What to buy for a picnic of food. What to take with you to nature

When going on a picnic in nature, it is easy to forget about something important. The consequences can be different: from a slight inconvenience to a spoiled mood. Therefore, in order to fully enjoy outdoor recreation, you should think carefully about what to take with you and what to cook when going out into nature.

Necessary things

  • Basket or cooler bag. It's hard to imagine a camping trip without a picnic basket or a cooler bag. The first will preserve the beautiful appearance of food, and the second will also extend its shelf life. By the way, if you put a frozen water bottle at the bottom of an ordinary bag, you will also contribute to a better preservation of food.
  • Furniture (litter) for a picnic. Taking care of what the rest will take place on is no less important than thinking over the menu for nature. It can be a blanket, a folding table, picnic chairs or other items that you can comfortably sit on.
  • Campfire equipment. In order not to waste time looking for brushwood, you can prepare firewood or charcoal in advance. Special ignition fluids will also be useful. Matches are suitable for both regular and long burning (for windy or wet weather). Even better, replace them with a lighter.
  • Picnic utensils. First you need to determine the required number of dishes. This includes cutlery for each picnic participant, utensils for all meals, and spare options in case an unexpected guest joins or something gets dirty. The best option is a set of disposable tableware.

Appliances for cooking and heating food. The choice depends on what you plan to cook. It may:

  • soup bowl;
  • a set for barbecue (skewers, barbecue, horns, etc.);
  • barbecue;
  • cutting board;
  • knives, a corkscrew and a key for opening canned food.
  • cloth gloves for turning skewers.

The first spring days give all people a good mood. And how pleasant it is to breathe in a fresh breeze, when green leaves are just beginning to break through on trees and bushes. Such days are especially pleasant for a person living in the city and, as a rule, the first impressions of the beginning of the warm season are made up of memories of going out into nature.

Picnics are an integral part of the residents of megacities and other cities. On the first fine days, a string of cars tries to leave the city limits, and hikers go to parks and to the nearest bodies of water.

You should definitely go on a picnic with a cheerful company or with your family, because even in translation from English this word means “an entertaining country walk with a company.

However, often the wrong organization of this type of recreation can almost completely spoil the impression of a picnic. Let's prepare for the rest in advance and make the necessary list of products and things that you need to take with you.

What to eat for a picnic

Based on the number of people whose time is planned to be spent in nature, a list of products for a picnic and their number will be selected as a result.

The classic picnic food option is, of course, sandwiches. You will need a baguette, sausage (or other meat products), hard cheese. We advise you to cut all the components in advance and arrange them in a tight container or cover with cling film. Collecting sandwiches is best done on the spot, as the finished product may lose all aesthetics along the way.

Often a person goes to nature to cook a fragrant barbecue. If you also dream of fried pieces, do not forget to marinate the meat the night before the trip. Keep in mind that pork takes longer to cook than chicken, so the choice is yours. For chicken skewers, both legs and wings are perfect. And if you don’t feel like messing around with meat in nature, bake a whole chicken at home. Believe me, cold poultry is just as delicious on a picnic.

Vegetables and fruits must be present in your luggage. Cucumbers and tomatoes, usual for our climate, are suitable, from fruits you can take apples, bananas, kiwi, oranges. If you plan to make a fire, take raw potatoes at the rate of 2 pcs. per person. It can be baked right in uniforms in hot ashes. Do not forget a few onions for barbecue. Fresh herbs such as onion feathers, parsley, dill will decorate any ready-made dish.

Plan a simple fish dish. If there is fishing, just cook it in ash in foil. It is best to take fried fish in a container from home. Only cook from varieties where there are few bones or fillets. In nature, it is not the best thing to pick your mouth and food.

Put all pre-cooked meals in plastic containers - this is an additional protection.

Boil a few eggs, which will perfectly diversify the table. You can take canned food.

Don't forget sauces and spices. For meat we take ketchup, salads will require either vegetable oil or sour cream. In any case, do not forget about salt and sugar.

Separately, take care of food at a picnic for children. If you have small children, prepare bottles of formula in advance. For older children, take products that do not require special storage conditions. No cakes or pastries. Suitable cookies, waffles, fruits, juices.

It is important to provide the whole company with enough clean water, as well as other drinks: mineral water, juices, fruit drinks. If you are planning a campfire, bring a few tea and coffee bags. Love hot drinks, but there will be no fire - take a thermos with a drink.

For a romantic picnic, you can take a bottle of wine or champagne, for a fun party - beer. Strong drinks are not recommended, as various unplanned situations may occur in nature.

Things you need on vacation

First of all, you should take care of what you will carry all the products in. Hiking with packages does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, especially since it is difficult to preserve the appearance of the products in them. That is why preference is given to a hard basket. It is both beautiful and reliable. Next, we will take:

  1. For avid nature lovers, a cooler bag will become an indispensable thing. There are simple portable options where the ice is first frozen in the refrigerator. There are options for cars that run on battery power. Such a bag will significantly expand the list of products available for transfer.
  2. Take care in advance about what you will eat on. If the standard option is a bedspread, feel free to fold it on the road. If you have a set of furniture for nature - do not forget it. In any case, take an oilcloth, which can serve as both a table decoration and a salvation from dampness under a coverlet.
  3. Whether the rest will be calm or active depends only on you. If you have children, be sure to take the ball and badminton. For adults, a deck of cards, checkers and other board games are suitable.
  4. Pay attention to the weather - if rain is predicted, or vice versa bright sun - be sure to take an umbrella.
  5. Several trash bags.
  6. Even the best vacation can be spoiled by insects. Be sure to take anti-tick remedies from early spring. And even if you didn’t notice mosquitoes in the city - you will almost certainly meet them in nature - we throw insect spray into the bag. Add brilliant green, bandage, alcohol, plaster to the first aid kit, because it is very easy to get hurt in nature.
  7. Make sure you dress appropriately for the weather. To avoid insect bites, try to cover the whole body, but be light and comfortable. If you plan to spend time late, bring jackets.
  8. For kebabs, do not forget the barbecue and skewers, ignition agent, coals, matches. For food, disposable plates, glasses, spoons, knives, cutting board. We take a roll of paper towels and a pack of wet wipes. Be sure to have one sharp knife, a bottle opener and a can opener.
  9. In the evening, we will follow up on a full charge for your gadgets, if you do not plan to completely fall into asceticism. Be sure to take care of the camera and extra batteries for it.
  10. In clear sunny weather, we take sunscreen, sunbathing swimwear.

At the end of the picnic, don't forget to clean up after yourself. We carefully extinguish the fire. We collect all used dishes, bottles, jars and napkins in garbage bags. Cleanliness after yourself will not make people who come here later remember you with a bad word.

What could be better than a picnic on a nice summer day? Only a picnic organized properly. An often forgotten little thing, like a knife for cutting food or salt, can spoil the impression of a meal in nature. If you are going out with a large group or with children, it is very important to think over the menu in advance so that everyone is full after outdoor activities. What to take children to nature from food, so that the picnic is a success, read in our article.

What is the best food for a picnic?

On a picnic, we take a break from city life and rejoice in communion with nature. Therefore, food should be as natural as possible with an abundance of greens and vegetables. Do not load your own, let alone children's stomach with heavy and fatty foods. Forget complex salads with mayonnaise, they are best left for winter feasts. If you still really want to, you can take the ingredients with you and cook the salad on the spot.

Fresh shish kebab or baked fish, fresh vegetables or grilled vegetables, fruits are the best choice for a country walk. As you know, appetite is played out in nature, so while hot food is being prepared, it is good to have a set of different goodies that both children and adults can indulge in between games.

For many, by the way, a picnic is associated not with barbecue, but with sandwiches. But as a main meal, they are only suitable for a short walk. If you are planning a trip for the whole day, sandwiches can be just a good snack.

It is better not to make them at home, otherwise the bread will crumble during transportation, and the butter and cheese will melt. Take all the ingredients with you (to save time, you can immediately buy them in the form of cuts) and in a couple of seconds the child himself will be able to build a fresh sandwich. In addition to cheese and sausage, various pastes, sprats, greens and vegetables, and even squash caviar fit perfectly into the sandwich theme. A hearty alternative to sandwiches is boiled eggs. It's so nice to peel an egg and crush it with bread and crispy cucumber!

If there are a lot of people in the company, or you just decided to save on barbecue, take ready-made chilled meat with you. For example, smoked chicken or fried chicken fillet, baked pork or beef. Another option is sausages or kupaty, which can be cooked in parallel with barbecue on skewers or a grill. So there will be variety on the table, and the main course will have less load. In addition, someone simply does not like barbecue in large quantities.

To set off the taste of freshly cooked meat or fish, it is good to serve them with a side dish. Less hassle when you take a ready-made side dish from home, such as boiled potatoes, canned peas, or corn. But it tastes much better when you cook it yourself in nature. Grilled vegetables (eggplants, sweet peppers, tomatoes) cook on a wire rack or skewers or in foil over charcoal. And, of course, the classic of camp life - baked potatoes in a fire! Without salt and spices, it miraculously acquires taste and aroma. And what fun it is for children to get a charred potato and find hot and tasty pulp inside.

Fresh vegetables and greens - eat them as much as possible! You can generally do without a side dish if there is a bowl of chopped tomatoes and cucumbers on the table. Dill bunches, green onion feathers, parsley sprigs - a vitamin wealth that must be on your picnic.

Do not forget about fruits, this is a favorite delicacy of children and adults in nature: apples and pears, peaches, bananas, in season - watermelons and melons. The main thing is that the fruits are well washed, and you know the reaction of your children to them. It is better not to experiment with exotic fruits away from home.

If there is not enough fruit for dessert, you can take cookies, gingerbread, waffles or pastries for a sweet tooth with you. It is better to give up sweets with fillings, especially those based on cream or cottage cheese. From the heat, it can leak, or, God forbid, deteriorate, which threatens with poisoning. Chocolate and sweets can also melt if there is no cooler bag, it is better not to take them with you.

What to take for a picnic for children?

If you are traveling with very young children, they will need to develop a special menu for their age. On the fire, you can cook porridge in a pot or use instant porridge and baby food.

All products must be transported in a separate bag. And those that require special storage conditions, in a thermal bag with a cold accumulator. You need to pack food in paper bags or foil, in polyethylene it can “suffocate”. Make sure you have enough drinking water.

So, let's summarize and make a rough list of products for a picnic with children.

  • Meat or fish for cooking on the fire
  • Ready chicken
  • Salt, spices, ketchup, mustard
  • Vegetables, greens
  • Fruit
  • Bread for sandwiches or pita bread
  • Unsweetened pies
  • Smoked sausage
  • hard cheese
  • Crackers, biscuits, crackers
  • Water and juices
  • Tea coffee
  • Waffles, sweet pastry

Have a nice holiday!

Video on the topic of the article

While the weather still pleases us with warm days, we need to use this to the maximum. So, long live trips to nature with a fire, singing with a guitar, active games and delicious food. Is it possible to come up with a better weekend than in the fresh air, and even with a fun company? Probably not. To make your vacation a success, take care in advance how to organize and plan your pastime, what activities to come up with, and most importantly - from food and other necessary accessories. So let's go!

We distribute responsibilities

It's hard to ruin a picnic, but it's possible. Especially if you are not traveling alone or three, but in a large company. It is necessary to carefully plan who and what will take, what everyone will do, in addition to joint entertainment, what they will be responsible for. It is better if 2 people are responsible for one item (for example, food, games, comfort). So there is less chance of forgetting about something important, and it is more convenient to organize people.

Appetites and snacks

The first and most important question: what to take on a picnic of food? There are several options here. If you plan to make kebabs, then the task is made easier, since the rest of the products can be picked up as additional to this main dish. It is good if one of the men is responsible for frying the meat. Then the women will have to take care of the snacks. Here's what you can take:

  • fresh vegetables and herbs, fruits (wash in advance and put in a convenient container);
  • mushrooms, sweet peppers, bread (all this can be fried over a fire);
  • small potatoes (to bake in coal);
  • water, juice, tea, alcoholic drinks (if you plan to drink);
  • snacks (nuts, dry cookies).

This will be enough to have a bite to eat and serve with a barbecue. You should not take a lot of extra things, for example, sweets, sausage, chips and the like. After all, you are going to relax in nature, the best food here is fresh and natural. It is good if there is a cooler bag where you can put drinks and spoiling (melting) food.

What else can you eat deliciously?

However, not everyone wants to mess around with barbecue, so you should consider another menu option. Let's think about what to take on a picnic of food in this case? We leave all the items listed above (vegetables, fruits, bread, drinks). But we don't have a main course. Perhaps it is not needed? You can replace meat with homemade sandwiches or sandwiches. Prepare them in advance and wrap each one in foil - it will be much more convenient to take and eat them. Ask everyone who likes what toppings. It can be chicken, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables and Sandwiches can be made both cold and hot (for example, in a special sandwich maker). Do not skimp on the quantity, because in nature the appetite is good.

What else can you take for a picnic instead of barbecue? Sausages that can be fried on a fire, eggs are perfect. If you wish, you can bake a big tasty pie, just make sure to deliver it intact. Do not forget about sauces (ketchup, soy sauce), which are useful for meat, potatoes, and vegetables. The rest is at your discretion and desire.

First and second necessities

Now a few words about leisure. Think about what you need to take on a picnic to have fun. It can be a guitar, games for large companies (mafia, monopoly, imaginarium), tennis rackets, a ball. Or maybe you want to fly a kite? Or read aloud stories and poems while sitting by the fire? Focus on your tastes and the interests of your friends. Do not forget about such trifles as matches, a lighter, paper and napkins, a bedspread and blankets, mosquito repellent and a small first aid kit.

We hope this article helped you at least a little to decide what to take on a picnic from food and entertainment, and also reminded you what important items will definitely come in handy in nature. Most importantly, do not forget about a good mood! Have a great holiday!

Every summer there comes a moment when you need to urgently prepare for the trip. to the lake. Hooray! summer rest by the lake what could be better? But you need to take everything you need, do not forget anything. A smoker, having forgotten cigarettes, will simply get exhausted without them. An artist, having forgotten some kind of paint, a favorite brush, will sigh about it more than once.

In 2005, at the end of July, my son and friends went to lake Terenkul, but in a hurry they forgot to take a tent. I had to spend the night near the fire, which is not without a special unique charm. But by the morning I wanted to sleep very much and I laid two pieces of a plastic rug on a steep bank, covered myself with a headscarf and fell asleep.

I have never slept like this! The sun rose and gently warmed everything around. I open my eyes, there are blades of grass in front of my nose, some kind of bugs are crawling, and after all, not one bothered me, did not bite me. I slept for an hour or two, but I had an extraordinary rest! Just an amazing feeling of lightness, freshness in the whole body!

Of course, you can spend one night without a tent, but if you go for a week or more, then it’s just ah ... Not taking a simple ladle with you is also very bad. It was with us too. I had to tie a spoon to a branch and use it to pour the brew. Quite inconvenient!

The button came off and was lost. This does not always happen, but if a needle and thread, a pin are at hand, then everything is already fixable. It would be nice to have lighting over the camp, and a flashlight will never be superfluous. And so many, many things need to be taken into account, thought through, and then the rest will be a success! That's why I decided to make a list of necessary things and products. The list can be refined and refined over time.

  1. bowler hat
  2. Pot tripod
  3. ladle
  4. opener
  5. Cutting board
  6. Forks
  7. spoons
  8. Mugs

11. Water bucket

12. Large bowl

13. Old kettle (for tea)

14. Matches

15. Ropes

16. Razor

17. Wire

18. Kindling paper

19. Rags

20. Scissors

21. Flashlights

22. A piece of film without holes in case of rain (for a tent, cover an awning)

23. Table and chairs

24. Sleeping bags with a big smell

25. Floor mats

26. Warm sweaters

27. Warm pants

28. Warm socks

29. Boots for wet weather

30. Warm hats

31. Shawls

33. Jacket (for rain)

34. Cape on the head (for rain)

35. Sun hats

36. Sunglasses

37. Fish tank

38. Fishing rods

39. Fishing tackle

40. Lure

42. Hammer

43. Pliers

46. ​​Camera

49. Medicines

50. Vitamins

52. Stew

55. Potato

56. Carrot

57. Onion

58. Green onion

59. Cucumbers

61. Tomatoes

62. Radish

65. Mineral water

66. Cookies

67. Candy

68. Gingerbread

70. Sausage (optional)

71. Sausages (optional)

73. Tea-brewing

78. Ketchup

79. Pasta

80. Bay leaf

81. Instant soup

82. Various seasonings

83. Canned food

84. Cover for the car from the sun

85. Rubber boots or boots

86. Thread with a needle

87. Buttons

88. Pins

89. Kindle paper

90. Binoculars or spyglass

91. Air mattress

93. Batteries for….

94. Devices for frying fish and barbecue

95. Frying foil

96. Film-tablecloth for the table

97. Life belt

98. Rubber ring

99. Guitar with spare strings and a key to it

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