20 most useful products. Top Healthiest Products in the World. Benefits of eating cabbage

We studied the beneficial properties of foods known to mankind and selected the 50 most delicious and healthy. For example, nutritionists recommend having ginger, eggs and beans on your table.

Vegetables and greens

Asparagus. It is valued for its low level of carbohydrates and calories, easy digestibility and a whole range of vitamins (K, B1, B2, B9, C, E, A, PP) and macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron).

Bell pepper. Or, as we are used to calling it, bell pepper. Not only is it a bright, crunchy and slightly sweet vegetable, but it is also an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Broccoli. These dark green inflorescences are useful both fresh and frozen: they easily give a head start to many vegetables in terms of protein, fiber and vitamins K and C.

Carrot. The main source of carotene, necessary for human cell growth and healthy skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

Cauliflower. Contains more protein and vitamin C than regular cabbage. Vitamins A, B, PP, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and fiber have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and can protect the gastrointestinal tract from ulcers and cancer.

Cucumbers. They are almost 95% water, making them one of the lowest calorie vegetables. Contains little fat, protein and carbohydrates. Despite this, cucumbers are rich in vitamins and nutrients (especially potassium).

Oleg Iryshkin

We all know that vegetables need to be eaten daily, because they contain vitamins and fiber (such food is considered healthy). The downside is the quality of the products. For example, many vegetables accumulate pesticides and excess nitrates. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from tomatoes and cucumbers before eating. The second pitfall is the incorrect cooking time. For example, grains should be cooked until al dente, but many people overcook them, thereby destroying the chemical structure of the product.

Garlic. An indispensable vegetable in the fight against colds. When garlic cells are destroyed, allicin is formed - one of the strongest antioxidants, which has a bactericidal and fungicidal (destroys fungus) effect.

Ginger. Ginger root has a complex composition with a large number of useful substances, including vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and essential oils. Ginger improves digestion and also has detoxifying and immunostimulating properties.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The chemical composition of ginger root is unique: vitamins B, C, A, E, K, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium. It stimulates the digestive system and brain activity, perfectly fights inflammatory diseases and can even reduce toxicosis during pregnancy.

Curly cabbage (kale). This species undeservedly remains in the shadow of broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage. Grunkol, or kale (as curly cabbage is also called) contains all the necessary amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. If these arguments are not enough for you, then we will simply add that in terms of nutrient density it has no equal among all green leafy vegetables.

Onion. Like garlic, it is primarily valued for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in iron and potassium, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, vitamins B and C and many minerals. Onions retain almost all their beneficial properties even after cooking.

Tomatoes. The eternal debate about whether a tomato is a berry, a vegetable or a fruit seems to have been resolved in favor of the latter. Be that as it may, Senor tomato contains not only vitamins A, B2, B6, E, K and various microelements, but also a powerful antioxidant - lycoline, which has an anti-cancer effect.

Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes, despite their high glucose levels, are recommended for diabetics because they can stabilize blood sugar levels. Sweet potatoes contain no fat at all, and their proteins and carbohydrates are better absorbed than regular potatoes.

Green beans. Unlike bean seeds, these green beans are not as rich in protein, but they do contain many vitamins, folic acid, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Thanks to this, they improve digestion and can reduce blood sugar levels and the risk of heart attack.

Fruits and berries

Apples. A fruit that you can always take with you for a quick snack at any time, wherever you are. They are valued for their high fiber, vitamin C and antioxidant content.

Avocado. They differ from other fruits in that they consist of 77% healthy fats. Despite this, they are not only tender and tasty, but also healthy: they contain potassium, fiber and vitamin C - available.

Bananas. Not only is it one of the world's most popular berries (yes, banana is a berry, not a fruit) and a favorite post-workout food, but it's also the best source of potassium, as well as fiber and vitamin B6.

Blueberry. One of the most powerful sources of antioxidants of any food. And you probably have known about the benefits of blueberries for vision since childhood.

Oranges. All citrus fruits have long had a reputation as the main supplier of vitamin C to the body. In addition, like other fruits, oranges are rich in fiber and antioxidants.

Strawberry. It is beneficial for the body not only due to its low carbohydrate and calorie content, but also due to vitamin C, fiber and manganese.


Lentils. A very tasty and filling variety of legumes, one of the best sources of plant-based protein, vitamins and fiber.

Oleg Iryshkin

Ph.D., doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

Lentils are the oldest crop. It is rich in plant proteins and complex carbohydrates, which can keep you full for several hours. Lentils are rich in vitamins: C, B₁, B₂, B₃, B6, B₁₂, as well as many minerals. Plus, lentils contain fiber, which improves intestinal function and serves as food for beneficial microflora.

Beans. In terms of the quantity and digestibility of proteins, it can be compared with meat and fish. Due to the huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, this product is recommended for dietary nutrition for heart failure and diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Brown rice Thanks to minimal processing, brown rice contains more fiber, magnesium and vitamin B1 than regular rice. Doctors often classify it as a dietary product and note a positive effect on blood sugar levels, blood pressure and the prevention of colon and pancreatic cancer.

Oats. This cereal, in addition to the numerous minerals and vitamins that are included in its composition, is valued for its high level of fiber (over 30%) and beta-glucans, which reduce the level of “bad cholesterol”.

Quinoa. Does not contain a single gram of gluten, only healthy fiber, magnesium and plant-based protein. Quinoa is an incredibly filling food that can be one of your best allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Nuts and seeds

Almond. These nuts are full of vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. Nutritionists say that almonds help in the fight against excess weight and speed up metabolism.

Chia seeds. The favorite product of the ancient Aztecs has become popular among vegetarians in recent years. Chia seeds are incredibly nutritious and very healthy: 100 g of seeds contain 40 g of fiber and the required daily dose of magnesium, manganese, calcium and other nutrients.

Coconut. Coconut pulp is a source of not only fiber, but also medium fatty acids that will help you lose weight.

Macadamia. Not the most popular nut in Russia, it differs from its fellows in its high level of monounsaturated fats (the healthiest) and low levels of omega-6 fatty acids (not the healthiest). It costs no more than hazelnuts and is sold in large supermarkets; you just need to carefully inspect the shelves.

Walnuts. Just 7 nuts a day (no more, they are very high in calories) can improve human immunity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They contain almost all the vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber necessary for the body.

Peanut. These beans (which many people mistakenly think of as nuts) are rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and can help you shed a few extra pounds. The main thing is not to replace whole peanuts with peanut butter, otherwise everything will turn out exactly the opposite. However, you should also not get carried away with roasted peanuts under any circumstances.

Sweets, baked goods and dressings

Dark chocolate. The sweetest item on our list contains half of the daily requirement of iron, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants required by the human body. Recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Oleg Iryshkin

Ph.D., doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

The most beneficial is dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans and minimal sugar content. Thus, cocoa beans contain antioxidants that eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals. However, when including chocolate in your diet, you need to know when to stop and not consume this product in excess quantities that go beyond the calculated biological balance of nutritional components and individual daily caloric intake.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The simpler the composition of dark chocolate, the better. Ideally, it should contain cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. The percentage of dark chocolate depends on the amount of cocoa mass, for example, 99% is the largest amount of cocoa. This product is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and contains small amounts of vitamins B and E. Its consumption helps stabilize cholesterol levels and improves mood (due to reduced cortisol production). The average daily serving of dark chocolate should not exceed 25 grams.

Multigrain bread. Western nutritionists advise eating bread made from sprouted wheat grains with the addition of legumes. It will be difficult to find it in our stores, so we offer regular multigrain bread as an alternative.

Homebaked bread. If you want to eat healthy bread, you have to make it yourself. But homemade bread will definitely not contain gluten, and the amount of carbohydrates will not be as high as in regular bread.

Apple vinegar. Indispensable not only when preparing a salad, but also when dieting: apple cider vinegar dulls your appetite and allows you to feel full for much longer. It will also help lower blood sugar levels.

Olive oil. The healthiest oil in the world contains powerful antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Coconut oil. Like coconut pulp, the oil consists of medium fatty acids (90%), which will help you cope with extra pounds. And recent studies have confirmed that it can improve the condition of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Dairy products and meat

Cheese. One slice of cheese contains as much calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and other minerals and amino acids as a whole glass of milk, and it contains even more protein than meat or fish.

Yogurt. The fermented milk product retains all the positive properties of regular milk, and due to the content of beneficial bacteria, it also improves digestion.

Butter. Natural farm butter contains not only saturated fatty acids that are extremely necessary for our body, but also many nutrients and vitamins A and K2.

Whole milk. One of the best sources of calcium, vitamins, minerals, animal protein and healthy fats - my mother told us about this. True, in other words.

Salmon. This fatty red fish is rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, essential for improving memory and the proper functioning and nutrition of the human brain.

Sardines. Small but very healthy sea fish that can provide the body with 2 times more calories than white fish. In addition, they contain large amounts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and vitamins A, D and B complex. Unsaturated fats from sardines are considered healthier than saturated fats of animal origin.

Shellfish. Mussels, snails and oysters occupy one of the first places among all products in terms of nutrients. These dietary seafood with easily digestible protein can completely replace meat in the human diet. But yes, it's expensive. And you can hardly find decent oysters anywhere - except perhaps on Sakhalin and Vladivostok.

Shrimps. This seafood delicacy is very low in fat and calories, but high in healthy protein, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they contain a whole range of nutrients, including selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12.

Trout. An interesting fact that says a lot about this fish: it lives only in clean water. In terms of the content of nutrients, trout can be compared to salmon: a lot of vitamins A, D, B, E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Tuna. In terms of protein content (more than 22%), it easily outperforms all other fish and can be compared with the caviar of some commercial species. Vitamins B, A, E, PP, two dozen micro- and macroelements and omega-3 fatty acids improve eye and brain function and halve the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

04/29/2016 | Yulia Beleva | No comments yet

Everyone dreams of being happy and successful, but few know how to achieve this. Have you ever wondered why famous public people always look so beautiful? And why do they talk so much about healthy eating? And all because success, happiness and beauty are directly related to health.

The color and condition of the skin reflects a person’s inner world and depends on what he eats. Physical, emotional and psychological well-being also depends on nutrition. After all, discomfort imparts uncertainty, thereby disrupting plans in achieving your goals. Isn’t it then better to follow the advice of experts in improving your condition?

Sports, constant training, yoga, fitness and more help keep your body muscles toned and in good physical shape. Constant movement and a boost of energy helps the body fight various diseases. In addition, stress on certain parts of the body gives graceful, toned shapes to women and muscle mass to men.

But do not forget that in addition to strength training and caring for your appearance with the help of various cosmetics, nutrition is of great importance. The benefits of the products we eat have been proven by scientists many years ago. Many successful people include healthy foods in their daily diet. A certain ingredient that we eat is responsible for the functioning of one or several organs at the same time. Their significance and beneficial properties depend on the degree of influence of products on the functioning of our body.

We present 20 of the most useful products for health and beauty, the use of which is simply necessary.

- will restore your sight and youth. Tasty and healthy berries have many beneficial properties and are antioxidants. They protect against cancer, help brain function and improve vision. Eating blueberries will reduce the risk of many diseases, because they contain several vitamins.

– maintaining the body’s energy balance. Thanks to certain processing, rice retains the outer shell, which contains the bulk of the nutrients that help create new cells. Eating brown rice has a positive effect on the nervous system, and due to its dietary properties it is beneficial for digestion. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of rice increases mental abilities and normalizes the cardiovascular system.

– strengthen the immune system. Eating eggs in the diet is very beneficial for muscles and ligaments. People who play sports simply must include this product in their diet. The combination of protein and yolk is considered the ideal set of amino acids after training. Eating raw eggs also improves the functioning of the vocal cords, which is very useful for people who sing professionally.

– will take care of your sleep and appetite. Lettuce leaves have many beneficial properties, the list of which can be endless, and this is a dietary dish. Its juice is used to treat the digestive system, intestines, and gastritis. Thanks to the substances included in the salad, consumption before bedtime calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep, and during the day increases appetite. Women use salad juice for strengthening.

– for the health of the baby and mother. White meat is considered dietary and healthier than dark meat. Its use strengthens the muscles and nervous system. And due to the presence of a full complex of vitamin B, it is recommended to use it to maintain normal functioning of the body. Doctors recommend consuming broth from this meat during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it contains especially feminine vitamins for the favorable development of the fetus.

– will help prevent cellulite. This product helps remove salts and water from the body. Thanks to its constant use, the cardiovascular system returns to normal, bones become stronger, and kidney function improves. Broccoli has an anti-inflammatory effect, thereby preventing the appearance of fungus, infectious diseases and removes toxins from the body.

– normalizes heart function. The medicinal properties of avocado can be listed endlessly. Eating this fruit prevents heart attacks and improves blood circulation. In addition, the presence of avocado in the diet improves immunity, relieves constipation and prevents the appearance of cancer cells. Thanks to calcium and phosphorus, it strengthens bones, and protein helps increase muscle mass. Avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac.

– will protect against tuberculosis. It contains a lot of proteins and vitamin C; it is a dietary product. Eating beans is recommended for restoring strength after illness, hypertension and digestive disorders. In cosmetology, beans are used in face masks that are aimed at eliminating wrinkles. You can make simple recipes for healthy skin color at home.

– improve mental activity. Nuts contain a lot of vitamins, iodine, potassium, magnesium and protein, so they are indispensable for vegetarianism. Nuts affect all organs, the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the immune system and improve brain performance. Walnuts are good for the reproductive system; they are recommended to be consumed by pregnant and nursing mothers to enrich the body with nutrients.

- the key to the beauty of your body. Tender salmon meat is considered dietary and very healthy for children and the elderly. Since it saturates the body with protein and fatty acids, which help the brain function properly. Salmon meat is a source of beauty and youth. It contains vitamins that promote hair and nail growth and skin elasticity. The presence of potassium in fish strengthens muscles and bones, so meat is recommended for children during the period of growth and development.

– a unique and irreplaceable vegetable. It is the owner of a huge amount of acids and vitamins. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, renewing the body after illness, removing pathogenic microbes from the intestines is only a small part of all the beneficial properties of beets. And due to the fact that beets contain folic acid, its consumption is indispensable for rejuvenation.

– for a healthy diet. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, thanks to them, the body is saturated with energy, strength and a charge of vigor for the whole day. Oatmeal contains many vitamins that normalize metabolism and help with diarrhea and bloating. Doctors advise people with allergies to eat oatmeal. Calcium and phosphorus present in oatmeal strengthen hair, nails and skeletal system.

– strengthens the entire body. Although it does not have a very pleasant smell, it contains a lot of vitamins, iodine, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to various amino acids, eating cabbage helps fight stress, improves intestinal function and prevents blood clots. It is worth using it for a diet; cabbage fills the intestines and satisfies the feeling of hunger, while containing virtually no calories.

– normalizes digestion. Helps digest food better, kills intestinal and fungal infections. Thanks to beneficial microorganisms, it restores the body after taking antibiotics and normalizes the intestinal microflora.

– Prevents cancer and stomach ulcers. Scientists prove that eating 50 grams daily. chocolate reduces the risk of various diseases. Although this is a sweet treat, there are even special chocolate diets for weight loss. Eating chocolate improves mental abilities and gives vital energy. Doctors advise schoolchildren and students to eat chocolate before exams.

– slows down the aging process. This product lowers blood pressure and burns fat deposits. Its consumption, thanks to Omega-9 fatty acids, promotes the renewal of the body, reduces the risk of malignant tumors, and is very beneficial for the stomach and liver.

– reduces the risk of heart attacks. It has increased nutritional value. Due to its rapid absorption, it does not clog the intestines, but rather neutralizes digestive enzymes. Constant consumption of beef strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves heart function. This product is indispensable for athletes, it helps muscles work, and is also good for the reproductive system.

– for the growth of healthy teeth and nails. This is a source of calcium, without which the beauty of the body is impossible. It is also recommended to consume cottage cheese during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, as it is rich in vitamins and saturates two organisms at once. It is also recommended to use it during a diet and simply to maintain the health of the whole body.

– to cleanse the body. Due to the presence of active substances in it, this bread is simply irreplaceable for normal digestion. With daily use, you can forget about constipation and discomfort forever. And through experiments, scientists have shown that eating whole grain bread instead of regular bread helps with sustainable weight loss.

– useful for elderly people. Its meat has unique and beneficial properties. Reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Its meat prevents clogging of arteries and reduces cholesterol, thereby improving the condition of older people. The vitamins contained in this fish improve the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems and promote muscle growth.

If you want health, beauty, happiness and success at the same time, then you should include the listed products in your diet. Then, without much effort, you will be able to achieve your goals, because the body will be ready for this. Just eating the healthiest foods that are also delicious will be the first step towards your success. Take care of yourself and your beauty with pleasure.

People begin to think seriously about their health when they lose it, but it is an indispensable condition for happiness. If there is no health, then a person will not be able to achieve anything, then life will not be a joy.

Despite great progress in medicine, people do not get sick less; pharmacies are full of medicines that often do not bring relief. It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it. An excellent prevention of all kinds of diseases is proper and balanced nutrition. From this article you will learn about 20 the healthiest foods in the world.

Spinach is a very healthy vegetable that contains microelements necessary for the body, namely: calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, selenium. It also contains almost all known vitamins.

With regular consumption of this vegetable, the aging process slows down, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland improves, and it also prevents the development of certain eye diseases. It can be included in the diet to prevent iodine deficiency. Spinach is especially useful for women and children.

Recent research by scientists has shown that broccoli contains a substance that is effective in the fight against cancer cells. It turns out that in people with cancer who consumed this vegetable twice a day, tumor growth was stopped.

This plant contains useful microelements and vitamins. A, PP, E, C And K. This vegetable will be useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and it is also recommended to use it to prevent nervous disorders. Thanks to the vitamin content WITH And beta carotene Broccoli suppresses free radicals and reduces the risk of cataracts.

Avocado is quite a high-calorie product, but it does not contain sugar or harmful fats. It is very rich in vitamin E, which prevents premature aging. It also contains the following minerals: phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamins WITH, IN, PP and groups B.

This fruit should be included in the diet of people suffering from hypertension, it reduces blood pressure. Regular consumption of avocados prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to eat it for diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by high acidity.


White cabbage contains a lot of vitamins WITH, the level of which does not decrease during fermentation and long-term storage. This vegetable is rich not only in vitamins, it contains many useful microelements and amino acids.

Cabbage juice is widely used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It also has good cleansing properties and perfectly removes toxins from the body. If you mix the juice with sugar, it can be used as an expectorant.

Thanks to its medicinal composition, garlic has anthelmintic, antimicrobial, diaphoretic and diuretic effects. It can be used for vitamin deficiency; it will saturate the body with useful microelements and vitamins.

Garlic has been used since ancient times to treat many diseases. It lowers cholesterol, cleanses the body and thins the blood. This plant is a natural antibiotic; garlic strengthens the immune system and also prevents premature aging.

Flaxseed oil has long been known for its medicinal properties. This product normalizes the functioning of the body and helps fight many diseases. Flaxseed oil helps normalize metabolic processes in the body, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and strengthens the immune system. Regular use of this product protects the body from the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Onions contain essential oils, organic acids, macro and microelements, as well as vitamins. This plant has several varieties that differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in taste.

Thanks to its smell, onions protect us from colds. It is a natural antibiotic, improves metabolism, and also helps cleanse the blood. There is another useful property of this plant; for example, shallots can be used to prevent the occurrence of such a dangerous disease as cancer.

The beneficial properties of lemon have been known to people since ancient times. It is used in folk medicine to treat urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and febrile conditions.

Lemon helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves metabolism, and also has an excellent bactericidal effect. Thanks to its high vitamin content WITH lemon improves the functioning of the immune system.


Celery has many beneficial properties; it contains valuable amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, micro and macroelements, as well as fiber. Thanks to this composition, celery slows down the aging process, improves metabolism and helps strengthen the immune system.

This plant has calming properties and is useful to use for nervous disorders. Celery is often recommended for people suffering from diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

Salmon is very popular among gourmets around the world. This type of fish not only tastes great, but is also a very healthy food product. Salmon meat contains unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins: A, RR, D, E and groups IN, and calcium, iron, fluorine, zinc and other useful macro and microelements.

This product is a source of essential Omega-3 fatty acids, they slow down the aging process and also promote the breakdown of adipose tissue. With regular consumption of salmon, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves, and it is also good for the eyes.

Quinoa (Quinoa)

A little-known grain with the unusual name quinoa has recently become increasingly popular. It contains a large amount of protein - this is a real godsend for vegetarians; it can be used instead of meat.

Quinoa contains very little fat and gluten, but is rich in dietary fiber. It is recommended for people who want to lose weight. This cereal is almost completely absorbed by the body; it contains lysine - an amino acid that promotes better absorption of calcium.


An artichoke is an unopened bud of a plant called Cinara scolymis. In Russia this plant is still considered exotic, but in Europe it is very popular.

Artichoke lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, so it is an indispensable product for people suffering from atherosclerosis. This plant has a choleretic and diuretic effect. The artichoke has long been known as a powerful aphrodisiac, in France, because of this property, women were forbidden to eat it. Medicines from this plant are used to treat allergies, liver and kidney diseases.

Asparagus is a unique plant that is a source of beneficial microelements, vitamins and minerals. This product reduces the likelihood of cancer because it contains powerful antioxidants.

Asparagus has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse the body, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens the immune system. Regular consumption of asparagus improves vision. In addition, this product gives a person vigor and strength.


Oatmeal is a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. In addition, it contains the following elements: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, as well as vitamins A, E, TO and groups IN.

This product is a good antioxidant; oatmeal improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes metabolism, and also cleanses the body of all kinds of toxins. Oatmeal improves brain function; with regular consumption, you can preserve memory and mental abilities until old age.

Cottage cheese is simply necessary for the full formation of the skeletal system, since it contains a lot calcium And phosphorus. These substances are especially needed by children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Cottage cheese is well absorbed by the body; it also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This product contains essential amino acids, vitamins and beneficial microelements. Cottage cheese improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is included in many therapeutic diets.

The beneficial properties of fermented milk whey have been known since ancient times. But modern people usually do not consume this product, considering it a waste product and in vain.

Fermented whey contains vitamins A, E, WITH And IN, as well as useful microelements such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium And potassium. This product is very well absorbed by the body, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cleanses the liver and improves the functioning of the digestive organs.

It’s not for nothing that pumpkin is called the food of the gods, because this sunny vegetable is very beneficial for health. It contains a lot of iron and also contains vitamins A, E, IN, WITH, TO And T.

Pumpkin improves metabolism in the body and prevents obesity. Thanks to its high potassium content, this product is very good for the heart. Pumpkin contains a lot of fiber, so this vegetable normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to all this, pumpkin has a diuretic effect and lowers blood sugar levels.

Honey has a complex chemical composition, so it is very beneficial for health. This product has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antibacterial effects.

Honey prevents premature aging of the body, improves blood composition and is a source of energy, and also improves immunity. But it is worth remembering that only natural honey that has not undergone all kinds of technological treatments is useful.

Olive oil is a very healthy product. Thanks to it, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases, so it can be used to prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Olive oil has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used to normalize the digestion process, increase immunity, and also be used as a prevention of cancer.

The above products are recognized as the healthiest, so by including them in your diet, you are taking care of your health. It is very important what a person eats, the diet must be balanced, if the body lacks vitamins and microelements, then health problems appear.

German scientists have compiled a list of the 10 most beneficial foods for human health!


According to the results of scientific research, this “native” fruit is a storehouse of useful substances, containing a unique set of microelements that affect human health at the cellular level: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, pectins, fructose, essential oils, vitamins A, B, C, P, etc. The range of beneficial effects of apples is so wide that it allows you not only to improve immunity and normalize digestion, but also to prevent the development of such serious diseases as cancer and heart disease.

The most important “richness” of apples is dietary fiber. Regular consumption of them prevents constipation and helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the blood, dietary fiber molecules help the body remove cholesterol, and this in turn prevents the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pectins contained in apples bind toxins, salts of heavy metals and also remove them from the body.

Iodine deficiency, which has become a serious threat to public health, can also be reduced by eating apples, namely its seeds. By eating the seeds of two apples, you meet your body's daily need for iodine. Performing this procedure daily will help normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and harmonize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Eating apples stimulates the body's immune system and increases its resistance to many diseases. Quercetin, found in apple peels, is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, protect cells from destruction, and prevent the development of some forms of cancer.


Nutritionists have been arguing for decades that a person’s diet should include fish. It is fish that contains substances that help reduce the level of fats in the blood, take part in regulating blood pressure, help protect against diabetes, and relieve headaches and joint pain due to arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and marine animals can thin the blood, thereby serving as a preventive measure in the fight against thrombosis. Even a small amount of fatty fish or whale meat (from 1 to 10 grams) per day for a year can prevent strokes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 40%. Regular consumption of fish practically reduces mortality from heart attacks to zero. In addition, fish is rich in substances such as calcium, potassium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, D, E.

Fish proteins are almost perfectly balanced in the composition of essential amino acids, promoting the growth of a young body. Fish proteins are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, which enhance the detoxification function of the liver (neutralization of toxic substances) and prevent its fatty degeneration. But the lack of the essential amino acid tryptophan causes fish to become overeaten, so it is recommended to consume it no more than 2 times a week.

Fish is an excellent preventative against colon or breast cancer. Eating fish helps improve immunity and improve memory.


Garlic is very beneficial for health. In addition to its specific taste and the ability to use it as an excellent flavoring seasoning, garlic has many beneficial and medicinal properties and is widely used in folk and traditional medicine to treat many diseases and ailments. The composition of garlic includes nitrogenous substances, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sulfuric, phosphoric acids, vitamin C, D, B, phytosterols, extractives, phytoncides and essential oils. Thanks to its rich and medicinal composition, garlic has gastrointestinal, diuretic, diaphoretic, and cardiovascular properties. Garlic can lower blood pressure, and also has analgesic, wound healing, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, antitoxic, anti-cancer and antitoxic effects. Garlic is very useful for vitamin deficiencies. Garlic also contains selenium, which is known for its antioxidant properties.

Garlic contains more than four hundred different beneficial components, including many antioxidants, which have a number of positive medicinal properties. Garlic lowers cholesterol, thins the blood, lowers blood pressure, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Garlic counteracts aging and clogging of not only the main but also peripheral arteries. The therapeutic effect can be achieved by taking two to three heads of garlic daily.

Garlic thins the blood and is a natural antibiotic. It is very important that garlic very well strengthens the immune system, thereby increasing the body’s ability to resist harmful environmental influences. Garlic kills a wide variety of bacteria.

Garlic is added to many medications. Preparations prepared from garlic effectively destroyed malignant tumor cells. however, it should be remembered that from long-term use of garlic-based medications, they begin to suppress the intestinal microflora and cause irritation.

Garlic is an effective remedy for colds. It is also recommended to use garlic for disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the genitourinary tract and organs, as well as to cleanse the body. The healing properties of garlic reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Garlic kills cells of glioblastoma multiforme, a malignant brain tumor. Garlic has also been proven to have a positive effect on heart function.


In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries are second only to black currants. Five medium-sized berries contain as much vitamin C as one large orange. And there is more folic acid in strawberries than in raspberries and grapes. And although strawberries are very healthy, be careful with chemicals and buy them in the season when they are grown without all kinds of fertilizers

If you eat these berries every day, the immune system and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. Strawberries have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Therefore, for a sick stomach, it is prescribed as a medicine.


Carrots are called a miniature pharmacy for their rare composition of vitamins and mineral compounds. Carrots are one of the best tonic, restorative and vitamin remedies. It is especially useful for women: it improves intestinal motor function, cleanses the face, and strengthens hair.

And yet, the main value of carrots is its carotene content. As you know, when carotene enters the human body, it turns into vitamin A, one of the most beneficial for young women. In order to speed up this natural processing process, it is necessary, when eating carrots raw, to eat a small amount of fat - a dessert spoon of sour cream or vegetable oil. And when cooking carrots, you should add a sufficient amount of fat to your dishes. One of the most effective healing properties of carrots is associated with strengthening the retina. It is not without reason that all doctors in the world recommend introducing carrots into the daily diet for those who suffer from myopia, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, night blindness and eye fatigue.

### page 2


Pepper has medicinal and healing properties. Pepper is widely used in folk and traditional medicine due to its healing composition. Pepper contains many vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for the body. Pepper is very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C (not inferior to lemon and black currant). It is enough to eat a small piece of raw sweet pepper, only 30 - 40g, to satisfy a person’s daily requirement. The important thing is that this vitamin in pepper is not destroyed for 70 - 80 days. The highest concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is found near the stalk.

In addition, pepper fruits are rich in carotene and rutin, which have P-vitamin activity. In medicine, rutin is used as a means of strengthening the walls of blood capillaries. Peppers also contain vitamins B1, B2 and E. Peppers combine vitamin C with large amounts of vitamin P (rutin). This combination gives pepper a very useful property - pepper helps strengthen blood vessels and reduce the permeability of their walls.

Hot pepper, due to its beneficial and healing properties, is widely used in folk and traditional medicine to prevent and treat many ailments and diseases. Currently, pepper plasters are widely known, which are excellent for colds, bruises, rheumatism, arthritis, pain in muscles and joints.

Hot capsicum should be consumed orally to normalize cerebral circulation. Hot pepper prevents the development of atherosclerosis, alleviates the condition of bronchial asthma, cough, sore throat, and flu. Due to the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin P in red hot pepper, it helps strengthen and cleanse blood vessels; pepper is used to reduce cholesterol, improve blood circulation and cleanse blood vessels. A large amount of vitamin A allows you to use the beneficial properties of pepper to improve vision and form the skeleton. Hot peppers slow down the growth of cancer cells, and eating hot peppers is especially beneficial for ovarian cancer.


Bananas are a fruit that nature has ideally adapted for human nutrition. They quickly satisfy hunger, as they contain easily digestible carbohydrates and three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose, glucose. And also the vitamins and minerals we need.

Bananas are recommended for dietary nutrition. They contain malic acid and enzymes that are needed for the absorption of carbohydrates.
Banana is also unique in that it is the only fruit that can be consumed raw without causing exacerbations of peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis. These fruits neutralize acid, so they will also save you from heartburn.
By eating a banana, we get vitamins E and C. And at least a quarter of the daily recommended dose of vitamin B6, which regulates blood glucose levels and calms the nervous system.

Green tea

Today, green tea is used in a wide range: from cosmetics and weight loss to the treatment of cancer and AIDS. And all thanks to the unique set of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. contained in the dried tea tree leaf.

Let's start with the mineral elements. Zinc, potassium, fluorine, iodine, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, calcium, iron, copper, even gold! And that's not all. Let's move on to vitamins. Vitamins C, B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), A (carotene), K, P and PP (nicotinic acid). Thus, in terms of the content of vitamin P, which is responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, green tea has no competitors at all.

In total, tea leaves contain more than 300 beneficial substances. In addition to vitamins and minerals, green tea contains alkaloids, essential oils, carbohydrates, organic acids, proteins, pectins... Some of them, or more precisely their effects on the body, can be discussed separately.

A relaxing and soothing drink, green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, which is considered a stimulant of the nervous and circulatory systems. Green tea contains less caffeine than black tea and, even more so, less than coffee beans. Therefore, the dose of caffeine in a cup of tea, unless it is chifir, is, of course, less than the amount that stimulates brain activity and depresses blood vessels. That is, tea acts on our body gently, without shock. And yet you should not get carried away with long and super-heavy tea parties. Pleasure should be in moderation. And now about another magical property of green tea catechins. Instead of a painful diet, limiting yourself to something tasty, you can simply reduce your fat level by drinking tea. Beauty! Japanese scientists, after conducting a three-month experiment on a group of well-fed men, during which volunteers lost more than two kilos of weight, determined the optimal “portion” of green tea – no more than 6 cups per day.

Now, after getting a slim figure, all that remains is to get your skin in order. The antioxidants present in tea leaves bind and neutralize free radicals that cause aging and make the skin wrinkled. It's worth noting that many skin care products include green tea as one of their key ingredients. Even at home, it is quite easy to make a lotion, cleansing mask or toner from green tea.

Today, the valuable biological properties of soy are recognized by scientists all over the world, and products made from it are becoming more and more popular every day. Soy products have been proven to:

  1. regulate cholesterol levels and thereby reduce the risk of developing vascular and heart diseases;
  2. increase the secretion of bile acids, which promote the dissolution of gallstones;
  3. improve kidney function in diabetes;
  4. normalize fat metabolism and promote weight loss; reduce alcohol intoxication and cravings for alcohol;
  5. have an anti-cancer effect, promote the removal of radionuclides from the body;
  6. supply the body with all the necessary amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber.


Milk can independently cause the separation of gastric and intestinal juices and is therefore indicated for exhausted and weak patients. In the treatment of obesity, milk “fasting” days are used; milk is given for poisoning with salts of heavy metals, acids, alkalis as an antidote, for atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, liver and kidney diseases.
And although it is now known that in some cases milk is still contraindicated, for example, with low acidity of gastric juice, colitis with diarrhea, dysentery, nephrosis with edema, poisoning with phosphorus salts and phenol, and also due to a lack of lactase enzyme in the body of people of a number of nationalities, which breaks down milk sugar lactose, which leads to milk intolerance, one cannot help but recall the saying given in the sacred book of the Persians “Zend Avesta”, which directly says: “... in cows is our strength, in cows is our food, in cows is our clothing, in cows is our victory".

The medicinal properties of milk are largely explained by the presence in its composition of more than 160 compounds of various chemical natures, present in such ratios that ensure high digestibility and assimilability of the product. The main part of milk is water, the amount of which in the milk of most mammalian species ranges from 83 to 89%. The composition of milk solids includes proteins - casein, albumin and globulin, containing all amino acids essential for the body, milk fat, in which about 140 fatty acids were found, distributed in milk in the form of fat globules with a diameter of 0.5-10 microns, milk sugar - lactose, which is subjected to fermentation under the influence of enzymes - lactic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid or alcohol; salts that are found in milk mainly in a dissolved state in the form of ions and molecules and have a great influence on the physical properties of milk. Milk also contains enzymes - lipase, phosphatase, reductase, peroxidase, catalase, lactase and others, vitamins B, C, D, E, PP, pigments (carotene, lactoflavin), microelements - zinc, molybdenum, copper, manganese, cobalt and others, as well as gases - oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide.

The human body is not able to produce many of these compounds on its own, but at the same time they are absolutely necessary for it. Thus, a lack of at least one of the eight so-called essential amino acids - valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, lysine and tryptophan - slows down the growth of the body, and often leads to disease.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice improves metabolic processes, strengthens the body, and improves appetite. Folic acid and iron contained in cherry juice are useful for anemia; cahetins and anthocyanins strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Cherries contain beneficial substances - bioflavonoids, better known as vitamin P, which improves immunity and normalizes blood pressure. Vitamin P promotes wound healing and recovery from injuries. The peculiarity of cherry juice is its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The substances contained in it are effective against inflammation of the joints and act faster than the usual aspirin. Cherry is good for the heart and actively affects the circulatory and digestive processes in the body.

December 21, 2009 | Categories: Topper, Kitchen

Rating: +11 Article author: Soul Views: 141640

Eating a natural and healthy diet is an integral part of a long and healthy life. We are talking about gifts of nature that are not treated with chemicals and contain a number of substances beneficial to the human body. Nuts, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and much more... This article describes in detail the benefits of certain products from the ranking of the 20 healthiest foods on Earth, compiled by leading scientists from the UK.

Greens contain a large number of different vitamins and amino acids. Scientific research has confirmed that green plants are the best sources of fiber, which is beneficial for digestion. Greens include: spinach, green onions, parsley, dill and many other plants.

Goji berry strengthens the immune system by nourishing every cell of your body. This natural source of vitamins A and C will be an excellent help for people who constantly feel tired. Due to its high amount of protein and low calorie content, goji berries are popular as an ingredient in dietary dishes.

The healthiest sea fish! The unsaturated fats it contains help normalize blood fat. Over time, after adding salmon to your diet, you will notice improved memory, strengthened hair and restored shine to your skin. Eating this fish also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Salmon meat is rich in phosphorus, calcium, potassium, as well as vitamins A, C and B.

This exotic fruit is a natural source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for successful weight loss. In addition, avocado contains B vitamins and carotenoids that are important for our body, maintaining blood sugar levels at a normal level and helping to improve vision.

This plant is practically unknown in Russia - although quinoa is very useful. It's a source of clean protein and smart carbohydrates that won't turn into fat. Quinoa grains will be an ideal product for combating excess weight! Considering its low calorie content, the presence of vitamin B9 and the abundance of protein, the use of this plant is recommended for people predisposed to heart disease.

Broccoli is called the queen of cabbage. No wonder - it contains a lot of useful elements! Broccoli contains vitamins B6, C, PP and K, as well as beneficial minerals and proteins. A recent study showed that this vegetable has a beneficial effect on vision and inhibits the development of blindness. On top of that, broccoli strengthens your bones, heart, and overall immune system, reducing your risk of cancer.

Nuts are popular in cooking all over the world and are used both in confectionery and in various pastes, oils and sauces. This universal product not only has a pleasant taste, but also a lot of useful microelements: almost all nuts contain iodine (which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland), proteins, vitamins and useful minerals. Doctors advise eating five different nuts every day - almond, walnut, pistachio, cashew and hazelnut.


Beetroot is widely used in folk medicine due to its unique composition, which includes various vitamins (PP, group B and others) and minerals (iron, magnesium, iodine and others). The boron present in this vegetable helps solve potency problems, normalizes blood pressure and saturates the brain with oxygen. Beets will be the ideal ingredient for a delicious and healthy vegetable smoothie!

Sweet potatoes are also known as “sweet potatoes,” although they taste more like pumpkin. This is a very useful and, importantly, cheap product. Sweet potatoes are recommended for preventing heart attacks (due to vitamin B6, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels), relieving stress (provided by its high potassium content), and maintaining elasticity in the skin (due to beta-carotene). Eat sweet potato to inject vital energy into your body and strengthen your immune system.

Scientists consider the tomato one of the healthiest vegetables on Earth. It helps cure a number of different ailments: stomach ulcers, depression, cardiovascular diseases, and thanks to its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it significantly reduces the risk of cancer. The vegetable contains vitamins A, C and B6.

Kale or curly cabbage is a real storehouse of nutrients. Contains all 9 essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acid, a large dose of vitamins A, C, K, PP. Kale is rich in minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. The calcium level in this vegetable is higher than in milk! The presence of the substance indole-3-carbinol, which prevents the growth of tumor cells, makes it an effective means for preventing cancer.

An indispensable product for dietary nutrition. In addition to its wonderful taste and low calorie content, raspberries also have a number of medicinal properties. Its composition includes vitamins C, A, B2, B9. Raspberries have anti-sclerotic, antipyretic, diaphoretic and restorative effects, making them recommended for use during colds.

Black beans have an impressive range of important substances. A huge number of useful microelements, a rich amino acid composition, and an optimal combination of protein and fiber determine a wide range of its beneficial properties. Black beans are used to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disorders, as well as for digestive problems.
14. CANTALOUPE (muscatelon)

Canaloupe or honeydew melon has a positive effect on the immune system due to its high concentration of carotene and ascorbic acid. Contains folic acid, essential for pregnant women. Cantaloupe also contains inosine, which prevents hair loss and cholesterol accumulation.

Artichoke is rich in vitamins and proteins. It has a tonic effect and is well absorbed. It has diuretic and choleretic properties, therefore it is recommended for the prevention of gout and jaundice.


Watermelon is a very tasty and healthy berry. The lycopene it contains (which turns its flesh red) prevents heart disease and cancer. Considering the low-calorie content of watermelon, it can be safely recommended for dietary nutrition.

A common citrus with a rich chemical composition, which includes beta-carotene, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and other essential trace elements. Grapefruit has good carcinogenic properties and helps to get rid of excess weight.

Asparagus is a natural source of fiber, as well as a number of beneficial minerals and vitamins that slow down the aging process. Since ancient times it has been used as a diuretic and blood purifier. Asparagus will help you remove toxins, alcohol and excess water from your body.
19. Kelp (sea cabbage)

Laminaria (popularly known as “sea kale”) is famous for its high concentration of beneficial vitamins and minerals (in particular, iodine is present in large quantities). An indispensable product recommended for use by people of any age. Nutritionists advise eating seaweed salads at least once a week.

Cabbage is especially popular in Russia. The reason for this is not only the pleasant taste properties and easy care of the plant, but also its rich chemical composition. This vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C - by eating 200 grams of cabbage, you will fully satisfy your daily requirement for it. In addition, the plant contains vitamins B, PP, glucose, phosphorus, calcium, as well as a lot of iron and zinc. A wonderful dietary product that will help you lower your cholesterol levels and serve as a means of preventing cancer.

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