is a negative symbol. Beware of trouble, disease. Perhaps death.

Gloves (glove) - feelings for the person you once loved will cover you with your head.

Horseshoe- luck, happiness, success in any business.

Tableware(any) - an unexpected pleasant meeting.

Candle on coffee grounds – your life is filled with fantasies and masts. It's time to come down from heaven to earth.

Chair Your progress will be noticed at work. Career advancement.

Flag- warns of danger, show wisdom and tact.

Hat on coffee grounds - bathing in the rays of glory.

Anchor clearly visible - success and luck.

Anchor not clearly visible - temporary life difficulties that will be resolved safely.

Lines and geometric shapes on coffee grounds

Arc- beware of insidious enemies.

Star on coffee grounds - illumination of the life path, insight, parting with an unloved person.

Square- a figure that promises a happy, prosperous life.

St. Andrew's Cross is a nice character. Get ready for the wedding.

Cross solid (dark inside) - bad news.

Outline of the cross (white inside) - promises new acquaintances with interesting people.

The circle is closed- understanding with other people.

Circle broken - New acquaintances.

Zigzag line - Adventure.

Line crossed by other lines - resentment and problems.

The line is long and straight – carelessness, quick resolution of problems.

dashed line - illness, financial loss.

The lines are oblique- Danger awaits you.

broken lines- difficulties, lack of money.

Oval- get ready for the wedding.

Dots, small strokeson coffee grounds - luck, success, successful resolution of problems.

Triangle closed - happiness and luck.

Triangle not closed - you have a strong defender.

Small dashes- it's time to change jobs, you stayed in one place.

quadrilateral - luck and luck in love.

Numbers on coffee grounds

Unit on coffee grounds - mutual feelings.

deuce- unpleasant events, illness.

Troika- making a successful transaction, financial profit.

Four- luck, success.

Five on coffee grounds You are surrounded by rumors and gossip.

Six- fast wedding.

Seven- a happy family, building relationships.

Eight- you will have to show tolerance for a loved one.

Nine on coffee grounds - a new pleasant acquaintance.

Ten- luck and success.

A combination of two or three numbers indicates that the prediction will come true several times in a row, or a group of people will be present in the situation.

The process of divination on coffee grounds is very exciting: the imagination turns on, additional questions are asked. Gather your friends for an evening coffee and try to tell fortunes, maybe you will like it.

People know a lot of fortune-telling, one of the most popular ways to find out what awaits you in the near future is coffee fortune-telling. Its prevalence is largely due to the ease of implementation and reliable results. But the most important part in this procedure is to establish the correct designation of the figures that appeared on the coffee grounds in the process of divination.

If you want to seek advice on the future of your coffee drink, stock up on the following tools:

  • a porcelain cup of a single color;
  • ground coffee;
  • coffee pot.

Also, before embarking on the divination procedure itself, you will need to sit quietly for several minutes, moving away for a moment from the whole world around you and mentally hold the question that worries you.

Pour ground coffee beans into a coffee pot or a special Turk, bring them to a boil. Then pour the resulting drink into a cup and, when the coffee has cooled down a bit, drink it. And then turn the coffee grounds on a plate. Then take the cup in your hands, again concentrate on the topic of your question and turn the cup three times in a circle in a clockwise direction. Do this vigorously enough.

Then you need to carefully study the resulting pattern. So the spots located on the walls of the cup will tell you about the near future, and the images on the bottom will tell you about past events. Next, we will tell you how to correctly interpret the result.

Deciphering patterns on coffee grounds

People and body parts:

  • Eyes - changes will burst into your life.
  • Head - in the circle of your acquaintances there is a very positive guy who will have a good effect on your future.
  • Head in profile - you have very good protection.
  • Female head - get ready, soon love will come into your life.
  • Male head - portends you separation from your loved one.
  • The head is turned up - you have a powerful patron.
  • The head is turned down - you should be more careful, you are in danger.
  • Mouth - wait for positive news, you will also receive support from your friends and relatives.
  • Two heads that are located in the center of the cup - you will soon get married.
  • Two profiles that the line crosses - such a pattern promises a quick quarrel with a dear person.
  • A lot of goals - if it’s hard for you now, don’t worry - soon help will come from loved ones.
  • An old woman - her appearance indicates a strong love affair and a happy married life.
  • Hand - something will cause you disappointment, you will part with your illusions.
  • Man and animal - in the circle of your acquaintances there is a person who is ready to provide you with care.

Animal world

  • Butterfly - they will write a love letter to you.
  • Bull - beware of danger.
  • Camel - soon you will achieve material success.
  • Dove - you have a very good, sincere friend.
  • Raven - see him unfortunately.
  • Hare - personifies a rhinestone, the inability to correctly understand current events.
  • The snake is an insidious person who wishes you harm.
  • Cow - luck patronizes you, you will soon become happy.
  • A cat is not a very favorable symbol, to material losses, ruin.
  • Chicken - you will have to help a new person in your environment.
  • Swan - quite unexpectedly, you will receive a large amount of money.
  • Leo - powerful friends, power.
  • Fox - you will encounter cunning, insincerity, lies.
  • Frog - see her to receive good news.
  • Bear - be careful - you are in danger, but you can still protect yourself from it.
  • Ant - appears on the coffee grounds to the hassle, fuss.
  • Fly - you will soon gain an inheritance, get rich.
  • The deer is a symbol of honesty, wisdom and openness.
  • Eagle - now you are forced to fight with someone, but you will certainly win this fight.
  • Spider - you will receive a nice present.
  • Rooster - promises good news, happy events.
  • Fish - get ready for a pleasant trip and positive news.
  • Elephant - acts as a symbol of strength, portends material success.
  • Dog - you have a faithful companion.
  • Owl - a serious illness is not ruled out.
  • Tiger - aggression.
  • The lizard is a nice surprise, a surprise.

See how fortune-telling is performed on coffee in this video clip


  • Oak - indicates victory.
  • Willow - portends depressive states with tears.
  • Clover - believe me: very soon there will be no trace of your problems.
  • Bush - the business that you set about will soon end in failure.
  • Forest - you have chosen the wrong path in life or your partner.
  • Lily - if she is located along the walls, then she promises stability in relations, and if at the bottom - conflicts.
  • Get ready to put on your wedding dress.
  • Violet - marry a rich man.
  • Chrysanthemum - love will come to you in adulthood.


  • Car - promises pleasant trips, travel.
  • - you will have a mutual feeling.
  • Angel - get good news, someone will pleasantly please you.
  • Fork - testifies to material well-being, luxury.
  • Coffin - portends unfortunate events.
  • The coffin and the cross are death.
  • A coffin and a bed - someone will soon become seriously ill.
  • Door - you will be successful in all your new ventures.
  • Home - you will find marital happiness.
  • Dagger - you have enemies, aggression towards you.
  • The key is that you can safely take on any new business - they will end in success.
  • The wheel is an interesting adventure.
  • The ring is for the wedding.
  • Hammer - you will make decisions at random, but everything will end well.
  • Knife - you will face loss, damage, you will have to sacrifice yourself.
  • Scissors - promise well-being.
  • Shoes - beware of danger.
  • A tool - to serious quarrels and scandals.
  • Folder - things will end in success.
  • The loop is a very unfavorable symbol, it predicts bad events and death.
  • Glove - old love will return to your life.
  • Horseshoe - to good luck and success.
  • Dishes - meet an old friend unexpectedly.
  • Candle - to dreams.
  • Chair - money, a good career.
  • Flag - warns of possible danger, act thoughtfully.
  • The hat is a sign of success and glory.
  • The anchor is a symbol of good luck, happiness, success with a clear picture and problems in the love sphere with a blurry picture.


  • Arc - the appearance of an insidious enemy.
  • Star - you will get rid of what is bothering you.
  • Square - you will not need anything.
  • The cross - to bad news (if it is solid) and to a successful married life - if it has clear contours, and is white inside.
  • Circle - you easily make new acquaintances.
  • Oval - promises a quick wedding, marriage.
  • Dots with strokes - happy events are coming, success.
  • Triangle - you will suddenly be very lucky (if it is closed), the appearance of a patron in life (if closed).
  • Dash - change jobs.
  • Quadrilateral - you are lucky in the love sphere.


  • One is you are loved.
  • Two - to failure, adverse events.
  • Three - to successful transactions, financial profit.
  • Four is success.
  • Five - to empty talk, gossip.
  • Six - get married soon.
  • Seven is a mutual feeling.
  • Eight - quarrel with a loved one.
  • Nine - new acquaintances.
  • Ten and one hundred - to luck and success.
  • 101 and more - to longevity.

Knowing how to correctly guess on coffee, you can lift the veil of the future a little, and find out what fate has prepared for you in the near future. The main thing is to sincerely believe in him and adhere to all the rules described above.

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