Moonshine whiskey: recipes with malt and dried fruits. Whiskey from moonshine What to infuse moonshine with to get whiskey

One of the most successful, tasty and aromatic recipes for making homemade whiskey from moonshine - with dried fruits, bark and oak chips. You can add a little liquid smoke, and the oak bark must first be steamed in boiling water and then dried to reduce the amount of tannins in it.

Dissolve the sugar in the moonshine, pour this mixture over all the other ingredients for the whiskey and let it steep for 14 days, vigorously shaking the container every day. Then filter the semi-finished product, leave the chips from the filtered mass, which are returned to the container, and continue infusing for another 50-60 days (as long as you have enough patience).

Make whiskey from moonshine more often, then a fresh drink will always delight your guests.

How to quickly make whiskey from moonshine at home with your own hands

If we talk about how to quickly make whiskey from moonshine, then we need to mention a recipe based on coal, bark and dried apricots.

  • 9 liters of moonshine (45%);
  • 150 g charcoal;
  • 15 pcs. dried apricot berries;
  • 9 tbsp. l. oak bark.

Pour crushed charcoal into the bottom of a prepared 3-liter glass container, place dried fruits and oak bark there and fill it all with half of the moonshine. Close the lid, shake and add the remaining moonshine to the top. Place the jar tightly closed with a lid in the dark and cool for at least 14 days to infuse (the longer, the tastier).

Before drinking, filter whiskey made at home from moonshine several times and only then serve.

Homemade whiskey from sugar moonshine

As mentioned above, you can make an imitation whiskey from sugar moonshine - with malt or barley. You can make your own malt by sprouted barley grain, drying it and roasting or smoking it, but to simplify this process, try just taking barley in the form of barley and roasting it until brownish (it is important not to overcook, otherwise the drink will have a burnt smell later). This barley tincture with spices turns out to be very aromatic and is usually liked by most guests, giving room for imagination in the question of what it is made from.

  • 3 liters of sugar double moonshine;
  • 400 g fried pearl barley;
  • 1 tbsp. l. black leaf tea;
  • 10 pieces. black pepper;
  • 2 buds of cloves.

Fry in the oven at 200 degrees and cool the barley, then mix it with the rest of the dry ingredients and pour in the moonshine. Soak the drink for 14 days in the dark and cool, shaking daily, and then filter the finished whiskey and taste it. If necessary, sweeten it, pour homemade whiskey from moonshine into bottles, cork and store.

Making whiskey from moonshine on oak bark

The most famous quick recipe for homemade whiskey from moonshine, which very successfully imitates the aroma and taste of the classic drink, is prepared on oak bark, which can be purchased at any pharmacy store. And the coal that is in the components can be prepared independently by burning wood (oak, birch, fruit trees), any tree will do, coal does not particularly affect the drink.

  • 3 liters of moonshine (45%);
  • 50 g charcoal;
  • 7 pcs. dried prunes;
  • 3 tbsp. l. oak bark.

First, pour boiling water over the oak bark and let it brew for 10-15 minutes, after which replace the infusion with cold, clean water. After another 15 minutes, drain the liquid and use the wood pulp.

Grind charcoal into dust, mix it with oak bark and prunes and pour in moonshine. Stir the resulting mixture, place it in a glass jar, close the lid and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in the dark and cool.

Filter the finished whiskey from bark and coal through cotton wool and gauze and serve, the whiskey from moonshine is ready.

Recipe for making homemade whiskey from moonshine on oak chips

Among the options for simulating cask whiskey, the recipe for whiskey made from moonshine on oak chips is also widely known, which gives the drink a very believable, Irish taste. This requires preliminary harvesting of wood: chop an oak log, fill the wood chips with water and, changing the water every few hours, soak them for 24 hours. Then add soda to the water (in the proportion of 5 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of soda), soak for another quarter of a day (6 hours) and rinse the wood chips thoroughly in running water.

The next stage is steaming, for which you need to soak the oak chips over steam for 2 hours (or boil them in a saucepan). And rinse again, as after soaking in soda.

In order to prepare homemade whiskey from moonshine with the most intense aroma, dry the finished soaked and steamed wood in a warm place for the next 24 hours before finally drying it in the microwave. Drying in the microwave lasts about 2-2.5 hours and gives the oak the very aroma that it will give to the drink.

If there is no microwave, the wood chips can be fried on the grill or in the oven, which will add smokiness to the drink, and its aroma will depend on the roasting temperature: light roasting will give fruity or vanilla tones, and strong roasting will give smokiness, but this will be discussed in more detail in the next recipe.

After completing the wood preparations, you can start making whiskey from moonshine at home: for this you will need the strongest possible moonshine (not vodka) and, in fact, wood chips. The stronger the alcohol base, the closer the taste of the final drink will be to the taste of the original Scotch or Irish whiskey.

Do not rush to start tasting the drink without waiting for the required minimum period.

  • 3 liters of strong moonshine (65% degrees);
  • 100 g oak chips.

Pour the prepared wood chips with moonshine in a glass jar and close the lid tightly. Infuse in the dark and cool for 3 months to a year (the longer the aging, the richer the taste).

How to make your own whiskey from moonshine on oak blocks

More complex in terms of preparation technology, but richer in taste - whiskey made from moonshine on oak blocks. They imitate the taste that is acquired by infusion in an oak barrel.

As in previous recipes on how to make whiskey from moonshine, only strong moonshine is suitable for preparation, but not vodka - it has insufficient strength.

  • 3 liters of strong moonshine (50-65%);
  • 2-4 oak blocks.

Prepare oak boards in advance or purchase slats made of the appropriate material at a hardware store. Cut them into bars about ¾ the height of the infusion container and a width corresponding to its neck. Wrap the finished wood fragments tightly in foil (without gaps so as not to smoke) and fry in the oven for 3 hours. Depending on the taste you want to make whiskey from moonshine at home, select the roasting temperature. If you use wood roasted at 120 degrees, the drink will acquire a light oak aroma, at 150 degrees - a pronounced taste, at 200-205 degrees the aroma of whiskey will develop a vanilla hue, at 215 degrees - smoky notes will be added, at 270 - the taste of almonds. Additionally, burn the fried sticks on all surfaces with a gas burner until lightly charred.

Place several bars in each jar, fill them with moonshine and tightly close the container with a lid for further infusion for 3.5-4 months in the dark and cool. The infusion process can be extended up to 1-2 years, which will have a positive effect on the taste of the finished whiskey.

Recipe for whiskey made from moonshine at home in an oak barrel (with video)

As close as possible in terms of aging time (3 years) and aroma origin, the recipe is whiskey made from moonshine in an oak barrel. The resulting drink is truly elite, with a thick aroma and indescribable taste; no one will ever even think that the preparation process is elementary.

  • 10-30 liters of homemade moonshine;
  • oak barrel of appropriate volume.

Fill the keg with alcohol base, seal it tightly and leave it for 3 years in the dark and cool.

A professional master will tell you more about making whiskey from moonshine at home in the video below:

How else can you make whiskey from moonshine?

And, finally, an unusual option for making homemade whiskey from moonshine - with the addition of sherry and vodka. At home, this moonshine whiskey recipe uses burnt sugar to give the drink a beautiful color and a slice of bread to flavor it.

  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 50 g sherry;
  • 50 g of moonshine of the first distillation;
  • 40 g oak bark;
  • 1 slice of rye bread;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

For sugar syrup:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 g of water.

Before you start making whiskey from moonshine, prepare oak bark: pour boiling water over it, let it brew, then drain the water and dry the bark. Prepare the bread: turn it into breadcrumbs and grind.

Pour all the ingredients into the bottom of the container, add wine, vodka and moonshine and leave in the dark and cool for at least 10 days.

After this time, prepare sugar syrup: dissolve sugar in water and bring the mixture to a boil.

Before serving, filter the finished drink and color it with syrup.

Whiskey is considered a noble drink. However, its differences from ordinary moonshine are minimal. Scottish alcohol is made from cereals, and mash for the Russian drink is made from anything. In addition, moonshine can be drunk immediately after production, but real whiskey is aged in oak barrels. Enterprising Russian people thought about it and decided that making homemade whiskey from moonshine is quite easy. And once you have an idea, you urgently need to bring it to life! Thus, the Scottish “aristocrat” became the brainchild of Russian moonshine. If you do not have the sense of smell of a great taster, then you will never distinguish the “original” from a high-quality “fake”.

Whiskey at home

To make whiskey, you can go two ways:

  1. Find the technology for preparing real brands and, focusing on it, make an original homemade drink.
  2. Simplify the task and make whiskey from moonshine.

We will consider the second option. It is best to choose grain moonshine, for example, wheat. If you don't have one, it doesn't matter. Take the one that is in stock. The taste, of course, will be slightly different, but the overall impression of the drink will not deteriorate.

Basic secrets of making whiskey

It is extremely important to properly clean the moonshine. It is necessary to get rid of all impurities, as well as fusel oils. Experts advise using moonshine that has undergone double distillation. Between the first and second distillation, purification is required. It is in this case that most often they choose to cleanse with soda or potassium permanganate.

It is important to give the drink a color close to natural. Scottish alcohol is given a stunning amber hue by the oak barrels in which it is aged. But at home, it’s unlikely that anyone will buy a keg and then wait 2 years for the drink to become saturated with color. This means that the procedure needs to be simplified. Take oak extract and add it to purified moonshine. This way we will save time, money and get a gorgeous amber color.

A quick recipe for making whiskey from moonshine

This method is extremely simple to implement. After all, the original drink is only given the smell and taste of whiskey. An ideal option for meeting guests.

You will need:

  • 3 liters of moonshine, with a strength of at least 45 degrees;
  • 3 tablespoons oak bark;
  • 50 g charcoal;
  • 8-9 pieces of prunes or dried apricots.


Grind the charcoal to a dusty consistency. Take a glass container and pour coal, bark and prunes into it. Add 1.5 liters of moonshine to the jar and mix thoroughly. Add the rest of the liquid. Close the vessel and place in a cool place for 14-15 days. After this, all that remains is to filter the mixture. This is usually done using a layer of cotton wool in gauze. Your “quick” whiskey is ready!

Moonshine infused with oak sticks

This homemade moonshine whiskey recipe is a little more complicated than the previous one. However, a drink made this way is much more natural and tastier. Such alcohol often turns out to be much better than what can be found on the shelf in the store.


  • small chips, blocks or pieces of oak;
  • moonshine, which has a strength of 50-55 degrees.


First you need to prepare the oak chips. They need to be wrapped in foil and placed in the oven for 3 hours. This is where temperature conditions are very important. The taste and smell of future alcohol depends on it. So:

  • 120°C – will provide the drink with a light oak aroma;
  • 150°C – the oak flavor is quite bright and pronounced;
  • 205°C – alcohol will acquire a vanilla flavor;
  • 215°C – the finished product will look like a twin brother to a Scottish “aristocrat”;
  • 270°C – alcohol will acquire an almond taste.

Now the wood chips need to be slightly burned with fire. This is necessary to give color to our alcohol.

After these “procedures,” the cubes should be placed in glass jars. For 3 liters of moonshine you need 3-4 large chips. Now it's a matter of small things. Pour the moonshine into jars and close tightly. The drink must be aged for at least 4 months. After this you can drink whiskey. But if you can wait 2-3 years, your drink will acquire a wonderful aroma and taste.

Whiskey on oak sawdust

This method of making whiskey from moonshine is practically no different from the previous one. The only thing is that for infusion they take not pieces of oak, but sawdust. Experts say that the drink made from oak bars is much better. But if you only have sawdust, try this option.

One of the most popular luxury alcoholic drinks is whiskey, but it is also incredibly expensive. It is not so easy to prepare it at home, the process takes a lot of time, but people still try. Some people make whiskey from moonshine - this way the drink turns out to be as close as possible to the original in both aroma and color.

Whiskey is a traditional Scottish strong drink, for the production of which different types of grains are used. The production process consists of several stages:

  • malting;
  • fermentation;
  • distillation;
  • aging in oak barrels.

  • malting;
  • fermentation;
  • distillation;
  • aging in oak barrels.

The original production technology is quite complex, so it is almost impossible to reproduce it yourself. But it is quite possible to make whiskey from moonshine at home. Everyone has their own recipe for such a drink. In most cases, to end up with something similar, you will need to prepare oak blocks, distilled water, purified moonshine 30-50% and a glass container.

Making homemade whiskey this way won’t be too difficult. The simplest option is to infuse the prepared moonshine together with the bars for as long as possible. If possible, aging can last for more than one year.

Whiskey according to the classic recipe has several key differences from homemade vodka:

  • cereals are used instead of sugar;
  • aging takes place in oak bark barrels.

The rest of the cooking process is not much different. These similar moments allowed Russian craftsmen to learn how to make their own Scottish drink, or rather, its analogue. Some people successfully share their experience on how to make whiskey from moonshine without spending much effort on it.

To make the imitation as close as possible to the original, it is better to use wheat moonshine for preparation. But if you don’t have one, a regular one will do. Before infusing it, it requires careful purification, such as double distillation or the use of charcoal.

Not everyone who makes a homemade drink is willing to wait two years for full aging. And not everyone has the opportunity to get oak barrels, but oak extract can be used instead. This way the process will take less time and will not require large expenses.

Budget imitation

If you don’t have much time or money for cooking, then you can try making the drink in the simplest form. The ingredients for the moonshine whiskey recipe are:

  • 45 percent distillate - 3 liters;
  • 3 tablespoons of dry oak bark;
  • 50 g charcoal;
  • Prunes - several pieces.

Oak bark is sold in pharmacies or spontaneous markets, and charcoal is prepared with your own hands. For this purpose, take branches of any fruit tree, birch or oak, burn them, and then use the ash as an ingredient.

Cooking process:

  • Prepare moonshine. It is important that this is done at the very beginning, because when diluted, the finished drink may lose its quality.
  • Pour boiling water over the oak bark, leave for 10 minutes, drain the water. Then fill it again, but with cold water, keep it there for 15 minutes and drain it again.
  • Grind the ash into powder.
  • Process a 3-liter bottle, put prunes, charcoal powder, bark inside and pour in 1.5 liters of moonshine.
  • Mix the contents well and fill the vessel with the rest of the distillate.
  • Close the bottle and move it to infuse in a dark place for a period of 2 weeks.

After 14 days you can try the resulting drink. If the taste suits you, then it is filtered using gauze. If not, then you need to let it brew for some more time.

Barrel aroma

According to Scottish traditions, the original drink is infused in a barrel, but not everyone has conditions that allow this to be done in an apartment or country house. Nevertheless, for those who want to make homemade whiskey from moonshine, a recipe can always be found.

Imitating a “barrel” product will take more time, but it will be as close to the real thing as possible.

The second required ingredient is oak chips from boards or slats purchased from a hardware store and crushed so that they fit into the neck of the bottle. The wood chips should be wrapped in foil and placed in a preheated oven for three hours. You need to wrap it tightly so that a lot of smoke does not form and there is no unpleasant smoky smell left in the kitchen.

The roasting temperature depends on what aroma you want to get and ranges from 120 to 270 degrees. After curing, the wooden blanks must be burned evenly on each side with a gas burner. The sides of the wood chips should end up slightly charred.

Then they are placed in a bottle, filled to the brim with moonshine and sealed tightly. The product is placed in a cool, dark place and kept there for at least 3 or 4 months. For the taste to become more pronounced, ideally wait at least a year.

Barley based recipes

To make the smell and taste as close as possible to the original, you can add barley - making whiskey from moonshine using this method is also not difficult, since there are many recipes. In one of them the list of ingredients is as follows:

  • 400 g barley groats;
  • carnation;
  • allspice and white peppercorns;
  • large leaf black tea.

At the very beginning, the cereal should be fried with constant stirring until it acquires a golden color. Then it and everything else need to be placed in a container and filled with alcohol. In this form, the future whiskey is infused for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. When ready, the contents are filtered, sugar is added if necessary, but keep in mind that the barley itself is sweet after frying.

Another option is to prepare a flavorful product using malt mash. If the latter is not available, then it is also possible to use roasted barley. You can do this yourself, but it will take time. Barley grains need to be sprouted, then the sprouts are dried, smoked or fried.

For the base you will need:

  • barley malt - 5.5 kg;
  • corn grits - 6.5 kg;
  • wheat flour - up to 1 kg;
  • alcohol yeast - 80 g;
  • water - 25 l.

As in previous cases, all the ingredients are placed in a bottle, filled with water and infused for several weeks, but even longer is better. Sugar is added to taste after aging.

Another recipe is based on distilled malt. You will need to take 6 liters of ready-made double-purified sugar moonshine with a strength of 50 degrees. You will also need smoked barley malt (1 small heaped glass). The mash is infused with malt for two days. Then it is distilled along with the grain. When finished, the product is infused for 2 months on medium-roasted oak chips.

Savory solutions

Whiskey can be made at home with the addition of additional ingredients. This will give the drink additional aroma and piquancy. For example, the base may be entirely alcoholic. In addition to moonshine, it will contain a small amount of vodka and sherry. Burnt sugar will be needed to give it a characteristic shade, and black bread will add flavor to the drink.

In general, the composition will look like this:

  • a liter of any vodka;
  • 50 ml each of sherry and moonshine of the first distillation;
  • a small piece of black or rye bread;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • oak bark - 40 g.

When working, you need to follow a certain technology. First, take oak bark, pour boiling water over it, wait a few minutes, and then dry it thoroughly.

The bread must also be prepared. It is also first dried, finely chopped, then all the ingredients are poured into a prepared container and filled with alcohol. In this form, the drink is infused for 10 days in a cool place. After aging it is well filtered.

To give the drink the desired color, it is colored with caramel sugar syrup. This is done at the very end.

Whiskey can be prepared at home and with the addition of dried fruits. The taste will be very original. The recipe is:

  • take three liters of moonshine with a strength of 50 degrees;
  • combine it with a glass of dried cherries;
  • add 7 buds of cloves and five peas each of allspice and black pepper in turn;
  • Cut two cardamom pods in half and also add to the container;
  • Stir 30 g of sugar in the liquid until completely dissolved.

The drink should be infused in a cool place (preferably in a cellar) for at least 1 or even 2 months. In this case, the bottle must be shaken periodically so that the tincture eventually acquires the most intense taste. If the cherries had pits, then after 1-1.5 months they need to be strained.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to serve aromatic whiskey. After all, if you wish, you can prepare it yourself, if you have patience and the necessary ingredients. And guests will appreciate it.

Looking at whiskey objectively, it can be noted that it is the same as moonshine. The only difference is that slightly different ingredients are used to prepare it and the whiskey is infused in oak barrels for about two years.

Whiskey is made from a wide variety of grains, from barley to corn, although there are also more exotic ingredients that make this strong drink more tart with a higher alcohol content. Moonshine is made from sugar. In any case, no matter how different the composition is, the method of preparation is little different.

You will be presented with some methods for making whiskey at home using recipes that have been repeatedly tested by experts in this matter. Let's look at ways to make whiskey from moonshine made from wheat and sugar.

But the most important thing to remember from the very beginning is that the entire base of the drink must be completely purified; the most ideal option would be double distillation. And another important factor is that the exposure should be no less than the period written in the recipe.


Whiskey based on moonshine made from sugar.

You are already familiar with the technique by which whiskey is made from moonshine with the addition of barley or malt. The basis can be taken from malt, which can be grown from barley grain, dried, roasted and smoked. However, there is an easier method where you can take barley, which is similar to pearl barley, and lightly fry it, achieving a nice, brown hue, but be careful not to overcook or your drink will taste burnt. The result will not disappoint either you or your guests, allowing you to enjoy the pleasant taste and smell.

  1. Place 400 grams of pearl barley in the oven and fry it at 200 degrees, then cool.
  2. Add ten black peppercorns, one tablespoon of black tea leaves and a couple of clove buds to the barley, mix with the cooled barley and add three liters of double sugar moonshine.
  3. Leave the resulting mixture for two weeks in the dark and cool, remembering to shake it periodically.
  4. After two weeks, filter the finished drink and try it.

If necessary, add sugar, pour into the prepared vessels, close them well and leave to store further.

Oak bark whiskey.

A popular method of making whiskey based on moonshine is made from oak bark, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. This recipe is most successful due to the time of production, as well as the fact that its taste is most similar to classic whiskey. You can make the charcoal present in the composition yourself by burning any type of wood, since it does not have a critical effect on the taste.

Preparing the bark:

  1. Three tablespoons of oak bark should be doused with boiling water and left to stand in it for 15 minutes.
  2. Then replace the boiling water with clean, cold water and let it sit for another 15 minutes.
  3. When the time is up, the bark will be ready to use.


  1. Take 50 grams of charcoal and grind it to a powder.
  2. Mix the harvested oak bark with seven dried prunes and sprinkle it all with charcoal powder, mixing well.
  3. Add three liters of 45% moonshine and mix again.
  4. Pour the entire tincture into a jar, close tightly and leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place.

When the drink is infused, remove bark and remaining coal by filtering it using gauze and cotton wool. When filtration is complete, you can sip the resulting whiskey and enjoy its rich taste in the company of friends and family.

Whiskey made from moonshine and oak blocks.

This method of making whiskey is more complicated, however, the result will have a richer taste, which is most similar to whiskey aged in oak barrels. Remember, only moonshine is suitable for making whiskey, but not vodka, since its strength is insufficient.

  1. You should start by preparing the blocks. At any hardware store you can purchase oak boards that are suitable for making blocks.
  2. Cut the oak board into bars that will fit the height of the vessel and will fit freely into its neck.
  3. When the bars are prepared, wrap them as tightly as possible in foil so that there is not a single uncovered place left, otherwise they will start to smoke, and place them in the oven for three hours.

You should choose the oven temperature yourself, depending on the result you want to achieve.

  • By frying the bars at 120 degrees, the whiskey will have a light and mild flavor.
  • At 150 degrees – a fairly bright oak taste.
  • By setting the temperature to 200 degrees, you will add vanilla notes to the drink.
  • If it is at 215 degrees, then a slightly smoky aroma will be mixed in.
  • For lovers of almond flavor, a temperature of 270 degrees is suitable.

After frying, you should run a gas burner over the bars, giving them a slightly charred appearance.

When the bars are ready to use, place several pieces in a vessel, then add three liters of strong, 50-65% moonshine and seal tightly. Place the vessel in a dark and cool place for about 3-4 months. If the aging process drags on for several years, this will only have a positive effect on the taste of the whiskey.

Whiskey from an oak barrel based on moonshine.

This recipe involves the longest process of aging whiskey in an oak barrel, which brings it closest to the true origin of this noble drink to its origins. As a result, the whiskey turns out noble, aromatic, and has an indescribable taste. It wouldn’t even occur to anyone that the recipe itself is very elementary.

Take an oak barrel and fill it with the volume of moonshine for which the barrel is designed. Close the barrel as tightly as possible and place it for three years in a cool place where light does not penetrate.

Another whiskey recipe based on moonshine.

This composition contains several unusual components of whiskey, such as sherry and vodka. It also uses burnt sugar to give the drink a nice color and bread to influence the flavor of the whiskey.

Before you start making the whiskey itself, you should take care of preparing the oak bark. Take 40 grams of bark and pour boiling water over it, then leave it to infuse. Then get rid of the water and dry the oak bark. Not only bark, but also rye bread requires preliminary preparation. One slice of bread should be dried to a dry state and finely chopped.

When everything is properly prepared, you can begin the cooking process itself.

  1. Place the prepared oak bark, crushed bread and one tablespoon of sugar at the bottom of the vessel.
  2. Add to the mixture one liter of vodka, 50 grams of sherry and 50 grams of first distillation moonshine.
  3. Leave the tincture in a cool, dark place for ten days.
  4. When this period has passed, you need to prepare sugar syrup by dissolving 100 grams of sugar in 100 ml of water.

Before serving the drink, it should be filtered and colored with the prepared syrup.

The rather lengthy process of preparing real whiskey serves as a certain barrier to independent production.

There are a lot of recipes for making whiskey from moonshine. Anyone can choose a suitable option for themselves in order to prepare a tasty, cheap analogue of an elite drink.

It’s better to take as a basis double distilled grain moonshine, but you can also use sugar. Infusion in is replaced by a shorter aging on oak bark, wood chips or smoked dried fruits (pear, prunes, dried apricots).

To add color, the shells of walnuts or pine nuts and the internal partitions of the nuts are also used. You can infuse coffee beans or dry black tea leaves.

Recipes using oak parts

The best moonshine whiskey recipes at home are prepared using infusion on oak chips, specially fried. At the same time, the aroma and taste are transferred to the drink:

  • vanilla (roasting at 205°);
  • slight smell of smoke and smoked meats (at a temperature of 215°);
  • The almond flavor is obtained by roasting wood chips at 270°.

If insisted on oak bark It is difficult to achieve such an aroma, so part of the vanilla pod, smoked fruit, charcoal, fried pearl barley, and natural coffee beans are added to the alcohol.

You can fry the wood chips to the desired color yourself:

  • purchase oak slats and chop them, observing the required dimensions (the width corresponds to half the diameter of the container neck, and the length corresponds to 75% of the height of the container);
  • wrap the raw materials tightly with foil;
  • fry in the oven for 3 hours;
  • remove the packaging and bring the wood chips to 3 types of frying (light, in which the workpieces acquire a straw color; with medium, brownish-yellow; strong, characterized by an almost black surface color).

You can make delicious homemade whiskey from moonshine if you prepare it according to the following recipe:
  1. For 3 liters of grain drink with a strength of at least 45°, it is recommended to take 8 g of oak chips, maximally fried.
  2. Add a teaspoon of steamed and dried oak bark.
  3. Add 30 g of caramel sugar without waiting for complete dissolution.
  4. 6-8 pieces of oven-dried pear - wash wild ones, then add to the composition.
  5. Adding 7-8 smoked prunes completes the composition.

You can make whiskey from moonshine with prunes and oak bark:

  • the bark should first be soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes to get rid of excess astringency;
  • then pour cold water over the raw material for 15 minutes;
  • for 3 liters of good moonshine (45-50°) it is recommended to add 3 tablespoons of prepared oak bark;
  • add 50 g of charcoal (it is better to buy ready-made in a retail chain, and it doesn’t matter what kind of wood it is made from), crushed into powder;
  • 7-8 pieces of smoked prunes with pits (can be replaced with the same amount of dark brown dried apricots);
  • mix the composition thoroughly and keep it in the cool and dark of the cellar for at least 2 weeks, closing the container with a plastic lid.

To consume, you need to pour and strain the required amount of alcohol.

Making alcohol with dried fruits

Recipe for original moonshine whiskey:

  • add a glass of dried cherries to three liters of strong (50°) moonshine;
  • put 7 clove buds;
  • add 5 peas each of allspice and black pepper;
  • cut a couple of cardamom pods in half and add to the alcohol;
  • Stir 30 g of sugar until completely dissolved in the liquid.

The resulting composition should be infused in the cellar for 1-2 months, shaking the container regularly to give a richer taste.

If cherries with pits were used, it is recommended to strain the drink after a month to a month and a half.

Whiskey liqueurs with barley

If you make whiskey from moonshine with the addition barley ingredients, the drink will smell and taste quite strongly reminiscent of the original:

  • fry 400 g of pearl barley until golden brown, stirring constantly;
  • prepare 7-8 g of large-leaf black tea;
  • count out 5 peas each of white and allspice;
  • add 5 cloves.

Place the ingredients in a jar and fill with three liters of high-quality alcohol. Continue infusion for 2-3 weeks, constantly shaking the drink. Strain the finished liquid and add sugar if necessary. It should be borne in mind that roasted barley is a little sweet.

Making whiskey at home from moonshine does not require any special talent or hassle. The necessary components are commercially available. The event is available to anyone who wants to drink high-quality and tasty home-made alcohol.

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