How to make blackberry jam correctly. Five-minute blackberry jam. Terms and conditions of storage of blackberry jam

Blackberry jam is a delicious preparation! Rich color, amazing taste and a whole bunch of vitamins are hidden in each jar. Jam is good on its own, can be used in various desserts, added to baked goods and turn any dish into a small masterpiece. It's time to prepare!

Blackberry jam - general principles of preparation

Wild blackberries are very soft, juicy, and small in size. They often fall apart in your hands and become wrinkled in dishes. Garden blackberries are denser, larger, and sometimes even tough. Jam can be made from any berries.

You need to wash the blackberries carefully. To do this, the berries are placed in a colander and dipped into water several times. Then they take it out, place it on a saucepan to drain the liquid, or hang it on a bucket.

What is put in blackberry jam:

Other berries;

Various fruits;

The exact ingredients and types of additives for blackberries are usually indicated in the recipe. The jam is prepared on the stove, but you can also use a slow cooker. There are recipes for preparing without cooking, which preserve the taste of the berries as much as possible. But they have their own subtleties in preparation.

Blackberry jam “Pyatiminutka”

Pyatiminutka is a jam loved by many, which allows you to preserve the aroma and taste of fresh berries as much as possible. They cook it from all sorts of things, including blackberries!


1 kg blackberries;

1.2 kg sugar.


1. Sprinkle washed blackberries with sugar and leave for 5 hours so that the berries release their juice.

2. Place the workpiece on the stove, bring to a boil, skim off the foam.

3. Record the time and after boiling, boil for exactly five minutes.

4. Cool for 3-4 hours.

5. Place on the stove again and bring to a boil. If foam appears, remove it.

6. Let the blackberry jam simmer for five minutes and put the hot mixture into jars. Ready!

Blackberry jam with whole berries

A recipe for jam in which the blackberries remain whole. To do this, the syrup is boiled separately. It is also very important to use slightly underripe and firm berries, since blackberries themselves are soft.


1.8 kg sugar;

500 ml water;

1.2 kg blackberries.


1. Pour sugar into a clean saucepan, add water and place on low heat.

2. Cook the syrup, it is advisable to make sure that most of the sugar dissolves before the mixture boils, so that the jam does not become sugary.

3. After boiling, boil the syrup for three minutes.

4. By this time, the berries should already be sorted, washed and dried a little.

5. Add blackberries to the syrup and turn up the heat.

6. Remove the foam when boiling, boil for five minutes. It is very important not to let such jam boil actively so that the berries do not disintegrate during the boiling and retain their natural shape as much as possible.

7. Cool the jam and leave for six hours.

8. Bring to a boil again. This time we boil the workpiece in syrup for ten minutes. Let cool for three hours.

9. For the last time, let the jam simmer again for ten minutes, put it in clean and always dry containers, and cover with lids. You can remove the blackberry preparation for storage.

Blackberry jam in a slow cooker

A recipe for aromatic blackberry jam that does not require close attention. The kitchen assistant, the multicooker, will take care of everything.


1 kg of berries;

1 kg sugar.


1. Pour the washed and dried blackberries into a multicooker cup.

2. Add granulated sugar according to the recipe.

3. Cover the container with a clean towel and leave overnight. If you don’t have that much time, then at least for 2 hours.

4. Insert the container into the multicooker.

5. Turn on the “Stew” program and cook the jam for an hour.

6. Don’t forget to remove the foam when boiling.

7. Take a clean and dry ladle and place the workpiece in sterile jars.

Blackberry jam and apples

Are there very few blackberries? You can make jam with apples! The preparation will turn out to be very interesting in taste, aromatic, no worse than the classic blackberry delicacy. In total you will get 1.5 liters of jam.


1 kg apples;

200 grams of blackberries;

1 kg sugar;

400 ml water.


1. Wash the apples and cut them into small pieces, leaving the cores. Place in a saucepan.

2. Add water to the apples according to the recipe. Place the apples and water on the stove, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the heat.

3. Drain all the water, leaving only pieces of apples in the pan.

4. Add washed blackberries.

5. Add all the prescription sugar and return it to the stove. Set the heat to low and start preparing the jam.

6. When foam appears, be sure to remove it with a spoon.

7. Cook over low heat for half an hour after boiling, stir the sweet mixture periodically.

8. Place in jars, immediately seal the jam, and turn over until it cools. We send it to the basement.

Blackberry jam “Thick” with gelatin

A variant of thick and rich blackberry jam, which requires ordinary gelatin. You can buy it at any grocery store. It is worth immediately warning that initially the workpiece will be liquid and will thicken after cooling.


10 grams of gelatin;

4 cups blackberries;

3 cups sugar;

70 ml water.


1. Pour gelatin with boiled but cold water. Leave it while we prepare the main ingredients.

2. Rinse the blackberries, remove leaves, twigs and other debris. There is no need to dry anything, just let some water droplets remain.

3. Add sugar to the berries, stir and place on low heat. If you have time, it is better to combine the sand with the berries in advance so that the juice has time to release.

4. When boiling, collect the foam from the surface of the jam. If it forms again, remove it periodically.

5. Cook the jam at low simmer for half an hour.

6. Add the gelatin, stir quickly and as soon as the mass starts to bubble, turn it off immediately. We do not allow the workpiece to boil well, so as not to destroy the gelling properties of gelatin.

7. Pour the blackberry mixture into jars and seal.

Blackberry and lemon jam “Citrus aroma”

A recipe for blackberry jam with an amazing aroma. Similarly, you can prepare a sweet treat with orange, but its aroma will not be as pronounced and bright.


1 kg sugar;

1 kg blackberries;

1 large lemon at least 150 grams.


1. Cover the washed blackberries with sugar and leave to stand for four hours. It's best to refrigerate overnight.

2. Take a brush, rinse the lemon, thoroughly washing out the pores of the zest. This is where dirt most often accumulates. You can pour boiling water over the citrus or put it in hot water. This will not only clean the crust, but will also make squeezing out the juice easier.

3. Take a grater and grate the lemon on the fine side. We remove only the yellow thin crust - the zest. It retains the aroma of citrus. You can immediately pour it into a container with blackberries.

4. Cut the citrus into two parts and squeeze out all the juice. If a bone gets into it, take it out.

5. Place the blackberries with zest and sugar on the stove, skim off the foam when boiling. Cook for 15 minutes.

6. Add lemon juice and simmer for about ten minutes.

7. While the mixture is hot, put it into jars.

Blackberry jam without cooking

Recipe for natural jam with the amazing taste of fresh berries. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator or in a room with a temperature of no more than 5-7 degrees, for example, in a cold basement. Then it will definitely not turn sour!


1 part berries;

1.5 parts sugar.


1. We sort out the blackberries. Since the workpiece is not boiled, you need to carefully examine the main product. Spoiled, rotten berries and debris are not allowed to get into the jam.

2. Wash the blackberries and dry them on napkins. Drops of water should also not get in.

3. Add all the sugar to the blackberries at once, mash with a pestle or just stir well with a spoon.

4. Leave for an hour.

5. Place on the stove, heat it up a little, just enough to bring it to a warm state. Stir, turn off.

6. After a while, check whether all the grains of sugar have melted. If necessary, repeat heating.

7. All that remains is to put the sweet blackberries into jars, close them with nylon lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Blackberry jam without sugar with honey

Running out of sugar? This is not a reason to give up blackberry jam. You can make a preparation with an amazing taste and aroma of honey. It is very important that the honey is natural.


400 grams of blackberries;

300 grams of honey.


1. Place the honey in a stainless steel saucepan and begin to heat it slowly.

2. Wash the blackberries, mash the berries with a spoon, you can simply take them apart in half.

3. Add the berries to the honey, stir and simmer over very low heat for about half an hour. The mass should not boil.

4. Turn up the heat and bring the jam to a boil.

5. Boil for another minute and quickly put into jars.

6. Close the lids immediately and leave to cool upside down.

7. Afterwards we put the honey jam and blackberries in the basement.

Some varieties of garden blackberries are not very juicy. In this case, for preparation you need to use recipes with the addition of water and cooking syrups. It is better to cook hard berries whole.

If you overheat the jam, it will lose not only its vitamins, but also its pleasant taste. The most aromatic and beautiful preparations are obtained by short-term cooking. It can be produced in several stages with alternate infusion and cooling.

You can add more than just citrus zest to blackberry jam for flavor. A wonderful aroma is obtained by adding mint leaves. Delicious jam can be made with cinnamon sticks or vanilla; it is better to use real pods.

Blackberries - 1 kilogram
Oranges - 2 pieces
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Lemon - 1 piece

How to make blackberry and orange jam
1. Wash and peel the oranges, cut the zest into noodles.
2. Squeeze orange juice into a saucepan to make jam; do not use the juice for jam.
3. Add zest and sugar to the orange juice, mix well and put on low heat.
4. Bring the jam to a boil and cool at room temperature.
5. Sort the blackberries, wash them, put them in cold syrup, and leave for 2 hours.
6. Put the jam on the fire, cook for half an hour over low heat, stirring.
7. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the squeezed lemon juice, then cool the jam and pour into jars.


- Blackberries are rich in a whole set of vitamins: vitamin A helps improve vision, C and E strengthen the immune system, PP is responsible for the functioning of the heart and blood circulation, regulates cholesterol in the blood. Blackberries contain all B vitamins, which play an important role in the body's metabolism. In addition to vitamins, blackberries contain a number of useful minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium. For such a rich composition, the berry is considered medicinal. Blackberries will help you quickly cope with acute respiratory disease and reduce fever. It is recommended to use it regularly to prevent cancer and vascular diseases. Fresh blackberry juice will help with insomnia.

It is recommended to eat blackberries to normalize intestinal function. The berries contain organic acids - citric, malic, salicylic, which stimulate juice secretion in the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion. But you should know that ripe berries can slightly weaken the stool, while unripe ones can strengthen it.

Blackberries can be included in the diet, as they have a low calorie content - 36 kcal/100 grams. Due to the large amount of pectin substances - good sorbents, blackberries remove salts, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

Blackberry jam can be made without seeds. To do this, you first need to hold the berries in hot water at a temperature of 80-90 degrees, without boiling, for 3 minutes. Rub the softened berries through a metal sieve - the seeds will remain in the sieve, and cook the blackberry puree with sugar.

To ensure that the berries remain intact when cooking blackberry jam, you should not wash them before cooking, and while preparing the jam, stir it carefully with a large wooden spoon. Even better is to cook the jam in a wide bowl and, instead of stirring with a spoon, rock the bowl in a circle.

To make the jam thicker and more aromatic, you can add juice and ground lemon or orange zest at the beginning of cooking.

So, blackberry jam without cooking, recipe:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

To ensure you have enough sugar, try the berry: if it’s sour, add more sweetness; if it’s normal or sweet, use granulated sugar “measure by measure.” It’s easy to make blackberry jam without cooking, but you need to know a few secrets:

1) The berries are picked only when they are fully ripe; they do not ripen in the house, like gooseberries;

2) When picking blackberries from the bush, be very careful - the skin of the berry is much softer than raspberries, and it’s easy to get just a crumpled fruit that you have to throw away;

3) When picking berries in the forest, pay attention to the cleanliness of the bush: if you encounter a stink bug, it is better to go around this bush, it is likely that these insects will be in the berries;

4) Peeling blackberries is quite difficult: tearing off the tails can easily damage the berry. To prevent this from happening, first rinse the berries in ice water - this will make the tails much easier to remove. And you need to pull them (tails) out in a circular motion so as not to damage the fruit;

5) Wash blackberries – be sure! It's not a raspberry that absorbs water. After washing, the berries need to be dried very well on towels. From time to time, gently shake the towel with berries so that all the liquid drains out from inside the fruit.

Blackberry jam recipe without cooking:

1) Cover the washed and dried berries with sugar. You need to take the berry when it is fully ripe so that it gives as much juice as possible;

2) Grind with a wooden masher so that the berries are all crushed;

3) Stir with a spoon and leave the blackberry jam uncooked for the winter in a cool place for 8-12 hours.

After settling, stir the jam again (the sugar should completely dissolve), put it in jars, close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Blackberry jam with lemon

To make blackberry jam with lemon you will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe berries;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of boiled water or any sweet natural juice.

Recipes for blackberry jam are varied, but in order not to digest all the beneficial substances and get good vitamin support in winter, cook blackberry jam with lemon for five minutes! The result is an excellent dessert, suitable not only for consumption in its pure form, but also for soaking cakes, adding to various desserts and preparing fruit drinks. How to make blackberry jam with lemon:

1) Rinse the berries, peel and leave to dry on towels;

2) Rinse the lemon thoroughly, remove the zest from half the lemon, remove the seeds and set aside for now;

3) Boil syrup from water (juice) and sugar: put the dish on the fire, stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil and boil for at least 4-5 minutes;

4) Pour lemon zest chopped into small pieces into the boiling syrup (only the yellow part, without the white shell!) and cook on low heat for another 10 minutes;

5) Quickly add dried blackberries to the syrup boiled with zest, boil for 2 minutes and add the pulp of half a lemon, cut into pieces;

6) Cook for no more than 5 minutes at low simmer.

Remove the blackberry and lemon jam from the heat, let cool slightly and put into jars with airtight lids. Turn the jars over onto their lids, cover with a blanket, let cool completely and store in a cool, dark place.

Blackberry and raspberry jam

You can cook blackberry and raspberry jam according to the five-minute principle, but if you still have space in the refrigerator, try recipes for blackberry and raspberry jam without cooking. What is needed for this:

  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg blackberries;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar.

How to make blackberry and raspberry jam:

1) Peel the blackberries, rinse and place to dry on a towel;

2) DO NOT WASH the raspberries, but only sort them out, remove leaves, twigs and berries with insects or heavily dented fruits;

3) Mix dried blackberries and raspberries in a bowl;

4) Add sugar to the jam and mix, pressing the berries a little;

5) Leave the jam in the refrigerator overnight;

6) In the morning, mix the jam well again and put it in jars.

This blackberry and raspberry jam not only turns out to be very tasty, but also contains all the beneficial substances, helps against many diseases and will cheer you up even on the coldest and cloudiest day! But if you want to make blackberry and raspberry jam, then after leaving it in the refrigerator, you need to put the bowl with the berries on low heat. Don’t worry, with constant stirring the berries will not boil – there is quite enough juice. You need to cook the dessert no more than 5-7 minutes after boiling and only on low heat! Afterwards, cool, put into jars and seal tightly. The jam is ready for the winter!

If you want to get a great boost of energy and survive the winter without coughing, there’s nothing left to do but make blackberry jam! To cope with the cold without pills, injections or medications, to boost the immune system and simply cope with all the troubles - blackberries can do it all!

Enjoy your preparations and be healthy!

Blackberries have found wide use in cooking due to their bright taste characteristics. Light sourness and notes of sweetness make up a unique bouquet that will appeal to both adults and children. During the berry ripening season, they try to prepare them using all known methods, so that later they can replenish the supply of vitamins in the body for a whole year. Jam made from the healthiest blackberries is not only tasty, but also very aromatic.

Garden blackberries are very useful for the human body, and most of their properties are preserved even after heat treatment. To make jam from these fruits, they are first dipped in boiling water for 3 minutes and then ground through a fine sieve. This procedure allows you to separate the seeds, which cause some inconvenience when consuming the final product.

Those who like whole blackberries in jam should not wash the main ingredient before cooking, and during the cooking process, stir the dish very carefully, using a wooden spoon. It would be even better to do without stirring, but simply rock the dishes with your hands from side to side.

To give the jam a special aroma, a little zest of any citrus fruit is added to it at the very beginning of preparation.

Making frozen blackberry jam

If during the summer you were unable to prepare an amazing delicacy from the healthy fruits of blackberries, then you can make up for lost time at any other time by using frozen preparations. The nutritional and taste qualities will not be affected in any way. The main thing is to freeze the product correctly, using only whole berries and packaging them in small bags. To give the dessert a unique special taste, strawberries are added to it.

So, for preparation you will need:

  • frozen ripe strawberries - 500 g;
  • whole frozen blackberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology

The fruits are taken out of the bags, poured into a deep container (for example, a pan), covered with sugar and left for a couple of hours. This time is necessary for the fruits to melt and for the granulated sugar to dissolve perfectly. Then add lemon juice and bring everything to a boil over low heat. Then turn up the heat and cook the dessert for five minutes. Finally, turn off the stove and let the finished product cool.

Making jam in a slow cooker

Supporters of a healthy diet can make excellent blackberry jam using a modern device - a multicooker. You will need:

  • selected blackberries - 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g;
  • clean water - 50 ml.

Cooking method

Place the sorted and pre-washed ripe fruits into the cooking bowl of a multicooker, and pour the prepared water into the bottom of it. Pour granulated sugar over the berries and turn on the “Stew” mode. Cook the jam for no more than 20 minutes, then turn it off and leave in a sealed container for a few minutes. After this, the finished treat can be placed in containers and rolled up.

Blackberry jam with whole berries

If you cook a delicacy from whole blackberries, then it can later be used as a worthy decoration for confectionery, as well as a healthy dish for adults and children. To prepare you will need:

  • ripe but firm blackberries - 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g.

Cooking method

Sort the fruits, prepare and wash. In order not to damage their integrity, it is recommended to place the berries in a colander and rinse under a small stream of water, and then allow them to drain well. Then pour them into a suitable container (for example, a saucepan), sprinkle with sugar and leave for half an hour. After this, put the mixture on a small flame, boil and simmer for half an hour. The jam is ready.

Seedless blackberry jam

Seeds in jam sometimes cause a lot of inconvenience. To avoid this and prepare your favorite delicacy without a known drawback, you will need:

  • ripe blackberries - 900 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 900 g.


Place the prepared fruits in very hot (but not boiling) water for several minutes. Then drain the liquid and grind the fruits themselves through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting puree into a cooking vessel, add sugar and simmer until it thickens, stirring constantly. The treat is ready.

Other recipes

Blackberry jam is often varied by adding various ingredients, fruits, and also by changing the cooking method.

Jam “Five Minute”

A simple recipe will be a godsend for those housewives who cannot afford to stand at the stove for hours. To prepare the excellent “5-minute” blackberry jam, you will need:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • citric acid - to taste (about 3 g).


The prepared berries are laid out in layers in a metal container, each layer is sprinkled with prepared sugar. Everything is left for 6 hours for the fruits to release juice. Next, place the vessel on the stove, boil and cook for five minutes. Before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Dessert is ready.

Banana recipe

The presented step-by-step recipe requires the following components:

  • ripe blackberries - 1000 g;
  • bananas - 900 g;
  • sugar - 1100 g.

Cooking method

Place the prepared fruits in a cooking vessel (necessarily deep) and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave everything for a couple of hours for the juice to release abundantly. Place over low heat and cook for half an hour, stirring regularly and removing any foam that has formed. Peel the bananas, cut the flesh into thin rings and add to the jam. Boil for another 10 minutes, remove and roll up.

Recipe with plums and elderberries

To prepare a completely unusual delicacy, you will need:

  • ripe blackberries - 400 g;
  • plums of any kind - 400 g;
  • elderberries - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.


Pour the elderberries and blackberries prepared in advance into a saucepan, throw in the pitted plums, pour in lemon juice and add cloves. Pour water over everything so that all the fruits are covered, boil and cook over low heat for half an hour. After this, turn everything into a puree using a blender, put it on a sieve, and separate the juice into a separate pan. Place on low heat, adding granulated sugar first. Boil and simmer on the lowest flame for 10 minutes. The jam is ready.

Recipe with lemon

In order to make an unusual treat with lemon, you will need to take:

  • fruits of ripened blackberries - 1200 g;
  • medium lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1400 g.


Mix the berries with half a portion of sugar and let stand overnight. Place the released juice on low heat. Once it boils, add the remaining granulated sugar and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, cool to 50 C, add fruits and lemon juice, boil for another 10 minutes and place in jars.

Gooseberry recipe

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • blackberries - 900 g;
  • gooseberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2300 g;
  • water - 140 ml.

Cooking method

Pour the prepared gooseberries into a cooking vessel, pour granulated sugar into it and let it brew overnight. After this, pour in water and put on low heat, boil and cool. Pour in the prepared blackberries, cook for another 10 minutes, cool and repeat the procedure a couple more times. Before the end of cooking, you can add a small amount of cinnamon. The treat is ready.

Recipe with raspberries

A tasty and incredibly healthy delicacy is usually prepared from the following ingredients:

  • blackberry fruits - 500 g;
  • ripe raspberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 900 g.

Cooking method

Prepare the fruits, pour them into different dishes and sprinkle with sugar. Send it to steep in a cool place overnight. Pour the released juice into a suitable container, put on the fire and heat without boiling. Pour the berries in there and boil for 7 minutes over low heat, periodically removing the foam.

Recipe with apple

Tender, tasty and healthy jam should be made from the following ingredients:

  • ripe blackberries - 400 g;
  • apples of any variety - 400 g;
  • sugar - 240 g;
  • lavender (dry, crushed) - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

Wash the apples, cut them into small slices and cut out the core. Mix them with berries prepared in advance and cook over medium heat, after adding granulated sugar. Boil and cook for 5 minutes, then add lavender and boil for the same amount. The jam is ready.

Recipe with gelatin

If the housewife loves thick jam or is going to use it to decorate confectionery, then to prepare it you will need:

  • blackberries - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 300 g;
  • gelatin - 25 g.


Prepare the fruits and place them in layers in a pan, sprinkling each of them with sugar. Place over low heat and cook for approximately 25 minutes. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of boiling water. Remove the berries from the stove, cool to 80 C, then pour in the dissolved gelatin in a thin stream and stir well. Under no circumstances should you pour gelatin into boiling fruit, as it will have no effect, it will simply turn into lumps. The jam is ready.

Recipe with orange

For this recipe you will need:

  • ripe blackberries - 1000 g;
  • oranges - 400 g;
  • lemons - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1100 g.


Wash the citrus fruits, separate the zest from the orange, and finely chop the peel. Squeeze orange juice into a cooking vessel and add granulated sugar, throw in the prepared fruits and leave to steep for 3 hours. After this, put the whole mass on medium heat, boil and cook for 15 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add orange peels and lemon juice. Remove from heat and leave to cool. Next, boil again and roll into jars.

How long is it stored?

Blackberry jam prepared for the cold winter is stored in the basement or other cool room or refrigerator. Shelf life directly depends on the method and recipe of preparation, the ingredients used and their quantity. The shortest shelf life is for delicacies prepared without heat treatment.

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 2-3 hours for soaking with sugar and breaks between cooking

Output -1.3 kg

Calorie content - 204 kcal

There are different ways to make blackberry jam. Traditionally, blackberry jam is made from pitted and pitted blackberries. There are also modernized recipes. So, modern housewives cook , , . But if you are preparing jam for the winter and want it to turn out “berry by berry”, it is preferable to choose the classic version - thick blackberry jam with whole berries. It is called thick because it is cooked without adding water and tends to gel when it cools.

Below is a recipe for thick blackberry jam with whole berries with photos step by step. On cold winter days, the blackberry jam you prepare using this recipe will remind everyone who tries it of summer.

How to make thick blackberry jam with whole berries at home

If you pay attention not only to taste, but also want to get the most healthy product possible, it is preferable to use wild berries rather than garden ones, despite the fact that they are smaller and less juicy. When making berry jam from blackberries with seeds, it is important to preserve the integrity of the berries. At the same time, numerous seeds in blackberries do not spoil its taste. Jam from garden blackberries with seeds is prepared in the same way as from wild berries. Jam made from wild blackberries with seeds is more aromatic and thicker. The best jam is made from freshly picked berries.

If you buy berries, keep in mind: in order for the berries to remain intact and the jam to be tasty, the original product must consist of ripe and undamaged berries. The berries should look dry. If the berries are wet, it means that there are many damaged ones among them. Such blackberries turn sour very quickly and lose their nutritional value.

First of all, you need to sort through the berries in order to remove everything unnecessary - random leaves, twigs, berry tails, damaged berries. Then the blackberries need to be washed and allowed to drain. You can make a delicious compote from mashed blackberries, or grind them with sugar.

For making blackberry jam, nickel-plated or enameled dishes without chips or damage - a basin or a wide saucepan - are well suited.

After transferring the prepared berries into the bowl in which the jam will be cooked, they must be covered with granulated sugar and left for 1-2 hours so that the berries release their juice.

When the granulated sugar takes on a pinkish-purple hue, the bowl with the future blackberry jam must be placed on low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the granulated sugar on the bottom of the dish does not burn. To do this, you need to periodically lightly shake the bowl with a mixture of blackberries and sugar. If you want the blackberry jam not to be very thick, then before putting the bowl with the mixture on the fire, you can add 50 g (a quarter cup) of water. This entire process will take about 10 minutes.

After the granulated sugar has completely dissolved in the blackberry juice, remove the dishes from the heat and allow them to cool. This may take no more than an hour. But if you are busy, you can start further cooking the blackberry jam a little later.

Next, the blackberry jam preparation must be placed on high heat for 15-20 minutes. This allows you to get blackberry jam with a bright, rich color. But at the same time, it is important to ensure that it does not burn and that the blackberries remain intact and do not fall apart. To do this, the jam must be stirred lightly from time to time so that the berries are evenly distributed in the bowl. The abundant foam that forms during the cooking process can be left in place. By the end of cooking, its quantity will greatly decrease. When you lightly shake the bowl with jam, the remaining foam will collect on the surface of the jam in the middle, then it can be easily removed with a slotted spoon.

You can determine the readiness of blackberry jam with whole berries in the following way: you need to drop some syrup onto a plate and wait for the drop to cool. If the jam is ready, the drop on the plate will not spread.


If the drop spreads when you slightly tilt the plate, it means the jam is not ready yet.

How to sterilize jars for storing blackberry jam

While the jam is being cooked, or beforehand, you need to prepare jars for storing it. The easiest way to sterilize jars can be done using a regular kitchen kettle. Carefully treat the inside of well-washed jars with hot steam coming from the spout of a boiling kettle. Fill the lids of the jars with boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes. After sterilization, place the jars and lids upside down on a dry towel.

The finished jam is poured hot into prepared, sterilized, warm jars. The jars of jam are quickly and tightly closed with a lid.

As it cools, the jam should thicken. To strengthen the tightness of the lid, which is important when storing jam until winter, the neck of the jar along the edge of the lid can be additionally wrapped with a ribbon of ordinary stationery tape. After cooling, the blackberry jam is placed in a cool place.

Thick blackberry jam with whole berries is ready to be stored for the winter, bon appetit!

What are the ways to make thick blackberry jam?

Blackberry jam with whole berries and zhelfix

Pour the prepared blackberries and sugar, mixed with the contents of one pack of jelly fix (1:1), into the pan, cover with a lid and let stand until the berries release juice. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat and cook for 3-5 minutes, after which the hot mixture is poured into jars.

Blackberry jam with whole berries and lemon

To prevent blackberry jam from becoming sugary and to have a light citrus aroma, you can add the squeezed juice of half a lemon to the jam at the final stage of cooking it.

Blackberry jam with whole berries and spices

If you like the taste and aroma of crushed cardamom, you can add it to blackberry jam with whole berries at the last stage of its preparation.

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