Rabbit stewed in sour cream - dish options. Rabbit stewed in sour cream in the oven step by step recipe How to pickle a rabbit for stewing in sour cream

Rabbit meat is tasty, dietary, quite easy to prepare. Rabbit stewed in sour cream, a classic rabbit dish that simply cannot be tasteless! A few new ingredients, unusual additions to the sauce will turn the dish into a real delicacy. What is important to know so that the sour cream rabbit melts in your mouth and arouses admiration?

Rabbit meat is a real champion in nutritional value. Nutritionists highly appreciate it for a large amount of amino acids, iron, phosphorus, cobalt and other "usefulness" for the body. For children, the elderly and just connoisseurs of a healthy diet, a rabbit cannot be replaced in the diet: the meat is low-calorie and, one might say, not fatty. The main thing is to learn how to stew it correctly so that the dish melts in your mouth, but at the same time does not “fall apart”.

For a classic recipe, we need:

  • rabbit carcass - 1.5 - 2 kg;
  • large carrots;
  • one medium-sized bulb;
  • broth or water - 250 ml;
  • 500 ml sour cream 25% fat;
  • garlic - optional;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

The meat of a young rabbit does not need to be prepared, but if the individual is older, it is better to get rid of the light specific aroma in advance by marinating the pieces of meat in a weak bite solution for 2-3 hours (for 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of a bite of 9%). We rub the pickled pieces with spices and garlic (if your family loves it), and then fry in a hot skillet until golden brown. We fry the onion, cut into half rings, carrot, grated on a coarse grater. Put the rabbit, fried vegetables in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour everything with broth.

The most difficult thing in cooking is to withstand the stewing time. It takes at least an hour, and sometimes more if the individual was an adult.

Now we must wait until the broth begins to boil: as soon as characteristic bubbles appear on the surface, we immediately reduce the fire to the very minimum. Simmer over low heat until the meat is cooked - it takes one and a half to two hours. The readiness of the rabbit is easy to check: the meat should move away from the bones. As soon as you saw that the rabbit had reached the desired condition, add sour cream to it and simmer for another 15 minutes. Serve rabbit meat with mashed potatoes, rice or pasta.

Split Tip! Experienced chefs advise cutting it correctly: first, it is important to cut the carcass into two parts, from the extreme lumbar vertebra, and only then cut them into portions. It is important to cut with one blow, so small fragments do not accidentally fall into the dish.

Cooking in the oven

Rabbit meat is considered ideal in terms of environmental friendliness. Why? But because only it, in principle, is not capable of absorbing harmful chemicals, accumulating pesticides and even nuclear decay products. It is very tasty, and in terms of tenderness it surpasses almost all types of meat. True, it will take a long time to bake it: it takes about 2-3 hours to bake in the oven.

You can cook a rabbit in the oven in a roaster or baking dish that has a lid. Otherwise, the sauce will evaporate during long cooking, and the meat will turn out dry.

The hostess will not have any difficulties if she takes the classic rabbit recipe as the base. We cook the meat, fry the vegetables, put everything in layers on one ducklings, greased with oil. Pour everything with sour cream sauce, put in a preheated oven to 170 degrees, simmer for 2 hours. Serve with fluffy white rice and fresh parsley.

In the oven, it is better to cook the dish at 160 degrees: you will have to wait longer, but the meat will be stewed just perfectly.

Rabbit in sour cream in a slow cooker

A slow cooker can save a lot of cooking time, especially if you are the lucky owner of a multi pressure cooker. It cooks under pressure, which significantly reduces the cooking time of rabbit meat.

Put meat on the bottom of the multicooker, fried vegetables on top. Mix sour cream with broth, add a little flour as a thickener. We put on the "meat" mode, simmer until the signal about the end of work. Usually, the cooking time in such a slow cooker is 60-90 minutes, while in a regular one it can increase to 120. Checking readiness is very simple: the meat should be soft, move away from the bones. When the dish is ready, serve it with mashed potatoes or small vermicelli.

Rabbit in sour cream goes perfectly with rosemary - they are simply made for each other. But remember that the spice is quite unusual and may not appeal to children. So put it only if the household is used to it.

Recipe in a cauldron step by step

It is the cauldron that many venerable cooks advise using sour cream rabbit for stewing. The thick bottom perfectly holds the temperature, and the meat turns out not so much stewed as baked, especially if you do not add too much sour cream sauce to it. Connoisseurs call the dish a variation on the Kazan-kebab theme and recommend serving it with pickled onions or pomegranate seeds.

How to cook rabbit kazan-kebab?

  1. Marinate rabbit meat.
  2. We heat up the cauldron.
  3. Add vegetable oil (about 100 ml).
  4. We heat the oil to the stage until a characteristic “smoke” appears from it.
  5. In a very hot cauldron, fry the meat until crusty.
  6. Add spices to it.
  7. Top with onions in half rings, carrots, cut into circles.
  8. Fry everything together for a few minutes.
  9. Pour the broth so that it covers the rabbit and vegetables by 1-1.5 cm.
  10. Let the broth boil.
  11. We cover the cauldron with a lid (you can just put a plate under the size of the cauldron).
  12. Stew the rabbit for 1.5 hours.
  13. Pour in sour cream (or cream).
  14. Cook for another 20 minutes on the lowest heat.

Such a rabbit is ideally combined with rice, grilled vegetables, rustic potatoes. You can decorate the dish with basil sprigs and eat with young wine.

Stewed in sour cream with potatoes

Rabbit meat with potatoes is a wonderful tandem, which has long been appreciated by lovers of a hearty meal. The dish turns out to be rich, it is easy to cook it in the consistency that combines the first and second courses, if you slightly increase the amount of liquid. Potatoes are white and fluffy. Moreover, it is better to take small tubers and add them whole.

How to cook rabbit with potatoes competently:

  1. We fry the rabbit in the same way as in the basic recipe.
  2. We cover with a "cap" of vegetables.
  3. Pour in the broth.
  4. Simmer until half cooked - 1.5 hours.
  5. Pour in sour cream sauce.
  6. We put the tubers of raw potatoes.
  7. We continue to simmer over low heat until the potatoes are ready - 40 minutes.

The dish will turn out even tastier if you supplement it with herbs, serve with dried loaf toasts or garlic croutons. Bread can be dipped in sauce and give yourself a real pleasure!

With mushrooms

There is no need to remind how mushrooms are perfectly combined with any creamy sauces, including sour cream. Of course, you can add finely chopped champignons to the dish (it is better to do this at the stage of adding sour cream, because the mushrooms cook very quickly).

But today, rustic-style cuisine is at a premium, when vegetables are cut very large, and their natural taste is better felt.

Preparing the dish is easy:

  1. The rabbit is fried in a hot frying pan, transferred to a cauldron.
  2. The meat is stewed until half cooked in the broth, with the addition of white wine (100 ml).
  3. Vegetables: potatoes, onions, carrots and mushrooms are fried in a separate pan.
  4. When the rabbit meat has become soft, vegetables are laid to it.
  5. The dish continues to languish over low heat until vegetables and meat are ready.

In 10 minutes, add 100 ml of cream, and the meat will literally melt in your mouth! If you add three or four slices of processed cheese instead of cream (you can take cottage cheese, like Hochland), then you will definitely be invited to the position of the city's leading chef to learn the secret of cooking.

The meal is transferred to a large plate, and eaten with croutons (large crackers) made from white bread or cheese toasts.

Quick recipe with vegetables

You can cook rabbit with vegetables twice as fast if you stew rabbit meat in white wine in advance. The wine has an acidity that softens the fibers, which makes the carcass softer much faster. You don’t need to be smart: instead of the broth, add a glass of table white wine diluted with water and stew the meat for an hour.

After an hour, check the rabbit for readiness: if it has become soft, you can add vegetables to it. Any root vegetables are suitable for dressing - potatoes, carrots, and eggplants, zucchini, cabbage and tomatoes go well with rabbit meat. For lovers of spiciness, you can put hot red pepper, and if you want to soften the dish, pour in a little heavy cream (100 ml) 15 minutes before the readiness.

As a spice, use hops - suneli, and you will not regret it - the spice will add a subtle oriental note.

The dish will turn out fragrant, dietary, especially if you eat it without a side dish. Treat yourself to a slice of whole grain bread and eat it with fresh herbs!

The original version with prunes

Any game (and many consider rabbit meat to be game!) goes well with dried fruits, and the king among the best ingredients for meat is prunes. It gives a slight sweetness, a subtle smoky flavor, so that it seems as if the dish was cooked on an open fire.

The option with prunes can hardly be called everyday, it is rather festive. But it's definitely worth pampering yourself at least once.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 gr prunes;
  • rabbit weighing 1 kg;
  • onions, carrots;
  • spices and salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • sour cream (or cream) - 200 ml;
  • tomato paste (optional) - 2 tbsp.

Fry the rabbit meat, lightly sauté the vegetables. In a deep duck or cauldron, we put meat, vegetables, prunes in layers. Pour everything with broth and simmer for 1.5 hours until the meat is ready. Add sour cream, a little tomato and cook the dish for another 30 minutes. Serve the finished rabbit with prunes with brown rice, lentils, beans or boiled potatoes.

Soak prunes in boiling water for 15-20 minutes before cooking. Do not pour out the water in which the fruit was soaked, but add it to the sauce where the rabbit meat will be stewed.

In creamy honey sauce

To diversify the diet, and at the same time surprise guests, a rabbit stewed in sour cream and honey filling will help. This is a surprisingly delicate dish, where the sweetness of honey completely disappears into sour cream, adding piquancy to the sauce.

It is better to cook such a rabbit without vegetable passivation: it is superfluous here. The recipe is greatly simplified: the fried rabbit is poured with broth and stewed until the meat is ready, and half an hour before the readiness, sour cream and two tablespoons of honey are put in the broth. It is good to season such a dish with oregano or thyme - these spices will decorate the dish, giving it a spicy touch.

Serve sour cream and honey rabbit meat well with potato croquettes: for this, cutlets are formed from mashed potatoes and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Rabbit stewed in sour cream on the one hand is very simple. But on the other hand, it claims the right to be called exquisite: after all, few people eat rabbit meat every day. Pamper yourself with new dishes, don't be afraid to experiment, and let your loved ones be full and healthy.

Rabbit meat is considered a dietary product due to its low fat content and high protein content. The calorie content of rabbit meat is only 150 kilocalories per 100 grams of meat. Due to its low calorie content, rabbit meat is recommended for children from an early age.

Rabbit in sour cream: a classic recipe

Before cooking the rabbit according to the classic recipe, it is necessary to divide the rabbit carcass into portions. To do this, you need to divide the carcass into two halves along the lumbar vertebra, and then each part into pieces of the desired size. After that, you can proceed to the most interesting - culinary processing.


  • 2 kg of rabbit meat;
  • one carrot;
  • one head of onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • half a liter of high-fat sour cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: 110 minutes.

The calorie content of stewed rabbit meat is 159 Kcal.

How to cook rabbit in sour cream:

Rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms in a pan

Stewed rabbit meat with mushrooms in sour cream is a rather sophisticated dish that will appeal to every member of your family. In order to prepare such an unusual dish, it will take only 90 minutes, but in order to get the most tender meat, it must first be marinated. But you can cook without pre-marinating.


  • one rabbit carcass;
  • one glass of whole milk;
  • 0.25 liters of fat sour cream;
  • one stalk of leek, no more than 10 cm;
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • half a glass of dried mushrooms;
  • 1 tbsp dried rosemary;
  • 1 tbsp dried marjoram;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a glass of white wine;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • sunflower oil - for frying meat and vegetables;
  • 2 bouillon cubes.

Cooking time: pickling - 10 hours, cooking itself - 90 minutes.

Calorie content is 181 Kcal.

Braised rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms in a pan is prepared as follows:

Rabbit in sour cream with vegetables, cooked in the oven

Rabbit meat is a versatile meat product that can not only be fried, stewed, but also baked in the oven with various vegetables, experimenting and getting more and more new dishes. Consider one of these recipes.


  • one rabbit carcass;
  • one zucchini;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • one large eggplant;
  • 4 heads of onions;
  • 5 fresh tomatoes;
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • Half a liter of fat sour cream;
  • salt and black ground pepper are added to taste.

Cooking time - 110 min.

Calorie content is 154 kcal.

Recipe for rabbit in sour cream with vegetables in the oven:

Rabbit in sour cream with potatoes: a recipe for cooking in a slow cooker


  • rabbit meat - half a kilogram;
  • potatoes - half a kilogram;
  • one large carrot;
  • one head of onion;
  • half a glass of fat sour cream;
  • ground black pepper and salt are added to taste.

Cooking time - 70 minutes.

Calorie content is 144 kcal.

This recipe for cooking rabbit meat is suitable for any multicooker, in the programs of which there is a wonderful “stewing” mode.

The process of cooking rabbit with sour cream in a slow cooker:

  1. Put the prepared rabbit meat on the bottom of the multicooker without closing the lid.
  2. Set the frying mode for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally the meat, fry it until golden brown. If there is not enough own fat from meat, then you can add sunflower oil so that it does not burn.
  3. While the meat is fried, you can do the vegetables. Cut the onion into as small pieces as possible, cut the potatoes into cubes or rhombuses, just grind the carrots.
  4. Then you need to prepare gravy from sour cream. To do this, mix sour cream with a glass of water, salt and pepper.
  5. At the 8th minute of roasting the meat, you need to lower the chopped onions and grated carrots into the slow cooker.
  6. As soon as the “frying” program turns off, it is necessary to lower the potatoes to the meat with vegetables and pour all the ingredients with the previously prepared sour cream sauce.
  7. Set the “quenching” mode in the multicooker for 60 minutes, provided that the multicooker has a power of 860 watts. If the slow cooker has a lower power, then the time for stewing the rabbit must be increased from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the power.
  8. After the beep of the multicooker, the dish is ready. You can decorate with a leaf of some fresh herbs, for example, a lettuce leaf and a couple of slices of cherry tomatoes. Enjoy your meal!

Culinary Tips

Rabbit meat must always be marinated, so the meat is much tastier, richer and softer. Without pickling, it will always be a little tougher and not as fragrant as we would like.

Marinating can be different:

  1. Wine vinegar plus spices. Vinegar is diluted with water 1:1 and spices are added. The disadvantage is that the real meat flavor is lost. Rinse the meat before cooking.
  2. The most wonderful marinade is white wine. The meat after it turns out fragrant, tender and does not lose its beneficial properties.
  3. Whey also softens rabbit meat well and removes unpleasant odors.

Cooking a rabbit should always take place with the addition of various spices: ground black pepper, onions, salt and garlic.

All rabbit dishes are not at all difficult to prepare, but their taste and aroma are simply unique. Rabbit in sour cream can be served both in everyday life, in order to surprise relatives, and on holidays. Cook with pleasure and delight yourself and your loved ones!

In the next video - another recipe for rabbit stewed in sour cream.

Rabbit in sour cream - food preparation

Everyone remembers the popular expression that rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also two to four kilograms of delicious dietary meat. And this is true. Rabbit meat has a high biological and nutritional value: it contains essential amino acids, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, and many vitamins. Moreover, their number exceeds the content in other types of meat. Rabbit meat is widely used in clinical nutrition, it is useful for people of all ages, especially children, the elderly and those on a diet, because. this meat is low-calorie, contains only 150kcal per 100g. It is also valuable that rabbit meat does not accumulate pesticides, herbicides and nuclear decay products, which means it is environmentally friendly.

Rabbit meat is recognized as a dietary and delicacy meat not only in Russian, but also in other national cuisines of the world. Crawl dishes are especially popular in the Mediterranean countries. It is fried, stuffed, baked, stewed in wine, cream, sour cream. Rabbit cooked in sour cream is the most beloved and one of the most common dishes, which can be briefly described as tasty, fast, healthy. Rabbit meat is simply stewed in sour cream, or mushrooms, apples, nuts, prunes, garlic, rosemary, white wine are added.

Rabbit in sour cream - food preparation

The meat of a young rabbit practically does not require preparation. But the rabbit meat of an adult can be harsh and have a specific smell. To make the meat fibers more tender and remove odors, it is pre-soaked for several hours, usually three to four is enough. For marinade, it is necessary to dilute water with vinegar in the ratio: for 1 liter of water - 1 small spoonful of vinegar (9%) or lemon juice. It is necessary that the liquid covers the carcass completely, so if the marinade is not enough, you will need to make a new portion. Sometimes the meat is soaked in milk for more tenderness or wine for piquancy.

To divide a whole rabbit into parts, experienced chefs recommend first cutting the carcass in half along the extreme lumbar vertebra, and then cutting these halves into portions. The bones of a rabbit, although hard, are fragile, so you need to try not to crush them, but cut them with one blow to avoid small fragments.

Rabbit in sour cream - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Rabbit stewed in sour cream

Rabbit cooked in sour cream is simply delicious. Carrots, garlic and onions, used as auxiliary products for stewing, united in a single bouquet, endow the rabbit with a magical aroma and amazing taste.

Ingredients: small rabbit carcass - 2 kg, one large carrot and onion, 0.5 l of thick fat sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic, black pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Grate the soaked rabbit pieces with chopped garlic, pepper, salt and leave to marinate for about an hour. Then heat the oil and fry the rabbit until a beautiful crust. It is necessary to fry on high heat.

In the same oil, fry onion half rings and coarsely grated carrots. Put the meat in a bowl, fried vegetables on top and pour sour cream. If it is too thick, it can be diluted with water. Season with additional salt if needed.

When the contents boil, cover with a lid and reduce the heat as much as possible. Simmer for about forty minutes. If the rabbit is young, this time is usually enough. If the meat is tough, keep on fire until tender. Crawl in sour cream goes well with boiled rice, buckwheat, but even better with mashed potatoes. You can decorate the dish with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Recipe 2: Rabbit in sour cream with mushrooms

The rabbit, fried in garlic oil, is first stewed with onions in its own juice, and then baked in the oven with mushrooms and sour cream. Unusual aromas hover at this time, therefore it is better to remove those who are especially hungry, for humane purposes, from the kitchen while cooking.

Ingredients: rabbit carcass - 3 kg, 2 large onions, 0.5 l of thick fat sour cream, 0.7 kg of fresh champignons, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the soaked rabbit carcass into large pieces. Flatten the garlic cloves and fry them in oil to release their flavor. The garlic is then removed and discarded. And the rabbit is fried in oil, not necessarily to a crust, the main thing is that it absorbs the garlic flavor. Transfer it to a stew dish. It is better if it is an ordinary cast-iron cauldron - it keeps heat well, and the dish in it will not burn.

In the oil where the rabbit was fried, fry onion half rings. It is not necessary to fry until golden, the main thing is that the onion softens. Transfer it to the cauldron to the crawl, sprinkle with pepper, salt, and simmer over low heat for about an hour. There is no need to add liquid, the rabbit will release the juice and it will be enough.

Coarsely chop the mushrooms, so that a piece is well felt on the teeth, and put in a frying pan, adding a little oil. It is not necessary to fry them for a long time, it is necessary to wait for them to give juice. It can be drained.

In the dish where the dish will be baked, transfer the pieces of the stewed rabbit with onions (without liquid), put the mushrooms on top, mix. Combine sour cream with the broth in which the meat was stewed, add salt, pepper, you can add some other seasonings at your discretion, and pour the meat with mushrooms over it. Cover and bake for about an hour (180C).

Recipe 3: Rabbit in sour cream with prunes

This delicious rabbit is more suitable for a festive table. Unusual gravy envelops him with a gentle veil. Prunes added to the dish give it a piquancy, delicate aroma and a slight sourness, softened by the creamy taste of sour cream.

Ingredients: rabbit - 2-2.5 kg, 4 garlic cloves, prunes - 1 handful (about ½ - 2/3 cup), 500 ml sour cream (15-20%), 2 large onions, 1 large carrot, vegetable oil, salt, spices (any to taste - for game, French herbs, rosemary).

Cooking method

Mix chopped garlic, two tablespoons of oil, spices, salt and spread prepared pieces of meat. Leave to marinate for three to four hours. During this time, the pieces will need to be mixed several times.

Cut prunes into quarters and steam - i.e. Pour boiling water over and leave to swell and soften.

In a cauldron, fry onion half rings and grated carrots, add prunes and hold everything together for a little on fire. Then transfer for a while to another bowl, and fry the rabbit pieces in this oil (the marinade does not need to be washed off, fry directly with it) until almost all the liquid has boiled away.

Transfer the vegetables with prunes back to the cauldron with the meat, mix and pour over the sour cream. You can first add a little milk (1/3 cup) to it so that the sour cream does not curdle. Add salt, pepper if necessary, and simmer until the meat is tender, about an hour. The dish is cooked over low heat with the lid closed. Sometimes it is necessary to look into the cauldron to mix the contents, lifting the vegetables from the bottom so that they do not burn. Carrot, especially if it was finely grated, during this time it has time to boil, and gives the sauce the desired density.

Rabbit in sour cream - useful tips from experienced chefs

- Rabbit meat has more nutritional value if the carcass has a large amount of muscle tissue. If the fibers contain insignificant fatty layers, then the animal was well fed, and its meat will be more tender.

- When buying a fresh chilled rabbit, you need to know that its meat must be bled, white, slightly pinkish in color, with a dense structure, and not have an unpleasant odor. It is believed that the younger the rabbit, the thinner its bones. An older individual has dark pink meat.

- The carcass should be sold with an ear or a tail, hair and claws are left on the paw, so that by these signs it can be made sure that this is a rabbit.

Thinking about how to cook a rabbit more delicious? There is one very simple and sure way to make an awesomely tasty rabbit dish. All you need is carrots, onions, sour cream and a handful of aromatic herbs. The rabbit meat turns out to be very soft, amazingly tender and fragrant, soaked in a fragrant sauce, which is enough for several large portions of the side dish. There are, of course, some secrets on how to cook a rabbit, because it's still not a chicken. But I will tell you everything in detail, and for clarity, I took off the entire cooking process so that you can make sure that you are doing everything right, looking at step-by-step photos.


  • 800 gr. rabbit meat
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 1 PC. carrot
  • 400 gr. sour cream
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dried marjoram or other Mediterranean herbs
  • 1/3 tsp ground black pepper
  • 5 tbsp olive oil
  • 300 ml. hot water or beef broth

How to cook rabbit in sour cream

Before cooking, rabbit meat is recommended to be soaked for several hours in cold water to get rid of the characteristic “rabbit” smell. However, rabbit meat bought in a store may not have this smell at all. In this case, it is enough just to rinse the meat well, gently chop into small portioned pieces. If desired, you can remove the bones, leaving the fillet. But this is not at all necessary.

Peel, wash and chop the onion into thin half rings.

Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater.

Heat up the pan, pour in the olive oil. (If there is no olive oil, then take any odorless vegetable.) Then put the chopped onion. Lightly fry over medium heat until light golden brown.

Then add rabbit meat to the onion. Fry on all sides until golden brown. Salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.

Put grated carrots on the rabbit.

Then sour cream and aromatic herbs. I chose marjoram this time, but basil, rosemary, or oregano will work just fine. Pour water or meat broth, mix well, cover with a lid. Reduce fire to minimum.

Simmer rabbit meat for 1.5 hours over low heat until the meat is soft and tender.

Serve the finished dish hot, laying out the pieces of rabbit on a side dish and generously pouring sour cream sauce. Garnish with herbs if desired.

Enjoy your meal!

Maria Pozdnyakova

A real table decoration is a rabbit in sour cream, baked in the oven! Dietary meat and incredibly delicate taste.

A simple recipe for tender rabbit stewed in sour cream will appeal not only to connoisseurs of tasty and healthy food, but also to novice housewives. The recipe for this dish is so versatile that it can be customized to suit any cooking conditions. You can cook rabbit meat deliciously and quickly with your own hands both in an oven in pots or in a large baking dish, and in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, microwave oven, or simply on the stove in a frying pan, cauldron or roaster.

Rabbit stewed in sour cream with vegetables is a win-win option for cooking delicious meat. During cooking, rabbit meat is saturated with onion and carrot juice, and, if desired, also with potatoes, mushrooms, prunes, garlic and other ingredients that can be added at your discretion. Sour cream gives the meat a special creamy aroma and flavor, and the acid contained in the lactic acid product helps to further soften the meat fibers. By the way, if you come across not the youngest rabbit, then it must first be soaked in order for the fillet to become more saturated and soft. Meat pieces are most often marinated in a weak vinegar solution, in wine, beer or mustard.

The classic recipe for rabbit stewed in sour cream takes no more than two hours to cook. In addition, by placing food in the oven under the lid or in the sleeve for stewing, you can safely go about your business.

How to quickly and easily cook a delicious rabbit stew with sour cream and vegetables at home, you will be shown a step-by-step photo recipe.

  • rabbit meat - 1 carcass
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • sweet and sour apple - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 450 gr
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying

The rabbit meat should be thoroughly washed, dried with paper towels, and then cut into the desired pieces. You can cook meat on the bone or stew only fillets.

Sprinkle the chopped meat pieces with ground black pepper and medium-sized salt, then mix everything well.

Peel and rinse the onion, and then cut into cubes, quarters or half rings. If everyone in the household loves onions, then the portion of the vegetable can be doubled.

Peel and wash the carrots, and then grate on the large-mesh side of the grater.

Before stewing, rabbit meat can be additionally lightly fried. To do this, heat the pan with the addition of vegetable refined oil and fry the pieces over medium heat on both sides until a light golden crust.

Immediately in a separate container, you can fry vegetables. First you need to place the onion in a preheated pan, sauté it, and then add the grated carrot to the onion and continue to fry until golden.

Place the fried rabbit meat tightly in a container that will serve as a baking dish.

Put the fried carrots and onions on top of the rabbit meat. If desired, you can add a little more salt and add rosemary and other favorite spices.

Rinse the apples in running water, cut into medium slices and peel the core.

Lay the chopped apples around the entire perimeter of the form on the roasted vegetables.

Dilute the sour cream a little with milk or water, add a little more salt and add ground pepper if it seems to you that the dish can be bland.

Pour the meat pieces and browned vegetables with sour cream sauce, place a few bay leaves on top.

Place the container with food in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius and simmer under the lid for about 50 minutes. If the form does not provide a lid, then the top can be covered with foil and pinched tightly around the edges.

Juicy and fragrant dietary rabbit stewed in sour cream with carrots, apples and onions is ready. A side dish for such healthy and tasty meat is suitable in the form of fresh vegetable cuts, boiled or baked broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, canned vegetables - such as peas, corn, cucumbers. Cereal porridges, boiled potatoes in pieces and pasta will also go well with meat. Before serving, it is advisable to decorate the dish with fresh herbs or a sprig of rosemary.

Recipe 2: rabbit in the oven with sour cream (step by step photos)

You can bake this meat dish in the oven and from a whole rabbit. You can add some elements, I became generous to accompany sour cream with cream. And some adjust, depending on the availability of certain spices at hand. I use Italian herbs. There are their French counterparts or just rosemary, I take them.

Today I want ground chili. But any hot pepper, like just ground black pepper, will fit perfectly into this baked rabbit recipe. I take sour cream and cream out of the refrigerator in advance to warm up. Otherwise, they may curl up during cooking.

For six rabbit thighs:

  • from two tablespoons of sour cream (any percentage of fat),
  • from 150 ml of cream (any percentage of fat),
  • two medium-sized onions,
  • carrots and sweet peppers,
  • from three to four tablespoons of vegetable (any) oil,
  • dried herbs, salt and chili - at your discretion.

I take out sweet peppers from the freezer (I have my own). I put it in a colander to move away from the ice.

Meat, peeled vegetables - carrots and onions - I wash and dry.

In this case, you do not need to cut the rabbit into portions. I only cut the thighs in half so that they fry faster and better.

I mix the oil with salt and chili, herbs.

I pour this mixture over the rabbit pieces, trying to make it evenly distributed over the meat.

And I send it to a hot pan to fry on both sides, achieving a slightly golden crust. Then I'll transfer it to a baking dish.

During this time, I will cut the onion with carrots into medium pieces.

In a pan, vegetables will be fried in the remnants of the meat sauce. First onion with carrots.

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the onion has become soft, as if transparent, I will add sweet pepper.

And when he becomes a full member of such a delicious company, I will pour the cream, stir the whole mass with sour cream.

It will also start to boil, I will transfer it to the rabbit to continue the cooking process.

All products are saturated with appetizing aromas, you can put them in the oven (180 degrees) for half an hour.

After which, I will shift the vegetables down. If the meat is on top, it will brown unusually beautifully during the hour that still has to stay in the oven.

Definitely give this dish a try - it's so easy! And our bon appetit is already waiting for the rabbit in sour cream.

Recipe 3: rabbit stewed in sour cream in the oven (step by step)

Delicious potato and rabbit casserole.

You can also cook a baked rabbit with eggs and crumbly rice, wheat or buckwheat porridge, boiled pasta, homemade noodles or beans.

  • Rabbit - 300-350 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Potatoes - 300-400 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 50-100 g
  • Green onions - 3-4 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch

How to bake a rabbit with an egg, sour cream and potatoes: cut the rabbit meat into portions, salt (0.25 tsp).

Peel and cut the onion.

In a skillet, heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Add the onion and sauté, stirring occasionally, until soft (3 minutes over medium heat).

In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, lay out the meat. Fry over high heat until golden brown (10 minutes), turning the pieces as needed.

Turn on the oven. Put the onion and hind legs and kidney part of the carcass in the form, cover with foil. Roast in an oven until tender at medium temperature (40 minutes at 190 degrees).

While the rabbit is baking, boil the potatoes. To do this, wash it thoroughly, add water, cook for 30 minutes.

Cool the baked rabbit slightly. Then, separating the bones, cut the meat across the fibers into thin slices of 70-100 g per serving.

Peel potatoes and cut into slices.

Grease the pan with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). Put a layer of boiled potato slices on the bottom of a portioned frying pan, greased with oil.

On them are slices of meat.

Top with potato slices again.

Chop the green onion.

Mix a raw egg with sour cream and finely chopped green bunch, salt (0.25 tsp).

Pour the meat with potatoes with this mixture and bake the rabbit with the egg in the oven (30 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees).

Serve the rabbit baked with egg in the same pan in which it was baked. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper when serving.

Recipe 4: how to cook a rabbit in the oven in sour cream

Rabbit in the oven with sour cream is an excellent dish for the whole family, it can and should be cooked on the festive table. This rabbit meat has a delicate, delicate taste and looks very attractive. So, it's time to start cooking.

If you need to rid the meat of an unpleasant odor, then for this the carcass should be soaked in water. Additionally, marinating the meat is not required, since sour cream with spices will act as a marinade.

  • rabbit - 1.5-2 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 200 ml
  • salt, garlic, spices
  • potatoes - 2 kg

I cut the pre-soaked meat into portioned pieces and rub with spices and salt. I add squeezed through a press or finely chopped garlic.

After that, you can start marinating. To do this, coat the rabbit pieces with sour cream. So that the dish does not turn out too fatty, you can use low-fat sour cream or even yogurt. But, if you are not on a diet, then you should not underestimate the percentage of fat content of a fermented milk product, because the higher it is, the more tender the meat will be.

The rabbit, smeared with sour cream and garlic, is placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours. This will be enough time for the meat to soak in the marinade.

Since the rabbit will be baked in foil, we line the baking sheet with several sheets of foil and put the marinated pieces of rabbit meat on it, evenly distributing the meat over the baking sheet. Put a layer of chopped potatoes and carrot slices on top. Such a vegetable addition will save you from preparing a side dish and guarantee tenderness and juiciness of the meat.

I cover the upper part of the future dish with a layer of foil and carefully pinch the edges so that the vapors and juice do not escape and remain inside the dish. I put a baking sheet with a semi-finished product in a heated to 220 deg. oven for 45 minutes.

Rabbit meat in sour cream, cooked in foil, will be very tender, literally steamed. To dry it a little and get a deliciously fried crust, 5 minutes before the end of the heat treatment, you can remove the top layer of foil and put the rabbit back in the oven.

This dish is prepared quickly, easily, and the result is always pleasing. Juicy meat combined with potatoes, carrots, which are soaked in sour cream sauce, tastes simply divine.

Recipe 5: cooking rabbit in the oven in sour cream

Rabbit in sour cream in the oven is a dish that will not leave anyone indifferent. It can be served as hot on the festive table.

Dietary rabbit meat is especially useful for restoring a weakened body for adults and children. The meat of a six-month-old rabbit is considered the most useful. It is quickly absorbed, practically devoid of cholesterol.

Rabbit meat promotes muscle building, despite being low in calories. It contains all the essential amino acids and, moreover, there are no allergens. Rabbit marinated in sour cream is easy to prepare. Prepare all necessary products.

  • Rabbit
  • Onion 3 pcs
  • Sour cream 100 grams
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Lemon 2 slices
  • Italian herbs
  • Salt pepper

Wash, cut into portions and soak the rabbit in clean water.

Cut onion into rings. Salt the meat, sprinkle with Italian herbs. They give the meat an unusual flavor. Sprinkle with salt to taste. Add pepper as desired.

Add sour cream.

Stir and leave to marinate for several hours, overnight.

Pour into a baking dish. I usually use fireproof glassware with a lid. It is healthier than aluminum foil. Chop the meat into thin slices of garlic. Place lemon slices on the side.

Cover with a lid, set the temperature to 200 °, baking time -50 - 60 minutes. During baking, you need to pour the meat a couple of times with the secreted juice.

We serve the rabbit with boiled potatoes, boiled rice and vegetable salad. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 6: rabbit in the oven with potatoes and sour cream (with photo)

Rabbit meat is fried, stewed or baked in the oven, it is supplemented with vegetables, mushrooms and aromatic herbs. Especially tasty and juicy rabbit is obtained with potatoes and garlic in sour cream. The dish languishes in the oven for a long time, acquires an amazing creamy taste and aroma.

  • Rabbit (legs) 8 pcs.
  • Potatoes 1.5 kg.
  • Sour cream 20% 250 gr.
  • Garlic 5 cloves
  • Dill, green onion, parsley
  • Sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper

Thoroughly wash the rabbit legs, sprinkle with salt, ground pepper, finely chopped garlic. We mix.

Peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Sprinkle the prepared potatoes with chopped parsley, salt, pepper and mix.

In a large heat-resistant form, spread the potato circles tightly to each other and place the rabbit in garlic on top.

In a bowl, whisk together sour cream, water (250 ml.) And oil. Pour the sour cream mixture over the rabbit and potatoes.

Close the form tightly with foil and send it to a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 1 hour 40 minutes.

30 minutes before cooking the rabbit with potatoes, open and bake until golden brown. We take out the most delicious fragrant rabbit with potatoes in sour cream, let it stand for 5 minutes, put it on plates and serve with vegetable salad and fresh bread.

Such a dish can be supplemented with carrots, onions and any spices to taste.

Recipe 7, step by step: rabbit in sour cream in the oven in the sleeve

  • rabbit meat - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 3 pcs;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 150 gr;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste

We need the carcass of a whole rabbit. I fill it with water for two hours and soak it periodically changing the water. You need to soak in order to get rid of foreign odors. Then I cut the rabbit into portioned pieces.

For the marinade, we need such products. Juice of half a lemon, sour cream, garlic, onion, carrot, vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Onion cut into half rings.

My carrots are not big. I cut it into slices.

Let's pickle the rabbit. We do not need onions and carrots yet. Rub individual pieces of rabbit with salt and pepper, then with sour cream and lemon juice. Coat well and mix. Add vegetable oil and mix well again. Let marinate for 3 hours.

For baking, we need a bag or a sleeve. To begin with, lay out 1/3 of the onion and carrot, then part of the rabbit, again the onion and carrot, and the rabbit. We spread it as if in layers so that the rabbit is saturated with juice and the taste of carrots and onions. We make holes on top of the package and put in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

We get our rabbit. We open the bag and put it back in the oven for 15 minutes so that the rabbit is well browned.

Again we get our rabbit. He's ready.

Cut potatoes into slices. Coat well with spices and put in a preheated oven for 50 minutes at 200 degrees.

Rabbit with potatoes.

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