Homemade condensed milk, homemade condensed milk. The best recipes. From powdered milk

Condensed milk is a delicacy we all love, and it’s also quite affordable. This product can be used for baking, making desserts, added to tea or coffee, or simply eaten with a spoon. However, store-bought condensed milk cannot always be called edible. This is due to the use of various additives by manufacturers in order to save raw materials and speed up the preparation process. Therefore, more and more often housewives are trying to prepare homemade condensed milk. By making it yourself, you will be confident that it is natural and free of harmful additives, and its delicate taste will delight your guests and household members.

A few facts about the sweet treat

People began condensing milk back in the 13th century. However, they began to prepare it the way they do it now in 1810. The first to begin condensing milk was the Frenchman N. Appert. Today, the production of condensed milk is standardized. The milk is pasteurized, disinfected, and mixed with sugar syrup. Then the mass is boiled, evaporating the water from it, and cooled. A canned product can be stored for years without losing its quality.

Condensed milk contains many useful substances - calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C. The sweet delicacy has positive properties, and therefore is recommended for consumption by schoolchildren, employees of hazardous industries, and nursing mothers. It is nutritious, helps restore strength, improves the performance of the body and brain. However, since the calorie content of this product is high (323 kcal per 100 g) and it contains a lot of sugar, it is not recommended to eat it in large quantities.

Everyone knows that condensed milk prepared at home from natural products and without adding preservatives is much tastier and healthier than store-bought. How to cook There are many ways.

Classic recipe

A standard recipe for homemade condensed milk includes two components:

  • sugar - 500g;
  • milk 3.5% fat - 1 l.

Cooking requires a pan with thick walls and a bottom. Pour milk into it, put it on low heat and, stirring continuously, boil for 1-1.5 hours to evaporate the water. When the volume of liquid has halved, add sugar, stir until it dissolves and cook for another hour. If the mass becomes thick and acquires a creamy color, the condensed milk is ready. The container must be cooled under cold water.

From the specified amount of products you will get about 400-500 g of condensed milk. You can roll it up in a jar and save it for several months.

Condensed milk from powdered milk

How to make condensed milk from a mixture of dry and whole milk? The recipe presented below allows you to get a wonderful delicacy. It will require the following products:

  • 300 ml milk, 3-5% fat;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 300 g milk powder.

Condensed milk is prepared in this way, so you need two pans of different sizes. In the smaller one, mix all the ingredients with a whisk and place it in the larger one with boiling water. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously. Cooking time is about an hour. Next, the mass should be cooled, then it will acquire the proper consistency, and you will get 500 ml of delicious condensed milk.

Quick dessert

In order not to spend several hours on cooking, you can condense milk with butter. To do this you will need 15 minutes of time, a saucepan with high sides and the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 g butter.

All components are mixed in a container and brought to a boil over low heat. In this case, the mixture should be stirred constantly. Then you need to increase the heat and simmer the condensed milk for exactly 10 minutes, continuing to stir. Don't be surprised if the mixture starts to foam. When the product is ready, it needs to be poured into a jar and placed in the refrigerator to thicken.

Chocolate condensed milk

Chocolate lovers will undoubtedly enjoy condensed milk prepared with the addition of cocoa. For a creamier taste, high-fat milk should be condensed. For this delicious dessert you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa.

It is necessary to pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water, stir until it dissolves, and bring the resulting syrup to a boil. After 2 minutes, pour in the milk in a thin stream. After boiling, simmer the mixture until it thickens, remembering to stir it constantly. After this, pour cocoa powder through a sieve, knead until smooth and boil for 1-2 minutes. When the condensed milk is ready, it should be cooled.

Recipe with cream

If you use a recipe for homemade condensed milk with the addition of cream, you can get an incredible, delicious treat. It will require the following components:

  • 25-30% cream - 1l;
  • 600 g milk powder;
  • 1200 g sugar;
  • vanilla to taste.

Sugar should be slightly diluted with water and, stirring, heated until a homogeneous mass is formed (but not dissolved). Next, you should prepare two different saucepans for the water bath. Pour the cream into the smaller one, and then add sugar and milk powder. The resulting mass is placed in a steam bath and cooked for about an hour. The condensed milk is stirred for the first 15 minutes by hand or with a mixer to remove lumps, and then every 10 minutes. stirs. Vanillin is added some time before the end of cooking. The mixture is boiled until a thick consistency is formed.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker

There is nothing easier than making condensed milk in a slow cooker - everything is done accurately, accurately and, most importantly, automatically, without human intervention. To prepare a sweet treat you need:

  • 200 ml full fat whole milk;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g milk powder.

Mix all the products in a multicooker container, then set the “Porridge” mode and wait for the end of cooking. If the time is not automatically set by the program, you need to set the timer for 40 minutes. While condensed milk is being prepared in the multicooker, its lid should remain open. When the time is up, the condensed milk is transferred to a glass container, cooled to room temperature and placed in the refrigerator for further thickening.

To make condensed milk thick and tasty, you should use fresh whole milk with high fat content for its preparation. It should not contain any additives. A high quality dry product or natural cream is also suitable.

It is better to condense milk in aluminum or stainless steel containers. When boiling, the mixture must be stirred so that it does not run away or burn. To obtain a homogeneous mass, you can add ¼ tsp during cooking. soda If soft lumps still form, you can gently rub the condensed milk through a sieve.

Condensed milk should be stored in sterilized jars, into which it must be poured immediately after preparation. The containers are tightly closed with a lid and stored in a cool place.

Everyone's favorite milk sweet can be easily prepared yourself, and it only takes 15 minutes. Condensed milk at home is no less tasty than store-bought. Moreover, this treat contains no preservatives, dyes, flavors or other unnecessary harmful ingredients.

The simplest recipe for the dessert under discussion involves the use of whole milk (250 ml). If possible, it is best to take a fatty homemade product. In addition, you will need: 70 g butter, 250 g sugar.

  1. Condensed milk foams very much during cooking, so it is most convenient to use a saucepan or a tall pan. Milk is poured into the selected container and sugar is poured.
  2. The ingredients should be simmered over low heat until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. In this case, the mass must be constantly stirred.
  3. Lastly, butter is added to the container and the mixture is boiled over high heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. All that remains is to remove the saucepan or pan from the heat and pour the resulting product into a jar.

Surely, at first glance, the hostess will think that the sweetness turned out to be too liquid. But you need to give it time to cool thoroughly and then the consistency of homemade condensed milk will be almost like that of the usual store-bought one.

From powdered milk

If you decide to choose a recipe made from powdered milk, then you will still need to add the same amount of whole milk (200 g each). The latter should be with a minimum percentage of fat content. You will also need to take 200 g of sugar.

  1. Powdered milk and sugar are thoroughly mixed in a saucepan. After this, the whole thing begins to be added to them.
  2. The mass should be homogeneous without lumps. It is most convenient to use a whisk for this.
  3. Over low heat, bring the resulting mixture to a boil and cook for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. The finished condensed milk is poured into a jar and cooled.

Immediately after cooking, you can taste the sweetness. If everything was done correctly, it will turn out to be even tastier than store-bought.

Homemade condensed milk with cream

To make the delicacy even richer and more aromatic, you should use heavy cream instead of milk (300 ml, at least 20%). You also need to take other ingredients: 150 g of sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife (to taste).

  1. The cream is thoroughly whipped in a separate container using a whisk or mixer. A couple of minutes after the start of whipping, you can gradually add sugar to them.
  2. The resulting mass is transferred to a pan moistened with ice water. This is necessary to avoid burning the sweets.
  3. The future dessert is cooked over low heat for 10-12 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. When the mixture boils, leave it on the stove for another couple of minutes and then remove from the heat. If desired, vanillin is added to the condensed milk at this stage for a pleasant aroma.

If you cook the cream and sugar longer, it will thicken and resemble plasticine in consistency. But this does not mean that the product is spoiled. It can be eaten as fudge or used to decorate baked goods.

We cook using kitchen appliances: in a slow cooker, in a bread maker, in a convection oven

In the process of preparing homemade condensed milk, you can turn to the equipment available in the house for help. For example, use a slow cooker, bread maker or air fryer for this. This will greatly facilitate the housewife’s task.

In a slow cooker

To prepare the treat this way you need to take: 250 ml. full fat cow's milk, 250 g sugar and 250 g milk powder.

  1. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together until smooth. Under no circumstances should there be any lumps in the mass.
  2. The resulting mixture is poured into the multicooker bowl. It will cook in the “Soup” mode with the lid open.
  3. After the mixture boils, the “Baking” mode is turned on, in which the future dessert remains for another 15 minutes.

All that remains is to cool the delicacy and you can serve it to the table.

In a convection oven

Few housewives know that even an air fryer can be used to prepare homemade condensed milk.

For a delicious dessert you will need to prepare: 1 liter of fat milk and 2 kg. Sahara.

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and cooked for half an hour at the highest temperature and speed.
  2. After the specified time, the device is set to a temperature of 205 degrees and an average speed. The cooking process continues for another 60-90 minutes.

The finished delicacy tastes no different from the usual store-bought condensed milk.

In the bread machine

The dessert is very easy to prepare in a bread machine. You can use any device, as long as it has the “Jam Jam” mode. You will need to use the following products: 1 liter of whole fat milk, 400 g of sugar, 1 packet of vanillin. How to boil condensed milk in the specified device is described below.

  1. First, the milk is heated in a saucepan on the stove and only after that is poured into the bread machine container.
  2. Sugar and vanillin are also sent to the baking dish.
  3. The “Jam Jam” mode of the device is turned on until the delicacy thickens.

Homemade condensed milk will be an excellent option for cream for pies and cakes. And, in addition, it is also very budget-friendly.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

The recipe for homemade condensed milk from Yulia Vysotskaya involves using powdered sugar (200 g) instead of sugar. In addition to it, you need to take 200 g of whole milk and 30 g of high-quality butter.

  1. In a saucepan, mix butter, milk and powdered sugar thoroughly.
  2. The container is placed over high heat until the oil and powder are completely dissolved. The foam that appears after boiling must be carefully removed with a spoon and the heat reduced to medium.
  3. From boiling to readiness, the product is cooked for 10 minutes.
  4. All that remains is to place the pan in a container with cold water and cool the delicacy.

The resulting homemade condensed milk is perfectly stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Dietary condensed milk according to Dukan

Even those with a sweet tooth who have begun to struggle with excess weight can easily treat themselves to a delicate delicacy. This condensed milk is prepared with a sugar substitute (8 tablets), skimmed milk powder (60 g) and regular skim milk (150 ml.)

  1. Skim milk powder is heated in a frying pan without oil (it is best to use cast iron pans).
  2. When the product acquires a caramel shade, it is diluted with regular milk.
  3. All that remains is to add a sugar substitute to the indicated ingredients and cook the delicacy to the desired thickness.

Homemade condensed milk according to Dukan often turns out with lumps. Straining the sweets through a sieve will allow you to get rid of them.

There is hardly a person who will remain indifferent to condensed milk.

This is such a familiar taste of childhood, which is a favorite delicacy of our children.

Have you often thought about making condensed milk at home using recipes from natural products.

But they believed that this was a very complex and lengthy technological process.

What if this can be done in 15 minutes and using the best recipes?

Tempting? Let's try.

Condensed milk at home - principles of preparation

The most important rule for successfully preparing any condensed milk recipe at home is strict adherence to the technology of the entire process. Any deviation in quantity, cooking time, required components of products, and not their substitutes, can lead to an unsatisfactory result.

Ingredients, which you will need I'm basically the same. Only variations in use change. This:

Milk– use homemade milk or milk with a high fat content, i.e. 3.2%. It must be fresh! It is also recommended to use whole milk, from which the water has not been removed or the fat content has not been reduced. You will end up with very thin condensed milk if the milk had a high water content.

Whole milk powder(do not use a substitute) is a powdered food product that is obtained during the drying process of milk. Infant formulas are prepared on its basis.

Sugar. Instead of sugar in some recipes, you can use powdered sugar.

Butter. Be sure to keep it fresh. Oil is necessary to give the condensed milk its fat content.

Cream– it is advisable to take homemade ones or with a high percentage of fat content.

The process of preparing condensed milk at home in 15 minutes involves boiling milk with sugar while simultaneously evaporating excess liquid. In production, special vacuum evaporation units are used for this purpose. In them, the milk begins to boil very quickly, which entails the evaporation of excess moisture and a gradual thickening of the liquid. At home, according to recipes, condensed milk is prepared using the open method, by boiling and evaporating water with constant stirring. Therefore, if the product is liquid, it means there is still a lot of water in it.

The method of cooling is of great importance. To obtain a homogeneous mass, immediately after cooking, immerse the container with the hot product in cold water and, stirring, cool to room temperature. And after that, the condensed milk can be put in the refrigerator to thicken.

Also, a successful result depends on the quality of the products, the thickness of the pan, and the intensity of the fire. Take all these factors into account when preparing.

For such a delicacy as condensed milk, the issue of calorie content cannot be avoided.

Remember: 100 grams of condensed milk contains approximately 320 kilocalories.

The range of uses of condensed milk in cooking is very diverse: from simply using it in its natural form to adding it to the creams of cakes of various preparation methods.

These can be: pancakes, pancakes, rolls, apple pie, cookies in tins, sponge cake, wafer cake with condensed milk, as well as a huge number of cakes in which regular or boiled condensed milk is used to make the cream.

Let's look at the most popular recipes.

1. A simple recipe for condensed milk from whole milk


Milk – 200 ml or one glass.

Powdered sugar – 200 grams (a glass to a stripe).

Cooking method:

1. Take a wide and tall pan. The wider the surface, the faster and more the milk will evaporate, that is, it will boil down faster.

2. Pour all the milk into it, add powdered sugar.

3. Place the container with the contents on low heat.

4. After the milk boils, reduce the heat even less. Stir the milk constantly. The entire procedure should take 10 minutes.

5. Then lower our saucepan into the prepared container with cold water. While constantly stirring, cool the condensed milk. Try to keep the water cold all the time (you can add ice).

2. A simple recipe for condensed milk from powdered milk


Powdered milk (whole or skim) – 200 grams.

Milk (with a small percentage of fat content, approximately 1.7%) – 200 grams.

Sugar – 200 grams.

The amount received is 380 grams.

Cooking method:

1. In a separate container, mix milk powder and sugar. For this, it is better to immediately take a pan that you will put on the fire.

2. Gradually add milk and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Use an ordinary whisk for this.

3. Place the resulting mixture in a saucepan over low heat to bring to a boil.

4. With constant stirring, cook the condensed milk over low heat for exactly 10 minutes.

5. Then turn off the stove, and cool the pan with the resulting condensed milk in cold water.

6. Now you can pour the condensed milk into a regular jar and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya (“Eating at Home”)


Milk (preferably whole) – 200 grams.

Powdered sugar – 200 grams.

Butter - 20 grams.

Amount received: 280 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the necessary ingredients in a saucepan.

2. Over low heat, bring the milk, powder and butter until completely dissolved. It is better to use not the most powerful burner.

3. When the mixture begins to boil, i.e. foam will appear, turn the temperature to moderate.

4. Continue cooking, stirring continuously.

5. The time from boiling to the end of cooking is 10 minutes.

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat and place in a container of cold water to thicken.

7. After the condensed milk has cooled, pour it into a dry jar and put it in the refrigerator.

4. Recipe for condensed milk with cream


Fresh cream – 200 grams.

Sugar – 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Whip fresh cream in a saucepan, gradually adding the required amount of sugar.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan moistened with cold water. This is done so that when heated, your condensed milk, made at home in 15 minutes, does not burn.

3. The specified mass must be kept on low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk. The required time is 10 minutes.

4. When the cream and sugar are brought to a boil, stir for another two minutes and turn off the burner. The cream will be a pleasant yellow color at this time.

5. After the resulting mixture has cooled, you need to beat it a little. If the mixture turns out to be too thick, then put it on the fire for a while.

If you boil the whipped cream more until it thickens, you will get a plasticine mass. You can use it to make cake decorations. This condensed milk tastes like candy bars.

5. Condensed milk in a slow cooker


Milk 3.6% – 200 grams

Powdered milk – 200 grams

Sugar – 200 grams

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the products in the multicooker bowl. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.

2. Turn on the “Soup” mode and bring the prepared mixture to a boil. We leave the lid open, as the milk may simply escape. Remember to stir all the time so that nothing burns.

3. After boiling, switch the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. The cooking time here depends on the thickness of the consistency you want to achieve. The more time, the thicker the condensed milk. In our case, the cooking time is 15 minutes.

4. After the condensed milk has cooled, you will most likely need to use a blender to give the condensed milk a homogeneous mass.

6. Condensed milk according to Dukan, for those who are on a diet

This recipe for making condensed milk at home is intended for people who are on a diet or for diabetics. This condensed milk has an interesting coffee taste. It is prepared in the microwave.


Skimmed milk powder (dietary product) – 3 tbsp.

Corn starch (food additive for thickening) – 1 tbsp.

Instant coffee (you can use any coffee you like) – 1 tsp.

Skim milk (0.1%) – 200 ml.

Sugar substitute.

Cooking method:

1. Brew coffee in milk, in other words, dissolve coffee in warm milk.

2. Mix all other dry ingredients to taste.

3. Add dry products to the prepared coffee-milk mixture. Mix everything and add sugar substitute to your taste.

4. It is necessary to cook in a microwave oven at a power of 800 W, 5-6 times for one minute. Be sure to stir the mixture in between.

5. After completing the process, cool the resulting product and place it in the refrigerator.

Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes - useful tips and tricks

Remember that condensed milk will thicken greatly after cooling. Take this fact into account when preparing.

Do not overcook the condensed milk as it will begin to crystallize after a few days.

If you don't cook it enough, it will harden worse.

If you replace granulated sugar with sugar, the condensed milk will turn out runny;

Before using sugar for condensed milk, prepare a light sugar syrup from it. For example, dilute 180 grams of sugar in 100 mo of water. This will help the sugar dissolve completely, leaving no grains, and the condensed milk will be of better quality.

If you are concerned about strong foam on the milk, then add soda to 1 liter of milk at the tip of a knife.

If the cooked product cools slowly, sugar crystals may form on its surface.

When cooking, it is advisable to use enamel dishes.

You can buy condensed milk, or you can prepare it at home in just 15 minutes!

Surely no one in our country needs to be convinced that a homemade product is tastier and healthier than a store-bought one. This also applies to such a favorite delicacy among the people as condensed milk. Gone are the days when, upon opening a blue and white jar, we tasted a divinely delicious product. Manufacturers don’t put anything into today’s condensed milk: palm oil, soybeans, not to mention stabilizers and preservatives. Even if the ingredient list says “milk,” it may be a reconstituted product. This means that most of the vitamins and, most importantly, calcium, have already been destroyed in such condensed milk. No benefit, just dubious cloying. This article is devoted to a very pressing question: “How to make homemade condensed milk?” This process is not difficult, so there is no need to be afraid.

The idea of ​​evaporating liquid from milk belongs to the Frenchman N. Appert. In 1810, he developed the theory that by adding sugar, all the beneficial substances in the original product would be preserved. And even more than that: their concentration will increase. However, Apper never turned “a fairy tale into reality,” and especially not on an industrial scale. American Gail Borden did it for him. Before milk, this enterprising businessman tried to thicken a variety of products. In particular, he invented meat biscuits. They did last a long time, but they tasted disgusting. Therefore, Borden became famous not for meat “crumbs”, but for condensed milk. His invention was patented in August 1856. If we are interested in condensed milk at home, Borden's recipe is unlikely to be useful to us. However, the essence of its technology remains the same as for industrial workshops.

How to make condensed milk according to GOST

Borden built his first plant in 1856, and made a fortune shipping his product to the front during the Confederate War. He met a very prosperous old age in Texas, where residents even renamed their town Borden. But in Russia, the first condensed milk production plant opened in Orenburg. The starting ingredients are sugar and “natural normalized pasteurized milk.” We need to explain the essence of the last component - we are interested in how to cook homemade condensed milk. It means that the milk must be whole, that is, not skimmed, without any additives or impurities. A lot of sugar is added to this product and boiled in vacuum devices. The water contained in the milk evaporates as a result of rapid boiling, leaving only dry substances. To prepare condensed milk at home, we will follow exactly the same production scheme.

Benefits and harms of the product

The lion's share of the positive qualities of natural milk is preserved by boiling technology. Condensed milk contains milk fats, calcium, vitamins A, B, C and E, and useful microelements - iodine, fluorine and sodium. Eating this dessert helps improve vision, strengthen bones and the immune system. Since the technology according to GOST does not provide for the addition of yeast or dyes, this product is healthier than other modern sweets. And even more so, self-prepared condensed milk is harmless to health. At home, the recipe suggests, of course, using a basin or pan with a thick bottom instead of vacuum devices, but this does not change anything. But the harm of the product lies in only one thing: a lot of sugar. There's nothing you can do about it - that's the technology. Condensed milk is very high in calories. One hundred grams of the product contains 323 kcal. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation, best as an additive (to pancakes, creams, tea or coffee).

Condensed milk at home: our grandmothers’ recipe

High-quality milk is the key to the success of the entire enterprise! If we are going to cook condensed milk, we need to take an absolutely fresh and, most importantly, whole product. Unfortunately, it is now difficult to purchase such milk even on the market. Many farmers dilute it with a low-fat separation product, and to prevent it from turning sour prematurely, they add antibiotics. But if you managed to purchase real milk, then the process of turning it into condensed milk is not difficult. You just need to be patient - after all, our housewife grandmothers had plenty of time. To make condensed milk at home, you need to take a bowl for making jam. The dishes should be wide to speed up the evaporation process of the liquid. Pour a liter of milk into it, add half the amount of granulated sugar. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Place the bowl on moderate heat and cook for two to three hours, stirring frequently. Condensed milk is considered ready when the elongated drop does not spread, but stays on the saucer like a “dome.”

Quick recipe

If the prospect of standing at the stove for three hours, constantly stirring the mixture in a basin with a spoon, frightens you, you can speed up the process. How to make homemade condensed milk faster? You will suffer forty minutes less if you use cream instead of milk. The fatter they are, the more the time spent at the stove will be reduced. But the proportions even for 25-30 percent cream remain the same as with regular milk: two parts liquid to one part sugar. By the way, about these crystals, called “white poison” by nutritionists. If you take not half a kilo of sugar per liter of milk, but, say, 700 grams, then the cooking process will also be reduced. But this is not recommended: condensed milk turns out to be very cloying. It is best to use (brown). It has better flavor and is prone to crystallization. It will make your condensed milk thicker. Also, to speed up the cooking process, use powdered milk (half a glass of powder).

Condensed milk using kitchen devices

It’s good that we don’t live in the age of our grandmothers, and kitchen machines come to our rescue. For example, how to make it at home Yes, it’s easy, it will take about half an hour. We use the ingredients in proportions 1:1:1. Mix sugar and dry milk in a bowl, dilute with liquid. Turn on the “Soup” mode. Bring to a boil, stirring all the time. Then switch to the “Baking” mode. Let it sit for another quarter of an hour, constantly stirring with a spoon. The result is amazing, cream-colored homemade condensed milk. In 15 minutes of work such an excellent result! Sometimes condensed milk crystallizes too much. You get unpleasant lumps. To prevent this from happening, add a little bit of baking soda to the mixture - literally on the tip of a knife.

Condensed milk in a bread maker

A multicooker is not the only device that can make our life easier in the long and persistent process of boiling milk. By the way, our grandmothers also knew two ways to prepare homemade condensed milk. We have already talked about the first - long cooking in a basin over an open fire. And the second method is to thicken the milk in a water bath. The process is also long and troublesome... But now many housewives have steamers! The process will take an hour and a half, but there is no need to interfere. The bread maker will also do everything itself. We are just boiling a liter of milk. Pour it into the bowl of the unit, add 350 grams of sugar and (optional) a bag of vanillin. Insert a stirring spatula, close and turn on the “Jam” mode. If the drop spreads, turn on the bread maker again.

Boiling in an air fryer

For this device we use the same proportions as in the classic recipe, that is, we dissolve half a kilo of sugar in a liter of milk. Place the pan in the air fryer. For the first half hour, cook under the lid at maximum speeds and temperatures. Then we set the mode to medium. Cook for an hour or even an hour and a half at a temperature of 200 degrees. The process needs to be monitored. You should not increase the cooking time, otherwise you will end up with homemade boiled condensed milk. To change the too dense structure of the product, beat it while still hot with a submersible mixer. Then the dessert will come out homogeneous, without lumps.

Is this really possible? Yes, if you include butter in the ingredients and replace granulated sugar with powder. In this case, the proportions are as follows: 1:1:0.1. For example, take a glass of milk or cream and dissolve 200 grams of powdered sugar in it. Throw in 20 g of butter and place the saucepan on low heat. Stir vigorously to quickly obtain a homogeneous mass. As soon as foam appears, indicating boiling, switch the heat to medium. You need to be especially careful here - milk, as you know, has a tendency to “run away”. Therefore, we stir especially intensively. Cook after boiling for exactly 10 minutes. If we continue the process, we will end up with homemade “boiled soup.” Turn off the heat, place the mixer whisk in the saucepan and beat. That's it - homemade condensed milk is ready in 15 minutes. It will seem too runny at first, but don't worry, it will thicken as it cools. Place the saucepan in a wide bowl of cold water and stir.

Product storage

In this regard, homemade condensed milk (made in 15 minutes, in an hour or three - it doesn’t matter) is significantly inferior to a store-bought product. That tin can wait several years to be opened. And once uncorked, such condensed milk does not spoil in the refrigerator - after all, it was produced in vacuum conditions at high temperatures. But homemade products can also be prepared for future use. To do this, you should prepare (wash and sterilize) the jars. Pour the finished condensed milk hot into containers, which must be immediately sealed with metal lids. But even with such a careful approach, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two months. If you open a can, the condensed milk should be removed from there with a dry, clean spoon.

How to make "varenka"

Many people love this taste, so reminiscent of toffee! In addition, boiled condensed milk is often used for confectionery purposes - for creams and mousses. You can also make delicious “Korovka” candies from it. As you probably already guessed, boiled condensed milk at home is made in exactly the same way as ordinary milk. We simply increase the cooking time until the mixture changes color from white to beige, and then to caramel or even light brown. This option gives you the opportunity to regulate the thickness of the product yourself. But when prepared at home, it must be cooled in a special mode. Place the container in which it was cooked in a wider one filled with very cold water. Stir the boiled mixture constantly. If this is not done, cooling will occur unevenly, layers will form, which will then create lumps.

I tried it for the first time - everything worked out. The little ones are happy. Now at least I know how to cook condensed milk at home according to this recipe, because... Such products are always at hand. In general, the recipe is as simple as possible, which only benefits.

They used to know exactly how to make condensed milk at home. Thanks to the site, now I know too. I've seen different recipes using milk, but this is perhaps the simplest. The condensed milk turned out delicious. They write here that the taste is a little different from what we are used to. I think this is due to the fact that we are used to eating everything from the store, and have forgotten how to cook condensed milk at home.

I'll take note. I really like to cook, but I don’t always have enough time. That's why I collect quick and simple recipes for myself. This one is definitely in my collection! The smell is just great! I’ve never tried making condensed milk at home, and now thanks to this recipe, I know how!

The teenage daughter is learning the basics of culinary art. Now she wants to do everything herself. And making sweets is generally a priority. Invites girlfriends to tea parties and taste delicacies. I wanted to pamper them with something. He asks me how to prepare condensed milk, but I don’t know. If it weren't for this recipe, I would have been a fool. And my daughter appreciated the ease of preparation, and her friends and I appreciated the taste. The girls asked to organize a master class “How to cook condensed milk at home”)) This is the kind of chef who is growing up thanks to your recipes!

I looked and the comments here have been written for 3 years already, which means it’s definitely a time-tested recipe. That's why I chose it. Having studied everything thoroughly, I understood how condensed milk is made. Boil, strain, eat! I liked the recipe because it is ideal for soaking cakes, now I know how to cook condensed milk, I will make it myself. And the consistency depends on the cooking time. If you try to cook condensed milk several times, it is very easy to adapt to the recipe. And it will definitely meet your requirements. Thanks for the great, delicious recipe.

Thank you very much for the detailed video on how to cook condensed milk at home! We have been running our farm in the region for several years now, and preparing food for the winter is very helpful. I thought for a long time whether it was possible and how to prepare condensed milk so that I could save it for the winter. I tried it and it worked the first time. I prepared it exactly according to your recipe, just rolled it into pre-sterilized jars. Homemade milk produced a very thick caramel-colored condensed milk. I put some of the jars in the refrigerator, some in the cellar. But I think it definitely won’t wait until winter. Mine really like a spoonful of condensed milk in tea or on pancakes. And this condensed milk turned out much tastier than store-bought milk, and definitely without any additives or preservatives!

Hello, dear grandmother Emma and your whole big friendly family! I have long been interested in how to make condensed milk with my own hands; it seemed almost impossible. And what I want to say, I succeeded the second time. I realized my first mistake: the fire was too strong, the bottom was burnt, and the milk itself did not have time to curdle. I revised the recipe again, gained patience, put it on the lowest heat and stirred slowly. Now I can show everyone how to cook condensed milk at home, it turns out to be easy and simple, and also useful!

Grandma Emma, ​​you are a real sorceress! Until so many years, I didn’t know how condensed milk was made; I thought it was only possible at the factory, in complex machines. Based on your video, I easily made a jar to try. The taste is like from childhood, without any preservatives! Now I would also like to try recipes made from milk, for example, cream for homemade nut cookies. I would be very grateful if the recipe appears on your website.

Dear site creators, thank you for your recipe on how to make condensed milk. I love making creams based on condensed milk, and it’s great for filling pancakes with it. So your story about how to cook condensed milk is very helpful. Let's go try it!

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