Chocolate pancakes with milk step by step recipe. How to make chocolate pancakes step by step recipe with photos. Recipes for making chocolate pancakes

Traditionally, pancakes are cooked in milk. However, those with a sweet tooth who prefer a rich chocolate flavor should definitely get acquainted with the recipe for pancakes with cocoa powder. Pancakes with cocoa go well with vanilla ice cream, condensed milk and chocolate topping. Shall we get to cooking?

Classic cocoa pancake recipe: quick and easy

The classic recipe for pancakes with cocoa is practically no different from white pancakes. The only thing that modifies the dough is the addition of cocoa powder.

To prepare pancakes with cocoa according to the classic recipe, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • a glass of wheat flour;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • vanilla and salt to taste.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: if you do not have a mixer or whisk, then you can beat the chocolate mass in an ordinary plastic bottle.

Step by step cooking pancakes:

Pour the milk into a bowl and beat in the eggs. Stir the mass to a homogeneous consistency.

  1. We introduce sugar and continue to beat (it is better to do this with a mixer).
  2. We combine flour and cocoa in a dry bowl, and pass the ingredients through a sieve. Gently add the dry ingredients to the milk mass, continuing to beat vigorously.
  3. When the dough reaches a homogeneous consistency - add vanilla, salt and vegetable oil. The dough is ready.

Pour the required amount of dough into a preheated pan, and fry on both sides for 2 minutes. Pancakes from cocoa are ready. You can put pieces of chocolate and fresh, chopped fruit into baking, making an envelope out of pancakes. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook homemade pancakes with cocoa and butter?

Pancakes with cocoa powder, in which butter is added, have a more delicate texture. Plus, baking has a fairly pronounced aroma of baked milk, which is caused by the addition of a dairy ingredient.

For baking, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 180 grams of wheat flour;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla and salt to taste.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: in order for pimples to appear on baking, you can add a couple of tablespoons of highly carbonated mineral water to the dough. Or a teaspoon of baking powder.

Put the butter in a bowl and melt in a water bath. While the mass is melting, pour out the milk and drive in a couple of eggs. Beat the milk mass until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Pass flour and cocoa through a sieve. We introduce the dry ingredients into the milk mass, and immediately add the powdered sugar, salt and vanilla. We beat. When the dough reaches a homogeneous consistency, add the melted butter. Bake pancakes on both sides for 2 minutes. Pancakes with cocoa are ready. Enjoy your meal!

Original pancakes "Zebra" with cocoa

Have you become bored with chocolate and “white” pancakes? Then it's time to diversify the menu by preparing original pancakes, which are called "Zebra". For baking, we should prepare two types of dough: white and chocolate.

For baking, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 400 ml of milk;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 180 grams of flour;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and vanilla to taste.

Beat milk with eggs until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Here we introduce the sifted flour, powdered sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vanilla. Beat the mass intensively, and divide it into two equal parts. Add cocoa powder to one part of the dough. Beat the mass and give it a little "rest".

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: You can apply chocolate spirals on top of white dough using a pastry bag.

Pour the white batter into the hot skillet. On top of it with a tablespoon, pour the chocolate, forming thin spirals. When the chocolate spirals "grab", turn the pancake over to the other side, and fry the pastry for about 1 minute. Marble cakes can be served with fresh fruit. It is ideally set off by: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Enjoy your meal!

Chocolate pancakes are the perfect homemade cake for those with a sweet tooth who are delighted with the taste of chocolate. Very often, beginners in the culinary business face many problems at the stage of preparing the dough. Practical advice from the chef will help to avoid incidents and "misses".

  1. Dry ingredients must be passed through a sieve. And in some cases, you need to do this twice in a row. What will it give us? Firstly, the absence of lumps in the dough, and secondly, the texture of the dough will be more airy, which will allow you to get thin pancakes.
  2. Milk. You should purchase a dairy product with a fat content of at least 3%. Ideally, pancakes are cooked in a dry frying pan. And so that the baking does not end up dry, the presence of fats is a must.
  3. Adding baking powder. Baking powder allows you to create a pancake with "pimples". But as experts say, pancakes that have baking powder added are not "fit" to eat the next day. They literally become stale and not tasty. Baking powder can be replaced with soda.

Chocolate pancakes go well not only with tea and coffee, but also with soft drinks. Also, kids love this kind of food. Delight your household with original pancakes, and don't forget to wrap some stuffing in them!

Did you like the recipe?


Today we will learn how you can easily add variety to even a classic dish and cook breakfast or afternoon tea in a new way. Pancakes with cocoa, the recipe of which you will find in this article with various variations, will be a great innovation in traditional cuisine. You can cook them in a very original way that will delight both adults and children with its unusualness and sophistication.

To begin with, we will make pancakes with cocoa in milk according to the simplest recipe, in which there are a minimum of ingredients.

Pancakes with cocoa: a classic simple recipe


  • - 200 g + -
  • — 450 ml + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • Cocoa - 1.5 tbsp + -

How to make pancakes with cocoa step by step

  • Beat eggs with milk, add sugar and salt.
  • Pour in all the cocoa powder, and then gradually introduce the flour. Less may be needed, as cocoa itself has a binding effect.

We try for salt and sugar, the latter may be required more than usual, again because of the powder - it will give a noticeable bitterness.

  • The dough should turn out, like a regular pancake, with the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • In a non-stick frying pan, heat up a little vegetable oil and start baking pancakes.
  • We stack the finished ones in a pile and, if desired, coat with butter or leave it like that. Serve pancakes with cocoa, decorating them with strawberries and sprinkling with powdered sugar.

If there is any doubt that the cocoa will disperse properly, prepare the chocolate milk first.
We heat 200 ml of milk to 80 ° C in a microwave or saucepan, and then pour in the right amount of cocoa. Beat the mixture with a whisk - cocoa powder disperses very well in a hot liquid - then add the volume with the remaining milk and prepare the dough as usual .

Homemade pancakes with cocoa and butter

According to this recipe, pastries are obtained with a more delicate creamy taste, which goes especially well with cocoa spice.

How to bake pancakes with cocoa and butter at home

  1. We combine flour and powdered sugar in equal proportions of 150 g, pour 50 g of cocoa, mix and set aside.
  2. Separately, beat 2 eggs into foam, melt 2 tbsp. butter, add to them, and then pour in 400 ml of milk. We mix everything, salt and combine with a dry mass.
  3. Beat until the dough is completely homogeneous.

Bake as usual in a dry or greased pan. You can serve such pancakes with cocoa in milk with curd cream and whipped cream.

In conclusion, we suggest you cook original two-color pancakes.

Original pancakes "Zebra" with cocoa

We prepare the dough for pancakes as usual:

  • We combine 2 chicken eggs with 2/3 tbsp. flour,
  • Pour in 400 ml of milk,
  • Add 1.5 tbsp. sugar or powdered sugar
  • Salim,
  • Pour in 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and beat.

The consistency should be slightly thinner than usual.

Now pour 1/3 of the dough into a separate bowl and pour 1 tbsp. cocoa without a slide. Whisk well to get rid of lumps. And pour a little more flour into the white dough - 1-2 tablespoons to even out the consistency.

How to bake pancakes "Zebra"

We heat the oil in a frying pan and first pour the white dough, completely filling the space, then on top of it with a spoon or directly from the cup in which it is located, pour the chocolate dough in a spiral to make beautiful stripes!

As soon as the pancake is ready on one side, turn it over, as usual, on the other.

So we fry all the pancakes, and to make it more convenient to pour the chocolate dough, you can use a plastic bottle with a cork - we make a hole in it with a hot awl or nail and now any patterns will become possible on a white pancake!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making pancakes with cocoa in milk. Try to make them according to one of the suggested recipes and you will surely be very pleased with the result, and even your family will be delighted!

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our site

Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes that you can find in the video or on our website. By adding cocoa powder to the classic pancake dough, you will get delicious homemade pancakes.

Chocolate pancakes can be prepared both for a festive table and for everyday tea drinking. The beautiful brown color of the pancakes is given by the addition of cocoa powder. They can be eaten just poured with sauce, or you can add a filling of fruit, chocolate paste or cream cheese.

Chocolate pancakes without eggs

We will need: whisk, bowls, pancake pan.


Step by step cooking

video recipe

In the video below you can see a step-by-step recipe for simple pancakes with chocolate.

Chocolate pancakes with milk

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
We will need: mixer, bowls, pancake pan, brush.
Servings: 3.


Step by step cooking

video recipe

In the following video, you will learn how to make delicious chocolate pancakes with eggs.

Chocolate pancakes with filling

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
We will need: mixer, pancake pan, brush.
Servings: 3.


Step by step cooking

video recipe

In the video you will clearly see the process of cooking delicious chocolate pancakes with peach filling.

Chocolate pancakes with milk is one of the most interesting known methods of making delicious fluffy pancakes. This chocolate dessert is the perfect way to treat your little and big sweet tooth! It is enough to add a spoonful of cocoa or a mixture of a piece of chocolate melted with butter to ordinary pancake dough, and you will get real chocolate dough! In addition, any chocolate is suitable: white; lactic; bitter; with fillers.

But for the preparation of chocolate pancakes, it is not necessary to use a chocolate bar, good cocoa will do. The recipe is pretty simple and quick though. But the result is not reflected in any way! Chocolate pancakes based on cocoa powder are obtained - delicious! Try this pancake recipe and you won't regret it!



  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Cocoa powder - 25-30 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Wheat flour - 250 g.

How to make chocolate pancakes with milk

Break the egg into a bowl and beat it with a fork. You can use a mixer or blender, as long as the mixture is homogeneous in structure.

Pour in sugar and cocoa.

And if you have enough time and have a chocolate bar, then you can go the other way:

  1. take 60 g of chocolate (instead of sugar and cocoa);
  2. put it to heat in a water bath (place a small enameled bowl with pieces of chocolate on a saucepan of slightly larger diameter with boiling water);
  3. add 70 g of butter (instead of vegetable oil in the dough);
  4. mix until the mass is homogeneous in consistency;
  5. then follow the recipe.

Add milk and pre-sifted flour. Mix well, again using the most convenient equipment: a fork, whisk, mixer or blender.

Fill with warm water. Stir.

Add vegetable oil (here you can use any: linseed, olive or other). And again, a little conjure in a cup with a whisk.

Taking a special pancake pan, heat it over moderate heat. For the first time, you can lubricate it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. No more needed, as the dough contains vegetable oil. Pour a portion of the dough onto the surface of the hot pan. Flatten the batter by swirling the pan in circles. This can be done with a special wooden stick with a handle set perpendicular to it.

Then wait until the dough grabs on top. This is a sure sign that the bottom part is already baked. Flip the pancake and bake for another half minute. Then remove the first ready pancake, and pour another portion of pancake dough into the pan. So bake chocolate pancakes with milk until all the dough is used up.

One of the options for serving chocolate pancakes with cocoa milk is to wrap soft sweetish curd cheese or grainy curd mixed with sour cream in them.

And you can layer the pancakes with this filling and put one on top of the other - you get a whole pancake chocolate cake with curd filling! This is a very good way to emphasize the contrast of chocolate and white.

You can also use it as a filling or decoration:

  • berry or fruit jam (jam, jam);
  • sweetened condensed milk.

Such chocolate pancakes with milk will probably be the most desired dessert for kids. I started looking for a recipe for chocolate pancakes after I ate them myself in a cafe. Out of all the recipes I've tried, this one is perfect for the taste I liked back then. I share this recipe with you. After you bake delicious chocolate pancakes, following the step-by-step recipe with a photo, all that remains is to heat a cup of milk or brew cocoa. And we delight loved ones with a chocolate treat. 😉


  • 1 glass of milk (250 ml);
  • 7 art. spoons of flour;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 50 gr. chocolate (for sauce)

How to bake chocolate pancakes with milk

Mix flour with sugar and cocoa.

We beat the eggs. Mix the flour thoroughly, wiping out any lumps.

We add a little milk.

The dough is easily kneaded with a spoon, you can use a mixer for speed. The main thing is to get batter without flour lumps or make sure that there are as few of them as possible.

We put the maximum fire. We heat up the pan. Spread the dough with a ladle in small portions (very thin). We fry quickly, you may not have time for two pans, but you can get used to it.

If the pancakes stick, grease the bottom with oil or add it to the dough (this will be even better).

For pasta or sauce - melt chocolate, add milk (make slightly liquid).

Pancakes are beautifully served in portions. We bend them in corners, folding them four times, and lay them out on plates. Pour pancakes with sauce, decorate with powder.

You can put it on the table and on a common dish. Before wrapping in the corners, lightly pour over the pancakes with chocolate sauce (do not overdo it, otherwise they will flow).

There are children's cafes where they serve such chocolate pancakes in milk with two scoops of ice cream. Very beautiful! On a hot pancake, ice cream melts, soaking it even more. Bon appétit to you, my dears!

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