How to make lazy cabbage rolls correctly. Types of recipes and recommendations for cooking lazy cabbage rolls in the oven. Recipes for delicious lazy cabbage rolls

Lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice in a pan are a tasty and satisfying homemade dish. What are lazy cabbage rolls? These are vegetables stewed with rice and minced meat. Preparing this dish is much easier than the classic one. There is no need to waste time shaping cabbage rolls by wrapping them in cabbage leaves. It tastes the same dish, only much faster. I hope you will definitely like my recipe for lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice in a pan.


  • white cabbage 500 g;
  • meat or minced meat (pork, beef, turkey, chicken) 500 g;
  • onion 1 head;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • purified sunflower oil 100 ml;
  • long grain rice 100 g;
  • tomato juice 200 ml;
  • bunch of dill;
  • paprika and black pepper 0.5 tsp each;
  • salt to taste;
  • dried herbs 0.5 tsp.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan:

Let's prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots. Thinly slice the white cabbage.

Wash the rice thoroughly and fill it with cold water (it should be 3 centimeters higher than the rice grains). Cover with a lid and place the bowl of rice on the fire. After boiling, add salt and boil the cereal until half cooked. Then carefully add water and cool.

Wash the meat, clean it, cut it into pieces and grind it in a blender or meat grinder.

Pour sunflower oil into a thick-walled pan. Let it warm up and put the chopped onion in the pan. Stirring until it becomes soft.

Next add the grated carrots.

Fry the vegetables together a little and add the minced meat.

Stirring, will simmer the ingredients over low heat.

When the minced meat and vegetables are slightly fried, add tomato juice. It’s better to use natural, it’s much tastier. You can add grated tomatoes, peeled.

Let the meat and vegetables simmer a little, covering the pan with a lid. The time depends on the type of meat in the recipe.

Add finely shredded white cabbage.

Salt and season the dish with spices. Pour in 150 ml of purified water. Mix and simmer until done.

Add rice and finely chopped fresh dill.

Cabbage rolls are a dish of minced meat with rice or buckwheat wrapped in cabbage leaves. Lazy cabbage rolls are almost the same, but the most labor-intensive process - wrapping in leaves - has been removed.

Lazy cabbage rolls are less cabbage-like, so to speak. Not everyone likes cabbage, and sometimes you just can’t get kids to eat it. Sometimes adults behave the same way. You make cabbage rolls, put them on plates, serve them, but they unwrap the cabbage, eat the minced meat, and the cabbage remains the same. This is where lazy cabbage rolls come to our aid.

But why are they still called lazy? Well, of course, because they are much easier to make. Lazy cabbage rolls can have any minced meat. This includes meat, poultry, even fish and seafood. Use your imagination, add various herbs and spices and you will always have tasty and different lazy cabbage rolls.

Lazy cabbage rolls are usually prepared in a saucepan, cauldron or oven. We'll cook it in the oven today.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls. Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven recipe with photos step by step

Today we will look at a version of not very simple, but not complicated, but very tasty lazy cabbage rolls.


  1. Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven


  • Minced meat - 500 g (250 g pork and 250 g beef)
  • Cabbage - 250 g.
  • Rice - 100 g.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. average
  • Onions - 2 large heads
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs. or 1 cup rolled
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2-3 glasses
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, sugar, pepper


1. Finely chop the cabbage. You can cut it larger or mince it, then the taste of cabbage will be practically undetectable. We usually take half of the minced cabbage. Those. 500 g minced meat, 250 g cabbage.

2. Place the chopped cabbage in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid. Set aside for 15-20 minutes until the cabbage is half cooked.

If you have young or tender cabbage, for example Savoy or Peking cabbage, you don’t need to pour boiling water over it, but simply salt it and knead it a little. If the cabbage is denser, for example winter cabbage, you can pour boiling water over it and cook for 2-3 minutes. Do not boil the cabbage until fully cooked. It will become very soft and the cabbage rolls will not be tasty.

3. Wash the rice, add about 1/2 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes until half cooked. I usually use short-grain rice for cabbage rolls, but long-grain rice is also possible. Remove the rice from the heat and leave it in the pan without draining the water for 10-15 minutes.

4. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. You can increase or decrease the amount of any ingredient to suit your taste.

5. Finely chop the garlic. Of course, you don't have to add garlic. Again, look how you love.

Let's start roasting vegetables

6. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and put the onions there. Fry the onion for 1-2 minutes until transparent. Place 2-3 tablespoons of fried onion in a separate cup. We will add it to the minced meat.

7. Add grated carrots to the onion in the pan. Fry for another 2-3 minutes. Place approximately 1/3 of the fried vegetables in a separate cup. We will place them on the bottom of the mold so that the cabbage rolls do not burn.

8. Add a tablespoon of flour to the remaining vegetables in the pan. Add flour to make the sauce thicker. You can do it without flour. Let's mix.

9. Add tomato paste. Tomato paste gives a beautiful color to the sauce and adds flavor. Mix everything again.

10. If you have fresh tomatoes, pass them through a meat grinder and add to the sauce. Mix.

11. Add salt to taste and be sure to add sugar to taste. Tomatoes and tomato paste are sour, so you need a little sugar.

12. Pour in 2-3 glasses of water, you can first pour in less and then add. Let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

13. Add black pepper to the sauce, add red pepper if you want. At this point you can add sour cream, but we cook without sour cream, adding only tomato paste. I proceed from the fact that it is better to serve sour cream separately with ready-made cabbage rolls. He who loves will add to himself.

14. If you do add sour cream, then after adding it to the sauce, let it boil for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.

15. Taste the sauce, add if something is missing. If desired, add finely chopped garlic to the sauce. The sauce is ready. Remove from heat and set aside for a while.

Making lazy cabbage rolls

16. Our cabbage has already become soft. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon, squeezing directly into it. There is no need to squeeze too hard to make the cabbage dry. Squeeze so that it is not too wet, but not completely dry.

17. Our rice is also ready, cooked until half cooked. It should absorb almost all the water. If not absorbed, drain off excess. Place the rice in a separate cup and let cool.

18. Add minced meat to the cabbage, set aside fried onions, beat in one egg. Let's add salt and pepper.

19. Mix everything well until smooth.

20. Lastly, add the rice, boiled until half cooked. Rice should not be hot, it should be warm. Mix everything well again. The minced meat should not be dry. The cabbage rolls should stick together well. If they are a little dry, add some cabbage water or just boiled water.

21. Place the reserved, fried vegetables on the bottom of the form in which we will bake the cabbage rolls.

22. Wet your hands with water; if you are wearing food gloves, moisten them with water so that the cabbage rolls do not stick to your hands. We sculpt them quite large.

23. Place the cabbage rolls in the mold. Try not to let them stick to each other. If they are still very tight, carefully separate them with a knife. Place them in an oven preheated to 200° for 20-25 minutes.

24. After time has passed, remove the cabbage rolls from the oven. They grabbed a crust.

25. It's time to fill them with sauce. Stuffed cabbage rolls should be completely filled with it

26. If the sauce is a little lacking or it is very thick, you can add a little boiling water. Don't add a lot of water. The cabbage rolls should only be covered.

27. Reduce the oven temperature to 170°-180° and place the cabbage rolls there for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove from the oven and cover the pan with foil. So that the cabbage rolls are stewed well.

28. Place the pan in the oven again for another 30-40 minutes. If your cabbage rolls are small, you can wait less - 20-30 minutes.

29. Let's cut it and take a look. Our cabbage rolls are ready.

What beauties they turned out to be. Serve with herbs, vegetables, sour cream. If you want, you can prepare a side dish for them. I usually serve it as a separate dish.

Bon appetit!

  1. Video - Lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat in a pan

Bon appetit!

29.07.2017, 18:12

Lazy cabbage rolls step by step recipe

Published on July 29, 2017

Lazy cabbage rolls are a dish prepared with minced rice and stewed vegetables. They are called lazy because the filling is served open and is not wrapped in cabbage or grape leaves. So making lazy cabbage rolls is a pleasure.

You can also experiment a little with the use of minced meat. You can use any minced meat to make lazy cabbage rolls: chicken, pork, beef or mixed. And if you try to add finely chopped herbs and thereby enhance the meaty taste, you can achieve unsurpassed results.

Lazy cabbage rolls can be prepared in different ways in a cauldron, frying pan, oven, or slow cooker. You can also change the composition of these lazy cabbage rolls. And I will describe all this to you in detail in the article below. Today we will look for that very tasty recipe for making lazy cabbage rolls that you will like both in taste and in the principle of preparation.

Recipe for super lazy cabbage rolls. In order to prepare them you will need a minimum amount of cooking practice. And the result can pleasantly surprise you.


  • Minced meat - 500 grams (your choice, but it is better to use mixed).
  • 300 fresh cabbage.
  • 100 grams of rice.
  • 2-3 pcs. carrots.
  • 1-2 heads of onions.
  • 3-4 fresh tomatoes or tomatoes.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tablespoon flour.
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Fresh cabbage is used as a filler in this recipe. Since we are preparing lazy cabbage rolls and there is no need to wrap anything in cabbage leaves, but its taste is necessary, the cabbage needs to be finely chopped.

2. Now transfer the shredded cabbage into a separate bowl with a lid, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and give some time for the cabbage to reach the desired state. This will take about 10-15 minutes.

3. While the cabbage is brewing, let’s make rice. It must be rinsed well under running water to get rid of the rice flour. Pour the washed rice into a new saucepan, fill it with water and set to cook on low heat. As you know, rice takes 12 minutes to cook until the water boils. We need to cook the rice until half cooked. Therefore, we monitor when the water boils, cook for exactly 6 minutes and drain the water from the rice.

4. Peel and chop all these vegetables in any way available to you.

As for garlic, you can use it as desired.

5. Onions and carrots need to be fried until golden and appetizing. But not all the onions need to be fried; leave some onions to add to the minced meat.

6. When the onions and carrots are well fried, divide the frying into 2 parts, make one pile larger and the other smaller. And now put the least amount in a separate bowl, these vegetables will need to be placed in a form for baking cabbage rolls.

7. Leave the remaining vegetables in the pan and add to them a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of tomato paste. Mix everything well and fry.

8.Add a little salt and pepper. Fry everything together for 5-7 minutes and set aside.

9.During this time, the cabbage has reached the state we need. Drain the water from the cabbage and lightly squeeze the cabbage to remove excess moisture. But don't overdo the cabbage, we want it to remain a little moist.

We have almost all the ingredients ready, now we can start mixing everything together.

10.The rice has cooled to the desired temperature and is now ready to work with.

Select a container in which to mix all the ingredients.

11.And so add minced meat, egg, cabbage, and fried vegetables to the rice. Mix everything well until smooth. Also don't forget about salt and pepper. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Attention, the mass should be such that it would be easy to make cabbage rolls from it. If the mass turns out to be a little dry in your opinion, then you can add a little cabbage water or regular water.

12.When the mass is completely ready, take the second half of the fried vegetables and put them in the form in which we will bake our lazy cabbage rolls.

13. All that remains is to form the cabbage rolls and place them on a baking sheet.

14. Arrange the cabbage rolls more tightly so that they all fit into one batch.

If the minced meat sticks to your hands, just wet your hands with water.

15.Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake the lazy cabbage rolls at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. During this time, a golden crust should appear.

During this time, the dish will stew well and become ready.

We take the baking sheet out of the oven, give the cabbage rolls a little time to rest for 5-7 minutes and remove the foil.

Look what a wonderful dish you turned out, it’s just a fairy tale. You can serve lazy cabbage rolls on the table and treat your guests or your beloved family. Bon appetit.

Lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan or cauldron

Now I suggest you prepare super lazy cabbage rolls. According to this recipe, you won’t need to sculpt them and bake them in the oven; all you need is a cauldron, a frying pan, a board, and a knife.


Half a head of cabbage.

  • 1-2 carrots.
  • 1 onion.
  • 500 grams of minced meat.
  • 1 cup rice.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 2-3 tomatoes as desired or tomato paste.

Cooking process:

And so let's start preparing lazy cabbage rolls.Finely chop the cabbage, place in a cauldron with salt and mash a little. Leave it for 3-5 minutes so that it releases the juice.

Peel and chop the onions and carrots in any way available to you.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and place on the stove. When the oil is hot, fry the minced meat in it until golden brown.

In the meantime, you can start stewing the cabbage. Place the pan with the cabbage on the fire, add vegetable oil and begin to simmer the cabbage until soft.

After 3-4 minutes, you can add the onions and carrots to the pan, stir and continue to simmer under the lid closed.

Rinse the rice well and add to the cauldron with the rest of the vegetables. Reduce heat slightly and continue cooking until the rice is almost done.

When the rice is half cooked, add minced meat and finely chopped tomatoes to the pan. If you use tomato paste, you only need 1 tablespoon. Mix everything well, add a glass of water, cover with a lid and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. Lazy cabbage rolls with buckwheat

If you have a small supply of buckwheat and have never cooked lazy cabbage rolls with buckwheat, then I advise you to read the following recipe for making lazy cabbage rolls with buckwheat. You might like it and want to make them.


  • 700 gr. Ground meat.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 carrot.
  • Half a glass of buckwheat.
  • Half a head of cabbage.
  • 1 tablespoon tomato.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2-3 tablespoons sour cream.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

The process of preparing cabbage rolls with buckwheat is described with already boiled buckwheat. Therefore, it must first be boiled until fully cooked.

And so while the buckwheat is cooking, let’s prepare everything else.

1.Cut the cabbage into small strips.

2. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil with the addition of tomatoes.

3.When the buckwheat is cooked, you can start preparing the cabbage rolls themselves.

4.And so put the minced meat into a bowl. Beat in 2 eggs, add cabbage, buckwheat, salt and mix everything well until smooth.

5.Make small cabbage rolls from the resulting minced meat. Try to make them not too big and so that they are the same size so they will all cook evenly.

6. Place the cabbage rolls in a deep frying pan and pour in the prepared onion, carrot and tomato sauce. Place on low heat, cover with a lid and simmer with the lid closed for 30-40 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of the cabbage rolls.

Bon appetit.

Juicy lazy cabbage rolls in the oven video

Bon appetit.

Do you know how to cook delicious lazy cabbage rolls in a pan with rice and minced meat? The recipe with photos step by step leaves you no chance of ruining the dish. In fact, cabbage rolls scare many inexperienced cooks, even though there is a clarification - “lazy”. Sometimes they turn out tough, sometimes the rice is not cooked too well. But this recipe is good precisely because it will be absolutely delicious. Although you will have to tinker. An important point is that in order to prevent the lazy cabbage rolls from burning in the pan, you need to take dishes with a thick bottom.

To prepare lazy cabbage rolls you need:

  • Any minced meat – 500 grams;
  • White cabbage – 400 grams;
  • Carrot – 1 piece, large;
  • Raw rice – 100 grams;
  • Sour cream – 4 heaped tablespoons of sour cream;
  • Tomato - 1 piece;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon with a small slide in the minced meat + ¼ teaspoon in the sauce;
  • Pepper and other spices to taste.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls from rice and minced meat in a pan

Wash the rice 5 times until the water runs clear. Now put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, and put it on the fire. After the water boils, cook for about 5-7 minutes, that is, until half cooked. The cereal can be washed again and placed in a sieve to drain off excess water.

Prepare the cabbage. Its upper leaves are usually quite hard, so it is best to remove them. Cut off some of the cabbage and chop it into smaller pieces with a knife. If the cabbage is cut coarsely, it will be difficult to form cabbage rolls later, they will fall apart. But that’s not all - in order for the cabbage to be tender and simply melt in your mouth, you need to fill it with water and put it on fire. After boiling, the cabbage should cook for about 10 minutes. Drain the water and add to the rice.

Add minced meat or chicken, as well as carrots that you have peeled and grated. Salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.

These cabbage rolls are prepared without pre-frying or eggs; they already hold their shape quite well, especially if you opted for minced chicken. We form the cabbage rolls with our hands; if the products stick, it is better to wet your hands.

Place the cabbage rolls in a single layer in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Now let's prepare the sauce. Whisk the high-fat sour cream, tomato (if there is no tomato, you can replace it with a spoonful of tomato paste), a glass of water, salt and pepper until smooth.

Don't forget to remove the skin from the tomato. This can be done in the classic way - by cutting the tomato crosswise and dipping it in boiling water for a minute, after which the skin will come off as easily as if it were a film. The second way is to cut the tomato in half and grate it with the cut. The peel will remain on your palm.

Pour this sauce over the cabbage rolls. It is important that the liquid covers the cabbage rolls more than half.

Now cover the pan with a lid and put it on the fire, first making a medium flame. As soon as everything boils, reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for about an hour. During this time, the sauce will almost evaporate and the cabbage rolls will become tender. Serve with sour cream or tomato sauce of your choice.

Housewives cook lazy cabbage rolls in two cases: If there is no time to tinker with a classic dish and if the cabbage has lost its presentation, i.e. its leaves have withered or rotted a little. The leaves need to be carefully sorted and the bad ones removed. At the same time, lazy cabbage rolls can be prepared in four ways: in the form of meatballs, in the form of porridge, in the form of pancakes, in the form of a puff casserole.

Products for lazy cabbage rolls

Mandatory products for cabbage rolls are:

  • Fresh cabbage – 500 g.
  • Minced meat or fresh meat – 500 g.
  • Rice – 150 g.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

You will need all other ingredients (garlic, herbs, mushrooms, tomato or sour cream sauce, vegetable oil) depending on your taste or the presence of a particular product in a particular recipe.

How to prepare food for lazy cabbage rolls

  • Boil the rice until half cooked (10 minutes) and place it in a sieve.
  • Grind the meat in a meat grinder. Pork, veal, chicken, and turkey are also suitable. You can take one type of meat or mix any of them together.
  • Finely chop the onion.
  • Grate the carrots.
  • Chop the cabbage finely (for the first two recipes) or divide it into individual leaves (for the last recipe).

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in the form of meatballs

Prepare these cabbage rolls like this:

  • In a large bowl, combine boiled rice, minced meat, chopped onion and grated carrots.
  • Add chopped cabbage and spices to the mixture to taste.
  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper.
  • With wet hands, form small balls from the semi-finished product and place them on a baking sheet. Pre-lubricate it with vegetable oil.
  • Take a pastry brush and use it to coat each ball with vegetable oil.
  • Place the sheet with cabbage rolls in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake them until golden brown (approximately 30-35 minutes).
  • Remove the pan of cabbage rolls from the oven and pour tomato or sour cream sauce over them.
  • Simmer the cabbage rolls in the oven for another 20 minutes. To prevent them from burning on top, cover them with food foil.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls as porridge

This dish can be prepared in a deep frying pan or even a thick-bottomed pan:

  • Heat 1/2 cup vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the onions and carrots in it until transparent.
  • Add the minced meat and simmer until it turns light.
  • Place shredded cabbage in a frying pan with vegetables and minced meat and fry everything together for 10 minutes.
  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper.
  • Add boiled rice and a handful of salted mushrooms, chopped very finely. Simmer everything together under the lid for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour 0.5 or 1 glass of thick tomato juice into the porridge. Simmer covered for another 5-7 minutes.

By the way, these cabbage rolls can be rolled into jars and taken out of the basement or refrigerator when there is absolutely no time to cook. Naturally, jars and lids must first be sterilized. After filling them with cabbage rolls-porridge, the dishes must be placed in hot water and sterilized already filled with products for another 30 minutes (time for 750 ml cans).

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls as pancakes

For these cabbage rolls, the starting products must be prepared separately. This means:

  • Cook the rice completely.
  • Fry the minced meat with onions and carrots.
  • Boil shredded cabbage until soft.

Next, mix the finished products, salt and pepper them and add a handful of fresh herbs. Be sure to beat a raw egg into the resulting mass - it will bind all the components. Fry these cabbage rolls in a frying pan like regular pancakes. Since the minced meat does not contain any sauce, serve it separately.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls as a puff casserole

These cabbage rolls do not require shredding the cabbage. Just disassemble it into leaves and lightly beat them with a kitchen hammer and pour over salted boiling water. Next, prepare the dish as follows:

  • Grease the bottom of the baking dish with oil. Place a layer of cabbage leaves.
  • Place a third of the minced meat, rice, onions and carrots on the cabbage. Add a little salt and pepper to each layer.
  • Cover the onions and carrots with cabbage leaves. Repeat a second time: meat, rice, onions, carrots.
  • Place the cabbage again, and a third of the remaining ingredients on it.
  • Cover the casserole with cabbage leaves.
  • Take a long, thin knife and pierce the casserole in several places, all the way to the bottom.
  • Pour tomato or sour cream sauce over everything.
  • Bake the dish in the oven for 1 hour.

Watch the video on how to prepare tomato and sour cream sauces.

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