Milk flatbread with stewed cabbage. Quick pies with cabbage - we'll feed everyone! Recipes for quick pies with cabbage made from jellied, shortbread, puff pastry. Recipe for a quick pie with cabbage made from shortcrust pastry

Cabbage pies are one of our favorite pies! Our grandmothers baked such pies in old Russian ovens.

Today I propose to bake a very tasty lean cabbage pie with lots of filling. No one will ever determine that the dough in this pie is lean and does not contain eggs or butter.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Difficulty of preparation: average.


    Salt – 2 tsp.

    Dry yeast – 2-3 g

    Water – 170 ml

    Sunflower oil for lubrication


To prepare the pie, we need to make a yeast-based lean dough. There are no eggs or butter in the lean dough. Therefore, pour 300 grams of wheat flour into a cup. Then add yeast to the flour. I use instant dry yeast. The dough rises with them much faster than with raw yeast. And they cause less trouble. For 300 grams of flour we need 3 grams of yeast, this is about a quarter of the pack.
Then add one teaspoon of salt to the flour.

Add some warm water, about 170 milliliters. It is better to determine the exact amount of water by eye, because the absorption of flour may be slightly different.

Let the dough rise. This usually takes 30-40 minutes. My dough took 40 minutes to rise.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. To do this, cut the cabbage into cubes.

Then we peel the onions and also cut them into cubes.

Now roll out the second part of the dough.

Cover the filling with dough. We pinch the edges very tightly.

We make small holes in the top of the cake to allow hot air to escape. They can be made with a fork, knife or toothpick.

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. We put our pie inside.

After 15-20 minutes the pie will brown. Now, so that the bottom edge of the pie is baked well, remove it from the oven and turn it over. If you do not have a foil baking dish, then you may not need this action.

When the cake is completely browned, remove it from the oven and cover with a towel. Let the pie cool a little. This way it will remain soft and tasty.

When the pie has cooled, you can cut it into pieces and eat it.

Bon appetit!

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Cabbage pies are a very homemade and warm pastry. She exudes kindness and good humor. At the same time, you don’t need to spend the whole day in the kitchen; everything can be simpler and much faster.

Here are some very interesting recipes for quick cabbage pies.

Quick cabbage pies - general cooking principles

For quick pies, do not use yeast dough unless it is purchased. It is better to prepare quicker versions using kefir or sour cream, from a shortbread or puff pastry base. The last option is convenient because puff pastry can be bought at any store; baked goods from it always turn out tender and tasty. Below are a couple of recipes for using it.

Cabbage for pie is rarely used raw; more often it is fried or stewed. This improves the taste and the filling is baked well. There are interesting recipes with sauerkraut. Often various other ingredients are added to the filling. Options with fish, minced meat, and mushrooms are especially successful.

Baking time and temperature depend on the type of dough. If it is flooded, then 180-200 degrees is enough. Puff pastry with these parameters will dry out; for it, it is better to preheat the oven to 210-220 degrees.

Recipe for a quick cabbage pie with kefir

The kefir dough is light, tasty, and it is very simple and quick to prepare. The filling is made from cabbage and eggs, but you can omit it if you wish.


250 grams of flour;

A pair of eggs;

Five grams of soda;

A couple of tablespoons of oil;

250 grams of kefir;

For filling:

350 g raw cabbage;

Three eggs;

One onion;

Oil and spices.

Cooking method

1. It’s convenient to prepare the filling in a large frying pan, so the cabbage will fry quickly. Pour a little oil, heat it up, add the chopped onion. Cook for a minute.

2. Quickly chop the cabbage, add to the onion, fry together for about five minutes, season with salt, pepper, and you can add a little garlic or herbs. Cool.

3. Boil the eggs for the filling hard-boiled, cut into cubes or grate, and add to the cabbage.

4. Break the eggs for the dough into a bowl, add salt, add kefir and immediately add baking soda. Whisk everything together until smooth. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil, add flour, beat again.

5. Grease the mold, pour out half the dough, spread the cabbage and egg filling, cover with a new layer of dough. Gently stretch the top with a spoon to make the cake even.

6. Place in the oven, bake at 200 degrees until done.

Recipe for quick layer pie with cabbage

One of the most unpretentious options. The recipe for a quick cabbage pie uses ready-made dough. It is easy to buy in the store, one package is enough.


Dough packaging;

Half a kilo of cabbage;

One onion head;

One carrot;

60 grams of butter;

Small egg.

Cooking method

1. It’s better to start with the filling. If you have ready-made stewed cabbage, we use it; in other cases, we follow the recipe. Chop the onion, three carrots, fry a little.

2. Chop the cabbage, add to the vegetables, fry for a minute, then cover and simmer. If there is not enough juice, then add a few tablespoons of water. Cook for 10 minutes, that’s enough, season with spices. The filling will become completely soft in the oven. Let cool.

3. Unroll the dough, roll it out and divide it so that you get two layers slightly different in size. Transfer one to a baking sheet.

4. Lay out the cabbage filling, level it, but do not touch the edges, 3 cm on each side.

5. Beat the egg with a fork, but not too much, just until smooth. If you don't have it, then water will do. Grease the remaining edges.

6. On the second layer of dough, make cuts or simply pierce them, transfer to the pie, and join with the edges greased. By this time they had softened and become sticky.

7. It is advisable to bake products from the finished dough at a high temperature, place them in an oven preheated to 220 degrees, and cook the cabbage pie for 20-25 minutes.

Recipe for a quick pie with cabbage and minced meat

Another option made from batter. But we will cook it with sour cream and yogurt. Although the second ingredient can be perfectly replaced with kefir, everything works out just as well.


150 grams of sour cream;

100 ml yogurt;

Spoon of sugar;

1 tsp. soda;

160 grams of flour.

For filling;

300 grams of minced meat;

300 grams of cabbage;

150 grams of onion;

Fat or oil, seasonings.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onions, chop into strips, place in a frying pan with a small amount of fat or any oil, lightly fry and add minced meat. Cook together for five minutes.

2. In another frying pan with oil, fry the cabbage. It also does not need to be brought to full readiness. As soon as the volume decreases and a pleasant aroma appears, turn off the stove.

3. Combine the filling ingredients, salt, pepper, stir.

4. For the dough, throw into a bowl: salt, sugar, eggs, sour cream and yogurt. Lower the mixer and simply beat the ingredients for a couple of minutes.

5. Add baking soda and flour, immerse the mixer again and beat the dough for a couple more minutes.

6. Pour approximately half of the dough into a greased, or better yet lined, mold, stretch the layer, and lay out the filling. But you don’t need to pour it all into one place, otherwise it will fail. It is better to immediately distribute evenly over the entire surface.

7. Pour in the rest of the dough, bake the cabbage pie at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Recipe for a quick pie with cabbage made from shortcrust pastry

In this recipe for a quick cabbage pie, the dough is kneaded with butter. If desired, we take margarine, but only high-quality and high-fat.


2st. flour;

500 g cabbage;

1 onion;

200 g butter sl.;

30 ml vegetable oil;

Cooking method

1. Fry the chopped onion and shredded cabbage in vegetable oil. Season with any spices you like.

2. Sift the flour onto a large cutting board, put a piece of butter in the center and chop it all with a knife.

3. Add one whole egg and one yolk; the second white is not needed. You can add it to the filling and stir it, it will bake into the pie.

4. Add salt to the dough and knead until smooth. It should come together into a ball. Optionally, if you want a softer structure, you can add a couple of pinches of ripper.

5. Divide the dough in half. Sprinkle the table and one piece, roll out one flat cake, and place in the mold.

6. Lay out the cabbage.

7. Roll out the second part of the dough and cover the filling, connect the edges of the cabbage pie, twist it, make a few holes on top.

8. Bake until ready at 200 degrees. Cool slightly, then carefully remove from the mold.

Recipe for a quick pie with sauerkraut

Another version of the pie made from ready-made dough, but to prepare it you will need sauerkraut. It is very important to fry it before using it, for some reason many people don’t do this.


500 g sauerkraut;

3-4 tablespoons of oil;

A pack of dough;

2 onions;

Cooking method

1. Pour a little oil into a frying pan and put it on the stove.

2. Peel and cut the onion into small cubes and add to the oil. Fry until transparent. If this is not done now, then under the influence of cabbage acid the vegetable will crunch for a long time.

3. Squeeze out excess brine from cabbage. If it is peroxided, you can pre-soak it in cold water or simply rinse it well. Fry with onions for a minute, cover the frying pan and simmer for about fifteen minutes. At the end you can add a spoonful of tomato paste.

4. Roll out the dough to a thickness of three millimeters. Layer cakes are usually square or rectangular in shape, so simply divide them into two.

5. Place the filling on one piece, cover with a second layer, connect the edges, make holes on the top.

6. Shake the egg, brush and place in the oven. Bake for 20-22 minutes, temperature for cabbage pie is around 210 degrees.

Recipe for a quick pie with cabbage and fish

Canned saury is used to prepare the filling. You can also take pink salmon, mackerel, sardinella or other canned food in its juice or oil.


500 grams of kefir;

250 grams of softened butter;

500 grams of cabbage;

1 can of saury;

20 tablespoons of flour;

20 g butter for filling;

25 g oil for lubrication;

1 tsp. soda

Cooking method

1. Fry the cabbage in oil. Add onions or carrots if desired. Add salt to the filling and cool.

2. Open a can of fish. If there is little liquid, then mash it together, combine with cabbage, and stir.

3. Heat the kefir a little, add a teaspoon of salt, dissolve, add soda. Mix everything thoroughly, add softened butter and add flour. It should take about twenty spoons, but it all depends on the thickness of the kefir. Knead soft dough.

4. Form an ordinary closed cabbage pie. Make several holes on the top so that it does not crack during baking.

5. Place in a preheated oven for 35 minutes. Temperature 180 degrees.

6. Quickly grease the baked pie with butter while it is hot, cover with a towel, and leave for half an hour.

Any pie will turn out more beautiful and fragrant if you sprinkle it with sesame seeds. To ensure they stick well, the surface is first greased with egg or water.

Soda is always quenched with acid or fermented milk products. Baker's ripper does not need this, but it should only be added to flour; liquids and fat can inhibit its effect.

For the filling you can use not only white cabbage, but also Chinese cabbage. It also needs to be cut and fried in a frying pan; you can add other vegetables, mushrooms, and meat products.

Thin, tender, fried dough and a rich, juicy filling with a rich taste - this is what real Ossetian pies look like.

Round flatbreads made of dough with various fillings - a similar dish is found in almost every country: in India - , in the Caucasus - khichina, as well as Tatar kystybyi, Italian piadina, Turkish gozleme, Kazakh and Kyrgyz katama - all recipes for hot flatbreads are very similar to each other . This appetizer can be prepared with any filling (for different tastes and purposes) - it’s better to take with you on the road a flatbread with vegetable filling, like our Ossetian pie with cabbage and cheese; you can also wrap beet tops, spinach, leeks or young garlic inside, as in the frying pan recipe. You can also stew pumpkin with spices, fry mushrooms with onions, boil beans - all this is also suitable as a tasty filling.

By the way, Ossetian pie with cabbage and cheese is correctly called Kabuskajin- here you definitely need to chop the cabbage so that the filling turns out very tender and juicy, and it is best to use Adyghe cheese (or paneer), the one that is prepared without rennet.

I suggest you make a very tasty, aromatic and tender Ossetian pie with cabbage - a recipe with photos will help you prepare the dish step by step without difficulty and without any questions.


For the test:

  • Yeast – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. + flour for dusting;
  • Salt -1 tsp.
  • Water – 1 tbsp;
  • Vegetable dough – 3 tbsp;
  • Milk – 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Cabbage – 900 g;
  • Cheese (Adyghe, feta cheese, suluguni) – 600 g.
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Dill – 30 g;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • Butter for greasing.

Delicious Ossetian pie with cabbage


Add sugar, yeast to warm water (1/4 cup), stir.

After three minutes, add 1-2 tablespoons of flour, stir everything until smooth.

If the yeast is good, then after 15 minutes the mass should foam.

Sift all the flour into a deep bowl, add salt, stir.

Make a hole in the middle and pour in the yeast mixture, after adding water to a full glass and milk.

Begin kneading a very soft, sticky dough. It is difficult to work with such dough, but the pies from it turn out to be very airy. When the dough acquires a homogeneous consistency, it will need to be kneaded well. To make it easier to work with, gradually add vegetable oil. You need to knead for a long time, 15-20 minutes. At the end of kneading, the dough will become like a rubber band and will practically stop sticking.

Cover the dough with cling film and leave to rise for 1-1.5 hours.


Chop the cabbage quite finely.

Stew the cabbage in a small amount of vegetable oil. First, 5 minutes with the lid open, then add a little water, cover and stir occasionally until the cabbage is soft. Transfer the cabbage to a bowl and cool.

Grate the cheese (you can use a mixture of cheeses) on a coarse grater.

Combine cabbage and cheese, add salt and black pepper, chopped dill.

Divide the filling into three equal parts and form into 3 balls.

Forming the cake

Divide the dough into three equal parts. Place on a floured surface and stretch into a flat cake. Place the filling in the middle.

Gather the dough into a pouch and seal the top.

Now form a cake with a diameter of 30 cm.

Make a small hole in the middle of the pie.

Grease the pie with butter.

Bake the pies at 220ºC for about 30 minutes until golden brown. Grease the finished flatbreads with butter.

Bon appetit!

Soft, flaky, with a crispy crust - flatbreads with cabbage in the oven. The recipe is very simple, with a minimum set of ingredients. These flatbreads are perfect for a Lenten menu, as they do not contain dairy products or eggs. The sauerkraut filling gives the puff pastry a special taste, be sure to try it!


  • flour - 350 g
  • water – 200 ml
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • sugar – 1 tsp.
  • dry yeast – 5 g
  • cabbage – 150 g
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml


Pour warm water over sugar and yeast, add 5 teaspoons of flour, stir and let stand for 10-15 minutes.

Add salt and the rest of the flour. Knead the dough well and leave for another 20 minutes, covering with cling film.

Divide the finished dough into 4 parts, collecting each into a ball.

Roll out thinly and grease with vegetable oil, add the filling from fried sauerkraut (cooled).

Wrap it loosely in a roll, then roll it up like a snail (you can see it clearly in the video).

Let the “snails” stand for 10 minutes while the oven heats up.

Flatten each into a flat cake and prick with a fork (for an even rise), grease with oil.

Bake at 220 degrees until golden brown, 20-25 minutes. Cover the finished cakes with a towel for about 5 minutes. Fragrant and tasty pastries are ready!

Short video recipe:

It always seemed to me that good, tasty baked goods can only be made in the oven or bread maker. But it turned out that the multicooker is also capable of something in this area. Meet a very tasty pie filled with cabbage and boiled egg. Like all dishes in a slow cooker, it’s easy to prepare, quick, and the results are excellent!

To prepare the pie we will need: white cabbage, chicken eggs, onions, vegetable and butter, herbs, milk, flour, salt and spices, dried herbs (Provencal, Italian) and sugar. First of all, we need to finely chop the cabbage.

Now it’s the turn of the onions - we peel, wash and finely chop them.

We take 3 chicken eggs and hard-boil them, then cool them in cold water, peel the shells and chop them finely.

You need to remove the bitterness from the cabbage. We will do it this way - boil salted water in a saucepan, pour shredded cabbage into it, and boil for 3-4 minutes. Then drain the cabbage in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Heat the frying pan, pour 1 tbsp. oil for frying, and then pour the onions into it. Pour in the sugar and, stirring, sauté the onion for 3 minutes, during which time the sugar will give the onion a beautiful caramel shade and a sweetish taste.

Add cabbage and butter (not spread!) to the pan with onions. Stir the vegetables and fry until the butter is completely dissolved and absorbed into the vegetables. 5 minutes will be enough.

In a large bowl or saucepan, combine the fried cabbage with onions and chopped eggs. Finely chop the dill and add 0.5 tsp here. salt, mix thoroughly. The pie filling is ready.

On a coarse grater, grate three hard cheeses. A slightly salty variety is ideal; with unleavened cheese, the taste of the filling in the pie will not be as rich.

Make the filling for the filling. In a deep bowl, combine 2 raw chicken eggs, grated cheese, milk, add salt (a couple of pinches) and ground black pepper. The easiest way to achieve a smooth mixture is to use a blender, but a whisk will also work.

Now we make the pie dough. In a deep bowl, mix water, flour, 1 raw egg and 1/4 tsp. salt. It is impossible to indicate the exact amount of flour, since it depends on the flour itself. The dough should be soft, elastic, and the consistency of dumplings.

Roll out the dough into a thick cake, with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the multicooker bowl. Grease it with vegetable oil, and place the cake there, the edges should extend slightly onto the walls of the multicooker.

Fill the bottom of the future pie with cabbage filling, press it down well, and level the surface of the filling with a spoon.

Now pour the cheese, milk and egg filling evenly on top. Sprinkle dried herbs, such as Italian, on top. Select the Baking mode for 60 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, you need to check the readiness of the pie and, if necessary, increase the baking time. But I want to say that in my weak Panasonic, with a power of 490 W, the pie was perfectly baked in 60 minutes, and was not raw inside.

This is how beauty turns out, beautiful and fragrant!

We wait until the pie cools down a little and take it out of the multicooker. Cut into pieces and enjoy the excellent taste of cabbage pie.

This pie is perfect for both a quiet family dinner and noisy gatherings with friends.

Bon appetit!

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