Is it possible to freeze champignons in the freezer? Is it possible to freeze fresh champignons at home for the winter? Traditions and tastes

Champignon mushrooms are often used by many housewives in the process of preparing delicious dishes. However, finding this product is not always easy, and sometimes it is expensive. To ensure that you have these healthy and tasty mushrooms at home at any time of the year, learn how to freeze champignons at home.

Making such a preparation is not difficult, but before choosing the appropriate recipe, read some rules and expert advice on how to freeze champignons at home so that they do not lose their taste and do not cause harm to the body.

Be sure to consider these useful tips:

  • Frozen mushrooms can be stored in the freezer at a temperature of -18 for a year, if the champignons have not been heat-treated before.
  • Pre-fried or boiled fruits are stored in the freezer for no more than 8 months.
  • Frozen mushrooms cannot be thawed or re-frozen. Taking this rule into account, it is advisable to initially portion them out into bags or special containers.
  • In order not to violate the shelf life of frozen products, a sticker with the date the product was placed in the freezer should be placed on each package.
  • You can freeze fresh champignons whole or cut into portions.

Is it possible to freeze champignons raw in the refrigerator?

If you don’t know how to freeze champignon mushrooms, read the rules for preparing them.

The process of preparing a fresh product for freezing looks like this:

First of all, the mushrooms are washed in warm water. This is necessary so that the legs and caps are slightly steamed, because this will make them much easier to clean.

When the champignons are washed, place them on a paper or cloth towel to drain off excess liquid. This is a very important point; you may have to change the towel several times, since if there is excess moisture, frozen mushrooms will darken during defrosting before cooking, losing their appearance and gastronomic properties. To ensure that the work is not done in vain, the drying time should be at least 20 minutes.

When excess moisture has been absorbed, you can peel the mushrooms. Using a sharp knife, scrape off all the dark spots from the caps, separate the stems from the caps, because this will make cleaning them much more convenient. Be sure to remove the lower part of the stalk, because it was in contact with the ground.

Cut the peeled mushrooms into cubes or slices to suit your size. Keep in mind that after defrosting it will no longer be possible to cut the champignons into the shape and size you need, so do everything at once.

For freezing, you can use special plastic bags or plastic containers. Distribute the prepared champignons into bags, squeeze them with your hands, releasing the air, and tie them so that the product does not absorb foreign odors. If you choose plastic containers for freezing, wash them thoroughly and dry them well.

Before freezing champignons in the refrigerator, consider this important advice.

There is one caveat when defrosting champignons.

There is no need to defrost champignons at all; they should be used frozen when preparing the dish.

Many inexperienced housewives are interested in whether it is possible to freeze champignons raw. These mushrooms are most often prepared fresh.

How to properly freeze whole champignons?

How to properly freeze fresh whole champignons without cutting them into smaller pieces? First of all, to freeze whole mushrooms, you should choose fresh and small, neat specimens.

Follow this photo recipe for preparing frozen champignons:

  1. After preparing the mushrooms, when they are washed, peeled and dried, they are put into bags and placed in the refrigerator.
  2. If your refrigerator has a turbo freezing mode, activate it for 2-3 hours, and you can freeze whole champignons in such a short time.

Preparing champignons for the winter: freezing with plates

Preparing champignons for the winter in the form of freezing in plates is a good way to prepare the product for further use in the process of preparing mushroom-based dishes. Champignons, frozen in plates, are suitable for making soups and side dishes.

Follow this method of preparing frozen sliced ​​champignons:

  1. Prepare fresh and strong mushrooms. Rinse them under running water, remove all debris, and use a knife to scrape off any dark spots.
  2. Clean the cap and stem of the champignons.
  3. Using a sharp thin knife, cut the mushrooms together with the stem into thin slices.
  4. Place the sliced ​​plates on a clean, dry towel; a waffle or terry towel is best for this. Leave them for 10 minutes to drain the water.
  5. Spread cling film on a cutting board and place sliced ​​mushrooms on top of it, placing them close to each other.
  6. Place in the freezer for several hours.
  7. Then transfer the frozen mushrooms into bags in small portions.
  8. There is no need to defrost the mushrooms before cooking; just add them to the dish.

Frozen sliced ​​champignons after boiling

You can freeze champignons for the winter not only raw, but also boiled. How to properly freeze champignons for the winter after preliminary boiling?

Everything is very simple:

  1. Peeled mushrooms should be placed in boiling water, lightly salted and cook the product for 10 minutes.
  2. Then the boiled champignons should be placed in a colander to drain the water.
  3. Chop the cooled mushrooms.
  4. Then they need to be dried a little by laying them out on a paper or fabric towel.
  5. The mushrooms are placed in containers and frozen.

Freezing fried champignons

You can freeze fried champignon mushrooms.

Fry them in the usual way:

  1. Select the freshest and strongest specimens.
  2. Then soak the vegetables in warm water for 10 minutes so that the top skin softens well and debris and other contaminants are easily removed.
  3. Then, using a thin knife, carefully remove the skin from the cap, cutting off the lower part of the stem with which the mushroom came into contact with the ground.
  4. Lightly pat cleaned and washed champignons with a paper or cloth towel to remove moisture.
  5. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes or thin slices.
  6. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, add the champignons and fry them until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  7. Fried, cooled mushrooms are packaged in bags and frozen.

The advantage of this winter preparation is that it does not require additional heat treatment; it is enough to simply defrost, heat and eat. You can also include the fried product in other delicious dishes.

How to freeze champignon mushrooms with broth

If you are preparing boiled champignons, you can not pour out the mushroom broth, but also freeze it for preparing delicious dishes in winter. How to freeze champignon mushrooms at home along with broth?

To do this, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepared mushrooms - washed, peeled and cut into pieces of the desired shape and size, cook until tender.
  2. Remove the pan from the stove and leave them and the broth to cool.
  3. Then take a container and place the bag in it so that its edges extend beyond the sides of the container.
  4. Pour the broth along with the boiled champignons and place in the freezer.
  5. After freezing, remove the broth in the form of a briquette together with the bag from the container, tie it up and store the briquette in the freezer.

Recipe for freezing champignons for the winter after blanching

If you decide to use a recipe for freezing raw champignons for the winter, you must first blanch them. Blanching allows you to preserve as much as possible the color of fresh champignons, their structure and the taste of the product. In addition, this method of preliminary heat treatment cleans the champignons as much as possible from dirt.

To prepare mushrooms for the winter using the freezing method with preliminary blanching, you will need a large saucepan.

Follow this scheme for blanching champignons for freezing for the winter:

  1. Pour water into the pan at the rate of 5 liters per 1 kg of mushrooms. Put it on fire.
  2. While the water is heating, prepare the mushrooms. Wash them, remove the skin, cut into pieces of the shape and size you need.
  3. As soon as the water boils, pour the chopped champignons into the pan and wait until it boils again.
  4. After the water boils for the second time, wait another 2 minutes and then remove the pan from the heat and strain through a sieve.
  5. Place the mushrooms in cold water to cool. Strain again and place in a colander to drain. Place into containers and place in the freezer to freeze.

Champignons are artificially grown mushrooms, which means they are on sale almost all year round. At first glance, it turns out that they don’t really need to be prepared. I beg to differ: firstly, champignons are still cheaper now than they will be, for example, in winter; secondly, it happens that you spontaneously wanted to add mushrooms to a dish, but you didn’t even think about buying them - then the preparations from the freezer will come to the rescue. How to properly freeze champignons?

  • Total cooking time – 3 hours 25 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 25 minutes
  • Cost - very economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 22 kcal
  • Number of servings – 3 servings


  • Champignons – 0.5 kg


Usually, in order to freeze champignons, I buy only the freshest mushrooms. They are snow-white in color, without brown spots or dents. In addition, most often I use medium-sized mushrooms - they are the most versatile.

For any method of freezing, champignons must be washed well under cold water. There are housewives who prefer to clean even champignons. I’m not one of them: I just wash it thoroughly, lightly peeling off the thin films with my fingers. Washed mushrooms should be laid out to dry. There is no point in freezing additional water, because champignons themselves are quite watery.

The first method is freezing. Champignons can be frozen whole. To do this, put the washed and dried mushrooms in a bag with a clip, expel the air from the bag and close it.

Don’t forget about the sticker on which you need to indicate what exactly and when exactly we froze. After all, it is only today that it seems impossible to forget this information. And when your freezer is full, it will be very difficult to navigate.

Frozen mushrooms are stored in the same way as vegetables, for about 1 year at a temperature of -18 degrees.

Thus, I use frozen champignons when I bake fish or poultry. It is with these whole mushrooms that you can fill all the voids on the baking sheet. Moreover, mushrooms should be placed directly frozen, without preliminary defrosting.

The second method of freezing. But even more often than whole champignons, we use mushrooms cut into slices. Let's make something like this!

Cut the washed champignons into neat slices.

Champignons are the leaders in popularity among mushrooms. They are always available, versatile for many dishes, easy to prepare, and they store well even in the home refrigerator. Today I will tell you in detail how to store fresh champignons correctly.

Features of champignon storage

Regardless of the method of storing mushrooms, there are several rules for their pre-processing. And before you figure out how to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, you need to prepare them:

  1. Clean the caps from dirt with light tangential movements of the knife; if they are heavily soiled, trim the stem.
  2. Trim off any damaged areas to prevent further spread of bacteria.
  3. If you remove dirt with water or a damp towel, be sure to let the moisture dry.

Do not put wet or even mushrooms that have become foggy in the package into the refrigerator - this will significantly shorten the shelf life of the champignons.

Storing mushrooms in the refrigerator

First, let's indicate the shelf life of this product. How long do champignons last in the refrigerator? This depends on the method of their heat treatment.

Opened fresh mushrooms can be stored for three days. After this, they will begin to weather and darken. If you are concerned about the question of how to keep champignons fresh for a longer period, use regular cling film - it will help preserve the beneficial properties and taste of the product for six days.

Freezing mushrooms

If you are not going to cook mushrooms right away, but in the future you definitely want to use their taste and nutritional benefits, you need to freeze them. Of course, you can buy frozen semi-finished products in the store - there is a large selection, and the price is not bad. But freezing champignons with your own hands is not difficult.

You should prepare champignons for freezing in the same way as for storing them in the refrigerator: wash, clean, wipe. Next, choose a cooking method and act.

Freezing raw champignons

How to freeze champignons raw? Instructions:

  • Pre-processed mushrooms should be placed in plastic containers or plastic bags.
  • It is better to separate large and small mushrooms: freeze small ones whole, and cut large ones into pieces familiar to your dishes.

  • How long can mushrooms be stored in the freezer? Fresh 30–40 days.
  • Interestingly, raw frozen champignons are stored significantly less than processed ones.

Mushrooms, like other foods, cannot be re-frozen, so it is better to make portioned bags.

Freezing boiled champignons

You can extend the shelf life of boiled champignons:

  • After preliminary cleaning, the mushrooms should be cut into convenient pieces and placed in boiling salted water for 10 minutes.
  • Drain the water through a colander and place the mushrooms on paper towels. Before freezing, the champignons must not only cool, but also dry.

Be sure to let the water drain completely - otherwise, when defrosting, you will get a watery and loose product, which will significantly spoil the taste of the finished dishes.

Freezing fried champignons

To extend the storage of fried mushrooms, you can freeze them:

  • Pre-processed mushrooms need to be fried in a small amount of sunflower oil until the mushroom juice has completely boiled away.
  • Place on paper towels to absorb excess oil and cool the mushrooms.
  • Place into containers or bags.
  • Fried mushrooms, like those baked in the oven, store well in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Choosing the right mushrooms

And finally, I’ll give you some simple but practical tips on how to choose mushrooms:

  1. Buy white or slightly brownish mushrooms with a slight matte sheen. Dark color is a sign of old and overripe mushrooms, which become tough during cooking.

  1. Pay special attention to the cap - it should be free of dark inclusions and spots.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the film between the cap and the stem is a sign of staleness of the product.

  1. Choose only firm and elastic mushrooms.
  2. Feel free to smell the mushrooms before purchasing - they should have a strong mushroom aroma. A sour or damp smell, in turn, will indicate improper storage of mushrooms.
  3. Pay attention to every mushroom on the counter or in the tray - often unscrupulous sellers mix stale goods with fresh ones and try to sell them to gullible customers.

  1. Size matters: small mushrooms are good for pickling and salads, medium ones are good for frying, stewing, making pies, large ones are ideal for grilling and stuffing.


Champignons can be bought in the store at any time of the year, and you may ask, why freeze them? The answer is simple: champignons are sold in trays; all the mushrooms from this tray may not be cooked at once. And they don’t last long at all.
It may also be that you want mushrooms, but the nearest store doesn’t have them. If you find out how to freeze champignons at home for the winter, you can safely buy several kilograms if they suddenly announce a promotion.
Last time we showed, .

- fresh champignons.

In order to prepare the mushrooms for freezing, you will need a new foam sponge. Wash the mushrooms and rub the caps with a sponge to remove the skin. It is very thin, many people don’t take it off at all.

Cut off the tip of the stem of each mushroom.

Cut into thin slices using a sharp thin knife. Leave it on the table for about five minutes.

Place in a single layer on a flat plate or cutting board a short distance apart. Place in the freezer. Prepare the freezer in advance. It is necessary that the temperature be reduced to a minimum. Just do this not five minutes before you put the mushrooms in it, but at least 2 hours before. If there is a fast freeze mode, be sure to use it. The faster the champignons are frozen, the better their taste will be after defrosting.

Stuffed mushrooms are very tasty. They can also be prepared from frozen. To do this, you need to cut out the leg, getting only the cap. Then you simply sprinkle them with cheese, bake them in the oven and get an excellent snack in 20 minutes. You can also stuff it with minced meat or vegetables. There is no need to defrost the champignons before cooking; they are cooked frozen.

Champignon caps can be placed in freezer bags immediately after preparation. But slices only after they are completely frozen on a horizontal surface. Otherwise they will stick together. You need to squeeze out the air from the bag; the less air there is, the faster the freezing will occur, and the less space the bags will take up in the freezer. Take bags of different sizes so that one bag is opened only once. Repeated opening does not have a very good effect on the taste.

You can also store frozen sliced ​​champignons in freezer containers. It all depends on what is more convenient for you. By the way, those legs that remain from freezing the champignon caps can also be frozen. Only fried. Finely chop the onion and champignon legs, fry in a little vegetable oil and freeze in a container.

Store frozen champignons for no more than a year at a temperature of minus 18.
I also recommend that you watch how to cook

Wise housewives try to prepare mushrooms so as not to overpay for them in winter. But many people don’t know whether it is possible to freeze champignons in the freezer and whether they will lose their beneficial properties. Modern refrigerator models have a fairly large freezer compartment with adjustable temperature. This is where you can freeze mushrooms.

From the article you will learn how to freeze champignons at home for the winter, as well as the rules for storing the product. It would not be superfluous to say that mushrooms with this method of preparation can be either whole or chopped. But if you chop them up before you put them in the freezer, you'll make it easier to prepare in the future.

Important: Look for the freshest mushrooms: white, firm, without dark spots or wrinkles.


Servings: – + 10

  • Champignon 2 kg

Per serving

Calories: 53 kcal

Proteins: 8.6 g

Fats: 2 g

Carbohydrates: 0.2 g

20 minutes. Video recipe Print

    Take a good look at each mushroom. Use a toothbrush to clean off the dirt. Cut off the stem by 2-3 mm, rinse quickly under the tap to remove any remaining soil. Dry with a paper towel: you don't need any extra moisture. Leave the champignons in the air for a quarter of an hour to dry.

    Whole small mushrooms can be divided into portions and placed in the freezer.

    There are no criteria for how to properly cut champignons. We offer you two options on how to do this. The first is on plates up to half a centimeter thick. The second one is in quarters. In this case, you can use one type of cutting to prepare, for example, marinated dishes, and the other for frying or delicious soup.

    It is best to place the chopped mushrooms on a flat surface, for example, use a cutting board. Some freezers have a special compartment in the form of a shelf with low sides. With this freezing method, the mushroom pieces will not stick to each other. After this, put the food in one large container or tight bag.

    If this is not possible, then divide the champignons into portions, approximately 200 g each, into small bags or plastic containers.

    Place in the freezer compartment.

    Advice: Try not to put champignons in the same box with strong-smelling foods, such as fish or smoked meats, so that the mushrooms retain their natural smell and taste.

    Fresh mushrooms can be kept in the freezer for up to 12 months, provided that the chamber is maintained at a constant temperature of -18 to -24°C. After defrosting, you can cook frozen champignons in the same ways as fresh ones. But it is recommended to eat them only after heat treatment. Only fresh champignons can be eaten raw.

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